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Running a Trade Network on Hyperledger Fabric using Bash Scripts and Docker Containers

This folder contains all the tools necessary to create, operate, and enhance a trade network that we can build our use case on.

Prerequisites to Configure and Launch the Network

Our application code is pegged to the latest release of Hyperledger Fabric (v2.2.0) and Fabric-CA (v1.4.7). These correspond to the source code branches release-2.2 (for Fabric) and release-1.4 (for Fabric-CA) respectively.
The launch scripts will automatically pull the right Docker images from Docker Hub, but you can also build the images locally by cloning the source code.
Here are the prerequisites you need to install on your system before attempting to run any of the scripts. The instructions below work for Ubuntu Linux (tested on 18.04 and 20.04) and will also likely work for Macs, though some adaptations may be required.

  • Tools and packages: build-essential, git, make, curl, unzip, g++, libtool (you can install several of these with a single libltdl-dev package)
  • Install docker (version 17.06.2-ce or higher) and docker-compose (version 1.14.0 or higher)
  • Install node (version 10.15 or higher) and npm
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash –
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Install Golang (version 1.14 or higher)
    • Select a workspace directory where you want to store your Go projects
    • Set the GOPATH environment variable to point to that directory
  • (For Mac OSX) Make sure you are using GNU Tar: brew install gnu-tar --with-default-names
  • Download and build Fabric release-2.2 branch, and make appropriate settings:
    mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git clone -b release-2.2
    cd fabric
    make configtxgen cryptogen
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/src/
    make docker
  • Download and build Fabric-CA release-1.4 branch:
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git clone -b release-1.4
    make docker

Initial Trade Network and Applications

The initial network has four organizations, each with one peer and CA, as illustrated in the below diagram. All peers other than the one in the Carrier's organization uses a CouchDB instance as its backing database. (The carrier peer uses the default LevelDB).

alt text

Organization and Channel Configurations

We can use either a solo or a Raft ordering service using either of the following compose files (which in turn depend on compose files in base:

Cryptographic material specifications are provided in crypto-config.yaml, with the additional Raft ordering nodes specified in multiple_orderers/crypto-config.yaml

We use two channels, each supporting a different consortium as follows (see configtx.yaml for solo orderer and multiple_orderers/configtx.yaml for raft orderer):

  • tradechannel: TradeConsortium (3 organizations: exporter, importer, regulator)
  • shippingchannel: ShippingConsortium (4 organizations: exporter, importer, regulator, carrier)

The instructions below use default options. For a complete list of commands and options, run: ./ -h

Build Channel Artifacts and Crypto Material

Run the following to build artifacts for both channels. These commands will not overwrite an existing crypto-config folder, so the second command will only generate channel artifacts.

./ generate -c tradechannel -o 3 [-m prod]
./ generate -c shippingchannel -o 4 [-m prod]

The -m prod switch will create artifacts for a Raft ordering service. By default, i.e., without this switch, artifacts for a solo ordering service will be created. Whichever option you select, you MUST stick to that option for all subsequent steps. The following files and folders should be created:

├── channel-artifacts
|   └── genesis.block
|   └── tradechannel
|       └── channel.tx
|       └── ExporterOrgMSPanchors.tx
|       └── ImporterOrgMSPanchors.tx
|       └── RegulatorOrgMSPanchors.tx
|   └── shippingchannel
|       └── channel.tx
|       └── ExporterOrgMSPanchors.tx
|       └── ImporterOrgMSPanchors.tx
|       └── RegulatorOrgMSPanchors.tx
|       └── CarrierOrgMSPanchors.tx
├── crypto-config
|   └── ordererOrganizations
└   └── peerOrganizations
  • crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/ may have one (solo) or five (Raft) subfolders, each corresponding to an ordering node
  • crypto-config/peerOrganizations/: will have 4 subfolders, one corresponding to each org

Launch the Network

Run the following command to start the network:

./ up [-m prod]
  • By default, this runs the network as a background process, and logs the output to logs/network.log.
  • To use a different log file, run ./ up [-m prod] -l <log-file-name>.

Start and Join Channels

Run the following command to create both channels, join peers of organizations belonging to the respective consortiums to the channels, and set anchor peers for the channels

  • All the action happens in the trade_cli container, and is recorded in logs/network-cli.log.

Install and Initialize Contracts

Prerequisite: Make sure the latest versions of the contracts (trade-contracts repository) are synced to the contracts submodule folder Run the following command to package, install, approve and commmit definitions, and initialize the following contracts on particular channels:

  • All the action happens in the trade_cli container, and is recorded in logs/network-cli.log.

