All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Add support for multiple languages.
- Add fill slot function for array and list data type.
- Fix resize after attach UI component to resize canvas object.
- Update materials module's metadata.
- Improved unit testing for component
- Label the enumerator item for script
- Added safe area flag for iPhone X or above.
- Fixed stretches issue from safe area view.
- Fixed swipe over boundary point issue from UI module.
- Fixed slide input for mobile platforms.
- Clarify create directory from IO module.
- Use
instead ofdataPath
for data saving. - Ignored all streaming assets for packaging.
- Fixed panel root bug from
for incorrect swiping calculation.
- Simplify screen variables by merging
to just thesize
. - Fixed screen space calculation for resizable screen.
- Swiping previous/next page are now calculated by percentage of the page space.
- Fixed logic
for applying panel root. - Fixed logic
for screen size.
- Added boundary for
in swiping behaviour. - Fixed position differences when swiping screen UI.
- Filled default camera, microphone, location usage information.
- Changed from
Travis CI
toGitHub Actions
- Updated project's Unity Engine version to
- Implemented new component
. - Implemented new component
- Implemented streaming assets consistency over platforms using web request.
- Implemented streaming assets cache system for un-necessary loading.
- Updated project's Unity Engine version to
- Implemented game data structure =>
. - Updated game settings for creating all necessary path/folders.
- Added struct for loaded image/sprite data =>
- Fixed load all images last index logic issue from
. - Fixed load all images last index logic issue from
. - Fixed image file not exist load for
- Added more Camera screenshot image's API.
- Added more Webcam image's API.
- Updated webcam image utility functions.
- Implemented new component
. - Added remove from dir utility function.
- Added util function for webcam images.
- Added util function for screenshot images.
- Organized and added webcam settings to game settings.
- Updated webcam stopping logic.
- Fixed webcam texture remaining to the next scene issue.
- Fixed resize panel logic from
- Updated
for webcam module. - Supplied
for generic Unity render object. - Supplied
for generic collider object.
- Organized source code for better document string.
- Removed unused variables in
- Renamed framework scenes to a better standard.
- Implemented
- Updated to have tween panel shown ontop when active.
- Fixed minor logic error from testing component.
- Updated the create section from edtiro module for better UX.
- Differentiate the base panel and dialgoue panel for JCSUnity editor.
- Implemented switch BGM button component for GUI module.
- Organized sound player attachment default behaviour.
- Removed
, please useJCS_3DShakeEffect
- Upgraded 3D walk action from 3D AI module.
- Added panels section for GUI utility functions.
- Removed
for repetitive functionalities with other components/scripts. - Implemented
enum for collider identification. - Implemented
for collider component management for single transform.
- Added 3D walk action manager.
- Removed indie standard, use
instead. - Fixed 3D walk action overlap destination search path logic error.
- Released more mix damage text pool API.
- Fixed
Pythagorean Theorem
calculation in math module. - Fixed 3D Walk action AI with remaining distance calculation.
- Organized shader sources.
- Updated export settings so it no longer export frame test files.
- Updated the destory with time module with better flexible control.
- Upgraded the liquid bar module for better understanding API calls.
- Upgraded the damage text system for better default UX.
- Updated walk action with remaining distance accept variable.
- Now damage text system supports 3D space.
- Upgrade damage text system's user experience.
- Updated 3D walk action for AI module.
- Updated with detect touch count for touch event.
- Revert tween panel active/deactive logic.
- Added over GUI element check for utility module.
- Make
slide input
andmobile mouse event
as optional to prevent multiple same scripts' execution.
- Add check scene utility function.
- Implemented
compnent for tweener module. - Implemented
compnent for 3D module.
- Updated the 3D AI module in walk action.
- Added range include for float value.
- Added the path action for path finding module.
- Upgraded 3D camera revolution rotate action, is more stable and has the improvement of the UX.
- Implemented
for character control relatives to camera, reference gameMonster Hunter
- Implemented
component toGameObject
- Implemented
component. - Now tween panel support multiple transform tweeners.
- Implemented toggle panel default button.
- Added dispose callback for dialogue system.
- Updated the execution order with more reasonable reason.
- Implemented
- Fixed camera position offset logic with hard track in both 2D/3D camera.
- Implemented zoom in/out on mobile device.
- Renamed some of the weird API naming in system module.
- You can now zoom in/out with touches in mobile device.
- Implemented touch event compatible with mouse event.
- Organized
folder for exporting.
- Fixed down compatibility to Unity version
. - Changed project structure to have all the 3rd party dependencies on the
root of the
- Added sound settings for
- Added mobile slide GUI feature.
- Update project's Unity Engine version to 2019.3.3f1.
- Fixed
out of range issue.
- Clean up some scripts from
- Fixed ensure all class inherit all parent class for settings.
- Fixed ensure all class inherit all parent class for managers.
- Update package exporter to version
. - Re-design debug module.
- Update project's Unity Engine version to 2019.2.18f1.
- Changed Unity scripting's default foramt.
- Added PEY game logo to Games made.
- Minor fixed from
- Implemented
component. - Update project unity engine version to 2019.2.9f1.
- Implemented JCS_IAPManager for In-App-Purchase system.
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.2.6f1.
- Started integrating In-App-Purchase (IAP) system.
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.2.4f1.
- Update dependency =>
Log Viewer
to version1.8
- Fixed ensure frame text issue.
- Fixed callback for tweener implementation issue.
