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Savage Amber

Setting Rules

Shadow Travel

Traveling through Shadows is a unique aspect of the Amber setting. Characters can traverse different realities and dimensions by shifting their perceptions and altering the world around them.

Shadow Walking

Requirements: Arcane Background (Pattern Magic) or Arcane Background (Logrus Magic)

Characters with the ability to manipulate the Pattern or Logrus can perform a Shadow Walk to travel through Shadows. This process requires a Smarts roll and takes a variable amount of time, depending on the distance between the starting point and the destination, as well as the character's familiarity with the destination. The GM may assign penalties or bonuses to the roll based on the difficulty of the journey.

Shadow Shifting

Requirements: Arcane Background (Pattern Magic) or Arcane Background (Logrus Magic)

Characters with the ability to manipulate the Pattern or Logrus can subtly alter their surroundings to create temporary changes in the local Shadow. This ability requires a Smarts roll and consumes Power Points, depending on the scope and duration of the change. The GM may assign penalties or bonuses to the roll based on the complexity of the desired effect.

Trump Communication and Travel

Requirements: Arcane Background (Trump Magic)

Characters with the Trump Artist Edge can use Trumps to communicate with other individuals or travel to different locations. To initiate a Trump call, the character must make a Smarts roll, with penalties or bonuses applied based on the distance or any interference. Trump travel requires a successful Smarts roll and consumes Power Points.

Environmental and Planar Effects

The infinite variety of Shadows and realms within the Amber universe can lead to diverse and unique environments. The GM may introduce rules and mechanics for various environmental effects, such as extreme weather conditions, magical phenomena, or planar traits that can impact characters and their abilities.

Amber and Chaosian Resilience

Characters from Amber and Chaos possess an innate resilience that makes them more resistant to harm than ordinary humans. This can be represented by the following rule:

Amberite and Chaosian Resilience

Requirements: Amberite or Chaosian Heritage Edge

Characters with the Amberite or Chaosian Heritage Edge gain +2 Toughness, reflecting their increased resilience and ability to withstand physical harm.

Arcane Backgrounds

Arcane Background (Pattern Magic)

Requirements: Novice, Pattern Initiate Edge

Characters with this Arcane Background have walked the Pattern and gained the ability to manipulate reality through the power of the Pattern.

Powers: This Arcane Background grants the character access to a range of Pattern-related abilities, such as manipulating probability, creating magical barriers, or altering the physical properties of objects. The specific powers available to a character with this Arcane Background are up to the GM's discretion.

Power Points: Characters with this Arcane Background start with 10 Power Points.

Starting Powers: Characters with this Arcane Background start with two powers chosen from their available list, as determined by the GM.

Arcane Background (Logrus Magic)

Requirements: Novice, Logrus Master Edge

Characters with this Arcane Background have mastered the Logrus, the ever-shifting labyrinth of chaos energy, and can use its power to cast spells and manipulate reality.

Powers: This Arcane Background grants the character access to a range of Logrus-related abilities, such as summoning creatures, manipulating energy, or creating chaos-based enchantments. The specific powers available to a character with this Arcane Background are up to the GM's discretion.

Power Points: Characters with this Arcane Background start with 15 Power Points.

Starting Powers: Characters with this Arcane Background start with three powers chosen from their available list, as determined by the GM.

Arcane Background (Trump Magic)

Requirements: Novice, Trump Artist Edge

Characters with this Arcane Background have the rare talent to create Trumps, magical cards that depict images of people, places, or objects, and can use them for communication, transportation, and various magical effects.

Powers: This Arcane Background grants the character access to a range of Trump-related abilities, such as creating personalized Trumps, imbuing them with unique properties, or using them to cast spells or enchantments. The specific powers available to a character with this Arcane Background are up to the GM's discretion.

Power Points: Characters with this Arcane Background start with 10 Power Points.

Starting Powers: Characters with this Arcane Background start with two powers chosen from their available list, as determined by the GM.

Arcane Background (Fractal Sorcery)

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Fractal Sorcery Edge

Characters with this Arcane Background have learned the art of Fractal Sorcery, a powerful and complex form of magic that involves manipulating the underlying mathematical structures of reality.

Powers: This Arcane Background grants the character access to a wide range of Fractal Sorcery-related abilities, such as bending the fabric of reality, creating pocket dimensions, or manipulating probability. The specific powers available to a character with this Arcane Background are up to the GM's discretion.

Power Points: Characters with this Arcane Background start with 15 Power Points.

Starting Powers: Characters with this Arcane Background start with three powers chosen from their available list, as determined by the GM.