Run the Role-Specific Server Applications

Prerequisite: Make sure the latest versions of the applications (trade-apps repository) are synced to the apps submodule folder

Initialize Wallet and Gateway Folders

Create the following folder structure in preparation to store identities and connection profiles for the organizations:

├── wallets
|   └── exporterorg
|   └── importerorg
|   └── regulatororg
|   └── carrierorg
├── gateways
|   └── exporterorg
|   └── importerorg
|   └── regulatororg
└   └── carrierorg

Create Connection Profiles

Create a connection profile within each subfolder under gateways. For example: gateways/exporterorg/connection.json.
To create these profiles, use scripts in the utils folder. Prepare to run the scripts by running the following commands:

cd utils
npm install

You can export connection profiles for the organizations from the VSCode IBP Extension, and fix their attributes by running the following commands:

cd utils
node manage-connection-profile.js --update <vscode-exporterorg-connection-profile> ../../gateways/exporterorg/connection.json ca-exporterorg
node manage-connection-profile.js --update <vscode-importerorg-connection-profile> ../../gateways/importerorg/connection.json ca-importerorg
node manage-connection-profile.js --update <vscode-regulatororg-connection-profile> ../../gateways/regulatororg/connection.json ca-regulatororg
node manage-connection-profile.js --update <vscode-carrierorg-connection-profile> ../../gateways/carrierorg/connection.json ca-carrierorg

The arguments <vscode-exporterorg-connection-profile>, etc., should point to paths of the connection profiles exported from VSCode to your filesystem.
Alternatively, you can generate the four connection profiles in one go using the following command:

cd utils

Launch the Applications

See instructions in the apps folder
You can run the integration tests after running the applications within docker containers, or you can start the four applications on your host machine and run operations and queries to drive trade workflows manually.

Bring Down the Network

Run the following command to bring down the network:

./ down [-m prod] [-r]

By default, this will stop all network containers and delete all ledger data (by deleting volumes) so you can restart a network from scratch. If you wish to retain ledger history and user acccounts, make sure you use the -r switch.

Delete Dynamically Created Artifacts

To delete all user identities created by the CAs after launch (i.e., stored in wallets) and all the chaincode containers created after the previous network launch, run:

./ reset

This will leave the crypto-config and channel-artifacts folders intact.

Delete Dynamic Data and Channel Artifacts

To delete dynamically created identities, chaincode containers, and channel artifacts, run:

./ clean

This will leave the crypto-config folder intact.

Delete All Static and Dynamic Artifacts

To delete dynamically created identities, chaincode containers, channel artifacts, and cryptographic material, run:

./ cleanall

This will allow you to rebuild a network from scratch. You will need start start from the beginning, from ./ generate....

Trade Network Upgrades

Certain forms of network changes are supported, though in circumscribed ways. You can easily modify the scripts to run other kinds of upgrades though.

Add a New Peer to the Importer Organization

The configuration for this new peer lies in the add_peer_importer folder.
To launch the peer container and its backing CouchDB container, run:

./ startnewpeer

To join the new peer to the two channels, run:

./ joinnewpeer -c tradechannel
./ joinnewpeer -c shippingchannel

To make this an endorsing peer, log into the tools container as follows:

docker exec -it trade_cli bash

Set the environment variables to appropriate values, and run the following package and install processes for each contract you wish to run on this peer. Use the cli_scripts/ to run these processes.

Remove the New Peer from the Importer Organization

To remove the peer from the network, run:

./ stopnewpeer

Add a New Organization

We can add a new Exporting Entity Organization as illustrated in the figure below.

alt text

Configure and Launch the New Organization

The configuration for the new organization lies in the add_org folder.
To augment the network in one go by:

  • Updating the configurations of the two channels to represent augmented consortiums
  • Starting the peer, CouchDB, and CA containers for the new organization
  • Joining the peer to the two channels
  • Setting the anchor peer of the new organization on both channels Run:

Stop the Exporting Entity Organization's Peer and CA

To stop the new organization's containers, run:

./ stopneworg

Upgrading the Smart Contracts

You can upgrade the four smart contracts from v1 to v2.
For each contract, you will need to:

  • Package and install the v1 version of the contract on the Exporting Entity organization's peer, and approve the definition by that organization on each channel
  • Package the v2 version of the contract
  • Install the v2 version of the contract on the peers of all five organizaitons
  • Approve the v2 chaincode definition (including an endorsement policy update) by all five organizations on each channel
  • Commit the v2 chaincode definition on each channel To upgrade all four contracts in one go, run:

Launching an Application Representing the New Organization

Create the following wallet and gateway folders:

├── wallets
|   └── exportingentityorg
├── gateways
└   └── exportingentityorg

Create a connection profile for the new organization as follows:

cd utils
node manage-connection-profile.js --generate exportingentityorg ExportingEntityOrgMSP 12051 12054 --add-org

Launch the new application by following instructions in the exportingentity application folder.
Run operations and queries to drive trade workflows on the new network manually.

Upgrade the Fabric Platform Version

You can upgrade the platform version while a network is live.
Change the Fabric and Fabric-CA versions in .env.
Edit the Fabric platform version (only the digit following the decimal), representd by the FABRIC_VERSION variable in
Run the upgrade as follows:

./ upgrade