Latest [3.0.0]
This version drops support for python 3.9 and below, and ONE is now in remote mode by default. Also adds a new ALFPath class to replace alf path functions and now returns UUID objects instead of str.
- supports python >= 3.10 only
- OneAlyx uses remote mode by default, instead of auto
- now updates the cache tables in remote mode as paginated sessions are accessed
- datasets table file_size column nullable by default
- now returns the saved filepath
- paths returned by One methods and functions in are now ALFPath instances
- bugfix: one.alf.path.full_path_parts didn't always raise when invalid path passed
- one.alf.path module containing ALFPath class
- ALF cache table generation has lower memory footprint
- setup in silent mode now uses defaults if base url matches default one
- bugfix: error downloading from http server with keep_uuids=True
- one.alf.spec.readableALF and one.alf.spec._dromedary preserve plural acronyms, e.g. 'ROIs'
- UUID objects returned by to_eid, search, and search_insertions instead of str
- LazyId objects now handled correctly by One converter methods
- LazyId object only returned when greater than 1 page of results
- OneAlyx.search_insertions now updates local cache with query results
- bugfix: OneAlyx.list_datasets behaves the same as One.list_datasets w.r.t. revisions and default datasets
- default REST cache expiry reduced from 24 hours to 5 minutes
- One._update_cache_from_records -> one.alf.cache.merge_tables
- One.save_cache now updates any tables on disk unless clobber is True
- one.util.patch_cache -> one.alf.cache.patch_tables
- One object will save modified tables to disk upon delete
- bugfix: ONE_HTTP_DL_THREADS environment variable now works as intended
- one.alf.cache.remove_table_files and One._remove_table_files for deleting cache table files
- one.alf.cache.EMPTY_DATASETS_FRAME and EMPTY_SESSION_FRAME vars for table column, index, and dtype template
- pyproject.toml replaces deprecated setup file
- one.alf.exceptions.InvalidALF exception
- one.params.delete_params
- One._search_insertions for offline query of insertions when cache table present
- one.alf.cache.load_tables function to load cache table files with correct index, etc.
- one.alf.files; use one.alf.path instead
- one.util.ensure_list; use iblutil.util.ensure_list instead
- one.remote.globus.create_globus_client; use one.remote.globus.Globus class instead
- 'auto' and 'refresh' cache modes have been removed
- One.refresh_cache
parameter removed from Usedatasets
- HOTFIX: non-default specified revisions are not ignored anymore (passed down revision argument)
- Registration tests against Alyx > 3.2 expect empty strings as Null collections
- HOTFIX: consistent behaviour in OneAlyx.list_datasets when keep_eid_index == True
This version deprecates one.alf.files in preparation for replacing with one.alf.path in version 3.
- one.alf.files has been deprecated and moved to one.alf.path
- prompt user to strip quotation marks if used during ONE setup
- indicate when downloading from S3
- added 'keep_eid_index' kwarg to One.list_datasets which will return the data frame with the eid index level reinstated
- HOTFIX: include Subject/lab part in destination path when downloading from S3
This version fixes issues with Alyx authentication in silent mode, and improves behaviour of loading revisions.
- sub-collections no longer captured when filtering with filename that starts with wildcard in wildcard mode
- bugfix of spurious error raised when loading dataset with a revision provided
- default_revisions_only parameter in One.list_datasets filters non-default datasets
- permit data frame input to One.load_datasets and load precise relative paths provided (instead of default revisions)
- redundant session_path column has been dropped from the datasets cache table
- bugfix in one.params.setup: suggest previous cache dir if available instead of always the default
- bugfix in one.params.setup: remove all extraneous parameters (i.e. TOKEN) when running setup in silent mode
- warn user to reauthenticate when password is None in silent mode
- always force authentication when password passed, even when token cached
- bugfix: negative indexing of paginated response objects now functions correctly
- deprecate one.util.ensure_list; moved to iblutil.util.ensure_list
- OneAlyx uses remote mode by default, instead of auto
- one.alf.exceptions.ALFWarning category allows users to filter warnings relating to mixed revisions
- one.alf.cache.remove_cache_table_files and One._remove_cache_table_files for deleting cache table files
- HOTFIX: When downloading cache only authenticate Alyx when necessary
- HOTFIX: Ensure http data server URL does not end in slash
- HOTFIX: Handle public aggregate dataset relative paths
- HOTFIX: No longer warns in silent mode when no param conflicts present
- explicit kwargs in load_* methods to avoid user confusion (e.g. no 'namespace' kwarg for
This version adds a couple of new ALF functions.