  1. Pattern Initiate (Major Edge) Requirements: Novice, Amberite heritage, Spirit d8+ The character has walked the Pattern and gained the power to manipulate reality and traverse the Shadow worlds. They can navigate through the Shadows to find specific worlds or items they desire, and they have an innate sense of their own location within the multiverse. This Edge also grants them the ability to use Trumps for communication and transportation.

  2. Logrus Master (Major Edge) Requirements: Novice, Chaos heritage, Smarts d8+ The character has mastered the Logrus, the ever-shifting labyrinth of chaos energy. This grants them the power to manipulate the tendrils of the Logrus, which can be used to reach across the Shadow worlds to retrieve items or attack enemies. Logrus Masters also gain the ability to navigate the Shadows, though their methods are less precise than those of Pattern Initiates.

  3. Trump Artist (Major Edge) Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Arcane Background (Magic) The character has the rare talent to create Trumps, magical cards that depict images of people, places, or objects and can be used for communication and transportation. With this Edge, the character can create personalized Trumps for themselves and others, as well as imbue them with unique properties or abilities. They also gain a +2 bonus when using Trumps for communication or transportation.

  4. Shape-shifter (Major Edge) Requirements: Novice, Chaos heritage or supernatural origin, Agility d8+, Vigor d8+ The character has the ability to change their physical form at will, allowing them to adopt the appearance of other people or creatures, or even create entirely new forms. This Edge grants a +2 bonus to Stealth or Disguise checks when attempting to impersonate someone or blend in with their surroundings. Additionally, they can change their form to gain temporary bonuses to specific Attributes or Skills, at the GM's discretion.

  5. Blood of Amber (Minor Edge) Requirements: Novice, Amberite heritage The character possesses the royal blood of Amber, granting them increased resilience and longevity. They gain a +2 bonus to natural healing rolls and age at a much slower rate than normal humans.

  6. Master of Warfare (Minor Edge) Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8+, Knowledge (Battle) d8+ The character is a skilled tactician and warrior, with a deep understanding of the art of war. They gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Battle) checks and to rolls made to assess or predict the outcome of combat situations. Additionally, they can grant a +1 bonus to the Fighting or Shooting rolls of up to five allies within line of sight for one round, once per encounter.

  7. Sorcerer (Major Edge) Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Magic), Smarts d8+ The character is a skilled practitioner of sorcery, a versatile and powerful form of magic that draws on the energies of the Amber universe. With this Edge, the character gains access to a wide range of spells and enchantments, as determined by the GM. They can also create magical constructs, such as barriers or wards, and imbue objects with magical properties.

  8. Ghostwheel Initiate (Major Edge) Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Knowledge (Computer) d8+, Arcane Background (Magic) The character has a connection to the Ghostwheel, an advanced artificial intelligence designed by Merlin. This grants the character access to the Ghostwheel's vast knowledge and abilities, including communication and transportation across Shadow worlds, as well as various magical and technological capabilities. This Edge also allows the character to remotely interact with the Ghostwheel to gather information, access electronic systems, and perform other tasks.

  9. Fractal Sorcery (Major Edge) Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Magic), Smarts d8+ The character has learned the art of Fractal Sorcery, a powerful and complex form of magic that involves manipulating the underlying mathematical structures of reality. With this Edge, the character can create intricate spells and enchantments that can bend the fabric of reality, create pocket dimensions, or manipulate probability. The exact effects and limitations of Fractal Sorcery are up to the GM's discretion.

  10. Spikard Bearer (Major Edge) Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Magic) The character possesses a Spikard, a powerful magical artifact that grants its bearer access to a wide range of spells and enchantments. A Spikard provides its user with a significant boost to their magical abilities, reducing the Power Point cost of all spells by half (rounded down). However, using a Spikard also comes with the risk of attracting the attention of powerful entities who seek to control or destroy these artifacts.


  1. Pattern-Blind (Major Hindrance) Requirements: Amberite heritage The character is unable to perceive or interact with the Pattern, making them unable to walk it and gain the usual powers associated with Amberite heritage. They cannot manipulate reality or traverse Shadow worlds as other Amberites can.

  2. Logrus Denial (Major Hindrance) Requirements: Chaos heritage The character is unable to perceive or interact with the Logrus, preventing them from gaining the powers typically associated with Chaos heritage. They cannot manipulate the tendrils of the Logrus or navigate through the Shadows as other Chaos-born characters can.

  3. Broken Trump (Minor Hindrance) The character's personal Trump is damaged or flawed, making it unreliable or dangerous to use. When attempting to use their Trump for communication or transportation, they must roll a d6. On a roll of 1, the Trump fails, and they suffer a backlash that causes 2d6 damage.

