This is a hobby project. I work on it for fun. If I'm not having fun, I probably won't do it :) You're welcome to report issues, or create pull requests. But if they're not useful to me, I probably won't respond (though they may help others who run into them). If you really want to see enhancements, fork it and have fun. :)
Any Java IDE of your choice. However the main window form was creating using Netbeans form designer, so you'll want that to edit the GUI.
It's a standard Maven project. Run
mvn clean install
It will generate a self-contained fat jar in the /target/
directory that is ready to use.
Use issue reporting best practices. Provide these 3 things:
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- Expected behavior
- Actual behavior
Check your code against SpotBugs, PMD, or IntelliJ inspections. Fix any issues.
Anything that is merged will be a fast-forward or squash-merge.