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enhancement-72: Split configuration file and simplify TLS Setup

Release Signoff Checklist

  • Enhancement issue in release milestone, which links to pull request in [keylime/enhancements]
  • Core members have approved the issue with the label implementable
  • Design details are appropriately documented
  • Test plan is in place
  • User-facing documentation has been created in [keylime/keylime-docs]


The configuration options present in the old keylime.conf are cleaned up and split into individual files corresponding to each of the sections.

The TLS configuration options are simplified to make the naming more consistent and intuitive.

The new configuration format is versioned to allow for simpler upgrades in the future.


The Keylime configuration for different components are all in one single file and there is no versioning to control newly introduced configuration options and possibly implementing upgrading mechanisms for the configuration files.

The current way TLS is setup in Keylime is confusing, with inconsistent naming scheme, and complex CA certificates configuration options.

Keylime uses the Python specific INI inspired configuration format and mixes different data types (comma separated list vs. Python syntax).


  • Split the keylime.conf configuration file into files: agent.conf, tenant.conf, registrar.conf, verifier.conf, ca.conf, and logging.conf
  • Add versioning to the configuration files
  • Provide a migration tool to port current single Keylime configurations to the new split format
  • Simplify the TLS setup of Keylime
  • Cleanup keylime_ca to make it work with the new setup
  • Formally allow the Rust agent configuration to diverge from the Python agent configuration


  • Implement other mechanisms of authentication other than mTLS
  • Move registration to HTTPS
  • Add a migration path for all possible old Keylime configurations

Proposal - TLS setup simplification

The current Keylime TLS setup allows setting the CA certificate to trust, the private key, and certificate to be used when accessing each different component as a client.

In the new configuration, components that access multiple servers use a single key pair and certificate to access all servers. This reduces the flexibility, but also reduces the complexity of the TLS configuration.

Each component has options to set a private key and certificate to be used for each performed role (client and server). Note that not all components perform both roles (client and server).

The new configuration introduces new options to set the trusted CA certificates. Each component that connects to servers gets the trusted_server_ca option to set the list of trusted server CA certificates, and each component that acts as a server gets the trusted_client_ca to set the list of trusted client CA certificates.

The old TLS configuration options are replaced with the following:

  • tls_dir: Path to the directory where key and certificate files are located
  • enable_agent_mtls: Enable the agent TLS with mutual authentication
  • client_key: Private key used for TLS client side authentication
  • client_cert: Certificate used for TLS client side authentication
  • server_key: Private key used for TLS server side authentication
  • server_cert: Certificate used for TLS server side authentication
  • trusted_client_ca: List of trusted CAs for client certificates
  • trusted_server_ca: List of trusted CAs for server certificates

Other TLS related options are removed.

The new TLS configuration options accept special keywords listed below:

  • default: When this keyword is provided, the default value for the option is used. The table below lists the options that accept the default keyword and the value used when the keyword is provided:
Option Default value
tls_dir /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca for server components. /var/lib/keylime/secure for the agent.
client_key client.key
client_cert client_cert.pem
server_key server.key
server_cert server_cert.pem
trusted_client_ca [cacert.pem]
trusted_server_ca [cacert.pem]
  • all (only valid for trusted_client_ca and trusted_server_ca): Disables validation of the certificates.
  • generate (only valid for tls_dir): Generates a CA with the correct certificates. The agent generates the key and certificate when they are not present regardless of this option.

The following sub-sections describe the changes to TLS related options for each component.


For the agent the changes are only the options naming scheme changes to make it consistent with the other components. Since the agent does not access other components as a client using TLS, it does not have the client_key, client_cert, and trusted_server_ca options.

The following table summarizes the changes from the old configuration file format.

Old option New Option Notes
rsa_keyname server_key
mtls_cert_enabled enable_agent_mtls
mtls_cert server_cert
keylime_ca trusted_client_ca Add the verifier and tenant clients CA certificates to trusted_client_ca


For the verifier, besides the options naming scheme changes for consistency, some options are removed since only one client key pair and certificate can be set to access the other components.

Also the option to use password protected private keys is no longer supported, allowing the private_key_pw and agent_mtls_private_key_pw to be removed.

The following table summarizes the changes for the verifier TLS configuration.