  4. Shadow Sickness (Minor Hindrance) The character suffers from a debilitating condition that manifests when they travel between Shadow worlds. After traversing a Shadow, they become weak and disoriented, suffering a -2 penalty to all Trait rolls for one hour.

  5. Pattern/Logrus Backlash (Major Hindrance) Requirements: Pattern Initiate or Logrus Master The character's connection to the Pattern or Logrus is unstable, causing them to suffer backlash when they overexert their powers. Whenever they fail a roll related to their Pattern or Logrus abilities, they suffer a level of Fatigue.

  6. Fractured Loyalty (Major Hindrance) The character has divided loyalties, torn between their allegiance to Amber and their connections to the Courts of Chaos or another faction. This internal conflict may lead them to question their actions or struggle with moral dilemmas. In situations where their loyalties are in conflict, the character must make a Spirit roll. On a failure, they are unable to take decisive action for a round, becoming Distracted. On a critical failure, they may inadvertently act against their own interests or those of their allies, as determined by the GM.

  7. Haunted by the Serpent (Major Hindrance) The character is haunted by visions and whispers of the Serpent of Chaos, which can be distracting or even dangerous. Whenever the character is under stress or attempting to use their powers, the GM may require a Spirit roll. On a failure, the character becomes Distracted for a round, and on a critical failure, they become Shaken.

  8. Vulnerable to Spikards (Major Hindrance) The character is particularly susceptible to the power of Spikards, magical artifacts that can grant their bearers immense magical abilities. When targeted by a Spikard-wielding enemy, the character suffers a -2 penalty to resist the effects of the Spikard's powers.

  9. Unstable Fractal Sorcery (Minor Hindrance) Requirements: Arcane Background (Fractal Sorcery) The character's control over their Fractal Sorcery is unstable, causing their spells and enchantments to sometimes produce unpredictable results. Whenever the character rolls a 1 on their Spellcasting die (regardless of the Wild Die), the GM may introduce a random, unintended effect related to the spell or enchantment.

  10. Wanted by the Keepers (Minor Hindrance) The Keepers, powerful entities who seek to control or destroy Spikards, are after the character. They may send minions or other agents to pursue the character, and the character may also encounter Keepers as adversaries or obstacles in their adventures.

  11. Ghostwheel Rivalry (Minor Hindrance) Requirements: Ghostwheel Initiate Edge The character's connection to the Ghostwheel has attracted the attention of a rival or enemy who also seeks to control or manipulate the powerful AI. This rival may work against the character's goals or seek to undermine their efforts, possibly even attempting to manipulate the Ghostwheel itself to hinder the character.


Shadow Navigation (Smarts)

Shadow Navigation is the skill used for finding and traversing Shadow paths. Characters with this skill can navigate the infinite realities of the Amber universe, seeking out specific Shadows, avoiding hazards, or finding shortcuts. This skill is essential for any character who wishes to travel between the myriad worlds of the Amber setting.

Trump Artistry (Smarts)

Requirements: Arcane Background (Trump Magic)

Trump Artistry is the skill used to create, manipulate, and utilize Trumps, magical cards that allow for communication, travel, and other magical effects. Characters with this skill can create personalized Trumps, imbue them with unique properties, or use them to cast spells or enchantments.

Pattern Magic (Smarts)

Requirements: Arcane Background (Pattern Magic)

Pattern Magic is the skill used to manipulate the fundamental forces of order represented by the Pattern. Characters with this skill can wield the power of the Pattern to perform a wide range of magical abilities, such as bending the fabric of reality, creating pocket dimensions, or manipulating probability.

Logrus Magic (Smarts)

Requirements: Arcane Background (Logrus Magic)

Logrus Magic is the skill used to manipulate the chaotic energies of the Logrus, the ever-shifting labyrinth at the heart of the Courts of Chaos. Characters with this skill can harness the power of chaos to create, destroy, or reshape reality as they see fit.

Shapeshifting (Vigor)

Requirements: Shapeshifter Edge

Shapeshifting is the skill used by characters capable of altering their form, such as Chaosians or other magical beings. This skill allows characters to assume different shapes, heal injuries, or even mimic the abilities of other creatures.

Fractal Sorcery (Smarts)

Requirements: Arcane Background (Fractal Sorcery)

Fractal Sorcery is the skill used to manipulate the underlying mathematical structures of reality. Characters with this skill can bend reality, create pocket dimensions, or manipulate probability in order to achieve their desired outcomes.


Blood Curse (Special)

Rank: Legendary, Activation Cost: Special, Range: Special, Duration: Permanent

The Blood Curse is a powerful and dangerous ability possessed by the princes and princesses of Amber. By invoking the curse, a member of the Royal Family can bring devastating misfortune and suffering upon their enemies. The curse's effects can manifest in a variety of ways, such as accidents, illnesses, betrayals, or other forms of hardship, and the exact nature of the curse is often tailored to the target and the circumstances.

