Releases: jflamy/fly-owlcms
owlcms-cloud 1.1.0
The application is deployed in the cloud at
Changes since 1.0.9
- Made the postgres attach step more robust
- The explanations about the shared key are now folded
owlcms-cloud 1.0.9
The application is deployed in the cloud at
Changes since 1.0.8
- Added login page support for one-time password (e.g. Google Authenticator token) for people who have enable 2FA
owlcms-cloud 1.0.8
The application is deployed in the cloud at
Changes since 1.0.6
- Fixes to correctly deploy the correct fully numbered reference release on first try instead of "stable"
- Fixes to .toml file to increase of concurrent connections to 50. More can be done if required.
owclms-cloud 1.0.6
The application is deployed in the cloud at
Changes since 1.0.4
(there is no 1.0.5, typo).
- Deploy the correct fully numbered reference release on first try instead of "stable"
- Number of concurrent connections increased to 50. More can be done if required.
owlcms-cloud 1.0.4
The application is deployed in the cloud at
Changes since 1.0.3
- Label prerelease will update to latest prerelase version (same as -alpha -beta -rc)
owlcms-cloud 1.0.3
The application is deployed in the cloud at
Changes since 1.0.2
- Explicit numbers are now used explicitly instead of "stable"
- The version numbers are checked to prompt the user to update (in addition to the nag they get when running the application)
- owlcms-cloud is also tagged when deploying to
owlcms-cloud 1.0.2
The application is deployed in the cloud at
Changes since 1.0.1
- requires lowercase names at creation time. Fold uppercase letters, Show better label and placeholder.
- fixed erroneous reference to
owlcms-cloud 1.0.1
Version 1.0.1
The application is deployed in the cloud at
- Enabled logging to a file
Known issues:
- none.