- Fixed weird callback logic in
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.2.0f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.1.12f1.
- Removed old documents from project root directory =>
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.1.11f1.
- Implemented new component
- Implemented new component
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.1.10f1.
- Implemented new component
- Implemented new component
- Add round up option for sprite timer.
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.1.9f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.1.7f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.1.1f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2019.1.0f2.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.11f1.
- Complete tooltips.
- Add missing tooltips.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.9f1.
- Format code with JCSUnity's standards.
- Clean up some code and polished some classes' description.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.8f1.
- Complete Action/Freeze module's components.
- Format code, supply missing tooltips and function descriptions.
- Release JCS_ToggleButton's getter/setter and make some improvements with more reasonable function calls.
- Fixed travis CI by removing
rvm get stable
command. - Update travis CI with testing unity version => 2018.2.12f1.
- Supply missing tooltips and function descriptions.
- Fixed some class descriptions.
- Format action modules, and supply tooltips.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.6f1.
- Update some tooltips and class descriptions.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.5f1.
- Organize project with
- Update tooltips' typo.
- Remove
and officially useUnityPackageExporter
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.4f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.3f1.
- Fixed tooltips for particle module.
- Update tooltips and fixed typo.
- Update tooltips for better description.
- Release some api calls.
- Organize code.
- Polish tooltips.
- Fixed minor tooltips and section's format.
- Update some modules' description.
- Fixed classes' description.
- Fixed enum module's description.
- Remove trailing empty line from multiple files.
- Organize code and fixed classes' description.
- Add back and forth times => JCS_DestroyAnimBackForthEvent.cs.
- Add header splitter, organize code.
- Update some classes' description.
- Organized legacy code, components, etc.
- Fixed some typo, class descriptions and variables descriptions.
- Fixed some typo and class descriptions.
- Fixed some of the APIs' getter/setter.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.3.0f2.
- Update project version to 1.8.7.
- Fixed all warnings from updating to unity engine version to 2018.3.0f2.
- Update `Log Viewr' library/dependency to self-patch version 1.6.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.18f1.
- Start travis continuous integration service => .travis.yml file.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.17f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.16f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.15f1.
- Fixed several demo scenes.
- Remove deprecated module component that Unity declare as deprecated.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.14f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.13f1.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.12f1.
- Move realted section into one section in the readme file.
- Add the manual/scripting api section into readme file.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.11f1.
- Rename '2D Game' to just '2D' with parent folder 'Managers'.
- Update project version to 1.8.5.
- Revert to version 1.8.3, and update these changes.
- Rename In Game Log System => InGameLogSystem.
- Revert back to 1.8.5 but keep the version 1.8.3's changes.
- Update project unity engine version to 2018.2.10f1.
- Add option disable sound when window not focus in JCS_SoundManager.
- Fixed JCS_PositionCastAction not compatible with resizable screen/window functionalities' issue.
- Fixed JCS_ScaleEffect and JCS_SlideEffect not part of the UI issue, missing the TEXT component.
- Update project Unity Engine version to 2018.2.9f1.
- JCS_TextButtonEffect implemented, for button that is only the text without sprite.
- Test android build.
- Fixed all warnings when build mobile phone version's application/executable.
- Remove 'JCS' folder name's prefix in the JCSUnity_Resources.
- Update project version to 1.8.3.
- Add 'Standalone File Browser' as project dependency. =>
- Make screen type handle to individual scene.
- Implement DestroyImmediateAllTypeObjectInScene util function in JCS_Uility module.
- Increase the preformance of the removing pause action from the pause manager. The time complexity increase from O(n^2) to O(n).
- Add test option and null sprite after done playing animation option to JCS_2DAnimation module.
- Add clear all undo/redo comps and all undo/redo history, in JCS_UndoRedoSystem and JCS_UndoRedoComponent class for undo redo module and easier function API call.
- Add there is undo redo history check API.
- Rename undo/redo system's API function call => start/stop recording to start/stop recording all.
- Organize code and add class desciption if the class do not have one.
- Update Unity Engine version to 2018.2.8f1.
- Rename from JCS_AspectScreenPanel to JCS_ResizableScreenPanel, I think this is the proper naming, using 'resizable' than the word 'aspect'.
- Remove JCS_AspectScreen and move the functionalities to JCS_ScreenManager.
- Fixed roll button selector acting weird when under different resolution issue.
- Add resize screen option everytime a new scene loaded to JCS_ScreenSettings.
- Implement resize screen on particular scene functionalities in JCS_ScreenManager.
- Resizable window/screen functionalities implemented, finally!
- Update project version to 1.8.1.
- Fixed JCS_ButtonPointer compatible with resizable screen/window.
- Implement JCS_ApplicationSettings for deeper application control.
- Update execution order with resizable screen functionalities.
- Implement JCS_ScreenSettings for storing screen setting over scene.
- Implemented resizable screen module with JCS_ApsectScreen and JCS_AspectScreenPanel implemented.
- Implemented OnResizeScreen callback for resizable module in all camera module.
- JCS_ScreenManager implemented for resizable screen task handle.
- JCS_ScreenSettings implemented for screen related settings storage.
- Fixed and make compatible with new Slide effect component in JCS_SequencePanel.
- Deprecated Utility function => JCS_MouseOverGUI. This function isn't work well enough with resizable screen/window.
- Make compatiable with resizable screen/window and add audo add event trigger event to event trigger system.
- Make tween panel compatible with resizable screen/window.
