All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.18 (2022-10-17)
- cell: icon error (73c3db5)
0.1.17 (2022-10-17)
0.1.16 (2022-10-17)
0.1.15 (2022-10-17)
- cell: add desc slot (984fcdf)
0.1.14 (2022-10-17)
- cell: add desc slot (984fcdf)
0.1.13 (2022-10-17)
- picker: prop error (7b47933)
0.1.12 (2022-10-15)
- weapp: popup body error (10aca21)
0.1.11 (2022-10-15)
0.1.10 (2022-10-15)
- build: h5 error (598993b)
- taro: version 356 (c6c4fbb)
- address: add change emit (bfe9386)
- button: update type default (bfb8b34)
- .github config (363ff1c)
- (Cell) desc-text-align (4413d4c)
- 按钮更新 (8a0db8c)
- 菜单组件提交 (a65cb0f)
- 初始化range组件 (490223d)
- 代码回滚 (c88ea2e)
- 单选框和复选框支持外部自定义图标 (#1182) (537d2fb)
- 单元测试 (6e9e1c1)
- 顶部导航路由 (47e5c8d)
- 动作面板细节80% (fbafd49)
- 动作面板组件40% (574677a)
- 动作面板组件70% (caa93d8)
- 根据config.json自动生成taroConfig.ts (#1181) (90f7cb4)
- 更改icon (2ec832c)
- 更新文档样式 (dd214bb)
- 更新Nutui-Cat跳转链接 (#465) (6fc97ae)
- 刮刮卡、签名组件,暂未适配 taro 转小程序 (#630) (1f668ba)
- 官网通知 banner 预留 (3e8ade0)
- 官网taro楼层,footer修改 & 折叠面板文案修改 (#499) (0f1216a)
- 滚动加载组件,taro版,下拉刷新bug修改 (#1004) (c94e7c5)
- 换肤 (df7b114)
- 基础弹出 (bf1d4a8)
- 接入codesandbox、input单元测试增加icon依赖 (#1007) (12b78a0)
- 结合vscode支持快速查看文档、自动补全以及props提示 (9acf014)
- 京东B商城主题样式 (#1298) (dafdb2a)
- 首页平台特色、更多内容 (#400) (a62f663)
- 搜索框 (215489b)
- 添加属性 (1bf6baf)
- 添加picker组件 (9073885)
- 添加range组件、calendar组件在线文档 (#964) (fb6b508)
- 完善文档功能 (bc8b79b)
- 完善Notify组件 (6617c21)
- 完善range组件文档 (598a6f2)
- 下拉框 (97794db)
- 新增 Audio 组件 (#1003) (3acf5e2)
- 新增 Comment 评论组件 (#1) (12f5040), closes #1096 #1200 #1201 #1203 #1204 #1195
- 新增 Comment 组件 (af7fc35)
- 新增 Ellipsis、Image 组件 (#1394) (aa16bfc)
- 新增 GitHub 文件同步功能 (fd61444)
- 新增 GitHub 文件同步功能 (f4ad3fd)
- 新增 numberkeyboard 组件 (#610) (14efdfe)
- 新增 watermark 组件 (#1436) (f4fc2d9)
- 新增弹幕组件 (#554) (3545358)
- 新增官网�FAQ (#725) (49c0836), closes #659
- 新增首页 (e464aa9)
- 新增checkicon (85de449)
- 新增collapse组件自定义内容(不折叠)功能;fix: notify 单元测试优化 (#1235) (75d22c3)
- 新增icon (81a72bd)
- 新增icon (c822d88)
- 新增icon (3830617)
- 新增numberkeyboard组件 (60f63d3)
- 新增NutUI-Cat工程 (#463) (2b39227)
- 修复折叠面板手风琴模式;fix: 修复notify标签式展示报错问题及class类名问题;fix: 解决签名组件(Signature)生产环境下 getContext 报错问题;fix: 适配textarea小程序自适应高度功能 (#1464) (bec0985)
- 修改头像、价格的doc (#516) (94c2141)
- 修改注释 (7614977)
- 修改menu图标 (a00f71f)
- 修改navbar icon大小 (fc9f336)
- 修改view标签为view-block (e19b60b)
- 渲染文档 (282d9c6)
- 样式大小修改 (d577067)
- 优化 (5271622)
- 优化 (c563e96)
- 优化add命令,支持国际化 (61ae565)
- 优化icon (6f1a374)
- 优化icon (463fd09)
- 优化loader (daa4d8b)
- 优化lodder (f3d5162)
- 优化mdloader (3c4fdba)
- 优化tab (8a5ffc1)
- 优化tab的TS (e7dd26d)
- 优化tab禁止切换 (fc41672)
- 优化tab组件 (4e0578f)
- 优化tab组件 (3b33b07)
- 增加 pagination 分页组件(#692) (daa9588)
- 增加按钮滑动效果和hover展出二维码 (5426507)
- 增加调取服务接口 (71437d2)
- 增加button图标功能 (5bdbccb)
- 增加down-arrow icon (33a39c9)
- 增加range范围限制,demo增加toast提示 (028e96a)
- 增加range组件步长、禁用demo (d270657)
- 增加Switch组件value值的类型 (#864) (96db2e5)
- 增加Video组件 (#464) (ca87a0b)
- 折叠面板适配小程序 (3c82e0a)
- 组件分类调整 (#1158) (a88ef8b)
- 组件文档更新 (#522) (6cdd864)
- actions 增加 国际化文件 的复制 (#1230) (58ca4fa), closes #2 #1096 #1200 #1201 #1203 #1204 #1195 #1189
- actionsheet (6bf8ef9)
- add divider (#644) (a247c5c)
- add divider test (#1064) (23b45db)
- add elevator component (9d6490e)
- add elevator component (0fc877c)
- add hover effect (5a29000)
- add hover effect (bb2abe6)
- add infiniteloading (a64d79e)
- add lang bahasa Indonesia (#1309) (61a960b)
- add menu (#731) (57834e6)
- add Menu dark module (#1538) (44bc0bb)
- add menu test (#1080) (c2262ee)
- add picker (14f619d)
- add translations chinese traditional (d6275bf)
- address (7773f39)
- address 新增底部插槽 (#1509) (6cf46e9), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- address 新增默认选中功能 (#1035) (f52993e)
- address 组件初始化 (1d99af9)
- address 组件完成 (79c0bdc)
- address 组件文案撰写 (1d0a18a)
- address 组件优化 (4cede4c)
- address/countdown/infiniteloading/noticebar 增加代码调试 (bfc66af)
- address/countdown/infiniteloading/noticebar 增加代码调试 (#946) (cd75c5c)
- animate: ug (#1398) (df6d68d)
- audio: 新增can-play事件 (#1515) (4fed901)
- avatar能力补齐、input doc文档更新 (#1195) (ee1cca6)
- backtop (fc27e3a)
- backtop taro (0251a58)
- backtop taro (e5ee7af)
- backtop标题栏 (fd6f44f)
- beta15 (6311fd0)
- browserBlack state (f04fec1)
- build internationalization config (f50f8fb)
- button功能完善 (1de30dd)
- button: 细化两个变量 (#1389) (1504071)
- button增加loading (#405) (57eb3bd)
- button组件 (3942602)
- button组件 (36e562d)
- button: add third-party icon support (#1018) (ae26d18)
- button: use taro button (#918) (9bb328d)
- calendar: 日历范围中的开始结束日期在同一月份,日历空白问题 (#1405) (7c9f4e4)
- calendar组件支持弹出和平铺 (75c02f9)
- card商品组件 (1829745)
- Cascader 功能补齐 (#1238) (d4c8904), closes #2 #1096 #1200 #1201 #1203 #1204 #1195 #1189
- cascader 级联选择器 (#856) (da8aa93)
- cascader、cell、uploader: dark color (38006de)
- category: onchange add (sku) (#1440) (cc8fb71), closes #1321
- cell (9a7ff78)
- cell (95e74fe)
- cell、cellgourp: test config (977e027)
- cell: add attr size & title slot (b847b9e)
- cell: add card mode (aa0e0ab)
- cell: add icon slot #605 (e3e9902)
- cell: add props center (36e9175)
- cell: add round-radius prop #547 (c954d42)
- cellgroup (3768463)
- CellGroup: 支持title使用插槽设置 (#816) (aadf053)
- cellgroup: add desc props & slots (f996b95)
- changelog-beta14 (d5d468a)
- checkbox;radio (9039d55)
- checkbox: 增加选择限制,反选,半选功能 (5ad63b6)
- circleProgress taro (b67ce76)
- circleProgress taro (#569) (f84fa95)
- collapse 标题多行展示,无内容不下拉,图标位置配置,textarea 自动撑开,collapse 组件能力 (#1121) (a8b0ff4)
- collapse 单元测试 (#1056) (1a10808)
- collapse,countup 等组件支持暗黑模式 (#1508) (561ab99)
- comment 国际化 (9cdbfca)
- comment 国际化 (84d0c96)
- config.js冲突问题解决 (e9c0bb5)
- configprovider: add theme & dark style (d1feca9)
- CountDown 新增重置、毫秒级展示、自定义格式等功能 (#1227) (c7d33a3), closes #2 #1096 #1200 #1201 #1203 #1204 #1195 #1189
- countUp 组件开发 (562f1bd)
- countup、barrage、signature 单元测试 (#1084) (200634e)
- create 函数添加 ts 类型 (#704) (44a90b4)
- datepicker 初始化开发 (e03a6d9)
- datepicker 国际化 (#1305) (06f805d)
- datepicker适配taro (#524) (8d45bc3)
- demo add theme jdt (ba77cfa)
- design sketch file (c380ac5)
- devServer host 0.0 (235ec9a)
- dialog 组件增加自定义 class / style 功能 #1289 (#1312) (409b951)
- dialog taro (01de2ea)
- dialog: 函数式使用支持挂载指定节点teleport功能 (79a89f4)
- dialog组件提交 (a9ef2a5)
- dialog: add popClass、popStyle、beforeClose (e2829a3)
- dialog: add props customClass (80a0ac2)
- dialog: add props footer-direction (6accb0c)
- Dialog: content support CunstomComponent and VNode (1fb788b)
- dialog: test config (852480c)
- doc header bg (74046fc)
- drag修改demo (77230c2)
- drag修改demo (#387) (82c7fdc)
- ecard、datepicker taro bug (#1184) (89f36a4)
- elevator: 暴露 ScrollTo API (cfd19a1)
- elevator: 点击之后增加高亮显示(#974) (c3b3351)
- elevator: add default slot for item(#1379) (6e2bd46)
- elevator: add index ceiling capacity (05a3f06)
- ellipsis添加单元测试 (21af5e9)
- email check and commit config (e922303)
- fixednav (8c971af)
- fixednav: 增加拖拽效果 (680de4c)
- form: add blur、change validate & fix #902 (95df5bf)
- form: add form-item slot label #1361 (e65ca2e)
- form: add textarea demo (0375c48)
- gitee link (675de9e)
- gitpod 在线开发文档说明 (da7311d)
- grid: add grid component (#895) (b81c957)
- header (7afe2ed)
- icon (c369b34)
- icon添加动态 (60b7957)
- icon: demo 页面增加点击图标复制 name 功能 (#1563) (4170880)
- icon: fontClassName prop (5e7511e)
- icon: test config (2660455)
- image新增单元测试 (7ced703)
- image与ellipsis添加单元测试 (#1411) (f620f41)
- imagePreview (0e5be11)
- imagepreview 部分功能补齐 (#1412) (83a7574)
- imagepreview 添加 (5392be5)
- imagePreview 图片预览 (#695) (32814bc)
- imagepreview: 新增函数式调用、视频 (#858) (02454e8)
- imagepreview新增缩放 (#1425) (e1fa8c4), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- imagepreview: 增加自动轮播功能;增加放大缩小功能 (#908) (f8d66f2)
- infiniteloading 开发完成 (b53e028)
- infiniteLoading 添加下拉刷新功能 (18cfcb0)
- infiniteloading 与 NoticeBar 进行国际化修改 (#1246) (9347bc5), closes #2 #1096 #1200 #1201 #1203 #1204 #1195 #1189
- init (bb80ad8)
- init md (dbd1eb1)
- input、searchBar组件添加confirm-type属性 (#1258) (344b830)
- input: 输入数字时拉起数字键盘 (#999) (deb97c3)
- input: 新增adjust-position原生属性 (#1255) (2a3891b)
- input: 在taro、doc增加无边框 (#995) (43e9eb5)
- input组件新增input slot插槽 (#1418) (7d02ae3)
- inputnumber component (0e8728b)
- inputnumber: 增加自定义左右操作符图标功能 #1562 (#1567) (520fee7)
- inputnumber支持异步修改 (fd16e64)
- inputnumber: events overlimit add click type (b8e9ca6)
- jdb themes (d36f44d)
- layout, row: add support for space-evenly (#1020) (0ba68da)
- layout/pagination 增加在线调试功能 (35d4c0b)
- layout组件开发 (a4c868d)
- list: 新增虚拟列表组件 (90907a1)
