diff --git a/localization/rssguard_cs.ts b/localization/rssguard_cs.ts
index dfc92c4a4..72443cda9 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_cs.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_cs.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormulář
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantDůležité
+ UnreadNepřečtené
+ LabelsŠtítky
+ ProbesDotazy
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Chyba: %1
+ Enable AdBlockPovolit AdBlock
+ &Help&Pomoc
+ Filter listsFiltrovací seznamy
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Zde přidávejte přímé odkazy na seznamy filtrů (jeden odkaz na řádek)
+ Custom filtersVlastní filtry
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Zde přidávejte vlastní filtry (jeden filtr na řádek)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Chyba: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Nepodařilo se nastavit filtry a spustit server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'nepodařilo se stáhnout filter '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Chyba: %1
+ Application is already running.Aplikace již běží
+ Output directory is not writable.Nelze psát do cílové složky
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Soubor nastavení nebyl zkopírován do cílového adresáře.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Obnovení databáze nebylo spuštěno. Ujistěte se, že cílový adresář je zapisovatelný.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Obnovení nastavení nebylo spuštěno. Ujistěte se, že cílový adresář je zapisovatelný.
+ Cannot add feedNelze přidat kanál
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Kanál nemůže být přidán, protože nemáte aktivovaný žádný účet který umí přidávat kanály.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedStaženy nepřečtené zprávy
+ Go to changelogZobrazit seznam změn
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredJe třeba nastavit AdBlock
+ WelcomeVítejte
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Prosím, zkontrolujte novinky kliknutím
na tuto bublinu.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock není korektně nakonfigurován. Běžte do "Nastavení" -> "Node.js" a zkontrolujte nastavení.
+ Already runningJiž běží
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ na tuto bublinu.
+ FormFormulář
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -358,31 +382,37 @@ na tuto bublinu.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageJít na předchozí stránku
+ Go to next pageJít na další stránku
+ Open article in article listOtevřít článek v seznamu článků
+ Open article in web browserOtevřít článek ve webovém prohlížeči
+ Mark all articles as readOznačit všechny zprávy jako přečtené
@@ -445,21 +475,25 @@ na tuto bublinu.
+ FormFormulář
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Některé kanály vyžaduje autentizaci, a to včetně kanálů pro GMail. Je podporována autentizace BASIC, NTLM-2 a DIGEST-MD5.
+ CredentialsPřihlašovací údaje
+ Authentication typeZpůsob autentizace
@@ -467,12 +501,14 @@ na tuto bublinu.
+ UsernameUživatelské jméno
+ PasswordHeslo
@@ -736,26 +772,31 @@ Klikněte zde pro otevření nadřazeného adresáře.
+ FilenameNázev souboru
+ &Try again&Zkusit znovu
+ &StopZ&astavit
+ &Open file&Otevřít soubor
+ Open &directory&Otevřít adresář
@@ -799,6 +840,7 @@ Klikněte zde pro otevření nadřazeného adresáře.
+ Clean upVyčistit
@@ -1196,17 +1238,17 @@ ID položky: %5
+ OPML document contains errorssoubor OPML obsahuje chyby
+ this is likely not OPML documenttoto asi není OPML soubor
+ Category Kategorie
@@ -1237,12 +1279,12 @@ ID položky: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationDrag & drop operaci nelze provést
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Tažená položka nemůže přesunuta mezi různými účty, toto není podporováno.
@@ -1503,36 +1545,43 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformace
+ LicensesLicence
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Stránka Licence je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce.
+ ChangelogHistorie verzí
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Historie verzí je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce.
+ ResourcesZdroje
@@ -1564,6 +1613,7 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Add new accountPřidat nový účet
@@ -1748,46 +1798,55 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsZálohovat databázi/nastavení
+ Output directoryVýstupní adresář
+ &Select directory&Zvolit adresář
+ Backup propertiesVlastnosti zálohy
+ Items to backupZálohované položky
+ DatabaseDatabáze
+ SettingsNastavení
+ Backup nameNázev zálohy
+ Operation resultsVýsledky operací
@@ -1907,31 +1966,37 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Parent folderNadřazený uzel
+ Select parent item for your category.Zvolte nadřazenou kategorii pro Vaši kategorii.
+ TitleNadpis
+ DescriptionPopis
+ IconIkona
+ Select icon for your category.Zvolte ikonu pro Vaši kategorii.
@@ -1978,56 +2043,67 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseČištění databáze
+ Cleanup settingsNastavení čištění
+ Optimize database fileOptimalizovat databázi
+ Remove all read articlesSmazat přečtené zprávy
+ Remove all articles from recycle binSmazat zprávy z košů
+ Remove all articles older thanSmazat zprávy starší než
+ Remove all starred articlesSmazat důležité zprávy
+ Database informationInformace o databázi
+ Total data sizeVelikost dat
+ Database typeTyp databáze
+ ProgressPostup
@@ -2184,22 +2260,22 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Add new feedPřidat nový kanál
+ Cannot save changes: %1Změny nelze uložit: %1
+ Edit "%1"Upravit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsUpravit %n kanál
@@ -2209,62 +2285,70 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalStahovat zprávy dle hlavního nastavení
+ Fetch articles everyStahovat zprávy každých
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesZakázat automatické stahování zpráv
+ Cannot save feed propertiesNelze uložit vlastnosti kanálu
+ ArticlesZprávy
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAutomatické stahování zpráv
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Zvolte strategii auto-aktualizací zpráv tohoto kanálu. Výchozí strategorie auto-aktualizace znamená, že kanál bude aktualizován v intervalech udaných v nastavení aplikace.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOtevírat zdrojové URL zpráv automaticky
+ MiscellaneousRůzné
+ Disable this feedVypnout kanál
+ Right-to-left layoutRozhraní zprava-doleva
+ Ignore notifications for this feedNepoužívat notifikace pro tento kanál
@@ -2334,618 +2418,741 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ &File&Soubor
+ &Help&Pomoc
+ &View&Zobrazit
+ Show/hideZobrazit/skrýt
+ &Tools&Nástroje
+ F&eeds&Kanály
+ &Add item&Přidat položku
+ &Move&Přesunout
+ Art&iclesZpráv&y
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Odpadkové koše
+ &Accounts&Účty
+ &Web browser && tabs&Webový prohlížeč && taby
+ &Quit&Ukončit
+ Quit the application.Ukončit aplikaci.
+ &SettingsNa&stavení
+ Display settings of the application.Zobrazit nastavení aplikace.
+ &About applicationO &aplikaci
+ Displays extra info about this application.Zobrazí dodatečné informace o této aplikaci.
+ &FullscreenPřes celou &obrazovku
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Přepnout režim celé obrazovky.
+ &Fetch all&Stáhnout vše
+ Fetch all feedsStáhnout všechny kanály
+ Fetch &selectedStáhnout &vybrané
+ Fetch selected feedsStáhnout vybrané kanály
+ Mark articles &readOznačit zprávy jako &přečtené
+ Mark selected articles readOznačit vybrané zprávy jako přečtené
+ Mark articles &unreadOznačit zprávy jako &nepřečtené
+ Mark selected articles unreadOznačit vybrané zprávy jako nepřečtené
+ Switch &importancePřepnout &důležitost
+ Switch importance of selected articlesPřepnout důležitost vybraných zpráv
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Označit všechny zprávy (bez filtrů) z vybraných položek jako přečtené.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Označit všechny zprávy (bez filtrů) z vybraných položek jako nepřečtené.
+ &Delete articles&Smazat zprávy
+ &Edit selected items&Upravit vybrané položky
+ &Delete selected items&Odstranit vybrané položky
+ Mark selected items &readOznačit vybrané položky jako &přečtené
+ Mark selected items &unreadOznačit vybrané položky jako &nepřečtené
+ &Clean selected items&Vyčistit označené položky
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Smaže všechny zprávy z vybraných položek.
+ Open in &external browserOtevřít v &externím prohlížeči
+ Open selected articles in external browserOtevřít vybrané zprávy v externím webovém prohlížeči
+ Open in &internal browserOtevřít v &interním prohlížeči
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOtevřít vybrané zprávy v interním webovém prohlížeči
+ No actions availableŽádná dostupná akce
+ No actions are available right now.Žádná akce není právě dostupná.
+ &Mark all read&Označit vše jako přečtené
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Označí úplně všechny zprávy jako přečtené.
+ Switch main window visibilityPřepnout hlavní okno
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Skryje hlavní ikno, je-li aktuálně viditelné. Jinak jej zobrazí.
+ &Feed listSeznam &kanálů
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Skryje nebo zobrazí seznam kanálů/kategorií.
+ &Clean all&Vyčistit vše
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Smaže zprávy ze všech položek.
+ &Next item&Další položka
+ &Previous item&Předchozí položka
+ &Next article&Další zpráva
+ &Previous article&Předchozí zpráva
+ Check for &updatesOvěřit dostupnost &aktualizace
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Zkontrolovat, zda nejsou k dispozici aktualizace programu.
+ &Main menuHlavní &menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Skryje či zobrazí hlavní menu.
+ Report a &bug...Nahlásit &chybu programu...
+ &Toolbars&Nástrojové lišty
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Přepnout viditelnost hlavnich nástrojových lišet.
+ &List headers&Záhlaví sloupců
+ &Donate...&Podpořit autora...
+ Display &documentationZobrazit &dokumentaci
+ &Restart&Restartovat
+ &Restore settings&Obnovit nastavení
+ &Backup settings&Zálohovat nastavení
+ Switch layoutPřepnout rozhraní
+ &Downloads&Stahování
+ Send via e-mailOdeslat přes e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailOdeslat vybrané zprávy přes e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Vyčistit databázi
+ Show unread items onlyPouze nepřečtené položky
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expandovat/složit vybranou položku
+ &Add account&Přidat účet
+ &Restore articles&Obnovit zprávy
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Obnovit všechny koše
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Vysypat všechny koše
+ Next &unread articleDalší &nepřečtená zpráva
+ Status barStavový řádek
+ &Edit selected account&Upravit vybraný účet
+ &Delete selected account&Smazat vybraný účet
+ Add new categoryPřidat novou kategorii
+ Stop ongoing fetchingZastavit stahování zpráv
+ New browser tabNový tab s prohlížečem
+ Close all tabsZavřít všechny záložky
+ Close all tabs except currentZavřít ostatní záložky
+ Go to &next tabPřejít na &další tab
+ Go to &previous tabPřejít na &předchozí tab
+ &Enable article preview&Povolit náhled zprávy
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Kopírovat URL vybrané položky
+ Article &filtersFiltry &zpráv
+ &Show tree expanders&Zobrazit rozbalovače stromu
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy&Stáhnout kanály se specifickým auto-stahováním zpráv
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternovat barvy pozadí položek v seznamech
+ Automatically &expand item when selected&Automaticky rozbalovat kategorie při výběru
+ Message viewer toolbarsNástrojové lišty náhledu zpráv
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyRozbalit/sbalit vybranou položku rekurzivně
+ Close ¤t tabZavřit aktivní &tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Kopírovat URL adresy vybraných zpráv
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Otevřít v interním prohlížeči (žádný nový tab)
+ &Sort alphabeticallySeřadit &abecedně
+ Move &upPřesunout &nahoru
+ Move to &topPřesunout &zcela nahoru
+ Move &downPřesunout &dolů
+ Move to &bottomPřesunout z&cela dolů
+ Display application &logZobrazit aplikační &log
+ Focus feeds search boxPřepnout na hledací box kanálů
+ Focus articles search boxPřepnout na hledací box zpráv
+ Scroll &up browserSkrolovat prohlížeč &nahoru
+ Scroll &down browserSkrolovat prohlížeč &dolů
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyPřetřídit &podkategorie abecedně
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyPřetřídit &kanály abecedně
+ Cleanup web cac&heVyčistit webovou cac&he
+ You must add new account firstNejprve musíte přidat nový účet
+ You must add new account first.Nejprve musíte přidat nový účet.
+ Edit &child feedsUpravit &podřízené kanály
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Upravit &podřízené kanály (rekurzivně)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedPřidat nový kanál
@@ -3119,122 +3326,147 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Article filtersFiltry zpráv
+ &Check all&Zaškrtnout vše
+ &Uncheck all&Odškrtnout vše
+ Remove selectedSmazat vybrané
+ &New filter&Nový filtr
+ Article filter detailsDetaily filtru
+ TitleNadpis
+ Title of article filterNázev filtru
+ Pre-made filtersPředchystané filtry
+ JavaScript codeKód JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicSem umístěte JavaScript kód vašeho filtru
+ &Test&Otestovat
+ Process checked feedsZpracovat zatržené kanály
+ &Beautify&Zkrášlit
+ Detailed &helpDetailní &návod
+ Existing articlesExistující zprávy
+ Sample articleTestovací zpráva
+ AuthorAutor
+ Created onVytvořeno
+ ContentsObsah
+ ReadPřečteno
+ ImportantDůležité
+ Script outputVýstup skriptu
@@ -3279,31 +3511,37 @@ Složka cache pro QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsObnovit databázi/nastavení
+ Operation resultsVýsledky operací
+ Source directoryZdrojový adresář
+ &Select directory&Zvolit adresář
+ Restore databaseObnovit databázi
+ Restore settingsObnovit nastavení
@@ -3354,6 +3592,7 @@ Musíte restartovat manuálně.
+ SettingsNastavení
@@ -3361,15 +3600,20 @@ Musíte restartovat manuálně.
+ GeneralObecné
+ NetworkSíť
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3766,31 +4010,37 @@ Nyní ho můžete nainstalovat.
+ Check for updatesZkontrolovat aktualizace
+ Current releaseNainstalovaná verze
+ Available releaseDostupná verze
+ StatusStav
+ ChangelogHistorie verzí
+ Available filesDostupné soubory
@@ -4446,6 +4696,7 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2
+ FormFormulář
@@ -4852,51 +5103,61 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2
+ FormFormulář
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopZastavit
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressPostup
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeHlasitost
+ DownloadStáhnout
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5648,41 +5909,49 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2
+ FormFormulář
+ HostServer
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverWebový název IP adresa proxy serveru
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUživatelské jméno
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationVaše uživatelské jméno pro autentifikaci
+ PasswordHeslo
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationVaše heslo pro autentifikaci
@@ -5693,6 +5962,7 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Typ
@@ -5918,7 +6188,7 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6129,17 +6399,17 @@ Podporované čtečky:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sekvence není kompletní
+ closing " is missinguzavírací " chybí
+ closing ' is missinguzavírací ' chybí
@@ -6674,16 +6944,19 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2
+ Search textHledat text
+ Find previous occurenceNajít předchozí výskyt
+ Find next occurenceNajít další výskyt
@@ -6749,14 +7022,14 @@ Počet kategorií: %2
+ Select web browser executableZvolit spouštěč webového externího prohlížeče
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6764,24 +7037,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Spustitelné soubory (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Spouštěče (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableZvolit spouštěcí soubor e-mailového klienta
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 nebo starší
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Zadat (volitelné) parametry:
@@ -6792,92 +7065,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkSíť
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesIgnorovat veškeré cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Povolit HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheZakázat cache
+ External web browserExterní webový prohlížeč
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserOdkazy vždy otevírat v externím webovém prohlížeči
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokud bude nezaškrtnuto, pak se použije výchozí systémový webový prohlížeč.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserPoužít vlastní webový prohlížeč
+ Web browser executableSpouštěcí soubor
+ Executable file of web browserSpouštěcí soubor prohlžeče webu
+ &Browse&Procházet
+ ParametersParametry
+ Parameters passed to executableParametry předávané programu
+ Use sample arguments forPoužít typické argumenty pro
+ Select browserZvolte prohlížeč
@@ -6887,27 +7188,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Mějte na vědomí, že "%1" (bez uvozovek) je zástupný symbol pro URL dané zprávy.
+ External e-mail clientExterní e-mailový klient
+ Use custom external e-mail clientPoužít vlastní e-mailový klient
+ E-mail client executableSpustitelný soubor e-mailového klienta
+ Executable file of e-mail clientSpustitelný soubor e-mailového klienta
+ Select clientZvolit klienta
@@ -6921,22 +7227,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - tělo vybrané zprávy.
+ External toolsExterná nástroje pro zprávy
+ &Add tool&Přidat nástroj
+ &Edit selected toolUpravit &vybraný nástroj
+ &Delete selected tool&Smazat vybraný nástroj
@@ -6946,12 +7256,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Na této stránce si můžete nakonfigurovat seznam externích nástrojů pro otevírání URL adres.
+ Select external toolVybrat externí nástroj
+ Enter parametersZadat parametry ext. nástroje
@@ -7070,41 +7380,49 @@ Autoři této aplikace nenesou žádnou odpovědnost za ztrátu Vašich dat.
+ Database driverDatbázový ovladač
+ Use in-memory database as the working databasePoužít paměťovou databázi jako pracovní datové úložiště
+ HostnameHostitel
+ PortPort
+ Working databasePracovní databáze
+ UsernameUživatelské jméno
+ PasswordHeslo
+ Test setupOtestovat
@@ -7123,31 +7441,37 @@ Autoři této aplikace nenesou žádnou odpovědnost za ztrátu Vašich dat.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedPři začátku stahování otevírat správce stahování
+ Target directory for downloaded filesCílový adresář pro stahované soubory
+ Save all downloaded files toUložit všechny stahované soubory do
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedCílový adresář, kam jsou ukládány všechny stahované soubory
+ &Browse&Procházet
+ Ask for each individual downloaded filePtát se u každého stahovaného souboru
@@ -7221,57 +7545,69 @@ Autoři této aplikace nenesou žádnou odpovědnost za ztrátu Vašich dat.
+ Feed fetchingStahování kanálů
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofPři startu aplikace aktualizovat všechny kanály s úvodní prodlevou
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyStáhnout všechny kanály každých
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedAutomaticky stahovat kanály, jen pokud aplikace není na popředí
+ Feed connection timeoutČasový limit stažení souboru kanálu
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Tento časový limit označuje čas, který si stahovací komponenta vyhradí pro získání souboru každého kanálu. Pokud tento čas vyprší a soubor doposud nebyl získán, tak se aktualizace kanálu ukončí a přejde se na další kanál.
+ msms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Podpora pro velmi rychlý aktualizační cyklus kanálů (pod 10 vteřin)
+ Feeds listSeznam kanálů
+ Row heightVýška položky seznamu
+ Feed list fontPísmo seznamu kanálů
@@ -7279,6 +7615,9 @@ Autoři této aplikace nenesou žádnou odpovědnost za ztrátu Vašich dat.
+ Font previewNáhled písma
@@ -7286,141 +7625,171 @@ Autoři této aplikace nenesou žádnou odpovědnost za ztrátu Vašich dat.
+ &Change font&Změnit písmo
+ Article count formatFormát počtu zpráv
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesSkrýt počet zpráv, pokud je nulový
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listPovolit pouze základní klávesové zkratky
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesZobrazovat tooltipy
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesZprávy
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitVymazat všechny přečtené zprávy, když se aplikace vypíná
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedPři aktualizaci zpráv ignorovat změny v těle zpráv
+ Internal article viewerZabudovaný prohlížeč zpráv
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeTyp indikace nepřečtených článků
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserPři otevření zprávy v ext. webovém prohlížeči následně přepnout focus zpět na aplikaci
+ Article browser fontPísmo prohlížeče zpráv
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureOpravovat čas článků, který je chybně z budoucnosti
+ Display attachments directly in articleZobrazovat obrazové přílohy přímo v článku
+ Keep article viewer always visibleDržet panel zobrazení detailu článku stále viditelný
+ Articles listSeznam zpráv
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportUdržovat výběr uprostřed seznamu kanálů
+ Enable multiline itemsPovolit víceřádkové zobrazení
+ Top/bottom row paddingHorní/dolní padding textu v položkách
+ Use custom date/time formatVlastní formát datumu
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesVlastní formát datumu pro dnešní zprávy
+ Article list fontPísmo seznamu zpráv
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanZobrazit relativní čas pro zprávy ne starší než
@@ -7439,11 +7808,13 @@ Autoři této aplikace nenesou žádnou odpovědnost za ztrátu Vašich dat.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupSpustit %1 při spuštění operačního systému
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupKontrolovat aktualizace programu %1 po startu
@@ -7554,137 +7925,165 @@ Popis: %3
+ Icons && skinsIkony && skiny
+ Icon themeTéma ikon
+ StyleStyl
+ SkinTéma
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsVlastní barvy
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaOznamovací oblast
+ Tray iconNotifikační ikona
+ Use monochrome iconČernobílá stavová ikona
+ Display count of unread messagesZobrazit počet nepřečtených zpráv
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedSkrýt hlavní okno při jeho minimalizaci
+ Start application hiddenSpouštět aplikaci skrytou
+ Task barHlavní lišta
+ TabsPanely
+ Close tabs withZavírat panely pomocí
+ Middle mouse button single-clickProstředního tlačítka myši
+ Left mouse button double-clickDvojitý klik levého tlačítka myši
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOtevírat nové panely poklepáním na panelový pruh
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleSkrýt přepínač tabů, je-li viditelný pouze jeden tab
+ ToolbarsNástrojové lišty
+ Toolbar for feeds listLišta seznamu kanálů
+ Toolbar for articles listLišta seznamu zpráv
+ StatusbarStavový pruh
+ Button styleStyl tlačítek
+ Toolbar editorEditor nástrojové lišty
+ Icon sizeVelikost ikon
@@ -7753,16 +8152,19 @@ Popis: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7853,11 +8255,13 @@ Po instalaci Node.js také restartujte dialog "Nastavení".
+ FormFormulář
+ Node.js executableSpouštěč Node.js
@@ -7865,21 +8269,27 @@ Po instalaci Node.js také restartujte dialog "Nastavení".
+ &Browse&Procházet
+ NPM executableSpouštěč NPM
+ Package folder Složka s balíčky
+ &Download Node.js&Stáhnout Node.js
@@ -7888,46 +8298,55 @@ Po instalaci Node.js také restartujte dialog "Nastavení".SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsPovolit notifikace
+ Balloon notifications typeTyp notifikací
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Nativní notifikace (ikona v oznamovací oblasti musí být povolena)
+ Custom notificationsVlastní notifikace
+ PositionPozice
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenObrazovka
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7992,31 +8411,37 @@ Po instalaci Node.js také restartujte dialog "Nastavení".
+ Balloon notificationBalónové notifikace
+ SoundZvuk
+ Full path to your WAV sound filePlná cesta k souboru WAV
+ &Browse&Procházet
+ &Play&Přehrát
+ VolumeHlasitost
@@ -8163,47 +8588,68 @@ Po instalaci Node.js také restartujte dialog "Nastavení".
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ ano
+ no
+ ne
+ ScriptSkript
+ Local fileMístní soubor
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownNeznámý
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Data pro kanál nelze uložit: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Kanál nelze přesunout, více informací najdete v aplikačním logu.
+ Cannot save feed dataNelze uložit vlastnosti kanálu
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8218,21 +8664,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizednebyl rozpoznán formát kanálu
+ Cannot move feedKanál nelze přesunout
@@ -8540,6 +8977,28 @@ Stažená data kanálů můžete také dodatečně zpracovat post-procesním skr
Zvolte ikonu pro Váš kanál.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formulář
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8553,17 +9012,17 @@ Stažená data kanálů můžete také dodatečně zpracovat post-procesním skr
Chyba při načítání úvodních kanálů
+ Fetch metadataNačíst metadata
+ Export feedsExportovat kanály
+ Import feedsImportovat kanály
@@ -8593,22 +9052,22 @@ Stažená data kanálů můžete také dodatečně zpracovat post-procesním skr
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryNelze přidat kategorii
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Nelze přidat kategorii, protože probíhá jiná kritická operace.
+ Import was completely successful.Import byl úspěšný.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Některé kanály/kategorie nebyly importovány kvůli chybě. Mrkněte do aplikačního logu.
@@ -8807,51 +9266,61 @@ Nepřečtené zprávy: %2
+ Activated actionsAktivované akce
+ Available actionsDostupné akce
+ Move action upPřesunout akci nahoru
+ Move action downPřesunout akci dolů
+ Insert separatorVložit oddělovač
+ Insert spacerVložit mezeru
+ Add selected actionAktivovat zvolenou akci
+ Delete selected actionDeaktivovat zvolenou akci
+ Delete all actionsDeaktivovat všechny akce
+ Reset toolbarVyresetovat
@@ -9232,6 +9701,19 @@ Poslední čas přihlášení: %4
Otevřít stránku v systémovém webovém prohlížeči
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_da.ts b/localization/rssguard_da.ts
index 936984068..fa5b9dab7 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_da.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_da.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormular
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantVigtigt
+ UnreadUlæst
+ LabelsEtiketter
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Fejl: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAktivér AdBlock
+ &HelpHjælp
+ Filter listsFilterlister
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Tilføj dine direkte henvisninger til filterlister her (en webadresse pr. linje)
+ Custom filtersBrugerdefinerede filtre
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Tilføj dine brugerdefinerede filtre her (et filter pr. linje)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Fejl: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Kunne ikke indstille filtre og starte serveren: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'kunne ikke hente filterliste '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Fejl: %1
+ Application is already running.Programmet kører allerede
+ Output directory is not writable.Målbiblioteket er ikke skrivbart
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Indstillinger kunne ikke kopieres til uddatabibliotek.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Gendannelse af database ikke påbegyndt. Sørg for at målbiblioteket er skrivbart.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Gendannelse af indstillinger ikke påbegyndt. Sørg for at målbiblioteket er skrivbart.
+ Cannot add feedKan ikke tilføje nyhedskilde
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Nyhedskilde kan ikke tilføjes, da der ikke er nogen aktiv konto at tilføje den til.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUlæste artikler hentet
+ Go to changelogGå til ændringslog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock skal indstilles
+ WelcomeVelkommen
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -257,12 +269,12 @@ version ved at klikke på denne pop up
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock er ikke indstillet rigtigt. Gå til "Indstillinger" -> "Node.js" og tjek om node.js er indstillet rigtigt.
+ Already runningKører allerede
@@ -271,61 +283,73 @@ påmindelse.
+ FormFormular
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnorerer gamle artikler
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseTilføj artikler med en hvilken som helst dato til databasen
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseUndgå at tilføje artikler før denne dato/tid til databasen
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolut dato/tid
+ Relative timeRelativ tid
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsBegrænsning af antal artikler i nyhedskilde
+ Customize article limitsTilpas artikelgrænser
+ In database, keepBehold i databasen
+ Do not remove important articlesFjern ikke vigtige artikler
+ Do not remove unread articlesFjern ikke ulæste artikler
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themFlyt artiklerne til papirkurven, uden at tømme den
@@ -357,31 +381,37 @@ påmindelse.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGå til forrige side
+ Go to next pageGå til næste side
+ Open article in article listÅbn artikel i artikellisten
+ Open article in web browserÅben artikel i netlæser
+ Mark all articles as readMarker alle artikler som læst
@@ -442,21 +472,25 @@ påmindelse.
+ FormFormular
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Nogle nyhedskilder kræver godkendelse, inklusiv GMail-kilder. BASIC, NTLM-2 og DIGEST-MD5 godkendelse er understøttet.
+ CredentialsAkkreditiver
+ Authentication typeGodkendelsestype
@@ -464,12 +498,14 @@ påmindelse.
+ UsernameBrugernavn
+ PasswordAdgangskode
@@ -733,26 +769,31 @@ Klik her for at åbne den overordnede mappe.
+ FilenameFilnavn
+ &Try againForsøg igen
+ &StopStop
+ &Open fileÅben fil
+ Open &directoryÅben bibliotek
@@ -790,6 +831,7 @@ Klik her for at åbne den overordnede mappe.
+ Clean upRyd op
@@ -1181,17 +1223,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML-dokument indeholder fejl
+ this is likely not OPML documentdette er sandsynligvis ikke et OPML-dokument
+ Category Kategori
@@ -1222,12 +1264,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationKan ikke udføre træk & slip operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1483,36 +1525,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Kopiér information til udklipsholder
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenser
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Siden med licensbeskrivelser er kun tilgængelig på engelsk.
+ ChangelogÆndringslog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Ændringslogsiden er kun tilgængelig på engelsk.
+ ResourcesRessourcer
@@ -1544,6 +1593,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountTilføj ny konto
@@ -1728,46 +1778,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsSikkerhedskopi database/indstillinger
+ Output directoryMålbibliotek
+ &Select directoryVælg bibliotek
+ Backup propertiesIndstillinger for sikkerhedskopiering
+ Items to backupEmner der skal sikkerhedskopieres
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsIndstillinger
+ Backup nameBackupnavn
+ Operation resultsDriftsresultater
@@ -1885,31 +1944,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderOverordnet mappe
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitel
+ DescriptionBeskrivelse
+ IconIkon
+ Select icon for your category.Vælg ikon til denne kategori.
@@ -1954,56 +2019,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseRens database
+ Cleanup settingsOprydningsindstillinger
+ Optimize database fileOptimér databasefil
+ Remove all read articlesFjern alle læste artikler
+ Remove all articles from recycle binFjern alle artikler fra skraldespanden
+ Remove all articles older thanFjern alle artikler der er ældre end
+ Remove all starred articlesFjern alle favoritartikler
+ Database informationDatabaseinformation
+ Total data sizeSamlet datastørrelse
+ Database typeDatabasetype
+ ProgressStatus
@@ -2160,22 +2236,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedTilføj ny nyhedskilde
+ Cannot save changes: %1Kan ikke gemme ændringer: %1
+ Edit "%1"Rediger "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2183,62 +2259,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalHent artikler ved hjælp af globalt interval
+ Fetch articles everyHent artikler hver
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDeaktiver automatisk hentning af artikler
+ Cannot save feed propertiesKan ikke gemme indstillinger for nyhedskilde
+ ArticlesArtikler
+ Auto-downloading of articlesHent artikler automatisk
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyÅbn artikler via deres URL automatisk
+ MiscellaneousDiverse
+ Disable this feedDeaktivér denne nyhedskilde
+ Right-to-left layoutHøjre-til-venstre layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnorer påmindelser for denne nyhedskilde
@@ -2308,618 +2392,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &FileFiler
+ &HelpHjælp
+ &ViewVis
+ Show/hideVis/skjul
+ &ToolsVærktøj
+ F&eedsNyhedskilder
+ &Add itemTilføj element
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArtikler
+ &Recycle bin(s)Skraldespand(e)
+ &AccountsKonti
+ &Web browser && tabsNetlæser && faneblade
+ &QuitAfslut
+ Quit the application.Afslut programmet.
+ &SettingsIndstillinger
+ Display settings of the application.Vis programindstillinger.
+ &About applicationOm Programmet
+ Displays extra info about this application.Viser ekstra information om dette program.
+ &FullscreenFuldskærm
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Skift til fuldskærmstilstand.
+ &Fetch allHent alle
+ Fetch all feedsHent alle nyhedskilder
+ Fetch &selectedHent valgte
+ Fetch selected feedsHent valgte nyhedskilder
+ Mark articles &readMarkér artikler som læst
+ Mark selected articles readMarkér valgte artikler som læst
+ Mark articles &unreadMarkér artikler som ulæst
+ Mark selected articles unreadMarkér valgte artikler som &ulæst
+ Switch &importanceSkift vigtighed
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSkift vigtighed af valgte artikler
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Markér alle meddelelser (uden meddelelsesfiltre) fra valgte elementer som læste.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Markér alle meddelelser (uden meddelelsesfiltre) fra valgte elementer som ulæste.
+ &Delete articlesFjern artikler
+ &Edit selected itemsRediger valgte elementer
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Slet alle meddelelser fra valgte emner.
+ Open in &external browserÅben i ekstern netlæser
+ Open selected articles in external browserÅben valgte artikler i ekstern netlæser
+ Open in &internal browserÅben i intern netlæser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserÅben valgte artikler i intern netlæser
+ No actions availableIngen tilgængelige handlinger
+ No actions are available right now.succesfuldt
+ &Mark all readMarkér alle som læste
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Markerer alle meddelelser i alle læste emner. Dette tager ikke meddelelsesfiltre i betragtning.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed listNyhedskildeliste
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Gemmer eller viser listen af nyhedskilder/kategorier.
+ &Clean allRens alle
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Sletter alle meddelelser fra alle emner.
+ &Next itemNæste element
+ &Previous itemForrige element
+ &Next articleNæste artikel
+ &Previous articleForrige artikel
+ Check for &updatesTjek for
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Kontroller, om en ny opdatering af programmet kan hentes.
+ &Main menuHovedmenu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Skjuler eller viser hovedmenuen.
+ Report a &bug...Indrapporter en fejl...
+ &ToolbarsVærktøjsbjælker
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Skift synlighed for den primære værktøjsbjælke
+ &List headersList overskrifter
+ &Donate...Donér...
+ Display &documentationVis dokumentation
+ &RestartGenstart
+ &Restore settingsGendan indstillinger
+ &Backup settingsSikkerhedskopier indstillinger
+ Switch layoutSkift layout
+ &DownloadsHentet
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-Post
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend valgte artikler med e-Post
+ &Cleanup databaseRens databasen
+ Show unread items onlyVis kun ulæste elementer
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemUdvid/skjul det valgte element
+ &Add accountTilføj konto
+ &Restore articlesGendan artikler
+ &Restore all recycle binsGendan alle skraldespande
+ &Empty all recycle binsGendan alle skraldespande
+ Next &unread articleNæste ulæste artikel
+ Status barStatuslinie
+ &Edit selected accountRediger valgte konto
+ &Delete selected accountFjern valgte konto
+ Add new categoryTilføj ny kategori
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNyt netlæserfaneblad
+ Close all tabsLuk alle faneblade
+ Close all tabs except currentLuk alle andre faneblade
+ Go to &next tabGå til næste faneblad
+ Go to &previous tabGå til forrige faneblad
+ &Enable article previewSlå forhåndsvisning af artikler til
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArtikelfilter
+ &Show tree expandersVis træudvidelser
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyHent automatisk nyhedskilder med tilpasset politik
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedUdvid automatisk når element vælges
+ Message viewer toolbarsBeskedfremviser værktøjsbjælke
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyUdvid/skjul det valgte element rekursivt
+ Close ¤t tabLuk aktive faneblad.
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topFlyt til &toppen
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomFlyt til &bunden
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heTøm webcac&he
+ You must add new account firstDu skal først tilføje en ny konto
+ You must add new account first.Du skal først tilføje en ny konto.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedTilføj ny nyhedskilde
@@ -3093,122 +3300,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArtikelfiltre
+ &Check allVælg alle
+ &Uncheck allFravælg alle
+ Remove selectedFjern valgte
+ &New filterNyt filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitel
+ Title of article filterNavn på artikelfilter
+ Pre-made filtersPredefinerede filtre
+ JavaScript codeJavaScriptkode
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &TestTest
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetaljeret hjælp
+ Existing articlesEksisterende artikler
+ Sample articleEksempel på artikel
+ URLWebadresse
+ AuthorForfatter
+ Created onOprettet den
+ ContentsIndhold
+ ReadLæst
+ ImportantVigtigt
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3253,31 +3485,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsGendan database/indstillinger
+ Operation resultsDriftsresultater
+ Source directoryKildebibliotek
+ &Select directoryVælg bibliotek
+ Restore databaseGendan database
+ Restore settingsGendan indstillinger
@@ -3328,6 +3566,7 @@ Du skal genstarte programmet manuelt.
+ SettingsIndstillinger
@@ -3335,15 +3574,20 @@ Du skal genstarte programmet manuelt.