- JCS_InputField implemented for better input field handle.
- Make compatible with resizable screen/window with JCS_ScaleEffect, basically the same issue as JCS_SlideEffect. The solution are the same to both of the component.
- Update project versiont to 1.7.9.
- Add attach/detach all child util functions.
- JCS_AnchorPresetsType enum implemented.
- Update scripting manual with JCS_AnchorPresetsType file description.
- Fixed all Unity object goes weird issue when having Unity defined UI as parent or child transform as another Unity defined UI.
- Add merge list utilty function in JCS_Utility module.
- Use force detach children instead of normal detach children in JCS_PanelChild module.
- Remove all the weird testing key with test component with key options in there.
- Instead set resolution and make aspect screen in Update we do it in LateUpdate function call.
- Add fix text by font size and fix text by scale options in JCS_PanelRoot component work with JCS_PanelChild component.
- JCS_AspectScreen implemented for aspect ratio window/screen functionalities.
- Fix text component by scaling the size when doing the aspect ratio UI in JCS_PanelChild module.
- Add GCD -greatest common factor math/util function.
- Upgrade Unity Engine to 2018.2.6f1.
- Add alt, ctrl and shift key combination enum to JCS_KeyCombination.
- Add alt, ctrl, and shit key combination input.
- Update project version to 1.7.7.
- Add create undo redo system editor function in JCSUnity Editor window's GUI section.
- Update JCSUntiy source url in editor properties .ini file.
- Add test valid number string utility function.
- Add game done initialize flag in JCS_GameManager.
- Add stop/start recording undo/redo action in both JCS_UndoRedoSystem and JCS_UndoRedoComponent.
- Make record prev data public function in JCS_UndoRedoComponent script, for any data that developer want to record undo/redo's data manually.
- Add after game is done initialize callback in JCS_GameManager, manager's module.
- Make record previous data in JCS_UndoRedoComponent to after game is initialize callback.
- JCS_KeyWith implemented for key combination data struct, just to hold alt, ctrl, shift combination key info.
- JCS_UIComponentData interface for root of all UI component data.
- Implemented focus after undo/redo functionalities.
- Undo Redo system implemented. -> JCS_UndoRedoSystem -> JCS_UndoRedoComponent
- Undo Redo system demo scene added.
- Add GUI struct data script. -> JCS_DropdownData -> JCS_InputFieldData -> JCS_ScrollbarData -> JCS_SliderData -> JCS_ToggleData
- Add Ctrl, Alt, Shift related key functions.
- Add toggle is on and off callback in JCS_Toggle component.
- Update Unity Engine version to 2018.2.4f1.
- Add set interactable callback in JCS_Button, GUI module.
- Make compatible with button interactable by setting the alph the same but keep the rest of the colors to the toggle color.
- Update Unity Engine version to 2018.2.5f1.
- JCS_Toggle implemented to better toggle UI/UX.
- JCS_ToggleSign implemented for JCS_Toggle's sign/button.
- Add add dropdown option to JCS_Dropdown utility function to JCS_GUIUtil module.
- Ignore and Remove build info file from 'Assets/StreamingAssets/' directory.
- Add build_info.txt text file to the JCSUnity_PEs' ignore list.
- Support one full path for XML and binary save load module.
- Add JCS_OnMouseDrag function to check if the current mouse button is in the dragging action.
- Remove 'JCS_InputType' enum, is a mistake script by moving from other test module project.
- Update project/development version to 1.7.4.
- Update IO module's scripting manual.
- JCS_IO implemented for Input/Output utilities.
- Add JCS_Dropdown utility functions in JCS_GUIUtil module.
- JCS_Dropdown implmeneted for better dropdown UI handle.
- Add more dropdown util function in JCS_GUIUtil module.
- Add test option to JCS_3DLiquidBar.
- JCS_GradientText implemented for making the text gradient effect.
- Support load image as texture in image loader module.
- Change JCS_2DAnimation's displays variable from normal array to list data structure.
- Add active/play on awake/loop variable to JCS_2DOrderAnimPlayer.
- Add 'displays' variable in JCS_2DAnimation module for multiple JCS_UnityObject object displaying the same sprite.
- Add test key option on few effect modules/components.
- Add boolean check for if the specific joystick plugged-in util input function.
- Fixed slide input on focus changed the delta value issue.
- Add the test key option in JCS_GameManager.
- Show joystick names in the JCS_InputSettings' inspector.
- Add check all keys pressed/up/down and either key pressed/up/down.
- Add check all keys pressed/up/down and either key pressed/up/down with joystick too.
- Make legacy script for deprecated module => JCS_VideoPlayer component.
- Update Unity Engine version to => 2018.2.1f1.
- Implement remove empty slot to normal array in Util module.
- Audio loader module implemented.
- Video loader module implemented.
- Update scripting manual for audio/video loader.
- Add GUI util, for dropdown set to value function.
- Improve the usage of the dropdown set value function.
- Add test key in JCS_DeltaNumber script/component.
- Make current project version to 1.7.1.
- Enable loop to all BGM player object in each scenes.
- Fixed gamepad hit twice at the first key issue.
- BGM play prefab, enable loop option as default.
- Change the project location, make sure the project does not break with build info confirm.
- Remove root scripts trailing white spaces.
- Make 100 pixel per unit as default for Image Loader.
- JCS_GUIUtil for GUI utilities functions implemented.