- allows one to find similar datasets on disk, such as revisions
- one.alf.files.without_revision returns a file path without the revision folder
- one.alf.files.add_uuid_string will now replace a UUID in a filename if one already present.
- HOTFIX: fix error when sizing npz objects in
This version of ONE adds support for loading .npz files.
- loads npz files and returns only array if single compressed array with default name of 'arr_0'.
- log warning when instantiating RegistrationClient with AlyxClient REST cache active
- bugfix in load_collection when one or more files missing
This version of ONE adds support for Alyx 2.0.0 and pandas 3.0.0 with dataset QC filters. This version no longer supports 'data' search filter.
- support for Alyx v2.0.0
- support for pandas v3.0.0
- one.alf.spec.QC enumeration
- ONE_HTTP_DL_THREADS environment variable allows user to specify maximum number of threads to use
- RegistrationClient.check_protected_files method to determine which datasets are protected on Alyx before registration
- github workflow for releasing to PyPi
- support 'qc' category field in dataset cache table
- supports ´dataset_qc_lte` filter
- One.list_datasets supports ´dataset_qc_lte
ignore_qc_not_set` filters - pattern arg to make more performant
- no longer supports 'data' filter: kwarg must be 'dataset'
- One.load_dataset
- add an option to skip computing hash for existing files when loading datasets
- check file size before computing hash for performance
- add an option to skip computing hash for existing files when loading datasets
- HOTFIX: no eid in frame index when calling list_datasets with eid and details = True
- HOTFIX: initialize empty One cache tables with correct columns
- HOTFIX: support non-zero-padded sequence paths in ConvertersMixin.path2ref, e.g. subject/2020-01-01/1
- HOTFIX: handle data urls that have URL parts before 'aggregates/' in OneAlyx.list_aggregates method
- HOTFIX: exclude irrelevant s3 objects with source name in key, e.g. for foo/bar exclude foo/bar_baz/ key
- One.uuid_filenames property supports local files containing the dataset UUID
- One._save_cache lock file timeout changed from 30 to 5 seconds
- function converts generic an Amazon virtual host URL to an S3 URI
- Globus._remove_token_fields method removes Globus token fields before saving parameters
- one.alf.files.padded_sequence function ensures file paths contain zero-padded experiment sequence folder
- one.remote.globus.get_local_endpoint_id no longer prints ID to std out; uses debug log instead
- Globus.delete_data method for deleting files and folders from an endpoint
- Globus.task_wait_async is an asynchronous implementation of the TransferClient.task_wait method
- Globus headless mode for servers
- Globus login and logout methods
- deprecated one.remote.globus.create_globus_client; use one.remote.globus.Globus class instead
- one.ConversionMixin.dict2ref supports 'start_time' and 'number' fields
- AlyxClient._generic_request now uses is_logged_in property
- HOTFIX: one.ConversionMixin.is_exp_ref supports refs with 2 digit sequence
- HOTFIX: cast default local Globus UUID to str before saving parameters
- support endpoint create without fields
- support for multiple timescales in to_alf
- better handling of Globus local endpoint path in Windows
- Globus class now consistently returns UUID objects instead of strings
- Globus.transfer_data method to asynchronously transfer data between Globus endpoints
- Globus.download_data method to synchronously download data
- Globus.to_address method creates a full Globus path from a relative path and endpoint ID/name
- Globus.fetch_endpoints_from_alyx method to populate endpoints from Alyx data repositories
- Globus.setup static method useful for modifying a client's parameters
- ALF loader for sparse npz files
- support for periods (.) in ALF path spec (subject, collection and revision parts)
- OneAlyx.list_aggregates method to list datasets computed across more than one session
- OneAlyx.load_aggregate method to load dataset computed across more than one session
- one.alf.files.remove_uuid_string, complimenting add_uuid_string
- removed support for integer UUIDs in cache tables
- support for pandas versions 1.5 - 2.0; dropped support for Python 3.7
- date field of session details a object in remote mode (now consistent with local mode)
- clearer error message when cache directory not available
- support hyphens in collection part of ALF specification
- bugfix: safer construction of target directory from dataset URL in OneAlyx._download_dataset