Old option New Option Notes
tls_dir tls_dir
ca_cert trusted_client_ca Add the tenant client CA certificate to trusted_client_ca
my_cert server_cert
private_key server_key
private_key_pw (None, removed) Removed support for password protected private keys
check_client_cert (None, removed) Use all keyword in trusted_client_ca
agent_mtls_cert_enabled enable_agent_mtls
agent_mtls_cert client_cert Add the CA of the agent's server_cert to trusted_server_ca
agent_mtls_private_key client_key
agent_mtls_private_key_pw (None, removed) Removed support for password protected private keys


The tenant access multiple components as a client. The old configuration format allows to set different private keys and certificates to be used when accessing each different component. In the new configuration format, all services are accessed using the same private key (client_key) and certificate (client_cert).

To allow the components to authenticate the tenant, it is necessary to add the tenant CA certificate to the trusted_client_ca list in each component configuration.

Also the option to use password protected private keys is no longer supported, allowing the private_key_pw, agent_mtls_private_key_pw, and registrar_private_key_pw to be removed.

Old option New Option Notes
tls_dir tls_dir
ca_cert trusted_server_ca Add the verifier CA certificate to trusted_server_ca
my_cert client_cert
private_key client_key
private_key_pw (None, removed) Removed support for password protected private keys
check_client_cert (None, removed) Use all keyword in trusted_client_ca
agent_mtls_cert_enabled enable_agent_mtls
agent_mtls_cert (None, removed) Add the CA of the agent's server_cert to trusted_server_ca
agent_mtls_private_key client_key
agent_mtls_private_key_pw (None, removed) Removed support for password protected private keys
registrar_tls_dir (None, removed) Use tls_dir
registrar_ca_cert (None, removed) Add the CA of the registrar's server_cert to trusted_server_ca
registrar_my_cert client_cert
registrar_private_key client_key
registrar_private_key_pw (None, removed) Removed support for password protected private keys
check_client_cert (None, removed) Use all keyword in trusted_client_ca


For the registrar, the options are renamed to follow the new naming scheme and some options are removed since there is no need to set multiple server private keys and certificates.

The registrar does not access other services as a client, thus it does not have the client_key, client_cert, and trusted_server_ca options.

Also the option to use password protected private keys is no longer supported, allowing the private_key_pw and registrar_private_key_pw to be removed.

The following table summarizes the changes for the registrar TLS configuration.

Old option New Option Notes
registrar_tls_port tls_port
tls_dir tls_dir
ca_cert trusted_client_ca Add the tenant CA certificates to trusted_client_ca
my_cert server_cert
private_key server_key
private_key_pw (None, removed) Removed support for password protected private keys
registrar_tls_dir (None, removed) Use tls_dir
registrar_private_key_pw (None, removed) Removed support for password protected private keys
check_client_cert (None, removed) Use all keyword in trusted_client_ca

Proposal - Split the configuration into individual files for each component and cleanup options

The proposal consists in moving the configuration options from the current configuration file sections into individual configuration files corresponding to each of the sections.

As part of the options cleanup, the TLS configuration is simplified with the goal to make the options naming more consistent and intuitive between the different components, as described in the sections above.

The global configuration section is removed as the options present in that section are not necessary in the new configuration format.

The logging and CA related sections are moved to dedicated configuration files.

The following table shows the file which contains the options from each of the old configuration sections:

Old configuration section File in new configuration
[general] (None, removed)
[cloud_agent] agent.conf
[cloud_verifier] verifier.conf
[registrar] registrar.conf
[tenant] tenant.conf
[ca] ca.conf
[loggers] logging.conf
[handlers] logging.conf
[formatters] logging.conf
[logger_root] logging.conf
[handler_consoleHandler] logging.conf
[logger_keylime] logging.conf

When packaging Keylime, distributions should ship the default configuration files in /usr/etc/keylime/ or, if not supported, in /etc/keylime/. When /etc/keylime/ is populated, the options from files in /usr/etc/keylime should be ignored. Manual overrides can be provided in files in /etc/keylime.d/.

The Rust agent implementation can diverge from the configuration file format used by the Python agent implementation, including adopting different configuration options.

Unification of data types

Since the configuration is for software written in Python the default Python types are used.

  • Booleans: True and False
  • String: Strings; can be double quoted or not (e.g. test = test.txt or test = "test with space.txt")
  • List: Defined as in Python (e.g. [1, 2, "string"])
  • Dictionary: Defined as in Python (e.g. {"key": "value", "key2": 1})

Internal APIs to convert the entries in this format to Python structures should be provided. A suggestion is to provide a getlist() and getdict() APIs that use ast.literal_eval to convert values from the format defined above to Python structures.

The following sub-sections describe the content of each of the new configuration files.