- Add missing class description manual. -> JCS_GUIUtil -> JCS_Logger
- Rename 'JCS_Buttons' folder to 'Button' for styling improvement.
- Add 'Button' component getter => ButtonComp at file 'JCS_Button'.
- Update scripting manual folder naming, JCS_Buttons => Button.
- Fixed missing BGM player object in the GUI demo scene.
- Add missing mobile input related classes descriptions.
- Add truncate float function to Math module.
- Update class description and null ref check for spawned GUI objects for JCS_PanelChild.
- Add get selected value for Dropdown object, add UI utility module?
- Update default resource prefabs object with order layer of 5 instead of 100.
- Update project version to 1.6.9.
- Implement BGM player for all scenes.
- Implement BGM not change between scene functionality.
- Implement PS4 gamepad to JCSUnity framework Input module.
- Implement Visible On zero functionality on JCS_DeltaNumber component.
- Implement alignment for JCS_DeltaNumber component.
- Update doc version number to current version number.
- JCS_BinGameData interface/module implemented.
- Update scripting manual with save load module implementation.
- Make default empty array instead of null pointer in ReadSceneName component/module.
- Remove deprecated component from resource prefabs => GUI Layer.
- Release version 1.6.5 for huge upgrade the package to Unity version 2018.1.3f1.
- Upgrade package JCSUnity_PE for JCSUnity project management.
- Update project version to 1.6.7.
- Fixed editor window initialize issue in Unity version 2018.1.3f1.
- GUI resize module make compatible to Unity version to 2017.4.2f2.
- Update resize UI prefab default settings/configs.
- Remove deprecated 'README.txt' file.
- Add 'version_info.txt' for future use to record all version support.
- Update Unity version to the project to 2018.1.3f1.
- Fixed JCS_VideoPlayer compatible with browser and WebGL build. It still have to be implement though.
- Add link to game - sugar sleuths.
- Rename movie/clip file to ASCII only for some versiont control, not allow UTF-8 compatbile issue.
- Update Unity version to 2017.3.0f3.
- `Log Viewer' plugin seems no longer maintain, consider remove the plugin.
- Add ignore pause check boolean and open to the inspector level.
- Add ignore pause option param to any key state input.
- Gamepad version of slide screen button implemented.
- Add test key option to JCS_2DSlideScreenCamera.
- Refactor clear keymap buffer for joystick into properly named function.
- Add tutorials section to readme file.
- Fixed input module's release key up and key down by adding another keymap.
- Fixed dialogue system will still play sound while dialouge does not show up corresponding UI.
- Update compatible hover check.
- Add global sound effect to button sound effect script.
- Update dialogue system with default using global sound effect.
- Update project version to 1.6.5.
- Add defense programming to 2d dynamic scene manager checking adding object to provided order layer index.
- Add local position option to certain 3D action module.
- Cancel direction linking to duplex linking for button and button selection.
- Button selection group make compatible with mouse/PC by adding hover functionalities with Unity's built-in component 'EventTrigger'.
- Add game pad button option with playing the sound with global sound player.
- Implement sound for dialogue system using global sound player.
- Implement randomize value at start for JCS_3DGoStraightAction.
- Add defense programming to 'JCS_2DDynamicSceneManager' class, missing prompt of the set object. transform.
- Macro define for free version of JCSUnity.
- Remove build warnings.
- Start draft version 1.6.3.
- Update readme file with 'how to use it?' and 'notice' sections.
- JCS_PredictCamera implemented, now camera can have total of 3 dimensionals and 27 directions' prediction.
- Detail comment for 3D throw action with physics logic.
- Bug fixed to 3D throw action, comparing from distance to displacement in free fall/accelerate formula.
- JCS_ButtonSelectionGroup callback invoke with defense programming.
- JCS_ButtonSelection provide link direction from/to JCS_Button.
- JCS_DialogueScript force get dialogue system well getting it.
- Change dialogue system prefab because button selection link direction default is the opposite direction.
- JCS_GamePadAnimationHandler implemented.
- JCS_2DAnimator header naming error fixed.
- Add 'JCS_OnClickCallback' abstract function for JCS_Button class. Restrict all button sub-class follows this method/standard, in order to reduce system duplicate code.
- JCS_HideDialogueGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_ShowDialogueGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_ActivePanelGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_DeactivePanelGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_ExitAppGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_LoadSceneGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_OpenURLGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_PauseGameGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_ToggleGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_UnPauseGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_ExitAppOnlineGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_SwitchServerGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_ButtonSelectionGroupController add JCS_ButtonSelectionGroup accessibility.
- Add JCSUnity_PE for managing packages for my framework.
- JCS_WhiteScreen with test key.
- add auto hover to dialogue system module.
- JCS_EchoGamePadButton implemented.
- JCS_ButtonSelectionGroup with audio settings now.
- JCS_GamePadButton with audio settings now.
- JCS_ButtonSoundEffect implement JCS_SoundMethod.
- JCS_SoundMethod enum added.
- JCS_SoundPlayer with play sound depends on action.
- JCS_RollBtnSelector bug fixed and compatible with base class JCS_Button class.
- Create Tool section for JCSUnity easy create project settings.
- Update JCSUnity Editor window for better order and with some proper GUI label help understand the framework itself.
- Add accessibility to JCS_TweenPanel classs.
- Add functionality with reset all selections on 'OnEnable' function occurs.
- JCS_ButtonSelectionGroupController with option of ignore the game pause trigger for all input type.