- bugfix: mkdir called on destination instead of default location in AlyxClient.download_cache_tables
- support datasets table without session_path field
- clearer error message cache directory not available
- official support of relative path inputs for One.load_dataset(s)
- bugfix: one.webclient.http_download_file returns Path as documented, instead of str
- deprecated and remove_uuid_recursive in favour of one.alf.files.remove_uuid_string
- HOTFIX: mkdir called on destination instead of default location in AlyxClient.download_cache_tables
- HOTFIX: fix error in load_cache when switching from tagged cache
- frozen pandas below 2.0
- HOTFIX: AWS S3 resource returned unsigned if 'public' in bucket name and no credentials on Alyx
- HOTFIX: allow OneAlyx.search_insertions to work in 'auto' mode
- HOTFIX: allow base_url kwarg in ONE.setup
- search_insertions ONE method
- lab name inferred from session path in RegistrationClient only if labs kwarg is not present
- bugfix: dataset arg in remote mode search was not supported; now a clear TypeError is raised
- setup method added to ONE function, allowing setup without instantiation
- version attribute added to ONE function
- an OneAlyx.eid2pid method
- one.alf.spec.readableALF converts an ALF object name to a whitespace separated string
- private tables_dir attribute allows one to separate cache tables location from data location
- when proving a tag to OneAlyx.load_cache, the default location will be <cache_dir>/
- bugfix: dataset kwarg in remote mode now matches dataset name instead of dataset type name
- warns user if downloading cache tables from a different database to the current cache tables
- possible to set the cache_dir attribute in AlyxClient
- function to print REST schemas in AlyxClient
- batched REST queries in OneAlyx._download_aws to avoid 414 HTTP status code
- bugfix: solved infinite loop when slicing paginated response
- improved performance of remote search
- lazy fetch of session details in
- one.params.setup allows cache_dir as input
- HOTFIX: allow kwargs in RegistrationClient.register_files to explicitly pass in lab name(s)
- removed RegistrationClient.create_session, use register_session method instead
- ensure AlyxClient.is_logged_in returns boolean
- bugfix: RegistrationClient.register_files uses get_dataset_type for validating input file list
- one.registration.get_dataset_type function for validating a dataset type
- RegistrationClient.find_files is now itself a generator method (previously returned a generator)
- exists kwarg in RegistrationClient.register_files
- support for loading 'table' attribute as data frame with extra ALF parts
- bugfix: tag assertion should expect list of tags in cache info
- registration client checks for protected datasets and moves them to new revision when registering files
- removed ref2dj method
- local SSL config error causes ONE to fall back to local mode (as with other connection errors)
- one.util.ses2records now returns empty pandas DataFrame instead of None
- fix download bug from OpenAlyx in remote mode
- HOTFIX: set cache index before updating older tables
- HOTFIX: bool test robust to NaNs in _download_aws; no datasets modification by _update_cache_from_records
- HOTFIX: force aws download on md5sum mismatch
- squeeze pandas data frame on csv_read
- load_cache now public method; option to load specific remote cache with tag arg
- fix incorrect error message in one.alf.exceptions.ALFMultipleObjectsFound
- suppress irrelevant pandas future warning
- ignore meta attribute when getting array length for interpolating timestamps in
- no longer check for sizes if hash present
- added yaml support to
- added note of caution in download_dataset docstring
- function to remove cache files and folders that are not in datasets cache table
- bugfix: load interpolate timestamps with timescale
- bugfix: username now passed to parameter setup routine
- in silent mode if token invalid the user is logged out to remove old token from param file
- root_dir now optional input for session_record2path
- do not check for recent cache upon instantiation in remote mode
- constructs HTTPS Web address from bucket name and region
- determines if an S3 Object is a folder
- boto3 now a requirement
- cache 'project' field renamed to 'projects'
- iter_datasets now public function in, moved from one.alf.cache
- expose register_session kwargs in RegistrationClient.create_session method
- requires AlyxClient instance instead of OneAlyx, in line with one.remote.globus
