Releases: jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
Releases · jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
version 18.2.1
What's new:
- Copy/Move/Cut with dependencies did not handle original tag when not charactertag
- #1922 FLA/XFL/Canvas/SVG export - exporting DefineBitsJPEG3/4 with alpha as JPEG with PNG extension
- #1921 AS3 direct editation - exception on code save - wrong selected ABC
version 18.2.0
What's new:
- #1917 Better error message for sound import on unsupported sampling rate
- #1827 Replacing and bulk import of DefineVideoStream
- Movie FLV export - writing simple onMetadata tag
- #1424, #1473, #1835, #1852 Replacing sound streams (SoundStreamHead, SoundStreamBlock)
- Bulk import sounds and sound streams
- #1914 DropShadow filter
- #1916 Translation tool did not load up
- PlaceObject preview not cleared causing sound to repeat
- #1920 AS3 - Slower decompilation (returnType method optimization)
version 18.1.0
What's new:
- Deobfuscation and its options as icons on script panel toolbar
- Warning before switching auto rename identifiers on
- #1231 Button transforming
- #1690 Deobfuscation tool dialog for script level (not just current method / all classes)
- #1460 Commandline import of text, images, shapes, symbol-class
- #1909 Export/import DefineBitsJPEG3/4s alpha channel to/from separate file
("PNG/GIF/JPEG+alpha" option in GUI, "-format image:png_gif_jpeg_alpha" for commandline)
- #1910 Copy/paste transform matrix to/from the clipboard
- #1912 Persist selected item in the tree upon quick search (Ctrl+F)
- #1901 Editor mode and autosave feature for header, raw editor, transform
- #583 FlashPaper SWF to PDF with selectable text (commandline)
- #1858 PDF export - JPEG with alpha channel exported as is
- #1904 NullPointerException when renaming invalid identifiers in AS1/2 files caused by missing charset
- #1904 NullPointerException when fast switching items
- #1904 NullPointerException on ErrorLog frame
- #1904 NullPointerException on decompiler pool
- #1904 AS1/2 Simplify expressions breaks registers, functions
- #1904 AS1/2 Throw is an ExitItem to properly handle continues vs ifs
- #595 AS3 direct editation - protected property resolving
- AS3 direct editation and decompiler share same AbcIndex
- BUTTONRECORD display does not use its Matrix
- Editation status not cleared after Sprite transforming
- Image flickering
- Show Hex dump for AS1/2 script tags
- Speaker image when sound selected not in the center
- #1908 Slow commandline opening SWF
- #1908 Shape/image import must accept also filenames in the form "CHARID_xxx.ext" instead of just "CHARID.ext"
- Exporting DefineJPEG3/4 with alpha channel to PNG produced JPEG instead
- AS3 package level const with function value - separate P-code for trait and method
- Slot/const trait proper p-code indentation
- #1858 PDF export - Adding same ExtGState multiple times,
- #1858 PDF export - Applying same alpha/blendmode multiple times
- #1858 PDF export - Applying same color multiple times
- #1907 Crashing on memory search
- #1906 Memory search - byte align opens wrong SWFs
- Warning before switching deobfuscation is now optional
- #1690 Redesigned Deobfuscation tool dialog.
- Shape/image/script/text import does not require specific folder name inside (but still preffers it when exists)
- "Restore control flow" deobfuscation level as it was the same as "Remove traps"
version 18.0.0
What's new:
- #1898 Keyboard shortcut to remove tags (DEL, SHIFT+DEL)
- #1511, #1765 Quick search tree (Ctrl+F) for everything, not just AS3 classes
- Quick search (Ctrl+F) for tag list view
- #1884 Memory search - show size and adress in hex, show only aligned to N bytes
- AS3 - "internal" keyword support
- ProductInfo tag information display
- DebugId tag proper display and editation
- #1564, #1676, #1697, #1893 Display of DefineVideoStream tags with VLC player
- List of treenode subitems on otherwise empty panel (with 32x32 icons)
- DefineVideoStream codecId and videoFlagsDeblocking handled as enums in raw editation
- Option to mute frame sounds
- Experimental option to fix conflation artifacts in antialising (slow)
- Option to disable autoplay of sounds (DefineSound)
- #1181 Remembering choice of loading assets via importassets tag
- #1900 Free transform whole sprites
- Show axis as dashed line in Free transform of sprites
- #1900 Transformation panel with flip/move/scale/rotate/skew/matrix options
- #1900 Move object around with arrow keys (in transform mode)
- Alt + click selects PlaceObjectTag under cursor
- #1901 Double click tree node to start edit (can be enabled in settings)
- Info about editation in status bar
- AS3 P-code keyword "Unknown(N)", where N is index. For constants out of bounds. (mostly in dead code)
- AS3 P-code - Editing methods without body (interfaces / native methods)
- #1897 Close menu button without selecting specific item
- Reading UI32 values
- Parsing obfuscated namespaces with hash character "#"
- Tag dependency checking
- #1884 Memory search - Logged exception when cannot get page range
- #1884 Memory search - Exception on sorting by pid
- #1006 AS3 - Warning - Function value used where type Boolean was expected
- AS3 - Resolving types on static protected namespaced properties
- Hiding selection after raw editation save
- Proper disabling switching items or other actions on editation
- Raw editor item count and edit display
- Warnings about invalid reflective access in color dialog on Java 9+
- Folder preview tag names have indices when multiple with same name
- ShapeImporter fillstyles shapenum
- Reload button disabled after saving new file
