- Introduction
- Documentation
It is not enough to find a set of web pages, we need to extract the information from each of the web pages we find. This is done by the PCATParser. The PCATParser is a general purpose web scraper for getting the visible text from a web page. We also integrated some site-specific web scrapers to get more structured data into Site_Crawler_Parser_All.
Parses an SEC document known as an 8-K
- link (string) : the URL for the 8-K
- string : the important text for the 8-K
Parses an SEC document known as an EX-21
- link (string) : the URL for the EX-21
- list of strings : the subsidiaries in the company listed in the EX-21
Gets all of the text from a PDF document
- query_string (string) : the query that generated the PDF document
- link (string) : the URL for the document
- string : the visible text in the PDF
Parses the URLs in linkList using a timeout of 60 seconds on each page (a la try_one) and yields them as dictionaries.
- query_string (string) : the generating query, default is "test"
- linkList (list of strings) : list of URLs for the documents you would like to parse
- iterator of dicts
- dict['text'] (string) : the visible text on the web page
- dict['html'] (bytes) : the HTML code of the page (if it is HTML based)
- dict['pdf'] (bytes) : the PDF code of the page (if it is PDF based)
Gets all of the text from web page
- link (string) : the URL for the document
- query_string (string) : the generating query, default is "test"
- tuple (bytes, string) : the source code (HTML/PDF) of the web page and the visible text
Determines if an HTML tag is visible
- element (BeautifulSoup.element) : an HTML element
- bool : True if the element is visible, False else
Parses an SEC document known as an 10-K
- link (string) : the URL for the 10-K
- string : the important information in the 10-K
Gets all of the visible text from the body of an HTML document
- body (string) : the body of an HTML document
- string : the visible text in the body
Calls the function with the keyword arguments and after t seconds, interupts the call and moves on
- func (function) : the function to be called
- t (int) : the number of seconds
- **kwargs (keyword-arguments) : arguments you'd like to pass to func
- func's return type
Search the Wikipedia page for a company and get wikipedia infobox together with all other contents
- company (str) : the company you would like to query Wikipedia for
- tuple
- dict : a dictionary of all other contents on wikipedia
- dict : a dictionary of wikipedia infobox
- str : page title
- str : page url
- beautifulsoup.table : wikipedia infobox HTML