- HOTFIX: copy old REST cache only if new location does not exist
- HOTFIX: default S3 repo set for get_s3_from_alyx
- remote package for handling file operations with different protocols
- a Globus class for interfacing with the Globus SDK
- an abstract download manager class
- module to provide low-level access to s3 download functions, both private and public
- added clarification for generating cache with an Alyx database in documentation
- debug log of exceptions upon HTTP and connection errors during loading of cache
- added htsv file support in
- REST cache now stored in download cache directory
- JSON tests may now be run concurrently
- fix'd dimension check for DataFrame attributes in ALF objects
- dimension warning logged when dimensions don't match after appending to ALFBunch
- created_time now updated correctly in cache meta
- One._update_cache_from_records method for adding remote Alyx records to the cache
- One.save_cache method to save modified cache
- path2record now returns a session path when called with session path
- record2url now returns a session URL when called with a sessions record
- fix'd download bar
- attempt to re-authenticate upon 403 invalid token response
- set cache modified timestamp whenever cache tables are modified
- cache may be downloaded from a variable location set by the 'location' field returned by cache/info endpoint
- urllib exception now caught in OneAlyx._load_cache
- details dict in remote mode search now contains 'date' field
- fix tests relying on OpenAlyx
- warning instead of error raised when tag_mismatched_dataset REST query returns 403
- list_datasets and ses2records now better handle sessions with no datasets in remote mode
- tests for OneAlyx._download_aws
- HOTFIX: OneAlyx._download_aws now works with new cache index
- method for recording and save the UUIDs of loaded datasets
- fix order of records returned by One.load_datasets when datasets missing
- HOTFIX: OneAlyx._download_datasets deals gracefully with empty datasets frame
- removed try-assert-catch logic from One._download_datasets to improve error stack
- added
method to - added
variable - added check for remote cache minimum API version
- user prompted to verify settings correct in setup
- datasets cache table expected to have index of (eid, id). NB: This changes the order of datasets returned by some functions
- multithreading moved from One._download_datasets to one.webclient.http_download_file_list
- cache_dir kwarg renamed to target_dir in one.webclient.http_download_file
- 'table' attribute now split into columns and merged
- when no username or password provided to constructor, AlyxClient init doesn't call authenticate
- 'stay_logged_in' kwarg removed from AlyxClient constructor; must manually call
or remember to calllogout
- user prompted whether to make url default in setup even if default already set
- HOTFIX: failed to return most recent revision; raised MultipleObjectsFound error instead
- expires kwarg in
- fix for AWS download location
- ugly hack to download from aws instead of default http server
- more readable error message; raw JSON printed to debug logger
- rest command logging includes the whole json field on error
- added silent option to instantiate One on local files
- no_cache function for temporarily deactivating the cache in a one-liner
- fix for setup where wrong client key used
- Alyx URL validation during setup and make default now yes by default
- HOTFIX: correct kwarg name in setup documentation; get_default_client includes schema in URL
- minor improvements to documentation and test coverage
- raise ValueError in register_session when lab doesn't match parsed session path
- fix bug where filters don't work in remote list_datasets
- change order of kwargs in list_datasets: filename now the first kwarg
- can now filter by list of filename strings functioning as a logical OR
- dataset kwarg renamed to filename in list_revisions
- fix ALF regular expression pattern: attribute, timescale and extension now parsed correctly
- can now filter datasets by timescale
- clearer error message auth errors raised
- alyx client is_logged_in method now a dependent property
- One and OneAlyx setup methods
- old params files now cleaned up
- removed ALYX_PWD prompt from setup
- improved test coverage
- docs formatting
- One list_* methods return list instead of np arrays
- get_details returns dict with 'date' key in remote mode
- eid2ref works in offline mode
