Reusing the same code is required many times within a same program. Functions help us to do so. We write the things we have to do repeatedly in a function then call it where ever required. We already saw build in functions like len(), divmod().
We use def keyword to define a function. General syntax is like
def functionname(params): statement1 statement2
Let us write a function which will take two integers as input and then return the sum.
>>> def sum(a, b): ... return a + b
In the second line with the return keyword, we are sending back the value of a + b to the caller. You must call it like
>>> res = sum(234234, 34453546464) >>> res 34453780698L
What about a function to find if a given string is bigger than certain length or not? Yes, we can do it in one line, but also helps to learn about writing simple functions.
def greater(data, maxsize): """Return if the length of data is bigger than given maxsize. """ return len(data) > maxsize
Here the string just after the function definition is called docstring. We will learn about it more below in the chapter. For now we can try to use the function.
>>> s = "I am Kushal." >>> print(greater(s, 10)) False
In our daily lives as programmers, we keep using various functions written by others in different Python modules. We stich together those functions in our code and create our own functions, and then consume those functions in different parts of our code/project. Generally when you can see that you are repeating some amount of code again and again, you can start thinking about putting that into a function.
But while consuming those functions in Python, it is difficult to know what exactly the function arguments are, what kind of data they expect. We read the documentation to find out as much as we can, and then in many case that means continuously switching between the code and the documentation. Modern editors tries to help, for example let us see what VS Code shows us when we try to use the above greater function.
Here we don't know what kind of arguments we should pass in the greater function.
We can fix this with something called type annotation. Which increases the readability of our code and also helps the developer who will use the function in future. Automated tools in editors like VS Code (or even in Vim/Emacs). So we will rewrite our function as below.
def greater(data: str, maxsize: int) -> bool: """Return if the length of data is bigger than given maxsize. """ return len(data) > maxsize
Here after the variable name and a colon we are mentioning what kind of data it is excepting and we are also mentioning the type of data returned by the function with the ->. This is not checked during run time like normal typed programming languages, but there are special separate tools to help. But, this increases the readability of the code instantly. Now we know that we have to pass a string and an integer into the function. Even VS Code will tell us so.
Now if we add the annotation to our sum function, it will look like following.
def sum(a: int, b: int) -> int: return a + b
Remember the palindrome program we wrote in the last chapter. Let us write a function which will check if a given string is palindrome or not, then return True or False.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 def palindrome(s): return s == s[::-1] if __name__ == "__main__": s = input("Enter a string: ") if palindrome(s): print("Yay a palindrome") else: print("Oh no, not a palindrome")
Now execute the file :)
To understand local and global variables we will go through two examples.
#!/usr/bin/env python def change(a): a = 90 print(f"Inside of the change function {a}") a = 9 print(f"Before the function call {a}") change(a) print(f"After the function call {a}")
The output
$ ./ Before the function call 9 Inside of the change function 90 After the function call 9
First we are assigning 9 to a, then calling change function, inside of that we are assigning 90 to a and printing a. After the function call we are again printing the value of a. When we are writing a = 90 inside the function, it is actually creating a new variable called a, which is only available inside the function and will be destroyed after the function finished. So though the name is same for the variable a but they are different in and out side of the function.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 def change(b): global a a = 90 print(a) a = 9 print("Before the function call ", a) print("inside change function", end=' ') change(a) print("After the function call ", a)
Here by using global keyword we are telling that a is globally defined, so when we are changing a's value inside the function it is actually changing for the a outside of the function also.
The output
$ ./ Before the function call 9 inside change function 90 After the function call 90
In a function variables may have default argument values, that means if we don't give any value for that particular variable it will be assigned automatically.
>>> def test(a , b=-99): ... if a > b: ... return True ... else: ... return False
In the above example we have written b = -99 in the function parameter list. That means if no value for b is given then b's value is -99. This is a very simple example of default arguments. You can test the code by
>>> test(12, 23) False >>> test(12) True
Remember that you can not have an argument without default argument if you already have one argument with default values before it. Like f(a, b=90, c) is illegal as b is having a default value but after that c is not having any default value.
Also remember that default value is evaluated only once, so if you have any mutable object like list it will make a difference. See the next example
>>> def f(a, data=[]): ... data.append(a) ... return data ... >>> print(f(1)) [1] >>> print(f(2)) [1, 2] >>> print(f(3)) [1, 2, 3]
To avoid this you can write more idiomatic Python, like the following
>>> def f(a, data=None): ... if data is None: ... data = [] ... data.append(a) ... return data ... >>> print(f(1)) [1] >>> print(f(2)) [2]
To understand more read this url.