- list: 虚拟列表增加列表高度可配置(#1199) (39bfe73)
- menu (e091902)
- menu: 增加向上弹出和自定义选项图标 (#1346) (93fcad2)
- menu组件 (4387084)
- menu组件增加popup (6a4e2d6)
- navbar (1d39472)
- notify更新 (f030217)
- notify: 增加组件模板调用方式 (#1220) (760ba3d)
- npmrc (29236c7)
- numberkeyboard : add custom btn desc (#1176) (2ef352b)
- nut-cat 入口 (#606) (7626867)
- overlay component (ac92442)
- overlay组件 (b543bc5)
- pagination 增加单元测试 (#1063) (8a0b597)
- picker 与 DatePicker 重构 (#1131) (5cedbb4)
- picker-taro (cc4c4a7)
- picker: “确定”和“取消”按钮文字自定义 #439 (591e76d)
- Picker/DatePicker/Address/Sku/Countdown 等组件进行暗黑模式修改 (#1511) (9d44269), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- picker&range (#503) (c2336cc)
- picker: 惯性滚动与性能优化 (#1453) (c2029dc), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- Picker与DatePIcker新增插槽 (#1213) (ce2fca0)
- popover功能补全 (#1306) (c36d087)
- popup 在Taro中遮罩层滑动问题解决 (#1338) (6239f74), closes #1282
- popup,elevator等组件暗黑模式支持 (11bbbc0)
- popup增加popClass属性 (e51abd6)
- popup组件 (a139d5f)
- popup: add show title prop (5f50866)
- popup: add title prop (12e9568)
- popup: props的closeable支持动态传值(#923) (c010a9f)
- popup: support muti stacks (42c70a6)
- price (0dd98ba)
- price、avatar taro适配和优化 (#502) (fb3070a)
- price: 前后加符号,可不保留小数点 (#739) #748 (5706069)
- price: add scribing prop (c2d436f)
- pricedemo文档 (209ecbd)
- progress 百分比不同尺寸样式增加 (9955111)
- pullrefresh (bb422d6)
- pullrefresh 更新 (3079365)
- pullrefresh 完成 (36ffc55)
- pullrefresh 纵向 (caa6466)
- radio 开发,配合使用radio-group (ac7c1b5)
- radio、radiogroup: add props direction、shape (74afe5c)
- range开发 (d26fcaf)
- range组件,功能完善 (#1129) (9139160)
- rate: 支持自定义 icon (92ff474)
- rate组件开发 (ff7711e)
- rate: add attr touchable (046c4e2)
- resource api debug (f8600d9)
- script gh-pages (677eea7)
- searchbar 组件能力补充(增加label,点击事件等);feat: collapse、layout、countup、barrage、signature、Skeleton组件国际化;feat: textarea 增加autofocus、disabled等属性,增加点击区域事件;fix: 解决layout flexwrap失效问题 (#1299) (07e1564)
- server api (5243cee)
- sgm-static.js (39baaec)
- shortpassword init (56dd3d8)
- shortpassword,drag: add test (#1000) (3668212)
- shortpassword新增doc (baf9564)
- sidenarbar: 新增侧边栏导航组件 (0cc86c7)
- signature taro 签名组件适配 (#643) (3736f19)
- signature: 组件增加签名开始、结束、进行中回调函数 (#1520) (dd447df)
- site build @vitejs/plugin-legacy (7c29925)
- site cases images (99f1599)
- site footer nutui-cat (17b48ce)
- site keywords (4b789a4)
- site react version (b4568ed)
- sites localTheme done (40ae466)
- sku 商品规格组件 #64 (#827) (34a2d20)
- step: add props iconColor (a466fd1)
- steps (955a9ad)
- steps (e26278d)
- steps: provide click-step event, slot for title and content (2929a05)
- sticky: 新增粘性布局组件 (98a04a9)
- support highlight for JetBrains web-types (341c204)
- swipe: add props prevent-default、stop-propagation (899aedb)
- swiper avatar resource (6e167de)
- swiper taro (9c1e964)
- swiper: support show center (234b153)
- swipe: taro funciton test (bacf3c6)
- swipe: vue3 (62a15ea)
- switch单元测试 (81f7ef7)
- switch基本完成 (c6cf771)
- switch组件启动开发 (9a2f178)
- sync-docs 内容修改 (9d19323)
- tab页签组件初稿 (5779bf3)
- tabbar (2807838)
- tabbar (255b00f)
- tabbar: 新增底部安全区适配属性 #876 (#953) (ff25860)
- tabbar: add test (#1013) (bf1114b)
- table、timeselect: dark color (#1491) (76259b1)
- table: add table componeng (eb4d49e)
- table: add table component (1a28895)
- table: tableData customrender by Columns.render (#1234) (f61cc2d)
- tabs、tabpane (0cb6528)
- tabs: add autoHeight #1066 (8cd757d)
- tabs: add vertical line & add props color #760 (1ab27f3)
- tabs: props add size (80a9a85)
- tag/badge/popover组件提交 (#685) (ea76693)
- taggroup: add new comp (5fc9d21)
- taro 组件分类调整 (#1159) (e5c191b)
- taro actionsheet (146dab7)
- taro actionsheet (a8dc17f)
- taro dev h5 cmd (f273f4f)
- taro notify (4b4b17e)
- taro popup (1b3b112)
- taro rate (1950dc9)
- taro shortpassword (b0f56a2)
- taro shortpassword (032fd03)
- taro shortpassword (4cfe9d0)
- taro shortpassword优化 (d80fb0a)
- taro swiper (8f6c1c4)
- taro toast (0f01e32)
- taro uploader (1f9dfd1)
- taro-picker 组件添加 平铺展示 (#1518) (4097d62), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- taro-vue build (de357de)
- temp 测试组件 (5b9497b)
- test (2d27d7b)
- test 入门文档 (b76f7ce)
- textarea: 单元测试开发及组件优化 (#1107) (4859ead)
- theme: add css var (18fbafc)
- themes (0f7df9a)
- timeselect: 标题支持html (8d0513f)
- timeselect: add timeselect component (6a0c4c0)
- timeselect: add timeselect component (f45f375)
- toast开发 (73742f1)
- toast: 增加标题属性,调整自定义位置 (c56e55c)
- toast组件开发 (2b8621f)
- toast组件开发 (a1fb64c)
- toast组件开发,layout、rate组件demo开发 (6b46315)
- toast: hide methods add id param (adbc026)
- types file & beta.5 (70361ac)
- uploader (b88a9b5)
- uploader docs (5196860)
- uploader: 添加ready状态对应的UI展示 (#837) (6bf1e73)
- uploader: add before-upload in uploader(taro) (#862) (66f362e)
- uploader: add prop list-type、progress (73fc8b2)
- uploader: add props before-xhr-upload (97973de)
- uploader: auto-upload false #688 (de0f701)
- uploader: custom slot & update:fileList (31a33a2)
- uploader: delete 事件增加文件下标字段 (2248011)
- uploader: taro env before-xhr-upload #1535 (ea94fa1)
- v3 折叠面板组件 (4febed9)
- v3 progress taro (c767207)
- v3 progress taro适配 (#555) (78a3f76)
- v3.1.17 (d03e9d2)
- variables add $required-color #1267 (3d47b44)
- video: 视频播放器组件添加 (6dceb29)
- vue3 code (4521427)
- vue3 code (4e768f1)
- web resource add article year (3427496)
- website point (08f3357)
- zyl-update (c26a19d)
- 迁移calander (5afce52)
- shortpassword、circleProgress、Progress优化 (#579) (4a65436)
- 123 (8eefe2f)
- 补充Button组件文档 (b4d26c3)
- 不展示noticeBar (8b85794)
- 测试 (6bb9bd6)
- 抽离 input ConfirmTextType (#1337) (1c31daf)
- 单元测试review修改 (6f09723)
- 弹幕组件定时器清除的生命周期 (#585) (7dacd8a)
- 导航栏设置可隐藏,增加多选框模版 (771fe6d)
- 顶部导航用户修改 (6b28487)
- 更改staricon (752e8cc)
- 更换右侧的图片 (6b7c921)
- 官网顶部搜索栏回车跳转报错修复 #591 (#592) (7ba1f9a)
- 官网搜索栏回车跳转修复 (81c3e40)
- 官网完善 (2163f2c)
- 官网FAQ优化 (eb0aea0)
- 官网FAQ优化 (#793) (5d2bada)
- 合并 (9b61190)
- 合并基础css (bc0d404)
- 获取 dom (ca5ee6c)
- 兼容支付宝小程序。修改滚动判断逻辑。修复h5 demo问题。修复滚动动画props失效问题 (#1547) (428a792)
- 解决 ScrollView 打包后不生效问题 (#1523) (0631703), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- 解决环形进度条控制台警告 (08c4dec)
- 类型声明文件命名错误修复(#1442) (6f6dc89)
- 配置为整数时小数位显示问题修复 #659 (17b82f4)
- 去掉冗余 (4673fba)
- 日历组件单元测试,组件字段问题修复 (#1130) (8962dad)
- 日历组件调整 (#1090) (7eab93c)
- 删除demo文件 (6cebfe6)
- 删除ecard单元测试内容 (#1187) (f12fe0d)
- 首页优化 (ec6af57)
- 搜索框 (1052e78)
- 提交不检查test (67cee1b)
- 添加backtop,badge,calendar暗黑主题,日历组件提取样式变量 (#1493) (47fe719)
- 添加range组件,jdt主题色变量 (#1148) (bb9041c)
- 文档更新,多选、单选、折叠面板优化 (21976e0)
- 文档路由跳转后scrollTop的问题 (#386) (454af5a)
- 文档修改大小写 (#407) (dc19d01)
- 文档优化 (fb1c789)
- 新增drag,shortpassword单元测试 (350146b)
- 新增icon (35c7a22)
- 新增tabbar单元测试 (c3421d8)
- 修复 datepicker top 插槽未生效问题 (#1501) (68874f7)
- 修复 Menu 组件的 TS 问题 (#798) (612cdcc)
- 修复两处单元测试错误 (#1332) (72f384c)
- 修复日期选择器modelValue不能双向数据绑定的BUG (#1093) (1073ec4)
- 修复问题 (54c41d4)
- 修复小程序demo预览在其他多端平台的样式问题 (1679021)
- 修复BackTop demo页面按钮被遮挡样式问题 (#1293) (e6b93a6)
- 修复demo示例 同步修改问题 (52279a4)
- 修复navbar和tabbar组件文档格式问题&tabbar demo ts 声明问题 (#1297) (587e8fb)
- 修复taro h5环境下不展示圆环问题 (01974f8)
- 修复tsx下类型错误 (#1097) (c5fcd1e)
- 修改 (a659c96)
- 修改 copymd 脚本 (58d5f41)
- 修改冲突 (66ef786)
- 修改服务器地址 (f5480b1)
- 修改滚动加载 (3a4cec2)
- 修改左侧最小宽度 (d7e6266)
- 修改commit错误 (67f7891)
- 修改input单元测试 (#1128) (d74f541)
- 修改issues textarea自动取焦、rows不生效、video文档修改 (#965) (7967854)
- 修改video视频 (2903f28)
- 样式调整 (20da652)
- 优化 (2b2152d)
- 优化 (31db8b0)
- 优化 (fd5f8e1)
- 优化 (24bbab1)
- 优化 (5091223)
- 优化单元测试shortpassword (5848d07)
- 优化复制代码格式化 (#941) (97cb6dd)
- 优化文档 (e9be8ce)
- 优化actionsheet 单元测试 (6ab7189)
- 优化add命令 (c8fcb8b)
- 优化add指令 (4a3e4e0)
- 优化input 组件 (7105c56)
- 在线文档接入 (9836d60)
- 增加单元测试 (3c6b52f)
- 增加文章链接 (56bb1a4)
- 增加在线文档 (ca5053e)
- 折叠面板,menu组件父子通信方法修改;子组件未引入问题修复 (348300d)
- 折叠面板适配小程序 (#507) (6e8f0b9)
- actionsheet add props (53f9a9a)
- actionsheet: add new props (#1194) (663ad17)
- actionsheet: add new props #1395 (#1456) (b6559d4)
- add (5e017af)
- add (98df8a1)
- add support methods (9233375)
- add命令 (3f59ac7)
- add指令模版修改 (13fac07)
- address (f765ac8)
- address: 点击空白处触发事件问题修改 (#657) (9d644e7)
- address: 内嵌 elevator 滑动问题修复 (f05394f)
- address: 使用css3替换GASP动画函数 (#472) (0698fe4)
- address: 组件红线位置错乱问题 (#732) (1f61307)
- address: add data error check (068c27c)
- address: add data error check (4ea5e30)
- address: add lock-scroll props (80a6122)
- address: change type bug (374a78a)
- address: change type bug (da1df89)
- address: change type bug (e585915)
- addresslist: 优化地址列表数据变更重新渲染 (#1270) (df02627)
- address: modify transform data (c00fc7f)
- article api error (ae99f0b)
- audiooperate: 修复打包结果d.ts中props的类型错误 (#1534) (5a43438)
- avatar,input,category,addressList: avatar input optimization and add component category addressList(#1211) (6296c6b)
- avatar: 设置圆角无效修复 (#571) (3942a3e)
- avatar圆角修复 (e5fb8c0)
- backtop 单元测试 (37804c8)
- backtop: 新增页面滚动test (d30da05)
- barrage: 视觉优化 (#661) (370bda9)
- build:site cmd (2324ada)
- button icon style bug (c343c47)
- button新增mini尺寸 (9989aa4)
- button: taro h5 width abnormal (b3fd330)
- calendar 组件问题修复 (#1037) (29cca29)
- calendar popup v-model attr (40ec099)
- calendar: 个别月份不展示问题, 滑动卡顿问题 、滑动月份不变更问题 (#618) (d166de8)
- calendar日历组件完善功能 (62a6d63)
- calendar: 修复样式问题 (#623) (0def576)
- calendar: 组件个别月份不展示问题 (#597) (8112fc6)
- calendar: taro components install (abf7b9b)
- calender: 小程序场景无法滑动 bug (#534) (4eb8b9e)
- canlendar ts error (bc68015)
- card 前端报nut-pric错误 (#1536) (25b1b63), closes #1321
- card footer插槽内容 与shopName内容水平对齐 (#1251) (11601e5)
- card,ecard,empty,numberkeyboard: add datk mode style (#1519) (4b00921)
- card新增props (47cce19)
- card: add new props #1198 (#1237) (b318798)
- card: add price slot (#1452) (7fb28bc)
- cascader: bug [#1233] (#1239) (2128924)
- cascader: test error bug (#1240) (be27d13), closes #1233
- cell、grid: cdn router warn bug #1070 (e1c35b8)
- cell: diaplay error (eb801c1)
- cell: sub-title icon 并存时样式错乱 #1092 (e5de0b1)
- cell: taro 场景报错修复 (9d24cdb)
- checkbox、switch: async change value , emit change fn (3c0a904)
- checkbox&radio: checkbox radio add variables style (aa26512)
- checkbox&radio: checkbox radio add variables style (a496ef0)
- checkbox间距调整 (#512) (10a51cb)
- checkbox间距调整,官网首页赋能案例样式修改 (#511) (2ac6159)
- checkbox: 修复checkboxgroup的disabled的属性不是响应式的问题 (#1113) (3f5341a)
- checkbox: async change value , emit change fn (690f8cb)
- checkboxgroup: 修复子组件点击不触发父级组件的问题 (c71fe9f)
- child component taro export bug #707 (d148930)
- child component taro export bug #707 (5cfcf69)
- circleprogress (86b55d3)
- circleprogress 修改 (b1b3631)
- circleprogress doc修复 (190b024)
- circleprogress doc修复 (ae1af30)
- circleprogress warring #945 (#949) (4f16c14)
- circleprogress,actionsheet,shortpassword,tabbar: add dark mode style (#1517) (734d955)
- circleprogress,toast文档优化 (ca860f7)
- circleProgress: docs revise (#1340) (e0c9884)
- circleprogress: gradient color position error (#1370) (6152e36)
- circleprogress: solve taroH5 does not display (#1301) (2ee383c)
- circleprogress: taro gradient color position error (#1371) (af17a6a)
- codesandbox (#1029) (7438064)
- collapse 优化 (#1507) (e1c3274)
- collapse : taro H5 环境适配 (#546) (e65cd8f)
- collapse、checkbox、readio: 样式修改功能优化 (#413) (3135349)
- collapse、radio: 优化样式、文档 (#416) (69ba8cf)
- collapse: 数据动态加载时更新问题修复 (#937) (f5d97e1)
- collaspe 数据更新问题处理 (#1401) (6b63084)
- com props (0dde459)
- component unit test (929d4b5)
- config NoticeBar 重复 (ad69980)
- countdown restTime didn't pass 2s to 1s (#906) (3d61459)
- countdown、noticebar: taro小程序适配 (#611) (29fdc23)
- countdown: 修复倒计时组件重复更新end-time时的组件更新问题 (#1119) (#1120) (ea8156e)
- countup、barrage: 优化重构 (#775) (aa6fd1b)
- countup: 路径引用修复 (d188511)
- create comp ts error (e82e5ed)
- create component code (fa03568)
- create components (b8deae9)
- d.ts error (2ca0885)
- datepicker (f01cfd6)
- datepicker (#432) #428 (fdb720f)
- datepicker 2月展示bug (#430) (2e3f1d5)
- datepicker 组件内容完善 (#961) (5b414b1)
- datePicker 组件平铺展示不展示问题修改 (#1229) (77be7ca), closes #2 #1096 #1200 #1201 #1203 #1204 #1195 #1189
- DatePicker: 修复Taro使用场景报错 (#1014) (b87bb2d)
- datepicker: 依赖组件修复 (1a56dd9)
- del dev env log (ab52a95)
- demo css conflict (d0691df)
- demo getCurrentInstance build error (d7deea0)
- demo Index (dd47354)
- demo refresh bug (1f94029)
- demo textarea 自适应 (#1201) (18a6afe)
- demo vue function error (fbfa365)
- demo修改 (2f3d72b)
- dialog (4187cf5)
- dialog type (f9803b7)
- dialog: function teleport bug (488d973)
- dialog: method onOk unable dom (caaee8c)
- dialog: v-html (0b1162f)
- divider: 在taro下无法正常显示 (#800) (f4b6bef)
- doc nav tip error (e397fba)
- doc更新 (0bb36c8)
- drag 首次拖拽跳动问题 (419ff78)
- Drag: 优化首次点击跳动问题 (#780) (546d7d8), closes #659
- drag: taro h5 touch bug (#549) (3e0faf5)
- dts rule edit (6423da0)
- ecard: add callback,add test (ec36ec4)
- ecard: add callback,add test (#1214) (7d9b306)
- elevator: click highLight error(#1151) (6395d07)
- elevator: navbar not working in taro h5 (#1175) (2438911)
- elevator: taro click title error(#1281) (7a11bdc)
- eslint (f2f8363)
- fix radio switch warning (2e7d6b1)
- fixscss (6c919f8)
- footer增加二维码 (f42a136)
- form-item: add attr empty status warn (1da8fc1)
- form: 动态表单重置状态bug #932 (58f2099)
- form: check rule reference value disconnect #1053 (83010a4)
- form: form-item v-if submit event error (66f1492)
- formitem: class and style cannot be set on the formitem (#1174) (9fa5f29)
- formitem: input add font color #1272 (cf402aa)
- form: taro h5 env button submit bug #1350 (19ca767)
- form: taro3.4.x submit refresh #1041 (b20ade8)
- form: vnode async children bug #1317 (bf0e3c3)
- generate types methods (dc5191a)
- grid: fix grid margin when gutter (#896) (0f08529)
- icon async data bug (757b322)
- icon async url bug (897dbf6)
- icon waring (5852fb6)
- icon: icon size mvvm (c1b6163)
- icon: loading icon rotate bug (07e4acc)
- image: dts edit import (a706894)
- imagepreview 引入 swiper 报错问题修复 (#792) (d97883b)
- imagepreview: 样式冲突问题修复 (#697) (43d76a6)
- imagepreview: fix preview not show (bb65b3f)
- imagePreview: replace the type for images (#1543) (c2c570b)
- import NutUI typescript error (8ba988f)
- infiniteloading 单元测试 (#1236) (eeda02d), closes #2 #1096 #1200 #1201 #1203 #1204 #1195 #1189
- infiniteloading: keepalive remove event bug (47a2e43)
- infiniteloading: repeat function (b807c27)
- input 初始化 (019b79f)
- input 迁移 (f6658e2)
- input 组件 (25b16c2)
- input: maxNum 改为 maxLength,文档修改等 (#1188) (b253b0c)
- input show-word-limit default false (#1203) (da80403)
- input优化 (3257cb4)
- input优化 (e60d0d0)
- input组件拆分 (1fde5a2)
- input: blur event bug #438 (cb213e8)
- input: change event data update delay (7e6cfd1)
- input: clear event bug (4a1f878)
- input: click clear btn bug (4214a8d)
- inputnumber caml name (3308261)
- inputnumber、textarea: 调整 change 顺序 (a87a439)
- inputnumber: blur event calc error (27b6a28)
- input: readonly 导致内容前移 #628 (5d9e4d8)
- input: readonly时不显示placeholder (#840) (117e428)
- input: taro h5 style bug (ed49edb)
- input: taro h5 style bug (854d7df)
- input: taro的问题+增加demo的三个icon功能 (#1223) (6764d1e)
- input: taro升级maxlength问题、部分组件国际化 (#1374) (470e0a4)
- issue问题修复 (#1458) (d8fc2d3), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- layout增加点击事件,骨架屏增加组合形式demo,textarea autosize 问题优化 (#1193) (96b417d)
- legacy plugin error (c4fc5d5)
- list: 文档 demo 增加 css 样式 (#1565) (40c7a7c)
- list: taro e.detail error(#1171 #1284) (468ad0f)
- menu: 修改样式和文档 (#819) (791e15e)
- merge (bdb4334)
- merge conflict (4bd60ce)
- modify build (50c7fef)
- modify Empty docs (99b7ff7)
- navbar (d56a934)
- navbar warning (#1051) (4de5fb9)
- navbar样式 (4bd08d2)
- navbar组件icon大小修改 (a444976)
- navbar: taro init height error (e1be66a)
- noticebar: 优化组件(#642) (fd133e5)
- noticebar、swiper: md文档问题;修复noticebar右侧图标垂直居中问题;修复audio显示时长问题 (#1510) (08d5905)
- NoticeBar: speed、height 设置为某些值时,不触发滚动问题 (#894) (a610fcd)
- notify: function bug (c8f0bb1)
- notify: props msg type error (4e7c1b3)
- notify: ts error (0ccd857)
- npm exports config (344714f)
- npm run add script (1d00b2b)
- numberkeyboard add overlay props (8a913f3)
- numberkeyboard增加身份证展示 (4cc0647)
- numberkeyboard: add demo (#1294) (4d4c41f)
- numberkeyboard: props conflict issue #1486 (#1526) (ed0d2c9)
- numberkeyboard: resolve issues #1091 (#1168) (ba72be1)
- nutui-taro lib external @tarojs/taro (1b1221a)
- overlay、popup: add catch-move (b0bbac7)
- overlay: modify overlay background style (66a7867)
- pagination: ul all tag replace view (cc456e3)
- password绑定value值修改,文档修改 (266cd6c)
- paths tsconfig.json (b7558c1)
- picker 滑动问题和props问题修改 (#419) (3660b6f)
- picker 解决惯性滚动问题 (#1546) (62beb1f)
- picker 联动bug (#417) (2033719)
- Picker 与 DatePicker Issue 问题修改 (#1502) (e59a208), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- picker column 按需问题修复 (6f6629c)
- picker ts error (d47fc3b)
- picker ts error (369bfad)
- picker ts error (9840bc2)
- picker: 关闭弹框时报错 (#983) (0c7fc8b)
- picker组件首次弹起点击确定没返回值问题解决 (#1542) (9815df4), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- picker组件重影问题修复 (#1428) (0dd330c), closes #1 #1410 #1412 #1414 #1418
