diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8893af6..682f939 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,32 +4,21 @@ [![Integration Tests](https://github.com/langchain-ai/memory-template/actions/workflows/integration-tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/langchain-ai/memory-template/actions/workflows/integration-tests.yml) [![Open in - LangGraph Studio](https://img.shields.io/badge/Open_in-LangGraph_Studio-00324d.svg?logo=)](https://langgraph-studio.vercel.app/templates/open?githubUrl=https://github.com/langchain-ai/memory-template) -This repo provides a simple example of a long-term memory service you can build and deploy using LangGraph. +## Motivation -This graph extracts memories from chat interactions and persists them to its store. This information can later be read via the API to provide personalized context when your bot is responding to a particular user. +Memory lets your AI applications learn from each user interaction. It lets them become effective as they learn from mistakes and more engaging as they adapt to personal tastes. This template shows you how to build and deploy a long-term memory service that you can connect to from any LangGraph agent so they can manage user-scoped memories. -The memory graph handles debouncing when processing individual conversations (to help deduplicate work) and supports continuous updates to a single "memory schema" as well as "event-based" memories that can be fetched by recency and filtered. +![Motivation](./static/memory_motivation.png) -This repo also provides an example chat bot (in this case, also a simple graph) that connects to the memory graph via the SDK. -Any time you send a message to the chat bot, it will query the memory service to fetch the most up-to-date memories (if any) for the configured user. These memories are put in the system prompt. After responding, it will post the conversation to the memory service to schedule long-term memory formation. +## Quickstart -This separation of concerns provides minimal overhead, allows deduplication of memory processing, and ensures you can optimize for better recall. - -![Memory Diagram](./static/memory_graph.png) - -## Getting Started - -This quickstart will get your memory service deployed on [LangGraph Cloud](https://langchain-ai.github.io/langgraph/cloud/). Once created, you can interact with it from any API. - -Assuming you have already [installed LangGraph Studio](https://github.com/langchain-ai/langgraph-studio?tab=readme-ov-file#download), to set up: - -1. Create a `.env` file. +Create a `.env` file. ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` -2. Define required API keys in your `.env` file. +Set the required API keys in your `.env` file. +[Open this template](https://langgraph-studio.vercel.app/templates/open?githubUrl=https://github.com/langchain-ai/memory-template) in LangGraph studio to get started and navigate to the `chatbot` graph. +_If you want to deploy to the cloud, [follow these instructions to deploy this repository to LangGraph Cloud](https://langchain-ai.github.io/langgraph/cloud/) and use Studio in your browser._ +![Flow](./static/studio.png) - +Try chatting with the bot. Saying your name and other the bot may want to remember. -3. Open in LangGraph studio. Navigate to the "`chatbot`" graph and have a conversation with it! Try sending some messages saying your name and other things the bot should remember. +Wait ~10-20 seconds for memories to be created and saved. -Wait ~10-20 seconds and then create a *new* thread using the `+` icon. Then chat with the bot again - if you've completed your setup correctly, the bot should now have access to the memories you've saved! +Create a _new_ thread using the `+` icon and chat with the bot again. + +The bot should have access to the memories you've saved, and will use them to personalize its responses. ## How it works -This chat bot reads from your memory graph's `Store` to easily list extracted memories. +An effective memory service should address some key questions: -Connecting to this type of memory service typically follows an interaction pattern similar to the one outlined below: +1. What should each memory contain? +2. How should memories be updated? (and on what schedule?) +3. How should your bot recall memories? -![Interaction Pattern](./static/memory_interactions.png) +The "correct" answer to these questions can be application-specific. We'll address these challenges below, and explain how this template lets you flexibly +configure what and how memories are managed to keep your bot's memory on-topic and up-to-date. First, we'll talk about how you configure "what each memory should contain" using memory schemas. + +### Memory Schemas + +Memory schemas tell the service the "shape" of individual memories and how to update them. You can define any custom memory schema by providing `memory_types` as configuration. Let's review the [two default