diff --git a/comets_shinyapp_example/app.R b/comets_shinyapp_example/app.R index b1fc151..b8de7c4 100644 --- a/comets_shinyapp_example/app.R +++ b/comets_shinyapp_example/app.R @@ -1,164 +1,168 @@ library(shiny) -library(shinydashboard) -library(DT) library(data.table) -library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) -library(conflicted) -library(shinyhelper) # For adding help tooltips - -# Use conflicted to set preferences for conflicting functions -conflict_prefer("between", "data.table") -conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr") - -# Load Data -abundance_data_filt <- fread("./species_abundance_filt.csv", nThread = 8, drop = 1, header = TRUE) -df_to_subset <- fread("./organism_data_to_subset.csv", drop = 1, header = TRUE) -df_to_print <- fread("./organism_data_to_print.csv", drop = 1, header = TRUE) -biome_info <- fread("./nlcd_key.csv", drop = 1, header = TRUE) -taxonomy <- fread("./organism_taxonomy.csv", drop = 1, header = TRUE) - -# Prepare Biome Choices -biome_choices <- biome_info$nlcdClass -names(biome_choices) <- biome_info$prettyNlcd - -# Define UI +library(DT) +library(renv) + +# Read in data file for plotting +# The column "taxon" matches with "Species of interest" +abundance_data_filt = fread("./species_abundance_filt.csv", + nThread = 8, drop = 1, header = T) + +# Read in data file for species selections - info on environmental preferences +df_to_subset = fread("./organism_data_to_subset.csv", drop = 1, header = T) + +# Read in data file to just show species names/links +set.seed(1) +df_to_print = fread("./organism_data_to_print.csv", drop = 1, header = T) + +# Read in biome data file +biome_info = fread("./nlcd_key.csv", drop = 1, header = T) +biome_choices = biome_info$nlcdClass +names(biome_choices) = biome_info$prettyNlcd + +# Read in taxonomy data file, add to organism info +taxonomy = fread("./organism_taxonomy.csv", drop = 1, header = T) +df_to_print = left_join(df_to_print, taxonomy %>% + select(`Species of interest` = taxon,`Genome accession` = accession) %>% + unique()) %>% + select(`Species of interest`,GEM_ID, `Genome source`) %>% slice_sample(n = 1000) +df_to_subset = left_join(df_to_subset, taxonomy %>% + select(`Species of interest` = taxon,Kingdom,Phylum,accession) %>% + unique()) %>% slice_sample(n = 1000) + +# Potential taxa to select from +taxon_names = df_to_subset$`Species of interest` + +# Create column of radio buttons +mat_to_print= as.matrix(df_to_print[,1]) +rownames(mat_to_print) = mat_to_print[,1] + +for (i in seq_len(nrow(mat_to_print))) { + mat_to_print[i, ] = sprintf( + '', + taxon_names[i], mat_to_print[i, ] + ) +} +mat_to_print = cbind(mat_to_print, df_to_print[,1:3]) +colnames(mat_to_print)[1] = "Visualize?" + + +# Filter abundance data to create example plots for selected taxon +single_species_obs = abundance_data_filt %>% + filter(taxon == "Rhodotorula toruloides") + +# Visualize abundances that correlate with pH +p1 = ggplot(single_species_obs, + aes(x = soilInCaClpH, y = percentage, color=taxon)) + + geom_point(alpha=.5, + position=position_jitter(width = .01, height=0), size=2, + show.legend = F) + + geom_smooth(show.legend = F, span=.7) + + facet_wrap(~taxon, scales = "free") + theme_bw(base_size = 20) + + scale_y_sqrt() + xlab("Soil pH") + + ylab("Microbial abundance") + + +# Visualize abundances that correlate with temperature +p2 = ggplot(single_species_obs, + aes(x = soilTemp, y = percentage, color=taxon)) + + geom_point(alpha=.5, + position=position_jitter(width = .01, height=0), size=2, + show.legend = F) + + geom_smooth(show.legend = F, span=.7) + + facet_wrap(~taxon, scales = "free") + theme_bw(base_size = 20) + + scale_y_sqrt() + xlab("Soil temperature") + + ylab("Microbial abundance") + + +# Actual interface setup ui <- fluidPage( - titlePanel("SoilMicrobeDB: An Interactive Database of Soil Microbial Genomes"), - tags$p("The SoilMicrobeDB is a collection of over 30,000 soil microbial genomes..."), - - tags$h4("Filters"), - fluidRow( - column(4, - selectInput("biome", "Select Biome", choices = unique(df_to_subset$biome), multiple = TRUE) %>% - shinyhelper::helper( - type = "inline", - title = "Biome Preference", - content = "Biome preference is assigned if a taxon is present in at least 2%...", - icon = "question-circle" - ) - ), - column(4, - sliderInput("pH_range", "pH Preference Range", min = 3, max = 9, value = c(3, 9)) %>% - shinyhelper::helper( - type = "inline", - title = "pH Preference", - content = "pH preference of each taxon is assigned as the peak...", - icon = "question-circle" - ) - ), - column(4, - sliderInput("temperature_range", "Temperature Preference Range", min = 0, max = 40, value = c(0, 40)) %>% - shinyhelper::helper( - type = "inline", - title = "Temperature Preference", - content = "Temperature preference of each taxon...", - icon = "question-circle" - ) - ) - ), - - tags$h4("Organism Data Table"), - DT::dataTableOutput("organism_table"), - downloadButton("download_organism", "Download Taxon List"), - - uiOutput("modal_abundance_plot") + titlePanel("Explore the Soil Microbe Database"), + mainPanel( + + fluidRow(p("The Soil Microbe Database (SMDB) is a collection of over 30,000 soil microbial genomes, some of which have cultured representatives. Use this portal to explore how the abundance of each genome varies across soil samples measured via shotgun metagenomics. This abundance dataset, and the SMDB, can be downloaded for further analysis using the links at the bottom of this page."), + p("Use the filters below to identify soil microbes that are observed to peak in abundance at specific pH or temperature values. Note that these reflect trends in soils derived from sequencing, not laboratory experiments on actual pH or temperature tolerances. For more information on environmental abundances of microbes: https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17240"), + column(width = 4, + sliderInput("pHrange", "Realized soil pH preference:",min = 3, max = 9, value = c(3,9))), + column(width = 4, + sliderInput("temperatureRange", + "Realized soil temperature preference:",min = 0, max = 100, value = c(0,100))), + column(width = 4, + textInput("taxonName", "Filter by species taxonomy instead"))), + fluidRow(column(width=8, + checkboxGroupInput("biomeSelect", "Biome", biome_choices, selected = biome_choices, inline = TRUE))), + fluidRow( + p("All species within filters are listed below. Visualize one species at a time using the by selecting a species.")), + + fluidRow( column(width = 4, + plotOutput("pH_plot")), + column(width = 4, + plotOutput("temp_plot")), + column(width = 4, + uiOutput("GEMtext1"), + uiOutput("GEMtext2")) + + #textOutput("GEMtext")) + ), +fluidRow(column(width=12, + DT::dataTableOutput('print_table')) +) +) ) -# Define Server -server <- function(input, output, session) { - - # Initialize shinyhelper - shinyhelper::observe_helpers(withMathJax = TRUE) - - # Reactive Filtered Organism DataFrame - filtered_organism_df <- reactive({ - df_to_subset %>% - filter( - (is.null(input$biome) || biome %in% input$biome), - between(pH_preference, input$pH_range[1], input$pH_range[2]), - between(temperature_preference, input$temperature_range[1], input$temperature_range[2]) - ) - }) - - # Display Organism Data Table - output$organism_table <- DT::renderDataTable({ - filtered_organism_df() %>% select(Kingdom, Genus, `Species of interest`, `Genome source`, `Functional in COMETS?`) - }, selection = 'single') - - # Download Filtered Organism Data - output$download_organism <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { "filtered_organism_data.csv" }, - content = function(file) { write.csv(filtered_organism_df(), file, row.names = FALSE) } - ) - - # Modal Abundance Plot - output$modal_abundance_plot <- renderUI({ - req(input$organism_table_rows_selected) - selected_row <- filtered_organism_df()[input$organism_table_rows_selected, ] - selected_taxon <- selected_row$taxon - - # Filter abundance data for selected taxon - abundance_filtered <- abundance_data_filt %>% filter(taxon == selected_taxon) - - if (nrow(abundance_filtered) == 0) { - modalDialog( - title = paste("Abundance Analysis for", selected_taxon), - tags$p("Error: No abundance data available for this taxon."), - footer = modalButton("Close") - ) - } else { - modalDialog( - size = "l", - title = paste("Abundance of", selected_taxon, "in NEON soil samples"), - plotOutput("pH_plot"), - plotOutput("temperature_plot"), - footer = tagList( - downloadButton("download_filtered_abundance", "Download Taxon Abundance Data"), - modalButton("Close") - ) - ) - } - }) - - # pH Plot - output$pH_plot <- renderPlot({ - req(input$organism_table_rows_selected) - selected_taxon <- filtered_organism_df()[input$organism_table_rows_selected, "taxon"] - abundance_data <- abundance_data_filt %>% filter(taxon == selected_taxon) - - ggplot(abundance_data, aes(x = pH, y = abundance, color = biome)) + - geom_point(alpha = .5, position = position_jitter(width = .01, height = 0), size = 2) + - geom_smooth(method = "gam", show.legend = FALSE, se = FALSE) + - theme_bw(base_size = 18) + - xlab("Soil pH") + ylab("Microbial abundance") + - labs(title = paste("Abundance vs. pH for", selected_taxon)) - }) - - # Temperature Plot - output$temperature_plot <- renderPlot({ - req(input$organism_table_rows_selected) - selected_taxon <- filtered_organism_df()[input$organism_table_rows_selected, "taxon"] - abundance_data <- abundance_data_filt %>% filter(taxon == selected_taxon) - - ggplot(abundance_data, aes(x = temperature, y = abundance, color = biome)) + - geom_point(alpha = .5, position = position_jitter(width = .01, height = 0), size = 2) + - geom_smooth(method = "gam", show.legend = FALSE, se = FALSE) + - theme_bw(base_size = 18) + - xlab("Soil temperature") + ylab("Microbial abundance") + - labs(title = paste("Abundance vs. temperature for", selected_taxon)) - }) - - # Download Filtered Abundance Data - output$download_filtered_abundance <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { "taxon_abundance_data.csv" }, - content = function(file) { - selected_taxon <- filtered_organism_df()[input$organism_table_rows_selected, "taxon"] - abundance_data <- abundance_data_filt %>% filter(taxon == selected_taxon) - write.csv(abundance_data, file, row.names = FALSE) - } - ) -} - -# Run the Application -shinyApp(ui, server) +# Server side +server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session){ + + + #closest_GEM <- reactive({ # This value is not currently reactive! + # # "No curated GEM at species or genus level", + # #organism_data[input$taxon,] + # ("Selected species: Chitinophaga pinensis", tags$br(), + # "Culture status: Cultured, with strain and media information in Bacdive", + # tags$br(), + # "The closest available species with a COMETS simulation-ready model is iRhto1108, matched by species name") + # + # }) + url <- a("Download model here", href="https://github.com/zoey-rw/soil_microbe_GEMs/tree/master/iRhto1880") + + output$GEMtext1 <- renderUI({ + HTML(paste0( #organism_data[input$taxon,] + "Selected species: Chitinophaga pinensis", + tags$br(),tags$br(), + "Culture status: Cultured, with strain and media information in Bacdive.", + tags$br(),tags$br(), + "The closest available species with a COMETS simulation-ready model is iRhto1108, matched by species name."), collapse = "
") + }) + + #closest_GEM()) + output$GEMtext2 <- renderUI({url}) + + +# output$GEMtext <- renderText({#closest_GEM()}) + + output$pH_plot <- renderPlot({p1}) + output$temp_plot <- renderPlot({p2}) + output$print_table <- renderTable({df_to_print}) + + + output$print_table = DT::renderDataTable( + mat_to_print, escape = FALSE, selection = 'none', server = FALSE, + options = list(dom = 't', paging = FALSE, ordering = FALSE), + callback = JS("table.rows().every(function(i, tab, row) { + var $this = $(this.node()); + $this.attr('id', this.data()[0]); + $this.addClass('shiny-input-radiogroup'); + }); + Shiny.unbindAll(table.table().node()); + Shiny.bindAll(table.table().node());") + ) + output$sel = renderPrint({ + str(sapply(taxon_names, function(i) input[[i]])) + }) +}) + +options(rsconnect.max.bundle.size=3145728000) +shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) + +#rsconnect::deployApp(appName = "soil_microbe_db", appDir = "/projectnb/frpmars/soil_microbe_db/shiny_app") \ No newline at end of file