Simplification of database configuration

The following options are removed in favor of keeping only the database_url option for database configuration:

  • database_drivername
  • database_username
  • database_password
  • database_host
  • database_name

Removal of unused default values from the configuration file

The following options define default values which are mostly unused and therefore are removed:

  • tmp_policy
  • ima_allowlist
  • ima_excludelist


This file contains the configuration options used by the Keylime agent. The option are derived from the options present in the [cloud_agent] section from the old configuration file.

The following table lists the old options and the corresponding new options.

Changed? Old option from [cloud_agent] New option in agent.conf
New (None) version
New (None) tls_dir
Yes cloudagent_ip ip
Yes cloudagent_port port
Yes agent_contact_ip (optional) contact_ip
Yes agent_contact_port (optional) contact_port
No registrar_ip registrar_ip
No registrar_port registrar_port
Yes rsa_keyname server_key
Yes mtls_cert_enabled enable_agent_mtls
Yes mtls_cert server_cert
Yes keylime_ca trusted_client_ca
No enc_keyname enc_keyname
No dec_payload_file dec_payload_file
No secure_size secure_size
No tpm_ownerpassword tpm_ownerpassword
No extract_payload_zip extract_payload_zip
Yes agent_uuid uuid
Yes listen_notifications enable_revocation_notifications
No revocation_cert revocation_cert
No revocation_actions revocation_actions
No payload_script payload_script
No enable_insecure_payload enable_insecure_payload
No measure_payload_pcr measure_payload_pcr
No exponential_backoff exponential_backoff
No retry_interval retry_interval
No max_retries max_retries
No tpm_hash_alg tpm_hash_alg
No tpm_encryption_alg tpm_encryption_alg
No tpm_signing_alg tpm_signing_alg
No ek_handle ek_handle
No run_as run_as

Additionally to the options from the [cloud_agent] section, the agent.conf file also receive the following options from the [general] section.

Changed? Old option from [general] New option in agent.conf
Yes receive_revocation_ip revocation_notification_ip
Yes receive_revocation_port revocation_notification_port

Follows below the description of the options in the new configuration file format:

  • version: [String] Version number of the configuration file in Semver version number format
  • tls_dir: [String] The directory where the keys and certificate files are stored. If the value is provided as default, will use the default value /var/lib/keylime/secure
  • ip: [String] The agent server IP
  • port: [String] The agent server port
  • contact_ip: [String, optional] On which IP can the verifier/tenant contact the agent
  • contact_port: [String, optional] On which port can the verifier/tenant contact the agent
  • registrar_ip: [String] The registrar server IP
  • registrar_port: [String] The registrar server port
  • enable_agent_mtls: [Boolean] Enable mutual authentication when establishing TLS connection
  • server_key: [String] The agent server private key
  • server_cert: [String] The agent server certificate
  • trusted_client_ca: [List(String)] The list of trusted client CA certificates
  • enc_keyname: [String] Derived key K from U/V split for payload
  • dec_payload_file: [String] Name of the file to store the decrypted payload
  • secure_size: [String] Size of the secure mount tmpfs. Note that in most cases this is provided by the system distribution already. Use format accepted by the mount command for size parameter
  • tpm_ownerpassword: [String] TPM owner password
  • extract_payload_zip: [Boolean] Whether to try to unzip the received payload
  • uuid: [String] UUID of the agent or one of the following keywords
    • generate: Creates a random agent UUID
    • hash_ek: Uses the hash of the EK public key in PEM format as the agent UUID
    • hostname: Uses the hostname of the system as the agent UUID
    • environment: Uses the environment variable "KEYLIME_AGENT_UUID" as the agent UUID.
    • dmidecode: Uses the system UUID obtained form "dmidecode -s systemd-uuid" as the agent UUID
  • enable_revocation_notifications: [Boolean] Option to enable or disable listening for revocation notifications from the verifier via ZeroMQ.
  • revocation_notification_ip: [String] IP to listen for revocation notifications via ZeroMQ
  • revocation_notification_port: [String] Port to listen for revocation notifications via ZeroMQ
  • revocation_cert: [String] Place of the certificate to check revocation messages against
  • revocation_actions: [String] List of revocations to run
  • payload_script: [String] Name of the script to run
  • enable_insecure_payload: [Boolean] Enable payloads even if mTLS is disabled
  • measure_payload_pcr: [Number] Measure the payload into a PCR
  • exponential_backoff: [Boolean] Whether to use exponential backoff for retries
  • retry_interval: [Number] Time interval to wait between request retries in seconds, or base for the exponential backoff algorithm if enabled through exponential_backoff option.
  • max_retries: [Number] Maximum number of retries
  • tpm_hash_alg: [List(String)] List of hash algorithms used for PCRs
    • Default: "sha256"
  • tpm_encryption_alg: [List(String)] List of encryption algorithms
    • Default: "rsa"
  • tpm_signing_alg: [List(String)] List of signing algorithms
    • Default: "rsassa"
  • ek_handle: [String] If the EK is already present on the TPM and Keylime should use it, the handle of the EK should be provided (e.g. "0x81000000"). If the generate keyword is provided, a new EK is generated.
  • run_as: [String] User unde which the process will run after dropping privileges. Use the format "user:group"


