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Following diagram depicts software and hardware components that are part of ESP-Hosted MCU based solution. This document briefly explains the software components that are part of this system.

ESP-Hosted MCU based design.

The Host Software

The host software mainly consists of following building blocks. 1. SPI host driver 2. Virtual serial interface driver 3. Control/Command interface 4. Network interface layer [netif] 5. Network stack stub 6. Demo application

Each of these are explained in following sub sections.

SPI Host Driver

  • ESP-Hosted solution provides Thin SPI master interface layer which transmits/receives data from SPI hardware driver and makes it available to serial or network interface
  • Asynchrounous in nature, higher layers have flexibility to transmit and/or receive data as needed
  • Currently, Maximum 2048 bytes of data can be trasmitted in single transmit or receive transaction

Virtual serial interface driver

  • ESP-Hosted solution provides a generic virtual serial interface implementation.
  • Control interface component of ESP-Hosted solution is built on top of this interface.
  • Similarly, HCI interface can be built on top of virtual serial interface. This HCI interface can provide BT/BLE functionality to the host.
    Note: Implementation of HCI interface and BT/BLE stack is not in scope of this project

Control/Command Interface

  • As mentioned above, this interface is implemented over virtual serial interface.
  • This interface is used for sending control commands to control and configure Wi-Fi functionality of attached ESP device.
  • This is an optional interface and in case virtual serial interface is not used, the control path or BT functionality can be used on physical UART interface connected to ESP32.

Network interface layer [netif]

  • This is an abstraction layer between SPI host driver and a network stack.
  • This gives flexibility of using any network stack with ESP-Hosted solution.
  • This interface layer defines set of APIs and data structure that network stack must implement in order to make it work with SPI host driver.

Network stack stub

  • This is a simple network stack stub which demonstrates how a network stack can implement network interface layer and work with SPI host driver.
  • This does not represent actual network stack. This should be used as a reference for developing network interface layer [netif] provided by ESP-Hosted solution

Demo application

  • This application demonstrates capabilities of ESP-Hosted solution.
  • It makes use of control interface to control and configure Wi-Fi interface of attached ESP device.
  • It makes use of network interface to send and receive data over Wi-Fi interface of attached ESP device.
  • As demonstration of working data path,
    • This application sends ARP request to other network devices connected over same network
    • This application also processes and responds to received ARP request packets from other network devices

ESP Firmware

  • ESP firmware consistes of ESP-Hosted application and existing peripheral drivers from ESP-IDF repository.
  • ESP-Hosted application performs following activities:
    • It implements SPI transport drivers.
    • SPI trnasport driver establishes communication path between host and various functional blocks on ESP module (such as Wi-Fi, BT/BLE etc)
    • ESP firmware also implements control interface commands which are used to control and configure Wi-Fi.
    • Following components of ESP-IDF repository are used in this project:
      • Wi-Fi driver
      • HCI controller driver
      • SPI Slave driver

Protocol Definition

This section explains communication protocol between a host and ESP module. It also explains serial interface and network interface APIs provided by ESP-Hosted Host software.

Communication Protocol over SPI Interface

Initialization of slave device

  • Connection of 'EN' pin to host is mandatory in case of SPI communication. Once driver is loaded on host, it resets SPI slave through this pin.
  • SPI slave then initializes itself and preapres itself for communication. Once it is ready for communication, it generates INIT event packet for host.
  • Host driver, on receiving this event, opens up data path for higher layers.

Data transfer between Host and slave

  • This solution makes use of SPI full duplex commmunication mode. i.e. read and write operations are performed at the same time in same SPI transaction.
  • As a protocol, host is not supposed to start a transaction before ESP SPI slave device is ready for receiving data. Therefore, a seaparate GPIO pin is used for a handshake signal through which ESP slave indicates host when it is ready for data reception.
  • When ESP SPI slave is ready for SPI transaction,
    • It initiates SPI transaction by setting tx and rx buffers of size 2048 bytes. This is a maximum buffer size. i.e at a time host can send and receive at max 2048 bytes of data.
    • It is mandatory for ESP SPI slave to set both tx and rx buffers in each and every SPI transaction. Thus, in absence of valid tx buffer, a dummy tx buffer of size 2048 bytes is set in SPI transaction. Packet length field in payload header of dummy packet it set to 0.
    • Once a transaction is queued, ESP SPI slave uses handshake pin to indicate host that it is ready for the SPI transaction.
    • This generates an interrupt for host driver. On this interrupt, SPI host driver executes SPI transaction.
    • During this SPI transaction, tx and rx buffers are exchanged on SPI data lines.
    • Based on payload header in received buffer, both ESP SPI slave and host processes the buffer.
    • The host driver, before executing next SPI transaction, waits for an interrupt on handshake line.

Payload format for data transfer

  • Host and slave makes use of 8 byte payload header which preceeds every data packet.
  • This payload header provides additional information about the data packet. Based on this header, host/slave consumes transmitted data packet.
  • Payload format is as below
Field Length Description
interface type 4 bits possible values: STA(0), SoftAP(1), Serial interface(2), HCI (3), Priv interface(4). Rest all values are reserved
interface number 4 bits Not in use
reserved 1 byte Not in use
packet length 2 bytes Actual length of data packet
offset to packet 2 bytes Offset of actual data packet
reserved 1 byte Not in use
packet type 1 byte reserved when interface type is 0,1 and 2. Applicable only for interface type 3 and 4

Serial interface layer

This section explains serial interface APIs and data structures provided by ESP Host software.

Data Structures

struct serial_handle_s
typedef struct serial_handle_s {
    QueueHandle_t queue;
    uint8_t if_type;
    uint8_t if_num;
    struct serial_operations *ops;
    uint8_t state;
    void (*serial_rx_callback) (void);
} serial_handle_t;
  • This structure holds instance of a virtual serial interface. It contains following fields:
    • queue: Buffer queue for storing received data packets
    • if_type: Interface type
    • if_num: Interface number
    • ops: Hook functions supported by virtual serial interface
    • state: State of a handle
    • serial_rx_callback: Rx callback registered by upper layer.
struct serial_operations
struct serial_operations {
    int        (*open)  (serial_handle_t *serial_hdl);
    uint8_t *  (*read)  (const serial_handle_t * serial_hdl, uint16_t * rlen);
    int        (*write) (const serial_handle_t * serial_hdl, uint8_t * wbuffer, const uint16_t wlen);
    int        (*close) (serial_handle_t * serial_hdl);
  • This structure defines hook functions that are defined by virtual serial driver
    • int (*open) (serial_handle_t *serial_hdl)
      • Prepares and opens specified serial interface for communication.
      • Function parameters:

        serial_hdl: Non null handle for virtual serial interface

      • Return value

        On success, 0
        On failure, -1

    • uint8_t *(*read) (const serial_handle_t * serial_hdl, uint16_t * rlen)
      • This function performs non blocking read operation over specified serial interface handle.
      • Function parameters:

        serial_hdl: Non null handle for virtual serial interface
        rlen: output parameter, indicates number of bytes read

      • Return value:

        On success, pointer to received buffer
        On failure [and when no data is available to read], NULL

    • int (*write) (const serial_handle_t * serial_hdl, uint8_t * wbuffer, const uint16_t wlen)
      • This function performs write operation on specified serial interface handle.
      • Function parameters:

        serial_hdl: Non null handle for virtual serial interface
        wbuffer: data buffer to be written over serial interface
        wlen: length of data to be written in bytes

      • Return value

        On success, 0
        On failure, -1

    • int (*close) (serial_handle_t * serial_hdl)
      • Closes specified serial interface handle.
      • Function parameters:

        serial_hdl: Non null handle for virtual serial interface

      • Return value

        On success, 0
        On failure, -1


serial_handle_t * serial_init(void(*rx_data_ind)(void))
  • This API can be used by higher layer to setup a serial interface. A serial interface handle is returned in response. This handle can be used to perform further operations on specified serial interface.

  • Function parameters:

    void(*rx_data_ind)(void): Call back function in higher layer. This is used to indicate availibility of Rx data to higher layer. Higher layer can perform read operation to get this data.

  • Return value:

    On success, pointer to a valid serial interface handle
    On failure, NULL

Network interface layer

This section explains network interface APIs and data structures provided by ESP Host software.

Data structures

struct netdev
  • This is a opaque structure which network stack should define.
  • This denotes instance of a network device in a network stack.
  • Along with network stack specific data, it should also hold private structure of underlying driver.
struct pbuf
struct pbuf{
	/* Data buffer */
	uint8_t *payload;
	/* Length of data buffer */
	uint16_t len;
  • This is a basic structure that holds a network packet which is being transmitted/received.
  • It contains following fields.

    payload: This points to network payload buffer which is being transmitted/received
    len: This represents length of payload field in bytes

struct netdev_ops
struct netdev_ops {
	/* Open device */
	int (* netdev_open) (netdev_handle_t netdev);
	/* Close device */
	int (* netdev_close) (netdev_handle_t netdev);
	/* Transmit packet */
	int (* netdev_xmit) (netdev_handle_t netdev, struct pbuf *net_buf);
  • This structure represents management hooks which are implemented by underlying driver [which is SPI host driver in this case].
    • int (* netdev_open) (struct netdev *)
      • This function prepares underlying driver for data transmission/reception on specified network device instance.
      • Function parameters:

        netdev: Non null network device instance

      • Return value:

        On success: 0
        On failure: -1

    • int (* netdev_close) (struct netdev *)
      • Network stack calls this function while closing a network device instance.
      • Function parameters:

        netdev: Non null network device instance

      • Return value:

        On success: 0
        On failure: -1

    • int (* netdev_xmit) (struct netdev *, struct pbuf *)
      • Network stack calls this function to transfer a data packet from network stack to underlying SPI host driver.
      • Function parameters:

        netdev: Non null network device instance
        pbuf: Non null buffer pointer. This will be freed by SPI host driver.

      • Return value:

        On success: 0
        On failure: -1


Below are the APIs that are to be implemented by network stack.

struct netdev * netdev_alloc(uint32_t sizeof_priv, char *name
  • This function allocates and initializes a network device instance for a given network interface name. This function also allocates memory for storing SPI host driver's priv instance.
  • Function parameters:

    sizeof_priv: This denotes size [in bytes] of a priv instance of SPI host driver.
    name: Name of network interface for which a network device instance to be allocated

  • Return value:

    On success, pointer to the struct netdev
    On failure, NULL

void netdev_free(struct netdev *ndev)
  • This function frees network device instance. This also frees memory allocated for storing priv instance of SPI host driver.
  • Function parameters:

    ndev: Non null network device instance to be freed

  • Return value:


void * netdev_get_priv(struct netdev *ndev)
  • This function returns pointer to the SPI host driver's priv instance from the specified network device instance
  • Function parameter:

    ndev: Non null network device instance

  • Return value:

    On success, pointer to the priv instance of SPI host driver
    On failure, NULL

int netdev_register(struct netdev *ndev, struct netdev_ops *ops)
  • This function registers a network device with network stack.
  • Function parameters:

    ndev: Non null network device instance to be registered
    ops: management hooks implemented by SPI host driver

  • Return value:

    On success, 0
    On failure, -1

int netdev_unregister(struct netdev *ndev)
  • This function unregisters a network device
  • Function parameters:

    ndev: Non null network device instance to be unregistered

  • Return value:

    On success, 0
    On failure, -1

int netdev_rx(struct netdev *ndev, struct pbuf *net_buf)
  • SPI host driver calls this function to pass on received network packet to network stack
  • Function parameters:

    ndev: Non null network device instance for which a packet has been received
    net_buf: Non null buffer that contains received network packet. The SPI host driver will allocate this buffer. Network stack is supposed to free this buffer.

  • Return value:

    On success, 0
    On failure, -1