- picker: popup props feat lock-scroll (7cdd87d)
- popop单元测试修改 (5334db6)
- popover/badge组件review修改 (#694) (6500dc9)
- popover/navbar props (#1044) (9bfc26c)
- popover: 关闭点击优化 (#851) (4c65d16)
- popover: 位置计算逻辑优化 (#710) (142a921)
- popover: popover list item click error (#843) (51446ce)
- popup (118a68f)
- popup (a708915)
- popup attr closeOnClickOverlay error (aec2f72)
- popup close event (3a1db07)
- popup-taro版本,自定义内容无法获取100%高度问题修复 (#1308) (ae8264f)
- popup: 修复popup在Taro转H5下的渲染问题 (1823958)
- popup: 增加底部iphonex适配(#1009) (dc47b28)
- popup: h5 滑动内容穿透修复 (2f5ea03)
- popup: h5 滑动内容穿透修复 (6ab1cd2)
- popup: taro env touch content disable (8e6e3f0)
- prettierrc (46d448a)
- price demo (7d6fdb6)
- price,switch: vue warn (a98967b)
- price、avatar doc修改 (#520) (4e223de)
- price: 配置为整数时小数位显示问题修复 #659 (#665) (2834802)
- price: 增加needSymbol props单元测试 (53892ed)
- progreass: 优化百分比 (9807dce)
- progress add custom comtent (b838253)
- progress cricleprogress taro 适配 (1b264ff)
- progress optimization add new props (1d21048)
- progress修复 (b3069f6)
- progress: add custom slot (#1196) (86c4390)
- progress: add text-background props (e633eec)
- progress: add text-background props,update variables.scss (#1145) #1142 (cd40bbd)
- progress: optimization,add new props isShowPercentage #1016 (#1030) (0cddb8c)
- progress: resolve issue #1138 (#1141) (cf7e122)
- pxCheck: typeof number check (#441) (eddf282)
- radio (bf678ee)
- radio/layout: 相关 issues 修复 #1408 #1419 (#1554) (9d9365a)
- radio的demo调整 (#525) (76067e9)
- radio: unactive boder width setting (5a03fa1)
- range、uploader: taro h5 env bug #682 (5f79419)
- range: remove error parameter in tmeplate (#940) (aa5e1c4)
- range: taro env 多个Range 组件滑动值异常 #648 (4f4bce9)
- range: themes variable (ac1c46f)
- rate (32df3d4)
- rate onchange event (7615253)
- rate、address: themes variable extract (8449a9a)
- rate: 半星情况出现颜色差异 #810 (4279f1d)
- rate: half click bug (342af01)
- rate: props allow-half bug (73da64e)
- resolve ts type declare (61b1cc4)
- review price rate avatar 组件 (#397) (7cc6c77)
- review shortpassword (5c962a1)
- review tabbar (c069309)
- router (d0e3aed)
- run add comp script (612daa7)
- searchbar taro-h5环境enter触发无效 (#1088) (916d42a)
- searchbar: 扩充文档内容 (#809) (f35cf6d)
- searchbar: 小程序下search事件失效 (#885) (2edaf70)
- shortpassword 单元测试 (8883c5e)
- shortpassword 单元测试 (#486) (e79e759)
- shortpassword 键盘弹起优化 (2200500)
- shortpassword folder (0c8984e)
- shortpassword folder 1 (3740b85)
- shortpassword: 密码圆点不展示修复 (7e815f2)
- shortpassword: 密码圆点不展示修复 (#638) (8ea0c4c)
- shortpassword: 修复部分安卓机value值倒序问题 #679 (145d4f5)
- shortpassword: 修复shortpassword第二次调用不展示键盘问题 (cce7c5d)
- shortpassword: 修复value不能清空,渲染报错问题 (b1275ba)
- shortpassword修改 (86920b1)
- signature: 在“微信小程序”中点确认后保存的图片无法打开查看签名图片 #829 (#830) (778e516)
- site demo #425 (1199f19)
- site footer vue link error #450 (52ce98b)
- site header change bug (58a78f3)
- steps (6dd8852)
- steps getCurrentInstance proxy (9c3e08b)
- steps icon (c9c11c9)
- steps: 横向缺少点状步骤条样式 (#1540) (15ac01a)
- sticky: 在小程序中报错修复(#1265) (487338b)
- swipe: 列表滚动场景滑动体验优化 (dbcfcc6)
- swiper error (5bfcd8a)
- swiper: #424 vertical css (#426) (5cf5a6c)
- swiper: 当只有一张图时,高度超出css设置的值(#1109) (3d3d846)
- swiper: 解决PC端轮播图滑动失效问题 #1217 (#1531) (d7de982)
- swiper组件 (d33ce1a)
- swiper: dynamic rendering error (#1155 #1249) (a0a43d7)
- swiper: support dynamic update imgs(#1115) (95b5d11)
- swipe: taro env new version bug (c6d2f1f)
- swipe: taro env web bug (72ff65b)
- swipe: taro h5 dev bug (106e266)
- switch emits loading (#912) (d04477a)
- switch按钮大小调整 (e4e42a7)
- switch: active-text props bug (e5cdfcd)
- switch: async change value , emit change fn (7732d2d)
- tab: 点击事件报错处理 (#664) (4224846)
- tab: 兼容taro中tab组件 (#609) (66db1a1)
- tab: 修复 switch-tab 事件失效 #635 (#637) (f5ca2eb)
- tab组件兼容taro (#552) (b294f38)
- tabbar 徽标样式修改 (#448) (810bd14)
- tabbar 微信浏览器安全适配不生效 (87f5302)
- tabbar 样式修改 (#445) (ecebe95)
- tabbar: taro vue-router warn (#980) (80e61a9)
- tabbar,cell: 支持路由跳转 (4bf0c00)
- tabbar,cell: 支持路由跳转 (#667) (3b55a09)
- tabbar: 微信浏览器下安全适配不生效修改 (#997) (124ccf8)
- tabbar: 文档优化,解决控制台warn #712 (c7185bb)
- tabbar文字居中修改 (#528) (cb35f55)
- tabbar新增底部安全适配属性 (f640cb7)
- tabbar: 新增支持自定义图片链接 (f4cce60)
- tabbar: 新增支持自定义图片链接 (#620) (9529735)
- tabbar修复 (4ad9402)
- tabbar修复自定义icon不显示问题 (cb8675b)
- tabbar优化 (4ea652b)
- tabbar增加插槽 (0cdf8f4)
- tabbar增加右上角小红点样式 (aa66ea9)
- tabbar自定义icon不显示 (#612) (e2dc48c)
- tabbar: add dot props (#1147) (41d168b)
- tabbar: add new props name#1449 (#1471) (f8fe946)
- tabbar: change demo image (#1522) (b86f0ca)
- tabbar: docs add dot props (#1335) #1292 (6d906c2)
- tabbar: resolve href error #1533 (#1556) (39d839e)
- tabbar: revise safebottom scss (#1339) (30331a8)
- tabbar: solve (to href) priority issues(#1302) (5c614f5)
- tabbar: tabbar-item add slot (#1173) (8af4925)
- table: 更新文档demo(#1331) (6b8d10a)
- table: 解决渲染数据顺序不同步的问题 (c3faf5e)
- table: 修复 小程序环境下 自定义内容样式问题 (346360b)
- tabs: 父组件默认值传入时无法更新tabs当前标签状态 #832 (90197d0)
- tabs: init tabs__content index calc error (3b11d97)
- tabs: text word-break #1344 (097c8c1)
- tabs: type is vertical ellipsis bug (55360a1)
- tag: 修复 plain 与其他 prop 组合使用时未生效问题 #1472 (#1530) (152f6d8)
- tag: del class nut-tag repeat (5a3f44d)
- tag: wrong event handler (#1167) (23bc6a5)
- taro 3.4.6 sass calc error #1200 (662bf28)
- taro build error (c91fea8)
- taro checkbox radio的demo样式优化 (#523) (9e72dad)
- taro demo bug (dbef439)
- taro drag (8b479b0)
- taro failed resolve component (50d8228)
- taro index page jump navigate fn (7243c95)
- taro的h5环境下shortpassword聚焦事件修复 (#541) (200bde5)
- taro: components ref (fd79d3a)
- test cascader snap (a7dbdc7)
- textarea单元测试优化 (cce75af)
- textarea单元测试优化 (#481) (bb90afa)
- textarea: 支付宝小程序限制重影问题 #1514 (189dd6e)
- textarea: add rows defaults (#1216) (789e9cc)
- textarea: modelValue 值为
引用错误 (#805) (1c3479b) - themes script (1a1dee1)
- timeselect: 第一次渲染样式问题以及样式不全问题修复(#1257 #1253) (d710afd)
- timeselect: add lock-scroll props(#1343) (e69ebba)
- timeselect: scss file build error (d6d6483)
- toast add test add new props (92a0b78)
- toast env devp bug (37f6902)
- toast: 文档修复,demo完善 (c8d3bf2)
- toast: add test and add new props (#1057) (2a60dcc)
- toast: demo 路由切换时toast 不消失 bug (00a6139)
- toast: demo optimization #423,#422 (2ec9c65)
- toast: function undefined bug #444 (5e5acec)
- ts error (9e53810)
- ts exclude config (08b5917)
- tsc error file (01ac2d6)
- type modification (af8f222)
- typescript global error #461 (d9599e6)
- up (b41c17b)
- uploader: 修复多张图片同时上传时图片类型判断错误 (#872) (57c8780)
- uploader: 修复小程序端传图后报错问题 (#836) (e98664b)
- uploader: 直接调起摄像头bug (2d07567)
- uploader: alipay upload error #1322 (8a5898c)
- uploader: android demo style (a5880fe)
- uploader: clearInput props bug (029b1a0)
- uploader: del icon display bug (6fee623)
- uploader: event success、failure add responseText #1212 (2416f57)
- uploader: multiple 状态文件限制bug修复 (707359e)
- uploader: taro env formdata type error (3c5c8f4)
- uploader: taro env quantity limit (#822) (e60eca2)
- uploader: taro env types error (7e493bb)
- uploader: taro h5 3.4.x style cover (539acc4)
- uploader: taro h5 env upload error #1096 (056d888)
- uploader: taro场景 name 字段关联问题、上传成功返回值逻辑优化 (70cf614)
- uploader: upload file type modify (47bc53f)
- view-block warn (b5cfe72)
- view-block warn #469 (3552d31)
- vite: vite build (d16e1ff)
- vue3 cdn bug (aedfdb6)
- website demo page error (d3f5945)
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @LadyChatterleyLover @zjyau @sushi-su
- ✨ 暗黑模式所有组件适配完成 @nutui-teams
- ✨ feat(uploader): taro env before-xhr-upload #1535 @richard1015
- ✨ chore(fixednav): add props active-color #1393 @LadyChatterleyLover @richard1015
- ✨ feat(steps): 横向缺少点状步骤条样式 (#1540) @sushi-su
- ✨ feat(cell、step、menu...): add props font-class-name、class-prefix (#1372) # @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: 🔥 Vue warn Failed to resolve component scroll-view (#1523) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 fix(picker): 首次弹起点击确定无返回值bug @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 fix(numberkeyboard): props conflict issue #1486 (#1526) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(audiooperate): 修复打包结果d.ts中props的类型错误 (#1534) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix(tag): 修复 plain 与其他 prop 组合使用时未生效问题 #1472 (#1530) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix(swiper): 解决PC端轮播图滑动失效问题 #1217 (#1531) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix: card nut-pric错误 (#1536) @zjyau