This file contains the configuration options used by the Keylime verifier. The options are derived from the options present in the [cloud_verifier] section from the old configuration file.

The following table lists the old options and the corresponding new options.

Changed? Old option in [cloud_verifier] New option in verifier.conf
New (None) version
Yes cloudverifier_id uuid
Yes cloudverifier_ip ip
Yes cloudverifier_port port
No registrar_ip registrar_ip
No registrar_port registrar_port
No tls_dir tls_dir
Yes ca_cert trusted_client_ca
Yes my_cert server_cert
Yes private_key server_key
Yes private_key_pw (None, removed)
Yes check_client_cert (None, removed)
Yes agent_mtls_cert_enabled enable_agent_mtls
Yes agent_mtls_cert client_cert
Yes agent_mtls_private_key client_key
Yes agent_mtls_private_key_pw (None, removed)
No database_url database_url
Yes database_drivername (None, removed)
Yes database_username (None, removed)
Yes database_password (None, removed)
Yes database_host (None, removed)
Yes database_name (None, removed)
No database_pool_sz_ovfl database_pool_sz_ovfl
No auto_migrate_db auto_migrate_db
Yes multiprocessing_pool_num_workers num_workers
No exponential_backoff exponential_backoff
No retry_interval retry_interval
No max_retries max_retries
No quote_interval quote_interval
Yes revocation_notifiers (None, see [revocations] section description below )
Yes revocation_notifier_ip (None, see [revocations] section description below )
Yes revocation_notifier_port (None, see [revocations] section description below )
Yes webhook_url (None, see [revocations] section description below )
No max_upload_size max_upload_size
No measured_boot_policy_name measured_boot_policy_name
No severity_labels severity_labels
No severity_policy severity_policy
Yes tomtou_errors ignore_tomtou_errors
No require_allow_list_signatures require_allow_list_signatures

The verifier.conf file will get a new section [revocations] which contains the revocation related configuration options. The table below describes the content of the [revocations] section in the new configuration file format.

Changed? Old option in [cloud_verifier] New option in [revocations] of verifier.conf
New (None) enabled_revocation_notifications
Yes revocation_notifier_ip zmq_ip
Yes revocation_notifier_port zmq_port
No webhook_url webhook_url

Follows below the description of the options in the new configuration file format:

  • version: [String] Version number of the configuration file in Semver version number format
  • uuid: [String] The verifier unique identifier
  • ip: [String] The verifier server IP
  • port: [String] The verifier server port
  • registrar_ip: [String] The registrar server IP
  • registrar_port: [String] The registrar server port
  • tls_dir: [String] The directory where the keys and certificate files are stored. If the value is provided as default, will use the default value /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca
  • trusted_client_ca: [String] The list of trusted client CA certificates
  • server_key: [String] The verifier server private key
  • server_cert: [String] The verifier server certificate
  • enable_agent_mtls: [Boolean] Enable mutual authentication when establishing TLS
  • client_key: [String] The verifier client private key
  • client_cert: [String] The verifier client cerficate
  • trusted_server_ca: [List(String)] List of trusted server CA certificates
  • database_url: [String] Database configuration URL
  • database_pool_sz_ovfl: [String] Limits for database connection pool size in SQAlchemy
  • auto_migrate_db: [Boolean] Whether to automatically update DB schema using alembic
  • num_workers: [Number] Number of processes (workers) to spawn
  • exponential_backoff: [Boolean] Whether to use exponential backoff for retries
  • retry_interval: [Number] Time interval to wait between request retries in seconds, or base for the exponential backoff algorithm if enabled through exponential_backoff option.
  • max_retries: [Number] Maximum number of retries
  • quote_interval: [Number] Polling interval in seconds for getting quotes from the agent
  • max_upload_size: [Number] Maximum payload size in bytes for policies (allowlists)
  • measured_boot_policy_name: [String] Name of the policy that is used for measured boot
  • severity_labels: [List] List of used severity levels
  • severity_policy: [List(Dictionary(String: String))] List of dictionaries that map regexes that match a event ID to a severity label
  • ignore_tomtou_errors: [Boolean] Whether "time of measure, time of use" (ToMToU) errors should be treated as a failure
  • require_allow_list_signatures: [Boolean] Whether allowlist signatures should be required