schemas](./src/memory_graph/configuration.py) we've provided along the template to get a better sense of what they are doing. + +The first schema is the `User` profile schema, copied below: + +```json +{ + "name": "User", + "description": "Update this document to maintain up-to-date information about the user in the conversation.", + "update_mode": "patch", + "parameters": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "user_name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The user's preferred name" + }, + "age": { + "type": "integer", + "description": "The user's age" + }, + "interests": { + "type": "array", + "items": { "type": "string" }, + "description": "A list of the user's interests" + }, + "home": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Description of the user's home town/neighborhood, etc." + }, + "occupation": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The user's current occupation or profession" + }, + "conversation_preferences": { + "type": "array", + "items": { "type": "string" }, + "description": "A list of the user's preferred conversation styles, pronouns, topics they want to avoid, etc." + } + } + } +} +``` + +The schema has a name and description, as well as JSON schema parameters that are all passed to an LLM. The LLM infers the values for the schema based on the conversations you send to the memory service. + +The schema also has an `update_mode` parameter that defines **how** the service should update its memory when new information is provided. The **patch** update_mode instructs the graph that we should always have a single JSON object to represent this user. When new information is provided, the model can generate "patches", or small updates to extend, delete, or replace content in the current memory document. This type of `update_mode` is useful if you want strict visibility into a user's representation at any given point or if you want to let the end user directly view and update their own representation for the bot. By defining these specific parameters, we are decideing that this (and only this) information is relevant to track and excluding other information (like "relationships" or "religion", etc.) from being tracked. It's an easy way for us to bias the service into focusing on what we think is important for our specific bot. + +The second memory schema we provide is the **Note** schema, shown below: + +```json +{ + "name": "Note", + "description": "Save notable memories the user has shared with you for later recall.", + "update_mode": "insert", + "parameters": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "context": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The situation or circumstance where this memory may be relevant. Include any caveats or conditions that contextualize the memory. For example, if a user shares a preference, note if it only applies in certain situations (e.g., 'only at work'). Add any other relevant 'meta' details that help fully understand when and how to use this memory." + }, + "content": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The specific information, preference, or event being remembered." + } + }, + "required": ["context", "content"] + } +} +``` + +Just like the previous example, this schema has a name, description, and parameters. Notic that the `update_mode` this time is "insert". This instructs the LLM in the memory service to **insert new memories to the list or update existing ones**. The number of memories for this `update_mode` is **unbound** since the model can continue to store new notes any time something interesting shows up in the conversation. Each time the service runs, the model can generate multiple schemas, some to update or re-contextualize existing memories, some to document new information. Note taht these memory schemas tend to have fewer parameters and are usually most effective if you have a field to let the service provide contextual information (so that if your bot fetches this memory, it isn't taken out-of-context). + +To wrap up this section: `memory_schemas` provide a name, description, and parameters that the LLM populates to store in the database. The `update_mode` controls whether new information should always overwrite an existing memory or whether it should insert new memories (while optionally updating existing ones). + +These schemas are fully customizable! Try extending the above and seeing how it updates memory formation in the studio by passing in via configuration (or defining in an assistant). + +### Handling Memory Updates + +In the previous section we showed how the memory schemas define how memories should be updated with new information over time. Let's now turn our attention to _how_ new information is handled. Each update type using tool calling in slightly different ways. We will use the [`trustcall` library](https://github.com/hinthornw/trustcall), which we created as a simple interface for generating and continuously updating json