- 📖docs(menu): add install OverLay, Popup #1485 @richard1015
- 🍭style(watermark、category、menu): edit sass @richard1015
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @LadyChatterleyLover @Zhengqbbb @zjyau @hydraZty
- ✨ 暗黑模式适配支持 @nutui-teams
- ✨ feat: 新增 WaterMark 水印组件 @lkjh3214
- ✨ feat: imagepreview 缩放功能 (#1425) @yangxiaolu1993
- ✨ feat(popup): support muti stacks @szg2008
- ✨ feat(swiper): support show center @szg2008
- ✨ feat(category): onchange add (sku) (#1440) @zjyau
- ✨ feat(picker): 惯性滚动与性能优化 (#1453) & 平铺功能 @yangxiaolu1993
- ✨ feat(card): add price slot (#1452) @zjyau
- ✨ feat(tabbar): add new props name#1449 (#1471) @Drjingfubo
- ✨ feat(uploader): add props before-xhr-upload @richard1015
- ✨ feat(Table): 增加标题,列表样式参数 (#1460) @zjyau
- ✨ feat(audio): 新增can-play事件 (#1515) @eiinu
- ✨ feat(menuitem): 增加自定义titleClass属性和优化input组件disabled和readonly状态下的事件处理 (#1480) @LadyChatterleyLover
- ✨ feat(address): address 新增底部插槽 (#1509) @yangxiaolu1993
- ✨ feat(signature): 组件增加签名开始、结束、进行中回调函数 (#1520) @Ymm0008
- ⚡ chore: use cz-git commitizen adapter (#1424) @Zhengqbbb
- 🐛 fix(navbar): taro init height error @ailululu
- 🐛 fix(textarea): 支付宝小程序限制重影问题 #1514 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(picker): 小程序重影问题 #1514 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(checkbox、switch): async change value , emit change fn @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(actionsheet): add new props #1395 (#1456) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(datepicker): top 插槽未生效问题 (#1501) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix(noticebar、swiper): md文档问题;修复noticebar右侧图标垂直居中问题;修复audio显示时长问题 (#1510) @eiinu
- 🐛 fix: 修复折叠面板手风琴模式; @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix: 修复notify标签式展示报错问题及class类名问题; @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix: 解决签名组件(Signat… @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix: 类型声明文件命名错误修复(#1442) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix: addresslist datalist清空后不同步问题 (#1483) @zjyau
- 📖docs: Update @snandy
- 📖docs(radio): install add icon @richard1015
- 📖docs(card): add install desc @richard1015
- 📖docs(toast): taro env eidt @richard1015
- 🍭style: fix Picker options partially overlap in older versions of Safa… @hydraZty
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @mushroomli @renbaoshuo @yoyo837 @remxcode
- 🌍 feat: 组件文档支持国际化 @nutui-teams
- ✨ feat: 新增 Animate 动画/动效 组件 @mushroomli
- ✨ feat: 新增 Image 图片展示组件 @yangxiaolu1993
- ✨ feat: 新增 Ellipsis 文本省略 @yangxiaolu1993
- ✨ feat: 新增 ConfigProvider 暗黑模式切换 @richard1015
- ✨ feat(calendar): 日历范围中的开始结束日期在同一月份,日历空白问题 (#1405) @lkjh3214
- ✨ feat(elevator): add index ceiling capacity @szg2008
- ✨ feat(checkbox): 增加选择限制,反选,半选功能 @szg2008
- ✨ feat(cell): add attr size & title slot @richard1015
- ✨ feat(dialog): add popClass、popStyle、beforeClose @richard1015
- ✨ feat(form): add form-item slot label #1361 @richard1015
- ✨ feat(button): 细化两个变量 (#1389) @yoyo837
- ✨ feat(menu): 增加向上弹出和自定义选项图标等新能力 (#1346) @yangjinjun3
- ✨ feat(timeselect): 标题支持html @szg2008
- ✨ feat(rate): add attr touchable @richard1015
- ✨ feat(elevator): add default slot for item(#1379) @szg2008
- ✨ feat: imagepreview 部分功能补齐 (#1412) @yangxiaolu1993
- ✨ feat: input组件新增input slot插槽 (#1418) @ailululu
- ⚡ chore: support highlight for JetBrains web-types @szg2008
- ⚡ chore: fix: d.ts error @szg2008
- ⚡ chore: fix locale types @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: add rollup terser option(drop_console) #1363 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: collaspe 数据更新问题处理 (#1401) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix(address): add lock-scroll props @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(uploader): alipay upload error #1322 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(form): taro h5 env button submit bug #1350 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(radio): unactive boder width setting @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(input): taro升级maxlength问题、部分组件国际化 @ailululu
- 🐛 fix(circleprogress): taro gradient color position error (#1371) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(tabs): text word-break #1344 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(timeselect): add lock-scroll props(#1343) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(uploader): taro env types error @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(tabs): add autoHeight #1066 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(toast): demo 路由切换时toast 不消失 bug @richard1015
- 📖docs(overlay): lock-scroll attribute of overlay should be true (#1380) @remxcode
- 📖docs(form): validator rule attr del @richard1015
- 📖doc: calendar 文档修改 (#1410) @lkjh3214
- 📖docs(elevator): 增加吸顶props @szg2008
- 🍭style: fix font family of highlighted code (#1354) @renbaoshuo
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @allan2coder @programmerlgs @websongning @Tnon @xcc1995 @mikasayw @@youngjuning @yangjisen
- ⚡ feat: 组件文档和demo支持国际化
- ⚡ feat: 京东B商城主题样式 (#1298) @programmerlgs @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: 官网顶部结构修改 (#1307) @ailululu
- ⚡ feat: add lang bahasa Indonesia (#1309) @websongning
- ⚡ feat: 优化ts类名声明,支持函数式 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: 优化add命令,支持国际化 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: popover功能补全 (#1306) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(dialog): content support CunstomComponent and VNode @Tnon
- ⚡ feat(input): 新增adjust-position原生属性 (#1255) @mikasayw
- ⚡ feat(dialog): 增加自定义 class / style 功能 #1289 (#1312) @allan2coder
- ⚡ feat: navbar能力补齐,官网顶部获取组件名称 (#1320) @ailululu
- ⚡ feat: searchbar 组件能力补充(增加label,点击事件等) @Ymm0008
- ⚡ feat(overlay): 增加修改遮罩样式的说明 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: variables add $required-color #1267 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(dialog): add overlay-class、overlay-style #1289 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(swiper): add async&api demo @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(cell): add props center @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: input、searchBar组件添加confirm-type属性 (#1258) @mikasayw
- ⚡ feat(tabs): add autoHeight #1066 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(backtop): 修复demo页面按钮被遮挡样式问题 (#1293) @allan2coder
- 🐛 fix: 修复navbar和tabbar组件文档格式问题&tabbar demo ts 声明问题 (#1297) @allan2coder
- 🐛 fix(numberkeyboard): 增加身份证展示和demo @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix: demo vue function error @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(circleprogress): 修复taro h5环境下不展示圆环问题 @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(progress): type modification @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): solve (to href) priority issues(#1302) @allan2coder
- 🐛 fix: cdn sass edit @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(card): footer 插槽内容 与 shopName 内容水平对齐 (#1251) @xcc1995
- 🐛 fix(popup): taro版本,自定义内容无法获取100%高度问题修复 (#1308) @lkjh3214
- 🐛 fix: Add repository.directoru (#1280) @youngjuning
- 🐛 fix(backtop): modify taro docs for backtop(#1019) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(timeselect): 第一次渲染样式问题以及样式不全问题修复(#1257 #1253) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(sticky): 在小程序中报错修复(#1265) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(form): vnode async children bug #1317 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(swiper): dynamic rendering error (#1155 #1249) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(swiper): test modify error @szg2008
- 🐛 fix: jdt theme edit @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: taro build error @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(formitem): input add font color #1272 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(tabs): type is vertical ellipsis bug @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(elevator): taro click title error(#1281) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(elevator): click highLight error(#1151) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(list): taro e.detail error(#1171 #1284) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix: import NutUI ts error @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): docs add dot props (#1335) #1292 @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(addresslist): 优化地址列表数据变更重新渲染 (#1270) @yangjisen