- Add param 'ignorePause' to ignore game pause check for all input functions.
- Rename Conversation_Dialogue to JCS_DialogueSystem for proper naming issue.
- Add comment to JCS_DialogueSystem.
- Make dialogue system game pad compatible.
- Loop through the array and index in array range check functions added for utility layer.
- JCS_ButtonSelection and JCS_ButtonSelectionGroup, make compatible with 'skip' functionality.
- JCS_ButtonSelectionGroup with proper function naming design, mainly pural issue.
- Update JCS_ButtonSelection, JCS_ButtonSelectionGroup and JCS_ButtonSelectionGroupController with full control which is the 4 directions/2 dimensional control.
- Add self as button for Button selection.
- Make JCS_Button callback compatible with Game pad system.
- Change default button selection group controller's active variables to true.
- JCS_GamePadButtonUIHandler implemented.
- Add Dialogue system on readme file.
- Add JCS_GamePadSpriteHandler for all kind of sprite object handle, now the sprite can be change by the joystick connection.
- Bug fixed, JCS_ButtonSelection 'mActive' to public variable 'Active'.
- JCS_Button with separate initialize function call.
- Make JCS_Button compatible with keyboard and gamepad input buffer.
- Make JCS_GamePadButton compatible with keyboard input.
- Update JCS_3DThrowAction for throw action movement.
- Change black screen and slide black screen default setting from resource object.
- Change movie file for smaller file size.
- Remove webcam screen shots.
- Utility tool wrong naming fixed.
- Sprite Timer out of range for level design, extends it.
- Remove UI error prompting, need to restrucutre the UI layer.
- Selection support unity callback.
- Random utility support include/cover funcation call.
- JCS_FadeObject bug fixed with fade effect behind.
- JCS_FadeObject with better callback function format/naming.
- Update JCS_ButtonSelection with callback.
- Instead of one effect replace with multiple effects for JCS_ButtonSelection.
- Sprite timer conflict with unity object time issue bug fixed.
- Add JCS_GamePadButton base button class for Gamepad interaction.
- JCS_Input with more functional key input naming and readability.
- Now the framework handle multiple controller input with easy function call.
- Add Gam Pad key down and key up check.
- JCS_ButtonSelectionGroup implemented.
- JCS_ButtonSelection implemented.
- JCS_ButtonSelectionGroupController implemented.
- JCS_InputController implemented with default input manager settings.
- Sprite Timer compatible with unity object.
- Add 'NONE' as a default gamepad keycode in JCS_Input script.
- Add handy function enum size in utility layer.
- Add basic two-sided surface shader with transparency.
- Add test key to JCS_FadeObject.
- JCS_FadeObject initial visible boolean bug fixed.
- Audio listener null check bug fixed.
- Add IsVisible variable for base dialogue object.
- Add dialogue object for active and deactive panel button.
- Add zoom function for 2D camera.
- Add Sprite Timer with callback when time is up.
- JCS_TransformTweener update with target and self track.
- Add local and global switch for JCS_TransformTweener.
- Rotate action add with local track.
- JCS_RevolutioAction implemented.
- Include 'UI-Polygon' library made by Credit CiaccoDavide.
- Add circle position function for x, y, z axis.
- Add radian and degree conversion.
- Resolution fix with logo scene.
- Create tween panel added into the JCSUnity editor window.
- Add fade screen to UI manager, now the game are enable the simple focus and un-focus effect.
- Add randomize const wave effect.
- JCS_TransformTweener continue tween provide all three transform type now, so developers can tween between position/rotation/scale for now on.
- Const wave effect support 3 dimentional, and using Untiy Object as the base class which mean the effect can be use by any Unity object layer.
- JCS_RandomTweenerAction implemented.
- Downgrade resources's screen panel object, in order to save a bit of runtime memory usage and performance.
- Add value offset to JCS_TransformTweener.
- Fix wrong naming/typo.
- PacketLostPreventer add the timer in order not to send the packet to often and save a bit of performance comparing 60 packets (frame rate) per second.
- JCS_LookAtMouseAction implemented.
- JCS_ActivePanelButton implemented.
- JCS_DeactivePanelButton implemented.
- JCS_SwitchServerButton implemented.
- JCS_SwitchServerButton implemented.
- JCS_ApplicationCloseSimulateSceneOnline scene added, for online exit client.
- JCS_OpenURLButton implemented.
- Rename PacketDecoder to JCS_DefaultPacketDecoder private same file name.
- Rename PacketEncoder to JCS_DefaultPacketEncoder prevent same file name.
- Out of range Bugs fixed with 'JCS_ServerRequestProcessor'.
- JCS_PacketLostPreventer implemented for tracking down and solve the packet lost issue by using the UDP for network communicattion.
- Add Asynchronous Datagram Socket for option in 'JCS_NetworkSettings'.
- JCS_UDPGameSocket implemented.
- JCS_Canvas have ability to let other component add to the resizable panel.
- Add asynchronous callback to socket.
- JCS_ClientMode implemented.
- JCS_RecvPacketType implemented.
- JCS_SendPacketType implemented.
- Add more meaningful to JCS_DefaultClientHandler.
- JCS_PacketProcessor implemented for sample the network handle.
- Error handling for server packet/request.
- JCS_BinaryReader implemented for another framework 'JCSNetS'.
- JCS_Client implemented.
- JCS_ServerRequestProcessor implemented.
