The RDS Credential Broker is an ECS task that runs to reset the IDs and/or PWs for an RDS instance when an application is being deployed using the ECS Push Task.
Environment variable values are passed into the broker task during runtime:
- This is the RDS engine type. The driver used depends on the profile.
- DB_HOST: Instance host URL
- DB_PORT: Instance port number
- DB_NAME: Database name
- DB_USERNAME: Master username
- DB_PASSWORD: Master password (encrypted)
- DB_APP_USERNAME: App username
- DB_APP_PASSWORD: App password (encrypted)
- DB_ADMIN_USERNAME: Admin username
- DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Admin password (encrypted)
See: credential-broker.yml, used to run the RDSCredential broker as an ECS task using the Herman ECS Push task.
The Herman RDS Credential Broker code is available on GitHub: Herman RDS Credential Broker
The broker code must be built and the Docker image for the application needs to be pushed to ECR before Herman is fully operational. The "rdsCredentialBrokerImage" value in plugin-tasks.yml must be updated to include the image location in ECR.