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122 lines (85 loc) · 7.51 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (85 loc) · 7.51 KB


Why should I spend my time on this project?

Investing time in open source is a great opportunity to grow as a professional, enjoy your spare time and to give something back to the community. Every day we freely use things released under OS licensing. It's important to balance what we receive with what we give to build a sustainable community. Moreover working on OS projects is a great opportunity to experiment, meet people, compare with others and learn new technologies. So... why would you NOT spend time on OS projects?

How can I help?

Help can be given in any form, dependent on your time budget, skill and wishes. The main help required on this project is on dev sid. Developing new modules, backend, frontend, make test, dev ops, or simply writing some docs are the most wanted contributions. But also activities not strictly related with dev are also welcome. Writing the product home page, help with marketing, posting into your personal blog... How you choose to help is up to you.

How to contribute

We focus on dev related contributions. All other proposals will be discussed in person (open an issue on the project to let us know your ideas).

Code organisation

Code is contained in the RawCMS git repository. This repository will contain all projects related to this product. This will allow us to always have a working set of components we can test or release (core, demo, cli, ui).

Code flow

We will use GitFlow as our workflow reference for branch usage, and more:

  • Nobody is allowed to directly push on shared branches (dev,releases) without approval from somebody else.
  • We will use one feature branch for each feature.
  • All feature will be merged by a PR.


Documentation will be created and maintained within the code repository. This will be done by adding md files into the /docs/ directory. This may seems an old way to produce documentation comparing with a visual wiki or other tools, but it makes it possible to edit documentation while developing, removing the friction caused by using multiple tools and switching contexts since our doc files will be available within the IDE.

Docs folder will be available online via readthedoc.

For Mantainers\Owners

All maintainers\owner of the project will follow guidelines.

  1. We will follow SCRUM based approach to work, so:
  • task will be managed by a Kanban board
  • team members will be able to choose the task they prefer according to their competencies, wishes and available time
  • we will manage backlog by iteration and regular stand-ups
  • because we are all spare time workers on this project, we will have a weekly stand-up meeting (instead of daily)
  • iterations will have a 3 week duration (2 for implementation, 1 for testing), with the purpose of keeping tasks as small as possible in order to meet deadlines
  1. Every part of the deployment must be automated. No human interaction except development is allowed in our production process.

  2. Every structural or infrastructure decision must be shared with others

  3. Every mistake into analysis or task explanation must be clarified before stating to work.

  4. Everybody will offer their knowledge as a service for others and everybody can ask for help from others.

  5. Nobody will blame others for missing deadlines, mistakes in code etc., but must be helpful to make better output.

For people who help without obligation

All kinds of help is welcome, so if you want to fork and propose some changes you are welcome. This is the best way to submit a bug fix or small improvement. Or you can also start new features. However, it is possible your change may not match the product standard or plan so it is possible for it to be rejected. In this case please contact us using the issue tracker, asking to be added as part of the project to avoid wasting time working on a good initiative in the wrong way.

Dev environment

We will use VS2017 community as our main IDE and Windows 10 as development platform, VS code for the UI part.

Required plugin on VS2017:

Repository structure will be the following: -ROOT

  • docs
  • README and root files
  • API
    • Module 1
    • Module N
  • UI
  • CLI

to follow the rule <COMPONENT>//<Module>//<Project>


Code must be validated by sonarlint.

Each commit must follow the "conventional commit" rules. Semantic code changes are parsed into the changelog which will be automatically produced during commit.

Conventional commits

Releases must follow the semantic versioning rules.

Semantic Versioning

Features must be deployed using a TDD approach - testing will be done DURING development.

Contributor License Agreement

The following terms are used throughout this agreement:

  • You - the person or legal entity including its affiliates asked to accept this agreement. An affiliate is any entity that controls or is controlled by the legal entity, or is under common control with it.

  • Project - is an umbrella term that refers to any and all RawCMS projects.

  • Contribution - any type of work that is submitted to a Project, including any modifications or additions to existing work.

  • Submitted - conveyed to a Project via a pull request, commit, issue, or any form of electronic, written, or verbal communication with RawCMS, contributors or maintainers.

1. Grant of Copyright License.

Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, You grant to the Projects’ maintainers, contributors, users and to Pimcore a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute Your contributions and such derivative works. Except for this license, You reserve all rights, title, and interest in your contributions.

2. Grant of Patent License.

Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, You grant to the Projects’ maintainers, contributors, users and to Pimcore a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer your contributions, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by you that are necessarily infringed by your contribution or by combination of your contribution with the project to which this contribution was submitted.

If any entity institutes patent litigation - including cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit - against You alleging that your contribution or any project it was submitted to constitutes or is responsible for direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to that entity under this agreement shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.

3. Source of Contribution.

Your contribution is either your original creation, based upon previous work that, to the best of your knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and you have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by you, or you have clearly identified the source of the contribution and any license or other restriction (like related patents, trademarks, and license agreements) of which you are personally aware.