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This provides a ruby wrapper around the Balihoo Local Partner Connect API.

NOTE: It is still under development and all the available endpoints have not yet been implemented.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'balihoo_lpc_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install balihoo_lpc_client


Using the gem is quite simple.


First we must create a Configuration object.

opts = {
  brand_key: 'brand_key',
  api_key: 'api_key',
  location_key: 'location_key', # optional more below
  user_id: 'brand_key', # currently not used, Balihoo suggests setting same as brand_key
  group_id: 'brand_key' # currently not used, Balihoo suggests setting same as brand_key
  api_base: 'http://baseurl' # defaults to
  api_version: 'v1.0' # defaults to v1.0
config = BalihooLpcClient::Configuration.create(opts)

# Blocks are also supported with the create method

config = BalihooLpcClient::Configuration.create(some_opts) do |c|
  c.api_base = ''

The location_key is an optional parameter. When not given the api will require an array of locations to be passed to the api endpoints. This is explained further below.


Once we have the config created we can use that to create an instance of the Api object and authenticate with Balihoo.

api = config)

The authenticate! method will call out to Balihoo and set the client_id and client_api_key on the config object for you. If an endpoint method is called without calling authenticate! first a BalihooLpcClient::NotAuthenticatedError will be raised.

config.client_id # => <client_id from Balihoo>
config.client_api_key # => <client_api_key from Balihoo>

Once we have authenticated we can begin to call the various endpoints.


Common Options

There are a set of common options that can be sent to an endpoint. These are always sent as the params argument to an endpoint.

api.campaigns(params: options)

The options are as follows:

  • from: A start date to filter results, with the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • to: An end date to filter results, with the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • locations: An array of locations (Use location key). If location_key was given during authentication this should not be used.
  • tactic_id: Tactic id to filter results. Only supported with get_report_data endpoint.


If you passed a location_key to the config then you can simply call campaigns on the api object.

api.campaigns # => Array[Response::Campaign]

If the location_key was not passed then you must pass an array of locations to get campaigns for.

# Single location requested
campaigns = api.campaigns(params: { locations: [1] })
campaigns # => Array[Response::Campaign]

# Multiple locations requested
campaigns = api.campaigns(params: { locations: [1,2] })
campaigns # => { "1" => Array[Response::Campaign], "2" => Array[Response::Campaign] }


tactics = api.tactics(campaign_id: 1)
tactics # => Array[BalihooLpcClient::Response::Tactic]

# Without location_key using locations: param
# Single location requested
tactics = api.tactics(campaign_id: 1, params: { locations: [1] })
tactics # => Array[BalihooLpcClient::Response::Tactic]

# Multiple locations requested
tactics = api.tactics(campaign_id: 1, params: { locations: [1,2] })
tactics # => { "1" => Array[Response::Tactic], "2" => Array[Response::Tactic] }

Campaigns with Tactics

response = api.campaigns_with_tactics # => Array[BalihooLpcClient::Response::Campaign]
response.tactics # => Array[BalihooLpcClient::Response::Tactic]

# Without location_key using locations: param
# Single location requested
campaigns = api.campaigns_with_tactics(params: { locations: [1] })
campaigns # => Array[BalihooLpcClient::Response::Campaign]
campaigns.first.tactics # => Array[BalihooLpcClient::Response::Tactic]

# Multiple locations requested
campaigns = api.campaigns_with_tactics(params: { locations: [1,2] })
campaigns # => { "1" => Array[Response::Campaign], "2" => Array[Response::Campaign] }


metrics = api.metrics(tactic_id: 1)
metrics # => Response::Metric

# Without location_key using locations: param
# Single location requested
metrics = api.metrics(tactic_id: 1, params: { locations: [1] })
metrics # => Response::Metric

# Multiple locations requested
metrics = api.metrics(tactic_id: 1, params: { locations: [1,2] })
metrics # => {"1" => Response::Metric, "2" => Response::Metric}

Website Metrics

website_metrics = api.website_metrics
website_metrics # => Response::WebsiteMetric

# Without location_key using locations: param
# Single location requested
website_metrics = api.website_metrics(params: { locations: [1] })
website_metrics # => Response::WebsiteMetric

# Multiple locations requested
website_metrics = api.website_metrics(params: { locations: [1,2] })
website_metrics # => {"1" => Response::WebsiteMetric, "2" => Response::WebsiteMetric}

Report Data

This endpoint has not been implemented.

Profile Data

This endpoint has not been implemented.

Response Objects


auth.client_id # => String (GUID)
auth.client_api_key # => String (GUID)

BalihooLpcClient::Response::Campaign # => Fixnum
campaign.title # => String
campaign.description # => String
campaign.start # => Date
campaign.end # => Date
campaign.status # => String
campaign.tactics # => Array[BalihooLpcClient::Response::Tactic]

Note: tactics is only populated if campaigns_with_tactics is called.

BalihooLpcClient::Response::Tactic # => Fixnum
tactic.title # => String
tactic.start # => Date
tactic.end # => Date # => String
tactic.description # => String
tactic.creative # => String - this is a url


metric.tactic_ids # => Array[Int] # => String
metric.clicks # => Fixnum
metric.spend # Float
metric.impressions # => Fixnum
metric.ctr # Float
metric.avg_cpc # Float
metric.avg_cpm # Float


website_metric.visits # => Response::WebsiteMetricVisits
website_metric.leads # => Response::WebsiteMetricLeads

BalihooLpcClient::Response::WebsiteMetricVisits # => Fixnum # => Fixnum # => Fixnum
visits.referral # => Fixnum
visits.paid # => Fixnum
visits.new_visits_percent # => Float

BalihooLpcClient::Response::WebsiteMetricLeads # => Fixnum
leads.total_web # => Fixnum
leads.total_phone # => Fixnum
leads.organic_web # => Fixnum
leads.paid_web # => Fixnum
leads.organic_phone # => Fixnum
leads.paid_phone # => Fixnum


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.