In GNUU we push "traditional" internet services like email, news and uucp into container. Kubernetes has a Logging Concept and 12 Factor App describes: you have ship log to STDERR and STDOUT. That's atypical for traditionally service which this option only provides for developement or debugging.
The Internet Networt News service version 2 provides this start flags:
-d, -f
innd normally puts itself into the background, points its standard output and error to log files, and disassociates itself
from the terminal. Using -d prevents all of this, resulting in log messages being written to standard output; this is
generally useful only for debugging. Using -f prevents the backgrounding and disassociation but still redirects output; it
may be useful if you want to monitor innd with a program that would be confused by forks.
Fine, in the we put the normal INN start script /usr/lib/news/bin/
- image: gnuu/inn
imagePullPolicy: Always
- /
$ kubectl -n gnuu logs news-0 --container news
Jul 24 21:14:13.109 + <[email protected]> (@05010000194A000000000003D60C00000000@) 2432 6913303049587 6913303497348
Jul 24 21:14:55.895 + <[email protected]> (@050100001B6C0000000000044FF000000000@) 10113 6913303049587 6913305887985
Jul 24 21:15:00.276 + <[email protected]> (@050100001A89000000000004468E00000000@) 1196 6913303049587 6913303497348
That's only incoming article log, normaly pushed to /var/log/news/news
Other messages are send to syslog. That means, we have to install rsyslog in Dockerfile.inn, prepare the config to prefend kernel log, create and add named pipe and send the logs to the pipeline:
sed -i '/imklog/s/^module/# /' /etc/rsyslog.conf
echo 'module (load="builtin:ompipe")' >> /etc/rsyslog.conf
mkdir /newslog && mkfifo /newslog/news.fifo && chown syslog:syslog /newslog/news.fifo
echo "*.* action(type=\"ompipe\" Pipe=\"/newslog/news.fifo\")" > /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
all other syslog destinations are removed.
To prevent a mix of log formats and services on the same STDOUT we use a sidecar and a second container for syslog output:
- name: install
image: gnuu/busybox
command: ['bash', '-x', "/sidecar/"]
- name: newslog
mountPath: "/newslog"
- name: newslog
emptyDir: {}
An empydir volume will create in the statefulset-deployment The volume ist first mounted in sidecar. The will create the named pipe /newslog/news.fifo on the temporary volume.
- image: gnuu/inn
imagePullPolicy: Always
- /
- name: newslog
mountPath: "/newslog"
The main news container will also mount the /newslog with the generated named pipe. rsyslogd is starting in, logs are delivery to the pipe
The third mount comes from another container
- image: gnuu/busybox
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ['sh', '-c']
args: ['tail -n+1 -f /newslog/news.fifo']
name: newslog
- name: newslog
mountPath: "/newslog"
The startup command for this container is tail to the fifo file. The output on the STDOUT of this container will be the syslog part of INN:
$ kubectl -n gnuu logs news-0 --container newslog
2020-07-24T21:44:52.460779+00:00 quickstart1 innd: SERVER starting
2020-07-24T21:44:52.528670+00:00 quickstart1 controlchan[40]: starting
2020-07-24T21:44:54.509889+00:00 quickstart1 innfeed[41]: cxnsleep no permission to talk: 502 You have no permission to talk. Goodbye!