Mice are filmed in training rigs and recording rigs. In training rigs there is only one side camera recording at full resolution (1280x1024) and 30 Hz. In the recording rigs, there are three cameras, one called 'left' at full resolution 1280x1024 and 60 Hz filming the mouse from one side, one called 'right' at half resolution (640x512) and 150 Hz filming the mouse symmetrically from the other side, and one called 'body' filming the trunk of the mouse from above.
Find more details in the video white paper.
DLC is used for markerless tracking of animal parts in these videos, returning for each frame x,y coordinates in px for each point and a likelihood (how certain was the network to have found that point in a specific frame). For each side video we track the following points: 'pupil_top_r'
, 'pupil_right_r'
, 'pupil_bottom_r'
, 'pupil_left_r'
, 'nose_tip'
, 'tongue_end_r'
, 'tongue_end_l'
, 'paw_r'
, 'paw_l'
The following is an example frame from camera 'left'. Camera 'right' is flipped for labelling such that the frame looks the same as for the 'left' camera and the same DLC network can be applied. Hence 'paw_r' for each camera is the paw that is closer to the camera, respectively. I.e. seen on the right side in the example frame. Analogously for other right (_r) left (_l) suffixes. The green rectangle indicates the whisker pad region, for which motion energy is computed. We further compute motion energy for the complete mouse body seen from the body camera.
In addition, we track the 'tail_start'
in the body videos:
from iblvideo.pose_dlc import dlc
output = dlc("Path/to/file.mp4")
from iblvideo import run_session
from iblvideo import run_queue
# Inside the main repository
chmod 775 update_env.sh
# If you installed your environment and repo in a different place than the example,
# # you need to open and adapt this script
DLC results are stored on the Flatrion server, with the dataset_type
being camera.dlc
and can be searched as any other IBL datatype via ONE. See https://int-brain-lab.github.io/iblenv/ for details. There is a script to produce labeled videos as seen in the images above for the inspection of particular trials (requires the legnthy download of full videos): https://github.com/int-brain-lab/iblapps/blob/develop/dlc/DLC_labeled_video.py and one to produce trial-averaged behavioral activity plots using DLC traces (fast, as this is downloading DLC traces and wheel data only): https://github.com/int-brain-lab/iblapps/blob/master/dlc/overview_plot_dlc.py
Tensor flow dictates the versions of Python / cuDNN and CUDA while deeplabcut
keeps up to date with tensorflow (as of May 2023)
Version | Python version | Compiler | Build tools | cuDNN | CUDA |
tensorflow-2.12.0 | 3.8-3.11 | GCC 9.3.1 | Bazel 5.3.0 | 8.6 | 11.8 |
tensorflow-2.11.0 | 3.7-3.10 | GCC 9.3.1 | Bazel 5.3.0 | 8.1 | 11.2 |
Install local server as per this instruction.
Install CUDA 11.8 libraries as documented here. No need to set up the library paths yet, as we will do it below.
Install cuDNN 8.6, an extension of the Cuda Toolkit for deep neural networks: Download cuDNN from FlatIron as shown below, or find it online.
# get the install archive
wget --user iblmember --password check_your_one_settings http://ibl.flatironinstitute.org/resources/$CUDNN_ARCHIVE.tar.xz
# unpack the archive and copy libraries to the CUDA library path
tar -xvf $CUDNN_ARCHIVE.tar.xz
sudo cp $CUDNN_ARCHIVE/include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/include
sudo cp $CUDNN_ARCHIVE/lib/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/lib64
sudo chmod a+r /usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/lib64/libcudnn*
Install python3.10 (NB: torch
, deeplabcut
and python3.11
didn't play well for us, we tested 3.10)
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install software-properties-common -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
sudo apt-get install python3.10-tk -y
sudo apt install python3.10 python3.10-dev -y
sudo apt install python3.10-distutils -y
Create an environment called e.g. dlcenv
mkdir -p ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs
cd ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs
python3.10 -m venv dlcenv
Activate the environment and install packages
source ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs/dlcenv/bin/activate
pip install setuptools==65
pip install ibllib
pip install torch==1.12
pip install deeplabcut[tf]
Export environment variables for testing
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/lib64:/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/extras/CUPTI/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Try to import deeplabcut and tensorflow (don't forget that dlcenv has to be active)
python -c 'import deeplabcut, tensorflow'
Once the import goes through without errors (it is ok to get the warning that you cannot use the GUI), you can set up an alias in your .bashrc file to easily enter the dlcenv environment:
nano ~/.bashrc
Enter this line under the other aliases:
alias dlcenv="CUDA_VERSION=11.8; export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-%CUDA_VERSION/bin:$PATH; export TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH='true'; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/lib64:/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_VERSION/extras/CUPTI/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; source ~/Documents/PYTHON/envs/dlcenv/bin/activate"
After opening a new terminal you should be able to type dlcenv
and end up in an environment in which you can import tensorflow and deeplabcut like above.
Make sure to be in the Documents/PYTHON folder and that the dlcenv environment is activated
cd ~/Documents/PYTHON
Then clone and install iblvideo
git clone https://github.com/int-brain-lab/iblvideo.git
cd iblvideo
pip install -e .
Test if you install was successful
python -c 'import iblvideo'
Eventually run the tests:
pytest ./iblvideo/tests/test_pose_dlc.py
pytest ./iblvideo/tests/test_motion_energy.py
Note that some variables are routinely computed from DLC output in the IBL ephys pipeline, such as pupil diameter and lick times. See ibllib/pipes/ephys_preprocessing.py EphysPostDLC and brainbox.behavior.dlc for more details.
We use semantic versioning, with a prefix: vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
. If you update the version, see below for what to adapt.
Update the version in
Afterwards, tag the new version on Github.
As of iblvideo v3.0.0
we are no longer linking the versioning of the networks models with the code version.
When the models are updated the test data should also be updated.
Then upload both to the private and public S3 bucket in resources/dlc with filename networks_vX.Y.zip
and dlc_test_data_vX.Y.zip
Always keep the old models for reproducibility.
Then update the default DLC version number to the new version vX.Y
in iblvideo.__init__.py
(parameter __dlc_version__
You should always also bump the code version in iblvideo/__init__.py
when you update the models.
This way, the code version that is stored in the alyx task can always be linked to a specific model version.
This documentation corresponds to all versions <3.0.0.
The version of DLC weights and DLC test data are synchronized with the MAJOR.MINOR version of this code. (Note that the patch version is not included in the directory names)
If you update any of the DLC weights, you also need to update the MINOR version of the code and the DLC test data, and vice versa.
- For the weights, create a new directory called
and copy the new weights, plus any unchanged weights into it. - Make a new
directory. - Copy the three videos from the
folder of the previous version dlc_test_data to the new one. - Create the three parquet files to go in by running iblvideo.dlc() with the new weights folder as
, and each of the videos in the newinput
folder asfile_mp4
. - Rename the newly created folder
inside the dlc_test_data folder intooutput
. - Zip and upload the new weights and test data folders to FlatIron :
- Delete your local weights and test data and run tests/test_pose_dlc.py to make sure everything worked.