Below follows the description of the options in the [revocations] section:

  • enabled_revocation_notifications: [List(String)] List of enabled methods for sending revocation notifications
  • zmq_ip: [String] IP to listen for revocation notifications via ZeroMQ
  • zmq_port: [String] Port to listen for revocation notifications via ZeroMQ
  • webhook_url: [String] URL to send notifications via webhook


This file contains the configuration options used by the Keylime tenant. The options are derived from the options present in the [tenant] section from the old configuration file.

The following table lists the old options and the corresponding new options.

Changed? Old option in [tenant] New option in tenant.conf
New (None) version
Yes cloudverifier_ip verifier_ip
Yes cloudverifier_port verifier_port
No registrar_ip registrar_ip
No registrar_port registrar_port
No tls_dir tls_dir
Yes ca_cert trusted_server_ca
Yes my_cert client_cert
Yes private_key client_key
Yes agent_mtls_cert_enabled enable_agent_mtls
Yes agent_mtls_cert (None, removed)
Yes agent_mtls_private_key client_key
Yes agent_mtls_private_key_pw (None, removed)
No tpm_cert_store tpm_cert_store
Yes private_key_pw (None, removed)
Yes registrar_tls_dir (None, removed)
Yes registrar_ca_cert trusted_server_ca
Yes registrar_my_cert client_cert
Yes registrar_private_key client_key
No max_payload_size max_payload_size
Yes tpm_policy (None, removed)
Yes ima_allowlist (None, removed)
Yes ima_excludelist (None, removed)
No accept_tpm_hash_algs accept_tpm_hash_algs
No accept_tpm_encryption_algs accept_tpm_encryption_algs
No accept_tpm_signing_algs accept_tpm_signing_algs
No exponential_backoff exponential_backoff
No retry_interval retry_interval
No max_retries max_retries
No require_ek_cert require_ek_cert
No ek_check_script ek_check_script

Follows below the description of the options in the new configuration file format:

  • version: [String] Version number of the configuration file in Semver version number format
  • verifier_ip: [String] IP of the verifier server
  • verifier_port: [String] Port of the verifier server
  • registrar_ip: [String] IP of the registrar server
  • registrar_port: [String] Port of the registrar server
  • tls_dir: [String] The directory where the keys and certificate files are stored. If the value is provided as default, will use the default value /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca
  • enable_agent_mtls: [Boolean] Enable mutual authentication when establishing TLS
  • client_key: [String] The tenant client private key
  • client_cert: [String] The tenant client certificate
  • trusted_server_ca: [List(String)] List of trusted server CA certificates
  • tpm_cert_store: [String] Location of the directory with the trusted EK CA certificates
  • max_payload_size: [Number] Maximum size of the payload to send in bytes. Should match tmpfs size for the agent secure mount set via secure_size option in the agent.conf file.
  • accept_tpm_hash_algs: [List(String)] List of allowed hash algorithms
    • Default: "sha512, sha384, sha256, sha1"
  • accept_tpm_encryption_algs: [List(String)] List of accepted encryption algorithms.
    • Default: "ecc, rsa"
  • accept_tpm_signing_algs: [List(String)]List of supported signing algorithms
    • Default: "ecschnorr, rsassa"
  • exponential_backoff: [Boolean] Whether to use exponential backoff for retries
  • retry_interval: [Number] Time interval to wait between request retries in seconds, or base for the exponential backoff algorithm if enabled through exponential_backoff option.
  • max_retries: [Number] Maximum number of retries
  • require_ek_cert: [Boolean] Whether to require EK certificate validation
  • ek_check_script: [String] Path to a script for validating the EK certificate. The following environment variables are set:
    • EK: PEM encoded version of the EK
    • EK_CERT: DER encoded EK certificate if available


This file contains the configuration options used by the Keylime registrar. The options are derived from the options present in the [registrar] section from the old configuration file.

The following table lists the old options and the corresponding new options.

