Classes and objects are part of programming idea also known as Object-oriented programming. Here the data, and functions working on the data stays together (we call those functions as methods in the objects). Simula is the first language which featured these ideas. Java and C++ are two most known object oriented programming languages in the schools.
.. index:: Class
Before writing your first class, you should know the syntax. We define a class in the following way.
class nameoftheclass(parent_class): statement1 statement2 statement3
In the statements you can write any Python statement, you can define functions (which we call methods of a class).
>>> class MyClass(object): ... a = 90 ... b = 88 ... >>> p = MyClass() >>> p <__main__.MyClass instance at 0xb7c8aa6c>
.. index:: dir
In the above example you can see first we are declaring a class called MyClass, writing some random statements inside that class. After the class definition, we are creating an object p of the class MyClass. If you do a dir on that
>>> dir(p) ['__doc__', '__module__', 'a', 'b']
you can see the variables a and b inside it.
.. index:: __init__
__init__ is a special method in Python classes, it is the constructor method for a class. In the following example you can see how to use it.
class Student(object): """ Returns a ```Student``` object with the given name, branch and year. """ def __init__(self, name, branch, year): = name self.branch = branch self.year = year print("A student object is created.") def print_details(self): """ Prints the details of the student. """ print("Name:", print("Branch:", self.branch) print("Year:", self.year)
__init__ is called when ever an object of the class is constructed. That means when ever we will create a student object we will see the message "A student object is created" in the prompt. You can see the first argument to the method is self. It is a special variable which points to the current object (like this in C++). The object is passed implicitly to every method available in it, but we have to get it explicitly in every method while writing the methods. Example shown below. Remember to declare all the possible attributes in the __init__ method itself. Even if you are not using them right away, you can always assign them as None.
>>> std1 = Student() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (1 given) >>> std1 = Student('Kushal','CSE','2005') A student object is created
In this example at first we tried to create a Student object without passing any argument and Python interpreter complained that it takes exactly 4 arguments but received only one (self). Then we created an object with proper argument values and from the message printed, one can easily understand that __init__ method was called as the constructor method.
Now we are going to call print_details() method.
>>> std1.print_details() Name: Kushal Branch: CSE Year: 2005
__init__ is pronounced as dunder init, all functions with double underscore in the front and end is pronounced in this way. Example: dunder str or dunder repr.
All the values stored in the instance via self. are data inside of an instance. Each instance of the class can have different values for given attribute (anything we access via . is also known as attribute). But, when we define an variable in the class level, that is same accross all objects. In the following example, we define a class called Point, and we also have a special class level variable called style in it. After we create 2 objects of type Point, we can see that both has the same class attribute style and changing in the class level also changes in the all objects.
class Point: style="fun" def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y p1 = Point(10, 10) p2 = Point(100, 100) for p in [p1, p2]: print(f"Object {p} has style value= {}") = "work" for p in [p1, p2]: print(f"Object {p} has style value= {}")
Object <__main__.Point object at 0x10de37210> has style value= fun Object <__main__.Point object at 0x10de0bb50> has style value= fun Object <__main__.Point object at 0x10de37210> has style value= work Object <__main__.Point object at 0x10de0bb50> has style value= work
__repr__ is a special method used by the print function to show the representation of an object. We can use the same to make our Point object look better as print output.
class Point: style="fun" def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __repr__(self): return f"<Point x={self.x} y={self.y}>" p1 = Point(10, 10) p2 = Point(100, 100) for p in [p1, p2]: print(f"Object {p}")
The output:
Object <Point x=10 y=10> Object <Point x=100 y=100>
.. index:: Inheritance
In general we human beings always know about inheritance. In programming it is almost the same. When a class inherits another class it inherits all features (like variables and methods) of the parent class. This helps in reusing codes.
