diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yaml b/.github/workflows/release.yaml
index 551e83e79..5113f462e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yaml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ on:
description: 'Revision for the release'
required: true
- default: '55.3.0-alpha02'
+ default: '55.3.0-alpha03'
REPO_OWNER: owlcms
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Pre-process Documentation and Release Notes
+ env:
+ REPO_OWNER: owlcms
+ O_REPO_NAME: owlcms4${{ env.RELEASE_SUFFIX }}
run: |
mvn -B package --non-recursive -Dmaven.test.skip -Drevision=${{ env.REVISION }}
if [[ "${{ env.REVISION }}" == *"-alpha"* ]]; then
@@ -70,10 +73,7 @@ jobs:
cat src/main/markdown/release.md ReleaseNotes.md > temp.md && mv temp.md ReleaseNotes.md
- env:
- REPO_OWNER: owlcms
- O_REPO_NAME: owlcms4${{ env.RELEASE_SUFFIX }}
- name: Install GitHub CLI
run: sudo apt-get install gh -y
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ jobs:
cd -
set +x
- - name: Clean Target Directory
+ - name: Force-copy the new documentation
run: |
rm -rf ../new-repo/* # we only want the docs directory
cp -a docs ../new-repo/docs
echo ${{ env.REVISION }} > ../new-repo/version.txt
- - name: Push Updated Docs to Target Repository
+ - name: Push Updated Documentation to Target Repository
run: |
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ jobs:
git config user.email "${{ github.actor }}@users.noreply.github.com"
git config user.name "${{ github.actor }}"
git add -A
- git commit -m "Update docs to match dev repo" --allow-empty
+ git commit -m "Update documentation" --allow-empty
git tag ${{ env.REVISION }}
git push origin master --force
git push origin ${{ env.REVISION }}
@@ -139,16 +139,18 @@ jobs:
publicresults/target/publicresults_${{ env.REVISION }}.zip
set +x
- - name: Tag Source Repository
+ - name: Update Source Repository
run: |
set -x
- git add ReleaseNotes.md
git config user.email "${{ github.actor }}@users.noreply.github.com"
git config user.name "${{ github.actor }}"
- git commit -m "Update Release Notes for ${{ env.REVISION }}" --allow-empty
- git push origin
+ # add the release notes
+ # git add ReleaseNotes.md
+ # git commit -m "Update Release Notes for ${{ env.REVISION }}" --allow-empty
+ # git push origin
+ # tag
git tag ${{ env.REVISION }}
git push origin ${{ env.REVISION }}
set +x
diff --git a/BUILDING.md b/BUILDING.md
index ddfb37e60..2e62dff84 100644
--- a/BUILDING.md
+++ b/BUILDING.md
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
## Building and Packaging
-This is a standard Maven project that creates a uberJar with all the dependencies. If you wish, you can build the binaries from this source.
-This file describes how to build the program without changing it. If you want to change the code, please see the [Contributing](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4/#/Gitpod) documentation.
+This is a standard Maven project. If you wish, you can build the binaries from this source.
### Pre-requisites
- Install git : Installing [GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com/) is the easiest way to install Git on a Windows system. Select the options to add the programs to the execution path.
- Clone this repository
-- Install Java 17 or newer
+- Install Java 17
- Install Maven
@@ -16,12 +14,11 @@ This file describes how to build the program without changing it. If you want t
- From the owlcms4 directory, running ``mvn -P production -am -pl clean owlcms package `` should give you
- `owlcms/target/owlcms.jar` a working "uberjar" (that is, a .jar file that contains all the dependencies together in a single file). This file can then be run using `java -jar owlcms.jar app.owlcms.Main`
- - `owlcms/target/owlcms.zip` which is used for actual packaging by the owlcms/owlcms-controlpanel project
+ - `owlcms/target/owlcms.zip` contains a copy of the local files required. This is what the owlcms installers use.
+- The installers are in their own repositories under https://github.com/owlcms and are are built separately.
### Building a Docker container
There is a Dockerfile in owlcms4top to build owlcms for quick testing to the fly.io cloud (see deploy.sh). Building publicresults would be similar.
-### Release Builds
-A full release workflow is in `.github/workflows/release.yaml`
+The current process for actual production builds uses the `owlcms-docker` project to build Docker containers using `mvn package`, once the production build has been done.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index eed0b4a65..4d6d7f43f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Yet it is simple enough to setup that you can use it to run a club or regional c
### Features, Downloads and Installation
-- Refer to the to the [Downloads](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4/#/Downloads) page and to the [Installation Overview](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4/#/InstallationOverview) for the various setup options.
