The Entity–attribute–value (EAV) pattern in order to implement EAV model with PHP.
The Entity–attribute–value (EAV) model is a data model to describe entities where the number of attributes (properties, parameters) that can be used to describe them is potentially vast, but the number that will actually apply to a given entity is relatively modest.
Check full work example in example.php file.
use DesignPatterns\More\EAV\Entity;
use DesignPatterns\More\EAV\Attribute;
use DesignPatterns\More\EAV\Value;
// Create color attribute
$color = (new Attribute())->setName('Color');
// Create color values
$colorSilver = (new Value($color))->setName('Silver');
$colorGold = (new Value($color))->setName('Gold');
$colorSpaceGrey = (new Value($color))->setName('Space Grey');
// Create memory attribute
$memory = (new Attribute())->setName('Memory');
// Create memory values
$memory4Gb = (new Value($memory))->setName('4GB');
$memory8Gb = (new Value($memory))->setName('8GB');
$memory16Gb = (new Value($memory))->setName('16GB');
// Create storage attribute
$storage = (new Attribute())->setName('Storage');
// Create storage values
$storage128Gb = (new Value($storage))->setName('128GB');
$storage256Gb = (new Value($storage))->setName('256GB');
$storage512Gb = (new Value($storage))->setName('512GB');
$storage1Tb = (new Value($storage))->setName('1TB');
// Create entities with specific values
$mac = (new Entity())
// colors
// memories
// storages
$macAir = (new Entity())
->setName('MacBook Air')
// colors
// memories
// storages
$macPro = (new Entity())
->setName('MacBook Pro')
// colors
// memories
// storages
You can also find these code on GitHub
.. literalinclude:: Tests/EntityTest.php :language: php :linenos:
.. literalinclude:: Tests/AttributeTest.php :language: php :linenos:
.. literalinclude:: Tests/ValueTest.php :language: php :linenos: