Redis has some core commands for checking, removing, and expiring keys.
The EXISTS commands tells you if a key exists or not. It returns 1 for true and 0 for false. Try it out:> EXISTS sightings:count
(integer) 1> EXISTS bigfoot
(integer) 0
You can remove a key from Redis with either DEL or UNLINK. DEL does it right now and doesn't return until the key is removed. UNLINK returns immediately and deletes later.> DEL motd
(integer) 1> UNLINK sightings:count
(integer) 1
Redis can delete keys for you automatically if you give a key a lifetime in seconds using EXPIRE. And you can query the time remaining using TTL:> SET bigfoot "Is real!"
OK> EXPIRE bigfoot 60
(integer) 1> TTL bigfoot
(integer) 55
...wait 55 seconds...> EXISTS bigfoot
(integer) 0
- What happens when you DEL or UNLINK a key that isn't there?
- What happens when you EXPIRE a missing key?
- What happens when you ask for the TTL on a non-EXPIREd key?
- What happens when you ask for the TTL on a key that no longer exists?
Let's check out Lists next.