Changed? Old option in [registrar] New option in registrar.conf
Yes (None, new) version
Yes registrar_ip ip
Yes registrar_port port
Yes registrar_tls_port tls_port
No tls_dir tls_dir
Yes ca_cert trusted_client_ca
Yes my_cert server_cert
Yes private_key server_key
Yes private_key_pw (None, removed)
Yes registrar_tls_dir tls_dir
Yes registrar_private_key_pw (None, removed)
Yes check_client_cert (None, removed)
No database_url database_url
Yes database_drivername (None, removed)
Yes database_username (None, removed)
Yes database_password (None, removed)
Yes database_host (None, removed)
Yes database_name (None, removed)
No database_pool_sz_ovfl database_pool_sz_ovfl
No auto_migrate_db auto_migrate_db
No prov_db_filename prov_db_filename

Follows below the description of the options in the new configuration file format:

  • version: [String] Version number of the configuration file in Semver version number format
  • ip: [String] The registrar server IP
  • port: [String] The registrar server port for plain HTTP connection. Used for agent registration
  • tls_port [String] The registrar server port for TLS connection.
  • tls_dir: [String] The directory where the keys and certificate files are stored. If the value is provided as default, will use the default value /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca
  • server_key: [String] The registrar server private key
  • server_cert: [String] The reidtrar server certificate
  • trusted_client_ca: [List(String)] The list of trusted client CA certificates
  • database_url: [String] Database configuration URL
  • database_pool_sz_ovfl: [String] Limits for database connection pool size in SQAlchemy
  • auto_migrate_db: [Boolean] Whether to automatically update DB schema using alembic
  • prov_db_filename: [String] File to persist provider hypervisor data on SQLite.


For the CA configuration, no changes are made to the options. All options that are in the [ca] section of the old configuration file format are moved to the dedicated ca.conf file as they are.

Changed? Old option in [ca] New option in ca.conf
No cert_country cert_country
No cert_ca_name cert_ca_name
No cert_state cert_state
No cert_locality cert_locality
No cert_organization cert_organization
No cert_org_unit cert_org_unit
No cert_ca_lifetime cert_ca_lifetime
No cert_lifetime cert_lifetime
No cert_bits cert_bits
No cert_crl_dist cert_crl_dist

Follows below the description of the options in the new configuration file format:

  • cert_country: [String] Used as the CountryName argument (C) of the Issuer when generating certificates
  • cert_ca_name: [String] Used as the CommonName argument (CN) of the Issuer when generating certificates
  • cert_state: [String] Used as the StateOrProvinceName argument (S) of the Issuer when generating certificates
  • cert_locality: [String] Used as the Locality argument (L) of the Issuer when generating certificates
  • cert_organization: [String] Used as the Organization argument (O) of the Issuer when generating certificates
  • cert_org_unit: [String] Used as the OrganizationalUnit argument (OU) of the Issuer when generating certificates
  • cert_ca_lifetime: [Number] CA certificate validity time in days
  • cert_lifetime: [Number] Default generated certificate validity time in days
  • cert_bits: [Number] Key length in bits
  • cert_crl_dist: [String] Certification Revocation List (CRL) distribution address (URL)


The logging configuration uses multiple sections in the old configuration format. In the new configuration format such sections are moved to a dedicated logging.conf file, but no changes are made to the options and section names.

The sections moved to the logging.conf file are:

  • [loggers]
  • [handlers]
  • [formatters]
  • [logger_root]
  • [handler_consoleHandler]
  • [logger_keylime]

User Stories (optional)

Story 1

Story 2

Notes/Constraints/Caveats (optional)

The new TLS configuration removes the possibility to set separate private key and certificate per remote server, limiting to use a single private key and certificate to access all servers.

Risks and Mitigations

Setting up the client TLS verification is important for the overall security of Keylime. Warning for obvious insecure settings should be added where not already in place. The documentation will describe the default configuration and one more complex setup as a reference.

Design Details

The tool to convert the old configuration file to the new configuration format, split in multiple files, should be implemented as a python script.

Test Plan

The current tests will be modified to use the new configuration file format and options names.

Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy

For the most common setups we provide a migration script to the new config format. If only an old keylime.conf is found Keylime will error with a message that migration to the new format is required.

Automatic downgrading will not be supported. The user can just use their old keylime.conf.

Dependency requirements


  • Configuration must be migrated. We will not support the old and the new format simultaneously.
  • The support to set components to use different client private key and certificate per accessed server is removed. Each component that access servers as clients will use a single private key and certificate to access all servers.


  • Keep the current TLS setup and configuration file format