diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 520eaea..8d7f3b0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ or several links next to it.
     - [Error variables](go/design/error_2.go)
     - [Type as context](go/design/error_3.go)
     - [Behavior as context](go/design/error_4.go)
-    - [Finding the bug](go/design/error_5.go)
+    - [Finding the bug/pitfall of nil value of error interface](go/design/error_5.go)
     - [Wrapping Errors](go/design/error_6.go)
   - Packaging:
diff --git a/go/design/conversion_1.go b/go/design/conversion_1.go
index 412dfa3..bd70b1d 100644
--- a/go/design/conversion_1.go
+++ b/go/design/conversion_1.go
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func main() {
 	//  ------                      ------
 	// | bike |        bike        | bike |
 	//  ------        ------        ------
-	// |  *   | ---> |      | <--- |      |
+	// |  *   | ---> |      | <--- |  *   |
 	//  ------        ------        ------
 	// However, we cannot go in the other direction, like so:
@@ -82,11 +82,19 @@ func main() {
 	// value of type bike that was stored inside of it. Then assign the COPY of the concrete type
 	// to the MoveLocker interface.
 	// This is the syntax for type assertion.
 	// We are taking the interface value itself, dot (bike). We are using bike as an parameter.
-	// If there is a bike inside of m, we will get a copy of it since we are using value semantic.
+	// If m is not nil and there is a bike inside of m, we will get a copy of it since we are using value semantic.
+	// Or else, a panic occurs.
 	// b is having a copy of bike value.
 	b := m.(bike)
+	// We can prevent panic when type assertion breaks by destructuring
+	// the boolean value that represents type assertion result
+	b, ok := m.(bike)
+	fmt.Println("Does m has value of bike?:", ok)
 	ml = b
 	// It's important to note that the type assertion syntax provides a way to state what type
diff --git a/go/design/conversion_2.go b/go/design/conversion_2.go
index ac6ed01..03e9b40 100644
--- a/go/design/conversion_2.go
+++ b/go/design/conversion_2.go
@@ -56,28 +56,26 @@ func main() {
 		// Perform a type assertion that we have a concrete type of cloud in the interface
 		// value we randomly chose.
-		// This shows us that this checking is at runtime, not compiled time.
+		// This shows us that this checking is at runtime, not compile time.
 		if v, ok := mvs[rn].(cloud); ok {
 			fmt.Println("Got Lucky:", v)
-		// This shows us that this checking is at runtime, not compiled time. We have to decide
-		// if there should always be a value of some type that should never change.
-		// We wouldn't want to use that ok because we want it to panic if there is a integrity
-		// issue. We must shut it down immediately if that happen. If we cannot recover from a
-		// panic and give the guarantee that you are back at 100% integrity, the software has to be
-		// restarted. Shutting downs means you have to either call log.Fatal or os.exit, or panic
-		// for stack trace.
-		// When we use type assertion, we need to understand where or not it is okay that whatever
+		// We have to guarantee that variable in question (x in `x.(T)`) can always be asserted correctly as T type
+		// Or else, We wouldn't want to use that ok variable because we want it to panic if there is an integrity
+		// issue. We must shut it down immediately if that happens if we cannot recover from a
+		// panic and guarantee that we are back at 100% integrity, the software has to be restarted. 
+		// Shutting down means you have to call log.Fatal, os.exit, or panic for stack trace.
+		// When we use type assertion, we need to understand when it is okay that whatever
 		// we are asking for is not there.
 		// Important note:
 		// ---------------
-		// When we are using type assertion, it raises a big red flag.
-		// If the type assertion is causing us to call the concrete value out, that should raise a
+		// If the type assertion is causing us to call the concrete value out, that should raise a big
 		// flag. We are using interface to maintain a level of decoupling and now we are using type
-		// asserting to go back to the concrete.
+		// assertion to go back to the concrete.
 		// When we are in the concrete, we are putting our codes in the situation where cascading
 		// changes can cause widespread refactoring. What we want with interface is the opposite,
 		// internal changes minimize cascading changes.
diff --git a/go/design/error_1.go b/go/design/error_1.go
index 98385bc..e63b906 100644
--- a/go/design/error_1.go
+++ b/go/design/error_1.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ package main
 import "fmt"
 // http://golang.org/pkg/builtin/#error
-// This is built in the language so it looks like an unexported type. It has one active behavior,
+// This is pre-included in the language so it looks like an unexported type. It has one active behavior,
 // which is Error returned a string.
 // Error handling is decoupled because we are always working with error interface when we are
 // testing our code.
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func main() {
 	// We are calling webCall and return the error interface and store that in a variable.