Using the Blood Curse requires the caster to make a significant blood sacrifice, usually by receiving or inflicting a severe or potentially fatal wound upon themselves. The severity of the sacrifice determines the potency and range of the curse. The curse's effects are permanent, and they can only be lifted or mitigated through extraordinary means, such as powerful counter-curses or divine intervention.

Due to the dangerous nature of the Blood Curse, it is typically only used as a last resort or in situations of extreme desperation. Invoking the curse carries the risk of drawing the ire of the other members of the Royal Family, who may view it as a reckless and irresponsible use of power.

Activation Cost: The activation cost for the Blood Curse is determined by the severity of the blood sacrifice made by the caster. This can range from multiple levels of Fatigue, to Wounds, or even the potential for permanent injury or death. The exact cost should be determined by the GM based on the specific circumstances and desired effects of the curse.

Range: The range of the Blood Curse is not limited by physical distance, and it can affect targets anywhere within the multiverse of Shadows. However, the caster must have a clear understanding of the target's identity and a strong emotional connection (usually hatred or intense resentment) to successfully direct the curse.

Duration: The Blood Curse's effects are permanent unless lifted or mitigated through extraordinary means. The curse can continue to affect the target for the rest of their life, causing a wide range of misfortunes and hardships.

Modifiers: The Blood Curse's potency can be modified based on the severity of the blood sacrifice, the caster's knowledge of and emotional connection to the target, and any relevant Edges, Hindrances, or situational factors that may impact the curse's effectiveness.

Resisting the Blood Curse: Resisting the Blood Curse is exceptionally difficult, and it typically requires powerful counter-curses, divine intervention, or other extraordinary means to nullify or mitigate its effects. The exact method of resistance should be determined by the GM based on the specific circumstances and the narrative of the campaign.

Note: The Blood Curse is an extremely potent and dangerous ability that should be used sparingly in a campaign. Traditionally, each royal family member only gets one, but this has never been put to the test. (FOr instance, Eric died when he gave his, but Corwin cursed Eric while under great pain but lived. The 'Death Curse of a Prince of Amber' may not be single use. It is up to the GM.)



Amberite Blade (Melee Weapon)

A custom-crafted sword made by the skilled smiths of Amber, these blades are known for their exceptional quality and durability. They are often passed down through generations of Amberite royalty.

  • Damage: Str+d8
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Cost: Priceless (typically inherited or gifted)

Chaosian Dagger (Melee Weapon)

A small, curved dagger imbued with the chaotic energies of the Courts of Chaos. The blade has a chance to inflict additional damage or effects, depending on the whim of its wielder or the chaotic energies that empower it.

  • Damage: Str+d4+1, plus possible magical effects (GM's discretion)
  • Weight: 1 lb.
  • Cost: Priceless (typically acquired through Chaosian connections or unique events)


Amberite Mail (Armor)

A suit of chainmail crafted from the finest materials in Amber, this armor offers excellent protection and flexibility. It is often worn by Amberite royalty and elite soldiers.

  • Armor Bonus: +2
  • Weight: 20 lbs.
  • Cost: Priceless (typically inherited or gifted)

Magical Items

Jewel of Judgment (Unique Artifact)

A powerful magical artifact that grants its wielder control over the forces of Order and Chaos. The Jewel can be used to manipulate the Pattern or the Logrus, create or destroy Shadows, and grant its user immense power. Its use is limited to a select few, and it is jealously guarded by the royal family of Amber.

  • Abilities: Various (GM's discretion, based on the user's abilities and the requirements of the story)
  • Weight: 1 lb.
  • Cost: Priceless (typically acquired through unique events or plotlines)

Trump Deck (Unique Item)

A deck of personalized Trumps, each card depicting a person or place in the Amber universe. These cards can be used to communicate with others, travel through Shadows, or access unique magical abilities. Each Trump deck is unique to its creator, and the cards' powers may vary depending on the artist and the subject.

  • Abilities: Various (GM's discretion, based on the user's Trump Artistry skill and the specific cards in the deck)
  • Weight: 1 lb.
  • Cost: Priceless (typically created or acquired through connections to Trump Artists)

Miscellaneous Items

Spikard (Unique Artifact)

A powerful magical ring imbued with the energies of various Shadows, granting its wearer access to potent magical abilities. Each Spikard is unique and may possess different powers and limitations.

  • Abilities: Various (GM's discretion, based on the specific Spikard and its associated powers)
  • Weight: Negligible
  • Cost: Priceless (typically acquired through unique events or plotlines)