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Performance questions regarding raycasts and static bodies #1515

Answered by jrouwe
MrOnlineCoder asked this question in Q&A
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I am a bit confused - as it's named "NarrowPhaseQuery" - does it skip the broadphase at all and therefore makes it an expensive operation, or it's actually using it to build the list of possible colliders for the ray and then uses the actual narrow phase structures to perform the ray cast on them?

No narrow phase query does a broad phase check before a narrow phase check. I couldn't come up with a better name. There is BroadPhaseQuery which only checks against the broadphase and I found BroadAndNarrowPhaseQuery a bit long.

Do I understand correctly that BroadphaseQuery::CastRay will ignore actual collision shapes and only consider AABBs of bodies, leveraging the quadtree? Which means t…

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