- Introduction
- Documentation
webcrawlAll has the job of navigating the Internet for our architecture. It is given the starting point of the Google results page generated by the query from the Query Formulator, but from there the Web Crawler needs to decide which websites to avoid, how far into Google it should traverse, and which links on the pages it finds it should follow.
Takes in the query to search for on a portal. NOTE: Saves to file, does not return anything.
Currently supported portals:
- google: searches the google page for entered company
- sec10k: searches the 10k filing for that company
- sec10kall: finds the 10Ks of all the companies
- secsic10k: uses the SIC codes to gather all the companies' 10K in all SICs
- generalSEC: performs any general query on SEC using
- sitespecific: Performs Crawling specifically on any particular website
- tri: Returns the TRI page for given facility ID
- everything-all: finds the 8Ks, 10Ks and EX-21s of all the companies on the SEC website, via CIK
- search_query (dict) : the format for search query for different engines is as follows:
- name (str): the mandatory portion of the search query
- aliases (str[]): optional words of the search query
- filetype (str): filetype to be searched for
- sec10k:
- cik (str): String typed CIK code of the company
- dateStart (str): Starting date of filings, '/' seperated date, MM/DD/YYYY
- dateEnd (str): Ending date of filings, '/' seperated date, MM/DD/YYYY
- sec10kall:
- None
- secsic10k:
- None
- generalSEC:
- searchText (str) : Company name to be searched (Default: '*')
- formType (str): Type of the document to be retrieved (Default: '1')
- sic (str): SIC code for the companies to be searched (Default: '*')
- cik (str): CIK code for the company to be searched (Default: '*')
- startDate (str): Start date of the produced results (YYYYMMDD) (Default: '*')
- endDate (str): End date of the produced results (YYYYMMDD) (Default: '*')
- sortOrder (str): Ascending (Value = 'Date') or Descending (Value = 'ReverseDate') retrieval of results, (Default: 'Date')
- tri:
- tri_id (str): TRI ID of the facility
- google-subs:
- name: name of the company whose subsidiaries have to be discovered
- everything-all:
- None
- search_query (str)
- Default Settings:
- -p0: only parse URLS, don't download anything
- -%I : make an index of links
- set depth of 5
- language preference: en
- -n: get non-HTML files near an HTML
- Parameters
- search_query['name'] (url of the website we need to download)
- -O output directory
- -r set the depth limit
- -m, non-HTML,HTML file size limit in bytes
- %e, number of external links from the targetted website
- '%P0' don't attempt to parse link in Javascript or in unknown tags
- -n get non-HTML files near an HTML-files (images on web-pages)
- t test all URLs
- -%L , loads all the links to be tracked by the function
- K0 Keep relative links
- K keep original links
- -%l "en, fr, *" language preferences for the documents
- -Z debug log
- -v verbose screen mode
- I make an index
- %I make a searchable index
- -pN priority mode (0): just scan (1): just get HTML (2): just get non-HTML (3): save all files (7): get HTML files first, then treat other files
- Default Settings:
- engine (str) : specify which type of crawler to use, refer module summary for options
- None
Filters out the links of social media websites from the returned google search results using filterList
defined implicitly.
- url (str) : URL to be tested against
- int : returns 0 (is a social media link), 1 (is not a social media link)
Searches Google websites for the top page results
- query (dict)
- name (str): the mandatory portion of the search query
- aliases (str[]): optional words of the search query
- filetype (str): filetype to be searched for
- driver (selenium.webdriver.Chrome) : An instance of browser driving engine
- number_of_pages (int) : number of pages of Google web results
- list of strings : list of links returned from the Google search engine
Sets a selenium webdriver object for running web-crawlers on various systems. Note: Requires chromedrivers for various platforms in a chromedrivers directory
- headless (bool) : if True, sets a headless browser. if False (Default), sets a browser with head
- selenium.webdriver.Chrome : driver with standard option settings
Produces the URL, which can be entered into the search (Designed for SEC.gov)
- queryDic (dict)
- searchText (str): Company name to be searched (Default: '*')
- formType (str): Type of the document to be retrieved (Default: '1')
- sic (str): SIC code for the companies to be searched (Default: '*')
- cik (str): CIK code for the company to be searched (Default: '*')
- startDate (str): Start date of the produced results (YYYYMMDD) (Default: '*')
- endDate (str): End date of the produced results (YYYYMMDD) (Default: *')
- sortOrder (str): Ascending (Value = 'Date') or Descending (Value = 'ReverseDate') retrieval of results, (Default: 'Date')
- str : URL to be searched on the SEC website