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Build processes using Gulp


Load Gulp modules.

fs = require 'fs' # for loading resources
gulp = require 'gulp' # main tool
shell = require 'gulp-shell' # run external commands
coffee = require 'gulp-coffee' # compile coffeescript
uglify = require 'gulp-uglify' # minify javascript
sourcemaps = require 'gulp-sourcemaps' # create source maps
pump = require 'pump' # good error handling of gulp pipes
concat = require 'gulp-concat' # for uniting source files
each = require 'gulp-each' # for manual tweaks in gulp streams
addsrc = require 'gulp-add-src' # for merging files in streams

Build tools

The following function is useful for embedding any outside resource into a JavaScript/CoffeeScript file. It takes these arguments:

  1. The filename containing the content to embed.
  2. The MIME type of the data in that file, e.g. "image/png".
  3. The filename of the source code in which to embed the data. This file will be prepended with a single variable declaration, initialized to a big, base64-encoded string containing a data URI.
  4. The name of the global variable to create. Options:
    • One identifier, such as "myData" (useful in CoffeeScript)
    • Variable declaration, such as "var myData" (useful in JavaScript)
    • Dot notation, such as "window.myObj.myData" (useful in either)
    • One identifier with spaces in front of it (literate CoffeeScript)
  5. The code string to replace with the global variable (optional). For instance, if your code contains the string "../img/mypicture.png" and you would like that replaced with the name of the global variable containing the data URI, pass '"../img/mypicture.png"' as the value of this third parameter, and all instances of that string literal will be replaced with the name of the new variable. Set this to null to do no replacements.
  6. The filename into which to output the results.

This function is synchronous and immediate, not using the gulp ecosystem.

embedAsVariableIn = ( fileToEmbed, mimeType, codeFile, varName,
                      toReplace, outFile ) ->
    toEmbed = fs.readFileSync fileToEmbed
    encoded = ( new Buffer toEmbed ).toString 'base64'
    declaration = "#{varName} = 'data:#{mimeType};base64,#{encoded}'"
    code = String fs.readFileSync codeFile
    while toReplace? and -1 < code.indexOf toReplace
        code = code.replace toReplace, varName
    fs.writeFileSync outFile, "#{declaration}\n\n#{code}"

Next we define a function that compiles CoffeeScript to JavaScript, with minification and source maps.

Its first parameter should be the product of a call to gulp.src, or something equivalent (like the output of a pipe, or the embedResource function just defined). If a string or array is passed instead, that will be given to gulp.src first.

Its second parameter will be passed directly to gulp.dest.

compileAndMinify = ( sources, destination ) ->
    if sources instanceof Array or 'string' is typeof sources
        sources = gulp.src sources
    pump [
        coffee bare : yes
        sourcemaps.write '.'
        gulp.dest destination

Contents of a release

Create a task to concatenate all the source code files that make up the Lurch Web Platform.

gulp.task 'lwp-source', -> pump [
    gulp.src [
    concat 'lurch-web-platform.litcoffee'
    gulp.dest 'release/'

Create a task to compile the large file created by the previous task. We use minification and source maps.

gulp.task 'lwp-build', gulp.series 'lwp-source', ->
    compileAndMinify 'release/lurch-web-platform.litcoffee', 'release/'

Create a set of tasks to compile (with minification and source maps) a set of auxiliary source files, embedding resources where needed.

First, here are the auxiliary files:

auxFiles = [

Here is a task for copying source files (so that source maps point to files that exist), and then a task for compiling those same source files.

gulp.task 'aux-copy', -> pump [
    gulp.src auxFiles
    gulp.dest 'release/'
gulp.task 'aux-build', gulp.series 'aux-copy', ->
    compileAndMinify auxFiles, 'release/'

We must also treat the background module specially: First, it depends upon aux-build having completed, so that we can use worker.js as a resource. Second, it embeds that resource into the background module before compiling.

gulp.task 'aux-with-bg', gulp.series 'aux-build', ->
    embedAsVariableIn 'release/worker.js', 'text/javascript',
        'source/auxiliary/background.litcoffee', '    workerScript',
        "'worker.js'", 'release/background.litcoffee'
    compileAndMinify 'release/background.litcoffee', 'release/'

The final task is that of building a release, which includes all the tasks above, plus one for copying all source/assets into the release folder.

gulp.task 'copy-assets', -> pump [
    gulp.src [ 'source/assets/**/*', '!source/assets/' ]
    gulp.dest 'release'
gulp.task 'release-build', gulp.series \
    'lwp-build', 'aux-with-bg', 'copy-assets'

Other build tasks

Create a task to compile (with minification and source maps) all source files in the experimental folder, into that same folder. This folder is not in the repository, because its purpose is to let individual developers experiment with temporary/ancillary files on their own machine before adding new features to the repository.

gulp.task 'exp-build', ->
    compileAndMinify 'source/experimental/*.litcoffee',

Create "docs" task to build the documentation using MkDocs. This requires that you have mkdocs installed on your system.

gulp.task 'docs', shell.task 'mkdocs build'

Create a "test" task to run unit tests. So far it only runs one of the unit tests. The reason for this is that the others are out-of-date, and require a main app page, which this repository does not yet build.

gulp.task 'test', gulp.series 'release-build', ->
    gulp.src [
    ], read : no
    .pipe shell [
        'echo "-------------------------------------------"'
        'echo "-"'
        'echo "-  BEGINNING TESTS FOR: <%= file.path %>"'
        'echo "-"'
        'echo "-------------------------------------------"'
        './node_modules/.bin/jasmine-node --verbose --coffee
        --forceexit <%= file.path %>'

Pulling it all together

Create a default task that runs all other tasks.

gulp.task 'default', gulp.series \
    'release-build', 'exp-build', 'docs'