- PlaceObject tag - do not display export name twice
- Loading nested characters when Importassets tag used
- Hide various actions for imported tags
- Clone tag
- Hide freetransform button in readonly mode
- Maintain export name/class on imported tags
- Classnames in PlaceObject
- #1828 AS1/2 deobfuscation removing variable declarations
- Loaded SWFs using "Open loaded during play" feature have short filenames
- #1796 Exception on closing multiple SWFs
- AS3 Deobfuscation causing invalid jump offsets for files with constant indices out of bounds
- AS3 - "native" modifier only for methods with EXPLICIT flag
- AS3 - AS3 builtin namespace visibility
- Quick search needs minimum of 3 characters
- AS1/2 deobfuscation - removing obfuscated declarations is now optional (default: off)
- AS3 - order of modifiers: final, override, access, static, native
version 17.0.4
What's new:
- #1888 Casts for missing types, cast handling for script local classes
- #1895 Handling of unstructured switch
- #1896 NullPointer during deobfuscation
version 17.0.3
What's new:
- Translator tool for easier localization
- AS3 improved goto declaration for properties and methods
- playerglobal.swc and airglobal.swf now part of FFDec bundle
- #1769 AS3 - Missing some body trait variable declaration
- #1769, #1888 AS3 - Missing casts like int()
- #1890 AS3 - Chained assignments in some special cases
- #1810 AS3 Direct editation - XML attribute handling
- #1810 AS3 Direct editation - Calls inside submethods using this
- #1891 AS3 - duplicate variable declaration in some cases
- All SWF classes inside DoABC tags in the taglist view
- Exception on package selection inside DoABC tag on taglist view
- #1892 AS3 - Package internal custom namespaces
- Unpin all context menu not clearing pins properly
- AS3 - RegExp escaping
- AS3 - Avoid Error Implicit coercion of a value of type XXX to an unrelated type YYY
- AS3 - XML - get descendants operator parenthesis
- Switch decompilation in some corner cases
- #1894 Switches vs loops decompilation (now with two passes)
- #1894 AS3 - XML filters in some corner cases
- #1887 AS3 - strict equals operator decompilation
version 17.0.2
What's new:
- #1882 Close button on the menu toolbar
version 17.0.1
What's new:
- PR119 Option to set scale factor in advanced settings (Set it to 2.0 on Mac retina displays)
- #1880 JPEG Fixer
- Close action from menu not available on bundles (zip, etc...)
- #1881 Wrong locale reference for invalid tag order
- New file action
- Moving tags to frames
version 17.0.0
What's new:
- #1870 AS3 Adding new class - Target DoABC tag or position can be selected to prevent Error 1014
- #1871 Toogle buttons for disabling subsprite animation, display preview of sprites/frames
- #1875 Remove no longer accessed items from cache after certain amount of time
- #1280 AS3 Direct editation of traits with the same name
- #1743 GFX - Adding DefineExternalImage2 and DefineSubImage tags
- #1822, #1803 AS3 direct editation - optional using AIR (airglobal.swc) to compile
- #1501 Bulk import shapes
- #1680 Pinning items
- Indices in brackets for items with same name (like two subsequent DoAction tags)
- Flattened ActionScript packages (one row per package instead package tree), can be turned off in settings
- #1820 Opening standalone ABC files (*.abc)
- Classes tree inside DoABC tags in taglist view
- Export ABC data from DoABC tags
- #1869 Replace references now replaces all references, not just PlaceObject
- Handle StartSound tag as CharacterIdTag
- Clearing shape export cache on changes
- Preview of PlaceObject and frames on hex dump view
- AS3 Direct editation - Top level classes do not use ":" in their namespace names
- AS3 Direct editation - Using "/" separator for method names
- Folder preview resizing (scrollbar too long)
- #1872 Removing PlaceObject/RemoveObject with no characterid with Remove character action
- #1692 Resolving use namespace
- #1692 Properly distinguish obfuscated names vs namespace suffixes and attributes
- #1757 Binary search - SWF files need to be sorted by file position
- #1803 AS3 Direct editation - Colliding catch name with other variable names / arguments
- AS3 Direct editation - slow property resolving (Now up to 10 times faster compilation)
- #1875 Garbage collect SWF and its caches after closing it
- #1807 Proper parenthesis around call inside another call
- #1840 AS3 - Allow to compile object literal keys with nonstring/numbers in obfuscated code
- #1840 AS3 Direct editation - Type mismatched for a trait
- #1840 Proper if..continue..break handling
- #1877 Recalculate dependent characters and frames on removing / editing item
- DefineShape4 SVG import NullPointerException
- List of objects under cursor and coordinates not showing
- ConcurrentModificationException in getCharacters on exit
- Header of display panel not visible on certain color schemes
- Move tag to action did not remove original tag
- Show in tag list from tag scripts
- Move/Copy tag to action on tag scripts
- #1879 False tag order error with SoundStreamHead
- Error messages during SWF/ABC reading have correct error icon and title, are translatable
- GFX - DefineExternalImage2 no longer handled as character
- Raw editor does not show tag name in the tree (it's now in the new pinnable head)
- DoInitAction is not shown in resources/sprites section, only in scripts
- ActionScript packages are by default flattened (can be turned off in settings)
version 16.3.1
What's new:
- #1867 AS3 - §§hasnext, §§nextvalue, §§nextname in some nonstandard compiled SWFs
- #1868 Raw editation NullPointerException