- record2url now expects a pandas.Series object, iterates over DataFrame and returns list
- path2record now returns a pandas.Series instead of DataFrame
- _update_filesystem renamed to _check_filesystem
- _index_type now accepts DataFrame as table input
- better support for string indices in path2url and _download_dataset
- fix for _check_filesystem with datasets dict input
- tests for eid2ref
- load_collection method for loading a Bunch of ALF objects
- propagate down filter datasets filters
- OneAlyx list_* methods return list instead of np arrays
- cache module gracefully deals with empty repos
- cache module refactored to reuse ALF functions
- cache str ids now exclude 'Subjects' part
- session_path_parts now accepts pathlib objects
- one.params.check_cache_conflict now public function
- One.cache_dir now public property
- cache args preserved between calls to paginated response object
- runtime warning when remote list count changes
- function to return valid session paths within a directory
- HOTFIX: correct exception raise when files missing in load_datasets
- registration module with functions for posting sessions and file records to Alyx
- bumped minimum pandas version in requirements
- REST cache supports URL with port
- describe revision now supported
- ALF spec now requires 'Subjects' folder in order to parse lab, i.e. .../lab/Subjects/subjects/...
- password prompt now specifies user
- clearer REST HTTP response error messages
- extension may be omitted when loading dataset in wildcard mode if dataset doesn't have extra parts
- removed deprecated
- removed walrus from test
- raise warning when fails to set dataset exists to False
- HOTFIX: error no longer raised when logging dimension mismatch in
- HOTFIX: ref2dj no longer raises error
- HOTFIX: handles case when file_size is None in _download_dataset
- consistent regex file pattern between functions
- unix shell style wildcards used by default
- limited support for attribute namespace for backward compatibility
- can filter with lists of parts, e.g.
extension=['npy', '?sv']
- alf package refactored for module consistency; removed alf.folders
- function to convert datasets list endpoint to DataFrame
- added logout method; 'authenticate' now prompts for Alyx password if none provided and no token
- ALYX_PWD field removed from setup
- fully adopted Numpy docstrings
- revisions now filtered using <= instead of <
- datasets_from_type now type2datasets; returns similar output to list_ methods
- webclient functions sdsc_globus_path_from_dataset, sdsc_path_from_dataset and globus_path_from_dataset moved to ibllib
- HOTFIX: default query_mode now None, fixes missing instance mode
- HOTFIX: correct ses2rec parsing of data URLs (allow_fragments=False)
- HOTFIX: returns correct index when revision returns empty for dataset
- webclient encodes characters in URL query parameters
- docstrings added to ONE factory and classes
- HOTFIX: list_datasets passes eid in superclass call
- list_collections and list_revisions methods
- added example scripts on experiment ids and ALF spec
- search_terms now has query type flag
- removed walruses (support for python 3.7)
- fixed bugs in various converter methods
- fix for silent setup when base url provided
- deals with default_revision all false
- works with remote alyx queries
- configurable test databases
- configurable REST cache mode and default expiry
- test image upload without matplotlib
- clearer docstring
- make_parquet_db date column now dtype
- proper support for loading revisions in local mode
- separate function for filtering by collection
- tests for cache table filter functions
- refactored load methods to use the same filter functions
- a load_datasets method for loading multiple datasets at once
- REST headers no longer used in download_file, fixes behaviour for 401 errors
- fix to download_dataset error with alyx record; tests added
- api utils moved to new module
- fix setting default ALYX_URL in setup
- fix for updating missing records in cache
- search cache tables without hitting db by default
- onepqt module to build cache from local filesystem
- silent mode now suppresses print statements
- rest GET requests are now cached for 24 hours
- alf.spec module for constructing, documenting, and validating ALyx Files
- removed load method
- support for multiple configured databases in params
- Alyx web token now cached between sessions
- delayed loading of rest schemes
- ONE factory cache for fast repeat instantiation
- loaders now deal with MATLAB NPYs and expanding timeseries