In the next example we first create a class called Person and create two sub-classes Student and Teacher. As both of the classes are inherited from Person class they will have all methods of Person and will have new methods and variables for their own purpose.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 class Person(object): """ Returns a ```Person``` object with given name. """ def __init__(self, name): = name def get_details(self): "Returns a string containing name of the person" return class Student(Person): """ Returns a ```Student``` object, takes 3 arguments, name, branch, year. """ def __init__(self, name, branch, year): super().__init__(name) self.branch = branch self.year = year def get_details(self): "Returns a string containing student's details." return "%s studies %s and is in %s year." % (, self.branch, self.year) class Teacher(Person): """ Returns a ```Teacher``` object, takes a list of strings (list of papers) as argument. """ def __init__(self, name, papers): super().__init__(name) self.papers = papers def get_details(self): return "%s teaches %s" % (, ','.join(self.papers)) person1 = Person('Sachin') student1 = Student('Kushal', 'CSE', 2005) teacher1 = Teacher('Prashad', ['C', 'C++']) print(person1.get_details()) print(student1.get_details()) print(teacher1.get_details())
The output:
$ ./ Sachin Kushal studies CSE and is in 2005 year. Prashad teaches C,C++
In this example you can see how we called the __init__ method of the parent class using the super() in both Student and Teacher classes' __init__ method. We also reimplemented get_details() method of Person class in both Student and Teacher class. So, when we are calling get_details() method on the teacher1 object it returns based on the object itself (which is of teacher class) and when we call get_details() on the student1 or person1 object it returns based on get_details() method implemented in it's own class.
When a class inherites another class, the child class is also known as the instance of the parent class. Here is an example based on the above class.
isinstance(student1, Person)
One class can inherit more than one classes. It gets access to all methods and variables of the parent classes. The general syntax is:
class MyClass(Parentclass1, Parentclass2,...): def __init__(self): Parentclass1.__init__(self) Parentclass2.__init__(self) ... ...
Encapsulation is a way to provide details on how a data can be accessed. In Python we have encapsulation as a programming style, which is different than many other programming languages. For example, we use a leading _ before any variable name to tell that it is private. This way if the developer wants, they can have a different variable with similar name in the child class.
class Person(): """ Returns a ```Person``` object with given name. """ def __init__(self, name): self._name = name def get_details(self): "Returns a string containing name of the person" return self._name class Child(Person): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) def tell(self): print(f"The name is {self._name}") c = Child("kushal") c.tell()
The output:
The name is kushal
You can see that we can still access the _name attribute. But, we are letting the developer know that _name is a private attribute. If you want to make sure that the attribute can not be accessed directly in the child class, you can use __ in front of the attribute name. It uses something called name mangling <>_.
As we already know how to create an object, now we are going to see how to delete an Python object. We use del for this.
>>> s = "I love you" >>> del s >>> s Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 's' is not defined
del actually decreases reference count by one. When the reference count of an object becomes zero the garbage collector will delete that object.
One simple answer, don't. If you are coming from other languages (read Java), you will be tempted to use getters or setters in all your classes. Please don't. Just use the attributes directly. The following shows a direct example.
>>> class Student(object): ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name ... >>> std = Student("Kushal Das") >>> print( Kushal Das >>> = "Python" >>> print( Python
.. index:: Property
If you want more fine tuned control over data attribute access, then you can use properties. In the following example of a bank account, we will make sure that no one can set the money value to negative and also a property called inr will give us the INR values of the dollars in the account.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 class Account(object): """The Account class, The amount is in dollars. """ def __init__(self, rate): self.__amt = 0 self.rate = rate @property def amount(self): "The amount of money in the account" return self.__amt @property def inr(self): "Gives the money in INR value." return self.__amt * self.rate @amount.setter def amount(self, value): if value < 0: print("Sorry, no negative amount in the account.") return self.__amt = value if __name__ == '__main__': acc = Account(rate=61) # Based on today's value of INR :( acc.amount = 20 print("Dollar amount:", acc.amount) print("In INR:", acc.inr) acc.amount = -100 print("Dollar amount:", acc.amount)
$ python Dollar amount: 20 In INR: 1220 Sorry, no negative amount in the account. Dollar amount: 20
Below, we will see some special dunder methods (the methods which have double underscores __ before and after the name, example: __init__, we call it dunder init).