documents, to handle all of the cases below: + +#### patch + +If no memory has been saved yet, `trust_call` prompts the model to populate the document. It additionally does schema validation to ensure the output is correct. + +If a memory already exists, you _could_ simply prompt the model to re-geerate the schema anew on each round. Doing so, however, leads to frequent information loss, especially on complicated schemas, since LLMs are wont to forget or omit previously stored details when regenerating information from scratch if it doesn't happen to be immediately relevant. + +To avoid memory loss, your memory schema is placed in the system prompt but **not** made available as a tool for the model to call. Instead, the LLM is provided a `PatchDoc` tool. This forces the model to generate a chain-of-thought of 0 or more planned edits, along with patches to individual JSON paths to be modified. + +Applying updates as JSON patches helps minimize information loss, save token costs, and simplifies the memory management task. -The service waits for a pre-determined interval before it considers the thread "complete". If the user queries a second time within that interval, the memory run is cancelled to avoid duplicate processing of a thread. +#### insert + +If no memories have been saved yet, the model is given a single tool (the schema from your memory config). It is prompted to use multi-tool callint to generate 0 or more instances of your schema depending on the conversation context. + +If memories exist for this user, the memory graph searches for existing ones to provide additional context. These are put in the system promt along with two two tools: your memory schema as well as a "PatchDoc" tool. The LLM is prompted to invoke whichever tools are appropriate given the conversational context. The LLM can call the PatchDoc tool to update existing memories in case they are no longer correct or require additional context. It can also call your memory schema tool any number of times to save new memories or notes. Either way, it calls these tools in a single generation step, and the graph upserts the results to the memory store. + +![Memory Diagram](./static/memory_graph.png) + +### Memory Scheduling + +All of this sounds like a lot of tokens! If we were to process memories on every new message to your chat bot, the costs could indeed mount up. We only really need to process memories after a conversation ends, but in reality we typically don't know when the thread is finished. + +As a compromise, our memory service supports **debouncing** by deferring when it will process memories. Memory updates are scheduled for some point in the future (using the LangGraph SDK's `after_seconds` parameter). + +If the chatbot makes a call second time within that interval, the initial request is cancelled and a **new** request for memory processing is scheduled. + +See this in the code here: [chatbot/graph.py](./src/chatbot/graph.py). + +![DeBounce](./static/scheduling.png) + +### Memory Storage + +All these memories need to go somewhere reliable. All LangGraph deployments come with a built-in memory storage layer that you can use to persist information across conversations. + +You can learn more about Storage in LangGraph [here](https://langchain-ai.github.io/langgraph/how-tos/memory/shared-state/). + +In our case, we are saving all memories namespaced by `user_id` and by the memory scheam you provide. That way you can easily search for memories for a given user and of a particualr type. This diagram shows how these pieces fit together: + +![Memory types](./static/memory_types.png) + +### Calling the Memory Service + +The studio uses the LangGraph API as its backend and exposes graph endpoints for all the graphs defied in your `langgraph.json` file. + +```json + "graphs": { + "chatbot": "./src/chatbot/graph.py:graph", + "memory_graph": "./src/memory_graph/graph.py:graph" + }, +``` + +You can interact with your server and storage using the studio UI or the LangGraph SDK. + +```python +from langgraph_sdk import get_client +client = get_client(url="http:...") # your server +items = await client.store.search_items(namespace) +``` + +![Flow](./static/memory_template_flow.png) + +## Benefits + +The separation of concerns between the application logic (chatbot) and the memory (the memory graph) a few advantages: + +(1) minimal overhead by removing memory creation logic from the hotpath of the application (e.g., no latency cost for memory creation) + +(2) memory creation logic is handled in a background job, separate from the chatbot, with scheduling to avoid duplicate processing + +(3) memory graph can be updated and / or hosted (as a service) independently of the application (chatbot) + +Here is a schematic of the interaction pattern: + +![Interaction Pattern](./static/memory_interactions.png) ## How to evaluate @@ -103,64 +259,60 @@ Customize memory memory_types: This memory graph supports two different `update_ ```json { - "name": "User", - "description": "Update this document to maintain up-to-date information about the user in the conversation.", - "update_mode": "patch", - "parameters": { - "type": "object", - "properties": { - "user_name": { - "type": "string", - "description": "The user's preferred name" - }, - "age": { - "type": "integer", - "description": "The user's age" + "name": "User", + "description": "Update this document to maintain up-to-date information about the user in the conversation.", + "update_mode": "patch", + "parameters": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "user_name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The user's preferred name" + }, + "age": { + "type": "integer", + "description": "The user's age" + }, + "interests": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "string" }, - "interests": { - "type": "array", - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "description": "A list of the user's interests" - } + "description": "A list of the user's interests" } } } +} ``` 2. Insertion Schema: This allows inserting individual "event" memories, such as key pieces of information or summaries from the conversation. You can define custom memory_types for these event memories by providing a JSON schema when initializing the InsertionMemorySchema. For example: ```json { - "name": "Note", - "description": "Save notable memories the user has shared with you for later recall.", - "update_mode": "insert", - "parameters": { - "type": "object", - "properties": { - "context": { - "type": "string", - "description": "The situation or circumstance in which the memory occurred that inform when it would be useful to recall this." - }, - "content": { - "type": "string", - "description": "The specific information, preference, or event being remembered." - } + "name": "Note", + "description": "Save notable memories the user has shared with you for later recall.", + "update_mode": "insert", + "parameters": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "context": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The situation or circumstance in which the memory occurred that inform when it would be useful to recall this." }, - "required": ["context", "content"] - } + "content": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The specific information, preference, or event being remembered." + } + }, + "required": ["context", "content"] } +} ``` 3. Select a different model: We default to anthropic/claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620. You can select a compatible chat model using provider/model-name via configuration. Example: openai/gpt-4. 4. Customize the prompts: We provide default prompts in the graph definition. You can easily update these via configuration. -For quick prototyping, these configurations can be set in the LangGraph Studio UI. - -You can also quickly extend this template by: - -- Adding additional nodes and edges in [graph.py](./src/memory_graph/graph.py) to modify the memory processing flow. +We'd also encourage you to extend this template by adding additional memory types! "Patch" and "insert" are incredibly powerful already, but you could also extend the logic to add more reflection over related memories to build stronger associations between the saved content. Make the code your own! \ No newline at end of file +--> diff --git a/src/memory_graph/graph.py b/src/memory_graph/graph.py index 9509698..9ead059 100644 --- a/src/memory_graph/graph.py +++ b/src/memory_graph/graph.py @@ -23,31 +23,49 @@ async def handle_patch_memory( state: ProcessorState, config: RunnableConfig, *, store: BaseStore ) -> dict: """Extract the user's state from the conversation and update the memory.""" + # Get the overall configuration configurable = configuration.Configuration.from_runnable_config(config) + + # Namespace for memory events, where function_name is the name of the memory schema namespace = (configurable.user_id, "user_states", state.function_name) + + # Fetch existing memories from the store for this (patch) memory schema existing_item = await store.aget(namespace, "memory") existing = {existing_item.key: existing_item.value} if existing_item else None + + # Get the configuration for this memory schema (identified by function_name) memory_config = next( conf for conf in configurable.memory_types if conf.name == state.function_name ) + + # This is what we use to generate new memories extractor = create_extractor( utils.init_model(configurable.model), + # We pass the specified (patch) memory schema as a tool tools=[ { + # Tool name "name": memory_config.name, + # Tool description "description": memory_config.description, + # Schema for patch memory "parameters": memory_config.parameters, } ], tool_choice=memory_config.name, ) + + # Prepare the messages prepared_messages = utils.prepare_messages( state.messages, memory_config.system_prompt ) + + # Pass messages and existing patch to the extractor inputs = {"messages": prepared_messages, "existing": existing} + # Update the patch memory result = await extractor.ainvoke(inputs, config) extracted = result["responses"][0].model_dump(mode="json") - # Upsert the memory to storage + # Save to storage await store.aput(namespace, "memory", extracted) return {"messages": []} @@ -55,30 +73,48 @@ async def handle_patch_memory( async def handle_insertion_memory( state: ProcessorState, config: RunnableConfig, *, store: BaseStore ) -> dict[str, list]: - """Upsert memory events.""" + """Handle insertion memory events.""" + # Get the overall configuration configurable = configuration.Configuration.from_runnable_config(config) + + # Namespace for memory events, where function_name is the name of the memory schema namespace = (configurable.user_id, "events", state.function_name) + + # Fetch existing memories from the store (5 most recent ones) for the this (insert) memory schema existing_items = await store.asearch(namespace, limit=5) + + # Get the configuration for this memory schema (identified by function_name) memory_config = next( conf for conf in configurable.memory_types if conf.name == state.function_name ) + + # This is what we use to generate new memories extractor = create_extractor( utils.init_model(configurable.model), + # We pass the specified (insert) memory schema as a tool tools=[ { + # Tool name "name": memory_config.name, + # Tool description "description": memory_config.description, + # Schema for insert memory "parameters": memory_config.parameters, } ], tool_choice="any", + # This allows the extractor to insert new memories enable_inserts=True, ) + + # Generate new memories or update existing memories extracted = await extractor.ainvoke( { + # Prepare the messages "messages": utils.prepare_messages( state.messages, memory_config.system_prompt ), + # Prepare the existing memories "existing": ( [ (existing_item.key, state.function_name, existing_item.value) @@ -90,6 +126,8 @@ async def handle_insertion_memory( }, config, ) + + # Add the memories to storage await asyncio.gather( *( store.aput( @@ -103,31 +141,41 @@ async def handle_insertion_memory( return {"messages": []} -# Create the graph + all nodes +# Create the graph and all nodes builder = StateGraph(State, config_schema=configuration.Configuration) - builder.add_node(handle_patch_memory, input=ProcessorState) builder.add_node(handle_insertion_memory, input=ProcessorState) def scatter_schemas(state: State, config: RunnableConfig) -> list[Send]: - """Route the memory_types for the memory assistant. + """Iterate over all memory types in the configuration. + + It will route each memory type from configuration to the corresponding memory update node. - These will be executed in parallel. + The memory update nodes will be executed in parallel. """ + # Get the configuration configurable = configuration.Configuration.from_runnable_config(config) sends = [] current_state = asdict(state) + + # Loop over all memory types specified in the configuration for v in configurable.memory_types: update_mode = v.update_mode + + # This specifies the type of memory update to perform from the configuration match update_mode: case "patch": + # This is the corresponding node in the graph for the patch-based memory update target = "handle_patch_memory" case "insert": + # This is the corresponding node in the graph for the insert-based memory update target = "handle_insertion_memory" case _: raise ValueError(f"Unknown update mode: {update_mode}") + # Use Send API to route to the target node and pass the name of the memory schema as function_name + # Send API allows each memory node to be executed in parallel sends.append( Send( target, @@ -137,11 +185,11 @@ def scatter_schemas(state: State, config: RunnableConfig) -> list[Send]: return sends +# Add conditional edges to the graph builder.add_conditional_edges( "__start__", scatter_schemas, ["handle_patch_memory", "handle_insertion_memory"] ) +# Compile the graph graph = builder.compile() - - __all__ = ["graph"] diff --git a/static/memory_motivation.png b/static/memory_motivation.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d1ee54 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/memory_motivation.png differ diff --git a/static/memory_template_flow.png b/static/memory_template_flow.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3671191 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/memory_template_flow.png differ diff --git a/static/memory_types.png b/static/memory_types.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa85df3 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/memory_types.png differ diff --git a/static/scheduling.png b/static/scheduling.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..074740e Binary files /dev/null and b/static/scheduling.png differ diff --git a/static/studio.png b/static/studio.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ba7d0b Binary files /dev/null and b/static/studio.png differ