 	// nil is a special value in Go. What "error != nil" actually means is that we are asking if
 	// there is a concrete type value that is stored in error type interface. Because if error is
-	// not nil, there is a concrete value stored inside. If that's is the case, we've got an error.
+	// not nil, there is a concrete value stored inside. If it is the case, we've got an error.
 	// Now do we handle the error, do we return the error up the call stack for someone else to
 	// handle? We will talk about this latter.
 	if err := webCall(); err != nil {
diff --git a/go/design/error_3.go b/go/design/error_3.go
index 2a579ed..a0f72d6 100644
--- a/go/design/error_3.go
+++ b/go/design/error_3.go
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 // It is not always possible to be able to say the interface value itself will be enough context.
 // Sometimes, it requires more context. For example, a networking problem can be really
 // complicated. Error variables wouldn't work there.
-// Only when the error variables wouldn't work are we allowed to go ahead and start working with
+// Only when the error variables wouldn't work, we should go ahead and start working with
 // custom concrete type for the error.
 // Below are two custom error types from the json package in the standard library and see how we
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ type UnmarshalTypeError struct {
 	Type  reflect.Type // type of Go value it could not be assigned to
-// Error implements the error interface.
+// UnmarshalTypeError implements the error interface.
 // We are using pointer semantic.
 // In the implementation, we are validating all the fields are being used in the error message. If
 // not, we have a problem. Because why would you add a field to the custom error type and not
-// displaying your log if this method would call. We only do this when we really need it.
+// displaying on your log when this method would call. We only do this when we really need it.
 func (e *UnmarshalTypeError) Error() string {
 	return "json: cannot unmarshal " + e.Value + " into Go value of type " + e.Type.String()
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type InvalidUnmarshalError struct {
 	Type reflect.Type
-// Error implements the error interface.
+// InvalidUnmarshalError implements the error interface.
 func (e *InvalidUnmarshalError) Error() string {
 	if e.Type == nil {
 		return "json: Unmarshal(nil)"
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
 // There is one flaw when using type as context here. In this case, we are now going back to the
 // concrete. We walk away from the decoupling because our code is now bounded to these concrete
-// types. If the developer who wrote the json package makes any changes to these conretey types,
-// that's gonna create a cascading effect all the way through our code. We are no longer proteced
+// types. If the developer who wrote the json package makes any changes to these concrete types,
+// that's gonna create a cascading effect all the way through our code. We are no longer protected
 // by the decoupling of the error interface.
 // This sometime has to happen. Can we do something differnt not to lose the decoupling. This is
diff --git a/go/design/error_4.go b/go/design/error_4.go
index 340e16b..b0c8f03 100644
--- a/go/design/error_4.go
+++ b/go/design/error_4.go
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func (c *client) TypeAsContext() {
 		line, err := c.reader.ReadString('\n')
 		if err != nil {
 			// This is using type as context like the previous example.
-			// What special here is the method Temporary. If it is, we can keep going but if not,
+			// What special here is the method named Temporary. If it is, we can keep going but if not,
 			// we have to break thing down and build thing back up.
 			// Every one of these cases care only about 1 thing: the behavior of Temporary. This is
 			// what important. We can switch here, from type as context to type as behavior if we
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func (c *client) TypeAsContext() {
 // temporary is declared to test for the existence of the method coming from the net package.
-// Because Temporary this the only behavior we care about. If the concrete type has the method
+// Because Temporary is the only behavior we care about. If the concrete type has the method
 // named temporary then this is what we want. We get to stay decoupled and continue to work at the
 // interface level.
 type temporary interface {
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func (c *client) BehaviorAsContext() {
 			switch e := err.(type) {
 			// We can reduce 3 cases into 1 by asking in the case here during type assertion: Does
 			// the concrete type stored inside the error interface also implement this interface.
-			// We can declare that interface for myself and we leverage it ourselves.
+			// We can declare and leverage that interface ourselves.
 			case temporary:
 				if !e.Temporary() {
 					log.Println("Temporary: Client leaving chat")
@@ -108,8 +108,6 @@ func (c *client) BehaviorAsContext() {
 // Lesson:
-// If we can one of these methods to our concrete error type, we can maintain a level of decoupling:
-// - Temporary
-// - Timeout
-// - NotFound
-// - NotAuthorized
+// Thank to Go Implicit Conversion.
+// We can maintain a level of decopling by creating an interface with methods or behaviors that we only want,
+// and use it instead of concrete type for type assertion switch. 
diff --git a/go/design/error_6.go b/go/design/error_6.go
index d697209..38f8058 100644
--- a/go/design/error_6.go
+++ b/go/design/error_6.go
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
 // The main goal of logging is to debug.
