Most of my configs, posted on GitHub for your convenience. I hear that using these makes you code 10x faster.
Distro of choice: MacOS (the best BSD)
Also tested on Debian Buster
Stops Conda from activating the base virtual environment on startup and looking annoying.
Sets username and email address to be recorded in CLI git commits. I suggest you use your own details here and don't use my information.
Airline, git integration, and autocomplete. Full list of plugins at the bottom of .vimrc
Fish-shell-like autocomplete and syntax highlighting among other things, managed by oh my zsh and using p10k theme.
Custom aliases to make life easier.
Prerequisites: GNU Stow
- Clone this repo into your home directory (make sure to include submodules!!!):
cd ~ && git clone --recurse-submodules
- Probably change the .gitconfig file to include your own username and email instead of mine
- Use
to symlink configs into your home directorycd ~/.dotfiles && stow *
- Profit
Vim autocomplete requires Vim with Python enabled -- the default Vim on MacOS does not support this.
To resolve Python dependencies, follow the YCM installation instructions for your platform.