Dunder len is a method used by the len function to know the length of any iterator or similar objects. It should return an Integer. The len function verifies if the returned value is Integer or not.
class Foo: "Example class for __len__" def __init__(self, length=5): self.length = 5 def __len__(self): return self.length f = Foo() length = len(f) print(f"Length of the f object is {length}")
The output:
$ python3 code/ Length of the f object is 5
This method helps us to use in with our objects. For example, if we want to match "kushal" in studnet1 to be True, we implement __contains__ method in our class.
class Student(Person): """ Returns a ```Student``` object, takes 3 arguments, name, branch, year. """ def __init__(self, name, branch, year): super().__init__(name) self.branch = branch self.year = year def get_details(self): "Returns a string containing student's details." return "%s studies %s and is in %s year." % (, self.branch, self.year) def __contains__(self, name): return self._name == name student1 = Student("kushal", "cse", 2005) print("kushal" in student1) print("sachin" in student1)
__new__ is a special method. When we create an instance of the class, internally this method gets called first, and then __init__ gets called on the returned object. It takes the class as the first argument. In the following example, we are using our Point class again.
p = Point.__new__(Point, 2, 3) p.__init__(2, 3) print(p) <Point x=2 y=3>
Do you remember the with statement from the files chapter? Where we used a context manager to make sure that the file is closed after we are done? The same style is used in many places where we want the resources to be cleaned up after the work is done; sometimes we want to call some extra functions when we are done. We can write our own context manager in our classs using __enter__ and __exit__ methods.
For example, we will create a new class called TimeLog which in turn will create a file called tmpdata.txt in the current directory to log the time this context manager is created and when it is done.
import time class TimeLog: def __init__(self): self.fobj = None def __enter__(self): self.fobj = open("tmpdata.txt", "w") self.fobj.write(f"Entering at {time.time()}\n") def __exit__(self, ty, value, tb): self.fobj.write(f"Done at {time.time()}\n") self.fobj.close() self.fobj = None with TimeLog() as tl: a = [1, 2, 3] print(a)
Output in the tmpdata.txt file.
Entering at 1590551277.323565 Done at 1590551277.3238761
Later in the book we will learn even simpler methods to create context managers.
If we look inside of our class definitions, we will find a dictionary at the center. Let us look at it in details in the following example.
class User: def __init__(self, name, uid, gid, home, sudo): = name self.uid = uid self.gids = [gid,] self.home = home self.sudo = sudo def can_sudo(self): return self.sudo u = User("kdas", 1000, 1000, "/home/kdas", True) pprint(u.__dict__) {'gids': [1000], 'home': '/home/kdas', 'name': 'kdas', 'sudo': True, 'uid': 1000}
All the attributes we defined via self in the __init__ method, are stored in the __dict__ dictionary inside of each instance. When we try access any of these attributes, Python first looks at this dictionary of the object, and then also in the __dict__ of the class itself.
>>> pprint(User.__dict__) mappingproxy({'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'User' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__init__': <function User.__init__ at 0x7fa8c6f1bd40>, '__module__': '__main__', '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'User' objects>, 'can_sudo': <function User.can_sudo at 0x7fa8c6f3e3b0>})
When we try to access any attribute via the . operator, Python first checks the __getattribute__ method to look at the __dict__. If the key can not be found, it tries to call the __getattr__ method on the object.
class Magic: def __init__(self): = "magic" def __getattr__(self, attr): return attr.upper()
Now, if we try to use this Magic class, we can access any random attribute even if they don't exist.
❯ python3 -i >>> m = Magic() >>> 'magic' >>> m.what_is_this_magic 'WHAT_IS_THIS_MAGIC' >>> m.this 'THIS' >>> m.hello 'HELLO'
Using the same approach we took, to access the data stored inside another object of our class, we can also implement the __setattr__ method, which is used to set a value to any attribute.
class User: def __init__(self, name, uid, gid, home, sudo): self.__dict__["_internal"] = {"name": name, "uid": uid, "gids": [gid,], "home": home, "sudo": sudo} def can_sudo(self): return self._internal["sudo"] def __getattr__(self, attr): print(f"Accessing attr: {attr}") return self._internal[attr] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): print(f"Setting attribute {attr} to {value}") self._internal[attr] = value u = User("kdas", 1000, 1000, "/home/kdas", True)
When we try to access any attribute of the object u, we can see the following.
❯ python3 -i >>> Accessing attr: name 'kdas' >>> u.uid Accessing attr: uid 1000 >>> u.can_sudo() True
There is also __delattr__ method to delete any attribute of an instance. Feel free to add it to the class above and see how it behaves.