In this tutorial we will try to fit non-reactive Neuroevolution Potentials (NEPs) of an isolated ethane molecule, by the mean of the active learning methodology. By finishing this tutorial, you may get familiar with the active learning module in SOMD. Before starting this tutorial, you are suggested to read this article.
Download pseudopotential files of carbon and hydrogen from
Then copy the two psf
files to the data
directory (or you could use the
provided pseudopotential files).
Before starting the active learning process, an initial training set should be established. This training set will be invoked to train a set of initial NEPs during the first iteration of the active learning process. Thus, the configuration space covered by this initial training set should not be too narrow. To this end, we will perform an initial simulation under a little higher temperature (700 K). And the total number of simulation steps will be 500. For complex systems, you may invoke more complicated protocols to construct the initial training set. But for our test system, current setup should be satisfactory.
Since the nep
package reads the extended XYZ (EXYZ) files as its training
sets and testing sets, you should dump the simulation trajectory in this
format. You should also tell SOMD to record atomic forces in the trajectory
file, since the training of course requires the forces. Besides, we also
defined the energy_shift
key here. This key means that when saving potential
energies to the trajectory, SOMD will subtract this value from the energies.
Such a measure is applied because nep
trains potentials under single
precision, and potential energies with absolute values larger than 100.0 eV
will damage the training accuracy. Thus, we set the value of this key to the
approximate potential energy of our initial conformation (in unit of kJ/mol).
Under the above settings, your input file should look like:
structure = "../data/topo.pdb"
atom_list = "all"
initial_temperature = 700.0
type = "SIESTA"
siesta_options = """
xc.functional GGA
xc.authors revPBE
PAO.BasisSize DZP
Mesh.Cutoff 300 Ry
PAO.EnergyShift 10 meV
PAO.SoftDefault T
SolutionMethod diagon
ElectronicTemperature 1 meV
# If you do not have ELPA installed, comment out this line:
Diag.Algorithm ELPA-1stage
siesta_command = "mpirun -np 4 /path/to/siesta"
pseudopotential_dir = "../data"
type = "DFTD3"
functional = "revpbe"
type = "OBABO"
timestep = 0.001
temperatures = 700.0
relaxation_times = 0.1
format = "EXYZ"
write_forces = true
energy_shift = -40704.6
interval = 1
n_steps = 500
Remember to change the value of the siesta_command
key to the working
SIESTA command.
Now you could enter the init
directory and run the initial simulation:
cd init
somd -i init.toml
After finishing this task, you will find the trajectory file
) under the directory. However, most frames in the
output trajectory are still similar, use all these frames as the initial
training set will be a wasting of computational resources. Thus, we could
randomly select 40 frames from the trajectory and use them as the initial
training set. This could be done by invoking the
rm -f
python ../data/ \
-i \
--ranges "0:500" \
--nframes 40 >>
After invoking this script, you will find the
under the init
directory. These will be used as the initial training set of
the active learning process.
After obtaining the initial training set (init/
), we
could start the active learning process. Input file of this task could be
simply modified from the previous input file (init/init.toml
) by adding one
table to the file:
n_iterations = 4
n_potentials = 4
msd_lower_limit = 25.0
msd_upper_limit = 250.0
max_md_steps_per_iter = 50000
min_new_structures_per_iter = 5
max_new_structures_per_iter = 20
initial_training_set = "../init/"
nep_options = """
batch 1000
generation 100000
lambda_v 0.0
nep_command = '/path/to/nep'
energy_shift = -40704.6
use_tabulating = true
The above settings mean:
- We will perform four iterations of training in total.
- In each training iteration:
- Four different NEPs will be trained.
- The number of the MD sampling is 50000.
- At least 5 and at most 20 new structures will be accepted.
- The force MSD's lower limit of acceptable new structures is 50 kJ/mol/nm (about 50 meV/Å), and the force MSD's upper limit of acceptable new structures is 250 kJ/mol/nm (about 250 meV/Å).