- - [Extensive Documentation](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4-prerelease/#) is available.
+- Please refer to the [Documentation](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4-prerelease/#)
### Help, Issues, Feature Requests
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ Yet it is simple enough to setup that you can use it to run a club or regional c
- [Issues and Feature Requests](https://github.com/jflamy/owlcms4/issues) Please use the `Issues` button at the top of this page to report issues.
- [Work in Progress and Priorities](https://github.com/users/jflamy/projects/2/views/7) Shows what we are working on and what is currently planned.
-### Release repositories
+### Releases
- Stable releases are kept at https://github.com/owlcms/owlcms4/releases.
- Preliminary releases for testing and translation are located at https://github.com/owlcms/owlcms4-prerelease/releases.
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes.md b/ReleaseNotes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a7e21174..000000000
--- a/ReleaseNotes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-> - This is an **alpha release**, used for validating new features. *Some features are likely to be incomplete or non-functional*.
-> - **Alpha releases are not normally used in actual competitions.**
-> - Export your current database before updating if it contains important data.
-| Introducing the Owlcms Control Panel |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **New and improved installation process for owlcms**.
All platforms now use the same installation process, using a "Control Panel" program. The control panel handles installation and updates as well as starting and stopping owlcms. It is available for Windows, macOS, RaspberryPi OS and Linux. It
**See the [Control Panel Installation Instructions](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4-prerelease/#/LocalDownloads.md) and the user guide for the [owlcms Control Panel](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4-prerelease/#/LocalControlPanel.md).**
The release area in this repository is now used to host the files that the control panel fetches. |
-**Maintenance Log**
-- 55.3.0: Added the "invited/extra/out of competition" status to the Start Book Data Entry export/import.
-- 55.3.0: The URL parameters controlling showing of records and of leaders were being ignored, so the pages could not be bookmarked
-- 55.3.0: Scores such as Q-Points or Sinclair will now be shown on scoreboards during snatch (see below)
-**New In Release 55**
-- New [Installation Instructions](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4-prerelease/#/LocalDownloads.md) and startup instructions using the [owlcms Control Panel](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4-prerelease/#/LocalControlPanel.md) for updating, launching and stopping OWLCMS on a local computer.
-- When medals are awarded by score like (Q-Points/Q-Masters/Q-Youth/Sinclair/SMHF/etc,), the scores will be visible during the snatch. A feature toggle `noInterimScoresInResults` can be used so that the result sheets always show 0 is no total has been set.
-- The "invited/extra/out of competition" status is now included in the Start Book Data Entry (SBDE) file. Reminder: you can add any column from the SBDE format to your registration sheet if needed.
-- Inclusion of 2025 Youth body weight classes in the AgeGroups2025 age group template
-- Ability to set the duration of the clean & jerk break explicitly for a session, overriding the competition-wide rules.
- - A new Excel template variable `${session.cleanJerkBreakMinutes}` can be used to show this to the announcer if you have a specific template for athlete introductions
-- Competition Rules: It is now possible to force the 20kg rule for Masters instead of the 80% rule.
-- Refereeing: Selecting "Single Referee" using the ⚙menu now works with keyboard shortcut keypads (USB, Bluetooth, Joystick).
- - Any of the 3 referees will work, but configuring the center referee makes most sense (3 = good lift, 4 = no lift). A single decision will trigger the down signal.
-- Simplified Video Setup
- - The default style for Video Streaming is now `transparent`
- With this change,
- - It is no longer necessary to crop the Current Athlete view
- - There is no need to add a green mask to have a floating scoreboard
- See the documentation on using [OBS](https://owlcms.github.io/owlcms4-prerelease/#/LocalDownloads.) for examples of using the transparent style.
- - The style can be changed back to `nogrid` on the System Settings > Customization page to get the black background styles identical to the on-site scoreboards.
-- Templates: a new _FlatFile.xlsx template is available for Competition Results. It is meant for statistical analysis where headers for each category make reading the file difficult.
-For other recent changes, see [version 55 release notes](https://github.com/owlcms/owlcms4/releases/tag/54.2.1) and [version 5 release notes](https://github.com/owlcms/owlcms4/releases/tag/53.1.0)
diff --git a/Releases.md b/Releases.md
index 5a2930951..53e94089c 100644
--- a/Releases.md
+++ b/Releases.md
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
There are two release channels: one repository contains stable releases, the second one contains prereleases (for testing and early adopters of new features).
-| | STABLE releases | PRELIMINARY releases |
-| :----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **Local Setup** This installs the `owlcms` program to run a competition locally, on a master laptop. No internet access is needed. |