+ GeneralGenerelt
+ NetworkNetværk
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3740,31 +3984,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesTjek for opdateringer
+ Current releaseAktuelle udgivelse
+ Available releaseTilgængelig udgivelse
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogÆndringslog
+ Available filesTilgængelige filer
@@ -4420,6 +4670,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormFormular
@@ -4826,51 +5077,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormFormular
+ Play/pauseAfspil/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedHastighed
+ ProgressStatus
+ DurationVarighed
+ Mute/unmuteSlå lyd fra/til
+ VolumeLydstyrke
+ DownloadHent
+ Switch fullscreen modeSkift til fuldskærmstilstand
@@ -5612,41 +5873,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormFormular
+ HostVært
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverVærtsnavn eller IP på sin proxyserver
+ PortPort
+ UsernameBrugernavn
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationDit brugernavn til godkendelse af proxyserveren
+ PasswordAdgangskode
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationDin adgangskode til godkendelse af proxyserveren
@@ -5657,6 +5926,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5882,7 +6152,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6087,17 +6357,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6628,16 +6898,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSøgetekst
+ Find previous occurenceFind foregående forekomst
+ Find next occurenceFind næste forekomst
@@ -6703,14 +6976,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableVælg netlæser programfil
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6718,24 +6991,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Eksekverbare (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Eksekverbare (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableVælg e-post klient programfil
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 eller ældre
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6746,92 +7019,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetværk
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserEkstern netlæser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserBrugervalgt ekstern netlæser
+ Web browser executableNetlæser programfil
+ Executable file of web browserNetlæserens eksekverbare fil
+ &BrowseGennemse
+ ParametersParametre
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forBrug eksemplificerede argumenter for
+ Select browserVælg netlæser
@@ -6841,27 +7142,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientEkstern e-Post-klient
+ Use custom external e-mail clientBrugervalgt ekstern e-Post-klient
+ E-mail client executableE-Post-klient programfil
+ Executable file of e-mail clientEpost-klientens eksekverbare fil
+ Select clientVælg klient
@@ -6875,22 +7181,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsEksternt værktøj
+ &Add toolTilføj værktøj
+ &Edit selected toolRediger valgte værktøj
+ &Delete selected toolFjern valgte værktøj
@@ -6900,12 +7210,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolVælg eksternt værktøj
+ Enter parametersIndfør parametre
@@ -7024,41 +7334,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase drivprogramæ
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameVærtsnavn
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseAktuel database
+ UsernameBrugernavn
+ PasswordAdgangskode
+ Test setupTestsetup
@@ -7077,31 +7395,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toGem alle hentede filer i
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &BrowseGennemse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7173,57 +7497,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutTidsudløb for forbindelse til nyhedskilde
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontNyhedskildeliste skrifttype
@@ -7231,6 +7567,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewForhåndsvisning af skrifttyper
@@ -7238,141 +7577,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change fontSkift skrifttype
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArtikler
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitFjern alle læste artikler fra alle nyhedskilder ved programafslutning
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerIntern artikelfremviser
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7391,11 +7760,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupStart %1 ved systemopstart
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7506,137 +7877,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIkoner
+ Icon themeIkontema
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaSystembakke
+ Tray iconSystemebakkeikon
+ Use monochrome iconBrug et sort/hvidt ikon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedGem hovedvindue når det er minimeret
+ Start application hiddenStart programmet skjult
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsFaneblade
+ Close tabs withLuk faneblade med
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barÅben nye faneblade med venstre museknap, dobbeltklik på fanebladsbjælke
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsVærktøjsbjælker
+ Toolbar for feeds listVærktøjsbjælke for nyhedskildeliste
+ Toolbar for articles listVærktøjsbjælke for artikelliste
+ StatusbarStatuslinie
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIkonstørrelse
@@ -7705,16 +8104,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7805,11 +8207,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormFormular
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7817,21 +8221,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &BrowseGennemse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7840,46 +8250,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsSlå påmindelser til
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7944,31 +8363,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &BrowseGennemse
+ &PlayAfspil
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8115,47 +8540,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ ja
+ no
+ nej
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLokalfil
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8170,21 +8616,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8492,6 +8929,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Vælg ikon til nyhedskilde.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formular
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8505,17 +8964,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Fejl ved indlæsning af indledende nyhedskilder
+ Fetch metadataHent metadata
+ Export feedsEksportér nyhedskilder
+ Import feedsImportér nyhedskilder
@@ -8545,22 +9004,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryKan ikke tilføje kategori
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Kan ikke tilføje kategori, fordi en anden kritisk handling er under udførelse.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8751,51 +9210,61 @@ Ulæste nyheder: %2
+ Activated actionsAktiverede handlinger
+ Available actionsTilgængelige handlinger
+ Move action upFlyt handling op
+ Move action downFlyt handling ned
+ Insert separatorIndsæt afstandsstykke
+ Insert spacerIndsæt afstandsstykke
+ Add selected actionTilføj valgte handling
+ Delete selected actionSlet valgte handling
+ Delete all actionsSlet alle handlinger
+ Reset toolbarNulstil værktøjsbjælke
@@ -9176,6 +9645,19 @@ Sidst logget på: %4
Åben denne hjemmeside i systemets standardnetlæser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_de.ts b/localization/rssguard_de.ts
index 687b85b9c..5d6555d41 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_de.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_de.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormular
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantWichtig
+ UnreadUngelesen
+ LabelsLabel
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAdBlock aktivieren
+ &Help&Hilfe
+ Filter listsFilterlisten
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Füge hier Direktlinks zu Filterlisten hinzu (eine URL per Zeile)
+ Custom filtersEigene Filter
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Füge hier deine eigenen Filter hinzu (ein Filter per Zeile)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Konnte Filter nicht einrichten und Server starten: %1
+ failed to download filter list '%1'Download fehlgeschlagen, Filter Liste '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Die Anwendung läuft bereits.
+ Output directory is not writable.Das Ausgabeverzeichnis ist nicht beschreibbar.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Einstellungsdatei konnte nicht in das Ausgabeverzeichnis geschrieben werden.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Wiederherstellung der Datenbank wurde nicht initiiert. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Ausgabeverzeichnis beschrieben werden kann.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Wiederherstellung der Einstellungen wurde nicht initiiert. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Ausgabeverzeichnis beschrieben werden kann.
+ Cannot add feedKann Feed nicht hinzufügen
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden, weil kein aktiver Zugang existiert, der Feeds hinzufügen kann.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Pakete wurden aufgrund eines Fehlers NICHT aktualisiert: %2. Betroffene Pakete:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Diese Pakete wurden installiert/aktualisiert:
+ Unread articles fetchedUngelesene Artikel aktualisiert
+ Go to changelogGeh zum Changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock muss noch konfiguriert werden
+ WelcomeWillkommen
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie die in dieser Version enthaltene Neuerungen
durch Klicken auf diese Benachrichtigung.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock ist nicht richtig konfiguriert. Gehe zu "Einstellungen" -> "Node.js" und stelle sicher, dass Node.js korrekt eingerichtet ist.
+ Already runningBereits aktiv
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ durch Klicken auf diese Benachrichtigung.
+ FormFormular
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoriere alte Artikel
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseFüge Artikel mit beliebigem Datum zur Datenbank hinzu
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseVermeide das Hinzufügen von Artikeln vor diesem Datum/der Zeit in die Datenbank
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolutes Datum/Zeit
+ Relative timeRelative Zeit
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsAnzahl der Artikel in Feeds begrenzen
+ Customize article limitsArtikelbegrenzungen anpassen
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesWichtige Artikel nicht löschen
+ Do not remove unread articlesUngelesene Artikel nicht löschen
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themArtikel nur in den Papierkorb verschieben, nicht löschen
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ durch Klicken auf diese Benachrichtigung.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageZur vorherigen Seite gehen
+ Go to next pageZur nächsten Seite gehen
+ Open article in article listArtikel in Artikelliste öffnen
+ Open article in web browserArtikel im Webbrowser öffnen
+ Mark all articles as readAlle Artikel als gelesen markieren
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ durch Klicken auf diese Benachrichtigung.
+ FormFormular
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Bestimmte Feeds brauchen eine Authentifizierung, wie z.b. Gmail-Feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 und DIGEST-MD5 Authentifizierungsmechanismen werden unterstützt.
+ CredentialsAnmeldedaten
+ Authentication typeAuthentifizierungstyp
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ durch Klicken auf diese Benachrichtigung.
+ UsernameBenutzername
+ PasswordPasswort
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Klicken Sie hier, um das übergeordnete Verzeichnis zu öffnen.
+ FilenameDateiname
+ &Try againEr&neut versuchen
+ &Stop&Beenden
+ &Open file&Datei öffnen
+ Open &directory&Verzeichnis öffnen
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Klicken Sie hier, um das übergeordnete Verzeichnis zu öffnen.
+ Clean upBereinigen
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML Dokument enthält Fehler
+ this is likely not OPML documentdies ist wahrscheinlich kein OPML Dokument
+ Category Kategorie
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationKann Ziehen und Ablegen nicht durchführen
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Ziehen und Ablegen in ein anderes Konto wird nicht unterstützt.
@@ -1481,36 +1523,43 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Info in Zwischenablage kopieren
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLizenzen
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Die Lizenzseite ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Die Changelog-Seite ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.
+ ResourcesRessourcen
@@ -1542,6 +1591,7 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Add new accountNeues Konto hinzufügen
@@ -1726,46 +1776,55 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsSicherungskopie von Datenbank und Einstellungen
+ Output directoryAusgabeverzeichnis
+ &Select directory&Verzeichnis auswählen
+ Backup propertiesBackupeinstellungen
+ Items to backupEinträge zur Sicherung
+ DatabaseDatenbank
+ SettingsEinstellungen
+ Backup nameName der Sicherungskopie
+ Operation resultsErgebnis der Aktion
@@ -1883,31 +1942,37 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Parent folderÜbergeordneter Ordner
+ Select parent item for your category.Kategorie wählen, in der die Bearbeitete enthalten sein soll.
+ TitleName
+ DescriptionBeschreibung
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Icon für die Kategorie auswählen.
@@ -1952,56 +2017,67 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseDatenbank bereinigen
+ Cleanup settingsBereinige Einstellungen
+ Optimize database fileDatenbankdatei optimieren
+ Remove all read articlesAlle gelesene Artikel löschen
+ Remove all articles from recycle binAlle Artikel aus dem Papierkorb entfernen
+ Remove all articles older thanEntferne alle Nachrichten, die älter sind als
+ Remove all starred articlesAlle favorisierte Artikel löschen
+ Database informationInformationen zur Datenbank
+ Total data sizeGesamte Speichergröße
+ Database typeTyp der Datenbank
+ ProgressFortschritt
@@ -2158,22 +2234,22 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Add new feedNeuen Feed hinzufügen
+ Cannot save changes: %1Kann Änderungen nicht speichern: %1
+ Edit "%1"Bearbeite "%1"
+ Edit %n feeds%n Feeds bearbeiten
@@ -2181,62 +2257,70 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalLade Nachrichten nach globalem Intervall
+ Fetch articles everyHole Nachrichten alle
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesAutomatisches abholen von Artikel deaktivieren
+ Cannot save feed propertiesKann Einstellungen vom Feed nicht speichern
+ ArticlesArtikel
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-Herunterladen von Artikel
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Wähle die Strategie, mit der Nachrichten dieses Feeds heruntergeladen werden. Standard Strategie bedeutet, dass alle neuen Nachrichten dieses Feeds in jenem Zeitintervall heruntergeladen werden, welches von den Anwendungs-Einstellungen vorgegeben ist.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyÖffne die URL der Artikel automatisch.
+ MiscellaneousSonstiges
+ Disable this feedDiesen Feed deaktivieren
+ Right-to-left layoutRechts-nach-Links Layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnoriere Benachrichtigungen dieses Feedes
@@ -2306,618 +2390,741 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ &File&Datei
+ &Help&Hilfe
+ &View&Ansicht
+ Show/hideAnzeigen / verstecken
+ &Tools&Werkzeuge
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Füge Eintrag hinzu
+ &Move&Verschiebe
+ Art&iclesArt&ikel
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Papierkörbe
+ &Accounts&Konten
+ &Web browser && tabs&Webbrowser
+ &Quit&Beenden
+ Quit the application.Anwendung beenden.
+ &Settings&Einstellungen
+ Display settings of the application.Anzeigeeinstellungen der Anwendung.
+ &About application&Über diese Anwendung
+ Displays extra info about this application.Zusätzliche Informationen über diese Anwendung anzeigen.
+ &FullscreenVoll&bild
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Schalte zum Vollbildmodus.
+ &Fetch all&Alle aktualisieren
+ Fetch all feedsAlle Feeds aktualisieren
+ Fetch &selectedAktualisiere &Ausgewählte
+ Fetch selected feedsAktualisiere ausgewählte Feeds
+ Mark articles &readMarkiere Artikel als &gelesen
+ Mark selected articles readGewählte Artikel als gelesen markieren
+ Mark articles &unreadMarkiere Artikel als &ungelesen
+ Mark selected articles unreadGewählte Artikel als ungelesen markieren
+ Switch &importanceWechsle &Wichtigkeit
+ Switch importance of selected articlesWechsle die Wichtigkeit des ausgewählten Artikels
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Alle zu den ausgewählten Einträgen gehörigen Nachrichten als gelesen markieren. Lässt Nachrichtenfilter unberücksichtigt.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Alle zu den ausgewählten Einträgen gehörigen Nachrichten als ungelesen markieren. Lässt Nachrichtenfilter unberücksichtigt.
+ &Delete articles&Artikel löschen
+ &Edit selected itemsAusgewählte Einträge &bearbeiten
+ &Delete selected itemsMarkierte Einträge löschen
+ Mark selected items &readMarkiere ausgewählte Einträge als &gelesen
+ Mark selected items &unreadMarkiere ausgewählte Einträge als &ungelesen
+ &Clean selected itemsMarkierte Elemente bereinigen
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Alle zu den ausgewählten Einträgen gehörenden Nachrichten entfernen.
+ Open in &external browserIm &externen Browser Öffnen
+ Open selected articles in external browserAusgewählte Artikel im externen Browser öffnen
+ Open in &internal browserIm &internen Browser öffnen
+ Open selected articles in internal browserAusgewählte Artikel im internen Browser öffnen
+ No actions availableKeine Funktionen verfügbar
+ No actions are available right now.Keine Funktionen verfügbar.
+ &Mark all read&Alle als gelesen markieren
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Zu allen Einträgen gehörige Nachrichten als gelesen markieren. Lässt Nachrichtenfilter unberücksichtigt.
+ Switch main window visibilityWechsle die Sichtbarkeit des Hauptfensters
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hauptfenster verstecken, falls es sichtbar war, oder sichtbar, falls es versteckt war.
+ &Feed list&Liste der Feeds
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Versteckt oder zeigt die Liste der Feeds/Kategorien an.
+ &Clean all&Lösche Alle
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Zu allen Einträgen gehörige Nachrichten alle löschen.
+ &Next item&Nächster Eintrag
+ &Previous item&Vorheriger Eintrag
+ &Next article&Nächster Artikel
+ &Previous article&Vorheriger Artikel
+ Check for &updatesAuf &Aktualisierungen überprüfen
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Prüfe, ob Aktualisierungen verfügbar sind.
+ &Main menu&Hauptmenü
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hauptmenü anzeigen oder verstecken.
+ Report a &bug...&Fehlerbericht einsenden...
+ &Toolbars&Werkzeugleisten
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Sichtbarkeit der &Werkzeugleisten umschalten
+ &List headers&Liste Kopfzeilen
+ &Donate...&Spenden
+ Display &documentation&Dokumentation anzeigen
+ &Restart&Neustart
+ &Restore settings&Einstellungen wiederherstellen
+ &Backup settings&Einstellungen sichern
+ Switch layoutWechsle das Layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailVersende per E-Mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailVersende ausgewählten Artikel per E-Mail
+ &Cleanup databaseDatenbank be&reinigen
+ Show unread items onlyZeige nur ungelesene Einträge
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemAusgewählten Eintrag aus-/ein&klappen
+ &Add account&Konto hinzufügen
+ &Restore articles&Artikel wiederherstellen
+ &Restore all recycle binsAlle Papierk&örbe wiederherstellen
+ &Empty all recycle binsAlle Papierkör&be leeren
+ Next &unread articleNächster &ungelesener Artikel
+ Status barStatusleiste
+ &Edit selected accountAusgewähltes Konto &bearbeiten
+ &Delete selected accountAusgewähltes Konto l&öschen
+ Add new categoryNeue Kategorie hinzufügen
+ Stop ongoing fetchingLaden von Artikeln abbrechen
+ New browser tabNeuer Tab
+ Close all tabsAlle Tabs schließen
+ Close all tabs except currentAlle anderen Tabs schließen
+ Go to &next tab&Nächster Tab
+ Go to &previous tab&Vorheriger Tab
+ &Enable article preview&Aktiviere Artikelvorschau
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Kopiere URL des ausgewählten Eintrages
+ Article &filters&Artikelfilter
+ &Show tree expanders&Zeige Baumexpander
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyAktualisiere alle mit &benutzerdefinierter Strategie
+ Alternate row colors in listsZeilenfarbe in Listen umkehren
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedEintrag automatisch &erweitern wen ausgewählt
+ Message viewer toolbarsWerkzeugleiste des Nachrichtenbetrachters
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyAusgewählten Eintrag &rekursiv aus-/einklappen
+ Close ¤t tabSchließe &aktuellen Tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Kopiere URL des ausgewählten Artikels
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Im &internen Browser öffnen (kein neuer Tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Alphabetisch sortieren
+ Move &upVerschiebe nach &oben
+ Move to &topVerschiebe zur &Spitze
+ Move &downVerschiebe nach &unten
+ Move to &bottomVerschiebe zum &Boden
+ Display application &logZeige &Anwendungsprotokoll
+ Focus feeds search boxFokussiere Feed-Suchfeld
+ Focus articles search boxFokussiere Artikel-Suchfeld
+ Scroll &up browserScrolle Browser nach &oben
+ Scroll &down browserScrolle Browser nach &unten
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyOrdne &Unterkategorien automatisch an
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyOrdne &Feeds automatisch an
+ Cleanup web cac&heLösche Web&cache
+ You must add new account firstSie müssen zuerst ein neues Konto hinzufügen
+ You must add new account first.Sie müssen zuerst ein neues Konto hinzufügen.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedNeuen Feed hinzufügen
@@ -3091,122 +3298,147 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArtikel-Filter
+ &Check all&Wähle alle
+ &Uncheck all&Alle abwählen
+ Remove selectedAuswahl löschen
+ &New filter&Neuer Filter
+ Article filter detailsArtikelfilter Details
+ TitleName
+ Title of article filterTitel des Artikel-Filters
+ Pre-made filtersBeispielfilter
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript Code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicDein JavaScript basierter Artikelfilter
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsAusgewählte Feeds verarbeiten
+ &Beautify&Verschönern
+ Detailed &helpDetaillierte &Hilfe
+ Existing articlesExistierende Artikel
+ Sample articleBeispielartikel
+ AuthorAutor
+ Created onErstellt am
+ ContentsInhalt
+ ReadLesen
+ ImportantWichtig
+ Script outputScript Ausgabe
@@ -3251,31 +3483,37 @@ QtWebEngine Zwischenspeicher -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsDatenbank und Einstellungen wiederherstellen
+ Operation resultsErgebnis der Aktion
+ Source directoryVerzeichnis der Sicherungskopien
+ &Select directory&Verzeichnis auswählen
+ Restore database&Datenbank wiederherstellen
+ Restore settings&Einstellungen wiederherstellen
@@ -3326,6 +3564,7 @@ Dieser Neustart muss manuell ausgeführt werden.
+ SettingsEinstellungen
@@ -3333,15 +3572,20 @@ Dieser Neustart muss manuell ausgeführt werden.
+ GeneralGenerell
+ NetworkNetzwerk
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3739,31 +3983,37 @@ Sie können es jetzt installieren.
+ Check for updatesPrüfe auf Aktualisierungen
+ Current releaseAktuelle Version
+ Available releaseVerfügbare Version
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesVerfügbare Dateien
@@ -4419,6 +4669,7 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2
+ FormFormular
@@ -4825,51 +5076,61 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2
+ FormFormular
+ Play/pauseWiedergabe/Pause
+ StopStopp
+ SpeedGeschwindigkeit
+ ProgressFortschritt
+ DurationDauer
+ Mute/unmuteStumm / Stummsch. aufheben
+ VolumeLautstärke
+ DownloadHerunterladen
+ Switch fullscreen modeZum Vollbildmodus wechseln
@@ -5611,41 +5872,49 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2
+ FormFormular
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname oder IP ihres Proxy-Servers
+ PortPort
+ UsernameBenutzername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationIhr Benutzername für die Authentifizierung am Proxy-Server
+ PasswordPasswort
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationIhr Passwort für die Authentifizierung am Proxy-Server
@@ -5656,6 +5925,7 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Typ
@@ -5881,7 +6151,7 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6083,17 +6353,17 @@ Liste aller unterstützten Leser:
Unten rechts
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6624,16 +6894,19 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2
+ Search textSuchtext
+ Find previous occurenceVorherigen Treffer finden
+ Find next occurenceNächsten Treffer finden
@@ -6699,14 +6972,14 @@ Anzahl der Kategorien: %2
+ Select web browser executableWählen Sie die auszuführende Datei des Webbrowsers
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6714,24 +6987,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Ausführbare Dateien (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Ausführbare Dateien (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableWählen Sie die auszuführende Datei des Mail-Clients
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 oder älter
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Gebe (optionale) Parameter ein:
@@ -6742,92 +7015,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetzwerk
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesAkzeptiere keine ankommenden Cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Aktiviere HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverAPI-Server aktivieren
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDeaktiviere Zwischenspeicher
+ External web browserExterner Webbrowser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserImmer Links im externen Browser öffnen
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Ohne Aktivierung wird der systemweit voreingestellte Standardbrowser verwendet.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserIndividuell festgelegten externen Browser verwenden
+ Web browser executableAuszuführende Datei des Webbrowsers
+ Executable file of web browserAuszuführende Datei des Webbrowsern
+ &Browse&Durchsuchen
+ ParametersParameter
+ Parameters passed to executableÜbergebene Anwendungsparameter
+ Use sample arguments forVerwenden Sie Beispielargumente für
+ Select browserBrowser auswählen
@@ -6837,27 +7138,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Beachten Sie, dass "%1" (ohne Anführungszeichen) der Platzhalter der URL der ausgewählten Nachricht ist.
+ External e-mail clientExternes Mailprogramm (Mail-Client)
+ Use custom external e-mail clientIndividuell festgelegtes externes Mailprogramm verwenden
+ E-mail client executableE-Mail Programm
+ Executable file of e-mail clientAuszuführende Datei des Mailprogramms
+ Select clientMailprogramm auswählen
@@ -6871,22 +7177,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - Textkörper der ausgewählten Nachricht
+ External toolsExterne Programme
+ &Add tool&Werkzeug hinzufügen
+ &Edit selected tool&Ausgewähltes Werkzeug bearbeiten
+ &Delete selected tool&Ausgewähltes Werkzeug löschen
@@ -6896,12 +7206,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Auf dieser Seite kannst du externe Werkzeuge, welche eine URL öffnen können, auflisten.
+ Select external toolExternes Programm auswählen
+ Enter parametersParameter eingeben
@@ -7020,41 +7330,49 @@ Die Autoren dieser Anwendung sind NICHT für Datenverlust verantwortlich.
+ Database driverDatenbanktreiber
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseVerwenden Sie die Datenbank im Arbeitsspeicher als aktuelle Datenbank
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseVerwendete Datenbank
+ UsernameBenutzername
+ PasswordPasswort
+ Test setupEinstellungen testen
@@ -7073,31 +7391,37 @@ Die Autoren dieser Anwendung sind NICHT für Datenverlust verantwortlich.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedBeim Beginn des Herunterladens den Download Manager starten
+ Target directory for downloaded filesZielverzeichnis für heruntergeladene Dateien
+ Save all downloaded files toAlle heruntergeladenen Dateien speichern in
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedZielverzeichnis zum Abspeichern aller heruntergeladenen Dateien
+ &Browse&Durchsuchen
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileZielverzeichnis bei jedem Herunterladen einzeln erfragen
@@ -7169,57 +7493,69 @@ Die Autoren dieser Anwendung sind NICHT für Datenverlust verantwortlich.
+ Feed fetchingFeed wird abgeholt
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofHole alle Artikel beim Start der Anwendung mit einer Verzögerung von
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyIntervall in welchem Artikel abgeholt werden
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedHole Artikel nur wenn Anwendung nicht fokussiert ist
+ Feed connection timeoutZeitüberschreitung des Feeds
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Die Zeitüberschreitung der Verbindung ist das Intervall, das für das Herunterladen neuer Nachrichten reserviert ist. Falls dieses Intervall abläuft, wird das Herunterladen abgebrochen.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Unterstütze sehr schnell Abhol-Intervalle (unter 10 Sekunden)
+ Feeds listFeed Liste
+ Row heightZeilenhöhe
+ Feed list fontSchriftart Feed Liste
@@ -7227,6 +7563,9 @@ Die Autoren dieser Anwendung sind NICHT für Datenverlust verantwortlich.
+ Font previewVorschau der Schrift
@@ -7234,141 +7573,171 @@ Die Autoren dieser Anwendung sind NICHT für Datenverlust verantwortlich.
+ &Change fontSchrift &ändern
+ Article count formatFormat der Artikelanzahl
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesVerstecke Anzahl der Artikel wenn keine ungelesenen Artikel vorhanden sind
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listErlaube nur grundlegende Tastaturkürzel für Feed / Artikelliste
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesZeige Kurzinfo für Feeds und Artikel
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArtikel
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitEntferne alle gelesenen Artikel von allen Feeds wenn Anwendung geschlossen wird
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnoriere Änderungen in Artikelkörper, wenn neue Artikel geladen werden
+ Internal article viewerInterner Artikelbetrachter
+ Limit height of all picturesLimitiere die Höhe aller Bilder
+ Use legacy article formattingAlte Artikelformatierung verwenden
+ Unread article icon typeUngelesene Artikel Symboltyp
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readNach Auswahl des Artikels als gelesen markieren
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserHole das Anwendungsfenster in den Vordergrund, nachdem Artikel im externen Browser geöffnet wurde
+ Article browser fontArtikelbetrachter Schriftart
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureKorrigiere Datum/Zeit von Artikeln welche in der Zukunft sind
+ Display attachments directly in articleZeige Anhänge direkt im Artikel
+ Keep article viewer always visibleHalte Artikelbetrachter immer sichtbar
+ Articles listArtikelliste
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportBehalte Artikelauswahl in der Mitte der Ansicht der Artikelliste
+ Enable multiline itemsAktiviere Mehrfachzeilen-Einträge
+ Top/bottom row paddingPadding der Zeile oben/unten
+ Use custom date/time formatStandard Datum/Uhrzeit Format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesBenutzerdefiniertes Zeit / Datumsformat für heutige Artikel
+ Article list fontArtikelliste Schriftart
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanZeige relative Zeit für Artikel welche nicht älter sind als
@@ -7387,11 +7756,13 @@ Die Autoren dieser Anwendung sind NICHT für Datenverlust verantwortlich.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startup%1 bei Sitzungsbeginn starten
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupPrüfe auf %1 Aktualisierungen beim Start der Anwendung
@@ -7502,137 +7873,165 @@ Beschreibung: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && Skins
+ Icon themeIcon Theme
+ StyleStil der Bedienelemente
+ SkinDesign
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsBenutzerdefinierte Oberflächenfarben
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaBenachrichtigungsfeld
+ Tray iconTray Icon
+ Use monochrome iconEinfarbige Icons
+ Display count of unread messagesZähler für ungelesene Nachrichten
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedVerstecke das Hauptfenster, wenn es minimiert ist
+ Start application hiddenStarte die Anwendung versteckt
+ Task barTaskbar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withSchliesse Tabs mit
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMittlere Maustaste Einfachklick
+ Left mouse button double-clickDoppelklick linke Maustaste
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barÖffne neue Tabs mit einem Doppelklick der linken Maustaste auf der Reiterleiste
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleVerstecke die Tab-Leiste, falls nur ein Reiter sichtbar ist
+ ToolbarsWerkzeugleisten
+ Toolbar for feeds listWerkzeugleiste zur Liste mit den Kategorien und Feeds
+ Toolbar for articles listWerkzeugleiste für Aritkelliste
+ StatusbarStatusleiste
+ Button styleSchaltflächen Form
+ Toolbar editorWerkzeugleisten Editor
+ Icon sizeIcon Größe
@@ -7701,16 +8100,19 @@ Beschreibung: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseDurchsuchen
@@ -7801,11 +8203,13 @@ Schließe und Öffne den Einstellungsdiealog erneut, nachdem du Node.js installi
+ FormFormular
+ Node.js executableNode.js Programmdatei
@@ -7813,21 +8217,27 @@ Schließe und Öffne den Einstellungsdiealog erneut, nachdem du Node.js installi
+ &Browse&Durchsuchen
+ NPM executableNPM Programmdatei
+ Package folder Paketordner
+ &Download Node.js&Node.js herunterladen
@@ -7836,46 +8246,55 @@ Schließe und Öffne den Einstellungsdiealog erneut, nachdem du Node.js installi
+ Enable notificationsAktiviere Benachrichtigungen
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsBenutzerdefinierte Benachrichtigungen
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthBreite
+ MarginsRänder
+ ScreenBildschirm
+ OpacityDeckkraft
@@ -7940,31 +8359,37 @@ Schließe und Öffne den Einstellungsdiealog erneut, nachdem du Node.js installi
+ Balloon notificationBalloon Tip
+ SoundKlang
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileVollständiger Pfad zur eigenen WAV Datei
+ &Browse&Durchsuchen
+ &Play&Abspielen
+ VolumeLautstärke
@@ -8111,47 +8536,68 @@ Schließe und Öffne den Einstellungsdiealog erneut, nachdem du Node.js installi
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ ja
+ no
+ nein
+ ScriptSkript
+ Local fileLokale Datei
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnbekannt
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Kann Daten für Feed nicht speichern: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Kann Feed nicht verschieben, detaillierte Informationen sind im Anwendungsprotokoll
+ Cannot save feed dataFeed Daten können nicht gespeichert werden
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8166,21 +8612,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedFeed-Format nicht erkannt
+ Cannot move feedFeed kann nicht verschoben werden
@@ -8489,6 +8926,28 @@ Du kannst die generierten Feed Daten auch mit einem extra Nachbearbeituns-Skript
Icon für den Feed auswählen.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formular
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8502,17 +8961,17 @@ Du kannst die generierten Feed Daten auch mit einem extra Nachbearbeituns-Skript
Fehler beim Laden der initial einzurichtenden Feeds
+ Fetch metadataMetadaten abrufen
+ Export feedsFeeds exportieren
+ Import feedsFeeds importieren
@@ -8542,22 +9001,22 @@ Du kannst die generierten Feed Daten auch mit einem extra Nachbearbeituns-Skript
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryKategorie kann nicht hinzugefügt werden
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Kann Kategorie nicht hinzufügen, da noch eine andere diese betreffende Aktion läuft.
+ Import was completely successful.Importieren wurde erfolgreich vollständig abgeschlossen.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Manche Feeds / Kategorien konnten wegen Fehlern nicht importiert werden, kontrolliere das Anwendungsprotokoll um mehr Informationen zu erhalten.
@@ -8748,51 +9207,61 @@ Ungelesene Nachrichten: %2
+ Activated actionsAusgewählte Aktionen
+ Available actionsVerfügbare Aktionen
+ Move action upAktion nach &oben verschieben
+ Move action downAktion nach &unten verschieben
+ Insert separator&Trennlinie einfügen
+ Insert spacerAb&standhalter einfügen
+ Add selected actionAusgewählte Aktion hin&zufügen
+ Delete selected actionAusgewählte Aktion &löschen
+ Delete all actions&Alle Aktionen löschen
+ Reset toolbarWerkzeugleiste zurücksetzen
@@ -9173,6 +9642,19 @@ Letzte Anmeldung am: %4
Webseite im Standard Browser öffnen
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_en_GB.ts b/localization/rssguard_en_GB.ts
index 1ab82457f..e68e32455 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_en_GB.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_en_GB.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Failed to copy settings file to output directory.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that the output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that the output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCan't add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there are no active accounts that can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date to the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time to the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting the amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomise article limits
+ In database, keepIn the database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themMove articles to the recycle bin without purging them
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not an OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer the dragged item into a different account, this isn't supported.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicences
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licences page is only available in English.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is only available in English.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select the parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select the icon for your category.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimise database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd a new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feed
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable article auto-fetching
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals that are set in the application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit RSS Guard
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display the application's settings
+ &About application&About RSS Guard
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays additional information about the application
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch articles for all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles as &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles as read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles as &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles as unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread
+ &Delete articles&Delete selected articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items as &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items as &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all as read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Mark all messages in all items as read. This does not take message filters into account
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it's on top and shows it if it's minimised
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hide or show the list of feeds/categories
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if a new update for the application is available.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Toggle main menu caption bar
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug (⧉)
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of the main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...Donate ♥ (⧉)
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation (⧉)
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd a new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except the current one
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colours in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (No new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add a new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add a new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd a new feed
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsDetails of selected article filter
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of the article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &help&Help (⧉)
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead/Icon
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release:
+ Available releaseAvailable release:
+ StatusStatus:
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverEnter the hostname or IP of your proxy server here
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationEnter your username for proxy server authentification here
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationEnter your password for proxy server authentification here
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse a custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is a placeholder for the URL of the selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse a custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when a new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with an initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application isn't on top
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeed list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to the forefront once an article is opened in the external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in articles
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticle list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colours
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomise predefined colours
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it's minimised
+ Start application hiddenStart application minimised
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listFeed list toolbar
+ Toolbar for articles listArticle list toolbar
+ StatusbarStatus bar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Packages folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot fetch feed's metadata: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Can't move the feed, detailed information was logged via the debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCan't fetch feed metadata
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCan't move feed
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select the icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.All feeds were successfully imported.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsDisplayed actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_en_US.ts b/localization/rssguard_en_US.ts
index fe208a69f..fb07c36a9 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_en_US.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_en_US.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_es.ts b/localization/rssguard_es.ts
index 5640fca70..c734b0ff6 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_es.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_es.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormulario
+ Display additional nodesMostrar nodos adicionales
+ ImportantImportante
+ UnreadSin leer
+ LabelsEtiquetas
+ ProbesInvestigación
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockHabilitar AdBlock
+ &Help&Ayuda
+ Filter listsListas de filtros
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Agregue aquí sus enlaces directos a las listas de filtros (una URL por línea)
+ Custom filtersFiltros personalizados
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Agregue sus filtros personalizados aquí (un filtro por línea)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Error al configurar los filtros e iniciar el servidor: %1
+ failed to download filter list '%1'fallo al descargar la lista de filtros '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.La aplicación ya está en ejecución.
+ Output directory is not writable.La carpeta de salida carece de permisos de escritura.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.El archivo de configuración no se ha copiado correctamente en el directorio de salida.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Restauración de la base de datos sin iniciar. Asegúrese de que el directorio de salida tiene permisos de escritura.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Fue imposible iniciar la restauración de la configuración. Verifique que la carpeta de salida tiene permisos de escritura.
+ Cannot add feedImposible añadir la fuente
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Imposible agregar la fuente porque se carece de una cuenta activa que pueda agregar fuentes.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Los paquetes SIN actualizar debido al error: %2. Paquetes afectados:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Éstos paquetes fueron instalados/actualizados:
+ Unread articles fetchedArtículos sin leer obtenidos
+ Go to changelogIr al registro de cambios
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredEs necesario configurar AdBlock
+ WelcomeBienvenido
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Por favor, consulte las NUEVAS funciones incluidas en esta
versión pulsando en esta notificación emergente.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock está configurado incorrectamente. Vaya a "Configuración" -> "Node.js" y verifique si Node.js esté configurado correctamente.
+ Already runningYa está ejecutándose
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ versión pulsando en esta notificación emergente.
+ FormFormulario
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnorando artículos antiguos
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAñadir artículos con cualquier fecha dentro de la base de datos
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseEvite agregar artículos en la base de datos antes de esta fecha/hora
+ Absolute date/timeFecha/hora absolutas
+ Relative timeTiempo relativo
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimitando la cantidad de artículos en las fuentes
+ Customize article limitsPersonalizar los límites del artículo
+ In database, keepEn la base de datos, mantener
+ Do not remove important articlesMantener artículos importantes
+ Do not remove unread articlesMantener artículos sin leer
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themSimplemente mueve artículos a la papelera, sin purgarlos
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ versión pulsando en esta notificación emergente.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageIr a la página anterior
+ Go to next pageIr a la página siguiente
+ Open article in article listAbrir artículo en la lista de artículos
+ Open article in web browserAbrir artículo en el navegador web
+ Mark all articles as readMarcar todos los artículos como leídos
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ versión pulsando en esta notificación emergente.
+ FormFormulario
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Algunas fuentes necesitan autenticación, incluidas las fuentes de GMail. Se admiten los sistemas de autenticación BASIC, NTLM-2 y DIGEST-MD5.
+ CredentialsCredenciales
+ Authentication typeTipo de autenticación
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ versión pulsando en esta notificación emergente.
+ UsernameNombre de usuario
+ PasswordContraseña
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Haga clic aquí para abrir el directorio principal.
+ FilenameNombre de archivo
+ &Try again&Inténtelo de nuevo
+ &Stop&Detener
+ &Open file&Abrir archivo
+ Open &directoryAbrir &directorio
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Haga clic aquí para abrir el directorio principal.
+ Clean upDepurar
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ ID artículo: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsDocumento OPML contiene errores
+ this is likely not OPML documentésto aparentemente difiere de ser un documento OPML
+ Category Categoría
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ ID artículo: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationImposible realizar la operación de arrastrar y soltar
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Imposible soltar el elemento arrastrado en otra cuenta distinta, ésto está sin implementar.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copiar información al portapapeles
+ InformationInformación
+ LicensesLicencias
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.La página Licencias sólo está disponible en inglés.
+ ChangelogLista de cambios
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.La página Lista de cambios sólo está disponible en inglés.
+ ResourcesRecursos
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAñadir nueva cuenta
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsHacer una copia de respaldo de la base de datos/configuración
+ Output directoryCarpeta de salida
+ &Select directory&Seleccionar carpeta
+ Backup propertiesPropiedades de la copia de respaldo
+ Items to backupElementos a respaldar
+ DatabaseBase de datos
+ SettingsConfiguración
+ Backup nameNombre de la copia de respaldo
+ Operation resultsResultados de la operación
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Parent folderCarpeta principal
+ Select parent item for your category.Seleccionar elemento principal para su categoría.
+ TitleTítulo
+ DescriptionDescripción
+ IconIcono
+ Select icon for your category.Seleccionar icono para su categoría.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseDepurar base de datos
+ Cleanup settingsLimpieza de configuración
+ Optimize database fileOptimizar archivo de base de datos
+ Remove all read articlesEliminar todos los artículos leídos
+ Remove all articles from recycle binEliminar todos los artículos de la papelera de reciclaje
+ Remove all articles older thanEliminar todos los artículos anteriores a
+ Remove all starred articlesEliminar todos los artículos destacados
+ Database informationInformación de la base de datos
+ Total data sizeTamaño total de datos
+ Database typeTipo de base de datos
+ ProgressProgreso
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAñadir nueva fuente
+ Cannot save changes: %1Imposible guardar cambios: %1
+ Edit "%1"Editar "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEditar %n fuentes
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalObtener artículos utilizando el intervalo global
+ Fetch articles everyObtener artículos cada
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDeshabilitar la obtención automática de artículos
+ Cannot save feed propertiesImposible guardar propiedades de fuente
+ ArticlesArtículos
+ Auto-downloading of articlesObtención automática de artículos
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Selecciona la estrategia de descarga automática para los mensajes de esta fuente. La estrategia predeterminada de descarga automática significa que los nuevos mensajes de esta fuente se descargarán en intervalos de tiempo establecidos en la configuración de la aplicación.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyAbrir artículos a través de su URL automáticamente
+ MiscellaneousVarios
+ Disable this feedDeshabilitar esta fuente
+ Right-to-left layoutDisposición de derecha a izquierda
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnorar notificaciones para esta fuente
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ &File&Archivo
+ &Help&Ayuda
+ &View&Ver
+ Show/hideMostrar/ocultar
+ &Tools&Herramientas
+ F&eedsFu&entes
+ &Add item&Añadir elemento
+ &Move&Mover
+ Art&iclesArt&ículos
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Papelera(s) de reciclaje
+ &Accounts&Cuentas
+ &Web browser && tabsNa&vegador y pestañas
+ &Quit&Salir
+ Quit the application.Cerrar la aplicación.
