This is a maintenance update, so there are no changes to the user experience.
There will be no release on Foundry for this version.
- Upgrade build dependencies
- Add support for Pathfinder 2e system (
- Fix the module breaking the "Configure Settings" window in Foundry
- Add compatibility with v9 and v10
- Deprecate versions below v9
- Bump FVTT compatibility to v0.8.9
- FVTT v0.8 compatibility
- Fixed PopOut! compatibility
- Fix bug where NPC sheet would not be closed at the start of a PC's turn
- Add setting to ignore module features for PC sheets
- Auto-close sheet on turn end and when combat ends
No changes to the module logic, but fix to enable the FVTT Update button for the module.
- Configure sheet position when auto-opening
No changes to the module logic, but some fixed references, e.g. the changelog link.
- Automatically open sheets
- Bug where the module wouldn't work if PopOut! is not active
- Focus sheet of currently active combatant