- Add require component to 'JCS_NetworkSettings' for 'JCS_ServerRequestProcessor'.
- JCS_PacketHandler implemented.
- JCS_DefaultClientHandler for demo use.
- JCS_Packet for standard byte array storage class.
- Default buffer input and output mem does not set correctlly, settings fixed.
- Client handler logic error in Game Socekt.
- Client handler implemented, so we could have our own packet/buffer handler.
- Update JCS_VelocityInfo with 3 dimentional.
- Re-structure the networking module.
- JCS_Debug no longer need the input of the file.
- JCS_Logger implmeneted for Network module.
- Start the side project JCS_UCG.
- JCS_CameraRenderer implemented.
- GrayScale shader implemented.
- Displacement shader implemented.
- Fixed Item will go through the wall.
- JCS_2DAnimDisplayHolder implemented.
- JCS_ItemWall implemented.
- Fixed JCS_TransformTweener continue tween issue.
- Add Hotkeys category for JCSUnity GUI.
- JCS_ButtonPointer implemented.
- Update Unity version to 5.6.1f1.
- Rename JCS_Cursor to JCS_3DCursor.
- JCS_2DCursor implemented.
- Add slope to the JCS_PositionPlatform.
- JCS_DamageText performance improvement.
- JCS_ClimbableManager implemented.
- JCS_IndieManager implemented.
- Rename JCS_2DRandAnimController to JCS_2DRandAnimByTimeController.
- JCS_2DRandAnimByAnimDone implemented.
- JCS_FreezeTransformAction implemented.
- JCS_FreezePositionAction implemented.
- JCS_FreezeRotationAction implemented.
- JCS_FreezeScaleAction implemented.
- JCS_RelativeFreezePositionAction implemented.
- JCS_2DOrderAnimPlayer implemented.
- JCS_2DRandAnimController implemented.
- JCS_AdjustTimeTrigger implemented.
- JCS_2DAnimMirror implemented.
- JCS_2DAnimSequencePlayer implemented.
- JCS_2DLadder and JCS_2DRope update with sprite control front and behind.
- JCS_OrderLayer reasonable variable and renamed.
- JCS_OrderLayerObject add multiple SpriteRenderer component as option.
- JCS_DeltaNumber with clear up zero on the left function implemented.
- Rename JCS_SpriteScore to JCS_DeltaNumber.
- JCS_PlatformSettings implemented.
- JCS_RouteGuageSystem implemented.
- JCS_AdvertismentManager implemented.
- JCS_RewardAdsButton implemented.
- Bug fixed JCS_OrderLayer parallax effect jittering issue.
- Zero out the velocity when the camera stopped, bug fixed.
- Update JCS_SoundManager with play one shot of bgm.
- Update JCS_SceneManager with more proper name variables.
- Update JCS_SoundManaer with 'SwitchBackgroundMusic' function.
- Rename JCS_2DDestroyAnimEffect to JCS_3DDestroyAnimEffect.
- JCS_2DDestroyAnimEffect impelemented.
- JCS_TransformPool implemented.
- JCS_DestroySpawnEffect implemented.
- JCS_INIFileReader implemented.
- implemented.
- JCS_2DParticleSystem rename to JCS_ParticleSystem.
- JCS_DestroyAnimEffect rename to JCS_2DDestroyAnimEffect.
- Update JCS_ParticleSystem so you could play one shot of particle in certain number of particle.
- JCS_DestroyParticleEndEvent implemented.
- JCS_DestroyParticleEffect implemented.
- JCS_Tweener rename to JCS_TransfromTweener.
- JCS_ColorTweener implemented.
- JCS_3DDistanceTileAction implemented.
- JCS_2DGoStraightAction rename to JCS_3DGoStraightAction.
- JCS_TimePanel implemented.
- JCS_2DAnimation implemented.
- Change the file name old JCS_2DAnimator to JCS_I2DAnimator.
- JCS_2DAnimator implemnted.
- JCS_SpriteScore implemented.
- JCS_HitListEvent update with self-destroy.
- JCS_SpriteTimer implemented.
- JCS_Utility implement DestroyAllTypeObjectInScene function.
- JCS_BasicInitSpawner implemented.
- Redefined JCS_DestroyAnimEffect.
- JCS_BasicWaveSpawner implemented.
- Update JCS_VideoPlayer compatible with Andriod.
- Set JCS_2DCamera virtual function as default.
- JCS_PauseAction implemented.
- JCS_PauseManager implemented.
- Modefied JCS_GameManager's GAME_PAUSE compatible to previous version of JCSUnity.
- Fit Screen Size some bugs fixed.
- JCS_ShowDialogueButton implemented.
- JCS_HideDialogueButton implemented.
- JCS_PauseGameButton implemented.
- JCS_UnPauseGameButton implemented.
- Organize JCSUnity_EditorWindow class.
- Add JCSUnity_EditorWindow for gui interface implementation.
- Add menu item serialize to JCSUnity 2d.
- Add menu item serialize to JCSUnity 3d.
- Add menu item About.
- Add randomize duration at start time for tweener.
- Now All damage text pool provide the specific audio clip function call option. Meaning all the skill you are designing can be use in different sound.
- For coding wise, after the "ApplyDamageText" function had the new variable "AudioClip", pass it in to take the effect.
- Update JCS_2DParticleSytem with "start" and "stop" function
- JCS_InvincibleTimeAction implemented.
- Add scene portal layer.
- Setup the indie folder for managers and settings folder.