+ &Settings&Configuración
+ Display settings of the application.Mostrar la configuración de la aplicación.
+ &About application&Acerca de la aplicación
+ Displays extra info about this application.Muestra información adicional sobre esta aplicación.
+ &Fullscreen&Pantalla completa
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Cambiar modo pantalla completa.
+ &Fetch all&Obtener todo
+ Fetch all feedsObtener todas las fuentes
+ Fetch &selectedObtener &seleccionados
+ Fetch selected feedsObtener fuentes seleccionadas
+ Mark articles &readMarcar los a&rtículos como leídos
+ Mark selected articles readMarcar los artículos como sin leer
+ Mark articles &unreadMarcar artíc&ulos como sin leer
+ Mark selected articles unreadMarcar artículos seleccionados como sin leer
+ Switch &importanceCambiar &importancia
+ Switch importance of selected articlesCambiar la importancia de los artículos seleccionados
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Marcar todos los mensajes (sin filtrar) de los elementos seleccionados como leídos.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Marcar todos los mensajes (sin filtrar) de los elementos seleccionados como sin leer.
+ &Delete articles&Eliminar artículos
+ &Edit selected items&Editar elementos seleccionados
+ &Delete selected items&Eliminar elementos seleccionados
+ Mark selected items &readMarca&r elemento seleccionado como leído
+ Mark selected items &unreadMarca&r elemento seleccionado como sin leer
+ &Clean selected itemsLimpiar elementos sele&ccionados
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Borra todos los mensajes de los elementos seleccionados.
+ Open in &external browserAbrir en navegador &externo
+ Open selected articles in external browserAbrir artículos seleccionados en navegador externo
+ Open in &internal browserAbrir en navegador &interno
+ Open selected articles in internal browserAbrir artículos seleccionados en navegador interno
+ No actions availableSin acciones disponibles
+ No actions are available right now.Sin acciones disponibles ahora.
+ &Mark all read&Marcar todo como leído
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marca todos los mensajes en todos los elementos leídos. Sin tomar en cuenta los filtros de mensajes.
+ Switch main window visibilityCambiar la visibilidad de la ventana principal
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Oculta la ventana principal si está visible y la muestra si está oculta.
+ &Feed list&Lista de fuentes
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Oculta o muestra la lista de fuentes/categorías.
+ &Clean all&Limpiar todo
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Borra todos los mensajes de todos los elementos.
+ &Next itemSiguie&nte elemento
+ &Previous itemElemento &previo
+ &Next articleSiguie&nte artículo
+ &Previous articleArtículo &previo
+ Check for &updatesBuscar &actualizaciones
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Revisar si la aplicación tiene nuevas actualizaciones disponibles para la descarga.
+ &Main menu&Menú principal
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Oculta o muestra el menú principal.
+ Report a &bug...Informar de un &fallo...
+ &Toolbars&Barras de herramientas
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Cambiar la visibilidad de las barras de herramientas principales.
+ &List headers&Mostrar cabeceras
+ &Donate...&Donar...
+ Display &documentationPresentación &documentación
+ &Restart&Reiniciar
+ &Restore settings&Restaurar configuración
+ &Backup settingsR&espaldar configuración
+ Switch layoutCambiar diseño
+ &Downloads&Descargas
+ Send via e-mailEnviar por correo electrónico
+ Send selected articles via e-mailEnviar artículos seleccionados por correo electrónico
+ &Cleanup database&Limpiar base de datos
+ Show unread items onlySólo mostar elementos sin leer
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expandir/contraer el elemento seleccionado
+ &Add account&Añadir cuenta
+ &Restore articles&Restaurar artículos
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restaurar todas las papeleras de reciclaje
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Vaciar todas las papeleras de reciclaje
+ Next &unread articleSig&uiente artículo sin leer
+ Status barBarra de estado
+ &Edit selected account&Editar cuenta seleccionada
+ &Delete selected account&Borrar cuenta seleccionada
+ Add new categoryAñadir nueva categoría
+ Stop ongoing fetchingDetener obtención en progreso
+ New browser tabNueva pestaña del navegador
+ Close all tabsCerrar todas las pestañas
+ Close all tabs except currentCerrar las demás pestañas
+ Go to &next tabIr a la pestaña &siguiente
+ Go to &previous tabIr a la pestaña &anterior
+ &Enable article previewHabilitar vista pr&evia del artículo
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copiar la dirección de URL del elemento seleccionado
+ Article &filters&Filtros de artículo
+ &Show tree expandersMo&strar expansores de árbol
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyObtener fuentes con políti&ca de descarga automática personalizada
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternar colores de filas en los listados
+ Automatically &expand item when selected&Expandir automáticamente elemento cuando sea seleccionado
+ Message viewer toolbarsBarras de herramientas del visor de mensajes
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpandir/contrae&r el elemento seleccionado y de manera descendente
+ Close ¤t tabCerrar pestaña a&ctual
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copiar las direcciones URL de los artículos seleccionados
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Abrir en navegador interno (sin nueva pestaña)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Ordenar alfabéticamente
+ Move &upM&over arriba
+ Move to &topMover has&ta arriba
+ Move &downMover a&bajo
+ Move to &bottomMover hasta a&bajo
+ Display application &logMostrar registro de aplicación
+ Focus feeds search boxEnfocar cuadro de búsqueda de fuentes
+ Focus articles search boxEnfocar cuadro de búsqueda de artículos
+ Scroll &up browserDesplazamiento &hacia arriba del navegador
+ Scroll &down browserDesplazamiento hacia &abajo del navegador
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyReorganizar &subcategorías alfabéticamente
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyReorganizar &fuentes alfabéticamente
+ Cleanup web cac&heLimpieza de cac&hé web
+ You must add new account firstPrimero debe agregar una nueva cuenta
+ You must add new account first.Primero debe agregar una nueva cuenta.
+ Edit &child feedsEditar fuentes se&cundarias
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Editar fuentes secunda&rias (descendente)
+ Play in &media playerReproducir en reproductor de medios
+ Add new feedAñadir nueva fuente
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Article filtersFiltros de artículo
+ &Check all&Marcar todo
+ &Uncheck all&Desmarcar todo
+ Remove selectedBorrar seleccionados
+ &New filter&Nuevo filtro
+ Article filter detailsDetalles del filtro de artículo
+ TitleTítulo
+ Title of article filterTítulo del filtro de artículo
+ Pre-made filtersFiltros prefabricados
+ JavaScript codeCódigo JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicSu lógica de filtrado de artículos basada en JavaScript
+ &Test&Prueba
+ Process checked feedsProcesar fuentes marcadas
+ &BeautifyEm&bellecer
+ Detailed &help&Ayuda detallada
+ Existing articlesArtículos existentes
+ Sample articleArtículo de muestra
+ URLDirección URL
+ AuthorAutor
+ Created onCreado en
+ ContentsContenido
+ ReadLeído
+ ImportantImportante
+ Script outputSalida de la secuencia de comandos
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ Archivo de QtWebEngine memoria -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestaurar base de datos/configuración
+ Operation resultsResultados de la operación
+ Source directoryCarpeta de origen
+ &Select directory&Seleccionar carpeta
+ Restore databaseRestaurar base de datos
+ Restore settingsRestaurar configuración
@@ -3326,6 +3564,7 @@ La aplicación tiene que reiniciarla manualmente.
+ SettingsConfiguración
@@ -3333,15 +3572,20 @@ La aplicación tiene que reiniciarla manualmente.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkRed
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3740,31 +3984,37 @@ Puede instalarlo ahora.
+ Check for updatesBuscar actualizaciones
+ Current releaseVersión actual
+ Available releaseVersión disponible
+ StatusEstado
+ ChangelogLista de cambios
+ Available filesArchivos disponibles
@@ -4420,6 +4670,7 @@ Expiración de identificadores de acceso: %2
+ FormFormulario
@@ -4826,51 +5077,61 @@ Expiración de identificadores de acceso: %2
+ FormFormulario
+ Play/pauseReproducir/pausar
+ StopDetener
+ SpeedVelocidad
+ ProgressProgreso
+ DurationDuración
+ Mute/unmuteActivar/desactivar sonido
+ VolumeVolumen
+ DownloadDescargar
+ Switch fullscreen modeCambiar modo pantalla completa
@@ -5612,41 +5873,49 @@ Expiración de identificadores de acceso: %2
+ FormFormulario
+ HostServidor
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverNombre de anfitrión o dirección IP del servidor proxy
+ PortPuerto
+ UsernameNombre de usuario
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationSu nombre de usuario para la autenticación del servidor proxy
+ PasswordContraseña
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationSu contraseña para la autenticación del servidor proxy
@@ -5657,6 +5926,7 @@ Expiración de identificadores de acceso: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Tipo
@@ -5882,7 +6152,7 @@ Expiración de identificadores de acceso: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6087,17 +6357,17 @@ Lista de lectores compatibles:
+ escape sequence not completedsecuencia de escape incompleta
+ closing " is missingfalta cerrar "
+ closing ' is missingfalta cerrar '
@@ -6628,16 +6898,19 @@ Expiración de identificadores de acceso: %2
+ Search textBuscar texto
+ Find previous occurenceEncontrar la coincidencia anterior
+ Find next occurenceEncontrar la coincidencia siguiente
@@ -6703,14 +6976,14 @@ Número de categorías: %2
+ Select web browser executableSeleccionar ejecutable del navegador
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6718,24 +6991,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Ejecutables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Ejecutables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSeleccionar ejecutable de correo electrónico
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 o anterior
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Introduzca los parámetros (opcional):
@@ -6746,92 +7019,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkRed
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesRechazar cookies entrantes
+ Enable HTTP/2Habilitar HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverHabilitar servidor API
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDesactivar caché
+ External web browserNavegador externo
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAbrir siempre los hiperenlaces en navegador web externo
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Si no está marcado, se utilizará entonces el navegador predeterminado del sistema.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUtilizar navegador externo personalizado
+ Web browser executableEjecutable del navegador
+ Executable file of web browserArchivo ejecutable del navegador
+ &Browse&Explorar
+ ParametersParámetros
+ Parameters passed to executableParámetros entregados al ejecutable
+ Use sample arguments forUtilizar argumentos de la muestra para
+ Select browserSeleccionar navegador
@@ -6841,27 +7142,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Tenga en cuenta que "%1" (sin comillas) es un marcador de posición para la dirección URL del mensaje seleccionado.
+ External e-mail clientGestor de correo electrónico externo
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUtilizar gestor de correo electrónico externo personalizado
+ E-mail client executableEjecutable del gestor de correo electrónico
+ Executable file of e-mail clientArchivo ejecutable del gestor de correoelectrónico
+ Select clientSeleccionar gestor de correo electrónico
@@ -6875,22 +7181,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - cuerpo del mensaje seleccionado.
+ External toolsHerramientas externas
+ &Add tool&Añadir herramienta
+ &Edit selected tool&Editar herramienta seleccionada
+ &Delete selected toolEliminar herramienta seleeciona&da
@@ -6900,12 +7210,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
En esta página, puede configurar una lista de herramientas externas que pueden abrir direcciones URL.
+ Select external toolSeleccionar herramienta externa
+ Enter parametersIntroducir parámetros
@@ -7024,41 +7334,49 @@ Los autores de esta aplicación se deslindan de toda responsabilidad derivado de
+ Database driverMotor de la base de datos
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUtilizar base de datos en memoria como base de datos activa
+ HostnameNombre de anfitrión del servidor
+ PortPuerto
+ Working databaseBase de datos activa
+ UsernameNombre de usuario
+ PasswordContraseña
+ Test setupConfiguración de prueba
@@ -7077,31 +7395,37 @@ Los autores de esta aplicación se deslindan de toda responsabilidad derivado de
+ Open download manager when new download is startedAbrir el gestor de descargas al iniciar la descarga
+ Target directory for downloaded filesCarpeta de destino para los archivos descargados
+ Save all downloaded files toGuardar todos los archivos descargados en
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedCarpeta de destino donde todos los archivos descargados son guardados
+ &Browse&Explorar
+ Ask for each individual downloaded filePreguntar para cada archivo descargado
@@ -7173,57 +7497,69 @@ Los autores de esta aplicación se deslindan de toda responsabilidad derivado de
+ Feed fetchingObtención de fuentes
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofObtenga todos los artículos en al iniciar con un retraso inicial de
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyObtener artículos automáticamente para todos las fuentes cada
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedSólo obtener artículos automáticamente si la aplicación no está enfocada
+ Feed connection timeoutTiempo de espera de conexión de la fuente
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.El tiempo de espera de conexión es el lapso de tiempo reservado para descargar nuevos mensajes de la fuente. Si transcurre este lapso de tiempo, entonces el proceso de descarga es interrumpido.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Admite intervalos de búsqueda automática muy rápidos (menos de 10 segundos)
+ Feeds listLista de fuentes
+ Row heightAltura de la fila
+ Feed list fontTipo de letra de la lista de fuentes
@@ -7231,6 +7567,9 @@ Los autores de esta aplicación se deslindan de toda responsabilidad derivado de
+ Font previewVista previa del tipo de letra
@@ -7238,141 +7577,171 @@ Los autores de esta aplicación se deslindan de toda responsabilidad derivado de
+ &Change font&Cambiar tipo de letra
+ Article count formatFormato de recuento de artículos
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesOcultar recuentos de artículos en ausencia de artículos sin leer
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listPermitir sólo métodos abreviados de teclado básicos para la lista de noticias/artículos
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesMostrar información sobre herramientas para fuentes y artículos
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingActualizar lista de fuentes mientras se obtienen fuentes
+ ArticlesArtículos
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitEliminar todos los artículos leídos de todas las fuentes al salir de la aplicación
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnorar los cambios en el cuerpo del artículo cuando se obtienen nuevos artículos
+ Internal article viewerVisor de artículo interno
+ Limit height of all picturesLimitar la altura de las imágenes
+ Use legacy article formattingUtilice formato de artículo heredado
+ Unread article icon typeTipo de icono de artículo sin leer
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUsar formato personalizado de fecha/hora para sólo-fechas
+ Upon article selection, mark as readAl seleccionar el artículo, marcar como leído
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserLlevar la ventana de la aplicación al frente una vez que se abre el artículo en un navegador web externo
+ Article browser fontTipografía del navegador de artículos
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFecha/hora de corrección de artículos que están en el futuro
+ Display attachments directly in articleMostrar archivos adjuntos directamente en el artículo
+ Keep article viewer always visibleMantenga el visor de artículos siempre visible
+ Articles listLista de artículos
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportMantener la selección de artículos en el medio de la ventana gráfica de la lista de artículos
+ Enable multiline itemsHabilitar elementos de varias líneas
+ Top/bottom row paddingAcolchado de fila superior/inferior
+ Use custom date/time formatUsar formato de fecha/hora personalizado
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesFormato de fecha/hora personalizado para los artículos de hoy
+ Article list fontTipografía de la lista de artículos
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanMostrar tiempo relativo para artículos que no tengan más de
@@ -7391,11 +7760,13 @@ Los autores de esta aplicación se deslindan de toda responsabilidad derivado de
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupEjecutar %1 al arrancar el sistema operativo
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupBuscar actualizaciones de %1 al iniciar la aplicación
@@ -7506,137 +7877,165 @@ Descripción: %3
+ Icons && skinsIconos y pieles
+ Icon themeTema de iconos
+ StyleEstilo
+ SkinPiel
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Utilice colores de máscara (los colores de máscara para cuadros de diálogo/controles solo tienen efecto con el estilo Fusion)
+ Custom skin colorsColores personalizados de piel
+ Customize predefined colorsPersonalizar colores predefinidos
+ Tray areaÁrea de la bandeja
+ Tray iconIcono de la bandeja
+ Use monochrome iconUtilizar icono monocromático
+ Display count of unread messagesMostrar recuento de mensajes sin leer
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedOcultar ventana principal al minimizar
+ Start application hiddenIniciar aplicación oculta
+ Task barBarra de tareas
+ TabsPestañas
+ Close tabs withCerrar pestañas con
+ Middle mouse button single-clickPulsar una vez con el botón central del ratón
+ Left mouse button double-clickDoble clic con el botón izquierdo del ratón
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barAbrir una pestaña nueva al pulsar dos veces con el botón izquierdo del ratón en la barra de pestañas
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleOcultar la barra de pestañas si sólo hay una pestaña visible
+ ToolbarsBarras de herramientas
+ Toolbar for feeds listBarra de herramientas para la lista de fuentes
+ Toolbar for articles listBarra de herramientas para la lista de artículos
+ StatusbarBarra de estado
+ Button styleEstilo de botón
+ Toolbar editorEditor de barra de herramientas
+ Icon sizeTamaño de iconos
@@ -7705,16 +8104,19 @@ Descripción: %3
+ BackendProceso en segundo plano
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUsar carpeta personalizada de configuración MPV
+ BrowseExaminar
@@ -7805,11 +8207,13 @@ Además, reinicie el cuadro de diálogo "Configuración" después de i
+ FormFormulario
+ Node.js executableEjecutable de Node.js
@@ -7817,21 +8221,27 @@ Además, reinicie el cuadro de diálogo "Configuración" después de i
+ &Browse&Examinar
+ NPM executableEjecutable de NPM
+ Package folder Carpeta del paquete
+ &Download Node.js&descargar Node.js
@@ -7840,46 +8250,55 @@ Además, reinicie el cuadro de diálogo "Configuración" después de i
+ Enable notificationsHabilitar notificaciones
+ Balloon notifications typeTipo de notificaciones en globo
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Notificaciones nativas (icono de bandeja debe estar habilitado)
+ Custom notificationsNotificaciones personalizadas
+ PositionPosición
+ WidthAncho
+ MarginsMárgenes
+ ScreenPantalla
+ OpacityOpacidad
@@ -7944,31 +8363,37 @@ Además, reinicie el cuadro de diálogo "Configuración" después de i
+ Balloon notificationGlobo de notificación
+ SoundSonido
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileRuta completa hacia su archivo de sonido WAV
+ &Browse&Examinar
+ &Play&Reproducir
+ VolumeVolumen
@@ -8115,47 +8540,68 @@ Además, reinicie el cuadro de diálogo "Configuración" después de i
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ si
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptGuión
+ Local fileArchivo local
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportNavegador integrado con soporte JavaScript
+ UnknownDesconocido
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Imposible gardar datos para la fuente: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildes imposible usar este tipo de fuente en compilación la 'ligera' %1
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Imposible mover la fuente, la información detallada se registró a través del registro de depuración.
+ Cannot save feed dataImposible gardar datos de fuente
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8170,21 +8616,12 @@ ID artículo: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Codificación: %1
-Tipo: %2
-Código posprocesado: %3
+ feed format not recognizedformato de canal desconocido
+ Cannot move feedImposible mover fuente
@@ -8494,6 +8931,28 @@ Además, puede post-procesar los datos de alimentación generados con otro guió
Seleccionar icono para su fuente.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formulario
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8507,17 +8966,17 @@ Además, puede post-procesar los datos de alimentación generados con otro guió
Se presentó un error al cargar las fuentes iniciales
+ Fetch metadataObtener metadatos
+ Export feedsExportar fuentes
+ Import feedsImportar fuentes
@@ -8547,22 +9006,22 @@ Además, puede post-procesar los datos de alimentación generados con otro guió
es imposible usar este tipo de fuente en compilación la 'ligera' %1
+ Cannot add categoryImposible añadir la categoría
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Imposible añadir la categoría debido a que otra operación crítica está en ejecución.
+ Import was completely successful.La importación fue totalmente satisfactoria.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Algunas fuentes/categorías no se importaron debido a un error; por favor consulte el registro de depuración para obtener más detalles.
@@ -8753,51 +9212,61 @@ Noticias sin leer: %2
+ Activated actionsAcciones activadas
+ Available actionsAcciones disponibles
+ Move action upSubir acción
+ Move action downBajar acción
+ Insert separatorInsertar separador
+ Insert spacerInsertar espaciador
+ Add selected actionAñadir acción seleccionada
+ Delete selected actionBorrar acción seleccionada
+ Delete all actionsBorrar todas las acciones
+ Reset toolbarRestaurar barra de herramientas
@@ -9178,6 +9647,19 @@ Ultimo inicio de sesión: %4
Abra este sitio web en el navegador web del sistema
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_fi.ts b/localization/rssguard_fi.ts
index af79458b7..bc4e5e649 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_fi.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_fi.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsNimikkeet
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Virhe: %1
+ Enable AdBlockKäytä AdBlock-mainosestoa
+ &Help&Ohje
+ Filter listsSuodatinlistat
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Lisää suodatuslistojesi suorat linkit tähän (yksi URL riviä kohti)
+ Custom filtersMukautetut suodattimet
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Lisää omat suodattimesi tähän (yksi suodatin riviä kohti)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Virhe: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Suodattimien määrittäminen ja palvelimen käynnistäminen epäonnistui: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'suodatuslistan '%1' lataaminen epäonnistui
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Virhe: %1
+ Application is already running.Sovellus on jo käynnissä
+ Output directory is not writable.Kohdekansioon ei voi kirjoittaa.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Asetustiedoston kopiointi kohdekansioon epäonnistui.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Tietokannan palautusta ei aloitettu. Varmista, että kohdekansioon voi kirjoittaa.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedSyötettä ei voi lisätä
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogSiirry muutoslokiin
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlockin asetukset tulee määrittää
+ WelcomeTervetuloa
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameKäyttäjätunnus
+ PasswordSalasana
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameTiedostonimi
+ &Try again&Yritä uudelleen
+ &Stop&Pysäytä
+ &Open file&Avaa tiedosto
+ Open &directoryAvaa &kansio
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upSiivoa
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Luokka
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationRaahaa ja pudota -toimintoa ei voi suorittaa
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationTiedot
+ LicensesLisenssit
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Lisenssin sivu on saatavilla vain englanninkielisenä.
+ ChangelogMuutosloki
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Muutoslokin sivu on saatavilla vain englanninkielisenä.
+ ResourcesResurssit
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountLisää uusi tili
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsVarmuuskopioi tietokanta/asetukset
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Valitse kansio
+ Backup propertiesVarmuuskopion ominaisuudet
+ Items to backupVarmuuskopioitavat asiat
+ DatabaseTietokanta
+ SettingsAsetukset
+ Backup nameVarmuuskopion nimi
+ Operation resultsToimenpiteen tulokset
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderYlätason kansio
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleOtsikko
+ DescriptionKuvaus
+ IconKuvake
+ Select icon for your category.Valitse kuvake luokalle.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseSiivoa tietokanta
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimoi tietokantatiedosto
+ Remove all read articlesPoista kaikki luetut artikkelit
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationTietokannan tiedot
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeTietokannan tyyppi
+ ProgressEdistyminen
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedLisää uusi syöte
+ Cannot save changes: %1Muutoksia ei voi tallentaa: %1
+ Edit "%1"Muokkaa "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesPoista käytöstä artikkelien automaattinen noutaminen
+ Cannot save feed propertiesSyötteen ominaisuuksia ei voi tallentaa
+ ArticlesArtikkelit
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&Tiedosto
+ &Help&Ohje
+ &View&Näytä
+ Show/hideNäytä/piilota
+ &ToolsT&yökalut
+ F&eedsS&yötteet
+ &Add item&Lisää tietue
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&ikkelit
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Roskakorit
+ &Accounts&Tilit
+ &Web browser && tabs&Verkkoselain && välilehdet
+ &Quit&Lopeta
+ Quit the application.Lopeta sovellus.
+ &Settings&Asetukset
+ Display settings of the application.Näytä sovelluksen asetukset.
+ &About application&Tietoja sovelluksesta
+ Displays extra info about this application.Näyttää lisätietoja tästä sovelluksesta.
+ &Fullscreen&Koko näyttö
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Vaihda koko näytön tilaan.
+ &Fetch all&Nouda kaikki
+ Fetch all feedsNouda kaikki syötteet
+ Fetch &selectedNouda &valitut
+ Fetch selected feedsNouda valitut syötteet
+ Mark articles &readMerkitse artikkelit &luetuiksi
+ Mark selected articles readMerkitse valitut artikkelut luetuiksi
+ Mark articles &unreadMerkitse artikkelit l&ukemattomiksi
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceVaihda &tärkeyttä
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Poista artikkelit
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserAvaa &erillisessä selaimessa
+ Open selected articles in external browserAvaa valitut artikkelit erillisessä selaimessa
+ Open in &internal browserAvaa &sisäisessä selaimessa
+ Open selected articles in internal browserAvaa valitut artikkelit sisäisessä selaimessa
+ No actions availableEi toimintoja saatavilla
+ No actions are available right now.Toimintoja ei ole saatavilla juuri nyt.
+ &Mark all readMerkitse &kaikki luetuiksi
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Piilottaa pääikkunan jos se on näkyvissä, palauttaa näkyviin jos pääikkuna on piilossa.
+ &Feed listSy&ötelista
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Seuraava artikkeli
+ &Previous article&Edellinen artikkeli
+ Check for &updatesTa&rkista päivitykset
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Tarkista onko sovelluspäivitystä tarjolla ladattavaksi.
+ &Main menu&Päävalikko
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Piilottaa tai näyttää päävalikon.
+ Report a &bug...Ilmoita &ongelmasta...
+ &ToolbarsTy&ökalupalkit
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Lahjoita...
+ Display &documentationNäytä &dokumentaatio
+ &Restart&Käynnistä uudelleen
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Lataukset
+ Send via e-mailLähetä sähköpostitse
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Siivoa tietokanta
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Laajenna/supista valittu tietue
+ &Add account&Lisää tili
+ &Restore articles&Palauta artikkelit
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Palauta kaikki roskakorit
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Tyhjennä kaikki roskakorit
+ Next &unread articleSeuraava &lukematon artikkeli
+ Status barTilapalkki
+ &Edit selected account&Muokkaa valittua tiliä
+ &Delete selected account&Poista valittu tili
+ Add new categoryLisää uusi luokka
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsSulje kaikki välilehdet
+ Close all tabs except currentSulje kaikki välilehdet paitsi nykyinen
+ Go to &next tabSiirry &seuraavaan välilehteen
+ Go to &previous tabSiirry &edelliseen välilehteen
+ &Enable article preview&Käytä artikkelin esikatselua
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsVaihtoehtoiset rivivärit listoissa
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabSulje &nykyinen välilehti
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedLisää uusi syöte
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedPoista valittu
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleOtsikko
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript-koodi
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ URLURL-osoite
+ AuthorTekijä
+ Created onLuontiaika
+ ContentsSisältö
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsPalauta tietokanta/asetukset
+ Operation resultsToimenpiteen tulokset
+ Source directoryLähdekansio
+ &Select directory&Valitse kansio
+ Restore databasePalauta tietokanta
+ Restore settingsPalauta asetukset
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ Sinun tulee käynnistää sovellus uudelleen itse.
+ SettingsAsetukset
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ Sinun tulee käynnistää sovellus uudelleen itse.
+ GeneralYleiset
+ NetworkVerkko
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ Voit asentaa sen nyt.
+ Check for updatesTarkista päivitykset
+ Current releaseNykyinen julkaisu
+ Available releaseSaatavilla oleva julkaisu
+ StatusTila
+ ChangelogMuutosloki
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopPysäytä
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressEdistyminen
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadLataa
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostPalvelin
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPortti
+ UsernameKäyttäjätunnus
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordSalasana
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Tyyppi
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceEtsi edellinen esiintymä
+ Find next occurenceEtsi seuraava esiintymä
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableValitse verkkoselaimen suoritustiedosto
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Suoritustiedostot (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Suoritustiedostot (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableValitse sähköpostisovelluksen suoritustiedosto
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 tai vanhempi
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkVerkko
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserErillinen verkkoselain
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAvaa linkit aina erillisessä selaimessa
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserKäytä mukautettua erillistä verkkoselainta
+ Web browser executableVerkkoselaimen suoritustiedosto
+ Executable file of web browserSelaimen suoritustiedosto
+ &Browse&Selaa
+ ParametersParametrit
+ Parameters passed to executableSuoritustiedostot välitettävät parametrit
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserValitse selain
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientErillinen sähköpostisovellus
+ Use custom external e-mail clientKäytä erillistä sähköpostisovellusta
+ E-mail client executableSähköpostisovelluksen suoritustiedosto
+ Executable file of e-mail clientSähköpostisovelluksen suoritustiedosto
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsErilliset työkalut
+ &Add tool&Lisää työkalu
+ &Edit selected tool&Muokkaa valittua työkalua
+ &Delete selected tool&Poista valittu työkalu
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolValitse erillinen työkalu
+ Enter parametersKirjoita parametrit
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverTietokannan ajuri
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseKäytä muistinsisäistä tietokantaa työskentelykantana
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPortti
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameKäyttäjätunnus
+ PasswordSalasana
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedAvaa lataustenhallinta kun uusi lataus aloitetaan
+ Target directory for downloaded filesKohdekansio ladattaville tiedostoille
+ Save all downloaded files toTallenna kaikki ladatut tiedostot sijaintiin
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedKohdekansio johon kaikki ladattavat tiedostot tallennetaan
+ &Browse&Selaa
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileKysy jokaisen ladattavan tiedoston kohdalla
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutSyötteen yhteyden aikakatkaisu
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontSyötelistan fontti
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFontin esikatselu
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Vaihda fontti
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArtikkelit
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupKäynnistä %1 kun käyttöjärjestelmä käynnistyy
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsKuvakkeet && ulkoasut
+ Icon themeKuvaketeema
+ StyleTyyli
+ SkinUlkoasu
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconIlmoitusalueen kuvake
+ Use monochrome iconKäytä mustavalkoista kuvaketta
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedPiilota pääikkuna kun se pienennetään
+ Start application hiddenKäynnistä sovellus piilotettuna
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsVälilehdet
+ Close tabs withSulje välilehdet käyttämällä
+ Middle mouse button single-clickHiiren keskinäppäimen napautus
+ Left mouse button double-clickVasemman hiirenpainikkeen kaksoisnapsautus
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barAvaa uusia välilehtiä hiiren vasemman painikkeen tuplanapsautuksella välilehtipalkissa
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visiblePiilota välilehtipalkki, jos vain yksi välilehti on näkyvissä
+ ToolbarsTyökalupalkit
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarTilapalkki
+ Button stylePainikkeen tyyli
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeKuvakekoko
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Selaa
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Lataa Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsKäytä ilmoituksia
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundÄäni
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileKoko polku WAV-äänitiedostoon
+ &Browse&Selaa
+ &Play&Toista
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ kyllä
+ no
+ ei
+ ScriptScript
+ Local filePaikallinen tiedosto
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownTuntematon
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedSyötettä ei voi siirtää
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Valitse kuvake syötteelle.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataHae metatiedot
+ Export feedsVie syötteet
+ Import feedsTuo syötteet
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryLuokkaa ei voi lisätä
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsAktivoidut toiminnot
+ Available actionsSaatavilla olevat toiminnot
+ Move action upSiirrä toiminto ylös
+ Move action downSiirrä toiminto alas
+ Insert separatorLisää erotin
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionLisää valittu toiminto
+ Delete selected actionPoista valittu toiminto
+ Delete all actionsPoista kaikki toiminnot
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Avaa tämä sivusto järjestelmän verkkoselaimessa
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_fr.ts b/localization/rssguard_fr.ts
index 01cd4bf7b..e295439cb 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_fr.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_fr.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormulaire
+ Display additional nodesAfficher des nœuds supplémentaires
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadNon-lus
+ LabelsCatégorie
+ ProbesSondes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Erreur : %1
+ Enable AdBlockActiver AdBlock
+ &Help&Aide
+ Filter listsListes de filtres
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Ajoutez vos liens directs vers des listes de filtres ici (un lien par ligne)
+ Custom filtersFiltres personnalisés
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Ajoutez vos filtres personnels ici (un filtre par ligne)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Erreur : %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.La configuration des filtres et le démarrage du serveur ont échoués: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'échec du téléchargement de la liste de filtres '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Erreur : %1
+ Application is already running.L'application est déjà lancée
+ Output directory is not writable.Le répertoire de destination n'est pas accessible en écriture
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Le fichier de réglages n'a pas été copié correctement dans le répertoire de destination.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.La restauration de la base de données n'a pas été initiée. Vérifier que le répertoire de destination est accessible en écriture.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.La restauration des paramètres n'a pas été initiée. Vérifier que le répertoire de destination est accessible en écriture.
+ Cannot add feedImpossible d'ajouter le flux
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Le flux ne peut pas être ajouté car il n'y a aucun compte actif autorisant l'ajout de flux.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Les paquets n'ont PAS été mis à jour à cause d'une erreur: %2. Paquets affectés:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Ces paquets ont été installés/mis à jour:
+ Unread articles fetchedArticles non lus obtenus
+ Go to changelogConsulter le journal des modifications
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock doit être configuré
+ WelcomeBienvenue
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Découvrez les nouveautés de cette
version en cliquant sur cette notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock n'a pas été configuré correctement. Allez dans "Paramètres" -> "Node.js" et vérifiez que Node.js ait été correctement configuré.
+ Already runningDéjà en fonctionnement
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version en cliquant sur cette notification.
+ FormFormulaire
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnorer des anciens articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAjouter des articles avec une date quelconque à la base de données
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseÉviter d'ajouter des articles qui datent d'avant la date spécifiée à la base de données
+ Absolute date/timeDate/heure absolue
+ Relative timeTemps relatif
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiter le nombre d'articles dans les flux
+ Customize article limitsPersonnaliser la limite d'articles
+ In database, keepDans la base de données, garder
+ Do not remove important articlesNe pas supprimer les articles importants
+ Do not remove unread articlesNe pas supprimer les articles non lus
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themMettre les articles dans la corbeille au lieu de les purger
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ version en cliquant sur cette notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageAller à la page précédente
+ Go to next pageAller à la page suivante
+ Open article in article listOuvrir l'article dans la liste d'articles
+ Open article in web browserOuvrir l'article dans le navigateur web
+ Mark all articles as readMarquer tous les articles comme lus
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ version en cliquant sur cette notification.
+ FormFormulaire
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Certain flux requière une authentification, incluant les flux GMail. Les schémas d'authentification BASIC, NTLM-2 et DIGEST-MD5 sont supportés.
+ CredentialsCrédits
+ Authentication typeType d'authentification
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ version en cliquant sur cette notification.
+ UsernameNom d'utilisateur
+ PasswordMot de passe
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Cliquez-ici pour ouvrir le répertoire parent.
+ FilenameNom de fichier
+ &Try again&Réessayer
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Ouvrir le fichier
+ Open &directoryOuvrir le &répertoire
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Cliquez-ici pour ouvrir le répertoire parent.
+ Clean up&Vider la liste de téléchargements
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Identifiant d'élément: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsLe document OPML contient des erreurs
+ this is likely not OPML documentceci n'est probablement pas un document OPML
+ Category Catégorie
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Identifiant d'élément: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationImpossible de réaliser l'opération de glisser-déposer
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Vous ne pouvez pas transférer par glisser-déposer des éléments dans différents comptes, ce n'est pas supporté.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copier les informations dans le presse-papier
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicences
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.La page des licences n'est disponible qu'en Anglais.
+ ChangelogJournal des modifications
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Le journal des modifications n'est disponible qu'en Anglais.
+ ResourcesRessources
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAjouter un nouveau compte
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsSauvegarde base de données/paramètres
+ Output directoryRépertoire de destination
+ &Select directory&Sélectionner le répertoire
+ Backup propertiesSauvegarde des propriétés
+ Items to backupÉlément(s) à sauvegarder
+ DatabaseBase de données
+ SettingsParamètres
+ Backup nameNom de la sauvegarde
+ Operation resultsRésultat des opérations
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ Parent folderDossier parent
+ Select parent item for your category.Sélectionner l'article parent pour votre catégorie.
+ TitleTitre
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcône
+ Select icon for your category.Sélectionner un icône pour votre catégorie
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseNettoyage de la base de données
+ Cleanup settingsParamètres de nettoyage
+ Optimize database fileOptimiser le fichier de base de données
+ Remove all read articlesSupprimer tous les articles lus
+ Remove all articles from recycle binSupprimer tous les articles de la corbeille
+ Remove all articles older thanSupprimer tous les articles plus anciens que
+ Remove all starred articlesSupprimer tous les articles suivis
+ Database informationInformations sur la base de données
+ Total data sizeTaille totale des données
+ Database typeType de la base de données
+ ProgressProgression
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAjouter un nouveau flux
+ Cannot save changes: %1Impossible de sauvegarder les changements : %1
+ Edit "%1"Modifier "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsModifier %n flux
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalObtenir les articles en utilisant l'intervalle globale
+ Fetch articles everyObtenir les articles tous les
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDésactiver l'obtention automatique des articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesImpossible de sauvegarder les propriétés du flux
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesTéléchargement automatique des articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Séléctionner la stratégie de téléchargement automatique des messages de ce flux. La stratégie d'auto-téléchargement par défault est que les nouveaux messages de ce flux seront téléchargés par intervalles de temps configurés dans les paramètres de l'appli.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOuvrir les articles via leur lien automatiquement
+ MiscellaneousDivers
+ Disable this feedDésactiver ce flux
+ Right-to-left layoutMise en page de droite à gauche
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnorer les notifications pour ce flux
@@ -2307,434 +2391,519 @@ Dossier du cache Moteur Web QT -> "%7"
+ &File&Fichier
+ &Help&Aide
+ &View&Vue
+ Show/hideMontrer/cacher
+ &Tools&Outils
+ F&eedsF&lux
+ &Add item&Ajouter un élément
+ &Move&Déplacer
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Corbeille(s)
+ &AccountsComptes
+ &Web browser && tabs&Navigateur web && onglets
+ &Quit&Quitter
+ Quit the application.Quitter RSS Guard
+ &Settings&Paramètres
+ Display settings of the application.Afficher les paramètres de l'appli
+ &About application&À propos d'RSS Guard
+ Displays extra info about this application.Afficher des informations supplémentaires à propos d'RSS Guard
+ &Fullscreen&Plein écran
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Alterner le mode plein écran
+ &Fetch all&Obtenir des articles
de tous les flux
+ Fetch all feedsObtenir des articles de tous les flux
+ Fetch &selectedObtenir des &articles de l'élément séléctionné
+ Fetch selected feedsObtenir des articles des flux séléctionnés.
+ Mark articles &readMarquer les articles
comme &lus
+ Mark selected articles readMarquer les articles sélectionnés comme lus
+ Mark articles &unreadMarquer les articles
comme &non-lus
+ Mark selected articles unreadMarquer les articles sélectionnés comme non-lus
+ Switch &importanceChanger l'&importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesChanger l'importance des articles sélectionnés
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Marquer tous les messages (sans filtres de messages) des éléments sélectionnés comme lus
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Marquer tous les messages (sans filtres de messages) des éléments sélectionnés comme non-lus
+ &Delete articles&Supprimer les articles sélectionnés
+ &Edit selected items&Modifier les éléments sélectionnés
+ &Delete selected items&Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés
+ Mark selected items &readMarquer les éléments
sélectionnés comme &lus
+ Mark selected items &unreadMarquer les éléments
sélectionnés comme &non-lus
+ &Clean selected items&Nettoyer les éléments sélectionnés
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Supprimer tous les messages des éléments sélectionnés
+ Open in &external browserOuvrir dans le navigateur &externe
+ Open selected articles in external browserOuvrir les articles sélectionnés dans le navigateur externe
+ Open in &internal browserOuvrir dans le navigateur &interne
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOuvrir les articles sélectionnés dans le navigateur interne
+ No actions availableAucune actions disponibles
+ No actions are available right now.Aucune actions disponibles pour le moment.
+ &Mark all read&Tout marquer
comme lu
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marquer tous les messages de tous les éléments comme lus. Cela ne prend pas les filtres de message en compte
+ Switch main window visibilityChanger la visibilité
de la fenêtre principale
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Minimiser la fenêtre principale si elle est au premier plan et la montrer si elle est minimisée
+ &Feed listLa liste des &flux
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Cacher ou montrer la liste des flux/catégories
+ &Clean all&Tout nettoyer
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Supprimer tous les messages de tous les éléments
+ &Next itemÉlément &suivant
+ &Previous itemÉlément &précédent
+ &Next articleArticle &suivant
+ &Previous article&Article précédent
+ Check for &updatesVérifier si une &mise à jour est dispo
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Vérifier si une nouvelle mise à jour pour l'application est disponible au téléchargement.
+ &Main menuMenu &principal
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Cacher ou montrer le menu principal
+ Report a &bug...Signaler un &bug (⧉)
+ &Toolbars&Les barres d'outils
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Changer la visibilité des barres d'outils principales
+ &List headersLes types de liste
+ &Donate...&Faire un don ♥ (⧉)
+ Display &documentationAfficher &la documentation (⧉)
+ &Restart&Redémarrer RSS Guard
+ &Restore settings&Restaurer les paramètres
+ &Backup settings&Faire une sauvegarde des paramètres
+ Switch layoutChanger de disposition
+ &Downloads&Téléchargements
+ Send via e-mailEnvoyer par e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailEnvoyer les articles sélectionnés par e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Nettoyer la base de données
+ Show unread items onlyMontrer uniquement les éléments non-lus
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Étendre/rétracter
l'élément selectionné
+ &Add account&Ajouter un compte
+ &Restore articles&Restaurer les articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restaurer toutes les corbeilles
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Vider toutes les corbeilles
+ Next &unread articleArticle &non-lu suivant
+ Status barLa barre de statut
+ &Edit selected account&Modifier le compte sélectionné
+ &Delete selected account&Supprimer le compte
@@ -2742,202 +2911,240 @@ sélectionné
+ Add new categoryAjouter une
nouvelle catégorie
+ Stop ongoing fetchingArrêter l'obtention
en cours
+ New browser tabOuvrir un nouvel onglet navigateur
+ Close all tabsFermer tous les onglets
+ Close all tabs except currentFermer les autres onglets
+ Go to &next tabAller à l'onglet &suivant
+ Go to &previous tabAller à l'onglet &précédent
+ &Enable article preview&Activer l'aperçu d'articles
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copier le lien de l'élément sélectionné
+ Article &filtersFiltres &d'articles
+ &Show tree expanders&Montrer les agrandisseurs de catégories
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyObtenir les flux avec une politique de
téléchargement automatique &personnalisée
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlterner les couleurs
de rangs dans les listes
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedÉlargir l'élément automatiquement
lorsqu'il est selectionné
+ Message viewer toolbarsBarres d'outils du
lecteur de messages
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursively&Étendre/rétracter l'élément
selectionné d'une manière &récursive
+ Close ¤t tabFermer &l'onglet actif
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copier le lien des articles sélectionnés
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Ouvrir dans le navigateur interne
(pas de nouvel onglet)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Trier alphabétiquement
+ Move &upDéplacer &vers le haut
+ Move to &topDéplacer &tout en haut
+ Move &downDéplacer &vers le bas
+ Move to &bottomDéplacer &tout en bas
+ Display application &logAfficher le &journal de bord de l'appli
+ Focus feeds search boxFocaliser la boîte
de recherche de flux
+ Focus articles search boxFocaliser la boîte de
recherche d'articles
+ Scroll &up browserDéfiler le navigateur &vers le haut
+ Scroll &down browserDéfiler le navigateur &vers le bas
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRéarranger les &sous-catégories alphabétiquement
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRéarranger &les flux alphabétiquement
+ Cleanup web cac&heNettoyer le &cache web
+ You must add new account firstVous devez d'abord ajouter un nouveau compte
+ You must add new account first.Vous devez d'abord ajouter un nouveau compte.
+ Edit &child feedsModifier les &flux enfants
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Modifier les flux enfants (&récursifs)
+ Play in &media playerLire dans le lecteur &multimédia
+ Add new feedAjouter un
nouveau flux
@@ -3112,122 +3319,147 @@ nouveau flux
+ Article filtersFiltres d'articles
+ &Check all&Tout cocher
+ &Uncheck all&Tout décocher
+ Remove selectedSupprimer le filtre séléctionné
+ &New filter&Nouveau filtre
+ Article filter detailsDétails du filtre d'articles sélectionné
+ TitleTitre
+ Title of article filterTitre du filtre d'article
+ Pre-made filtersFiltres pré-faits
+ JavaScript codeCode JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicLa logique de votre filtre d'article basé sur JavaScript
+ &Test&Tester
+ Process checked feedsTraiter les flux cochés
+ &Beautify&Embellir
+ Detailed &help&Aide (⧉)
+ Existing articlesArticles existants
+ Sample articleÉchantillon d'article
+ URLLien
+ AuthorAuteur
+ Created onDate
+ ContentsContenus
+ ReadLu
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputRésultat du script
@@ -3272,31 +3504,37 @@ nouveau flux
+ Restore database/settingsRestaurer les données/paramètres
+ Operation resultsRésultat des opérations
+ Source directoryRépertoire source
+ &Select directory&Sélectionner le répertoire
+ Restore databaseRestaurer la base de données
+ Restore settingsRestaurer les paramètres
@@ -3347,6 +3585,7 @@ Vous devez redémarrer manuellement.
+ SettingsParamètres
@@ -3354,15 +3593,20 @@ Vous devez redémarrer manuellement.
+ GeneralGénéral
+ NetworkRéseau
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3761,31 +4005,37 @@ Vous pouvez désormais l'installer.
+ Check for updatesVérifier les mises à jour
+ Current releaseVersion actuelle:
+ Available releaseVersion disponible:
+ StatusStatut
+ ChangelogJournal des modifications
+ Available filesFichiers disponibles
@@ -4441,6 +4691,7 @@ Expiration de jetons d'authentification: %2
+ FormFormulaire
@@ -4847,51 +5098,61 @@ Expiration de jetons d'authentification: %2
+ FormFormulaire
+ Play/pauseLecture/Pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedVitesse
+ ProgressProgression
+ DurationDurée
+ Mute/unmuteActiver/Désactiver le son
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadTéléchargement
+ Switch fullscreen modeAlterner le mode plein écran
@@ -5635,41 +5896,49 @@ supplémentaire
+ FormFormulaire
+ HostHôte
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverEntrez le nom de l'hôte ou IP de votre serveur proxy ici
+ PortPort
+ UsernameNom d'utilisateur
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationEntrez votre nom d'utilisateur pour l'authentification du serveur proxy ici
+ PasswordMot de passe
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationEntrez votre mot de passe pour l'authentification du serveur proxy ici
@@ -5680,6 +5949,7 @@ supplémentaire
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5905,7 +6175,7 @@ supplémentaire
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6110,17 +6380,17 @@ Liste d'agrégateurs compatibles:
en bas à droite
+ escape sequence not completedséquence d'échappement non terminée
+ closing " is missingguillemet fermant manquant
+ closing ' is missingapostrophe fermante manquante
@@ -6651,16 +6921,19 @@ Expiration de jetons d'authentification: %2
+ Search textChercher du texte
+ Find previous occurenceTrouver l'occurence précédente
+ Find next occurenceTrouver l'occurence suivante
@@ -6726,14 +6999,14 @@ Nombre de catégories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSélectionner l'exécutable du navigateur web
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6741,24 +7014,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Exécutables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Exécutables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSélectionner l'exécutable e-mail
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 ou plus récent
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Entrez des paramètres (optionnel):
@@ -6769,92 +7042,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkRéseau
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesNe pas accepter les cookies entrants
+ Enable HTTP/2Activer HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverActiver le serveur API
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDésactiver le cache
+ External web browserNavigateur web externe
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserToujours ouvrir les liens dans le navigateur web externe
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Si décoché, alors le navigateur internet du système par défaut est utilisé.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUtiliser le navigateur web externe
+ Web browser executableExécutable du navigateur web
+ Executable file of web browserFichier d'exécution du navigateur web
+ &Browse&Parcourir
+ ParametersParamètres
+ Parameters passed to executableParamètres relayés à l'éxécutable
+ Use sample arguments forUtiliser des arguments de l'échantillon pour
+ Select browserSélectionner le navigateur
@@ -6864,27 +7165,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Notez que "%1" (sans les guillemets) est l'espace réservé pour l'URL d'un message sélectionné.
+ External e-mail clientClient e-mail externe
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUtiliser un client e-mail externe personnalisé
+ E-mail client executableExécutable du client e-mail
+ Executable file of e-mail clientFichier exécutable du client e-mail
+ Select clientSélectionner un client
@@ -6898,22 +7204,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - corps du message sélectionné.
+ External toolsOutils éxternes
+ &Add tool&Ajouter un outil
+ &Edit selected tool&Modifier l'outil sélectionné
+ &Delete selected tool&Supprimer l'outil sélectionné
@@ -6923,12 +7233,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Sur cette page, vous pouvez configurer une liste d'outils externes qui peuvent ouvrir des URLs.
+ Select external toolSélectionner un outil externe
+ Enter parametersEntrez des paramètres
@@ -7047,41 +7357,49 @@ Les auteurs de cette appli NE SONT PAS responsables d'éventuelles pertes de don
+ Database driverPilote de la base de données
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUtiliser la base de mémoire en mémoire comme la base de données de travail
+ HostnameNom de l'hôte
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseBase de données fonctionnelle
+ UsernameNom d'utilisateur
+ PasswordMot de passe
+ Test setupConfiguration de test
@@ -7100,31 +7418,37 @@ Les auteurs de cette appli NE SONT PAS responsables d'éventuelles pertes de don
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOuvrir le géstionnaire de téléchargements quand un nouveau téléchargement est démarré
+ Target directory for downloaded filesRépertoire cible pour les fichiers téléchargés
+ Save all downloaded files toEnregistrer tous les fichiers téléchargés dans
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedRépertoire cible où tous les fichiers sont téléchargés
+ &Browse&Parcourir
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileDemander pour chaque fichier téléchargé
@@ -7196,57 +7520,69 @@ Les auteurs de cette appli NE SONT PAS responsables d'éventuelles pertes de don
+ Feed fetchingObtention de flux
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofObtenir les articles au démarrage de l'appli avec un délai initial de
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyObtenir les articles automatiquement de tous les flux tous les
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedObtenir les articles automatiquement que si l'appli n'est pas au premier plan
+ Feed connection timeoutExpiration de la connection au flux
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Le délai de connexion est l'intervalle de temps qui est réservé pour le téléchargement de nouveaux messages pour le flux. Si cet intervalle de temps est écoulé, alors le processus de téléchargement est interrompu.
+ msms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Activer l'auto-obtention ultra rapide (moins de 10 secondes)
+ Feeds listListe des flux
+ Row heightHauteur de rang
+ Feed list fontPolice de la liste de flux
@@ -7254,6 +7590,9 @@ Les auteurs de cette appli NE SONT PAS responsables d'éventuelles pertes de don
+ Font previewAperçu de la police
@@ -7261,141 +7600,171 @@ Les auteurs de cette appli NE SONT PAS responsables d'éventuelles pertes de don
+ &Change font&Changer la police
+ Article count formatFormat du compte d'articles
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesCacher les comptes d'articles si il n'y a pas d'articles non-lus
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listUniquement autoriser les raccourcis claviers basiques pour la liste de flux/d'articles
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesAfficher des infos-bulles pour les flux et articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingMettre à jour la liste des flux pendant l'obtention des flux
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitEnlever tous les articles lus de tous les flux à la fermeture de l'application
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnorer les changements dans le corps de l'article quand des nouveaux articles sont en cours d'obtention
+ Internal article viewerVisionneur d'articles interne
+ Limit height of all picturesLimite de la hauteur des images
+ Use legacy article formattingUtiliser le formatage des articles "legacy"
+ Unread article icon typeType d'icône d'article non-lu
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUtiliser un format de date/heure personnalisé pour les dates-uniquement
+ Upon article selection, mark as readLors de la sélection d'articles, marquer comme lus
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserRemettre la fenêtre de l'appli sur le devant une fois qu'un article est ouvert dans le navigateur web externe
+ Article browser fontPolice du navigateur d'articles
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureRetoucher la date/l'heure des articles qui sont dans le turfu
+ Display attachments directly in articleAfficher les pièces jointes directement dans les articles
+ Keep article viewer always visibleGarder le lecteur d'articles toujours visible
+ Articles listListe d'articles
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportGarder la sélection d'articles au milieu de la liste d'articles
+ Enable multiline itemsActiver les éléments multi-lignes
+ Top/bottom row paddingRembourrage du rang tout en haut et tout en bas
+ Use custom date/time formatUtiliser un format date/heure personnalisé
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesFormat personnalisé de la date/l'heure pour les articles d'aujourd'hui
+ Article list fontPolice de la liste d'articles
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanMontrer l'heure relative pour les articles pas plus vieux que
@@ -7414,11 +7783,13 @@ Les auteurs de cette appli NE SONT PAS responsables d'éventuelles pertes de don
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLancer %1 au démarrage du système
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupVérifier si une mise à jour %1 est disponible au démarrage de l'application
@@ -7529,137 +7900,165 @@ Déscription: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcônes && thèmes
+ Icon themeThème des icônes
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinThème
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Utiliser les couleurs du thème (couleurs du thème pour les dialogues/contrôles prennent effet seulement avec le style Fusion)
+ Custom skin colorsCouleurs de thème personalisées
+ Customize predefined colorsPersonnaliser les couleurs prédéfinies
+ Tray areaBarre d'icônes
+ Tray iconIcône de notification
+ Use monochrome iconUtiliser l'icône monochrome
+ Display count of unread messagesAfficher le nombre de messages non-lus
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedCacher la fenêtre principale quand elle est minimisée
+ Start application hiddenDémarrer l'application minimisée
+ Task barBarre de tâches
+ TabsOnglets
+ Close tabs withFermer les onglets avec
+ Middle mouse button single-clickUn seul clic du bouton du milieu de la souris
+ Left mouse button double-clickDouble-clic du bouton gauche de la souris
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOuvrir de nouveaux onglets avec le double-clic gauche de la souris sur la barre des onglets
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleMasquer la barre des onglets si qu'un seul est visible
+ ToolbarsBarres d'outils
+ Toolbar for feeds listBarre d'outils de la liste de flux
+ Toolbar for articles listBarre d'outils de la liste d'articles
+ StatusbarBarre de statut
+ Button styleStyle des bouttons
+ Toolbar editorPersonnalisateur de barres d'outils
+ Icon sizeTaille d'icônes
@@ -7728,16 +8127,19 @@ Déscription: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUtiliser un dossier de configuration MPV personnalisé
+ BrowseParcourir
@@ -7828,11 +8230,13 @@ Et aussi, redémarrez la fenêtre "Paramètres" après avoir installé
+ FormFormulaire
+ Node.js executableExécutable Node.js
@@ -7840,21 +8244,27 @@ Et aussi, redémarrez la fenêtre "Paramètres" après avoir installé
+ &Browse&Parcourir
+ NPM executableExécutable NPM
+ Package folder Dossier paquets
+ &Download Node.js&Télécharger Node.js
@@ -7863,46 +8273,55 @@ Et aussi, redémarrez la fenêtre "Paramètres" après avoir installé
+ Enable notificationsActiver les notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeNotifications de type ballon
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Notifications natives (la barre d'icônes doit être activée)
+ Custom notificationsNotifications personnalisées
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthLargeur
+ MarginsMarges
+ ScreenÉcran
+ OpacityOpacité
@@ -7967,31 +8386,37 @@ Et aussi, redémarrez la fenêtre "Paramètres" après avoir installé
+ Balloon notificationNotification ballon
+ SoundSon
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileChemin complet à votre fichier son WAV
+ &Browse&Parcourir
+ &Play&Jouer
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8138,47 +8563,68 @@ Et aussi, redémarrez la fenêtre "Paramètres" après avoir installé
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ oui
+ no
+ non
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileFichier local
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportNavigateur web intégré avec support JavaScript
+ UnknownInconnu
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Impossible d'obtenir les métadonnées de ce flux: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildce type de source ne peut pas être utilisé sur une version 'lite' %1
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Impossible de déplacer le flux, des infos détaillées ont été enregistrées via le log débug.
+ Cannot save feed dataImpossible d'obtenir les métadonnées de flux
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8192,21 +8638,12 @@ Source: %4
Identifiant d'élément: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encodage: %1
-Type: %2
-Script de post-traitement: %3
+ feed format not recognizedformat de flux non reconnu
+ Cannot move feedImpossible de déplacer le flux
@@ -8514,6 +8951,28 @@ Vous pouvez aussi post-traiter la data de flux avec encore un autre script si vo
Sélectionner un icône pour votre flux.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8527,17 +8986,17 @@ Vous pouvez aussi post-traiter la data de flux avec encore un autre script si vo
Erreur lors du chargement des flux initiaux
+ Fetch metadataObtenir les métadonnées
+ Export feedsExporter les flux
+ Import feedsImporter des flux
@@ -8567,22 +9026,22 @@ Vous pouvez aussi post-traiter la data de flux avec encore un autre script si vo
ce type de source ne peut pas être utilisé sur une version 'lite' %1
+ Cannot add categoryImpossible d'ajouter une catégorie
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Impossible d'ajouter une catégorie car une autre opération critique est en cours.
+ Import was completely successful.L'import a réussi.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Certains flux/categories n'ont pas pu être importés à cause d'une erreur, veuillez consulter le log debug pour plus d'infos.
@@ -8773,51 +9232,61 @@ Actualités non-lus: %2
+ Activated actionsActions affichées
+ Available actionsActions possibles
+ Move action upDéplacer l'action vers le haut
+ Move action downDéplacer l'action vers le bas
+ Insert separatorInsérer un séparateur
+ Insert spacerInsérer une entretoise
+ Add selected actionAjouter l'action sélectionnée
+ Delete selected actionSupprimer l'action sélectionnée
+ Delete all actionsSupprimer toutes les actions
+ Reset toolbarRéinitialiser la barre d'outils
@@ -9198,6 +9667,19 @@ Dernière connection le: %4
Ouvrir ce site dans le navigateur web du système
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_gl.ts b/localization/rssguard_gl.ts
index 53e1d7eab..ed78a018c 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_gl.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_gl.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockHabilitar AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.O aplicativo xa está a funcionar
+ Output directory is not writable.Non pode escribir no directorio de saída
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Non se puido copiar o ficheiro de axustes ao directorio de saída.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Non se iniciou o restablecemento da base de datos. Asegúrese de que o directorio de saída é accesible.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Non se iniciou o restablecemento dos axustes. Asegúrese de que o directorio de saída é accesible.
+ Cannot add feedNon se engadeu a fonte
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Algunhas fontes requiren autenticación, incluíndo as fontes de GMail. Os tipos de autenticación BASIC, NTLM-2 e DIGEST-MD5 están soportados.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameNome do ficheiro
+ &Try again&Inténteo de novo
+ &Stop&Deter
+ &Open file&Abrir ficheiro
+ Open &directoryAbrir &directorio
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upLimpar
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Categoría
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationNon pode executar a operación de arrastrar & soltar
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Non pode arrastrar un elemento ate outra conta, esto non está permitido.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformación
+ LicensesLicenzas
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.A páxina de licenzas só está dispoñible en Inglés.
+ ChangelogRexistro de cambios
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.A páxina de rexistro de cambios só está dipoñible en inglés.
+ ResourcesRecursos
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountEngadir nova conta
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsRespaldar axustes/base de datos
+ Output directoryDirectorio de saída
+ &Select directory&Selecione directorio
+ Backup propertiesRespaldar propiedades
+ Items to backupElementos a respaldar
+ DatabaseBase de datos
+ SettingsAxustes
+ Backup nameRespaldar nome
+ Operation resultsResultados da operación
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTítulo
+ DescriptionDescrición
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseLimpar a base de datos
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationInformación da base de datos
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeTipo de base de datos
+ ProgressProgreso
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTítulo
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAutor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsResultados da operación
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Selecione directorio
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsAxustes
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogRexistro de cambios
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgreso
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_he.ts b/localization/rssguard_he.ts
index 5ed106d75..d2e8f001e 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_he.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_he.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -358,31 +382,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -445,21 +475,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -467,12 +501,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -736,26 +772,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -799,6 +840,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1196,17 +1238,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1237,12 +1279,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1502,36 +1544,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1563,6 +1612,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1747,46 +1797,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1906,31 +1965,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1977,56 +2042,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2183,22 +2259,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2208,62 +2284,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2333,618 +2417,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3118,122 +3325,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3278,31 +3510,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3353,6 +3591,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3360,15 +3599,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3767,31 +4011,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4447,6 +4697,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4853,51 +5104,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5649,41 +5910,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5694,6 +5963,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5919,7 +6189,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6130,17 +6400,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6675,16 +6945,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6750,14 +7023,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6765,24 +7038,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6793,92 +7066,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6888,27 +7189,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6922,22 +7228,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6947,12 +7257,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7071,41 +7381,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7124,31 +7442,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7222,57 +7546,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7280,6 +7616,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7287,141 +7626,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7440,11 +7809,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7555,137 +7926,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7754,16 +8153,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7854,11 +8256,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7866,21 +8270,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7889,46 +8299,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7993,31 +8412,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8164,47 +8589,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8219,21 +8665,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8541,6 +8978,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8554,17 +9013,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8594,22 +9053,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8808,51 +9267,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9233,6 +9702,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_hi.ts b/localization/rssguard_hi.ts
index d1758e181..e607fdc8d 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_hi.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_hi.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_hu.ts b/localization/rssguard_hu.ts
index d097012e7..40896acd8 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_hu.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_hu.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormŰrlap
+ Display additional nodesTovábbi csomópontok megjelenítése
+ ImportantFontos
+ UnreadOlvasatlan
+ LabelsCímkék
+ ProbesSzondák
@@ -102,31 +108,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAdBlock engedélyezése
+ &Help&Segítség
+ Filter listsSzűrők listája
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Adja hozzá a szűrő listákra mutató közvetlen hivatkozásokat (egy URL soronként)
+ Custom filtersEgyedi szűrők
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Itt adja hozzá az egyedi szűrőket (egy szűrőfeltétel soronként)
@@ -147,12 +159,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.A szűrők telepítése és a szerver indítása sikertelen: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'a szűrőlista letöltése sikertelen '%1'
@@ -168,82 +180,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Az alkalmazás már fut.
+ Output directory is not writable.A kimeneti könyvtár nem írható.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.A beállításokat tartalmazó fájl kimeneti könyvtárba történő másolása sikertelen.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Az adatbázis helyreállítása nem indult el. Győződjön meg arról, hogy a kimeneti könyvtár írható.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.A beállítások helyreállítása nem indult el. Győződjön meg arról, hogy a kimeneti könyvtár írható.
+ Cannot add feedHírforrás hozzáadása sikertelen
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.A hírforrás nem adható hozzá, mivel nincs aktív felhasználói fiók aminek engedélyezett a hírforrások felvétele.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedAz olvasatlan cikkek sikeresen lekérve
+ Go to changelogVáltozási napló megtekintése
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAz AdBlock konfigurációja szükséges
+ WelcomeÜdvözöljük
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -255,12 +267,12 @@ található új funkciókat erre a popup ablakra
való kattintással.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.Az AdBlock nem megfelelően van konfigurálva. Menj a "Beállítások"-"Node.js" menüpontba, és ellenőrizd, hogy a Node.js megfelelően van konfigurálva.
+ Already runningMár fut
@@ -269,61 +281,73 @@ való kattintással.
+ FormŰrlap
+ Ignoring old articlesRégi cikkek figyelmen kívül hagyása
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseBármely dátumú cikkek hozzáadása az adatbázishoz
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAz ezen dátum/időpont előtti cikkek nem kerülnek hozzáadásra az adatbázishoz
+ Absolute date/timeAbszolút dátum/idő
+ Relative timeRelatív idő
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsA hírforrásokban található cikkek számának korlátozása
+ Customize article limitsCikk limitek személyre szabása
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesNe távolítsa el a fontos cikkeket
+ Do not remove unread articlesNe távolítsa el az olvasatlan cikkeket
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themA cikkek végleges törlése helyett lomtárba mozgatása
@@ -355,31 +379,37 @@ való kattintással.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageUgrás az előző oldalra
+ Go to next pageUgrás a következő oldalra
+ Open article in article listCikk megnyitása a cikklistában
+ Open article in web browserCikk megnyitása böngészőben
+ Mark all articles as readAz összes cikk megjelölése olvasottként
@@ -440,21 +470,25 @@ való kattintással.
+ FormŰrlap
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Néhány hírforrás hitelesítést igényel, ideértve a GMail hírforrásokat is. A támogatott hitelesítési sémák: BASIC, NTLM-2 és DIGEST-MD5.
+ CredentialsHitelesítő adatok
+ Authentication typeHitelesítés típusa
@@ -462,12 +496,14 @@ való kattintással.
+ UsernameFelhasználónév
+ PasswordJelszó
@@ -731,26 +767,31 @@ Kattintson ide a könyvtár megnyitásához.
+ FilenameFájlnév
+ &Try again&Próbáld újra
+ &Stop&Állj
+ &Open file&Fájl megnyitása
+ Open &directory&Mappa megnyitása
@@ -788,6 +829,7 @@ Kattintson ide a könyvtár megnyitásához.
+ Clean upTisztítás
@@ -1179,17 +1221,17 @@ Elem ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsAz OPML dokumentum hibákat tartalmaz
+ this is likely not OPML documentez valószínűleg nem egy OPML dokumentum
+ Category Kategória
@@ -1220,12 +1262,12 @@ Elem ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationA "fogd és vidd" művelet itt nem elérhető
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.A fogd és vidd módszerrel nem lehet áthúzni elemet egy másik fiókba, ez a funkció nem támogatott.
@@ -1481,36 +1523,43 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformáció
+ LicensesLicenszek
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.A licensz oldal csak angol nyelven elérhető.
+ ChangelogVáltozási napló
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.A változásnapló oldal csak angol nyelven elérhető.
+ ResourcesErőforrások
@@ -1542,6 +1591,7 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Add new accountÚj fiók hozzáadása
@@ -1726,46 +1776,55 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsAdatbázis/beállítások biztonsági mentése
+ Output directoryKimeneti mappa
+ &Select directory&Mappa kiválasztása
+ Backup propertiesBiztonsági mentés tulajdonságai
+ Items to backupBiztonsági mentésre kiválasztott elemek
+ DatabaseAdatbázis
+ SettingsBeállítások
+ Backup nameBiztonsági mentés neve
+ Operation resultsA művelet eredményei
@@ -1883,31 +1942,37 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Parent folderSzülőmappa
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleCím
+ DescriptionLeírás
+ IconIkon
+ Select icon for your category.Válasszon ikont a kategóriának.
@@ -1952,56 +2017,67 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseAdatbázis tisztítása
+ Cleanup settingsTisztítás beállításai
+ Optimize database fileAdatbázis fájl optimalizálása
+ Remove all read articlesMinden olvasott cikk eltávolítása
+ Remove all articles from recycle binMinden cikk eltávolítása a lomtárból
+ Remove all articles older thanMinden cikk eltávolítása, ami régebbi mint
+ Remove all starred articlesMinden csillagozott cikk eltávolítása
+ Database informationAdatbázis információ
+ Total data sizeTeljes felhasznált terület
+ Database typeAdatbázis típusa
+ ProgressElőrehaladás
@@ -2158,22 +2234,22 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Add new feedÚj hírforrás hozzáadása
+ Cannot save changes: %1Változások mentése sikertelen: %1
+ Edit "%1""%1" szerkesztése
+ Edit %n feeds%n hírforrás szerkesztése
@@ -2181,62 +2257,70 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalCikkek frissítése a globális intervallum használatával
+ Fetch articles everyCikkek frissítése minden
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesCikkek automatikus lekérésének kikapcsolása
+ Cannot save feed propertiesHírforrás tulajdonságok mentése sikertelen
+ ArticlesCikkek
+ Auto-downloading of articlesCikkek automatikus letöltése
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Állítsa be ezen hírforrás üzeneteire vonatkozó automatikus letöltési szabályokat. Az alapértelmezett automatikus letöltési szabályok lefogadása azt jelenti, hogy ezen hírforrás üzenetei olyan időközönként kerülnek letöltésre, ami az applikáció általános beállításaiban rögzítve van.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousVegyes
+ Disable this feedHírforrás kikapcsolása
+ Right-to-left layoutJobbról balra elrendezés
+ Ignore notifications for this feedHírforrás értesítéseinek figyelmen kívül hagyása
@@ -2306,618 +2390,741 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ &File&Fájl
+ &Help&Segítség
+ &View&Nézet
+ Show/hideMegjelenítés/elrejtés
+ &Tools&Eszközök
+ F&eeds&Hírforrások
+ &Add item&Elem hozzáadása
+ &Move&Áthelyezés
+ Art&icles&Cikkek
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Lomtárak
+ &Accounts&Fiókok
+ &Web browser && tabs&Böngésző && fülek
+ &Quit&Kilépés
+ Quit the application.Kilépés az applikációból.
+ &Settings&Beállítások
+ Display settings of the application.Az applikáció beállításainak megjelenítése.
+ &About application&Az applikációról
+ Displays extra info about this application.Kiegészítő információk megjelenítése az applikációról.
+ &Fullscreen&Teljes képernyő
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Váltás teljes képernyős módra.
+ &Fetch all&Összes frissítése
+ Fetch all feedsÖsszes hírforrás frissítése
+ Fetch &selected&Kiválasztott frissítésse
+ Fetch selected feedsKiválasztott hírforrások frissítése
+ Mark articles &readCikkeket &olvasottnak jelöl
+ Mark selected articles readA kiválasztott cikkeket olvasottnak jelöli
+ Mark articles &unreadCikkeket &olvasatlannak jelöl
+ Mark selected articles unreadA kiválasztott cikkeket olvasatlannak jelöli
+ Switch &importance&Fontosság beállítása
+ Switch importance of selected articlesA kiválasztott cikkek fontosságának megváltoztatása
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.A kiválasztott elemek minden üzenetének (szűrők nélkül) olvasottá állítása.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.A kiválasztott elemek minden üzenetének (szűrők nélkül) olvasatlanná állítása.
+ &Delete articlesCikekk &törlése
+ &Edit selected itemsKiválasztott elemek &szerkesztése
+ &Delete selected itemsKiválasztott elemek &törlése
+ Mark selected items &readA kiválasztott elemek &olvasottnak jelölése
+ Mark selected items &unreadA kiválasztott elemek &olvasatlannak jelölése
+ &Clean selected itemsA kiválasztott elemek &megtisztítása
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Minden üzenetet töröl a kiválasztott elemekből.
+ Open in &external browserMegnyitás &külső böngészőben
+ Open selected articles in external browserA kiválasztott cikkek mengnyitása külső böngészőben
+ Open in &internal browserMegnyitás a &beépített böntészőben
+ Open selected articles in internal browserA kiválasztott cikkek megnyitása a beépített böngészőben
+ No actions availableNincs elérhető művelet
+ No actions are available right now.Jelenleg nincs elérhető művelet.
+ &Mark all readMindent olvasottnak &jelöl
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Minden elem minden üzenetét olvasottnak jelöl. Ez a funkció nem veszi figyelembe a fiók üzenet szűrőinek beálíltásait.
+ Switch main window visibilityA főablak láthatóságának megváltoztatása
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Elrejti a főblakot ha látható, vagy megjeleníti ha rejtett.
+ &Feed list&Hírforrás lista
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.A hírforrások/kategóriák listájának elrejtése vagy megjelenítése.
+ &Clean allÖsszes &tisztítása
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Minden elem minden üzenetét törli.
+ &Next item&Következő elem
+ &Previous item&Előző elem
+ &Next article&Következő cikk
+ &Previous article&Előző cikk
+ Check for &updates&Frissítések keresése
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Ellenőrizze, hogy rendelkezésre áll-e letölthető új frissítés.
+ &Main menu&Főmenü
+ Hides or displays the main menu.A főmenü megjelenítése vagy elrejtése.
+ Report a &bug...&Hiba jelentése...
+ &Toolbars&Eszköztárak
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Fő eszköztárak láthatóságának beállítása.
+ &List headers&Lista fejlécek
+ &Donate...&Támogatás...
+ Display &documentation&Dokumentáció megjelenítése
+ &Restart&Újraindítás
+ &Restore settings&Beállítások visszaállítása
+ &Backup settings&Biztonsági mentés beállításai
+ Switch layoutMegjelenítés váltása
+ &Downloads&Letöltések
+ Send via e-mailKüldés e-mailben
+ Send selected articles via e-mailA kiválasztott cikkek küldése e-mailben
+ &Cleanup databaseAdatbázis &tisztítása
+ Show unread items onlyCsak az olvasatlan elemek megjelenítése
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemKiválasztott elemek &összecsukása/kinyitása
+ &Add accountFiók &hozzáadása
+ &Restore articlesCikkek &visszaállítása
+ &Restore all recycle binsÖsszes lomtár &visszaállítása
+ &Empty all recycle binsÖsszes lomtár &ürítése
+ Next &unread articleKövetkező &olvasatlan cikk
+ Status barÁllapotsor
+ &Edit selected accountKiválasztott fiók &szerkesztése
+ &Delete selected accountKiválasztott fiók &törlése
+ Add new categoryÚj kategória hozzáadása
+ Stop ongoing fetchingFolyamatban lévő frissítés leállítása
+ New browser tabÚj böngésző fül
+ Close all tabsÖsszes fül bezárása
+ Close all tabs except currentÖsszes fül bezárása a jelenlegin kívül
+ Go to &next tabÁtlépés a &következő fülre
+ Go to &previous tab&Előző fülre lépés
+ &Enable article previewCikk előnézet &engedélyezése
+ &Copy URL of selected itemA kiválasztott elem URL-jének &másolása
+ Article &filtersCikk &szűrők
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsSorok váltakozó színezése listákban
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAz elem automatikus &kinyitása amikor kiválasztásra kerül
+ Message viewer toolbarsÜzenet megtekintő eszköztárak
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tab&Aktuális fül bezárása
+ &Copy URLs of selected articlesA kiválasztott cikkek URL-jeinek &másolása
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Megnyitás a belső böngészőn (nem új fülön)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Rendezés ABC sorrendbe
+ Move &upMozgatás &felfelé
+ Move to &topMozgatás a &tetejére
+ Move &downMozgatás &lefelé
+ Move to &bottomMozgatás az &aljára
+ Display application &logApplikáció &naplójának megjelenítése
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserBöngésző &felfelé görgetése
+ Scroll &down browserBöngésző &lefelé görgetése
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyAz &alkategóriák ABC sorrendbe rendezése
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabetically&Hírforrások ABC sorrendbe rendezése
+ Cleanup web cac&heWeb &gyorsítótár ürítése
+ You must add new account firstElőbb hozzá kell adni egy új fiókot
+ You must add new account first.Előbb hozzá kell adni egy új fiókot.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerLejátszás a &médialejátszóban
+ Add new feedÚj hírforrás hozzáadása
@@ -3091,122 +3298,147 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Article filtersCikk szűrők
+ &Check allÖsszes &kijelölése
+ &Uncheck allÖsszes kijelölés &törlése
+ Remove selectedKiválasztottak eltávolítása
+ &New filter&Új szűrő
+ Article filter detailsCikk szűrő részletei
+ TitleCím
+ Title of article filterCikk szűrő címe
+ Pre-made filtersElőre elkészített szűrők
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript kód
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Teszt
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpRészletes &segítség
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleMinta cikk
+ AuthorSzerző
+ Created onLétrehozva
+ ContentsTartalom
+ ReadOlvasott
+ ImportantFontos
+ Script outputScript kimenet
@@ -3251,31 +3483,37 @@ QtWebEngine gyorsítótár mappája -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsAdatbázis/beálíltások visszaállítása
+ Operation resultsA művelet eredményei
+ Source directoryForrásmappa
+ &Select directory&Mappa kiválasztása
+ Restore databaseAdatbázis visszaállítása
+ Restore settingsBeálíltások visszaállítása
@@ -3326,6 +3564,7 @@ Az alkalmazást manuálisan kell újraindítani.
+ SettingsBeállítások
@@ -3333,15 +3572,20 @@ Az alkalmazást manuálisan kell újraindítani.
+ GeneralÁltalános
+ NetworkHálózat
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3738,31 +3982,37 @@ Most már telepítheti.
+ Check for updatesFrissítések ellenőrzése
+ Current releaseAktuális verzió
+ Available releaseElérhető verzió
+ StatusStátusz
+ ChangelogVáltozási napló
+ Available filesElérhető fájlok
@@ -4418,6 +4668,7 @@ Belépési token lejárata: %2
+ FormŰrlap
@@ -4824,51 +5075,61 @@ Belépési token lejárata: %2
+ FormŰrlap
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressElőrehaladás
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeHangerő
+ DownloadLetöltés
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5610,41 +5871,49 @@ Belépési token lejárata: %2
+ FormŰrlap
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverA proxy szerver neve vagy ip címe
+ PortPort
+ UsernameFelhasználónév
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationFelhasználónév proxy szerver hitelesítéshez
+ PasswordJelszó
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationJelszó prox szerver hitelesítéshez
@@ -5655,6 +5924,7 @@ Belépési token lejárata: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Típus
@@ -5880,7 +6150,7 @@ Belépési token lejárata: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6085,17 +6355,17 @@ A támogatott olvasók listája:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6626,16 +6896,19 @@ Belépési token lejárata: %2
+ Search textSzöveg keresése
+ Find previous occurenceKorábbi előfordulás
+ Find next occurenceKövetkező előfordulás
@@ -6701,14 +6974,14 @@ Kategóriák száma: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6716,24 +6989,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 vagy újabb
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6744,92 +7017,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkHálózat
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2HTTP/2 engedélyezése
+ Enable API serverAPI szerver engedélyezése
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheGyorsítótár kikapcsolása
+ External web browserKülső web böngésző
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserA hivatkozások mindig külső böngészőben kerüljenek megnyitásra
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Ha nincs kiválasztva akkor a rendszer alapértelmezett böngészője kerül használatra.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserEgyedi külső webböngésző használata
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Böngészés
+ ParametersParaméterek
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserBöngésző kiválasztása
@@ -6839,27 +7140,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientKülső e-mail kliens
+ Use custom external e-mail clientKülső e-mail kliens használata
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientKliens kiválasztása
@@ -6873,22 +7179,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsKülső eszközök
+ &Add toolEszköz &hozzáadása
+ &Edit selected toolKiválasztott eszköz &szerkesztése
+ &Delete selected toolKiválasztott eszköz &törlése
@@ -6898,12 +7208,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Ezen az oldalon olyan külső eszközök listája állítható be, amelyek képesek URL-ek megnyitására.
+ Select external toolKülső eszköz kiválasztása
+ Enter parametersParaméterek megadása
@@ -7022,41 +7332,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameFelhasználónév
+ PasswordJelszó
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7075,31 +7393,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedLetöltéskezelő megnyitása új letöltés elindításakor
+ Target directory for downloaded filesLetöltött fájlok célmappája
+ Save all downloaded files toAz összes letöltött fájl mentése ide
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedAz összes letöltött fájl mentésének helye
+ &Browse&Böngészés
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileKérdezzen rá minden letöltésnél
@@ -7171,57 +7495,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedCsak akkor frissítse automatikusan a cikkeket ha az applikáció nincs fókuszban
+ Feed connection timeoutHírforrás kapcsolat időtúllépés
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.A kapcsolat időtúllépése egy olyan időintervallum, ami a hírforrás új tartalmainak letöltésére van fenntartva. Ha ez az időtartam eltelik, a letöltési folyamat megszakításra kerül.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7229,6 +7565,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7236,141 +7575,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesCikkek
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesMinden kép magasságának korlátozása
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleMellékletek megjelenítése közvetlenül a cikkben
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listCikkek listája
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsTöbbsoros elemek engedélyezése
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatEgyedi dátum/idő formátum alkalmazása
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanRelatív idő mutatása a cikkeknél, amelyek nem régebbiek mint
@@ -7389,11 +7758,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startup%1 indítása az operációs rendszer indításakor
+ Check for %1 updates on application startup%1 frissítések keresése az applikáció indításakor
@@ -7504,137 +7875,165 @@ Leírás: %3
+ Icons && skinsIkonok && megjelenés
+ Icon themeIkon téma
+ StyleStílus
+ SkinMegjelenés
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsEgyedi megjelenési színek
+ Customize predefined colorsAz előre meghatározott színek testreszabása
+ Tray areaTálca területe
+ Tray iconTálca ikon
+ Use monochrome iconFekete-fehér ikonok használata
+ Display count of unread messagesOlvasatlan üzenetek számának megjelenítése
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedFőablak elrejtése amikor minimalizált
+ Start application hiddenAz applikáció indítása rejtett módban
+ Task barTálca
+ TabsFülek
+ Close tabs withFülek bezárása a következővel
+ Middle mouse button single-clickKözépső egérgomb egyszeres kattintás
+ Left mouse button double-clickBal egérgomb dupla kattintás
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barÚj fülek megnyitása a bal egérgomb dupla kattintásával a fülsávon
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleFülsáv elrejtése ha csak egy látható fül van
+ ToolbarsEszköztárak
+ Toolbar for feeds listHírforrás lista eszköztára
+ Toolbar for articles listCikklista eszköztára
+ StatusbarÁllapotsor
+ Button styleGomb stílus
+ Toolbar editorEszköztár szerkesztő
+ Icon sizeIkon méret
@@ -7703,16 +8102,19 @@ Leírás: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7803,11 +8205,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormŰrlap
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7815,21 +8219,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Böngészés
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Csomagokat tartalmazó mappa
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7838,46 +8248,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthSzélesség
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7942,31 +8361,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundHang
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileA WAV hangfájl teljes elérési útja
+ &Browse&Böngészés
+ &Play&Lejátszás
+ VolumeHangerő
@@ -8113,47 +8538,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ igen
+ no
+ nem
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileHelyi fájl
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownIsmeretlen
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8168,21 +8614,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedHírforrás áthelyezése sikertelen
@@ -8490,6 +8927,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Űrlap
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8503,17 +8962,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsHírforrások exportálása
+ Import feedsHírforrások importálása
@@ -8543,22 +9002,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8749,51 +9208,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorElválasztó beszúrása
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9174,6 +9643,19 @@ Legutóbbi belépés: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_id.ts b/localization/rssguard_id.ts
index 23a8cd148..d993043ef 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_id.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_id.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormulir
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantPenting
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabel
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockNyalakan AdBlock
+ &HelpBant&uan
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Aplikasi sedang berjalan.
+ Output directory is not writable.Direktori keluaran tidak dapat ditulisi.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Berkas pengaturan tidak berhasil disalin ke direktori keluaran.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Pemulihan database tidak dapat dimulai. Pastikan direktori keluaran dapat ditulisi.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Pemulihan pengaturan tidak dapat dimulai. Pastikan direktori keluaran dapat ditulisi.
+ Cannot add feedTidak dapat menambah feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Silahkan, memeriksa hal BARU yang termasuk
di versi ini dengan meng-klik popup notifikasi ini.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ di versi ini dengan meng-klik popup notifikasi ini.
+ FormFormulir
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -355,31 +379,37 @@ di versi ini dengan meng-klik popup notifikasi ini.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -439,21 +469,25 @@ di versi ini dengan meng-klik popup notifikasi ini.
+ FormFormulir
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Beberapa feed butuh autentikasi, termasuk feed GMail. Skema autentikasi BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 didukung.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -461,12 +495,14 @@ di versi ini dengan meng-klik popup notifikasi ini.
+ UsernameNama pengguna
+ PasswordKata sandi
@@ -730,26 +766,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameNama file
+ &Try again&Coba lagi
+ &StopBer&henti
+ &Open file&Buka berkas
+ Open &directoryBuka &direktori
@@ -784,6 +825,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upBersihkan
@@ -1172,17 +1214,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Kategori
@@ -1213,12 +1255,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationTidak dapat melakukan operasi tarik & jatuh
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Anda tidak dapat memindahkan item tertarik ke akun berbeda, ini tidak didukung.
@@ -1472,36 +1514,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformasi
+ LicensesLisensi
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Halaman lisensi hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris.
+ ChangelogDaftar perubahan
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Daftar perubahan hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris.
+ ResourcesSumber
@@ -1533,6 +1582,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountTambah akun baru
@@ -1717,46 +1767,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/pengaturan
+ Output directoryDirektori keluaran
+ &Select directory&Pilih direktori
+ Backup propertiesProperti backup
+ Items to backupItem untuk di-backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsPengaturan
+ Backup nameNama backup
+ Operation resultsHasil operasi
@@ -1873,31 +1932,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Pilih item induk untuk kategori anda.
+ TitleJudul
+ DescriptionDeskripsi
+ IconIkon
+ Select icon for your category.Pilih ikon untuk kategori anda.
@@ -1941,56 +2006,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databasePembersihan database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationInformasi database
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeJenis database
+ ProgressPerkembangan
@@ -2147,84 +2223,92 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedTambah feed baru
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2294,618 +2378,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&Berkas
+ &HelpBant&uan
+ &ViewT&ilik
+ Show/hideTampilkan/sembunyikan
+ &ToolsAla&t
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)Tong &sampah
+ &Accounts&Akun
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Keluar
+ Quit the application.Keluar dari aplikasi.
+ &Settings&Pengaturan
+ Display settings of the application.Tampilkan pengaturan aplikasi.
+ &About application&Tentang aplikasi
+ Displays extra info about this application.Tampilkan info tambahan seputar aplikasi ini.
+ &Fullscreen&Layar penuh
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Ganti mode layar penuh.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Tandai semua pesan (tanpa penyaring pesan) dari item yang dipilih sebagai terbaca.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Tandai semua pesan (tanpa penyaring pesan) dari item yang dipilih sebagai belum terbaca.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Hapus semua pesan dari item yang dipilih.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableTidak ada aksi tersedia
+ No actions are available right now.Tidak ada aksi tersedia saat ini.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Tandai semua pesan di semua item terbaca. Ini tidak mengambil penyaring pesan ke akun.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Sembunyikan jendela utama jika terlihat dan menampilkannya jika tersembunyi.
+ &Feed list&Daftar feed
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Sembunyikan atau Tampilkan daftar feed/kategori.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Hapus semua pesan dari semua item.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updates&Periksa pembaruan
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Periksa jika pembaruan terkini untuk aplikasi tersedia untuk diunduh.
+ &Main menuMenu &utama
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Sembunyikan atau tampilkan menu utama.
+ Report a &bug...Laporkan &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Bilah alat
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Ganti visibilitas dari bilah alat utama.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donasi...
+ Display &documentationTampilkan &dokumentasi
+ &Restart&Jalankan ulang
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Unduhan
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup databasePembersihan &database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemPer&lebar/persempit item yang dipilih
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle binsP&ulihkan semua tong sampah
+ &Empty all recycle binsK&osongkan semua tong sampah
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barBilah status
+ &Edit selected account&Sunting akun yang dipilih
+ &Delete selected account&Hapus akun yang dipilih
+ Add new categoryTambah kategori baru
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsTutup semua tab
+ Close all tabs except currentTutup semua tab kecuali ini
+ Go to &next tabKe tab sela&njutnya
+ Go to &previous tabKe tab se&belumnya
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedTambah feed baru
@@ -3079,122 +3286,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Tandai semua
+ &Uncheck allTidak tandai sem&ua
+ Remove selectedHapus yang terpilih
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleJudul
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeKode JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &help&Bantuan yang didetilkan
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorPenulis
+ Created onDibuat pada
+ ContentsKonten
+ ReadTerbaca
+ ImportantPenting
+ Script outputKeluaran skrip
@@ -3239,31 +3471,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsPulihkan database/pengaturan
+ Operation resultsHasil operasi
+ Source directoryDirektori sumber
+ &Select directory&Pilih direktori
+ Restore databasePulihkan database
+ Restore settingsPulihkan pengaturan
@@ -3314,6 +3552,7 @@ Anda harus me-restart secara manual.
+ SettingsPengaturan
@@ -3321,15 +3560,20 @@ Anda harus me-restart secara manual.
+ GeneralUmum
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3727,31 +3971,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesPeriksa untuk pembaruan
+ Current releaseRilis saat ini
+ Available releaseRilis yang tersedia
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogDaftar perubahan
+ Available filesBerkas tersedia
@@ -4407,6 +4657,7 @@ Waktu berakhir log masuk: %2
+ FormFormulir
@@ -4813,51 +5064,61 @@ Waktu berakhir log masuk: %2
+ FormFormulir
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopHentikan
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressPerkembangan
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadUnduh
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5594,41 +5855,49 @@ Waktu berakhir log masuk: %2
+ FormFormulir
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverNama host atau IP dari server proxy anda
+ PortPort
+ UsernameNama pengguna
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationNama pengguna anda untuk autentikasi server proxy
+ PasswordKata sandi
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationKata sandi anda untuk autentikasi server proxy
@@ -5639,6 +5908,7 @@ Waktu berakhir log masuk: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Jenis
@@ -5864,7 +6134,7 @@ Waktu berakhir log masuk: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6065,17 +6335,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6604,16 +6874,19 @@ Waktu berakhir log masuk: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceTemukan kejadian sebelumnya
+ Find next occurenceTemukan kejadian setelahnya
@@ -6679,14 +6952,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executablePilih peramban web yang dapat dijalankan
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6694,24 +6967,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Yang dapat dijalankan (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Yang dapat dijalankan (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executablePilih surel yang dapat dijalankan
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 atau lebih tua
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6722,92 +6995,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserPeramban web eksternal
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Jika tidak tercentang, maka peramban web bawaan di seluruh sistem yang digunakan.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserGunakan peramban web eksternal tersuai
+ Web browser executablePeramban web yang dapat dijalankan
+ Executable file of web browserBerkas yang dapat dijalankan dari peramban web
+ &Browse&Telisik
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forGunakan argumen sampel untuk
+ Select browserPilih browser
@@ -6817,27 +7118,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Perhatikan bahwa "%1" (tanpa tanda kutip) adalah tempat bagi URL dari pesan yang dipilih.
+ External e-mail clientKlien surel eksternal
+ Use custom external e-mail clientGunakan klien surel eksternal tersuai
+ E-mail client executableKlien surel yang dapat dijalankan
+ Executable file of e-mail clientBerkas yang dapat dijalankan dari klien surel
+ Select clientPilih klien
@@ -6851,22 +7157,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - badan dari pesan yang dipilih.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6876,12 +7186,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7000,41 +7310,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDriver database
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseGunakan database di memori sebagai database bekerja
+ HostnameNama host
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseDatabase kerja
+ UsernameNama pengguna
+ PasswordKata sandi
+ Test setupTes setelan
@@ -7053,31 +7371,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedBuka pengelola unduhan ketika penguduhan baru dimulai
+ Target directory for downloaded filesDirektori tujuan untuk berkas yang diunduh
+ Save all downloaded files toSimpan semua berkas yang diunduh ke
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedDirektori tujuan tempat semua berkas yang diunduh disimpan
+ &Browse&Telisik
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileBertanya untuk setiap berkas yang diunduh
@@ -7148,57 +7472,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutBatas waktu koneksi feed
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Batas waktu koneksi merupakan interval waktu yang dipesan untuk mengunduh pesan baru untuk feed. Jika interval waktu ini berlalu, maka proses pengunduhan dibatalkan.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFon daftar feed
@@ -7206,6 +7542,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewPratinjau fon
@@ -7213,141 +7552,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Ganti fon
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7366,11 +7735,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupJalankan %1 pada startup sistem operasi
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7481,137 +7852,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIkon && skin
+ Icon themeTema ikon
+ StyleGaya
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconIkon baki
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedSembunyikan jendela utama ketika di-minimize
+ Start application hiddenMulai aplikasi secara sembunyi
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTab
+ Close tabs withTutup tab dengan
+ Middle mouse button single-clickSekali klik tombol tengah tetikus
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barBuka tab baru dengan dua kali klik pada tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleSembunyikan bilah tab jika hanya satu tab terlihat
+ ToolbarsBilah alat
+ Toolbar for feeds listBilah alat untuk daftar feed
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarBilah status
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7680,16 +8079,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7780,11 +8182,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormFormulir
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7792,21 +8196,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Telisik
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7815,46 +8225,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7919,31 +8338,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Telisik
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8090,47 +8515,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ ya
+ no
+ tidak
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8145,21 +8591,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8467,6 +8904,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Pilih ikon untuk feed anda.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formulir
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8480,17 +8939,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Eror ketika memuat feed awal
+ Fetch metadataAmbil metadata
+ Export feedsEkspor feed
+ Import feedsImpor feed
@@ -8520,22 +8979,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryTidak dapat menambah kategori
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Tidak dapat menambah kategori karena operasi genting lain sedang berlangsung.
+ Import was completely successful.Impor benar-benar berhasil.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8722,51 +9181,61 @@ Berita belum terbaca:%2
+ Activated actionsAksi yang aktif
+ Available actionsAksi tersedia
+ Move action upPindah aksi ke atas
+ Move action downPindah aksi ke bawah
+ Insert separatorMasukkan pemisah
+ Insert spacerMasukkan pemberi jarak
+ Add selected actionTambah aksi yang dipilih
+ Delete selected actionHapus aksi yang dipilih
+ Delete all actionsHapus semua aksi
+ Reset toolbarSet ulang bilah alat
@@ -9147,6 +9616,19 @@ Log masuk terakhir pada: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_it.ts b/localization/rssguard_it.ts
index ca8e0a690..55bbc9a8b 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_it.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_it.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormModulo
+ Display additional nodesVisualizza nodi aggiuntivi
+ ImportantImportante
+ UnreadNon letto
+ LabelsEtichette
+ ProbesControllo
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Errore: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAbilita AdBlock
+ &Help&Aiuto
+ Filter listsLista filtri
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Aggiungi i tuoi collegamenti diretti alle liste dei filtri qui (un URL per riga)
+ Custom filtersFiltri personalizzati
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Aggiungi qui i tuoi filtri personalizzati (un filtro per riga)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Errore: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Impossibile impostare i filtri e avviare il server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'impossibile scaricare la lista di filtri '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Errore: %1
+ Application is already running.Applicazione già in esecuzione.
+ Output directory is not writable.La cartella di destinazione non è scrivibile.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.File impostazioni non copiato con successo nella cartella di destinazione.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Ripristino database non iniziato. Assicurati che la cartella di destinazione sia scrivibile.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Ripristino impostazioni non iniziato. Assicurati che la cartella di destinazione sia scrivibile.
+ Cannot add feedImpossibile aggiungere fonte
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Il feed non può essere aggiunto perché non c'è un account attivo che possa aggiungere feed.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedArticoli non letti recuperati
+ Go to changelogVai al changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock deve essere configurato
+ WelcomeBenvenuto
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Controlla la NUOVA roba inclusa in questa
versione facendo clic su questa notifica a scomparsa.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock non è configurato correttamente. Vai a "Impostazioni" -> "Node.js" e controlla se Node.js è configurato correttamente.
+ Already runningGià in esecuzione
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ versione facendo clic su questa notifica a scomparsa.
+ FormModulo
+ Ignoring old articlesRimozione dei vecchi articoli
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAggiungi articoli con qualsiasi data nel database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseEvitare di aggiungere articoli prima di questa data/ora nel database
+ Absolute date/timeData/ora assoluta
+ Relative timeTempo relativo
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimitare la quantità di articoli nei feeds
+ Customize article limitsPersonalizza i limiti degli articoli
+ In database, keepNel database, mantieni
+ Do not remove important articlesNon rimuovere articoli importanti
+ Do not remove unread articlesNon rimuovere articoli non letti
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themBasta spostare gli articoli per riciclare il cestino, non pulirli
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ versione facendo clic su questa notifica a scomparsa.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageVai alla pagina precedente
+ Go to next pageVai alla pagina successiva
+ Open article in article listApri l'articolo nella lista degli articoli
+ Open article in web browserApri l'articolo nel browser web
+ Mark all articles as readSegna tutti gli articoli come letti
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ versione facendo clic su questa notifica a scomparsa.
+ FormModulo
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Alcune fonti richiedono autenticazione, tra cui quelle GMail. Sono supportati gli schemi di autenticazione BASIC, NTLM 2 e DIGEST-MD5.
+ CredentialsCredenziali
+ Authentication typeTipo di autenticazione
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ versione facendo clic su questa notifica a scomparsa.
+ UsernameNome utente
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Clicca qui per aprire la cartella genitore.
+ FilenameNome file
+ &Try again&Prova ancora
+ &Stop&Ferma
+ &Open file&Apri file
+ Open &directoryApri &cartella
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Clicca qui per aprire la cartella genitore.
+ Clean upPulisci
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsIl documento OPML contiene errori
+ this is likely not OPML documentquesto probabilmente non è documento OPML
+ Category Categoria
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationImpossibile effettuare operazione di trascinamento
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Non puoi trasferire un elemento trascinato in un altro account, questa funzione non è supportata.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformazioni
+ LicensesLicenze
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.La pagina di licenza è disponibile solo in lingua inglese.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.La pagina del changelog è disponibile solo in lingua inglese.
+ ResourcesRisorse
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAggiungi nuovo account
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/impostazioni
+ Output directoryCartella di destinazione
+ &Select directory&Seleziona cartella
+ Backup propertiesBackup proprietà
+ Items to backupElementi di cui effettuare il backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsImpostazioni
+ Backup nameNome backup
+ Operation resultsRisultati operazione
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderCartella superiore
+ Select parent item for your category.Seleziona elemento genitore per la categoria.
+ TitleTitolo
+ DescriptionDescrizione
+ IconIcona
+ Select icon for your category.Seleziona icona per la categoria.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseRipulisci database
+ Cleanup settingsPulizia Impostazioni
+ Optimize database fileOttimizza il file del database
+ Remove all read articlesRimuovi tutti gli articoli letti
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRimuovi tutti gli articoli dal cestino
+ Remove all articles older thanRimuovi tutti gli articoli più vecchi di
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationInformazioni database
+ Total data sizeDimensione totale dati
+ Database typeTipo database
+ ProgressAvanzamento
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAggiungi nuova fonte
+ Cannot save changes: %1Impossibile salvare le modifiche: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyScarica articoli ogni
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisabilita il recupero automatico degli articoli
+ Cannot save feed propertiesImpossibile salvare le proprietà del feed
+ ArticlesArticoli
+ Auto-downloading of articlesDownload automatico degli articoli
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Selezionare la strategia di download automatico per i messaggi di questa fonte. La strategia predefinita per il download automatico significa che i nuovi messaggi di questo feed verranno scaricati in intervalli di tempo impostati nelle impostazioni dell'applicazione.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyApri automaticamente gli articoli tramite il loro URL
+ MiscellaneousVarie
+ Disable this feedDisabilita questa fonte
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Aiuto
+ &View&Visualizza
+ Show/hideMostra/nascondi
+ &Tools&Strumenti
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Sposta
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Cestino/i
+ &Accounts&Account
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Chiudi
+ Quit the application.Chiudi l'applicazione.
+ &Settings&Impostazioni
+ Display settings of the application.Visualizza impostazioni dell'applicazione.
+ &About application&Informazioni sull'applicazione
+ Displays extra info about this application.Visualizza maggiori informazioni su questa applicazione.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Passa alla modalità schermo intero.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceCambia &importanza
+ Switch importance of selected articlesCambia importanza degli articoli selezionati
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Segna tutti i messaggi (senza filtri messaggio) tra gli elementi selezionati come letti.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Segna tutti i messaggi (senza filtri messaggio) tra gli elementi selezionati come non letti.
+ &Delete articles&Cancella articoli
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Cancella tutti i messaggi dagli elementi selezionati.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserApre gli articoli selezionati nel browser esterno
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNessuna azione disponibile
+ No actions are available right now.Non è disponibile nessuna azione adesso.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Segna tutti i messaggi in tutti gli elementi come letti. Questo non prende in considerazione i filtri messaggio.
+ Switch main window visibilityCambia visibilità della finestra principale
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Nasconde la finestra principale se è visibile e la mostra se è nascosta.
+ &Feed listLista &fonti
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Nasconde o mostra l'elenco delle fonti/categorie.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Cancella tutti i messaggi da tutti gli elementi.
+ &Next item&Elemento successivo
+ &Previous item&Elemento precedente
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesControlla &aggiornamenti
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Controlla se un nuovo aggiornamento per l'applicazione è disponibile al download.
+ &Main menu&Menu principale
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Nascondi o visualizza il menu principale.
+ Report a &bug...Segnala un &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbar
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Cambia visibilità delle toolbar principali.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Riavvia
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Scaricamenti
+ Send via e-mailInvia tramite e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailInvia articoli selezionati tramite e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Pulisci database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Espandi/collassa elemento selezionato
+ &Add account&Aggiungi account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Ripristina tutti i cestini
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Svuota tutti i cestini
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barBarra di stato
+ &Edit selected account&Modifica account selezionato
+ &Delete selected account&Eliminal account selezionato
+ Add new categoryAggiungi nuova categoria
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsChiudi tutte le schede
+ Close all tabs except currentChiudi tutte le schede eccetto quella attuale
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Apri nel browser interno (nessuna nuova scheda)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upSposta in &alto
+ Move to &topSposta in &cima
+ Move &downSposta In &Basso
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstDevi prima aggiungere un nuovo account
+ You must add new account first.Devi prima aggiungere un nuovo account.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAggiungi nuova fonte
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitolo
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeCodice JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesArticoli esistenti
+ Sample articleArticolo di esempio
+ AuthorAutore
+ Created onCreato il
+ ContentsContenuti
+ ReadLeggi
+ ImportantImportante
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRipristina database/impostazioni
+ Operation resultsRisultati operazione
+ Source directoryCartella sorgente
+ &Select directory&Seleziona cartella
+ Restore databaseRipristina database
+ Restore settingsRipristina impostazioni
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ Dovrai riavviare manualmente.
+ SettingsImpostazioni
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ Dovrai riavviare manualmente.
+ GeneralGenerale
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ Ora lo puoi installare.
+ Check for updatesControlla aggiornamenti
+ Current releaseRilascio attuale
+ Available releaseRilascio disponibile
+ StatusStato
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesFile disponibili
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormModulo
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormModulo
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopFerma
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressAvanzamento
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadScarica
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormModulo
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverNome host e IP del server proxy
+ PortPorta
+ UsernameNome utente
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationNome utente per l'autenticazione al server proxy
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationPassword per l'autenticazione al server proxy
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Tipo
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6084,17 +6354,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6625,16 +6895,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6700,14 +6973,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSeleziona eseguibile browser web
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6715,24 +6988,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Eseguibili (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Eseguibili (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSeleziona eseguibile programma di posta
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 o superiori
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6743,92 +7016,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserBrowser web esterno
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserApri sempre collegamenti ipertestuali nel browser web esterno
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Senza la spunta verrà usato il browser web predefinito di sistema.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUsa browser web esterno personalizzato
+ Web browser executableEseguibile browser web
+ Executable file of web browserFile eseguibile del browser web
+ &Browse&Sfoglia
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUsa argomenti campione per
+ Select browserSeleziona browser
@@ -6838,27 +7139,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Nota che "%1" (senza virgolette) è il segnaposto per la URL del messaggio selezionato.
+ External e-mail clientProgramma di posta esterno
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUsa programma di posta esterno personalizzato
+ E-mail client executableEseguibile programma di posta
+ Executable file of e-mail clientFile eseguibile del programma di posta
+ Select clientSeleziona programma
@@ -6872,22 +7178,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - corpo del messaggio selezionato.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6897,12 +7207,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
In questa pagina, è possibile configurare un elenco di strumenti esterni che possono aprire URL.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7021,41 +7331,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDriver database
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUsa database in memoria come database di lavoro
+ HostnameNome host
+ PortPorta
+ Working databaseDatabase di lavoro
+ UsernameNome utente
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupProva impostazioni
@@ -7074,31 +7392,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedApri gestore scaricamenti quando viene avviato un nuovo scaricamento
+ Target directory for downloaded filesCartella destinazione per i file scaricati
+ Save all downloaded files toSalva tutti i file scaricati in
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedCartella destinazione in cui tutti i file scaricati vengono salvati
+ &Browse&Sfoglia
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileChiedi per ciascun file scaricato
@@ -7170,57 +7494,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutScadenza connessione fonte
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.La scadenza connessione è l'intervallo di tempo riservato per lo scaricamento di nuovi messaggi per la fonte. Se questo intervallo di tempo scade, allora lo scaricamento viene annullato.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7228,6 +7564,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewAnteprima carattere
@@ -7235,141 +7574,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Cambia carattere
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticoli
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserPorta la finestra dell'applicazione in primo piano una volta che l' articolo è aperto nel browser web esterno
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7388,11 +7757,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLancia %1 all'avvio del sistema operativo
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7503,137 +7874,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcone && skin
+ Icon themeTema icona
+ StyleStile
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconIcona vassoio
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedNascondi finestra principale quando minimizzata
+ Start application hiddenAvvia applicazione nascosta
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsSchede
+ Close tabs withChiudi schede con
+ Middle mouse button single-clickClic singolo pulsante mouse di mezzo
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barApri nuove schede con doppio clic del pulsante mouse sinistro sulla barra schede
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleNascondi barra delle schede se è visibile una scheda sola
+ ToolbarsToolbar
+ Toolbar for feeds listBarra strumenti per elenco fonti
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarBarra di stato
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7702,16 +8101,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7802,11 +8204,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormModulo
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7814,21 +8218,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Sfoglia
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7837,46 +8247,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7941,31 +8360,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Sfoglia
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8112,47 +8537,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ sì
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8167,21 +8613,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8489,6 +8926,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Seleziona icona per la fonte.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Modulo
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8502,17 +8961,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Errore nel caricamento delle fonti iniziali
+ Fetch metadataRecupera metadati
+ Export feedsEsporta fonti
+ Import feedsImporta fonti
@@ -8542,22 +9001,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryImpossibile aggiungere categria
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Impossibile aggiungere categoria perché un'altra operazione critica è in corso.
+ Import was completely successful.Importazione completata con successo.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8748,51 +9207,61 @@ Notizie non lette: %2
+ Activated actionsAzioni attivate
+ Available actionsAzioni disponibili
+ Move action upSposta azione in alto
+ Move action downSposta azione in basso
+ Insert separatorInserisci separatore
+ Insert spacerInserisci spaziatore
+ Add selected actionAggiungi azione selezionata
+ Delete selected actionElimina l'azione selezionata
+ Delete all actionsElimina tutte le azioni
+ Reset toolbarReimposta barra strumenti
@@ -9173,6 +9642,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Apri questo sito web nel browser di sistema
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_ja.ts b/localization/rssguard_ja.ts
index 511c5da72..e64340f47 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_ja.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_ja.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodes追加ノードの表示
+ Important重要な記事
+ Unread未読記事
+ Labelsラベル
+ Probes正規表現クエリ
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAdBlockを有効にする
+ &Helpヘルプ(&H)
+ Filter listsフィルターリスト
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)ここにフィルターリストへの直接リンクを追加してください(1行に1つのURL)
+ Custom filtersカスタムフィルター
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)ここにカスタムフィルターを追加する(1行に1フィルター)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.フィルターのセットアップとサーバーの起動に失敗しました: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'フィルタリスト '%1' のダウンロードに失敗しました
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.アプリケーションは既に実行されています。
+ Output directory is not writable.出力ディレクトリは書き込み可能ではありません。
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.設定ファイルが出力ディレクトリに正常にコピーされませんでした。
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.データベースの復元が開始されませんでした。出力ディレクトリが書き込み可能であることを確認してください。
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.データベースの復元が開始されませんでした。出力ディレクトリが書き込み可能であることを確認してください。
+ Cannot add feedフィードを追加できません
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.フィードを追加できる有効なアカウントがないため、フィードを追加できません。
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1エラー: %2 が発生したため、パッケージは更新されませんでした。影響を受けるパッケージ
+ These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetched未読の記事を取得しました
+ Go to changelog更新履歴に移動
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlockの設定が必要です
+ Welcomeようこそ
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -255,12 +267,12 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock が正しく設定されていません。 "設定" -> "Node.js" に移動し、Node.js が正しく設定されているか確認してください。
+ Already running既に実行中です
@@ -269,62 +281,74 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articles古い記事を無視する
+ Add articles with any date into the database任意の日付の記事をデータベースに追加する
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseこの日付/時刻より前の記事をデータベースに追加しないようにする
+ Absolute date/time
+ Relative time相対時間
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsフィード内の記事数を制限する
+ Customize article limits記事制限をカスタマイズする
+ In database, keepデータベースに保持する記事
+ Do not remove important articles重要な記事を削除しない
+ Do not remove unread articles未読の記事を削除しない
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them記事をごみ箱に移動するだけで削除はしない
@@ -355,31 +379,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous page前のページへ
+ Go to next page次のページへ
+ Open article in article list記事リストで記事を開く
+ Open article in web browserウェブブラウザで記事を開く
+ Mark all articles as readすべての記事を既読にする
@@ -439,21 +469,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.GMail フィードなど、一部のフィードでは認証が必要です。 BASIC、NTLM-2、および DIGEST-MD5 認証方式がサポートされています。
+ Credentials資格情報
+ Authentication type認証タイプ
@@ -461,12 +495,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ Usernameユーザー名
+ Passwordパスワード
@@ -730,26 +766,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Filenameファイル名
+ &Try again再試行(&T)
+ &Stop停止(&S)
+ &Open fileファイルを開く(&O)
+ Open &directoryディレクトリを開く(&d)
@@ -784,6 +825,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upクリア
@@ -1172,17 +1214,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPMLドキュメントにエラーが含まれています
+ this is likely not OPML documentこれはOPMLドキュメントではない可能性があります
+ Category カテゴリー
@@ -1213,12 +1255,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationドラッグ&ドロップ操作ができません
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.ドラッグしたアイテムを別のアカウントに移すことはできません。これはサポートされていません
@@ -1472,36 +1514,43 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboardクリップボードに情報をコピーする
+ Information情報
+ Licensesライセンス
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.ライセンスページは英語のみとなります
+ Changelog変更履歴
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.変更履歴ページは英語のみとなります
+ Resourcesリソース
@@ -1533,6 +1582,7 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ Add new account新しいアカウントを追加
@@ -1717,46 +1767,55 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsデータベースと設定のバックアップ
+ Output directory出力ディレクトリ
+ &Select directoryディレクトリを選択(&S)
+ Backup propertiesバックアップのプロパティ
+ Items to backupバックアップするアイテム
+ Databaseデータベース
+ Settings設定
+ Backup nameバックアップ名
+ Operation results実行結果
@@ -1873,31 +1932,37 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ Parent folder親フォルダ
+ Select parent item for your category.カテゴリーの親アイテムを選択してください。
+ Titleタイトル
+ Description説明
+ Iconアイコン
+ Select icon for your category.カテゴリーのアイコンを選択してください
@@ -1941,56 +2006,67 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseデータベースをクリーンアップ
+ Cleanup settingsクリーンアップ設定
+ Optimize database fileデータベースファイルを最適化する
+ Remove all read articles既読の記事をすべて削除する
+ Remove all articles from recycle binごみ箱からすべての記事を削除する
+ Remove all articles older than何日以前の記事をすべて削除する
+ Remove all starred articlesスター付きの記事をすべて削除する
+ Database informationデータベース情報
+ Total data size合計データサイズ
+ Database typeデータベース形式
+ Progress進捗
@@ -2147,84 +2223,92 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ Add new feed新しいフィードを追加
+ Cannot save changes: %1変更を保存できません: %1
+ Edit "%1"編集 "%1"
+ Edit %n feeds%n 個のフィードを編集
+ Fetch articles using global intervalグローバル間隔を使用して記事を取得する
+ Fetch articles every記事を取得する間隔
+ Disable auto-fetching of articles記事の自動取得を無効にする
+ Cannot save feed propertiesフィードのプロパティを保存できません
+ Articles記事
+ Auto-downloading of articles記事の自動ダウンロード
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.このフィードのメッセージの自動ダウンロード方法を選択します。 デフォルトの自動ダウンロード方法は、アプリケーション設定で設定された時間間隔でダウンロードされることを意味します。
+ Open articles via their URL automatically記事をURL経由で自動的に開く
+ Miscellaneousその他
+ Disable this feedこのフィードを無効にする
+ Right-to-left layout右から左へのレイアウト
+ Ignore notifications for this feedこのフィードの通知を無視する
@@ -2294,618 +2378,741 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ &Fileファイル(&F)
+ &Helpヘルプ(&H)
+ &View表示(&V)
+ Show/hide表示/非表示
+ &Toolsツール(&T)
+ F&eedsフィード
+ &Add itemアイテムを追加
+ &Move移動
+ Art&icles記事
+ &Recycle bin(s)ゴミ箱(&R)
+ &Accountsアカウント(&A)
+ &Web browser && tabsウェブブラウザ & タブ
+ &Quit終了(&Q)
+ Quit the application.アプリケーションを終了します。
+ &Settings設定(&S)
+ Display settings of the application.アプリケーションの設定を表示します。
+ &About applicationこのアプリケーションについて(&A)
+ Displays extra info about this application.このアプリケーションに関する追加情報を表示します
+ &Fullscreenフルスクリーン(&F)
+ Switch fullscreen mode.全画面モードに切り替え
+ &Fetch allすべて取得
+ Fetch all feedsすべてのフィードを取得
+ Fetch &selected選択して取得
+ Fetch selected feeds選択したフィードを取得
+ Mark articles &read記事を既読にする
+ Mark selected articles read選択した記事を既読にする
+ Mark articles &unread記事を未読にする
+ Mark selected articles unread選択した記事を未読にする
+ Switch &importance重要の切り替え
+ Switch importance of selected articles選択した記事の重要を切り替える
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.選択した項目のすべてのメッセージ(メッセージフィルタなし) を既読にする
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.選択した項目のすべてのメッセージ(メッセージフィルタなし) を未読にする
+ &Delete articles記事の削除
+ &Edit selected items選択したアイテムを編集
+ &Delete selected items選択したアイテムを削除
+ Mark selected items &read選択したアイテムを既読にする
+ Mark selected items &unread選択したアイテムを未読にする
+ &Clean selected items選択したアイテムを削除する
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.選択したアイテムからすべてのメッセージを削除します
+ Open in &external browser外部ブラウザで開く
+ Open selected articles in external browser選択した記事を外部ブラウザで開く
+ Open in &internal browser内部ブラウザで開く
+ Open selected articles in internal browser選択した記事を内部ブラウザで開く
+ No actions available使用可能なアクションはありません
+ No actions are available right now.現在使用可能なアクションはありません。
+ &Mark all readすべて既読にする
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.すべてのアイテムのすべてのメッセージを既読にします。これはメッセージフィルタを考慮しません
+ Switch main window visibilityメインウィンドウの表示を切り替える
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.メインウィンドウが表示されている場合は非表示にし、非表示の場合は表示します
+ &Feed listフィード一覧(&F)
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.フィード一覧の表示を切り替えます。
+ &Clean allすべて削除
+ Deletes all messages from all items.すべてのアイテムからすべてのメッセージを削除します
+ &Next item次のアイテム
+ &Previous item前のアイテム
+ &Next article次の記事
+ &Previous article前の記事
+ Check for &updates更新を確認(&u)
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.アプリケーションの新しいアップデートがダウンロード可能か確認します
+ &Main menuメインメニュー(&M)
+ Hides or displays the main menu.メインメニューの表示を切り替えます。
+ Report a &bug...バグを報告...(&B)
+ &Toolbarsツールバー(&T)
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.メインツールバーの表示を切り替え
+ &List headersヘッダーリスト
+ &Donate...寄付...
+ Display &documentationドキュメントを表示する
+ &Restart再起動(&R)
+ &Restore settings設定の復元
+ &Backup settings設定のバックアップ
+ Switch layoutレイアウトの切り替え
+ &Downloadsダウンロード(&D)
+ Send via e-mailEメールで送信
+ Send selected articles via e-mail選択した記事をEメールで送信
+ &Cleanup databaseデータベースをクリーンアップ(&C)
+ Show unread items only未読アイテムのみ表示
+ &Expand/collapse selected item選択したアイテムを展開/折りたたむ(&E)
+ &Add accountアカウントを追加
+ &Restore articles記事を復元
+ &Restore all recycle binsゴミ箱を復元(&R)
+ &Empty all recycle binsゴミ箱を空にする(&E)
+ Next &unread article次の未読記事へ
+ Status barステータスバー
+ &Edit selected account選択したアカウントを編集(&E)
+ &Delete selected account選択したアカウントを削除(&D)
+ Add new category新しいカテゴリーを追加
+ Stop ongoing fetching進行中の取得を停止する
+ New browser tab新しいブラウザのタブ
+ Close all tabsすべてのタブを閉じる
+ Close all tabs except current他のタブをすべて閉じる
+ Go to &next tab次のタブに移動(&N)
+ Go to &previous tab前のタブに移動(&P)
+ &Enable article preview記事のプレビューを有効にする
+ &Copy URL of selected item選択したアイテムのURLをコピーする
+ Article &filters記事フィルター
+ &Show tree expandersツリーエキスパンダーを表示する
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyカスタム自動ダウンロードポリシーでフィードを取得する
+ Alternate row colors in listsリスト内の行を互い違いの色にする
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedアイテムを選択すると自動的に展開する
+ Message viewer toolbarsメッセージビューアのツールバー
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursively選択したアイテムを再帰的に展開/折りたたむ
+ Close ¤t tab現在のタブを閉じる
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles選択した記事のURLをコピーする
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)内部ブラウザで開く (新規タブなし)
+ &Sort alphabeticallyアルファベット順に並べ替える
+ Move &up上へ移動
+ Move to &top一番上へ移動
+ Move &down下へ移動
+ Move to &bottom一番下へ移動
+ Display application &logアプリケーションのログを表示
+ Focus feeds search boxフィード検索ボックスへ
+ Focus articles search box記事検索ボックスへ
+ Scroll &up browserブラウザを上へスクロール
+ Scroll &down browserブラウザを下へスクロール
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyサブカテゴリーをアルファベット順に並べ替える
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyフィードをアルファベット順に並べ替える
+ Cleanup web cac&heウェブキャッシュのクリーンアップ
+ You must add new account first最初に新しいアカウントを追加する必要があります
+ You must add new account first.最初に新しいアカウントを追加する必要があります
+ Edit &child feeds子フィードを編集
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)子フィードを編集 (再帰的)
+ Play in &media playerメディアプレーヤーで再生
+ Add new feed新しいフィードを追加
@@ -3079,122 +3286,147 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ Article filters記事フィルター
+ &Check allすべてチェック
+ &Uncheck allすべて解除
+ Remove selected選択項目を削除
+ &New filter新しいフィルター
+ Article filter details記事フィルターの詳細
+ Titleタイトル
+ Title of article filter記事フィルターのタイトル
+ Pre-made filters既製のフィルター
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicJavaScriptベースの記事フィルタリングロジックです
+ &Testテスト
+ Process checked feedsチェック済みフィードを処理
+ &Beautify自動整形
+ Detailed &help詳細なヘルプ
+ Existing articles既存の記事
+ Sample articleサンプル記事
+ Author投稿者
+ Created on作成日時
+ Contents内容
+ Read既読
+ Important重要
+ Script outputスクリプト出力
@@ -3239,31 +3471,37 @@ QtWebEngineキャッシュフォルダ -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsデータベースと設定の復元
+ Operation results実行結果
+ Source directoryソースディレクトリ
+ &Select directoryディレクトリを選択(&S)
+ Restore databaseデータベースの復元
+ Restore settings設定の復元
@@ -3314,6 +3552,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ Settings設定
@@ -3321,15 +3560,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ General一般
+ Networkネットワーク
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3727,31 +3971,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updates更新を確認
+ Current release現在のリリース
+ Available release利用可能なリリース
+ Status状態
+ Changelog変更履歴
+ Available files利用可能なファイル
@@ -4407,6 +4657,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4813,51 +5064,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Formフォーム
+ Play/pause再生 / 一時停止
+ Stop停止
+ Speedスピード
+ Progress進捗
+ Duration再生時間
+ Mute/unmuteミュート / ミュート解除
+ Volume音量
+ Downloadダウンロード
+ Switch fullscreen mode全画面モードに切り替え
@@ -5594,41 +5855,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Hostホスト
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverプロキシサーバのホスト名またはIP
+ Portポート
+ Usernameユーザー名
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationプロキシサーバ認証のためのユーザ名
+ Passwordパスワード
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationプロキシサーバ認証のためのパスワード
@@ -5639,6 +5908,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.タイプ
@@ -5864,7 +6134,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6066,17 +6336,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedエスケープシーケンスが完了していません
+ closing " is missing" がありません
+ closing ' is missing' がありません
@@ -6605,16 +6875,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textテキストを検索
+ Find previous occurence前を検索
+ Find next occurence次を検索
@@ -6680,14 +6953,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executable実行形式のウェブブラウザを選択してください
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6695,24 +6968,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.実行可能形式 (*)
+ Executables (*.*)実行形式 (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableEメールの実行可能ファイルを選択
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12以降
+ Enter (optional) parameters:(オプション) パラメータを入力:
@@ -6723,92 +6996,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ Networkネットワーク
+ Do not accept any incoming cookies受信したCookieを受け入れない
+ Enable HTTP/2HTTP/2を有効にする
+ Enable API serverAPI サーバーを有効にする
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheキャッシュを無効にする
+ External web browser外部ウェブブラウザ
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browser外部ウェブブラウザで常にハイパーリンクを開く
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>チェックされていない場合は、システム全体のウェブブラウザが使用されます。</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browser独自の外部ウェブブラウザを使用
+ Web browser executable実行可能なウェブブラウザ
+ Executable file of web browserウェブブラウザの実行可能ファイル
+ &Browse参照(&B)
+ Parametersパラメータ
+ Parameters passed to executable実行可能ファイルに渡されたパラメータ
+ Use sample arguments forサンプル引数を使用
+ Select browserブラウザを選択
@@ -6818,27 +7119,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
"%1" (引用符なし) は選択したメッセージのURLのプレースホルダであることに注意してください。
+ External e-mail client外部電子メールクライアント
+ Use custom external e-mail client独自の外部電子メールクライアントを使用
+ E-mail client executableEメール クライアントの実行可能ファイル
+ Executable file of e-mail client電子メールクライアントの実行ファイル
+ Select clientクライアントを選択
@@ -6852,22 +7158,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - 選択されたメッセージの本文
+ External tools外部ツール
+ &Add toolツールを追加
+ &Edit selected tool選択して編集
+ &Delete selected tool選択して削除
@@ -6877,12 +7187,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ Select external tool外部ツールの選択
+ Enter parametersパラメータを入力
@@ -7001,41 +7311,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverデータベースドライバー
+ Use in-memory database as the working database作業データベースとしてインメモリデータベースを使用する
+ Hostnameホスト名
+ Portポート
+ Working database作業データベース
+ Usernameユーザー名
+ Passwordパスワード
+ Test setupテストセットアップ
@@ -7054,31 +7372,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is started新しいダウンロードが開始された時にダウンロードマネージャーを開く
+ Target directory for downloaded filesダウンロードしたファイルの保存先
+ Save all downloaded files to全てのダウンロードファイルを以下に保存
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedすべてのダウンロードしたファイルが保存されるターゲットディレクトリ
+ &Browse参照(&B)
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileファイルのダウンロード時に訊ねる
@@ -7149,57 +7473,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingフィードの取得
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay of起動時にすべての記事を取得する。その際の遅延時間
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyすべてのフィードの記事を自動取得する間隔
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedアプリケーションがフォーカスされていない場合のみ記事を自動取得する
+ Feed connection timeoutフィード接続のタイムアウト
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.接続タイムアウトは、フィードの新しいメッセージをダウンロードするために予約されている時間間隔です。この時間間隔が経過したすると、ダウンロードプロセスは中止されます。
+ msミリ秒
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)非常に高速な自動取得間隔 (10 秒以内) をサポートする
+ Feeds listフィードリスト
+ Row height行の高さ
+ Feed list fontフィードリストのフォント
@@ -7207,6 +7543,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewフォントプレビュー
@@ -7214,141 +7553,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change fontフォント変更
+ Article count format記事数のフォーマット
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articles未読の記事がない場合は記事カウントを非表示にする
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listフィード/記事リストに基本的なキーボードショートカットのみを許可する
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesフィードと記事のツールチップを表示する
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingフィード取得中にフィードリストを更新する
+ Articles記事
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitアプリケーション終了時にすべてのフィードから既読記事を削除する
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched新しい記事が取得されている時に記事本文の変更を無視する
+ Internal article viewer内部記事ビューアー
+ Limit height of all picturesすべての写真の高さを制限する
+ Use legacy article formatting従来の記事書式を使用する
+ Unread article icon type未読記事アイコンの種類
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-only日付のみにカスタムの日付/時刻形式を使用する
+ Upon article selection, mark as read記事を選択した時に既読にする方法
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser記事が外部Webブラウザで開かれると、アプリケーションウィンドウをフロントに表示する
+ Article browser font記事ブラウザのフォント
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the future未来の記事の日付/時刻を修正する
+ Display attachments directly in article記事に添付ファイルを直接表示する
+ Keep article viewer always visible記事ビューアを常に表示する
+ Articles list記事リスト
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport記事リストのビューポートを中央で維持する
+ Enable multiline items複数行のアイテムを有効にする
+ Top/bottom row padding上/下行の余白
+ Use custom date/time format日付/時刻形式をカスタマイズする
+ Custom date/time format for today's articles今日の記事の日付/時刻形式をカスタマイズする
+ Article list font記事リストのフォント
+ Show relative time for articles not older than記事を相対時間で表示する
@@ -7367,11 +7736,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupオペレーティングシステムの開始時に%1を起動
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupアプリケーションの起動時に %1 のアップデートを確認する
@@ -7482,137 +7853,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsアイコン && スキン
+ Icon themeアイコンテーマ
+ Styleスタイル
+ Skinスキン
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)スキンカラーを使用 (ダイアログ/コントロールのスキンカラーはFusionスタイルでのみ有効)
+ Custom skin colorsカスタムスキンカラー
+ Customize predefined colors定義済みの色をカスタマイズする
+ Tray areaシステムトレイ
+ Tray icon通知アイコン
+ Use monochrome iconモノクロアイコンを使用する
+ Display count of unread messages未読メッセージ数を表示する
+ Hide main window when it is minimized最小化時にメインウィンドウを非表示にする
+ Start application hidden非表示でアプリケーションを開始する
+ Task barタスクバー
+ Tabsタブ
+ Close tabs with次の設定でタブを閉じる
+ Middle mouse button single-clickマウスの中ボタンをシングルクリック
+ Left mouse button double-clickマウスの左ボタンをダブルクリック
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barマウスの左ボタンでタブバーをダブルクリックして新しいタブを開く
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleタブが1つしか表示されていない場合はタブバーを非表示にする
+ Toolbarsツールバー
+ Toolbar for feeds listフィード一覧のツールバー
+ Toolbar for articles list記事リストのツールバー
+ Statusbarステータスバー
+ Button styleボタンスタイル
+ Toolbar editorツールバー エディタ
+ Icon sizeアイコンのサイズ
@@ -7681,16 +8080,19 @@ Description: %3
+ Backendバックエンド
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderカスタムMPV設定フォルダを使用する
+ Browse参照
@@ -7781,11 +8183,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js 実行可能ファイル
@@ -7793,21 +8197,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse参照(&B)
+ NPM executableNPM 実行可能ファイル
+ Package folder パッケージフォルダ
+ &Download Node.jsNode.js をダウンロード
@@ -7816,46 +8226,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Enable notifications通知を有効にする
+ Balloon notifications typeバルーン通知のタイプ
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)ネイティブ通知 (トレイアイコンを有効にする必要があります)
+ Custom notificationsカスタム通知
+ Position位置
+ Width横幅
+ Margins余白
+ Screen画面
+ Opacity不透明度
@@ -7920,31 +8339,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationバルーン通知
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileWAVサウンドファイルへのフルパス
+ &Browse参照(&B)
+ &PlayPlay
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8091,47 +8516,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ はい
+ no
+ いいえ
+ Scriptスクリプト
+ Local fileローカルファイル
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportJavaScriptをサポートする組み込みのウェブブラウザ
+ Unknown不明
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1フィードのデータを保存できません: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildこのソースタイプは 'lite' %1 ビルドでは使用できません
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.フィードを移動できません。詳細情報はデバッグログに記録されています
+ Cannot save feed dataフィードデータを保存できません
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8146,21 +8592,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- エンコーディング: %1
-タイプ: %2
-後処理スクリプト: %3
+ feed format not recognizedフィード形式が認識されません
+ Cannot move feedフィードを移動できません
@@ -8468,6 +8905,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8481,17 +8940,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
+ Fetch metadataメタデータを取得
+ Export feedsフィードをエクスポート
+ Import feedsフィードをインポート
@@ -8521,22 +8980,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
このソースタイプは 'lite' %1 ビルドでは使用できません
+ Cannot add categoryカテゴリを追加できません
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.別の重要な作業が進行中のため、カテゴリーを追加できません
+ Import was completely successful.インポートは完全に成功しました
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.一部のフィード/カテゴリーがエラーによりインポートされませんでした。詳細についてはデバッグログを確認してください
@@ -8723,51 +9182,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsアクティベートされたアクション
+ Available actions利用可能なアクション
+ Move action upアクションを上に移動
+ Move action downアクションを下に移動
+ Insert separatorセパレーターを挿入
+ Insert spacer空白を挿入
+ Add selected action選択したアクションを追加
+ Delete selected action選択したアクションを削除
+ Delete all actionsすべてのアクションを削除
+ Reset toolbarツールバーをリセットする
@@ -9148,6 +9617,19 @@ Last login on: %4
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_ko.ts b/localization/rssguard_ko.ts
index 5fa3ec6a0..b0bc83c4e 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_ko.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_ko.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -355,31 +379,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -439,21 +469,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -461,12 +495,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -730,26 +766,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -784,6 +825,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1172,17 +1214,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1213,12 +1255,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1472,36 +1514,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1533,6 +1582,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1717,46 +1767,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1873,31 +1932,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1941,56 +2006,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2147,84 +2223,92 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2294,618 +2378,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3079,122 +3286,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3239,31 +3471,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3314,6 +3552,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3321,15 +3560,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3728,31 +3972,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4408,6 +4658,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4814,51 +5065,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5595,41 +5856,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5640,6 +5909,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5865,7 +6135,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6067,17 +6337,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6606,16 +6876,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6681,14 +6954,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6696,24 +6969,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6724,92 +6997,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6819,27 +7120,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6853,22 +7159,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6878,12 +7188,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7002,41 +7312,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7055,31 +7373,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7150,57 +7474,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7208,6 +7544,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7215,141 +7554,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7368,11 +7737,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7483,137 +7854,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7682,16 +8081,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7782,11 +8184,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7794,21 +8198,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7817,46 +8227,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7921,31 +8340,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8092,47 +8517,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8147,21 +8593,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8469,6 +8906,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8482,17 +8941,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8522,22 +8981,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8724,51 +9183,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9149,6 +9618,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_lt.ts b/localization/rssguard_lt.ts
index 2269fc12b..478024c57 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_lt.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_lt.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForma
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantSvarbi
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsEtiketės
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockĮjungti reklamos blokavimą
+ &HelpPa&galba
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Programa jau yra vykdoma
+ Output directory is not writable.Išvesties katalogas nėra įrašomas
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Nustatymų failas nebuvo sėkmingai nukopijuotas į išvesties katalogą.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Duomenų bazės atkūrimas nebuvo inicijuotas. Įsitikinkite, kad išvesties katalogas yra įrašomas.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Nustatymų atkūrimas nebuvo inicijuotas. Įsitikinkite, kad išvesties katalogas yra įrašomas.
+ Cannot add feedNepavyksta pridėti kanalo
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Susipažinkite su NAUJOMIS šios
versijos ypatybėmis, spusteldami šį pranešimą.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ versijos ypatybėmis, spusteldami šį pranešimą.
+ FormForma
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -358,31 +382,37 @@ versijos ypatybėmis, spusteldami šį pranešimą.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -445,21 +475,25 @@ versijos ypatybėmis, spusteldami šį pranešimą.
+ FormForma
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Kai kurie kanalai, įskaitant GMail kanalus, reikalauja atpažinimo. Yra palaikomos BASIC, NTLM-2 ir DIGEST-MD5 atpažinimo schemos.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -467,12 +501,14 @@ versijos ypatybėmis, spusteldami šį pranešimą.
+ UsernameNaudotojo vardas
+ PasswordSlaptažodis
@@ -736,26 +772,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFailo pavadinimas
+ &Try again&Bandyti dar kartą
+ &Stop&Stabdyti
+ &Open file&Atverti failą
+ Open &directoryAtverti &katalogą
@@ -799,6 +840,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upIšvalyti
@@ -1196,17 +1238,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Kategorija
@@ -1237,12 +1279,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationNegalima atlikti vilkimo operacijos
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Jūs negalite perkelti velkamą elementą į kitą paskyrą, tai yra nepalaikoma.
@@ -1502,36 +1544,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformacija
+ LicensesLicencijos
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licencijų puslapis yra prieinamas tik anglų kalba.
+ ChangelogKeitimų žurnalas
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Keitimų žurnalo puslapis yra prieinamas tik anglų kalba.
+ ResourcesIštekliai
@@ -1563,6 +1612,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountPridėti naują paskyrą
@@ -1747,46 +1797,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsDaryti atsarginę duomenų bazės/nustatymų kopiją
+ Output directoryIšvesties katalogas
+ &Select directory&Pasirinkti katalogą
+ Backup propertiesAtsarginės kopijos savybės
+ Items to backupElementai, kurių atsarginę kopiją daryti
+ DatabaseDuomenų bazė
+ SettingsNustatymai
+ Backup nameAtsarginės kopijos pavadinimas
+ Operation resultsOperacijos rezultatai
@@ -1906,31 +1965,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Pasirinkite savo kategorijos pirminį elementą.
+ TitleAntraštė
+ DescriptionAprašas
+ IconPiktograma
+ Select icon for your category.Pasirinkite savo kategorijai piktogramą.
@@ -1977,56 +2042,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseIšvalyti duomenų bazę
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimizuoti duomenų bazės failą
+ Remove all read articlesŠalinti visus skaitytus straipsnius
+ Remove all articles from recycle binŠalinti visus straipsnius iš šiukšlinės
+ Remove all articles older thanŠalinti visus straipsnius, kurie senesni nei
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDuomenų bazės informacija
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDuomenų bazės tipas
+ ProgressEiga
@@ -2183,22 +2259,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedPridėti naują kanalą
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2208,62 +2284,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedIšjungti šį kanalą
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2333,618 +2417,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&Failas
+ &HelpPa&galba
+ &View&Rodinys
+ Show/hideRodyti/slėpti
+ &ToolsĮra&nkiai
+ F&eeds&Kanalai
+ &Add item&Pridėti elementą
+ &MovePerke<i
+ Art&iclesS&traipsniai
+ &Recycle bin(s)Ši&ukšlinė(-s)
+ &Accounts&Paskyros
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Išeiti
+ Quit the application.Išeiti iš programos.
+ &SettingsNu&statymai
+ Display settings of the application.Rodyti programos nustatymus.
+ &About application&Apie programą
+ Displays extra info about this application.Rodo papildomą informaciją apie šią programą.
+ &Fullscreen&Visas ekranas
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Perjungti viso ekrano veikseną.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Žymėti visas žinutes (be žinučių filtrų) iš pasirinkto elemento kaip skaitytas.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Žymėti visas žinutes (be žinučių filtrų) iš pasirinkto elemento kaip neskaitytas.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Ištrina visas žinutes iš pasirinktų elementų.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNėra prieinamų veiksmų
+ No actions are available right now.Šiuo metu nėra prieinama jokių veiksmų.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Žymi visas žinutes visuose elementuose kaip skaitytas. Tai neatsižvelgia į žinučių filtrus.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Slepia pagrindinį langą, jeigu jis yra matomas ir rodo jį, jeigu jis yra paslėptas.
+ &Feed list&Kanalų sąrašas
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Slepia arba rodo kanalų/kategorijų sąrašą.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Ištrina visas žinutes iš visų elementų.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesTikrinti ar yra &atnaujinimų
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Tikrinti ar yra prieinamas atsisiųsti naujas programos atnaujinimas.
+ &Main menu&Pagrindinis meniu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Slepia arba rodo pagrindinį meniu.
+ Report a &bug...Pranešti apie &klaidą...
+ &ToolbarsĮ&rankių juostos
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Perjungti pagrindinių įrankių juostų matomumą.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Paaukoti...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Paleisti iš naujo
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutPerjungti išdėstymą
+ &Downloads&Atsiuntimai
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Išvalyti duomenų bazę
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemIšskl&eisti/suskleisti pasirinktą elementą
+ &Add account&Pridėti paskyrą
+ &Restore articlesA&tkurti straipsnius
+ &Restore all recycle binsAtku&rti visas šiukšlines
+ &Empty all recycle binsIš&tuštinti visas šiukšlines
+ Next &unread articleKitas &neskaitytas straipsnis
+ Status barBūsenos juosta
+ &Edit selected accountR&edaguoti pasirinktą paskyrą
+ &Delete selected account&Ištrinti pasirinktą paskyrą
+ Add new categoryPridėti naują kategoriją
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNauja naršyklės kortelė
+ Close all tabsUžverti visas korteles
+ Close all tabs except currentUžverti visas korteles išskyrus esamą
+ Go to &next tabPereiti į &kitą kortelę
+ Go to &previous tabPereiti į &ankstesnę kortelę
+ &Enable article previewĮ&jungti straipsnio peržiūrą
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedPridėti naują kanalą
@@ -3118,122 +3325,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleAntraštė
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript kodas
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAutorius
+ Created onSukurta
+ ContentsTurinys
+ ReadSkaityta
+ ImportantSvarbi
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3278,31 +3510,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsAtkurti duomenų bazę/nustatymus
+ Operation resultsOperacijos rezultatai
+ Source directoryŠaltinio katalogas
+ &Select directory&Pasirinkti katalogą
+ Restore databaseAtkurti duomenų bazę
+ Restore settingsAtkurti nustatymus
@@ -3353,6 +3591,7 @@ Jūs turite paleisti iš naujo rankiniu būdu.
+ SettingsNustatymai
@@ -3360,15 +3599,20 @@ Jūs turite paleisti iš naujo rankiniu būdu.
+ GeneralBendra
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3767,31 +4011,37 @@ Jūs dabar galite jį įdiegti.
+ Check for updatesTikrinti ar yra atnaujinimų
+ Current releaseEsama laida
+ Available releasePrieinama laida
+ StatusBūsena
+ ChangelogKeitimų žurnalas
+ Available filesPrieinami failai
@@ -4447,6 +4697,7 @@ Prisijungimo prieigos raktai nustoja galioti: %2
+ FormForma
@@ -4853,51 +5104,61 @@ Prisijungimo prieigos raktai nustoja galioti: %2
+ FormForma
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStabdyti
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressEiga
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadAtsisiųsti
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5649,41 +5910,49 @@ Prisijungimo prieigos raktai nustoja galioti: %2
+ FormForma
+ HostServeris
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverJūsų įgaliotojo serverio IP ar kompiuterio vardas
+ PortPrievadas
+ UsernameNaudotojo vardas
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationJūsų naudotojo vardas, skirtas atpažinimui įgaliotajame serveryje
+ PasswordSlaptažodis
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationJūsų slaptažodis, skirtas atpažinimui įgaliotajame serveryje
@@ -5694,6 +5963,7 @@ Prisijungimo prieigos raktai nustoja galioti: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Tipas
@@ -5919,7 +6189,7 @@ Prisijungimo prieigos raktai nustoja galioti: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6130,17 +6400,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6675,16 +6945,19 @@ Prisijungimo prieigos raktai nustoja galioti: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceRasti ankstesnį atitikmenį
+ Find next occurenceRasti kitą atitikmenį
@@ -6750,14 +7023,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executablePasirinkite saityno naršyklės vykdomąjį
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6765,24 +7038,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Vykdomieji (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Vykdomieji (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executablePasirinkite el. pašto vykdomąjį
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 ar senesnė
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6793,92 +7066,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserIšorinė naršyklė
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Jei nepažymėta, tuomet bus naudojama sistemos mastu nustatyta numatytoji saityno naršyklė.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserNaudoti tinkintą išorinę saityno naršyklę
+ Web browser executableSaityno naršyklės vykdomasis
+ Executable file of web browserSaityno naršyklės vykdomasis failas
+ &Browse&Naršyti
+ ParametersParametrai
+ Parameters passed to executableVykdomajam perduoti parametrai
+ Use sample arguments forNaudoti pavyzdinius argumentus
+ Select browserPasirinkite naršyklę
@@ -6888,27 +7189,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Turėkite omenyje, kad "%1" (be kabučių) yra pasirinktos žinutės URL vietaženklis.
+ External e-mail clientIšorinis el. pašto klientas
+ Use custom external e-mail clientNaudoti tinkintą išorinį el. pašto klientą
+ E-mail client executableEl. pašto vykdomasis
+ Executable file of e-mail clientEl. pašto kliento vykdomasis failas
+ Select clientPasirinkite klientą
@@ -6922,22 +7228,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - pasirinktos žinutės pagrindinė dalis.
+ External toolsIšoriniai įrankiai
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6947,12 +7257,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolPasirinkite išorinį įrankį
+ Enter parametersĮveskite parametrus
@@ -7071,41 +7381,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDuomenų bazės tvarkyklė
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseNaudoti atmintyje esančią duomenų bazę kaip darbinę duomenų bazę
+ HostnameKompiuterio vardas
+ PortPrievadas
+ Working databaseDarbinė duomenų bazė
+ UsernameNaudotojo vardas
+ PasswordSlaptažodis
+ Test setupIšbandyti sąranką
@@ -7124,31 +7442,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedAtverti atsiuntimų tvarkytuvę, kai pradedamas naujas atsiuntimas
+ Target directory for downloaded filesPaskirties katalogas atsisiųstiems failams
+ Save all downloaded files toĮrašyti visus atsisiųstus failus į
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedPaskirties katalogas, į kurį yra įrašomi visi atsisiųsti failai
+ &Browse&Naršyti
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAtskirai klausti kiekvienam atsiunčiamam failui
@@ -7222,57 +7546,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutPrisijungimui prie kanalo skirtas laikas
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Prisijungimui skirtas laikas yra laiko intervalas, kuris yra rezervuojamas naujų kanalo žinučių atsiuntimui. Jeigu šis laiko intervalas praeina, tuomet atsiuntimo procesas yra nutraukiamas.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontKanalų sąrašo šriftas
@@ -7280,6 +7616,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewŠrifto peržiūra
@@ -7287,141 +7626,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Keisti šriftą
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7440,11 +7809,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupPaleisti %1 operacinės sistemos paleidimo metu
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7555,137 +7926,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsPiktogramos ir apipavidalinimai
+ Icon themePiktogramų tema
+ StyleStilius
+ SkinApipavidalinimas
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconDėklo piktograma
+ Use monochrome iconNaudoti nespalvotą piktogramą
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedSlėpti pagrindinį langą, kai jis suskleidžiamas
+ Start application hiddenPaleisti programą paslėptą
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsKortelės
+ Close tabs withUžverti korteles...
+ Middle mouse button single-clickVienu vidurinio pelės mygtuko spustelėjimu
+ Left mouse button double-clickDvikarčiu kairiojo pelės mygtuko nuspaudimu
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barAtverti naujas korteles, du kartus spustelėjus kairiuoju pelės mygtuku ant kortelių juostos.
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleSlėpti kortelių juostą, jeigu yra matoma tik viena kortelė.
+ ToolbarsĮrankių juostos
+ Toolbar for feeds listKanalų sąrašo įrankių juosta
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarBūsenos juosta
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7754,16 +8153,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7854,11 +8256,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForma
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7866,21 +8270,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Naršyti
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7889,46 +8299,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7993,31 +8412,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Naršyti
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8164,47 +8589,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ taip
+ no
+ ne
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8219,21 +8665,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8541,6 +8978,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Pasirinkite savo kanalui piktogramą.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Forma
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8554,17 +9013,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Klaida, įkeliant pradinius kanalus
+ Fetch metadataGauti metaduomenis
+ Export feedsEksportuoti kanalus
+ Import feedsImportuoti kanalus
@@ -8594,22 +9053,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryNepavyksta pridėti kategorijos
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Nepavyksta pridėti kategorijos, nes yra vykdoma kita kritinė operacija.
+ Import was completely successful.Importavimas buvo sėkmingai užbaigtas.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8808,51 +9267,61 @@ Neskaitytų naujienų: %2
+ Activated actionsAktyvieji veiksmai
+ Available actionsPrieinami veiksmai
+ Move action upPerkelti veksmą aukštyn
+ Move action downNuleisti veiksmą žemyn
+ Insert separatorĮterpti skirtuką
+ Insert spacerĮterpti tarpiklį
+ Add selected actionPridėti pasirinktą veiksmą
+ Delete selected actionIštrinti pasirinktą veiksmą
+ Delete all actionsIštrinti visus veiksmus
+ Reset toolbarAtstatyti įrankių juostą
@@ -9233,6 +9702,19 @@ Paskiausias prisijungimas: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_lv.ts b/localization/rssguard_lv.ts
index c70b094a8..b43b7720f 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_lv.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_lv.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -357,31 +381,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -443,21 +473,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -465,12 +499,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -734,26 +770,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -794,6 +835,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1188,17 +1230,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1229,12 +1271,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1492,36 +1534,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1553,6 +1602,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1737,46 +1787,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1895,31 +1954,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1965,56 +2030,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2171,22 +2247,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2195,62 +2271,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2320,618 +2404,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3105,122 +3312,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3265,31 +3497,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3340,6 +3578,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3347,15 +3586,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3754,31 +3998,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4434,6 +4684,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4840,51 +5091,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5631,41 +5892,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5676,6 +5945,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5901,7 +6171,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6109,17 +6379,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6652,16 +6922,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6727,14 +7000,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6742,24 +7015,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6770,92 +7043,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6865,27 +7166,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6899,22 +7205,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6924,12 +7234,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7048,41 +7358,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7101,31 +7419,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7198,57 +7522,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7256,6 +7592,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7263,141 +7602,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7416,11 +7785,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7531,137 +7902,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7730,16 +8129,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7830,11 +8232,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7842,21 +8246,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7865,46 +8275,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7969,31 +8388,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8140,47 +8565,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8195,21 +8641,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8517,6 +8954,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8530,17 +8989,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8570,22 +9029,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8780,51 +9239,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9205,6 +9674,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_nl.ts b/localization/rssguard_nl.ts
index 041861220..8baf853d4 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_nl.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_nl.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesExtra nodes weergeven
+ ImportantBelangrijk
+ UnreadOngelezen
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesTesten
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Fout: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAdvertenties blokkeren
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilterlijsten
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Voeg hier je directe links toe aan filterlijsten (één URL per regel)
+ Custom filtersAangepaste filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Voeg hier je aangepaste filters toe (één filter per regel)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Fout: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Instellen van filters en starten van server mislukt: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'kan filterlijst '%1' niet downloaden
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Fout: %1
+ Application is already running.RSS Guard is al gestart.
+ Output directory is not writable.De uitvoermap is niet beschrijfbaar.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Het instellingenbestand is niet gekopieerd naar de uitvoermap.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Databankherstel is niet gestart. Zorg ervoor dat de uitvoermap beschrijfbaar is.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Herstel van de instellingen is niet gestart. Zorg ervoor dat de uitvoermap beschrijfbaar is.
+ Cannot add feedKan feed niet toevoegen
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed kan niet worden toegevoegd omdat er geen actief account is dat feeds kan toevoegen.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Pakketten zijn NIET bijgewerkt vanwege een fout: %2. Betreffende pakketten:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Deze pakketten zijn geïnstalleerd/bijgewerkt:
+ Unread articles fetchedOngelezen artikelen opgehaald
+ Go to changelogGa naar changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock moet worden geconfigureerd
+ WelcomeWelkom
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -255,12 +267,12 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
Om te zien wat er NIEUW is in deze versie: klik op deze melding.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is niet juist geconfigureerd. Ga naar "Instellingen" -> "Node.js" en controleer of Node.js correct is ingesteld.
+ Already runningIs al gestart
@@ -269,61 +281,73 @@ Om te zien wat er NIEUW is in deze versie: klik op deze melding.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesOude artikelen negeren
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAlle artikelen ongeacht datum toevoegen aan de database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseVoorkom toevoegen van artikelen met een datum eerder dan deze
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute datum/tijd
+ Relative timeRelatieve tijd
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsBeperken van het aantal artikelen in feeds
+ Customize article limitsArtikellimieten aanpassen
+ In database, keepIn database, bewaren
+ Do not remove important articlesBelangrijke artikelen niet verwijderen
+ Do not remove unread articlesOngelezen artikelen niet verwijderen
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themVerplaats artikelen naar de prullenbak, niet verwijderen
@@ -355,31 +379,37 @@ Om te zien wat er NIEUW is in deze versie: klik op deze melding.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageVorige pagina
+ Go to next pageVolgende pagina
+ Open article in article listOpen artikel in artikellijst
+ Open article in web browserOpen artikel in webbrowser
+ Mark all articles as readMarkeer alle artikelen als gelezen
@@ -440,21 +470,25 @@ Om te zien wat er NIEUW is in deze versie: klik op deze melding.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Sommige feeds vereisen verificatie,inclusief GMail feeds, BASIC, NTLM-2 en DIGEST-MD5 verificaties schema's worden ondersteund.
+ CredentialsAanmeldgegevens
+ Authentication typeAuthenticatietype
@@ -462,12 +496,14 @@ Om te zien wat er NIEUW is in deze versie: klik op deze melding.
+ UsernameGebruikersnaam
+ PasswordWachtwoord
@@ -731,26 +767,31 @@ Klik hier op de huidige map to openen.
+ FilenameBestandsnaam
+ &Try again&Opnieuw proberen
+ &Stop&Stoppen
+ &Open fileBestand &openen
+ Open &directory&Map openen
@@ -788,6 +829,7 @@ Klik hier op de huidige map to openen.
+ Clean upOpschonen
@@ -1179,17 +1221,17 @@ Onderdeel ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML bestand bevat fouten
+ this is likely not OPML documentDit is waarschijnlijk geen OPML bestand
+ Category Categorie
@@ -1220,12 +1262,12 @@ Onderdeel ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationSlepen-en-neerzetten mislukt
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Er is geen ondersteuning voor het verslepen van items naar een ander account.
@@ -1481,36 +1523,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Gegevens naar klembord kopiëren
+ InformationInformatie
+ LicensesLicenties
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.De licentiepagina is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.
+ ChangelogWijzigingslog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.De wijzigingslogpagina is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.
+ ResourcesHulpbronnen
@@ -1542,6 +1591,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAccount toevoegen
@@ -1726,46 +1776,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBack-up van database/instellingen
+ Output directoryUitvoermap
+ &Select directoryMap &kiezen
+ Backup propertiesBack-up eigenschappen
+ Items to backupBack-up maken van
+ DatabaseDatabank
+ SettingsInstellingen
+ Backup nameNaam van back-up
+ Operation resultsActie status
@@ -1883,31 +1942,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Parent folderBovenliggende map
+ Select parent item for your category.Kies hoofd item voor je categorie.
+ TitleNaam
+ DescriptionBeschrijving
+ IconIcoon
+ Select icon for your category.Selecteer icoon voor je categorie.
