Movie app using API.
Time spent: 24 hrs
Scroll through the list of upcoming movies - including movie name, poster or backdrop image, genre and release date. List should not be limited to show only the first 20 movies as returned by the API.
Select a specific movie to see details (name, poster image, genre, overview and release date).
- Search for movies by entering a partial or full movie name.
- Cocoapods used to manage third-party dependencies.
- Alamofire used to manage the networking. This is a beautiful API written in and for Swift with lots of nice features. By using this library you are essentially using code that has been extensively tested in a variety of scenarios.
- RxSwift used to bind the View Model.
- Kingfisher used to download the images.
- EmptyDataSet-Swift used to display an empty table view when there are not content to display.
Juan Garcia, [email protected]
This framework is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.