- Fix #40 scenarios can now contain descriptions
- Json reporter: ensure exceptions, statuses and scenario descriptions are reported correctly
- Changed reporter
- Update configuration object constructor to take in additional configuration parameters
- The
method on the configuration object now returns a configuration object to allow for configuration to always be immutable
is now not mutable. You can create an instance like this:final steps = [ givenTheNumbers(), givenThePowersOfTwo(), givenTheCharacters(), whenTheStoredNumbersAreAdded(), whenTheCharactersAreCounted(), thenExpectNumericResult() ]; var config = TestConfiguration( features: [RegExp(r'features\\.+\.feature')], stepDefinitions: steps, tagExpression: 'not @skip', hooks: [HookExample()], customStepParameterDefinitions: [PowerOfTwoParameter()], createWorld: (config) => Future.value(CalculatorWorld()), ); // or config = TestConfiguration.standard( steps, featurePath: featuresPath, tagExpression: 'not @skip', hooks: [HookExample()], customStepParameterDefinitions: [PowerOfTwoParameter()], createWorld: (config) => Future.value(CalculatorWorld()), ); return GherkinRunner().execute(config);
: All reporters implement (do not extend) separated interfaces:TestReporter
and interfaces that store sets of interfaces:
- Now to create your own reporters, you need to implement getters, the example below.
class MyTestReporter implements TestReporter { @override ReportActionHandler<TestMessage> get test => ReportActionHandler( onStarted: ([message]) async => print('onStartedTest'), ); }
For more information, see this file.
You: Why is this new API for reporters?
Author: This architecture and abstraction is due to the fact that you can implement your reporters yourself in your projects just by implementing interfaces. In addition, those who want to contribute to the development of reporters through PR, you will also only need to implement these interfaces.
- Classes of the type
StartedMessage, Finished Message
have now been replaced with classes that relate to the type of test itself -StepMessage
. Here the SRP principle comes into force.
Updated README
Steps can be retried.
Scenario hook has a passed parameter
Typos fixed in steps
Path is now added to the report
- Fixed issue checking ANSI support on web environments in the StdoutReporter
- Updated feature file visitor to provide parent feature information to child scenario
- Ensure stdout reporter only print ANSI colours when the stdout supports it
- Fixed first/last flag on
- Fixed find feature files regex pattern fdr windows in example project
- Added json reporter test case for multi-scenario
- Added first/last flag on
- Fixed late initialization error when invoking hooks
- Updated float parameter parser so an exception is not thrown during parsing
- Fix #45 executing feature files outside of the current working directory
is no longer thrown when anexpect
fails. Instead, useGherkinTestFailure
when catching errors (i.e. replaceon TestFailure catch
withon GherkinTestFailure catch
) (#37).
NOTE: Massive changes here due to the migration to null-safety and laying the foundation for code generation to enable testing Flutter apps using the integration_test
- BREAKING CHANGE: Migration to null-safety, some parameter have become nullable which may lead to subtle unexpected results. Please file any issue you come across.
has been renamed toGherkinTable
to avoid naming clashes - BREAKING CHANGE: Null-safety updated all libs to their stable null-safety releases
configuration option has been removed as it need to importdart:io
which is not available under certain environments (dartjs for example). - BREAKING CHANGE:
configuration option renamed tostopAfterTestFailed
exception parameter is now an object rather than an exception - POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE: Feature file discovery has been refactored to abstract it from the external
dependency. It now support the three native dartPatterns
(String, RegExp & Glob). There is potential here your patterns may not work anymore due as the defaultIoFeatureFileAccessor
assumes the current directory is the working directory to search from. Thanks to @marcin-jelenski for the PR - Execution order can now be sorted alphabetically to ensure a consistent order thanks to @bartonhammond
- Fixed #22 Tags are not taking into account after an
block - Fixed #23: Multiline strings to support YAML format thanks to @tshedor for the PR!
- Fixed #29: French keyword "Lorsqu'il" makes parser crash
- Scenario outline examples can now include variables which are replace to create more explicit scenario names, thanks to @irundaia for the PR!
- Added the ability to have multiple example blocks with tags per scenario outline
- Ensured world is disposed after last hooks are run
- Fixes issues with function style step definitions not having access to the default timeout period jonsamwell/flutter_gherkin#81
- Added shorthand steps
given(), when1(), then2() etc
to reduce boilerplate code and the need to create a class for every step. Heavily inspired from the excellent ideas in https://github.com/technogise/flutter_gherkin_addons - Added a default static method to the
class to again reduce common boilerplate configuration
- Fixed issue with
that would throw an error if an exception was logged before any scenarios have run
- Fixed issue with
that would throw an error if an exception was logged before any features have run
- Pass scenario tags into scenario level hooks to allow for custom actions - this is a breaking changed to the
interface and hook implementations will need to be updated to cope with the extra parameter
- Fixed issue with empty cells in scenario table parameters
- Fixed issue with a leading comment in feature files
- Fixed issue with scenario not being parsed correctly when under a scenario outline in the same feature file
- Fixed issue with non-capturing regex groups in step patterns and made the well known pluralization parameter '(s)' a non-capturing regex group
- Ensured async errors when executing a scenario do not cause the whole test run to crash from an unhandled exception or error - each scenario is now run in its own zone
- Ensured async errors when executing a scenario do not cause the whole test run to crash from an unhandled exception - each scenario is now run in its own zone
- Surfaced library exception types
- Ensured stack traces are propagated when an error occurs during test execution
- Fixed error with message from GherkinStepNotDefinedException that would include the Gherkin keyword in the example regex pattern
- Require Dart 2.3.0 or greater
- Fixed various analysis errors
- Fixed lint errors
- Allowed comments at the end of a table line
- Moved
hook to run after the scenario world has been created to allow the hook to access the world
- Relaxed constraint on the test lib
- Fixed issue with scenario outline name being reported incorrectly
- Added
helper method to a table so a table can be represented as a map to help with serialization to types
- Implemented languages - features can now be written in different languages / dialects! See https://cucumber.io/docs/gherkin/reference/#overview for supported dialects.
- Fixed version constraint analysis errors
- Fixed path dependency to be backwards compatible with flutter_driver
- Updated test dependency
- Fixed issue where tags were not allowed on features
- Refactor of the way tags are handled so they are inherited by children if required (see https://cucumber.io/docs/cucumber/api/#tag-inheritance)
- Fixed the JSON reporter so that is adheres to to the cucumber json reporter spec.
- Fix an issue where line terminators where not allowed in well known {string} parameters
- Fix path dependency resolution
- Added 'Scenario Outline' and 'Example' functionality (see: example/features/calculator_scenario_outline_example.feature)
- Fixed issue with parsing a negative number when using the '{num}' parameter in a step
- Fixed complex co-variant issue with step code definitions
- Fixed parsing issue when Background block has no name
- Fix for dart analysis covariance complaints with step definition input generic types
- Fix dependencies conflict with flutter_test and flutter_driver
- Updated dependencies
- Added the ability to add attachments which gives the ability to set screenshots or other data against the scenario
- Added before & after hooks for step execution
- Fixed throw Error sub types not getting handle properly and halting test execution fixes #2
- Fixed linter warnings
- Made v1 release as apis are stable
- Exported missing step and process classes
- Added JSON reporter that can be use to generate HTML reports (PR from @Holloweye)
- Fixed up more issues with pubspec.yaml
- Fixed up issues with pubspec.yaml
- Migration of core Gherkin code from flutter_gherkin package (https://github.com/jonsamwell/flutter_gherkin) so there is not Flutter specific dependencies on the core Gherkin functionality.