@@ -1952,56 +2017,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseDatabase opschonen
+ Cleanup settingsInstellingen voor opschonen
+ Optimize database fileDatabasebestand optimaliseren
+ Remove all read articlesVerwijder alle gelezen artikelen
+ Remove all articles from recycle binVerwijder alle gelezen artikelen uit prullebak
+ Remove all articles older thanVerwijder alle artikelen ouder dan
+ Remove all starred articlesVerwijder alle artikelen met ster
+ Database informationDatabankinformatie
+ Total data sizeTotale gegevens grootte
+ Database typeSoort databank
+ ProgressVoortgang
@@ -2158,22 +2234,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Add new feedNieuwe feed toevoegen
+ Cannot save changes: %1Kan wijzigingen niet opslaan: %1
+ Edit "%1"Bewerk "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsBewerk %n feeds
@@ -2181,62 +2257,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalOphalen van artikelen met behulp van de globale interval
+ Fetch articles everyOphalen artikelen elke
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesArtikelen niet automatisch bijwerken
+ Cannot save feed propertiesKan geen feed-eigenschappen opslaan
+ ArticlesArtikelen
+ Auto-downloading of articlesArtikelen automatisch downloaden
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Selecteer de manier waarop berichten van deze feed automatisch worden bijgewerkt. De standaardmanier betekent dat nieuwe berichten worden gedownload volgens de ingestelde interval zoals opgegeven in de instellingen.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyArtikelen automatisch via de URL openen
+ MiscellaneousOverig
+ Disable this feedDeze feed uitschakelen
+ Right-to-left layoutRechts-naar-links layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedNegeer notificaties voor deze feed
@@ -2306,618 +2390,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ &File&Bestand
+ &Help&Help
+ &ViewBee&ld
+ Show/hideToon/verberg
+ &ToolsH&ulpmiddelen
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Voeg item toe
+ &MoveVerplaatsen
+ Art&iclesArt&ikelen
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Prullenbak(ken)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Webbrowser && tabbladen
+ &QuitAf&sluiten
+ Quit the application.Sluit het programma.
+ &Settings&Instellingen
+ Display settings of the application.Toon instellingen van het programma.
+ &About application&Over RSS Guard
+ Displays extra info about this application.Toon extra informatie over RSS Guard.
+ &Fullscreen&Schermvullend
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Schakel naar scherm vullende mode.
+ &Fetch all&Alles ophalen
+ Fetch all feedsAlle feeds ophalen
+ Fetch &selectedOphalen ge&selecteerde items
+ Fetch selected feedsOphalen geselecteerde feeds
+ Mark articles &readMarkeer artikelen &gelezen
+ Mark selected articles readMarkeer geselecteerde artikelen als gelezen
+ Mark articles &unreadMarkeer artikelen als &ongelezen
+ Mark selected articles unreadMarkeer geselecteerde artikelen als ongelezen
+ Switch &importanceWijzig &prioriteit
+ Switch importance of selected articlesPrioriteit van geselecteerde artikelen wisselen
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Markeer alle berichten (zonder berichtenfilters) van geselecteerde items als gelezen.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Markeer alle berichten (zonder berichtenfilters) van geselecteerde items als ongelezen.
+ &Delete articles&Verwijder artikelen
+ &Edit selected items&Bewerk geselecteerde onderdeel
+ &Delete selected items&Verwijder geselecteerde onderdeel
+ Mark selected items &readAls gelezen ma&rkeren
+ Mark selected items &unreadAls &ongelezen markeren
+ &Clean selected itemsGeselecteerde items opschonen
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Verwijder alle berichten van geselecteerde items.
+ Open in &external browserIn externe browser &openen
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen geselecteerde artikelen in externe browser
+ Open in &internal browserIn &interne browser openen
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen geselecteerde artikelen in externe browser
+ No actions availableGeen acties beschikbaar
+ No actions are available right now.Er zijn geen acties beschikbaar op dit moment.
+ &Mark all read&Markeer alles als gelezen
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Markeer alle berichten in alle items als gelezen. Dit neemt geen berichtenfilters mee in account.
+ Switch main window visibilityWissel hoofdscherm zichtbaarheid
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Verberg hoofdvenster als het zichtbaar is en toon het als het geminimaliseerd is.
+ &Feed list&Feedlijst
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Verberg of toon de lijst van feeds/categorieën.
+ &Clean all&Alles opschonen
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Verwijder alle berichten van alle items.
+ &Next itemVolge&nd item
+ &Previous item&Vorig item
+ &Next article&Volgende artikel
+ &Previous article&Vorige artikel
+ Check for &updatesOp &updates controleren
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Controleer als nieuwe update voor RSS Guard beschikbaar is om te downloaden.
+ &Main menuHoofd&menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Verberg of toon het hoofdmenu.
+ Report a &bug...Rapporteer een &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Werkbalk
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Wissel zichtbaarheid van hoofdwerkbalken.
+ &List headers&Kolomnamen
+ &Donate...&Doneren...
+ Display &documentation&Documentatie weergeven
+ &Restart&Herstarten
+ &Restore settingsInstellingen &herstellen
+ &Backup settings&Instellingen back-uppen
+ Switch layoutWissel van lay-out
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailVerzenden per e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailZend geselecteerde artikelen via E-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Database opschonen
+ Show unread items onlyToon alleen ongelezen items
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Uitklappen/inklappen geselecteerde item
+ &Add account&Account toevoegen
+ &Restore articles&Artikelen herstellen
+ &Restore all recycle binsAlle prullenbakken &herstellen
+ &Empty all recycle binsAll&e prullenbakken legen
+ Next &unread articleVolgende &ongelezen artikel
+ Status barStatusbalk
+ &Edit selected accountGeselecteerde account &bewerken
+ &Delete selected account&Verwijder geselecteerde account
+ Add new categoryNieuwe categorie toevoegen
+ Stop ongoing fetchingOphalen stoppen
+ New browser tabNieuw browsertabblad
+ Close all tabsSluit alle tabbladen
+ Close all tabs except currentSluit alle tabbladen behalve deze
+ Go to &next tabGa naar &volgend tabblad
+ Go to &previous tabGa naar &vorig tab
+ &Enable article preview&Artikelvoorbeeld inschakelen
+ &Copy URL of selected itemURL van item &kopiëren
+ Article &filters&Filters voor artikelen
+ &Show tree expanders&Structuur uitbreidingen weergeven
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFeeds ophalen met &aangepast beleid voor automatisch downloaden
+ Alternate row colors in listsAfwisselende achtergrondkleuren in lijsten
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatisch &item uitbreiden wanneer geselecteerd
+ Message viewer toolbarsWerkbalk van berichtweergave
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyGeselecteerd item &recursief uitvouwen/samenvouwen
+ Close ¤t tabSluit &huidige tabblad
+ &Copy URLs of selected articlesURL's van geselecteerde artikelen &kopiëren
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)In interne browser openen (geen nieuw tabblad)
+ &Sort alphabeticallyAlfabetisch &sorteren
+ Move &up&Omhoog verplaatsen
+ Move to &topBovenaan plaa&tsen
+ Move &downOmlaag &verplaatsen
+ Move to &bottomOnderaan &plaatsen
+ Display application &logToon applicatie&log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds zoekvak
+ Focus articles search boxFocus titels zoekvak
+ Scroll &up browserBlader &omhoog browser
+ Scroll &down browserBlader &omlaag browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallySorteer &subcategorieën alfabetisch
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRangschik &feeds alfabetisch
+ Cleanup web cac&heCac&he leegmaken
+ You must add new account firstJe moet eerst een nieuw account toevoegen
+ You must add new account first.Je moet eerst een nieuw account toevoegen.
+ Edit &child feeds&Onderliggende feeds bewerken
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Bewerk onderliggende feeds (&recursief)
+ Play in &media playerAfspelen in &mediaspeler
+ Add new feedNieuwe feed toevoegen
@@ -3091,122 +3298,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Article filtersFilters voor artikelen
+ &Check allAlles &selecteren
+ &Uncheck allAlles &deselecteren
+ Remove selectedSelectie verwijderen
+ &New filter&Nieuw filter
+ Article filter detailsArtikel filter details
+ TitleNaam
+ Title of article filterNaam van Artikelfilter
+ Pre-made filtersVoorgedefiniëerde filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript-code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicUw op JavaScript gebaseerde logica voor artikelfiltering
+ &Test&Testen
+ Process checked feedsGemarkeerde feeds bewerken
+ &BeautifyMooi &maken
+ Detailed &helpGedetailleerde &hulp
+ Existing articlesBestaande artikelen
+ Sample articleVoorbeeld artikelen
+ AuthorAuteur
+ Created onGemaakt op
+ ContentsInhoud
+ ReadGelezen
+ ImportantBelangrijk
+ Script outputResultaat
@@ -3251,31 +3483,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache map -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsHerstel database/instellingen
+ Operation resultsActie status
+ Source directoryBron map
+ &Select directory&Selecteer map
+ Restore databaseDatabase herstellen
+ Restore settingsInstellingen herstellen
@@ -3326,6 +3564,7 @@ Je moet handmatig herstarten.
+ SettingsInstellingen
@@ -3333,15 +3572,20 @@ Je moet handmatig herstarten.
+ GeneralAlgemeen
+ NetworkNetwerk
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3740,31 +3984,37 @@ Installeer het nu.
+ Check for updatesOp updates controleren
+ Current releaseHuidige versie
+ Available releaseBeschikbare versie
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesBeschikbare bestanden
@@ -4420,6 +4670,7 @@ Logintoken verloopt: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4826,51 +5077,61 @@ Logintoken verloopt: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pauseAfspelen/Pauzeren
+ StopStoppen
+ SpeedSnelheid
+ ProgressVoortgang
+ DurationSpeeltijd
+ Mute/unmuteDempen aan/uit
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownloaden
+ Switch fullscreen modeOverschakelen naar volledige scherm modus
@@ -5612,41 +5873,49 @@ Logintoken verloopt: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostnaam of IP van je proxyserver
+ PortPoort
+ UsernameGebruikersnaam
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationJe gebruikersnaam voor de proxyserver
+ PasswordWachtwoord
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationJe wachtwoord voor de proxyserver
@@ -5657,6 +5926,7 @@ Logintoken verloopt: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5882,7 +6152,7 @@ Logintoken verloopt: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6087,17 +6357,17 @@ Lijst met ondersteunde lezers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape-reeks niet voltooid
+ closing " is missingafsluitende " ontbreekt
+ closing ' is missingafsluitende ' ontbreekt
@@ -6628,16 +6898,19 @@ Logintoken verloopt: %2
+ Search textZoektekst
+ Find previous occurenceVorige overeenkomst vinden
+ Find next occurenceVolgende overeenkomst vinden
@@ -6703,14 +6976,14 @@ Aantal categorieën: %2
+ Select web browser executableUitvoerbaar bestand voor browser selecteren
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6718,24 +6991,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Uitvoerbare bestanden (*.*)
+ Executables (*.*)Uitvoerbare bestanden (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelecteer uitvoerbaar bestand voor e-mail
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 of ouder
+ Enter (optional) parameters:(Optionele) parameters invullen:
@@ -6746,92 +7019,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwerk
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesAccepteer geen inkomende cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2HTTP/2 Inschakelen
+ Enable API serverAPI server inschakelen
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheCache uitschakelen
+ External web browserExterne webbrowser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserLinks altijd in externe browser openen
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Indien aangevinkt, wordt de standaardbrowser van het systeem gebruikt.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserGebruik aangepaste externe webbrowser
+ Web browser executableUitvoerbaar bestand van webbrowser
+ Executable file of web browserUitvoerbaar bestand van webbrowser
+ &Browse&Bladeren
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableToe te voegen parameters voor uitvoerbaar bestand
+ Use sample arguments forGebruik voorbeeldargumenten voor
+ Select browserBrowser selecteren
@@ -6841,27 +7142,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Let op "%1" (zonder aanhalingstekens) is een tijdelijke aanduiding voor de URL van het geselecteerde bericht.
+ External e-mail clientExterne e-mailclient
+ Use custom external e-mail clientGebruik een aangepaste externe e-mailclient
+ E-mail client executableSelecteer exe bestand voor e-mail
+ Executable file of e-mail clientUitvoerbaar bestand van e-mailclient
+ Select clientSelecteer client
@@ -6875,22 +7181,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - inhoud van geselecteerde bericht.
+ External toolsExterne applicatie
+ &Add tool&Applicatie toevoegen
+ &Edit selected tool&Bewerk geselecteerde applicatie
+ &Delete selected tool&Verwijder geselecteerde applicatie
@@ -6900,12 +7210,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Op deze pagina kun je een lijst van externe programma's die URLs kunnen openen instellen.
+ Select external toolSelecteer externe applicatie
+ Enter parametersVul parameters in
@@ -7024,41 +7334,49 @@ Makers van de applicatie zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor dataverlies.
+ Database driverDatabasedriver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseGebruik de database die in het geheugen geladen is als hoofddatabase
+ HostnameHostnaam
+ PortPoort
+ Working databaseWerkende database
+ UsernameGebruikersnaam
+ PasswordWachtwoord
+ Test setupInstellingen testen
@@ -7077,31 +7395,37 @@ Makers van de applicatie zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor dataverlies.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen downloadbeheer wanneer een nieuwe download start
+ Target directory for downloaded filesDoelmap voor de gedownloade bestanden
+ Save all downloaded files toSla alle gedownloade bestanden op in
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedDoelmap waar alle downloads worden opgeslagen
+ &Browse&Bladeren
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileVoor elk individueel gedownload bestand vragen
@@ -7173,57 +7497,69 @@ Makers van de applicatie zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor dataverlies.
+ Feed fetchingArtikelen ophalen
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofHaal alle artikelen op bij het opstarten met een initiële vertraging van
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAutomatisch artikelen ophalen voor alle feeds elke
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedAutomatisch artikelen alleen ophalen als de toepassing niet gefocust is
+ Feed connection timeoutFeedverbindingstime-out
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Verbindingstime-out is de tijdsinterval die wordt gereserveerd voor het downloaden van nieuwe berichten voor de feed. Als de interval is verstreken, dan wordt het downloadproces afgebroken.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Ondersteun supersnel ophalen van berichten (minder dan 10 seconden)
+ Feeds listBerichtenlijst
+ Row heightRij hoogte
+ Feed list fontLettertype feedlijst
@@ -7231,6 +7567,9 @@ Makers van de applicatie zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor dataverlies.
+ Font previewVoorbeeld lettertype
@@ -7238,141 +7577,171 @@ Makers van de applicatie zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor dataverlies.
+ &Change font&Verander lettertype
+ Article count formatArtikel telformaat
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesArtikelteller verbergen als er geen ongelezen artikelen zijn
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listSta alleen standaard sneltoetsen toe voor feed/artikellijst
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesKnopinfo voor feeds en artikelen weergeven
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feedlijst tijdens het ophalen van feeds
+ ArticlesArtikelen
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitVerwijder alle gelezen artikelen uit alle feeds bij het afsluiten van de applicatie
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedNegeer wijzigingen in de hoofdtekst van het artikel wanneer nieuwe artikelen worden opgehaald
+ Internal article viewerInterne artikellezer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimiteer hoogte van alle afbeeldingen
+ Use legacy article formattingGebruik oude artikelopmaak
+ Unread article icon typeOngelezen artikel icoon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyGebruik aangepaste datum/tijdnotatie alleen voor datums
+ Upon article selection, mark as readMarkeer bij selectie het artikel als gelezen
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBreng het toepassingsvenster naar voren zodra het artikel is geopend in een externe webbrowser
+ Article browser fontLettertype voor artikelbrowser
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureCorrigeer datum/tijd van berichten uit de toekomst
+ Display attachments directly in articleToon bijlages direct in het artikel
+ Keep article viewer always visibleArtikel leespaneel altijd tonen
+ Articles listArtikellijst
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportArtikelselectie in het midden van de viewport van de artikellijst houden
+ Enable multiline itemsMeerregelige items inschakelen
+ Top/bottom row paddingOpvulling bovenste/onderste rij
+ Use custom date/time formatAangepaste datum/tijd notatie gebruiken
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesAangepaste datum/tijd voor artikelen van vandaag
+ Article list fontLettertype van artikellijst
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanToon relatieve tijd voor artikelen niet ouder dan
@@ -7391,11 +7760,13 @@ Makers van de applicatie zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor dataverlies.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startup%1 automatisch starten als de computer opstart
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupZoek naar updates voor %1 bij opstarten
@@ -7506,137 +7877,165 @@ Omschrijving: %3
+ Icons && skinsIconen && thema's
+ Icon themeIcoonthema
+ StyleStijl
+ SkinThema
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Gebruik themakleuren (kleuren voor dialogen/besturingselementen werken alleen met de Fusion stijl)
+ Custom skin colorsAangepaste kleuren
+ Customize predefined colorsVoorgedefinieerde kleuren aanpassen
+ Tray areaSysteemvak
+ Tray iconIcoon in het systeemvak
+ Use monochrome iconMonochroom icoon gebruiken
+ Display count of unread messagesAantal ongelezen berichten weergeven
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedVerberg hoofdvenster wanneer het wordt geminimaliseerd
+ Start application hiddenProgramma geminimaliseerd starten
+ Task barTaakbalk
+ TabsTabbladen
+ Close tabs withSluit tabblad met
+ Middle mouse button single-clickEnkele klik met middelste muisknop
+ Left mouse button double-clickDubbelklik met linkermuisknop
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen nieuwe tabs door dubbel te klikken op de tabbladbalk met linkermuisknop
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleVerberg tabbladmenu als er maar een tabblad in gebruik is
+ ToolbarsWerkbalken
+ Toolbar for feeds listWelkbalk voor feedlijst
+ Toolbar for articles listWerkbalk voor artikelenlijst
+ StatusbarStatusbalk
+ Button styleKnoppenstijl
+ Toolbar editorTaakbalk bewerken
+ Icon sizeIcoongrootte
@@ -7705,16 +8104,19 @@ Omschrijving: %3
+ BackendBack-end
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderAangepaste MPV configuratiemap gebruiken
+ BrowseBladeren
@@ -7805,11 +8207,13 @@ Start ook het dialoogvenster "Instellingen" opnieuw nadat je Node.js h
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js uitvoerbaar bestand
@@ -7817,21 +8221,27 @@ Start ook het dialoogvenster "Instellingen" opnieuw nadat je Node.js h
+ &Browse&Bladeren
+ NPM executableNPM uitvoerbaar bestand
+ Package folder Pakketten map
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7840,46 +8250,55 @@ Start ook het dialoogvenster "Instellingen" opnieuw nadat je Node.js h
+ Enable notificationsMeldingen inschakelen
+ Balloon notifications typeBallonmeldingstype
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Standaard meldingen (taakbalkicoon moet zijn ingeschakeld)
+ Custom notificationsAangepaste meldingen
+ PositionPositie
+ WidthBreedte
+ MarginsMarges
+ ScreenScherm
+ OpacityTransparantie
@@ -7944,31 +8363,37 @@ Start ook het dialoogvenster "Instellingen" opnieuw nadat je Node.js h
+ Balloon notificationBallonmeldingen
+ SoundGeluid
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileVolledig pad naar het WAV-bestand
+ &Browse&Bladeren
+ &PlayAfs&pelen
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8115,47 +8540,68 @@ Start ook het dialoogvenster "Instellingen" opnieuw nadat je Node.js h
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ ja
+ no
+ nee
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLokaal bestand
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportIngebouwde webbrowser met JavaScript ondersteuning
+ UnknownOnbekend
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Kan gegevens voor feed niet opslaan: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 builddit brontype kan niet worden gebruikt op 'Lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Kan feed niet verplaatsen, gedetailleerde informatie is vastgelegd via debug-log.
+ Cannot save feed dataKan feed gegevens niet opslaan
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8170,21 +8616,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Codering: %1
-Type: %2
-Achteraftoepassen script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed indeling niet herkend
+ Cannot move feedKan feed niet verplaatsen
@@ -8492,6 +8929,28 @@ Je kunt ook gegenereerde feedgegevens nabewerken met nog een ander script als je
Selecteer icoon voor je feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8505,17 +8964,17 @@ Je kunt ook gegenereerde feedgegevens nabewerken met nog een ander script als je
Fout bij het laden van de eerste feeds
+ Fetch metadataMetadata ophalen
+ Export feedsFeeds exporteren
+ Import feedsFeeds importeren
@@ -8545,22 +9004,22 @@ Je kunt ook gegenereerde feedgegevens nabewerken met nog een ander script als je
dit brontype kan niet worden gebruikt op 'Lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryKan geen categorie toevoegen
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Kan geen categorie toevoegen omdat een andere kritieke operatie aan de gang is.
+ Import was completely successful.Importeren is helemaal geslaagd.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Sommige feed/categorieën zijn niet geïmporteerd vanwege een fout, controleer het applicatielog voor meer details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Ongelezen nieuws: %2
+ Activated actionsGeactiveerde acties
+ Available actionsBeschikbare acties
+ Move action upRegel omhoog verplaatsen
+ Move action downRegel omlaag verplaatsen
+ Insert separatorScheidingsteken invoegen
+ Insert spacerRuimte invoegen
+ Add selected actionVoeg geselecteerde regel toe
+ Delete selected actionVerwijder geselecteerde regel
+ Delete all actionsVerwijder alle regels
+ Reset toolbarWerkbalk herstellen
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Laatste login: %4
Deze website in systeembrowser openen
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_no.ts b/localization/rssguard_no.ts
index 32277a0e9..35fc44e83 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_no.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_no.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_pl.ts b/localization/rssguard_pl.ts
index c714ed708..eb86d9d8d 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_pl.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_pl.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormularz
+ Display additional nodesWyświetl dodatkowe węzły
+ ImportantWażna
+ UnreadNieprzeczytane
+ LabelsEtykiety
+ ProbesSondy
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Błąd: %1
+ Enable AdBlockWłącz AdBlock
+ &HelpP&omoc
+ Filter listsLista filtrów
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Dodaj tutaj swoje bezpośrednie linki do list filtrów (jeden adres URL w każdym wierszu)
+ Custom filtersFiltry niestandardowe
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Dodaj tutaj swoje niestandardowe filtry (jeden w każdym wierszu)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Błąd: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Nie udało się skonfigurować filtrów i uruchomić serwera: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'nie udało się pobrać listy filtrów „%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Błąd: %1
+ Application is already running.Aplikacja jest już uruchomiona
+ Output directory is not writable.Katalog wyjściowy nie jest zapisywalny
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Plik ustawień nie został pomyślnie skopiowany do katalogu wyjściowego.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Przywrócenie bazy danych nie zostało zainicjowane. Upewnij się, że katalog wyjściowy jest zapisywalny.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Przywrócenie ustawień nie zostało zainicjowane. Upewnij się, że katalog wyjściowy jest zapisywalny.
+ Cannot add feedNie można dodać kanału
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Kanał nie może być dodany, ponieważ nie ma aktywnego konta, do którego można dodawać kanały.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Pakiety NIE zostały zaktualizowane z powodu błędu: %2. Dotyczy pakietów:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Te pakiety zostały zainstalowane/zaktualizowane:
+ Unread articles fetchedPobrano nieprzeczytane artykuły
+ Go to changelogPrzejdź do listy zmian
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock wymaga konfiguracji
+ WelcomeWitamy
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Sprawdź nowe możliwości dodane w
tej wersji, klikając na to powiadomienie.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock nie jest prawidłowo skonfigurowany. Przejdź do „Ustawienia” » „Node.js” i sprawdź, czy twój Node.js jest poprawnie skonfigurowany.
+ Already runningJuż działa
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ tej wersji, klikając na to powiadomienie.
+ FormFormularz
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnorowanie starych artykułów
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseDodaj artykuły z dowolną datą do bazy danych
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseUnikaj dodawania artykułów przed tą datą/godziną do bazy danych
+ Absolute date/timeData i czas bezwzględny
+ Relative timeRelatywny Czas
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsOgraniczenie ilości artykułów w kanałach
+ Customize article limitsDostosuj limity artykułów
+ In database, keepW Bazie Danych, Zatrzymaj
+ Do not remove important articlesNie usuwaj ważnych artykułów
+ Do not remove unread articlesNie usuwaj nieprzeczytanych artykułów
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themPo prostu przenieś artykuły do kosza, nie czyść ich
@@ -358,31 +382,37 @@ tej wersji, klikając na to powiadomienie.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pagePrzejdź do poprzedniej strony
+ Go to next pageIdź do następnej strony
+ Open article in article listOtwórz artykuł na liście artykułów
+ Open article in web browserOtwórz artykuł w przeglądarce internetowej
+ Mark all articles as readOznacz Wszystkie Artykuły jako przeczytane
@@ -445,21 +475,25 @@ tej wersji, klikając na to powiadomienie.
+ FormFormularz
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Niektóre kanały wymagają uwierzytelnienia, w tym kanały GMail. Obsługiwane są schematy uwierzytelniania BASIC, NTLM-2 i DIGEST-MD5.
+ CredentialsDane logowania
+ Authentication typeTyp uwierzytelnienia
@@ -467,12 +501,14 @@ tej wersji, klikając na to powiadomienie.
+ UsernameNazwa użytkownika
+ PasswordHasło
@@ -736,26 +772,31 @@ Kliknij tutaj, aby otworzyć katalog nadrzędny.
+ FilenameNazwa pliku
+ &Try againSpróbuj &ponownie
+ &Stop&Zatrzymaj
+ &Open file&Otwórz plik
+ Open &directoryOtwórz &katalog
@@ -799,6 +840,7 @@ Kliknij tutaj, aby otworzyć katalog nadrzędny.
+ Clean upWyczyść
@@ -1196,17 +1238,17 @@ ID pozycji: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsDokument OPLM zawiera błędy
+ this is likely not OPML documentto prawdopodobnie nie jest dokument OPML
+ Category Kategoria
@@ -1237,12 +1279,12 @@ ID pozycji: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationNie można wykonać operacji przeciągnij i upuść
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Nie możesz przenieść elementów do innego konta, nie jest to wspierane.
@@ -1502,36 +1544,43 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Kopiuj informacje do schowka
+ InformationInformacje
+ LicensesLicencja
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Strona licencji dostępna jest tylko w języku angielskim.
+ ChangelogLista zmian
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Strona z listą zmian dostępna jest tylko w języku angielskim.
+ ResourcesZasoby
@@ -1563,6 +1612,7 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Add new accountDodawanie nowego konta
@@ -1747,46 +1797,55 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsWykonywanie kopii zapasowej bazy danych/ustawień
+ Output directoryKatalog wyjściowy
+ &Select directory&Wybierz katalog
+ Backup propertiesWłaściwości kopii zapasowej
+ Items to backupWykonaj kopię
+ DatabaseBazy danych
+ SettingsUstawienia
+ Backup nameNazwa kopii
+ Operation resultsStan operacji
@@ -1906,31 +1965,37 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Parent folderFolder nadrzędny
+ Select parent item for your category.Wybierz nadrzędny element dla twojej kategorii.
+ TitleTytuł
+ DescriptionOpis
+ IconIkona
+ Select icon for your category.Wybierz ikonę dla twojej kategorii.
@@ -1977,56 +2042,67 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCzyszczenie bazy danych
+ Cleanup settingsUstawienia czyszczenia
+ Optimize database fileOptymalizuj bazę danych
+ Remove all read articlesUsuń wszystkie przeczytane artykuły
+ Remove all articles from recycle binUsuń wszystkie artykuły z koszy
+ Remove all articles older thanUsuń wszystkie artykuły starsze niż
+ Remove all starred articlesUsuń wszystkie oznaczone artykuły
+ Database informationInformacje o bazie danych
+ Total data sizeŁączny rozmiar danych
+ Database typeTyp bazy danych
+ ProgressPostęp
@@ -2183,22 +2259,22 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Add new feedDodaj nowy kanał
+ Cannot save changes: %1Nie można zapisać zmian: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edytuj „%1
+ Edit %n feedsEdytuj %n kanały
@@ -2208,62 +2284,70 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalPobierz artykuły stosując globalny interwał
+ Fetch articles everyPobierz artykuły co
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesWyłącz automatyczne pobieranie artykułów
+ Cannot save feed propertiesNie można zapisać ustawień kanału
+ ArticlesArtykuły
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAutomatyczne pobieranie artykułów
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Wybierz strategię automatycznego pobierania wiadomości tego kanału. Domyślna strategia automatycznego pobierania oznacza, że nowe wiadomości tego kanału będą pobierane w odstępach czasu określonych w ustawieniach aplikacji.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyAutomatycznie otwieraj artykuły przez ich URL
+ MiscellaneousPozostałe
+ Disable this feedWyłącz ten kanał
+ Right-to-left layoutUkład od prawej do lewej
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnoruj powiadomienia dla tego kanału
@@ -2333,618 +2417,741 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ &File&Plik
+ &HelpP&omoc
+ &View&Widok
+ Show/hidePokaż/ukryj
+ &Tools&Narzędzia
+ F&eedsK&anały
+ &Add itemDodaj element
+ &MovePrzenieś
+ Art&iclesArtykuły
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Kosz
+ &Accounts&Konta
+ &Web browser && tabsPrzeglądarka i karty
+ &QuitZa&kończ
+ Quit the application.Zakończ program.
+ &Settings&Ustawienia
+ Display settings of the application.Wyświetl ustawienia aplikacji.
+ &About applicationO progr&amie
+ Displays extra info about this application.Wyświetla dodatkowe informacje o tej aplikacji.
+ &FullscreenPełen ekran
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Przełącz tryb pełnoekranowy.
+ &Fetch allPobierz wszystko
+ Fetch all feedsPobierz wszystkie kanały
+ Fetch &selectedPobierz zaznaczone
+ Fetch selected feedsPobierz zaznaczone kanały
+ Mark articles &readOznacz artykuły jako przeczytane
+ Mark selected articles readOznacz wybrane artykuły jako przeczytane
+ Mark articles &unreadOznacz artykuły jako nieprzeczytane
+ Mark selected articles unreadOznacz wybrane artykuły jako nieprzeczytane
+ Switch &importancePrzełącz &ważność
+ Switch importance of selected articlesZmień ważność wybranych artykułów
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Oznacz wszystkie wiadomości (bez filtrów wiadomości) z wybranych elementów jako przeczytane.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Oznacz wszystkie wiadomości (bez filtrów wiadomości) z wybranych elementów jako nieprzeczytane.
+ &Delete articles&Usuń artykuły
+ &Edit selected itemsEdytuj wybrane elementy
+ &Delete selected itemsUsuń zaznaczone elementy
+ Mark selected items &readOznacz wybrane elementy przeczytane
+ Mark selected items &unreadOznacz wybrane elementy nieprzeczytane
+ &Clean selected itemsWyczyść wybrane elementy
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Usuwa wszystkie wiadomości z wybranego elementu.
+ Open in &external browserOtwórz w zewnętrznej przeglądarce
+ Open selected articles in external browserOtwórz wybrane artykuły w zewnętrznej przeglądarce
+ Open in &internal browserOtwórz w wewnętrznej przeglądarce
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOtwórz wybrane artykuły w wewnętrznej przeglądarce
+ No actions availableBrak dostępnych akcji
+ No actions are available right now.Aktualnie brak dostępnych akcji.
+ &Mark all readOznacz wszystko jako przeczytane
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Oznacz wszystkie wiadomości we wszystkich elementach jako przeczytane. To nie bierze pod uwagę filtrów wiadomości.
+ Switch main window visibilityPrzełącz widoczność głównego okna
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Ukrywa główne okno jeżeli jest widoczne i pokazuje, jeżeli jest ukryte.
+ &Feed listLista &kanałów
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Ukrywa i pokazuje listę kanałów/kategorii.
+ &Clean all&Wyczyść wszystko
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Usuwa wszystkie wiadomości z wszystkich elementów.
+ &Next item&Następny element
+ &Previous item&Poprzedni element
+ &Next article&Następny artykuł
+ &Previous article&Poprzedni artykuł
+ Check for &updatesSzukaj akt&ualizacji
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Sprawdź, czy nowa aktualizacja dla aplikacji jest dostępna do pobrania.
+ &Main menuGłówne &menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Ukrywa i pokazuje główne menu.
+ Report a &bug...Zgłoś &błąd…
+ &Toolbars&Pasek narzędzi
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Przełącz widoczność głównych pasków narzędzi.
+ &List headersNagłówki kolumn na listach
+ &Donate...&Darowizna…
+ Display &documentation&Dokumentacja
+ &RestartUruchom ponownie
+ &Restore settingsPrzywróć ustawienia
+ &Backup settingsKopia zapasowa ustawień
+ Switch layoutPrzełącz układ
+ &Downloads&Pobieranie
+ Send via e-mailWyślij poprzez e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailWyślij wybrane artykuły poprzez e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Czyszczenie bazy danych
+ Show unread items onlyPokaż tylko nieprzeczytane elementy
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemRozwiń/zwiń wybrany &element
+ &Add accountDodaj konto
+ &Restore articles&Przywróć artykuły
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Przywróć wszystkie kosze
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Opróżnij wszystkie kosze
+ Next &unread articleNastępny &nieprzeczytany artykuł
+ Status barPasek stanu
+ &Edit selected account&Edytuj wybrane konto
+ &Delete selected account&Usuń wybrane konto
+ Add new categoryDodaj nową kategorię
+ Stop ongoing fetchingZatrzymaj trwające pobieranie
+ New browser tabNowa karta przeglądarki
+ Close all tabsZamknij wszystkie karty
+ Close all tabs except currentZamknij wszystkie inne karty
+ Go to &next tabPrzejdź do następnej karty
+ Go to &previous tabPrzejdź do poprzedniej karty
+ &Enable article preview&Włącz podgląd artykułów
+ &Copy URL of selected itemKopiuj adres URL wybranego elementu
+ Article &filtersFiltry &artykułów
+ &Show tree expanders&Pokaż ekspandery drzewa
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyPobierz kanały z &niestandardową regułą automatycznego pobierania
+ Alternate row colors in listsNaprzemienne kolorowanie wierszy list
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatycznie rozwiń &element po wybraniu
+ Message viewer toolbarsPaski narzędzi okna podglądu artykułu
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyRozwiń/zwiń zaznaczony element &rekurencyjnie
+ Close ¤t tabZamknij bieżącą kartę
+ &Copy URLs of selected articlesKopiuj adres URL wybranego artykułu
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Otwórz w wewnętrznej przeglądarce (nie w nowej karcie)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sortuj alfabetycznie
+ Move &upPrzenieś wyżej
+ Move to &topPrzenieś na początek
+ Move &downPrzenies niżej
+ Move to &bottomPrzenieś na koniec
+ Display application &logPokaż dziennik ap&likacji
+ Focus feeds search boxPrzejdź do pola wyszukiwania kanałów
+ Focus articles search boxPrzejdź do pola wyszukiwania artykułów
+ Scroll &up browserPrzewiń w &górę w przeglądarce
+ Scroll &down browserPrzewiń w &dół w przeglądarce
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyZmień kolejność &podkategorii alfabetycznie
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyZmień kolejność &kanałów alfabetycznie
+ Cleanup web cac&heWyczyść &cache
+ You must add new account firstNajpierw musisz dodać nowe konto
+ You must add new account first.Najpierw musisz dodać nowe konto.
+ Edit &child feedsEdytuj kanały &podrzędne
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edytuj kanały podrzędne (&rekursywne)
+ Play in &media playerOdtwórz w odtwarzaczu &mediów
+ Add new feedDodaj nowy kanał
@@ -3118,122 +3325,147 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Article filtersFiltry artykułów
+ &Check allZaznacz wszystko
+ &Uncheck allOdznacz wszystko
+ Remove selectedUsuń zaznaczone
+ &New filter&Nowy filtr
+ Article filter detailsSzczegóły filtra artykułów
+ TitleTytuł
+ Title of article filterTytuł filtra artykułów
+ Pre-made filtersFiltry wbudowane
+ JavaScript codeKod JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicTwoja logika filtrowania artykułów w JavaScript
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsPrzetwórz sprawdzone kanały
+ &Beautify&Upiększ
+ Detailed &helpSzczegółowa &pomoc
+ Existing articlesIstniejące artykuły
+ Sample articlePrzykładowy artykuł
+ AuthorAutor
+ Created onUtworzono
+ ContentsZawartość
+ ReadCzytaj
+ ImportantWażna
+ Script outputWynik skryptu
@@ -3278,31 +3510,37 @@ Katalog cache QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsPrzywracanie bazy danych/ustawień
+ Operation resultsStan operacji
+ Source directoryKatalog źródłowy
+ &Select directory&Wybierz katalog
+ Restore databasePrzywróć bazę danych
+ Restore settingsPrzywróć ustawienia
@@ -3353,6 +3591,7 @@ Musisz zrestartować aplikację ręcznie.
+ SettingsUstawienia
@@ -3360,15 +3599,20 @@ Musisz zrestartować aplikację ręcznie.
+ GeneralOgólne
+ NetworkSieć
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3767,31 +4011,37 @@ Możesz go teraz zainstalować.