- 🐛 fix(popup): 在Taro中遮罩层滑动问题解决 (#1338) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): revise safebottom scss (#1339) @Drjingfubo
此版本依赖 Taro 3.4.x
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @Sun79 @SpringHgui @rocwong-cn @wlchn @Tnon
- ⚡ feat: 所有组件国际化支持 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: tsx 类型支持、vscode 插件支持 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: 新增 Comment、Ecard 特色组件 @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat: 新增 Category、AddressList 特色组件 @ailululu
- ⚡ feat: 根据config.json自动生成taroConfig.ts (#1181) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat: 单选框和复选框支持外部自定义图标 (#1182) @rocwong-cn
- ⚡ feat(numberkeyboard): add custom btn desc (#1176) @SpringHgui
- ⚡ feat(tabbar): tabbar-item add slot (#1173) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat(actionsheet): add new props (#1194) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat(progress): add custom slot (#1196) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ refactor(circleprogress): add features (#1204) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ refactor(CountDown): 新增重置、毫秒级展示、自定义格式等功能 @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat: avatar能力补齐、input doc文档更新 (#1195) @ailululu
- ⚡ feat: build internationalization config @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: Picker与DatePIcker新增插槽 (#1213) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(notify): 增加组件模板调用方式 (#1220) @Ymm0008
- ⚡ feat: 新增collapse组件自定义内容(不折叠)功能 @Ymm0008
- ⚡ feat(list): 虚拟列表增加列表高度可配置(#1199) @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(card): add new props #1198 (#1237) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat(Cascader): 功能补齐 (#1238) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(popup): 增加底部iphonex适配(#1009) @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(table): tableData customrender by Columns.render (#1234) @Tnon
- 🐛 fix(Cascader): 传入tree 数据 末级数据有重复时 父路径查询错误 #1233 @dongj0316
- 🐛 fix(datePicker): 组件平铺展示不展示问题修改 (#1229) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 fix(elevator): navbar not working in taro h5 (#1175) @Sun79
- 🐛 fix(input): taro的问题+增加demo的三个icon功能 (#1223) @ailululu
- 🐛 fix(uploader): event success、failure add responseText #1212 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(tabs): init tabs__content index calc error @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(imagepreview): 单元测试调整 (#1163) @JackieScorpio
- 🐛 fix(popup): 修复popup在Taro转H5下的渲染问题 @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(input): show-word-limit default false (#1203) @wlchn
- 🐛 fix(textarea): demo textarea 自适应 (#1201) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix(textarea): add rows defaults (#1216) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix: taro 3.4.6 sass calc error #1200 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(uploader): taro h5 env upload error #1096 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(formitem): class and style cannot be set on the formitem (#1174) @Sun79
- 🐛 fix(input): maxNum 改为 maxLength,文档修改等 (#1188) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix(uploader): taro3.4.x android demo style @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(tag): wrong event handler (#1167) @Sun79
- 🐛 fix(numberkeyboard): resolve issues #1091 (#1168) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 docs: 组件分类顺序排序修改 @yangxiaolu1993
此版本依赖 Taro 3.4.x
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @agileago @AsherSun @wuyunkuo @wangrongding
- ⚡ feat: 在线主题定制
- ⚡ feat: 所有组件增加单元测试
- ⚡ feat: picker 与 datePicker 重构 (#1131) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(list): 新增虚拟列表组件 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(noticebar): 新增功能(多行展示、关闭按钮可扩展) (#1072) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(address): 功能扩展 (#1083) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(steps): provide click-step event, slot for title and content @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: 日历组件调整 (#1090) @lkjh3214
- ⚡ feat(input): input部分新增功能 (#1076) @ailululu
- ⚡ feat(textarea): 组件优化 (#1107) @Ymm0008
- ⚡ feat(tabbar): add dot props (#1147) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat: collapse 标题多行展示,无内容不下拉,图标位置配置,textarea 自动撑开,collapse 组件能力 (#1121) @Ymm0008
- ⚡ feat: range组件,功能完善 (#1129) @lkjh3214
- 🐛 fix: popover/navbar props and warning (#1044 #1051) @liqiong-lab
- 🐛 fix(navbar): 文档修复 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(cell、grid): cdn router warn bug #1070 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(navbar): 新增顶部固定props及安全区适配 (#1058) @liqiong-lab
- 🐛 fix(overlay): provide modify style @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(searchbar): taro-h5环境enter触发无效 (#1088) @JackieScorpio
- 🐛 fix: 修复tsx下类型错误 (#1097) @agileago
- 🐛 fix(cell): sub-title icon 并存时样式错乱 #1092 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(checkbox): 修复checkboxgroup的disabled的属性不是响应式的问题 (#1113) @AsherSun
- 🐛 fix(checkbox): 修改checkbox文档中的描述错误 (#1112) @AsherSun
- 🐛 fix: 修复日期选择器modelValue不能双向数据绑定的BUG (#1093) @wuyunkuo
- 🐛 fix(button): taro h5 width abnormal @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(form): taro3.4.x submit refresh #1041 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(uploader): taro h5 3.4.x style cover @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(form): check rule reference value disconnect #1053 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: 日历组件字段问题修复 (#1130) @lkjh3214
- 🐛 fix(progress): resolve issue #1138 (#1141) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(progress): add text-background props,update variables.scss (#1145) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(countdown): 修复倒计时组件重复更新end-time时的组件更新问题 (#1119) (#1120) @wangrongding
- 🐛 fix(swiper): 当只有一张图时,高度超出css设置的值(#1109) @szg2008
此版本依赖 Taro 3.4.x
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @odex21 @p3psi-boo @gp5251 @deity-wu
- ⚡ feat(sticky): 新增粘性布局组件(#627) @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(audio): 新增音频组件 @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(calendar): 日历组件功能扩展(#550 #842 #742 #806) @lkjh3214
- ⚡ feat: 优化重构 add 命令 @szg2008
- ⚡ chore: support template type check (volar) (#985) @odex21
- ⚡ feat(input): 输入数字时拉起数字键盘 (#999) @odex21
- ⚡ feat(input): 在taro、doc增加无边框 (#995) @ailululu
- ⚡ feat(swiper): 适配小程序(#944 #551 #553) @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(elevator): 暴露 ScrollTo API @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(elevator): 点击之后增加高亮显示(#974) @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(button): add third-party icon support (#1018) @p3psi-boo
- ⚡ feat(layout, row): add support for space-evenly (#1020) @gp5251
- ⚡ feat(address): 新增默认选中功能 (#368) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 docs(indicator): 描述文案修改 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(cascader): 主题定制不生效bug(#998) @richard1015
- 🐛 docs(circleprogress): 描述文案修改(#990) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): 微信浏览器下安全适配不生效修改 (#997) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 docs(drag): 文档样式错乱修复 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(DatePicker): 修复Taro使用场景报错 (#1014) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 docs(popup): update destoryOnClose props instruction (#1010) @szg2008
- 🐛 docs: 组件的文案修改 (#1021) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 docs(button): 添加对第三方图标支持的文档 (#1026) @p3psi-boo
- 🐛 docs(tabbar): add import Icon (#1028) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(progress): optimization,add new props isShowPercentage (#1016) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix: fix radio switch checkbox radio warning @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(searchBar): 搜索栏的 search 事件 在H5中会刷新当前页面 #1025 @JackieScorpio
- 🐛 fix(imagepreview): 引用报错(#1024 #989) @JackieScorpio
- 🐛 fix: 滚动加载组件,taro版,下拉刷新bug修改 (#1004) @deity-wu
- 🐛 fix: input组件的readonly属性在taro小程序项目中不生效(#1017) @ailululu
此版本依赖 Taro 3.4.x
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @Anberm
- ⚡ feat(button): use taro button (#918) @Anberm
- ⚡ feat(uploader): delete 事件增加文件下标字段 @richard1015
- ⚡ chore(navbar): 底层tabs组件替换 (#971) @liqiong-lab
