- Updated to latest PageXray and Third patrty web 0.12.4.
- Use all headers for Wappalyzer (before only the main document was used) #60.
- Updated to PageXray 4.2.0 that adds support for getting render blocking info in Chrome.
- Update wappalyzer-core from 6.5.32 to 6.6.0 #57
- Updated the link about FLOC to use https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/03/googles-floc-terrible-idea.
- Catch when you test a URL without a domain see sitespeedio/sitespeed.io#3043
- Better check for the new FLoC privacy advice.
- New privacy advice that looks for header to disable of FLoC in Chrome.
- Updated to PageXray 4.1.0 and wappalyzer-core 6.5.32 #51.
- Added new privacy check that checks if Google reCAPTCHA is used #49.
- Fixed the third party cookie advice description.
- Added Element Timings, Paint Timings and Largest Contentful Paint #16.
- Added CLS advice #18.
- Added Long Task advice #17.
- Added support for HTTP3 #26.
- New info section where we share info third party statistics from third party web #29.
- New technology section with where Wappalyzer is used to get info #28.
- Added advice to avoid third party cookies #39.
- Upgraded to PageXray 3.0.0 #38.
- Added advice to avoid fingerprinting #37.
- Remove RUM Speed Index #12.
- Remove First Paint and timings calculated from the Navigation Timing API #15.
- Removed the advice for PUSH #26.
- Removed the accesibilty advice #32. If you are a sitespeed.io use
. It's better to use AXE-core that gives better advice than the old coach advice. - Fully use the third-party-web to know about third parties instead of home grown solution.
- Use const/let instead of var #24 and #25.
- Expose PageXray and third-party-web in the API #23.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Testing for JQuery removed the $ reference on the page #22.
- Updated third party web to 0.12.2.
- Updated third party web to 0.12.0.
- Updated to latest PageXray.
- Remove NodeJS 12 limit. Running 10 is still ok.
- Moved out core functionality from the Coach to coach-core. For earlier releases checkout the changelog in the coach.