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This is the in-depth documentation about the OPC UA implementation in Rust.


OPC UA for Rust generally requires the most recent stable version of Rust to compile. The recommendation is to install rustup to manage your toolchain and keep it up to date.


Rust supports two compiler backends - gcc or MSVC. The preferred way to build OPC UA is with gcc and MSYS2 but you can also use Microsoft Visual Studio 201x if you manually install OpenSSL.


MSYS2 is a Unix style build environment for Windows.

  1. Install MSYS2 64-bit
  2. Update all the packages pacman -Syuu
  3. pacman -S gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb mingw-w64-x86_64-pkg-config openssl openssl-devel pkg-config
  4. Use rustup to install the stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu toolchain during setup or by typing rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu from the command line.

You should use the MSYS2/MingW64 Shell. You may have to tweak your .bashrc to ensure that both Rust and MinGW64 binaries are on your PATH but once that's done you're good to go.

Visual Studio

  1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio. You must install C++ and 64-bit platform support.
  2. Use rustup to install the install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc during setup or by typing rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc from the command line.
  3. Download and install
  4. Set an environment variable OPENSSL_DIR to point to the installation location, e.g. C:\OpenSSL-Win64

Ensure that %OPENSSL_DIR%\bin is on your PATH.

Note this is a 64-bit build configuration. 32-bit builds should also work by replacing 64 with 32 as required.


How you do this depends on your dist, either through apt-get or dnf.

  1. Install gcc and OpenSSL development libs & headers, e.g. sudo apt-get gcc libssl-dev for Debian based systems.
  2. Use rustup to install the latest stable rust during setup.

Adjust your package names as appropriate for other versions of Linux.

Vendored OpenSSL

The openssl crate can fetch, build and statically link to a copy of OpenSSL without it being in your environment. See the crate's documentation for further information but essentially it has a vendored feature that can be set to enable this behaviour.

You need to have a C compiler, Perl and Make installed to enable this feature.

This might be useful in some situations such as cross-compilation so OPC UA for Rust exposes the feature through its own called vendored-openssl which is exposed on the opcua-core, opcua-server and opcua-client crates. i.e. when you specify vendored-openssl while building OPC UA, it will specify vendored through to the openssl crate.

The demo-server demonstrates how to use it:

cd samples/demo-server
cargo build "--features=vendored-openssl"

Note that Rust OPC UA is just passing through this feature so refer to the openssl documentation for any issues encountered while using it.

Workspace Layout

OPC UA for Rust follows the normal Rust conventions. There is a Cargo.toml per module that you may use to build the module and all dependencies. e.g.

cd opcua/samples/demo-server
cargo build

There is also a workspace Cargo.toml from the root directory. You may also build the entire workspace like so:

cd opcua
cargo build

Design details

Minimizing code through convention

The API will use convention and idiomatic rust minimize and make concise the amount of code that needs to be written.

Here is a minimal, functioning server.

extern crate opcua_server;

use opcua_server::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let server: Server = ServerBuilder::new_sample().server().unwrap();;

This server will accept connections, allow you to browse the address space and subscribe to variables.

Refer to the samples/simple-server/ and samples/simple-client/ examples for something that adds variables to the address space and changes their values.


OPC UA defines a lot of types, some of which are primitives, basic types, structures or request / response messages. All types are defined in the opcua-types crate.


OPC UA primitive types are referred to by their Rust equivalents, i.e. if the specification says Int32, the signature of the function / struct will use i32:

  • Boolean to bool
  • SByte to i8
  • Byte to u8
  • Int16 to i16
  • UInt16 to u16
  • Int32 to i32
  • UInt32 to u32
  • Int64 to i64
  • UInt64 to u64
  • Float to f32
  • Double to f64


The OPC UA type String is not directly analogous to a Rust String. The OPC UA definition maintains the distinction between being a null value and being an empty string. This affects how the string is encoded and could impact on application logic too.

For this reason, String is mapped onto a new Rust type UAString type which captures this behaviour. The name is UAString because String is such a fundamental type that it is easier to disambiguate by calling it something else rather than through module prefixing.

Basic types

All of the basic OPC UA types are implemented by hand.

  • ByteString
  • DateTime
  • QualifiedName
  • LocalizedText
  • NodeId
  • ExpandedNodeId
  • ExtensionObject
  • Guid
  • NumericRange
  • DataValue
  • Variant

A Variant is a special catch-all enum which can hold any other primitive or basic type, including arrays of the same. The implementation uses a Box (allocate memory) for larger kinds of type to keep the stack size down.