- ⚡ chore(picker): 增加3d滚动效果、支持小程序场景使用 (#981) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 fix(taro env): taro failed resolve component @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): taro vue-router warn (#980) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(icon): loading icon rotate bug @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(input): 修复close 按钮清除延迟bug @ailululu
- 🐛 fix(uploader): multiple 状态文件限制bug修复 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(menu): 页面内容过长滑动位置固定 bug @yangjinjun3
- 🐛 fix(price,switch): vue warn @richard1015
- ⚡ docs: 官网所有组件文档支持在线调试 @teams/nutui
此版本依赖 Taro 3.4.x
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @Anberm、@odex21
- ⚡ feat(sidenavbar): 新增侧边栏导航组件 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: 组件增加在线调试、查看功能 @zhenyulei
- ⚡ feat(imagepreview): 增加自动轮播功能;增加放大缩小功能 (#908) @JackieScorpio
- ⚡ feat(popup): props的closeable支持动态传值(#923) @szg2008
- ⚡ chore: comp themes attr extract (#934) @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(tabbar): 新增底部安全区适配属性 #876 (#953) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat: icon添加动态 @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 fix(table): 修复小程序环境下自定义内容样式问题 @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(table): 解决渲染数据顺序不同步的问题 @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(form): form-item v-if submit event error @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(form-item): add attr empty status warn @richard1015
- 🐛 docs(video): 播放地址修改 (#911) @yushuang-d
- 🐛 fix: switch emits loading (#912) @Anberm
- 🐛 fix(inputnumber、textarea): 调整 change 顺序 @richard1015
- 🐛 chore: fix build method component types ts error (#916) @richard1015
- 🐛 docs(tabs): 自定义示例代码添加 feedback [email protected] @richard1015
- 🐛 style: variables 样式变量标准化调整 @richard1015
- 🐛 docs(switch): 补充文档,说明 size 的含义 @szg2008
- 🐛 docs: cellgroup import desc @richard1015
- 🐛 docs(form): online editor access @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(range): remove error parameter in tmeplate (#940) @odex21
- 🐛 fix(collapse): 数据动态加载时更新问题修复 (#937) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix: circleprogress warring #945 (#949) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 docs(address): 修改已有地址数据结构(#952) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(form): 动态表单重置状态bug (#932) @richard1015
- 🐛 revert(icon): 动态图标重置 & 动态图标文档删除 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: 修改issues textarea自动取焦、rows不生效问题 (#965) @lzzwoniu
- 🐛 fix: datepicker 组件内容完善 (#961) @yangxiaolu1993
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @deity-wu、@297cwrun、@sumy7、@haiweilian
- ⚡ feat(indicator): 新增指示器组件 (#900) @senyawang
- ⚡ feat(table): 新增表格组件 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(skeleton): 新增骨架屏组件 (#882) @liqiong-lab
- ⚡ feat(cascader): 新增级联选择器组件 (#856) @dongj0316
- ⚡ feat(empty): 新增空状态组件 (#899) @jessjava
- ⚡ feat(grid): 新增宫格组件 (#895) @haiweilian
- ⚡ feat(uploader): add before-upload in uploader(taro) (#862) @haiweilian
- ⚡ feat(tabs): props add size @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: 增加Switch组件value值的类型 (#864) @deity-wu
- ⚡ chore: website mobile @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(form): add blur、change validate & fix (#902) @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(countdown): countdown restTime didn't pass 2s to 1s (#906) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 docs(numberkeyboard): props update (#868) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 docs(checkbox): checkboxGroup 的 v-model 类型说明错写成 String (#871) @297cwrun
- 🐛 docs(popup): fix quotation mark pairing (#878) @sumy7
- 🐛 fix(uploader): 修复多张图片同时上传时图片类型判断错误 (#872) @haiweilian
- 🐛 docs(dialog&popup): 引用文档修改 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(searchbar): 小程序下search事件失效 (#885) @297cwrun
- 🐛 fix(noticeBar): speed、height 设置为某些值时,不触发滚动问题 (#894) @yangxiaolu1993
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @AsherSun、@LeeHarlan、@297cwrun
- ⚡ feat: 新增 form 表单校验组件 #846 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: 新增 menu 菜单组件 #844 @yangjinjun3
- ⚡ feat: 新增 card 商品卡片 @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat(imagepreview): 新增函数式调用、视频 (#858) @JackieScorpio
- ⚡ feat(uploader): 新增 ready 状态对应的UI展示 (#837) @AsherSun
- ⚡ feat(button): 新增 mini 尺寸 (#837) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat(numberkeyboard): add overlay props @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat(switch、icon): 图标库增加loading,switch组件增加加载中状态 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(toast): 增加标题属性,调整自定义位置 @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat(fixednav): Demo 增加拖拽效果 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(cellgroup): add desc props & slots @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(dialog): add props footer-direction @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(rate): 支持自定义 icon @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(input): readonly时不显示placeholder (#840) @297cwrun
- 🐛 fix(rate): 半星情况出现颜色差异 #810 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(timeselect): 修改配送时间组件 style @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(popover): 关闭点击优化 #851 @liqiong-lab
- 🐛 fix(popover): popover list item click error (#843) @LeeHarlan
- 🐛 fix(uploader): 修复小程序端传图后报错问题 (#836) @AsherSun
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @AsherSun、@muitang、@MechaGirls
- ⚡ feat: 新增 sku 商品规格组件 #64 (#827) @yangxiaolu1993
- ⚡ feat(toast): hide methods add id param @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(radio、radiogroup): add props direction、shape @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(uploader): add prop list-type、progress @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(signature): 在“微信小程序”中点确认后保存的图片无法打开查看签名图片 #829 (#830) @muitang
- 🐛 fix(tabs):当父组件默认值传入时无法更新tabs当前标签状态 (#832) @MechaGirls
- 🐛 fix(progreass): 优化百分比抖动问题 @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(uploader): taro env quantity limit (#822) @AsherSun
- 🐛 fix(dialog): method onOk unable dom @richard1015
NutUI 非常感谢您对开源事业做出的贡献!🌷🌷🌷 本次社区贡献者 @Licoy、@297cwrun、@novrain、@puppet-666
- ⚡ feat: 新增 Searchbar 搜索栏组件 @JackieScorpio
- ⚡ feat(tabs): add vertical line & add props color #760 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(inputnumber): events overlimit add click type @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(step): add props iconColor @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(cellgroup): 支持title使用插槽设置 (#816) @297cwrun
- ⚡ feat(price): 前后加符号,可不保留小数点 (#739) #748 @lzzwoniu
- ⚡ chore(countup、barrage): 优化重构 (#775) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix(divider): 在taro下无法正常显示 (#800) @297cwrun
- 🐛 fix(tag): del class nut-tag repeat @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): 文档优化,解决控制台warn #712 @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(drag): 优化首次点击跳动问题 (#780) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(address): 内嵌 elevator 滑动问题修复 @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(imagepreview): 引入 swiper 报错问题修复 (#792) @JackieScorpio
- 🐛 fix(textarea): modelValue 值为null时的length引用错误 (#805) @Licoy
- ⚡ style(checkbox、radio): add transition animation @richard1015
- ⚡ style(dialog): add border-box & footer__button min-width modify @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: fix generate types methods bug @richard1015
- ⚡ docs: 官网优化(Sketch资源下载、FAQ常见问题模块、部分文档文案错误) @richard1015 @Drjingfubo @lzzwoniu @novrain @snandy @puppet-666
- ⚡ feat: 新增 timeselect 配送时间组件 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: 新增 tabs 选项卡组件 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(swipe): add props prevent-default、stop-propagation @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(uploader): add props auto-upload 支持手动上传 #688 @richard1015
- ⚡ upd(popover): 位置计算逻辑优化 (#710) @liqiong-lab
- 🐛 fix(overlay): modify overlay background style @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(popup): taro env touchmove content disable @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: child component taro export bug #707 @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix(address): 组件红线位置错乱问题 (#732) @yangxiaolu1993
- 🐛 fix(address & elevator): remove pinyin dependence & 支持cdn使用 @szg2008
- ⚡ upd(elevator): add name props support html #691 @szg2008
- ⚡ upd: create 函数添加 ts 类型 (#704) @qqjay2017
- ⚡ 官网优化(文章时间分类、贡献者指南、FAQ常见问题模块) @richard1015 @Drjingfubo @lzzwoniu
- ⚡ feat: 新增 pagination 分页组件 @yushuang-d
- ⚡ feat: 新增 tag 标签组件 @liqiong-lab
- ⚡ feat: 新增 badge 徽标组件 @liqiong-lab
