Releases: hello-nrfcloud/web
Releases · hello-nrfcloud/web
1.0.0 (2023-06-19)
Bug Fixes
- add missing CSS file for static build (e9a7b20)
- add support for cache busting (bee196d)
- add table (6db6caa)
- cdk: update default repo (b96ca4d)
- cd: use environment (0705066)
- change default region (9d42122)
- change flow (47a03be)
- change QR code format (85e1200)
- change to fingerprint (ea8534c), closes #7
- cloudfront: flip cache behaviours (dee9629)
- cloudfront: use callback (8fa5633)
- deps: update dependency lucide-preact to v0.113.0 (3f3d957)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.12.0 (b193403)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.12.1 (aa72287)
- deps: update dependency styled-components to v6.0.0-beta.11 (92bd704)
- disable Google Tag Manager for now (3824398)
- do not delete other headers (6d77929)
- downgrade html5-qrcode (e6184a7)
- escape file names (84a21a8)
- infra: add protection to index as well (05a2764)
- infra: fix OIDC config (7219346)
- listeners may change (b55143f)
- load index.html for requested page (68d827f)
- make SSR build work (2f2c500)
- map: add note (a8753fb)
- qr-code: detect if webcam is available (74e8149)
- remove content (4955380)
- remove log (7f6a5ee)
- remove log statement (f01be63)
- remove S3 workaround from website (18a1468)
- rename project (0585f4b)
- styleguide: update fingerprint info (3f87338)
- support new code format in redirect handling (0181f5a), closes #5
- typo (3022a99)
- update dependencies (42d7859)
- update dependencies (3af0433)
- update dependencies (6bce202)
- update dependencies (fe0266c)
- update dependencies (08144ec)
- update dependencies (4b971f8)
- update dependencies (a0278c4)
- update dependencies (1aa1114)
- update dependencies (babeefb)
- update dependencies (e0bc8bb)
- update dependencies (ded7772)
- update dependencies (0901c48)
- update dependencies (87e4f75)
- update dependencies (585ba07)
- update dependencies (8a2ac44)
- update dependencies (9439457)
- update dependencies (45224b4)
- update example URL (441435b)
- update protection and redirect (ecae5d1)
- update warning (6ae35ac)
- update warning (b93392c)
- use .html pages (e38bc58)
- use 0 as first index (24baa33)
- use CSS colors only (1d31361)
- use hash in path alias (e1e6957)
- use named import (3a5f868)
- wording (4157e26)
- add cache headers (792d11d)
- add custom board (c5321aa)
- add device page (77d7152)
- add DK entry for solar Thingy (e9f4da5)
- add Google Tracking Code and Cookie Consent (ddb786f)
- add link to documentation (c18b05c)
- add location step (108ffca)
- add map explainer (07ac80d)
- add more content (0ac55c1)
- add navbar (2b0b41b)
- add pages for the individual DKs (e7dff93)
- add protection (0feebf6)
- add QR code (70fa08c)
- add QR code generator and code input challenge (b6402b4)
- add QR Code scanner to website (0fc9cf7)
- add real map (92196c4)
- add redirect for QR code URLs (34b5ba6)
- add sample content ([a58f51c](https...