- The number of NEP training steps is 100000, and the batch size is 1000.
- Weights of the virial are zero, since we are describing an isolated ethane molecule.
Note, since we have set the energy_shift
key when generating the initial
training set, we should set this key in the [active_learning]
table to the
same value we used there. Also note that you should change the value of the
key to the working nep
binary. You could also use a job
manager like SLURM to submit the training job, in case your CPU and GPU nodes
are separated. For example (the --wait
parameter is REQUIRED):
nep_command = "/path/to/sbatch --wait /absolute/path/to/"
#SBATCH -J training
#SBATCH -o training.log
#SBATCH -e training.err
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 /path/to/nep
However, even the rotation barrier of an ethane molecule is low, 50000 steps
may not be able to generate enough structures in the transition region. Thus,
during the active learning, we could invoke PLUMED to enhance the sampling of
the dihedral angle space of the ethane molecule. To this end, we could append
one PLUMED calculator to the [[potential]]
type = "PLUMED"
file_name = "../data/plumed.inp"
# vim:ft=plumed
METAD ARG=t1 ...
And SOMD will automatically exclude the bias potentials brought by PLUMED.
Now you could enter the train
directory and run the training:
cd train
somd -i training.toml
After finishing this task, you will find the two new items under you working
directory: the training.active_learning.h5
file and the
directory. This hdf5
file records the training
information, including the training progress, structure numbers, force MSD,
etc. Details about this file could be found
here. You could
navigate this file, for example, to view changes of the number of candidate and
accurate structures during the training:
>>> import h5py as h5
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> plt.xlabel("number of training iteration")
>>> plt.ylabel("percentage (%)")
>>> plt.yscale("log")
>>> g = h5.File('./training.active_learning.h5')['/iteration_data']
>>> indices = [int(i) for i in g if (g[i].attrs['initialized'] and i != '0')]
>>> n_c = [g[i]['n_candidate_structures'][0] for
i in g if (g[i].attrs['initialized'] and i != '0')]
>>> n_a = [g[i]['n_accurate_structures'][0] for
i in g if (g[i].attrs['initialized'] and i != '0')]
>>> plt.plot(indices, np.array(n_c) / 500)
>>> plt.plot(indices, np.array(n_a) / 500)
>>> plt.legend(['candidate structures', 'accurate structures'])
And the result would look like:
We could find out that the number of candidate structures is less than 0.02 % of the number of the MD steps, we may take the training process as converged (in my case, the number of the accepted new structures in the 4th training iteration is 7).
The training.active_learning.dir
directory, on the other hand, contains the
actual training file. For example, you could find the trained NEPs in the
We could perform a simple static test of the trained NEPs by rigidly scanning
the dihedral angle potential energy surface of the ethane molecule. Enter the
directory and invoke the following command:
Then open a python
REPL and plot the result with the following commands:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> data_nep = np.loadtxt('./energy_nep.txt')
>>> data_siesta = np.loadtxt('./energy_siesta.txt')
>>> plt.xlabel(r"Dihedral Angle (degree)")
>>> plt.ylabel(r"$\delta E$ (kJ/mol)")
>>> plt.plot(data_siesta[:, 0] * 2,
data_siesta[:, 1] - data_siesta[:, 1].min(), label='SIESTA')
>>> plt.plot(data_nep[:, 0] * 2,
data_nep[:, 1] - data_nep[:, 1].min(), label='NEP0')
>>> plt.plot(data_nep[:, 0] * 2,
data_nep[:, 2] - data_nep[:, 2].min(), label='NEP1')
>>> plt.plot(data_nep[:, 0] * 2,
data_nep[:, 3] - data_nep[:, 3].min(), label='NEP2')
>>> plt.plot(data_nep[:, 0] * 2,
data_nep[:, 4] - data_nep[:, 4].min(), label='NEP3')
>>> plt.legend(['SIESTA', 'NEP0', 'NEP1', 'NEP2', 'NEP3'])
The result should look like this: