, SSE3:, SSE4:
+#define RETf inline __m128
+#define RETi inline __m128i
+// set, load and store values
+RETf SET( const float &x ) { return _mm_set1_ps(x); }
+RETf SET( float x, float y, float z, float w ) { return _mm_set_ps(x,y,z,w); }
+RETi SET( const int &x ) { return _mm_set1_epi32(x); }
+RETf LD( const float &x ) { return _mm_load_ps(&x); }
+RETf LDu( const float &x ) { return _mm_loadu_ps(&x); }
+RETf STR( float &x, const __m128 y ) { _mm_store_ps(&x,y); return y; }
+RETf STR1( float &x, const __m128 y ) { _mm_store_ss(&x,y); return y; }
+RETf STRu( float &x, const __m128 y ) { _mm_storeu_ps(&x,y); return y; }
+RETf STR( float &x, const float y ) { return STR(x,SET(y)); }
+// arithmetic operators
+RETi ADD( const __m128i x, const __m128i y ) { return _mm_add_epi32(x,y); }
+RETf ADD( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_add_ps(x,y); }
+RETf ADD( const __m128 x, const __m128 y, const __m128 z ) {
+ return ADD(ADD(x,y),z); }
+RETf ADD( const __m128 a, const __m128 b, const __m128 c, const __m128 &d ) {
+ return ADD(ADD(ADD(a,b),c),d); }
+RETf SUB( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_sub_ps(x,y); }
+RETf MUL( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_mul_ps(x,y); }
+RETf MUL( const __m128 x, const float y ) { return MUL(x,SET(y)); }
+RETf MUL( const float x, const __m128 y ) { return MUL(SET(x),y); }
+RETf INC( __m128 &x, const __m128 y ) { return x = ADD(x,y); }
+RETf INC( float &x, const __m128 y ) { __m128 t=ADD(LD(x),y); return STR(x,t); }
+RETf DEC( __m128 &x, const __m128 y ) { return x = SUB(x,y); }
+RETf DEC( float &x, const __m128 y ) { __m128 t=SUB(LD(x),y); return STR(x,t); }
+RETf MIN( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_min_ps(x,y); }
+RETf RCP( const __m128 x ) { return _mm_rcp_ps(x); }
+RETf RCPSQRT( const __m128 x ) { return _mm_rsqrt_ps(x); }
+// logical operators
+RETf AND( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_and_ps(x,y); }
+RETi AND( const __m128i x, const __m128i y ) { return _mm_and_si128(x,y); }
+RETf ANDNOT( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_andnot_ps(x,y); }
+RETf OR( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_or_ps(x,y); }
+RETf XOR( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_xor_ps(x,y); }
+// comparison operators
+RETf CMPGT( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_cmpgt_ps(x,y); }
+RETf CMPLT( const __m128 x, const __m128 y ) { return _mm_cmplt_ps(x,y); }
+RETi CMPGT( const __m128i x, const __m128i y ) { return _mm_cmpgt_epi32(x,y); }
+RETi CMPLT( const __m128i x, const __m128i y ) { return _mm_cmplt_epi32(x,y); }
+// conversion operators
+RETf CVT( const __m128i x ) { return _mm_cvtepi32_ps(x); }
+RETi CVT( const __m128 x ) { return _mm_cvttps_epi32(x); }
+#undef RETf
+#undef RETi
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/wrappers.hpp b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/wrappers.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49eb56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/wrappers.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 3.00
+* Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [pdollar-at-gmail.com]
+* Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]
+#ifndef _WRAPPERS_HPP_
+#define _WRAPPERS_HPP_
+// wrapper functions if compiling from Matlab
+#include "mex.h"
+inline void wrError(const char *errormsg) { mexErrMsgTxt(errormsg); }
+inline void* wrCalloc( size_t num, size_t size ) { return mxCalloc(num,size); }
+inline void* wrMalloc( size_t size ) { return mxMalloc(size); }
+inline void wrFree( void * ptr ) { mxFree(ptr); }
+// wrapper functions if compiling from C/C++
+inline void wrError(const char *errormsg) { throw errormsg; }
+inline void* wrCalloc( size_t num, size_t size ) { return calloc(num,size); }
+inline void* wrMalloc( size_t size ) { return malloc(size); }
+inline void wrFree( void * ptr ) { free(ptr); }
+// platform independent aligned memory allocation (see also alFree)
+void* alMalloc( size_t size, int alignment ) {
+ const size_t pSize = sizeof(void*), a = alignment-1;
+ void *raw = wrMalloc(size + a + pSize);
+ void *aligned = (void*) (((size_t) raw + pSize + a) & ~a);
+ *(void**) ((size_t) aligned-pSize) = raw;
+ return aligned;
+// platform independent alignned memory de-allocation (see also alMalloc)
+void alFree(void* aligned) {
+ void* raw = *(void**)((char*)aligned-sizeof(void*));
+ wrFree(raw);
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.log b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e626a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.log
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+生成启动时间为 2018/3/22 17:24:59。
+ 1>项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ.vcxproj”在节点 2 上(Build 个目标)。
+ 1>ClCompile:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\CL.exe /c /ZI /nologo /W3 /WX- /sdl /Od /D _MBCS /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"x64\Debug\\" /Fd"x64\Debug\vc140.pdb" /Gd /TP /errorReport:prompt main.cpp
+ main.cpp
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(82): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(83): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(87): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(92): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\templatetracking.h(16): warning C4244: “=”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\templatetracking.h(17): warning C4244: “=”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\main.cpp(120): warning C4244: “初始化”: 从“double”转换到“unsigned int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\main.cpp(190): warning C4244: “参数”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\main.cpp(102): warning C4101: “toc”: 未引用的局部变量
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\main.cpp(253): warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ Link:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT /OUT:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\KCF_WQ.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO opencv_world330.lib opencv_world330d.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /Debug /PDB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\KCF_WQ.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\KCF_WQ.lib" /MACHINE:X64 x64\Debug\gradientMex.obj
+ x64\Debug\kcf.obj
+ x64\Debug\main.obj
+ KCF_WQ.vcxproj -> C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\KCF_WQ.exe
+ 1>已完成生成项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ.vcxproj”(Build 个目标)的操作。
+已用时间 00:00:03.10
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab7f1e
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14cc046
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b85574
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/KCF_WQ.lastbuildstate b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/KCF_WQ.lastbuildstate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..248d5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/KCF_WQ.lastbuildstate
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b4c7f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b380eaf
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9f5d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/gradientMex.obj b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/gradientMex.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c983df
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/gradientMex.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/kcf.obj b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/kcf.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b1e0c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/kcf.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/main.obj b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/main.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32a3af3
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/main.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/vc140.idb b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/vc140.idb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0bd49
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/vc140.idb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/vc140.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/vc140.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e8646
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Debug/vc140.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.log b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fef2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.log
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+生成启动时间为 2018/4/10 9:55:20。
+ 1>项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ.vcxproj”在节点 2 上(Build 个目标)。
+ 1>ClCompile:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\CL.exe /c /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /sdl /O2 /Oi /GL /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /Gy /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"x64\Release\\" /Fd"x64\Release\vc140.pdb" /Gd /TP /errorReport:prompt main.cpp
+ main.cpp
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(83): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(84): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(88): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\kcf.hpp(93): warning C4305: “初始化”: 从“double”到“float”截断
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\TemplateTracking.h(16): warning C4244: “=”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\kcf_wq\kcf_wq\TemplateTracking.h(17): warning C4244: “=”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>main.cpp(121): warning C4244: “初始化”: 从“double”转换到“unsigned int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>main.cpp(103): warning C4101: “toc”: 未引用的局部变量
+ 1>main.cpp(257): warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ Link:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT /OUT:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\KCF_WQ.exe" /NOLOGO opencv_world330.lib opencv_world330d.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /Debug /PDB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\KCF_WQ.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF /LTCG:incremental /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\KCF_WQ.lib" /MACHINE:X64 x64\Release\gradientMex.obj
+ x64\Release\kcf.obj
+ x64\Release\main.obj
+ 正在生成代码
+ 59 of 728 functions ( 8.1%) were compiled, the rest were copied from previous compilation.
+ 38 functions were new in current compilation
+ 45 functions had inline decision re-evaluated but remain unchanged
+ 已完成代码的生成
+ KCF_WQ.vcxproj -> C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\KCF_WQ.exe
+ 1>已完成生成项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ\KCF_WQ.vcxproj”(Build 个目标)的操作。
+已用时间 00:00:04.73
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3980d61
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..286d0ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5be67
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/KCF_WQ.lastbuildstate b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/KCF_WQ.lastbuildstate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff8bb53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/KCF_WQ.lastbuildstate
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b26732b
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c860965
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a60f17
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.tlog/link.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/gradientMex.obj b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/gradientMex.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2dcc64
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/gradientMex.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/kcf.obj b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/kcf.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..124342d
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/kcf.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/main.obj b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/main.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372d5bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/main.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/vc140.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/vc140.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..787c9a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/KCF_WQ/x64/Release/vc140.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/Pos.xlsx b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/Pos.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2af11
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/Pos.xlsx differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/cut_video.vcxproj b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/cut_video.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b43f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/cut_video.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ x64
+ {FA489F9D-D6BC-42EC-A0AD-9E9F0EF8F8B2}
+ cut_video
+ 8.1
+ Application
+ true
+ v140
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v140
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ true
+ v140
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v140
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ true
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ true
+ Console
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Console
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/cut_video.vcxproj.filters b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/cut_video.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a8c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/cut_video.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}
+ cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx
+ {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}
+ h;hh;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd
+ {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}
+ rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms
+ 源文件
+ 头文件
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/get_rec_pos.h b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/get_rec_pos.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e012fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/get_rec_pos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#define m_min(a,b) ((ab)?a:b)
+using std::vector;
+using cv::Mat;
+using std::pair;
+vector> sort_index(vector &vec);
+bool sort_pair(pair &a, pair &b);
+vector Sum_row(Mat &img);
+vector Sum_col(Mat &img);
+cv::Rect get_rec_pos(Mat &img);
+cv::Rect get_rec_pos(Mat &img)
+ vector channels;
+ split(img, channels);
+ cv::split(img, channels);
+ Mat r_y;
+ r_y = channels[2] - channels[1]; //ɫͨɫͨ
+ auto sum_row = Sum_row(r_y);
+ auto sum_col = Sum_col(r_y);
+ vector> sort_row = sort_index(sum_row);
+ vector> sort_col = sort_index(sum_col);
+ int row_s = m_min((sort_row.end() - 1)->second, (sort_row.end() - 2)->second);
+ int row_l = m_max((sort_row.end() - 1)->second, (sort_row.end() - 2)->second);
+ int col_s = m_min((sort_col.end() - 1)->second, (sort_col.end() - 2)->second);
+ int col_l = m_max((sort_col.end() - 1)->second, (sort_col.end() - 2)->second);
+ vector Pos;
+ Pos.push_back(cv::Point2i(row_s, col_s));
+ Pos.push_back(cv::Point2i(row_l, col_l));
+ //עиպ෴
+ cv::Rect res(col_s, row_s, col_l - col_s, row_l - row_s);
+ return res;
+vector> sort_index(vector &vec)
+ vector> res;
+ for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
+ {
+ res.push_back(std::make_pair(vec[i], i));
+ }
+ sort(res.begin(), res.end(), sort_pair);
+ return res;
+bool sort_pair(pair &a, pair &b)
+ if (a.first <= b.first)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+vector Sum_row(Mat &img)
+ int col_num = img.cols;
+ int row_num = img.rows;
+ vector sum_row(row_num, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < row_num; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < col_num; j++)
+ {
+ sum_row[i] += img.at(i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ return sum_row;
+vector Sum_col(Mat &img)
+ int col_num = img.cols;
+ int row_num = img.rows;
+ vector sum_col(col_num, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < col_num; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < row_num; j++)
+ {
+ sum_col[i] += img.at(j, i);
+ }
+ }
+ return sum_col;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/main.cpp b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..078e43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cv;
+using std::vector;
+using cv::Mat;
+void Image_To_Video(int frame_start, int frame_end, VideoCapture video);
+int main()
+ VideoCapture video("tracking.mp4");
+ Mat img;
+ ofstream pos("pos.txt");
+ //ͷ
+ pos << "x"<< "\t" << "y" << "\t" << "width"
+ << "\t" << "height" <<"\t" <<"center.x"<<"\t "<<"center.y"<<"\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < video.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); i++)
+ {
+ video.read(img);
+ Rect Pos = get_rec_pos(img);
+ rectangle(img, Pos, Scalar(255, 0, 0));
+ imshow("test", img);
+ waitKey(10);
+ cout << i << endl;
+ pos << Pos.x << "\t" << Pos.y << "\t" << Pos.width << "\t"
+ << Pos.height << "\t" << Pos.x+Pos.width/2 <<"\t"<= frame_start&&i < frame_end)
+ {
+ /*imshow("test", image);
+ waitKey(10);*/
+ writer.write(image);
+ }
+ if (i == frame_end)
+ {
+ cout << "transform task was done!" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/pos.txt b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/pos.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad4562c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/pos.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+x y width height center.x center.y
+474 234 219 98 583 283
+474 234 219 98 583 283
+475 237 214 95 582 284
+475 235 214 96 582 283
+471 234 219 98 580 283
+473 237 214 95 580 284
+471 235 215 96 578 283
+471 235 215 96 578 283
+471 235 215 96 578 283
+469 234 219 98 578 283
+469 235 219 99 578 284
+468 234 219 98 577 283
+468 234 219 98 577 283
+468 234 219 98 577 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+466 234 219 98 575 283
+464 232 219 99 573 281
+464 232 219 99 573 281
+460 239 227 101 573 289
+460 237 227 102 573 288
+498 303 223 101 609 353
+479 298 266 119 612 357
+514 326 261 117 644 384
+652 399 257 115 780 456
+657 403 246 110 780 458
+647 406 227 101 760 456
+643 409 217 97 751 457
+639 409 218 97 748 457
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+634 409 222 101 745 459
+632 409 226 101 745 459
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+638 411 217 97 746 459
+638 411 217 97 746 459
+636 411 218 97 745 459
+638 411 217 97 746 459
+636 410 218 97 745 458
+634 407 222 100 745 457
+636 410 218 97 745 458
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+640 410 217 97 748 458
+640 410 217 97 748 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+637 410 217 97 745 458
+638 409 218 97 747 457
+638 409 218 97 747 457
+638 410 217 97 746 458
+638 411 214 96 745 459
+638 410 217 97 746 458
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+640 410 217 97 748 458
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+637 410 217 97 745 458
+637 410 217 97 745 458
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+636 407 222 100 747 457
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+635 409 222 100 746 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+636 408 222 100 747 458
+636 409 222 101 747 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+635 409 222 101 746 459
+635 409 222 101 746 459
+635 409 222 101 746 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+636 408 222 100 747 458
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+635 408 222 100 746 458
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+635 409 222 101 746 459
+635 409 222 101 746 459
+638 411 217 97 746 459
+634 409 222 101 745 459
+638 411 217 97 746 459
+638 411 217 97 746 459
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+638 409 217 97 746 457
+638 411 217 97 746 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+637 411 217 97 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+637 411 217 97 745 459
+637 411 217 97 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 409 218 97 747 457
+638 409 218 97 747 457
+636 409 222 100 747 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 411 218 97 747 459
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+638 409 218 97 747 457
+638 410 218 97 747 458
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+634 409 222 100 745 459
+632 408 227 102 745 459
+632 407 227 101 745 457
+630 407 227 101 743 457
+630 407 227 101 743 457
+628 406 232 103 744 457
+628 406 232 103 744 457
+625 403 236 106 743 456
+627 406 232 103 743 457
+625 404 236 107 743 457
+627 406 232 103 743 457
+627 406 232 103 743 457
+627 406 232 103 743 457
+625 404 236 107 743 457
+625 405 236 106 743 458
+625 405 236 106 743 458
+625 405 236 107 743 458
+625 404 236 106 743 457
+626 404 236 106 744 457
+624 404 237 106 742 457
+624 405 237 107 742 458
+624 404 237 106 742 457
+638 405 222 101 749 455
+642 409 214 96 749 457
+640 409 217 97 748 457
+638 408 218 97 747 456
+638 408 218 97 747 456
+632 407 227 102 745 458
+626 403 236 107 744 456
+624 405 236 106 742 458
+623 405 236 106 741 458
+623 405 236 106 741 458
+626 407 227 102 739 458
+623 405 236 106 741 458
+623 406 232 104 739 458
+624 407 227 102 737 458
+623 407 227 102 736 458
+616 408 226 102 729 459
+591 408 227 102 704 459
+588 407 227 101 701 457
+662 407 222 100 773 457
+662 409 222 100 773 459
+648 410 214 95 755 457
+638 410 215 96 745 458
+617 411 218 97 726 459
+618 411 218 97 727 459
+618 411 218 97 727 459
+618 409 217 97 726 457
+619 409 218 97 728 457
+618 409 218 97 727 457
+618 409 218 97 727 457
+619 409 218 97 728 457
+620 408 217 97 728 456
+622 408 214 96 729 456
+620 408 218 97 729 456
+619 408 214 95 726 455
+620 408 214 96 727 456
+621 408 215 95 728 455
+622 408 214 95 729 455
+622 407 214 96 729 455
+619 408 217 97 727 456
+619 408 217 97 727 456
+619 408 214 95 726 455
+621 408 214 95 728 455
+621 407 214 95 728 454
+621 407 214 95 728 454
+621 408 214 95 728 455
+616 406 218 97 725 454
+618 404 217 97 726 452
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 404 222 100 726 454
+615 402 222 100 726 452
+615 402 222 100 726 452
+615 402 222 100 726 452
+615 402 222 100 726 452
+616 403 218 97 725 451
+616 403 218 97 725 451
+616 402 218 97 725 450
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+615 401 222 100 726 451
+615 401 222 100 726 451
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+615 401 222 100 726 451
+615 401 222 100 726 451
+615 401 222 100 726 451
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+615 400 222 100 726 450
+616 401 218 97 725 449
+616 400 218 97 725 448
+616 400 218 97 725 448
+616 400 218 97 725 448
+616 400 218 97 725 448
+616 398 218 97 725 446
+616 399 218 97 725 447
+616 399 218 97 725 447
+616 398 218 97 725 446
+616 398 218 97 725 446
+617 398 214 96 724 446
+617 398 217 97 725 446
+614 396 222 100 725 446
+614 396 222 100 725 446
+617 398 217 97 725 446
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+617 396 217 97 725 444
+616 395 217 97 724 443
+616 394 217 97 724 442
+616 394 217 97 724 442
+616 392 217 97 724 440
+616 392 217 97 724 440
+616 392 217 97 724 440
+616 392 217 97 724 440
+616 392 217 97 724 440
+616 392 217 97 724 440
+616 391 217 97 724 439
+616 391 217 97 724 439
+616 391 217 97 724 439
+616 391 217 97 724 439
+614 391 218 97 723 439
+614 391 218 97 723 439
+615 391 217 97 723 439
+617 391 214 96 724 439
+617 390 217 97 725 438
+615 389 218 97 724 437
+617 389 217 97 725 437
+617 389 217 97 725 437
+616 389 217 97 724 437
+614 387 218 97 723 435
+614 388 218 97 723 436
+614 387 218 97 723
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.log b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51fcb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.log
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+生成启动时间为 2017/11/29 17:32:27。
+ 1>项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\cut_video\cut_video.vcxproj”在节点 2 上(Build 个目标)。
+ 1>ClCompile:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\CL.exe /c /ZI /nologo /W3 /WX- /sdl /Od /D _MBCS /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"x64\Debug\\" /Fd"x64\Debug\vc140.pdb" /Gd /TP /errorReport:prompt main.cpp
+ main.cpp
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\论文代码\kcf_wq\cut_video\main.cpp(21): warning C4244: “初始化”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\论文代码\kcf_wq\cut_video\main.cpp(22): warning C4244: “初始化”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\论文代码\kcf_wq\cut_video\main.cpp(32): warning C4018: “>=”: 有符号/无符号不匹配
+ 1>c:\users\zhxing\desktop\论文代码\kcf_wq\cut_video\main.cpp(32): warning C4018: “<”: 有符号/无符号不匹配
+ Link:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT /OUT:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\cut_video.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO opencv_world330.lib opencv_world330d.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /Debug /PDB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\cut_video.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\cut_video.lib" /MACHINE:X64 x64\Debug\main.obj
+ cut_video.vcxproj -> C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Debug\cut_video.exe
+ 1>已完成生成项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\cut_video\cut_video.vcxproj”(Build 个目标)的操作。
+已用时间 00:00:01.95
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81df043
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..426761f
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0c6167
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/cut_video.lastbuildstate b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/cut_video.lastbuildstate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d84035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/cut_video.lastbuildstate
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24b3fc7
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288b69
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f3742
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/cut_video.tlog/link.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/main.obj b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/main.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2f88a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/main.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/vc140.idb b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/vc140.idb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49c0d0a
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/vc140.idb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/vc140.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/vc140.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c79cac
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Debug/vc140.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.log b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08ba212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.log
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+生成启动时间为 2017/12/14 17:15:54。
+ 1>项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\cut_video\cut_video.vcxproj”在节点 2 上(Build 个目标)。
+ 1>ClCompile:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\CL.exe /c /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /sdl /O2 /Oi /GL /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /Gy /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"x64\Release\\" /Fd"x64\Release\vc140.pdb" /Gd /TP /errorReport:prompt main.cpp
+ main.cpp
+ 1>main.cpp(51): warning C4244: “初始化”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>main.cpp(52): warning C4244: “初始化”: 从“double”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
+ 1>main.cpp(64): warning C4018: “>=”: 有符号/无符号不匹配
+ 1>main.cpp(64): warning C4018: “<”: 有符号/无符号不匹配
+ Link:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT /OUT:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\cut_video.exe" /NOLOGO opencv_world330.lib opencv_world330d.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /Debug /PDB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\cut_video.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF /LTCG:incremental /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\cut_video.lib" /MACHINE:X64 x64\Release\main.obj
+ 正在生成代码
+ 1 of 452 functions ( 0.2%) were compiled, the rest were copied from previous compilation.
+ 0 functions were new in current compilation
+ 0 functions had inline decision re-evaluated but remain unchanged
+ 已完成代码的生成
+ cut_video.vcxproj -> C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\x64\Release\cut_video.exe
+ 1>已完成生成项目“C:\Users\zhxing\Desktop\论文代码\KCF_WQ\cut_video\cut_video.vcxproj”(Build 个目标)的操作。
+已用时间 00:00:01.96
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbf2e43
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db27e9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6c8ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/cut_video.lastbuildstate b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/cut_video.lastbuildstate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70625d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/cut_video.lastbuildstate
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.command.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.command.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20037df
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.command.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.read.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.read.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bf4236
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.read.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.write.1.tlog b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.write.1.tlog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270ce95
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/cut_video.tlog/link.write.1.tlog differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/main.obj b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/main.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dfcca
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/main.obj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/vc140.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/vc140.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4961877
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/cut_video/x64/Release/vc140.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.exe b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c78bdaf
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.exe differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.ilk b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.ilk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1585f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.ilk differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..526e71f
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/BLOB.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.exe b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7787430
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.exe differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.ilk b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.ilk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f31b5
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.ilk differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a486eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/KCF_WQ.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.exe b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ccc35
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.exe differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.ilk b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.ilk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ed221e
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.ilk differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2364444
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Debug/cut_video.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.exe b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be47c05
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.exe differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.iobj b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.iobj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ba7549
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.iobj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.ipdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.ipdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e973a
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.ipdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9139a14
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/BLOB.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.exe b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2607670
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.exe differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.iobj b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.iobj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b15e6df
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.iobj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.ipdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.ipdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d0484f
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.ipdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9466110
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/KCF_WQ.pdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.exe b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78587e8
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.exe differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.iobj b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.iobj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a66231
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.iobj differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.ipdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.ipdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d7dd13
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.ipdb differ
diff --git a/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.pdb b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472994b
Binary files /dev/null and b/KCF_interpolation/x64/Release/cut_video.pdb differ