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nRF Cloud device simulator

Simulates a pre-provisioned device on nRF Cloud that is ready to connect.


Export your nRF Cloud API key and team ID (see .envrc.dist).

Generate Device certificates

Note Below commands are for OpenSSL version 3.

mkdir ./certificates

Generate a new CA

All commands are for OpenSSL v3

CA_ID=`uuidgen | tr -d '\n'`
# CA Private key
openssl genrsa -out ./certificates/CA.${CA_ID}.key 2048
# CA Certificate, create one per production run
CN="Production Run Test"
OU="Cellular IoT Applications Team"
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ./certificates/CA.${CA_ID}.key -sha256 -days 30 -out ./certificates/CA.${CA_ID}.cert -subj "/OU=${OU}, CN=${CN}"

Generate a device certificate

# Generate IMEI
IMEI="3566642`shuf -i 10000000-99999999 -n 1 | tr -d '\n'`"
# Prefix IMEI so it can be distinguished from user devices
# Device Private key
openssl ecparam -out ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
# Device Certificate
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.key -sha256 -days 10680 -out ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.cert -subj "/CN=${deviceID}"

Sign key with cert

openssl req -key ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.key -new -out ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.csr -subj "/CN=${deviceID}"
openssl x509 -req -CA ./certificates/CA.${CA_ID}.cert -CAkey ./certificates/CA.${CA_ID}.key -in ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.csr -out ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.signed.cert -days 10680

View signed cert

openssl x509 -text -noout -in ./certificates/device.${deviceID}.signed.cert

Register device

node register-device.js ${deviceID}

Connect device

node simulator.js ${deviceID}