- JCS_PortalManager implemented.
- JCS_PortalSetting implemented.
- Add black slide screen while switch scene.
- Setup the shader folder.
- "VertexLit with Z" added.
- FOW shader added.
- JCS_GUIComponentLayer implemented.
- JCS_ItemDroppable update with more function.
- JCS_TowardTarget implemented.
- JCS_DisableWithCertainRangeEvent implemented.
- JCS_PushThrowAction implemented.
- OnLevelWasLoaded deprecated fixed so now version compatible with Unity 5.4 or higher.
- JCS_SceneSettings implemented. ■ Fade in/out time for specific scene option.
- JCS_SceneManager effect and update cuz of the JCS_SceneSetting script.
- JCS_3DLookAction asymptotic rotate.
- JCS_3DCamera smooth track function implemented.
- JCS_GUILiquidBar support depend on the alignment.
- JCS_3DLiquidBar support depend on the alignment.
- Joystick implemented.
- JCS_InputSetting updated.
- JCS_3DCamera zoom in/out feature implemented.
- JCS_FadeObject min/max alpha range implemented.
- Project warnings clean up.
- JCS_3DAnimator working on.
- JCS_3DBlendTreeAnimator working on.
- JCS_Tweener updated.
- Update item droppable.
- Multiple script comment.
- Update Pathfinding Request, but there are still some bugs.
- Modefied the name of JCS_GameErros into JCS_Debug, so there is no JCS_GameErros anymore. Plz use JCS_Debug instead.
- Export JCSUnity 1.3.7 package.
- JCS_2DAIStateSystem implemented.
- Update project to version 5.4.0f3.
- Few bugs fixed compatiable to version 5.4.0f3.
- box colliders does not support negative scale
- JCS_VideoPlayer implemented but only support -list file. -list .mov
- Application end scene implemented.
- A star pathfinding implemented.
- README.txt file updated.
- Working on JCS_VideoPlayer.
- Add image into dialogue system.
- Add name tag into dialogue system.
- Dialogue System implemented.
- Dialogue Script system implemented.
- Workd on A* Pathfinding algorithm.
- README.txt file updated.
- Working on Dialogue Scripting system.
- JCS_ScriptTester scene added.
- UtilitiesScene category added in scene folder.
- npc2100.cs test script updated.
- Update damage text system, so now enemy and player can have different damage text set.
- README.txt file updated.
- In Game Log System implemented.
- JCS_Settings interface implemented.
- Log system implemented into Boss Fight Game.
- JCS_Settings implemented.
- JCS_Managers implemented.
- Damage Text stackover flow logic bug fixed.
- XML Save and Load implemented.
- Get back recover value.
- Health target cannot be damage while the game is over.
- BF_CashText implemented.
- Limit the monster in the scene so it won't spawn too many monster.
- JCS_2DBullet huge updated.
- Character animation fixed.
- Sequence Shoot in Cursor.
- Push Skill implemented.
- Multiple attack implemented.
- JCS_3DMouseMovement implemented.
- BF_HealthTarget implemented.
- JCS_LiquidBarInfo implemented.
- IAP System using Soomla open source project.
- randomize the cash value.
- Item effect object implemented.
- 目前最強的射擊武器.
- JCS_2DInitLookByTypeAction implemented.
- JCS_LiveObjectManager, JCS_2DLiveObjectManager implemented.
- 全圖殺怪.
- JCS_3DLiquidBar implemented.
- JCS_HueController implemented.
- Update Level Text.
- Update inspector controll within the GUI function.
- JCS_SlideEffect
- JCS_2DCamera smooth scroll implemeneted.
- Mana System game machnice implemented.
- JCS_LiquidBarText implemented.
- use JCS_LiquidBarText into game.
- 打幣系統.
- End Game System implemented.
- BF_RainFaller impelemented.
- JCS_Reflect object more functional with position offset.
- Collision Fixed.
- Cash System implemented.
- Bug Fixed.
- BF_AutoAttacker implemented.
- Boss Fight game scene updated.
- Fixed the collision overlapping by using FixedUpdate() function call from Unity Engine.
- JCS_2DFlyActionIgnore.
- Fly Object ignore all platform in the scene now.
- Arrow Rain implemented.
- AOE function implemented.
- JCS_2DReflectBulletAction.
- JCS_ButtonSoundEffect will have refuse sound when is not interactable.
- JCS_Button interactable function updated.
- JCS_2dFlyAction's basic function implemneted.
- Player attack will wait all star hit the object before die.
- Boss Fight game scene updated.
- Memory Leak bug fixed.
- Wave handler implmented.
- Game Level up implemented.
- JCS_2DDeadAction implmented.
- Update Log Viewer Packages.
- JCS_3DDragDropObject implemented.
- Stars can shoot down each other.
- JCSUnity System updated.
- Player will attack according to the mouse click.
- Live Object animation functional.
- Boss Fight wave handler implemented but not finish yet.
- JCS_GUIStarterScene implemented.
- JCS_2DWalkAction add the random walk speed function at initilzie time.
- JCS_2DJumpAction add the random jump force function at initilzie time.
- JCS_GameErros function update, so no need to enter type the name out anymore, but the line number isnt update yet.
- BF_CharacterSpawnHandler implemented, now we can design our own character spawn positions.
- Mad effect for JCS_WalkAction implemented.
- Start the design of the BF.
- LiveObject can now attack player/each other.
- KnowBack algorithm implemented.