Machine generated types

The tools/schema/ directory contains NodeJS scripts that will generate Rust code from from OPC UA schemas in schemas/1.0.3.

  • Status codes
  • Node Ids (objects, variables, references etc.)
  • Data structures including serialization.
  • Request and Response messages including serialization
  • Address space nodes

Enums are not machine generated. The definitions use an odd FOO_0, FOO_1 etc notation would probably generate ugly enums if I were to turn them to PascalCase, so they are handwritten for now.

Handling OPC UA names in Rust

All OPC UA enums, structs, fields, constants etc. will conform to Rust lint rules where it makes sense. i.e. OPC UA uses pascal case for field names but the impl will use snake case, for example requestHeader is defined as request_header.

struct OpenSecureChannelRequest {
  pub request_header: RequestHeader

The OPC UA type SecurityPolicy value INVALID_0 will an enum SecurityPolicy with a value Invalid with a scalar value of 0.

pub enum SecurityPolicy {
  Invalid = 0,
  None = 1

The enum will be turned in and out of a scalar value during serialization via a match.

Wherever possible Rust idioms will be used - enums, options and other conveniences of the language will be used to represent data in the most efficient and strict way possible. e.g. here is the ExtensionObject

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ExtensionObjectEncoding {

/// A structure that contains an application specific data type that may not be recognized by the receiver.
/// Data type ID 22
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ExtensionObject {
    pub node_id: NodeId,
    pub body: ExtensionObjectEncoding,

Rust enables the body payload to be None, ByteString or XmlElement and this is handled during serialization.

Lint exceptions for OPC UA

OPC UA has some some really long PascalCase ids, many of which are further broken up by underscores. I've tried converting the name to upper snake and they look terrible. I've tried removing underscores and they look terrible.

So the names and underscores are preserved as-in in generated code even though they generate lint errors. The lint rules are disabled for generated code.

For example:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum VariableId {
    //... thousands of ids, many like this or worse
    ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_EffectiveTransitionTime = 11474,

Status codes

Most uses of a status code will be via a StatusCode enum. Values such as Good, BadUnexpectedError etc.

The enum will also implement Copy so that status codes are copy on assign. The enum provides helpers is_good(), is_bad(), name() and description() for testing and debugging purposes. It also provides functions for turning the code into and out of a UInt32 and masking status / info bits.


All code (with the exceptions noted for OPC UA) should be follow the most current Rust RFC coding guidelines for naming conventions, layout etc.

Code should be formatted with the IntelliJ rust plugin, or with rustfmt.

Implementation plan

Client and server will work their ways through OPC UA profiles to the point of usability. But presently they are working towards.

  • Nano Embedded Device Server Profile, which has these main points
    • UA-TCP binary
    • SecurityPolicy of None (i.e. no encryption / signing)
    • Username / Password support (plaintext)
    • Address space
    • Discovery Services
    • Session Services (minimum, single session)
    • View Services (basic)
  • Micro Embedded Device Server Profile. This is a bump up from Nano.
    • UA secure conversation
    • 2 or more sessions
    • Data change notifications via a subscription.
  • Embedded UA Server Profile
    • Standard data change notifications via a subscription
      • Queueing
      • Deadband filter
      • CallMethod service
      • GetMonitoredItems via call
      • ResendData via call

This OPC UA link provides interactive and descriptive information about profiles and relevant test cases.

Major 3rd party dependencies

  • log - for logging / auditing
  • openssl - cryptographic functions for signing, certifications and encryption/decryption
  • serde, server_yaml - for processing config files
  • clap - used by sample apps & certificate creator for command line argument processing
  • byteorder - for serializing values with the proper endian-ness
  • tokio - for asynchronous IO and timers
  • chrono - for high quality time functions
  • time - for some types that chrono still uses, e.g. Duration
  • random - for random number generation in some places

3rd-party servers

There are also a couple of node-opcua scripts in 3rd-party/node-opcua.

  1. client.js - an OPC UA client that connects to a server and subscribes to v1, v2, v3, and v4.
  2. server.js - an OPC UA server that exposes v1, v2, v3 and v4 and changes them from a timer.

These are functionally analogous to simple-server and simple-client so the Rust code can be tested against an independently written implementation of OPC UA that works in the way it is expecting. This is useful for debugging and isolating bugs / differences.

To use them:

  1. Install NodeJS - LTS should do, but any recent version should work.
  2. cd 3rd-party/node-opcua
  3. npm install
  4. node server.js or node client.js


See the testing document.