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Ansible Rocky Testing tools

This ansible-playbook takes care of any tasks that may appear for Rocky testing. These are intended to be run on a AWX instance.


├── ansible.cfg
├── collections
│   └── requirements.yml
├── playbooks
│   ├── files # unchanged files for copy
│   ├── handlers
│   ├── roles
│   │   └── <role-name>
│   ├── tasks
│   ├── templates
│   └── vars
└── roles
    └── requirements.yml

Designing Playbooks

Ansible version usage

Used Ansible version is 5.0 (ansible-core 2.12)

Due to this also the FQCNs are used, to not run in any problems with same naming.


Each playbook should have comments or a name descriptor that explains what the playbook does or how it is used. If not available, README-... files can be used in place, especially in the case of adhoc playbooks that take input. Documentation for each playbook/role does not have to be on this wiki. Comments or README's should be sufficient.


Ensure that you use relevant tags where necessary for your tasks.

Roles and Collections

If you are using roles or collections, you will need to list them in ./roles/requirements.yml. For example, we use the freeipa collection and a mysql role from geerlingguy.

  - name: geerlingguy.mysql
  - name: freeipa.ansible_freeipa
    version: 0.3.1

Note: There will be cases where you should and must specify the version you're working with, depending on the author and the amount of changes that may occur. There may be a future policy that you have to lock onto a specific version.

Ad-hoc tasks

If the playbook gets executed in an ad-hoc manner from time to time, please use the add_inventory_from_variable task, as this serves the function of not needing to have a static inventory, which needs to be updated every time. Implement this with the following playbook task in your playbook:

- name: Add all hosts from input var to temp inventory
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Add inventory
      import_tasks: tasks/add_inventory_from_variable.yml

The variable name is by default input_hostnames. Due to this either a empty or a inventory with only the localhost can be used.

Asserting variables

Always make sure that all variables are given for a role or if tasks are directly in a playbook, that they are available, to not run in any unknown states. For this please use the asserting feature of Ansible:

- name: Check if all needed variables are available
      - input_hostnames | mandatory

Pipelines / linting

If you are making changes in another branch than master, it is necessary to check the code before a PR gets completed. This is a absolute requirement, so the code quality stays good. Due to this requirement code linting via the Azure-Pipelines server is configured via the azure-pipelines.yml file, which should have the following content:

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default

  - name: ansible-check
      - "[ -f './collections/requirements.yml' ] && ansible-galaxy install -r ./collections/requirements.yml || echo 'No requirements file active.'"
      - "[ -f './roles/requirements.yml' ] && ansible-galaxy install -r ./roles/requirements.yml || echo 'No requirements file active.'"
      - "find ./playbooks -maxdepth 1 -name '*.yml' | grep .yml | xargs ansible-playbook --syntax-check --list-tasks"
      - "find ./playbooks -maxdepth 1 -name '*.yml' | grep .yml | xargs ansible-lint"

This uses a versioned number of the Ansible Toolset, which will have to be updated from time to time.