 // We only log things that are actionable. Only log the contexts that are allowed us to identify
-// that is going on. Anything else ideally is noise and would be better suited up on the dashboard
+// what is going on. Anything else ideally is noise and would be better suited up on the dashboard
 // through metrics. For example, socket connection and disconnection, we can log these but these
-// are not actionable because we don't necessary lookup the log for that.
+// are not actionable because we don't necessarily lookup the log for that.
 // There is a package that is written by Dave Cheney called errors that let us simplify error
-// handling and logging that the same time. Below is a demonstration on how to leverage the package
+// handling and logging at the same time. Below is a demonstration on how to leverage the package
 // to simplify our code. By reducing logging, we also reduce a large amount of pressure on the heap
 // (garbage collection).
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type AppError struct {
 	State int
-// Error implements the error interface.
+// AppError implements the error interface.
 func (c *AppError) Error() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("App Error, State: %d", c.State)
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ func main() {
 	// around it and push it up. This maintains the call stack of where we are in the code.
 	// Similarly, firstCall doesn't handle the error but wraps and pushes it up.
-	// In main, we are handling the call, which means the bug stops here and I have to log it.
+	// In main, we are handling the call, which means the error stops here and we have to log it.
 	// In order to properly handle this error, we need to know that the root cause of this error
-	// was. It is the original error that is not wrapped. Cause will bubble up this error out of
+	// was. It is the original error that is not wrapped. Cause method will bubble up this error out of
 	// these wrapping and allow us to be able to use all the language mechanics we have.
 	// We are not only be able to access the State even though we've done this assertion back to
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func main() {
-// firstCall makes a call to a second function and wraps any error.
+// firstCall makes a call to a secondCall function and wraps any error.
 func firstCall(i int) error {
 	if err := secondCall(i); err != nil {
 		return errors.Wrapf(err, "firstCall->secondCall(%d)", i)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func firstCall(i int) error {
 	return nil
-// secondCall makes a call to a third function and wraps any error.
+// secondCall makes a call to a thirdCall function and wraps any error.
 func secondCall(i int) error {
 	if err := thirdCall(); err != nil {
 		return errors.Wrap(err, "secondCall->thirdCall()")
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func secondCall(i int) error {
 	return nil
-// thirdCall create an error value we will validate.
+// thirdCall function creates an error value we will validate.
 func thirdCall() error {
 	return &AppError{99}
diff --git a/go/design/mocking_1.go b/go/design/mocking_1.go
index 37b4ab6..956d685 100644
--- a/go/design/mocking_1.go
+++ b/go/design/mocking_1.go
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 // Package To Mock
 // ---------------
-// It is important to mock thing.
+// It is important to mock things.
 // Most things over the network can be mocked in our test. However, mocking our database is a
 // different story because it is too complex. This is where Docker can come in and simplify our
 // code by allowing us to launch our database while running our tests and have that clean database
 // for everything we do.
 // Every API only need to focus on its test. We no longer have to worry about the application user
-// or user over API test. We used to worry about: if we don't have that interface, then the user
+// or user over API test. We used to worry about: if we don't have that interface, the user
 // who use our API can't write test. That is gone. The example below will demonstrate the reason.
 // Imagine we are working at a company that decides to incorporate Go as a part of its stack. They
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 // doing event sourcing and there is a single pubsub platform they are using that is not going to
 // be replaced. They need the pubsub API for Go that they can start building services that connect
 // into this event source.
-// So what can change? Can the even source change?
+// So what can change? Can the event source change?
 // If the answer is no, then it immediately tells us that we don't need to use interfaces. We can
 // built the entire API in the concrete, which we would do it first anyway. We then write tests to
 // make sure everything work.
@@ -31,7 +31,11 @@
 // Package pubsub simulates a package that provides publication/subscription type services.
-package main // should be pubsub, but leave main here for it to compile
+package main
+import (
+	"fmt"
 // PubSub provides access to a queue system.
 type PubSub struct {
@@ -50,14 +54,16 @@ func New(host string) *PubSub {
 	return &ps
-// Publish sends the data for the specified key.
+// Publish sends the data to the specified key.
 func (ps *PubSub) Publish(key string, v interface{}) error {
+	fmt.Println("Actual PubSub: Publish")
 	return nil
-// Subscribe sets up an request to receive messages for the specified key.
+// Subscribe sets up an request to receive messages from the specified key.
 func (ps *PubSub) Subscribe(key string) error {
+	fmt.Println("Actual PubSub: Subscribe")
 	return nil
diff --git a/go/design/mocking_2.go b/go/design/mocking_2.go
index 024556f..918cc8a 100644
--- a/go/design/mocking_2.go
+++ b/go/design/mocking_2.go
@@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
 // Client
 // ------
+// Run: `go run ./go/design/mocking_1.go ./go/design/mocking_2.go`
 // Sample program to show how we can personally mock concrete types when we need to for
 // our own packages or tests.
 package main
 import (
-	"github.com/hoanhan101/ultimate-go/go/design/pubsub"
+	"fmt"
-// publisher is an interface to allow this package to mock the pubsub package support.
+// publisher is an interface to allow this package to mock the pubsub package.
 // When we are writing our applications, declare our own interface that map out all the APIs call
 // we need for the APIs. The concrete types APIs in the previous files satisfy it out of the box.
-// We can write the entire application/mocking decoupling from themselves from conrete
-// implementations.
+// We can write the entire application with mocking decoupling from conrete implementations.
 type publisher interface {
 	Publish(key string, v interface{}) error
 	Subscribe(key string) error
@@ -26,12 +27,14 @@ type mock struct{}
 // Publish implements the publisher interface for the mock.
 func (m *mock) Publish(key string, v interface{}) error {
+	fmt.Println("Mock PubSub: Publish")
 	return nil
 // Subscribe implements the publisher interface for the mock.
 func (m *mock) Subscribe(key string) error {
+	fmt.Println("Mock PubSub: Subscribe")
 	return nil
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ func main() {
 	// Create a slice of publisher interface values. Assign the address of a pubsub.
 	// PubSub value and the address of a mock value.
 	pubs := []publisher{
-		pubsub.New("localhost"),
+		New("localhost"),
diff --git a/go/design/pollution_1.go b/go/design/pollution_1.go
index cb45e06..95de811 100644
--- a/go/design/pollution_1.go
+++ b/go/design/pollution_1.go
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 // Why are we using an interface here?
 // Myth #1: We are using interfaces because we have to use interfaces.
-// No. We don't have to use interfaces. We use it when it is practical and reasonable to do so.
+// Answer: No. We don't have to use interfaces. We use it when it is practical and reasonable to do so.
 // Even though they are wonderful, there is a cost of using interfaces: a level of indirection and
-// potential allocation, when we store concrete type inside of them. Unless the cost of that is
-// worth whatever decoupling we are getting, then we shouldn't be taking the cost.
+// potential allocation when we store concrete type inside of them. Unless the cost of that is
+// worth whatever decoupling we are getting, we shouldn't be using interfaces.
 // Myth #2: We need to be able to test our code so we need to use interfaces.
-// No. We must design our API that are usable for user application developer first, not our test.
+// Answer: No. We must design our API that are usable for user application developer first, not our test.
 // Below is an example that creates interface pollution by improperly using an interface
 // when one is not needed.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type server struct {
 // interface value.
 // It is not that functions and interfaces cannot return interface values. They can. But normally,
 // that should raise a flag. The concrete type is the data that has the behavior and the interface
-// normally should be used as accepting the input to the data, not necessary going out.
+// normally should be used as accepting the input to the data, not necessarily going out.
 func NewServer(host string) Server {
 	// SMELL - Storing an unexported type pointer in the interface.
 	return &server{host}
diff --git a/go/design/pollution_2.go b/go/design/pollution_2.go
index 25c7aaf..1af4395 100644
--- a/go/design/pollution_2.go
+++ b/go/design/pollution_2.go
@@ -2,19 +2,18 @@
 // Remove Interface Pollution
 // --------------------------
-// This is basically just removing the improper interface usage from last file.
+// This is basically just removing the improper interface usage from previous file pollution_1.go.
 package main
-// Server is our Server implementation.
+// Server implementation.
 type Server struct {
 	host string
-// NewServer returns an interface value of type Server with a server implementation.
+// NewServer returns just a concrete pointer of type Server
 func NewServer(host string) *Server {
-	// SMELL - Storing an unexported type pointer in the interface.
 	return &Server{host}
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ func main() {
 	// Create a new Server.
 	srv := NewServer("localhost")
-	// Use the API.
+	// Use the APIs.
@@ -50,9 +49,9 @@ func main() {
 // --------------------------------------
 // Use an interface:
 // - When users of the API need to provide an implementation detail.
-// - When API’s have multiple implementations that need to be maintained.
-// - When parts of the API that can change have been identified and require decoupling.
+// - When APIs have multiple implementations that need to be maintained.
+// - When parts of the APIs that can change have been identified and require decoupling.
 // Question an interface:
-// - When its only purpose is for writing testable API’s (write usable API’s first).
+// - When its only purpose is for writing testable API’s (write usable APIs first).
 // - When it’s not providing support for the API to decouple from change.
 // - When it's not clear how the interface makes the code better.