pgAdmin is a feature rich Open Source administration and development platform for #[[postgresql]].
# In `perSystem.process-compose.<name>`
services.pgadmin."pgad1" = {
enable = true;
initialEmail = "[email protected]";
initialPassword = "password";
uses the functions exposed by system_stats [[postgresql]] extension to monitor the system metrics such as CPU, memory and disk information. Use this in your config:
# In `perSystem.process-compose.<name>`
services.postgres."pg1" = {
enable = true;
extensions = exts: [
# This creates the extensions for the `postgres` database, if you need it for a custom database,
# ensure to add the below script in `schemas` of the database of your choice under `initialDatabses`.
initialScript.before = ''
CREATE EXTENSION system_stats;
services.pgadmin."pgad1" = {
enable = true;
initialEmail = "[email protected]";
initialPassword = "password";
Open the pgAdmin dashboard, establish a connection with your database and you will see: ![[pgadmin-system-stats.png]]