diff --git a/_announcements/week-2.md b/_announcements/week-2.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c53f3886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_announcements/week-2.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title: Week 2 Announcement
+week: 2
+date: 2022-2-06
+Hello everyone! Welcome to the Linux Sysadmin Decal! Here are your week 2 announcements:
+1. The second week’s labs and lectures have been released! You can view them below.
+2. Live lab sections are at 8pm Tuesday and Thursday! For instructions on how to navigate to the lab, see [ocf.io/lab](https://ocf.io/lab) **Due to high demand for the beginner track, we are opening up Thursday sections to beginner students as well.**
+3. In the unlikely event that the physical lab capacity is exceeded, in-person labs will be **first come, first served** with priority given to officially enrolled students.
+4. As a reminder, **in-person attendance is not required.** You can get attendance credit by either attending lab or completing the participation assignment on Gradescope.
+5. The lab and participation assignments are due on **Saturday, February 12 at 11:59pm.**
+6. Any questions? Just make a post on Piazza or contact us at [decal@ocf.berkeley.edu](mailto:decal@ocf.berkeley.edu)!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/materials.yaml b/_data/materials.yaml
index c19ae5c0..94610c58 100644
--- a/_data/materials.yaml
+++ b/_data/materials.yaml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   #beginner-solutions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18d2eJ6sdD-HvLIRY0z2eC-hx8Rbaaxc0Tk7iHn9aJ5E/edit?usp=sharing
   #advanced-solutions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sYrT0-6nlKaKSdNfKPIVQC7qT5TfIr4ufbpAE1xUtJM/edit?usp=sharing
   labdue: Sat. 2/12
-  hidelink: true
+  hidelink: false
 - id: 3
   date: 2/14/2022