- Abiltiy Fromat provide attack and defense value.
- JCS_2DWalkAction bug fixed.
- JCS_VelcotiyInfo more function implemented. MoveSpeed & RecordSpeed.
- JCS_LiveObject more function implemented.
- JCS_2DCursorShootAction implemented.
- JCS_3DCursorShootAction implemented.
- JCS_2DJumpAction implemented.
- JCS_2DWalkAction implemented.
- JCS_VelocityInfo implemented.
- JCS_2DLadder complete!
- JCS_2DLadder bug fixed.
- Player improvement.
- JCS_Physics upgrade.
- JCSUnity Bugs fixed.
- JCS_2DLadder big upgrade.
- JCS_Physics more colliding functions implemented.
- JCS_2DSideScrolldPlayer more functions implemented.
- JCS_3DCamera updated.
- JCS_3DDemo scene make changes.
- Complete Running Crush core system.
- Optimized JCSUnity a bit.
- Start design the new game Boss Fight.
- Select a level before taking image from webcam.
- JCS_RollButtonSelector functional.
- Liquid Bar for Running Crush functional.
- JCS_TweenerPanel new added.
- Liquid Bar for Running Crush.
- SpriteMash liberaris implemented.
- Update JCS_ButtonSoundEffect, now we does not need to add to trigger event manully.
- JCS_EnvironmentSoundPlayer added.
- JCS_Lightning effect.
- JCS_StaticLightning effect.
- Update Detection area to multiple collider.
- JCS_Detect Area Action logic errors fixed.
- JCS_SlideScreenButton can now going direction with counts.
- JCS_SwitchSceneButton can now load scene limited base on platform type.
- RC_EffectItem, so the object will be effect by picking up the item!
- JCS_RollBtnSelector implemented.
- JCS_SequenceSlidePanel implemented.
- JCS_SlideEffect updated.
- JCS_RollBtnSelector implemented.
- JCS_RollSelectorButton implemented.
- JCS_SimpleTrackAction implemented.
- System Updated.
- JCSUnity's GUI system bug fixed.
- Shop System small update.
- Lib updated.
- JCS_SortingObject implemented.
- Shop and Lobby Scene small update.
- Game System update.
- Gold Item.
- Save Load Bug fixed.
- Shop Scene.
- RC_Player can pick up, so player can gain gold.
- Player Pointer.
- Revive Pointer.
- Save Load Function implemented.
- Modefied Tween to general.
- JCS_Item updated.
- Tweener updated with position, rotation, scale.
- RC_EffectObject implemented.
- RC_Goal implemented.
- Game System, so now the the game will act with what mode player chose.
- Save / Load Data implemented.
- Tweener Transition implemented. (Using 3rd party library.)
- JCS_ScaleEffect implemented.
- JCS_ButtonSoundEffect implemented. (use this for any button, working with Unity's Event Trigger script.)
- JCS_SlideScreenButton implemented.
- Work on Example Project.
- Lobby
- Webcam
- Part of MO implemented into Running Crush. (Webcam part)
- JCS_Cursor implemented. (Not complete yet.)
- Work on Example Project.
- Logo
- Lobby
- Webcam
- Game
- Shop
- Cross Unity Object's Webcam. (Not sure is cross platform yet.)
- Work on Example Project.
- Perspective Camera detect weather the collider area render on the screen or not. (using Game Depth)
- Full Screen Atk implemented.
- Player had the better movement.
- After Jump Effect.
- Particle System
- Weather Particle Interface
- Snow Flake (Weather Particle)
- Rain Drop (Weather Particle)
- Fix Player Settings.
- Swing Attack Action
- Absorb Effect (JCS_ShootAction)
- Sequence Shoot in order right now. (Logic Error fixed.)
- Speed Layer.
- Ignore Item Tag
- Miss Damage Text Code.
- Sprite Auto Facing
- Ability Format working.
- Shoot in sequence
- Bug Fix
- Auto Detect and attack.
- Deviation Throw
- Layer Friction Implemented.
- Abitilty Format interface.
- Hit and Damage Text(JCS_ApplyDamageTextAction)
- Throw Action! (support for 3D right now but not tested yet.)
- Detect Area implemented!
- Drop Item (only with sprite renderer layer.)
- GUI Button Slide.
- Pick up Item action
- Throw Action! (2D only for right now.)
- Update "JCS_PlayerManager".
- Liquid Container(only on X axis!)
- Season implemented.
- 2D&3D Tracking Action Implemented!
- Hit Event implemented!
- Created new category "Event"
- Shake Effect implemented!
- Cos-sine wave effect implemented!
- Mix Damage Text Pool implemented!
- JCS_3DCamera implemented!
- Damage Text Pool implemented!
- Damage Text implemented!
- Checkable feature implemented (when have ur mouse over a checkable object it will appear a small description menu)
- Clean Code (there was duplicate code)
- Resolution for all platform feature added (Tested! and it work!)
- Slide Input implemented (for touch pad)
- Application Manager managing the platform type form now on!
- Slide Switch Scene Function Completed
- Resolution for all platform feature added (Not Tested!)
- Bug Fix ("JCS_GameWindow" script)
- Bug Fix (Logog Scene)
- Multi Track Camera 2D feature add
- Pair Key Panel and Button Panel up
- Scene Manager bug fixed
- Multi Track Camera 2D
- Sound Fade in/out while switching the scene
- Bug Fix (Logo Scene)
- Top Down Player added