diff --git a/src/app/treeTable/page.tsx b/src/app/treeTable/page.tsx
index e5989ca..9573b00 100644
--- a/src/app/treeTable/page.tsx
+++ b/src/app/treeTable/page.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,93 @@
+import { Table, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td, TableContainer, Box } from "@chakra-ui/react";
export default function TreeTable() {
- return
Will probably be made into a component later, but for now develop on /treeTable
+ // dummy tree data
+ const treeData = [
+ {
+ collectorName: "Sydney Jones",
+ dateCollected: "2025-01-22",
+ contactInfo: "sjones@email.com",
+ gpsCoordinates: "34.0522, -118.2437",
+ photo: "tree1.jpg",
+ dbh: "15.3",
+ height: "25 ft",
+ canopyBreath: "20 ft",
+ species: "Valley Oak",
+ mistletoe: false,
+ epicormicGrowth: true,
+ deadWood: true,
+ oakPitScale: "no",
+ hangingItems: false,
+ additionalNotes: "Tree appears healthy overall.",
+ },
+ {
+ collectorName: "Ryan Smith",
+ dateCollected: "2025-01-20",
+ contactInfo: "rsmith@example.com",
+ gpsCoordinates: "37.7749, -122.4194",
+ photo: "tree2.jpg",
+ dbh: "20.1",
+ height: "30 ft",
+ canopyBreath: "25 ft",
+ species: "Blue Oak",
+ mistletoe: true,
+ epicormicGrowth: false,
+ deadWood: false,
+ oakPitScale: true,
+ hangingItems: false,
+ additionalNotes: "Signs of stress due to drought.",
+ },
+ ];
+ // tree table structure
+ return (
+ Collector Name |
+ Date Collected |
+ GPS Coordinates |
+ Photo |
+ DBH (inches) |
+ Height |
+ Tree Canopy Breadth |
+ Species |
+ Mistletoe |
+ Epicormic Growth |
+ Dead Wood |
+ Oak Pit Scale |
+ Hanging Items |
+ Additional Notes |
+ {treeData.map((tree, index) => (
+ {tree.collectorName} |
+ {tree.dateCollected} |
+ {tree.gpsCoordinates} |
+ |
+ {tree.dbh} |
+ {tree.height} |
+ {tree.canopyBreath} |
+ {tree.species} |
+ {tree.mistletoe === true ? "Yes" : "No"} |
+ {tree.epicormicGrowth === true ? "Yes" : "No"} |
+ {tree.deadWood === true ? "Yes" : "No"} |
+ {tree.oakPitScale === true ? "Yes" : "No"} |
+ {tree.hangingItems === true ? "Yes" : "No"} |
+ {tree.additionalNotes} |
+ ))}
+ );