>>> def func(a, b=5, c=10): ... print('a is', a, 'and b is', b, 'and c is', c) ... >>> func(12, 24) a is 12 and b is 24 and c is 10 >>> func(12, c = 24) a is 12 and b is 5 and c is 24 >>> func(b=12, c = 24, a = -1) a is -1 and b is 12 and c is 24
In the above example you can see we are calling the function with variable names, like func(12, c = 24), by that we are assigning 24 to c and b is getting its default value. Also remember that you can not have without keyword based argument after a keyword based argument. like
>>> def func(a, b=13, v): ... print(a, b, v) ... File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument
We can also mark the arguments of function as keyword only. That way while calling the function, the user will be forced to use correct keyword for each parameter.
>>> def hello(*, name: str ='User'): ... print("Hello %s" % name) ... >>> hello('Kushal') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: hello() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given >>> hello(name='Kushal') Hello Kushal
To learn more please read PEP-3102.
From Python3.8, we can also mark any function to have only positional arguments. Write / at the end of all positional arguments in the function definition to have this feature.
>>> def add(a: int, b: int, /): ... return a + b ... >>> add(2, 3) 5 >>> add(a=2, b=3) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: add() got some positional-only arguments passed as keyword arguments: 'a, b'
You can see that when we tried to call the add with keyword arguments, it raised a TypeError.
In Python we use docstrings to explain how to use the code, it will be useful in interactive mode and to create auto-documentation. Below we see an example of the docstring for a function called longest_side.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math def longest_side(a: int, b: int): """ Function to find the length of the longest side of a right triangle. :arg a: Side a of the triangle :arg b: Side b of the triangle :return: Length of the longest side c as float """ return math.sqrt(a*a + b*b) if __name__ == '__main__': print(longest_side(4, 5))
We will learn more on docstrings in reStructuredText chapter.
Higher-order function or a functor is a function which does at least one of the following step inside:
- Takes one or more functions as argument.
- Returns another function as output.
In Python any function can act as higher order function.
>>> def high(func, value): ... return func(value) ... >>> lst = high(dir, int) >>> print(lst[-3:]) ['imag', 'numerator', 'real'] >>> print(lst)
Let us look at another example. We will create a function, which in turn returns another function to add 5 to the given argument.
def givemefive(): def add5(x: int) -> int: return x + 5 return add5 >>> myadder = givemefive() >>> print(myadder(10)) 15 >>> print(type(myadder)) <class 'function'>
Here when we call givemefive, it is actually returning the function add5, and storing into myadder. Finally when we call the myadder, it adds 5 to the given argument, and returns it. We also printed the type of myadder
def givemeadder(num): def internal(x): return num + x return internal >>> add10 = givemeadder(10) >>> print(add10(20)) 30
In this example the internal function is using the x variable from the outer scope. This is also known as closure where the function is using the environment enclosed. If we need a new function which will add 100 to the given number, we can do it easily like this.
add_big = givemeadder(100) >>> print(add_big(1)) 101
To know more read this link.
map is a very useful class in python. It takes one function and an iterator as input and then applies the function on each value of the iterator and returns an iterator.
>>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> def square(num: int) -> int: ... "Returns the square of a given number." ... return num * num ... >>> print(list(map(square, lst))) [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
In Python2, map was a function and used to return list.
Parameters are names defined in a function definition, and arguments are the actual values passed that function call.
def hello(name, age): return f"Hello {name}, you are {age} years old" hello("kushal", 90)
In the above example, name and age are the parameters of the hello, and kushal and 90 are the arguments passed to the function.
There are times when we don't know the number of arguments before hand. There can be any number of positional or keyword arguments passed to the function. This is where we use *args and **kwargs in the function.
def unknown(*args, **kwargs): print(f"We received {len(args)} positional arguments. And they are:") for arg in args: print(arg, end= " ") print("") print(f"We received {len(kwargs)} keyword arguments. And they are:") for k, v in kwargs.items(): print(f"key={k} and value={v}") unknown(30, 90, "kushal", lang="python", editor="vim") We received 3 positional arguments. And they are: 30 90 kushal We received 2 keyword arguments. And they are: key=lang and value=python key=editor and value=vim
This is really helpful when you are writing code which will take another function as input, and you don't know about parameters of that function before hand. We will see more examples later in this book.
Watch this talk by Jack Diederich at PyCon US 2018 to learn more about how to write clean Python functions and many other tips.