- ⚡ feat: 新增 popover 气泡组件 @liqiong-lab
- ⚡ feat: 新增 imagepreview 图片预览组件 @JackieScorpio
- 🐛 fix(shortpassword): 修复部分安卓机value值倒序问题、taro环境二次点击无法弹起 #679 @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(uploader): taro场景 name 字段关联问题、新增 upload-icon-size 字段、上传成功返回值逻辑优化 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(popup): taro 环境滑动内容穿透修复 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(input): clear event bug、readonly 导致内容前移 #628 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(range): taro env 多个Range 组件滑动值异常 #648
- ⚡ chore: 按需加载性能优化 @richard1015
- ⚡ docs(checkbox): update checkbox docs @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: 新增 signature 签名组件 @guoxiaoxiao
- ⚡ feat: 新增 divider (#644) @yangjinjun3
- 🐛 fix(tabbar,cell): 支持路由跳转 (#667) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(barrage): demo 优化 (#661) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix(price): 配置为整数时小数位显示问题修复 #659 (#665) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(address): 点击空白处触发事件问题修改 (#657) @yangxiaolu3
- 🐛 fix(shortpassword): 密码圆点不展示修复 (#638) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(tab): 修复 switch-tab 事件失效、点击事件报错处理 #635 @zhenyulei
- 🐛 fix(input): change event data update delay @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(popup): h5 滑动内容穿透修复 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(calendar): 个别月份不展示问题, 滑动卡顿问题 、滑动月份不变更问题 (#618) @irisSong
- ⚡ upd(tabbar): 新增支持自定义图片链接 (#620) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ style(noticebar) : 默认样式调整 (#641) @yangxiaolu3
- ⚡ chore: add postcss plugin autoprefixer @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: components docs、install optimization @richard1015
- ⚡ docs: toast optimization @richard1015
- ⚡ docs(address): address docs modify @szg2008
- ⚡ docs: add version intro @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: 新增 numberkeyboard 数字键盘组件 (#610) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat: 新增 countdown 倒计时组件 (#611) @yangxiaolu3
- ⚡ feat: 新增 noticebar 公告通知栏组件 @yangxiaolu3
- ⚡ feat: 新增 elevator 电梯组件 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat: 新增 video 视频播放器组件添加 @zy19940510
- ⚡ feat(cell): add icon slot #605 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(address): add address type 多样式切换 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(checkbox & radio): 选中状态主题定制优化 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(textarea): blur event add value @richard1015
- ⚡ style(swipe): transition 滑动动画优化 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): 自定义icon不显示 (#612) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(tab): 兼容taro中tab组件 (#609) @zhenyulei
- ⚡ docs(toast): 文档及demo优化 (#616) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ docs: 官网新增 cat 入口 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: 新增 CircleProgress 环形进度条组件 (#569) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat: 新增 Progress 条形进度条组件 (#569) @Drjingfubo
- ⚡ feat: 新增 FixedNav 悬浮导航组件 @richar1015
- ⚡ feat: 新增 CountUp 数字滚动组件适配 (#568) @Ymm0008
- ⚡ feat: 新增 Barrage 弹幕组件 @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix(avatar): 设置圆角无效修复 (#571) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(address): modify transform data (#534) @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(swipe): 列表滚动场景滑动体验优化 @richard1015
- ⚡ docs: 新增主题定制样式引用说明 @richard1015
- ⚡ docs: 3.0 支持环境说明修改 @szg2008
- ⚡ docs: 官网新增 加入我们模块 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: 新增选项卡 Tab 组件 @zhenyulei
- ⚡ feat: 手势滑动组件 Swipe @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: Address ��地址组件规范10.0升级 @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(icon): fontClassName prop @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(cell): add round-radius prop #547 @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: 修改组件分类及排序 (#540) @ninidesign
- 🐛 fix(calender): 小程序场景无法滑动 bug (#534) @guoxiaoxiao
- 🐛 fix: taro的h5环境下shortpassword聚焦事件修复 (#541) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(collapse ): taro H5 环境适配 (#546) @Ymm0008
- 🐛 fix: run add comp script @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(drag): taro h5 touch bug (#549) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(notify): props msg type error @richard1015
- ⚡ docs: 官网轮播图片变更、gitee log添加、官网案例效果优化、版本显示 @ninidesign @richard1015
- ⚡ 全新的场景支持,所有组件支持多端小程序场景开发
- ⚡ chore: build lib fileName raname nutui @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: dep del taroui @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: 官网 taro 特性 @ninidesign
- ⚡ feat: taro 所有组件适配 @jdf2e
- ⚡ feat(picker): “确定”和“取消”按钮文字自定义 #439 @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: taro build @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(switch): active-text props bug @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(popup): popup props feat lock-scroll @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(notify): function bug @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(infiniteloading): keepalive remove event bug @yangxiaolu3
- ⚡ test: 单元测试 Checkbox、Radio、Switch、cell、backtop、button、input、rate、 shortpassword @guoxiao158 @Mindyzone
- ⚡ docs: lock-scroll default value modify @richard1015
- ⚡ docs: password绑定value值修改,文档修改 @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: multi technology stack structure adjustment @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: Video (#464) @zy19940510
- 🐛 fix: typescript global error #461 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: view-block warn #469 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(address): change type bug、使用css3替换GASP动画函数 (#472) @richard1015 @yangxiaolu3
- ⚡ chore: rollup external vue-router @richard1015
- ⚡ doc: 更新 nutui-cat 跳转链接 (#465) @zy19940510
- ⚡ feat: site footer nutui-cat @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: site react version @richard1015
- ⚡ style: sites version width @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(uploader): clearInput props bug @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(steps): steps icon @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(site): site footer vue link error #450 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(input): click clear btn bug @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(address): onchange > change change type bug @richard1015
- ⚡ refactor(checkbox): refactor checkbox checkboxgroup @szg2008
- ⚡ refactor(radio): refactor radio radiogroup @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(popup): closeable 默认false文档修改 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(docs): feat relay link @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(steps): style && getCurrentInstance proxy @szg2008
- ⚡ feat(site): site build @vitejs/plugin-legacy @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(husky): v4 to v6 @szg2008
- 🐛 upd(icon): iconfont @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(dialog): v-html;函数式使用支持挂载指定节点teleport功能 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(uploader): custom slot & update:fileList @richard1015
- ⚡ chore(button): test jest @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(tabbar): 样式修改 #448 @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix(input): blur event bug #438 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(address): change type bug @richard1015
- ⚡ feat: devServer port 2021 @richard1015
- ⚡ chore: Vite 2.2.1 @richard1015
- ⚡ feat(cell-group): 列表组组件 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(toast): function undefined bug #444 @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(address): style bug @szg2008
- 🐛 fix(pxCheck): typeof number check (#441) @xjh22222228
- ⚡ feat: steps @szg2008 @ailululu
- ⚡ chore(dialog): 重构函数式,标签式 @richard1015
- ⚡ chore(textarea): 重构展示方式 & 部分Api @richard1015
- ⚡ doc: icon size type desc modify @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(inputnumber): blur event calc error @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: button icon style bug @richard1015
- 🐛 fix: tabbar 样式修改 (#445) @Drjingfubo
- 🐛 fix: radio @szg2008
- ⚡ chore(popup): dep component 'show' replace 'visible' @richard1015
- 🐛 fix(datepicker):修复日期展示问题 #428 @yangkaixuan
🎉 🎉 🎉 NutUI 3.0 来了!
- ⚡ 全新的架构,基于 vite 构建
- 💄 全新的视觉样式,参照京东 APP v10.0视觉规范
- ✨ 全新的按需加载方式
- 🎨 支持定制主题
- ✨ 支持 TypeScript
- ✨ 重构所有 2.0 组件
- ✨ 详尽的文档和示例
- 3.x 基于 Vue3 版本 3.x 不兼容 2.x,建议直接升级到 3.x 的最新版本