These are all environment variables that can be used to configure the application.
Variable Name | Services | Default Value | Description |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL | server | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/thesis-management | Postgres connection url |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME | server | thesis-management-postgres | Postgres username |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD | server | thesis-management-postgres | Postgres password |
KEYCLOAK_HOST | server, client | http://localhost:8081 | Keycloak hostname |
KEYCLOAK_REALM_NAME | server, client | thesis-management | Keycloak realm name |
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID | server, client | thesis-management-app | Keycloak client id |
KEYCLOAK_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID | server | Keycloak service client id | |
KEYCLOAK_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET | server | Keycloak service client secret | |
KEYCLOAK_SERVICE_STUDENT_GROUP_NAME | server | Keycloak group name that should be assigned when a student starts writing a thesis | |
CALDAV_ENABLED | server | false | Enable calendar integration. If enabled scheduled presentations will be added to the calendar |
CALDAV_URL | server, client | CalDav URL where the events should be added | |
CALDAV_USERNAME | server | CalDav username for authentication | |
CALDAV_PASSWORD | server | CalDav password for authentication | |
POSTFIX_HOST | server | localhost | Postfix host to send emails. Only required if emails are enabled. |
POSTFIX_PORT | server | 25 | Postfix port |
POSTFIX_USERNAME | server | Postfix username | |
POSTFIX_PASSWORD | server | Postfix password | |
CLIENT_HOST | server, client | http://localhost:3000 | Hosting url of client |
SERVER_HOST | client | http://localhost:8080 | Hosting url of server |
MAIL_ENABLED | server | false | If set to true, the application will try to send emails via Postfix |
MAIL_SENDER | server | [email protected] | Sender email address |
MAIL_SIGNATURE | server | Signature of the chair's supervisor / of the chair in general | |
MAIL_WORKSPACE_URL | server | | URL to the workspace where students can connect with advisors and supervisors |
MAIL_BCC_RECIPIENTS | server | Default BCC recipients for important emails | |
MAIL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER | server | /default-mail-templates | Folder where mail templates are stored. If not set, it will use the default emails of the repository |
UPLOAD_FOLDER | server | uploads | Folder where uploaded files will be stored |
SCIENTIFIC_WRITING_GUIDE | server | Link to a guide that explains scientific writing at the chair | |
APPLICATION_TITLE | client | Thesis Management | HTML title of the client |
GENDERS | client | {"MALE":"Male","FEMALE":"Female","OTHER":"Other","PREFER_NOT_TO_SAY":"Prefer not to say"} |
Available genders that a user can configure |
STUDY_DEGREES | client | {"BACHELOR":"Bachelor","MASTER":"Master"} |
Available study degrees |
STUDY_PROGRAMS | client | {"COMPUTER_SCIENCE":"Computer Science","INFORMATION_SYSTEMS":"Information Systems","GAMES_ENGINEERING":"Games Engineering","MANAGEMENT_AND_TECHNOLOGY":"Management and Technology","OTHER":"Other"} |
Available study programs |
THESIS_TYPES | client | {"BACHELOR":{"long":"Bachelor Thesis","short":"BA"},"MASTER":{"long":"Master Thesis","short":"MA"},"INTERDISCIPLINARY_PROJECT":{"long":"Interdisciplinary Project","short":"IDP"},"GUIDED_RESEARCH":{"long":"Guided Research","short":"GR"}} |
Available thesis types |
LANGUAGES | client | {"ENGLISH":"English","GERMAN":"German"} |
Available languages for presentations |
CUSTOM_DATA | client | {"GITHUB":{"label":"Github Profile","required":false}} |
Additional data the user can add to the profile |
THESIS_FILES | client | {"PRESENTATION":{"label":"Presentation","description":"Presentation (PDF)","accept":"pdf","required":true},"PRESENTATION_SOURCE":{"label":"Presentation Source","description":"Presentation Source (KEY, PPTX)","accept":"any","required":false},"FEEDBACK_LOG":{"label":"Feedback Log","description":"Feedback Log (PDF)","accept":"pdf","required":false}} |
Additional files the student can add to the thesis |
DEFAULT_SUPERVISOR_UUID | client | The user UUID from the database if a default supervisor should be selected when creating topics or theses | |
CHAIR_NAME | client | Thesis Management | Chair name |
CHAIR_URL | client | window.origin | URL to chair website |