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CSC453 Midterm Blog Post

Hao Xu & Xi Jin

Table of Content


Calling a function with some integer arguments and having that function return an integer.

Example Python code

Now, let's start with the following code snippet

def foo(intnum):
	return intnum

If we compile this file in Python 2.7.8:

>>> test_obj = compile(open('').read(), '', 'exec')

we can get a code object test_obj represent the compiled code from The the bytecode is stored in co_code

  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (<code object foo at 0x1004b9830, file "", line 1>)
              3 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
              6 STORE_NAME               0 (foo)

  3           9 LOAD_NAME                0 (foo)
             12 LOAD_CONST               1 (5)
             15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             18 POP_TOP
             19 LOAD_CONST               2 (None)
             22 RETURN_VALUE


Via this example we want to go through how user-defined functions work in the interpreter. So the highlighted part should be MAKE_FUNCTION and CALL_FUNCTION


In the main loop of the interpreter, it will simply load the code object (LOAD_CONST), which is stored in

>>> test_obj.co_consts
(<code object foo at 0x1004b9830, file "", line 1>, 5, None)

Note the code object we load here is different from test_obj. Let's call it foo_obj:

>>> foo_obj = test_obj.co_consts[0]
>>> foo_obj
<code object foo at 0x1005b9830, file "", line 1>

The disassbly of the code is:

  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (intnum)
              3 RETURN_VALUE

Then, Python will create a function object (MAKE_FUNCTION) and bind it to the name foo in co_names and push it into the value stack(STORE_NAME).

>>> test_obj.co_names

Lets dive into the MAKE_FUNCTION


Here's the code in the iterpreter:

     v = POP(); /* code object */
     x = PyFunction_New(v, f->f_globals);

In the main interpreter loop, it will call PyFunction_New with foo_obj and the globals of the current frame.

//funcobject.c: PyFunction_New(PyObject *code, PyObject *globals) *ref count related code are omited here
PyFunctionObject *op = PyObject_GC_New(PyFunctionObject,&PyFunction_Type);
static PyObject *__name__ = 0;
if (op != NULL) {
    op->func_code = code;// CSC253: assign code
    op->func_globals = globals;// CSC253: copy globals
    op->func_name = ((PyCodeObject *)code)->co_name;// CSC253: copy function name
    op->func_defaults = NULL; /* No default arguments */
    op->func_closure = NULL;
    consts = ((PyCodeObject *)code)->co_consts;// CSC253: copy constants
return (PyObject *)op;

Here, PyFunction_New will grab the code we got from foo_obj and fill it into our new PyFuntionObject op, then copy the function name foo which is stored in foo_obj's co_name, as well as the constants stored in foo_obj's co_consts.

After some checks which are unimportant here. This function call will return op and the interpreter will push it into the value stack.

So basically, the code of a user-defined function is stored separately with the 'main' function. It will be packaged into a code object and stored together with other constants in the program. It's kind of like the function once defined, it become just like a constants that won't be altered later. When it comes to execution, the code object itself could not be executed. The interpreter will make a executable function object that represent the code object. Somehow, like the relation between Class and Instance.


Before we step into CALL_FUNCTION, we have already done

9 LOAD_NAME                0 (foo)
12 LOAD_CONST               1 (5)

Remember the top of stack will be 5 -> foo. Then we go for CALL_FUNCTION case:

    sp = stack_pointer;// CSC253: Save the stack pointer
    x = call_function(&sp, oparg);// CSC253: oparg = 1  (intnum)
    stack_pointer = sp;// CSC253: Restore the stack pointer

The stack pointer will save and restore after calling function, which will record the position in the 'main' function to resume after calling another function.

Let's step into call_function():

static PyObject *
call_function(PyObject ***pp_stack, int oparg)
    PyObject **pfunc = (*pp_stack) - n - 1;// CSC253: skip args and get function "foo" (n is the num of args)
    if (PyCFunction_Check(func) && nk == 0) {
        ...// CSC253: If func is built-in func, it goes through here.
    } else {
            x = fast_function(func, pp_stack, n, na, nk);// CSC253: We step into this func
    // CSC253: Clear the stack of the function object. 
    while ((*pp_stack) > pfunc) {
        w = EXT_POP(*pp_stack);// CSC253: (*--(*pp_stack))
    return x;

Basically, pfunc will point to the position of function object. Then it will check if this function is build-in or not. In our case, it's not build-in so it calls fast_function(). In the end, any object related to this function will be removed from the stack.

fast_function is the real function processing the call:

static PyObject *
fast_function(PyObject *func, PyObject ***pp_stack, int n, int na, int nk)
    PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject *)PyFunction_GET_CODE(func);// CSC253: Get "foo" code
    PyObject *globals = PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS(func);// CSC253: Get global variables
    PyObject *argdefs = PyFunction_GET_DEFAULTS(func);// CSC253: Default args. NULL here
        f = PyFrame_New(tstate, co, globals, NULL);// CSC253: Create a new frame object
        stack = (*pp_stack) - n;// CSC253: Point to the first argument.
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {// CSC253: Put argument(constant 5) into fastlocals 
            fastlocals[i] = *stack++;
        retval = PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f,0);// CSC253: Execute "foo" function.
        return retval;

A new frame will be created for this function and any arguments will be put into fastlocals waiting for next LOAD_FAST operation. PyEval_EvalFrameEx() will be called to execute foo function.

Finally, the result 5 will be put on the top of the stack.


Then let's look at what Python did during the execution of foo(5):

  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (intnum)
              3 RETURN_VALUE  
     x = GETLOCAL(oparg);// CSC253:fastlocals[0] = 5
     if (x != NULL) {
         goto fast_next_opcode;

This instruction directly fetches constant 5 from fastlocals where we store 5 in the previous fast_function().

It's faster than LOAD_CONST.


Here I want to explain how come is this weird POP_TOP instead of talking how it works.

Recall our code foo(5), we didn't make use of the return value of foo(5), which would become a garbage once it returned. However the CALL_FUNCTION will push that value into value stack, so the interpreter will simply pop that out, decrease the refcount, so the GC module can do its job.

To make it clear, we change our code to a = foo(5), the bytecode will become:

15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
18 STORE_NAME               1 (a)
21 LOAD_CONST               2 (None)

Instead of popping the value, the interpreter stored that value with a name.


The interpreter will eval a block of code within a frame. When we defined a function, the interpreter just make a function object from the code and do nothing but store that in the value stack. When we call the function, the interpreter will grab the function object and put that into a frame, then throw it to the interpreter.

It's a bit of like nested calling PyEval_EvalFrameEx().