+ Check for updatesSprawdzanie aktualizacji
+ Current releaseAktualna wersja
+ Available releaseDostępna wersja
+ StatusStan
+ ChangelogLista zmian
+ Available filesDostępne pliki
@@ -4447,6 +4697,7 @@ Tokeny logowania wygasają: %2
+ FormFormularz
@@ -4853,51 +5104,61 @@ Tokeny logowania wygasają: %2
+ FormFormularz
+ Play/pauseOdtwórz/Wstrzymaj
+ StopZatrzymaj
+ SpeedPrędkość
+ ProgressPostęp
+ DurationCzas trwania
+ Mute/unmuteWycisz/włącz dźwięk
+ VolumeGłośność
+ DownloadPobierz
+ Switch fullscreen modePrzełącz na tryb pełnoekranowy
@@ -5649,41 +5910,49 @@ Tokeny logowania wygasają: %2
+ FormFormularz
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverNazwa hosta lub IP twojego serwera proxy
+ PortPort
+ UsernameNazwa użytkownika
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationTwoja nazwa użytkownika do uwierzytelnienia na serwerze proxy
+ PasswordHasło
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationTwoja hasło do uwierzytelnienia na serwerze proxy
@@ -5694,6 +5963,7 @@ Tokeny logowania wygasają: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Typ
@@ -5919,7 +6189,7 @@ Tokeny logowania wygasają: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6130,17 +6400,17 @@ Lista obsługiwanych czytników:
prawy dolny róg
+ escape sequence not completedsekwencja wyjścia nie została zakończona
+ closing " is missingbrak zamknięcia "
+ closing ' is missingbrak zamknięcia '
@@ -6675,16 +6945,19 @@ Tokeny logowania wygasają: %2
+ Search textTekst wyszukiwania
+ Find previous occurenceZnajdź poprzednie wystąpienie
+ Find next occurenceZnajdź następne wystąpienie
@@ -6750,14 +7023,14 @@ Liczba kategorii: %2
+ Select web browser executableWybierz plik wykonywalny przeglądarki
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6765,24 +7038,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Pliki wykonywalne (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Pliki wykonywalne (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableWybierz plik wykonywalny klienta e-mail
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 lub starsza
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Wprowadź (opcjonalnie) parametry:
@@ -6793,92 +7066,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkSieć
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesNie akceptuj żadnych przychodzących ciasteczek
+ Enable HTTP/2Włącz protokół HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverWłącz serwer API
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheWyłącz cache
+ External web browserZewnętrzna przeglądarka
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserZawsze otwieraj linki w zewnętrznej przeglądarce
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Jeżeli odznaczone, to zostanie użyta przeglądarka domyślna w systemie.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUżyj własnej, zewnętrznej przeglądrki
+ Web browser executablePlik wykonywalny przeglądarki
+ Executable file of web browserPlik wykonywalny przeglądarki www
+ &Browse&Przeglądaj
+ ParametersParametry
+ Parameters passed to executableParametry przekazane do pliku wykonywalnego
+ Use sample arguments forUżyj przykładowych argumentów dla
+ Select browserWybierz przeglądarkę
@@ -6888,27 +7189,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Zwróć uwagę, że „%1” (bez cudzysłowów) to zastępuje adres URL wybranej wiadomości.
+ External e-mail clientZewnętrzny klient e-mail
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUżyj własnego zewnętrznego klienta e-mail
+ E-mail client executablePlik wykonywalny klienta e-mail
+ Executable file of e-mail clientPlik wykonywalny klienta e-mail
+ Select clientWybierz klienta
@@ -6922,22 +7228,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 – treść wybranej wiadomości.
+ External toolsZewnętrzne narzędzia
+ &Add tool&Dodaj narzędzie
+ &Edit selected tool&Edytuj wybrane narzędzie
+ &Delete selected tool&Usuń wybrane narzędzie
@@ -6947,12 +7257,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Na tej stronie możesz ustawić listę zewnętrznych narzędzi, które mogą otwierać adresy URL.
+ Select external toolWybierz zewnętrzne narzędzie
+ Enter parametersWpisz parametry
@@ -7071,41 +7381,49 @@ Autorzy tej aplikacji NIE ponoszą odpowiedzialności za utracone dane.
+ Database driverSterownik bazy danych
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUżyj bazy danych w pamięci jako używana baza danych
+ HostnameNazwa hosta
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseBaza danych
+ UsernameNazwa użytkownika
+ PasswordHasło
+ Test setupTestuj konfigurację
@@ -7124,31 +7442,37 @@ Autorzy tej aplikacji NIE ponoszą odpowiedzialności za utracone dane.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOtwórz menadżer pobierania przy uruchamianiu nowego pobierania
+ Target directory for downloaded filesKatalog docelowy dla pobranych plików
+ Save all downloaded files toZapisz wszystkie pobrane pliki do
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedKatalog docelowy, gdzie będą zapisywane wszystkie pobrane pliki
+ &Browse&Przeglądaj
+ Ask for each individual downloaded filePytaj, gdzie zapisać każdy plik
@@ -7222,57 +7546,69 @@ Autorzy tej aplikacji NIE ponoszą odpowiedzialności za utracone dane.
+ Feed fetchingPobieranie kanałów
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofPobierz wszystkie artykuły podczas uruchamiania z początkowym opóźnieniem
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAutomatycznie pobierz artykuły wszystkich kanałów co
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedAutomatyczne pobieraj artykuły tylko wtedy, gdy aplikacja nie jest aktywna
+ Feed connection timeoutLimit czasu łączenia z kanałem
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Limit czasu połączenia to czas w jakim aplikacja oczekuje na pobieranie nowych wiadomości z kanału. Po upływie tego czasu pobieranie jest przerywane.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Obsługa dla bardzo niskich czasów automatycznego pobierania (poniżej 10 sekund)
+ Feeds listLista kanałów
+ Row heightWysokość wiersza
+ Feed list fontCzcionka listy kanałów
@@ -7280,6 +7616,9 @@ Autorzy tej aplikacji NIE ponoszą odpowiedzialności za utracone dane.
+ Font previewPodgląd czcionki
@@ -7287,141 +7626,171 @@ Autorzy tej aplikacji NIE ponoszą odpowiedzialności za utracone dane.
+ &Change fontZmień &czcionkę
+ Article count formatFormat licznika artykułów
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesUkryj liczniki artykułów, jeśli nie ma żadnych nieprzeczytanych artykułów
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listZezwalaj tylko na podstawowe skróty klawiaturowe dla listy kanałów/artykułów
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesWyświetlanie dymków podpowiedzi dla kanałów i artykułów
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingAktualizuj listę kanałów podczas pobierania
+ ArticlesArtykuły
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitUsuń wszystkie przeczytane artykuły ze wszystkich kanałów po zamknięciu aplikacji
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnoruj zmiany w treści artykułu podczas pobierania nowych artykułów
+ Internal article viewerWewnętrzna przeglądarka artykułów
+ Limit height of all picturesOgranicz wysokość wszystkich zdjęć
+ Use legacy article formattingUżyj starszego formatowania artykułu
+ Unread article icon typeTyp ikony artykułu nieprzeczytanego
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUżyj niestandardowego formatu daty/czasu tylko dla dat
+ Upon article selection, mark as readPo wybraniu artykułu oznacz jako przeczytane
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserPrzenieś okno aplikacji na pierwszy plan, gdy artykuł jest otwarty w zewnętrznej przeglądarce
+ Article browser fontCzcionka podglądu artykułu
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futurePopraw datę/czas artykułów, które są w przyszłości
+ Display attachments directly in articleWyświetlaj załączniki bezpośrednio w artykule
+ Keep article viewer always visiblePrzeglądarka artykułów powinna być zawsze widoczna
+ Articles listLista artykułów
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportZachowaj wybór artykułu w środku widoku listy artykułu
+ Enable multiline itemsWłącz elementy wielowierszowe
+ Top/bottom row paddingOdstęp od góry/dołu wiersza
+ Use custom date/time formatUżyj niestandardowego formatu daty/czasu
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesUżyj niestandardowego formatu daty/czasu dla dzisiejszych artykułów
+ Article list fontCzcionka listy artykułów
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanPokaż czas względny dla artykułów nie starszych niż
@@ -7440,11 +7809,13 @@ Autorzy tej aplikacji NIE ponoszą odpowiedzialności za utracone dane.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupUruchom %1 przy starcie systemu
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupSprawdź aktualizacje %1 podczas uruchamiania aplikacji
@@ -7555,137 +7926,165 @@ Opis: %3
+ Icons && skinsIkony i skórki
+ Icon themeMotyw ikon
+ StyleStyl
+ SkinSkórka
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Użyj kolorów skóry (kolory skóry dla okien dialogowych/sterujących obowiązują tylko w stylu Fusion)
+ Custom skin colorsWłasne kolory skórki
+ Customize predefined colorsDostosuj wstępnie zdefiniowane kolory
+ Tray areaObszar zasobnika
+ Tray iconIkona w zasobniku
+ Use monochrome iconUżyj ikony monochromatycznej
+ Display count of unread messagesWyświetlanie liczby nieprzeczytanych wiadomości
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedUkryj główne okno przy minimalizacji
+ Start application hiddenUkryj aplikację przy starcie
+ Task barPasek zadań
+ TabsKarty
+ Close tabs withZamknij karty przez
+ Middle mouse button single-clickPojedyncze kliknięcie środkowym przyciskiem myszy
+ Left mouse button double-clickDwukrotne kliknięcie lewym przyciskiem myszy
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOtwieraj nowe karty przez podwójne kliknięcie lewym przyciskiem myszy na pasku kart
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleUkryj pasek kart, jeśli tylko jedna karta jest widoczna
+ ToolbarsPasek narzędzi
+ Toolbar for feeds listPasek narzędzi dla listy kanałów
+ Toolbar for articles listPasek narzędzi dla listy artykułów
+ StatusbarPasek stanu
+ Button styleStyl przycisków
+ Toolbar editorEdytor pasków narzędziowych
+ Icon sizeRozmiar ikon
@@ -7754,16 +8153,19 @@ Opis: %3
+ BackendZaplecze
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUżyj niestandardowego folderu konfiguracyjnego MPV
+ BrowsePrzeglądaj
@@ -7854,11 +8256,13 @@ Ponadto po zainstalowaniu Node.js należy ponownie uruchomić okno dialogowe &qu
+ FormFormularz
+ Node.js executablePlik wykonywalny Node.js
@@ -7866,21 +8270,27 @@ Ponadto po zainstalowaniu Node.js należy ponownie uruchomić okno dialogowe &qu
+ &Browse&Przeglądaj
+ NPM executablePlik wykonywalny NPM
+ Package folder Folder pakietów
+ &Download Node.jsPobierz Node.js
@@ -7889,46 +8299,55 @@ Ponadto po zainstalowaniu Node.js należy ponownie uruchomić okno dialogowe &qu
+ Enable notificationsWłącz powiadomienia
+ Balloon notifications typeTyp powiadomień w dymkach
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Natywne powiadomienia (ikona zasobnika musi być włączona)
+ Custom notificationsPowiadomienia niestandardowe
+ PositionPozycja
+ WidthSzerokość
+ MarginsMarginesy
+ ScreenEkran
+ OpacityPrzezroczystość
@@ -7993,31 +8412,37 @@ Ponadto po zainstalowaniu Node.js należy ponownie uruchomić okno dialogowe &qu
+ Balloon notificationPowiadomienia w dymkach
+ SoundDźwięk
+ Full path to your WAV sound filePełna ścieżka do pliku WAV z dźwiękiem
+ &Browse&Przeglądaj
+ &PlayOdtwórz
+ VolumeGłośność
@@ -8164,47 +8589,68 @@ Ponadto po zainstalowaniu Node.js należy ponownie uruchomić okno dialogowe &qu
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ tak
+ no
+ nie
+ ScriptSkrypt
+ Local filePlik lokalny
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportWbudowana przeglądarka internetowa z obsługą JavaScript
+ UnknownNieznany
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Nie można zapisać danych dla kanału: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildtego typu źródła nie można użyć w budowie 'lite' %1
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Nie można przenieść kanału. Szczegółowe informacje zostały zapisane w dzienniku aplikacji.
+ Cannot save feed dataNie można zapisać danych kanału
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8218,21 +8664,12 @@ Status: %3
ID pozycji: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Kodowanie: %1
-Typ: %2
-Skrypt po przetwarzaniu: %3
+ feed format not recognizedformat kanału nie został rozpoznany
+ Cannot move feedNie można przenieść kanału
@@ -8540,6 +8977,28 @@ Ponadto, jeśli chcesz, możesz przetworzyć wygenerowane dane za pomocą kolejn
Wybierz ikonę dla twojego kanału.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formularz
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8553,17 +9012,17 @@ Ponadto, jeśli chcesz, możesz przetworzyć wygenerowane dane za pomocą kolejn
Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania kanałów
+ Fetch metadataPobierz metadane
+ Export feedsEksport kanałów
+ Import feedsImport kanałów
@@ -8593,22 +9052,22 @@ Ponadto, jeśli chcesz, możesz przetworzyć wygenerowane dane za pomocą kolejn
tego typu źródła nie można użyć w budowie 'lite' %1
+ Cannot add categoryNie można dodać kategorii
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Nie można dodać kategorii, ponieważ inna krytyczna operacja jest w trakcie.
+ Import was completely successful.Importowanie zakończono pomyślnie.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Niektóre kanały/kategorie nie zostały zaimportowane z powodu błędu, sprawdź dziennik aplikacji, aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów.
@@ -8807,51 +9266,61 @@ Nieprzeczytanych wiadomości: %2
+ Activated actionsAktywne akcje
+ Available actionsDostępne akcje
+ Move action upPrzenieś akcję wyżej
+ Move action downPrzenieś akcję niżej
+ Insert separatorDodaj separator
+ Insert spacerDodaj odstęp
+ Add selected actionDodaj wybraną akcję
+ Delete selected actionUsuń wybraną akcję
+ Delete all actionsUsuń wszystkie akcje
+ Reset toolbarResetuj pasek narzędzi
@@ -9232,6 +9701,19 @@ Ostatnie logowanie: %4
Otwórz tę stronę w systemowej przeglądarce
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_pt.ts b/localization/rssguard_pt.ts
index 8c0e9fe5d..86114adc6 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_pt.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_pt.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormulário
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportante
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsRótulos
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockHabilitar o AdBlock
+ &HelpA&juda
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.O aplicativo já está em execução
+ Output directory is not writable.A pasta de saída não possui permissão de escrita
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Arquivo de configurações copiado com sucesso para pasta de saída.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.A restauração do banco de dados não foi iniciada. Certifique-se de possuir permissão de escrita na pasta de saída.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.A restauração das configurações não foi iniciada. Certifique-se de possuir permissão de escrita na pasta de saída.
+ Cannot add feedNão foi possível adicionar o feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Por favor, veja o NOVO conteúdo incluído nesta
versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ FormFormulário
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ FormFormulário
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ UsernameUsuário
+ PasswordSenha
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameNome do arquivo
+ &Try again&Tentar novamente
+ &Stop&Parar
+ &Open file&Abrir arquivo
+ Open &directoryAbrir &pasta
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upLimpar
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Categoria
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationNão foi possível realizar a operação de arrastar & soltar
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Você não pode transferir um item arrastado para uma conta diferente, isto não é suportado.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformação
+ LicensesLicenças
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.A página de licenças está disponível somente no idioma Inglês.
+ ChangelogLog de alterações
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.A página do log de alterações está disponível somente no idioma Inglês.
+ ResourcesRecursos
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdicionar nova conta
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup do banco de dados/configurações
+ Output directoryPasta de saída
+ &Select directoryPasta &selecionada
+ Backup propertiesPropriedades do backup
+ Items to backupItens para fazer backup
+ DatabaseBanco de dados
+ SettingsConfigurações
+ Backup nameNome do backup
+ Operation resultsResultados da operação
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Selecione o item principal para sua categoria.
+ TitleTítulo
+ DescriptionDescrição
+ IconÍcone
+ Select icon for your category.Selecione o ícone para sua categoria.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseLimpar banco de dados
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationInformações do banco de dados
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeTipo do banco de dados
+ ProgressProgresso
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdicionar novo feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Selecione a estratégia de download automático para este feed. A estratégia padrão de download automático significa que novas mensagens deste feed serão baixadas em intervalos de tempo definidos nas configurações do aplicativo.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&Arquivo
+ &HelpA&juda
+ &View&Visualizar
+ Show/hideExibir/ocultar
+ &Tools&Ferramentas
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Lixeira(s)
+ &Accounts&Contas
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Sair
+ Quit the application.Fecha o aplicativo.
+ &Settings&Configurações
+ Display settings of the application.Exibe as configurações do aplicativo.
+ &About application&Sobre o aplicativo
+ Displays extra info about this application.Exibe informações adicionais sobre este aplicativo.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Altera para o modo tela cheia.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Marca todas as mensagens (sem filtros de mensagem) dos itens selecionados como lidos.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Marca todas as mensagens (sem filtros de mensagem) dos itens selecionados como não lidos.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Exclui todas as mensagens dos itens selecionados.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNenhuma ação disponível
+ No actions are available right now.Nenhuma ação disponível no momento.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marca todas as mensagens em todos os itens como lidos. Isto não leva em conta os filtros de mensagem da conta.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Oculta a janela principal se ela está visível ou exibe se ela está oculta.
+ &Feed listLista de &feeds
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Oculta ou exibe a lista de feeds/categorias.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Exclui todas as mensagens de todos os itens.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesVerificar por at&ualizações
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Verifica se há novas atualizações disponíveis para download.
+ &Main menu&Menu principal
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Oculta ou exibe o menu principal.
+ Report a &bug...Relatar um &bug...
+ &ToolbarsBarras de Ferramen&tas
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Alterna a visibilidade das barras de ferramentas principais.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Doar...
+ Display &documentationExibir &documentação
+ &Restart&Reiniciar
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Limpar banco de dados
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expandir/recolher item selecionado
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restaurar todas as lixeiras
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Esvaziar todas as lixeiras
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barBarra de status
+ &Edit selected account&Editar conta selecionada
+ &Delete selected accountE&xcluir conta selecionada
+ Add new categoryAdicionar nova categoria
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsFechar todas as abas
+ Close all tabs except currentFechar todas as abas, exceto a atual
+ Go to &next tabIr para &próxima aba
+ Go to &previous tabIr ¶ aba anterior
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsCores de linha alternadas nas listas
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdicionar novo feed
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check allMar&car todos
+ &Uncheck all&Desmarcar todos
+ Remove selectedRemover selecionados
+ &New filter&Novo filtro
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTítulo
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeCódigo JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Testar
+ Process checked feedsProcessar feeds amarcados
+ &BeautifyEm&belezar
+ Detailed &helpA&juda detalhada
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAutor
+ Created onCriado em
+ ContentsConteúdo
+ ReadLida
+ ImportantImportante
+ Script outputSaída de script
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestaurar banco de dados/configurações
+ Operation resultsResultados da operação
+ Source directoryPasta de origem
+ &Select directoryPasta &selecionada
+ Restore databaseRestaurar banco de dados
+ Restore settingsRestaurar configurações
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ Você precisa reiniciar manualmente.
+ SettingsConfigurações
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ Você precisa reiniciar manualmente.
+ GeneralGeral
+ NetworkRede
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ Você pode instalá-lo agora.
+ Check for updatesVerificar por atualizações
+ Current releaseVersão atual
+ Available releaseVersão disponível
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogLog de alterações
+ Available filesArquivos disponíveis
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ FormFormulário
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ FormFormulário
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopParar
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgresso
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadBaixar
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ FormFormulário
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverNome do host ou IP do servidor proxy
+ PortPorta
+ UsernameUsuário
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationSeu nome de usuário para autenticação no servidor proxy
+ PasswordSenha
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationSua senha para autenticação no servidor proxy
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Tipo
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceLocalizar ocorrência anterior
+ Find next occurenceLocalizar próxima ocorrência
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelecione o executável do navegador da web
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executáveis (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executáveis (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelecione o executável para e-mail
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 ou mais antigo
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkRede
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserNavegador da web externo
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Se desmarcado, então o navegador padrão do sistema será usado.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUsar navegador externo personalizado
+ Web browser executableExecutável no navegador
+ Executable file of web browserArquivo executável do navegador da web
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ ParametersParâmetros
+ Parameters passed to executableParâmetros passados ao executável
+ Use sample arguments forUsar argumentos modelo para
+ Select browserSelecione o navegador
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note que "%1" (sem aspas) é o marcador para a URL da mensagem selecionada..
+ External e-mail clientCliente de e-mail externo
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUsar cliente de e-mail externo personalizado
+ E-mail client executableExecutável do cliente de e-mail
+ Executable file of e-mail clientArquivo executável do cliente de e-mail
+ Select clientSelecione o cliente
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - corpo da mensagem selecionada.
+ External toolsFerramentas externas
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelecionar ferramenta externa
+ Enter parametersEntre os parâmetros
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDriver do banco de dados
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUsar banco de dados na memória como banco de dados ativo
+ HostnameNome do host
+ PortPorta
+ Working databaseBanco de dados ativo
+ UsernameUsuário
+ PasswordSenha
+ Test setupTestar configuração
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedAbrir gerenciador de download ao iniciar um novo download
+ Target directory for downloaded filesPasta de destino para arquivos baixados
+ Save all downloaded files toSalvar arquivos baixados para
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedPasta de destino onde todos os arquivos baixados são salvos
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ Ask for each individual downloaded filePerguntar para cada arquivo baixado
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutTempo limite de conexão
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Tempo limite de conexão é o intervalo de tempo que é reservado para baixar novas mensagens do feed. Se o intervalo de tempo esgotar, então o processo de download será cancelado.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFonte da lista de feeds
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewPrévia da fonte
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change fontAlterar &fonte
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupExecutar o %1 na inicialização do sistema operacional
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsÍcones && temas
+ Icon themeTema dos ícones
+ StyleEstilo
+ SkinTema
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconÍcone da área de notificação
+ Use monochrome iconUsar ícone monocromático
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedOcultar janela principal quando minimizada
+ Start application hiddenIniciar aplicativo ocultado
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsAbas
+ Close tabs withFechar abas com
+ Middle mouse button single-clickUm clique no botão do meio do mouse
+ Left mouse button double-clickDuplo clique do botão esquerdo do mouse
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barAbrir novas abas como clique duplo do botão esquerdo do mouse na barra de abas
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleOcultar barra de abas se somente uma aba está visível
+ ToolbarsBarras de Ferramentas
+ Toolbar for feeds listBarras de ferramentas para lista de feeds
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarBarra de status
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormFormulário
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ sim
+ no
+ não
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Selecione o ícone do seu feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formulário
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Erro ao carregar feeds iniciais
+ Fetch metadataObter metadados
+ Export feedsExportar feeds
+ Import feedsImportar feeds
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryNão foi possível adicionar a categoria
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Não é possível adicionar a categoria porque outra operação crítica está em curso.
+ Import was completely successful.A importação foi totalmente bem sucedida.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Notícias não lidas: %2
+ Activated actionsAções ativadas
+ Available actionsAções disponíveis
+ Move action upMover ação para cima
+ Move action downMover ação para baixo
+ Insert separatorInserir separador
+ Insert spacerInserir espaçador
+ Add selected actionAdicionar ação selecionada
+ Delete selected actionExcluir ação selecionada
+ Delete all actionsExcluir todas as ações
+ Reset toolbarRedefinir barra de ferramentas
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Servidor: %2
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts b/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts
index 9d8d6d481..cbc620608 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormFormulário
+ Display additional nodesExibir nós adicionais
+ ImportantImportante
+ UnreadNão Lidos
+ LabelsRótulos
+ ProbesSondas
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Erro: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAtivar Adblock
+ &HelpA&juda
+ Filter listsListas de filtros
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Adicione os seus links diretos às listas de filtros aqui (um URL por linha)
+ Custom filtersFiltros personalizados
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Adicione os seus filtros personalizados aqui (um filtro por linha)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Erro: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Falha ao configurar filtros e iniciar o servidor: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'falha ao baixar lista de filtros '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Erro: %1
+ Application is already running.O aplicativo já está em execução.
+ Output directory is not writable.Sem permissão de escrita na pasta de saída.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Arquivo de configurações não copiado com sucesso para pasta de saída.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.A restauração do banco de dados não foi iniciada. Certifique-se de possuir permissão de escrita na pasta de saída.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.A restauração das configurações não foi iniciada. Certifique-se de possuir permissão de escrita na pasta de saída.
+ Cannot add feedNão foi possível adicionar o feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.O feed não pode ser adicionado pois não há uma conta ativa que pode adicionar feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedArtigos não lidos buscados
+ Go to changelogIr para registro de alterações
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredO AdBlock precisa ser configurado
+ WelcomeBem-vindo
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Por favor, veja o NOVO conteúdo incluído nesta
versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.O AdBlock não está configurado corretamente. Acesse "Configurações" -> "Node.js" e veja se o Node.js está configurado corretamente.
+ Already runningJá está em execução
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ FormFormulário
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnorando artigos antigos
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdicionar artigos com qualquer data no banco de dados
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseEvitar adicionar artigos antes desta data/hora no banco de dados
+ Absolute date/timeData/hora absoluta
+ Relative timeTempo relativo
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimitando quantidade de artigos nos feeds
+ Customize article limitsPersonalizar limites do artigo
+ In database, keepNo banco de dados, manter
+ Do not remove important articlesNão remova artigos importantes
+ Do not remove unread articlesNão remova artigos não lidos
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themApenas mover os artigos para a lixeira, não os elimine
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageVoltar para a página anterior
+ Go to next pageIr para a próxima página
+ Open article in article listAbrir artigo na lista de artigos
+ Open article in web browserAbrir artigo no navegador da web
+ Mark all articles as readMarcar todos os artigos como lidos
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ FormFormulário
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Alguns feeds necessitam de autenticação, incluindo feeds do GMail. Esquemas de autenticação BASIC, NTLM-2 e DIGEST-MD5 são suportados.
+ CredentialsCredenciais
+ Authentication typeTipo de autenticação
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup.
+ UsernameUsuário
+ PasswordSenha
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Clique aqui para abrir o diretório principal.
+ FilenameNome do arquivo
+ &Try again&Tentar novamente
+ &Stop&Parar
+ &Open file&Abrir arquivo
+ Open &directoryAbrir &pasta
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Clique aqui para abrir o diretório principal.
+ Clean upLimpar
@@ -1180,17 +1222,17 @@ ID do item: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsO documento OPML contém erros
+ this is likely not OPML documentprovavelmente não é um documento OPML
+ Category Categoria
@@ -1221,12 +1263,12 @@ ID do item: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationNão foi possível realizar a operação de arrastar & soltar
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Você não pode transferir um item arrastado para uma conta diferente, isto não é suportado.
@@ -1482,36 +1524,43 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copiar informações para a área de transferência
+ InformationInformação
+ LicensesLicenças
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.A página de licenças está disponível somente no idioma Inglês.
+ ChangelogLog de alterações
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.A página do log de alterações está disponível somente no idioma Inglês.
+ ResourcesRecursos
@@ -1543,6 +1592,7 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdicionar nova conta
@@ -1727,46 +1777,55 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup do banco de dados/configurações
+ Output directoryPasta de saída
+ &Select directoryPasta &selecionada
+ Backup propertiesPropriedades do backup
+ Items to backupItens para fazer backup
+ DatabaseBanco de dados
+ SettingsConfigurações
+ Backup nameNome do backup
+ Operation resultsResultados da operação
@@ -1884,31 +1943,37 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Parent folderPasta principal
+ Select parent item for your category.Selecione o item principal para sua categoria.
+ TitleTítulo
+ DescriptionDescrição
+ IconÍcone
+ Select icon for your category.Selecione o ícone para sua categoria.
@@ -1953,56 +2018,67 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseLimpar banco de dados
+ Cleanup settingsConfigurações de limpeza
+ Optimize database fileOtimizar banco de dados
+ Remove all read articlesRemover todos os artigos lidos
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemover todos os artigos da lixeira
+ Remove all articles older thanRemover artigos mais antigos que
+ Remove all starred articlesRemover todos os artigos com estrela
+ Database informationInformações do banco de dados
+ Total data sizeTamanho de dados total
+ Database typeTipo do banco de dados
+ ProgressProgresso
@@ -2159,22 +2235,22 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdicionar novo feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Não foi possível salvar as alterações: %1
+ Edit "%1"Editar "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2182,62 +2258,70 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalBuscar artigos usando intervalo global
+ Fetch articles everyBuscar artigos a cada
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDesativar busca automática de artigos
+ Cannot save feed propertiesNão foi possível salvar as propriedades do feed
+ ArticlesArtigos
+ Auto-downloading of articlesDownload automático de artigos
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Selecione a estratégia de download automático para mensagens deste feed. A estratégia de download automático padrão significa que novas mensagens deste feed serão baixadas em intervalos de tempo definidos nas configurações do aplicativo.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyAbrir artigos pelos seus URLs automaticamente
+ MiscellaneousDiversos
+ Disable this feedDesativar este feed
+ Right-to-left layoutLayout da direita para a esquerda
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnorar notificações deste feed
@@ -2307,618 +2391,741 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ &File&Arquivo
+ &HelpA&juda
+ &View&Visualizar
+ Show/hideExibir/ocultar
+ &Tools&Ferramentas
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Adicionar item
+ &Move&Mover
+ Art&iclesArt&igos
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Lixeira(s)
+ &Accounts&Contas
+ &Web browser && tabsNavegador &web && abas
+ &Quit&Sair
+ Quit the application.Fecha o aplicativo.
+ &Settings&Configurações
+ Display settings of the application.Exibe as configurações do aplicativo.
+ &About application&Sobre o aplicativo
+ Displays extra info about this application.Exibe informações adicionais sobre este aplicativo.
+ &Fullscreen&Tela cheia
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Altera para o modo tela cheia.
+ &Fetch all&Buscar todos
+ Fetch all feedsBuscar todos os feeds
+ Fetch &selectedBuscar &selecionados
+ Fetch selected feedsBuscar feeds selecionados
+ Mark articles &readMarcar artigos como &lidos
+ Mark selected articles readMarcar artigos selecionados como lidos
+ Mark articles &unreadMarcar artigos como &não-lidos
+ Mark selected articles unreadMarcar artigos selecionados como não-lidos
+ Switch &importanceAlternar &importância
+ Switch importance of selected articlesAlterar importância dos artigos selecionados
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Marca todas as mensagens (sem filtros de mensagem) dos itens selecionados como lidos.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Marca todas as mensagens (sem filtros de mensagem) dos itens selecionados como não lidos.
+ &Delete articlesE&xcluir artigos
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Excluir itens selecionados
+ Mark selected items &readMarcar itens selecionados como &lidos
+ Mark selected items &unreadMarcar itens selecionados como &não lidos
+ &Clean selected items&Limpar itens selecionados
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Exclui todas as mensagens dos itens selecionados.
+ Open in &external browserAbrir no navegador &externo
+ Open selected articles in external browserAbrir artigos selecionados no navegador externo
+ Open in &internal browserAbrir no navegador &interno
+ Open selected articles in internal browserAbrir artigos selecionados no navegador interno
+ No actions availableNenhuma ação disponível
+ No actions are available right now.Nenhuma ação disponível no momento.
+ &Mark all read&Marcar como lido
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marca todas as mensagens em todos os itens como lidos. Isto não leva em conta os filtros de mensagem da conta.
+ Switch main window visibilityMudar visibilidade da janela principal
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Oculta a janela principal se ela está visível ou exibe se ela está oculta.
+ &Feed listLista de &feeds
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Oculta ou exibe a lista de feeds/categorias.
+ &Clean all&Limpar tudo
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Exclui todas as mensagens de todos os itens.
+ &Next itemPró&ximo item
+ &Previous itemI&tem anterior
+ &Next articlePró&ximo artigo
+ &Previous articleArtigo an&terior
+ Check for &updatesVerificar por at&ualizações
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Verifica se há novas atualizações disponíveis para download.
+ &Main menu&Menu principal
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Oculta ou exibe o menu principal.
+ Report a &bug...Reportar em &erro...
+ &ToolbarsBarras de Ferramen&tas
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Alterna a visibilidade das barras de ferramentas principais.
+ &List headersCabeçalhos da &lista
+ &Donate...Fazer uma &doação...
+ Display &documentationMostrar &documentação
+ &Restart&Reiniciar
+ &Restore settings&Restaurar configurações
+ &Backup settings&Backup das configurações
+ Switch layoutAlterar layout
+ &Downloads&Transferências
+ Send via e-mailEnviar por e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailEnviar artigos selecionados por e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Limpar banco de dados
+ Show unread items onlyMostrar somente itens não lidos
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expandir/recolher item selecionado
+ &Add account&Adicionar conta
+ &Restore articles&Restaurar artigos
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restaurar todas as lixeiras
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Esvaziar todas as lixeiras
+ Next &unread articlePróximo artigo &não-lido
+ Status barBarra de status
+ &Edit selected account&Editar conta selecionada
+ &Delete selected accountE&xcluir conta selecionada
+ Add new categoryAdicionar nova categoria
+ Stop ongoing fetchingParar busca em andamento
+ New browser tabNovo aba do navegador
+ Close all tabsFechar todas as abas
+ Close all tabs except currentFechar todas as abas, exceto a atual
+ Go to &next tabIr para &próxima aba
+ Go to &previous tabIr para aba &anterior
+ &Enable article preview&Habilitar pré-visualização do artigo
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copiar URL do item selecionado
+ Article &filters&Filtros do artigo
+ &Show tree expandersMo&strar expansores de árvore
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyBus&car feeds com política personalizada de download automático
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternar cores de linha em listas
+ Automatically &expand item when selected&Expandir item automaticamenet quando selecionado
+ Message viewer toolbarsBarras de ferramentas de visualização de mensagens
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpandir/recolher item selecionado &recursivamente
+ Close ¤t tabFe&char aba atual
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copiar URLs dos artigos selecionados
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Abrir no navegador interno (nenhuma nova aba)
+ &Sort alphabeticallyCla&ssificar em ordem alfabética
+ Move &upMover para &cima
+ Move to &topMover para o &início
+ Move &downMover para &baixo
+ Move to &bottomMover para o &final
+ Display application &logExibir &log do aplicativo
+ Focus feeds search boxFocar caixa de pesquisa de feeds
+ Focus articles search boxFocar caixa de pesquisa de artigos
+ Scroll &up browserRolar para &cima no navegador
+ Scroll &down browserRolar para &baixo no navegador
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyReorganizar &subcategorias em ordem alfabética
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyReorganizar &feeds em ordem alfabética
+ Cleanup web cac&heLimpar cac&he da web
+ You must add new account firstVocê deve adicionar uma nova conta primeiro
+ You must add new account first.Você deve adicionar uma nova conta primeiro.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Editar feeds filhos (&recursivo)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdicionar novo feed
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Article filtersFiltros de artigos
+ &Check all&Marcar todos
+ &Uncheck all&Desmarcar todos
+ Remove selectedRemover selecionados
+ &New filter&Novo filtro
+ Article filter detailsDetalhes do filtro de artigos
+ TitleTítulo
+ Title of article filterTítulo do filtro de artigos
+ Pre-made filtersFiltros pré-feitos
+ JavaScript codeCódigo JavaScript
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicSua lógica de filtragem de artigos baseada em JavaScript
+ &Test&Testar
+ Process checked feedsProcessar feeds marcados
+ &BeautifyA&primorar
+ Detailed &helpA&juda detalhada
+ Existing articlesArtigos existentes
+ Sample articleArtigo de amostra
+ AuthorAutor
+ Created onCriado em
+ ContentsConteúdo
+ ReadLida
+ ImportantImportante
+ Script outputSaída de script
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ Pasta de cache do QtWebEngine -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestaurar banco de dados/configurações
+ Operation resultsResultados da operação
+ Source directoryPasta de origem
+ &Select directoryPasta &selecionada
+ Restore databaseRestaurar banco de dados
+ Restore settingsRestaurar configurações
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ Você precisa reiniciar manualmente.
+ SettingsConfigurações
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ Você precisa reiniciar manualmente.
+ GeneralGeral
+ NetworkRede
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3741,31 +3985,37 @@ Você pode instalar agora.
+ Check for updatesVerificar por atualizações
+ Current releaseVersão atual
+ Available releaseVersão disponível
+ StatusEstado
+ ChangelogLog de alterações
+ Available filesArquivos indisponíveis
@@ -4421,6 +4671,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ FormFormulário
@@ -4827,51 +5078,61 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ FormFormulário
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopParar
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgresso
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadBaixar
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5613,41 +5874,49 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ FormFormulário
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverNome do host ou IP do seu servidor proxy
+ PortPorta
+ UsernameUsuário
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationSeu nome de usuário para autenticação do servidor proxy
+ PasswordSenha
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationSua senha para autenticação do servidor proxy
@@ -5658,6 +5927,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Tipo
@@ -5883,7 +6153,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6088,17 +6358,17 @@ Lista de leitores suportados:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6629,16 +6899,19 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2
+ Search textPesquisar texto
+ Find previous occurenceLocalizar ocorrência anterior
+ Find next occurenceLocalizar próxima ocorrência
@@ -6704,14 +6977,14 @@ Número de categorias: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelecione o executável do navegador
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6719,24 +6992,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executáveis (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executáveis (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelecione o executável de e-mail
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 ou anterior
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Entre os parâmetros (opcional):
@@ -6747,92 +7020,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkRede
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesNão aceitar nenhum cookie recebido
+ Enable HTTP/2Habilitar HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverHabilitar servidor API
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom "QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS" flagsSinalizadores personalizados "QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS"
+ Disable cacheDesativar cache
+ External web browserNavegador externo
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserSempre abrir links no navegador externo
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Se desmarcado, então o navegador padrão do sistema será usado.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUsar navegador externo personalizado
+ Web browser executableExecutável do navegador
+ Executable file of web browserArquivo executável do navegador
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ ParametersParâmetros
+ Parameters passed to executableParâmetros enviados ao executável
+ Use sample arguments forUsar exemplos de argumentos para
+ Select browserSelecionar navegador
@@ -6842,27 +7143,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note que "%1" (sem aspas) é o local reservado para o URL da mensagem selecionada.
+ External e-mail clientCliente de e-mail externo
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUsar cliente de e-mail externo personalizado
+ E-mail client executableExecutável do cliente de e-mail
+ Executable file of e-mail clientArquivo executável do cliente de e-mail
+ Select clientSelecionar cliente
@@ -6876,22 +7182,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - corpo da mensagem selecionada.
+ External toolsFerramentas externas
+ &Add tool&Adicionar ferramenta
+ &Edit selected tool&Editar ferramenta selecionada
+ &Delete selected toolE&xcluir ferramenta selecionada
@@ -6901,12 +7211,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Nesta página, você pode configurar a lista de ferramentas externas que podem abrir URLs.
+ Select external toolSelecione a ferramenta externa
+ Enter parametersEntre os parâmetros
@@ -7025,41 +7335,49 @@ Os autores deste aplicativo NÃO são responsáveis pela perda de dados.
+ Database driverDriver do banco de dados
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUsar banco de dados na memória como banco de dados de trabalho
+ HostnameNome do host
+ PortPorta
+ Working databaseBando de dados de trabalho
+ UsernameUsuário
+ PasswordSenha
+ Test setupTestar configuração
@@ -7078,31 +7396,37 @@ Os autores deste aplicativo NÃO são responsáveis pela perda de dados.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedAbrir gerenciador de downloads ao iniciar novo download
+ Target directory for downloaded filesPasta de destino para arquivos baixados
+ Save all downloaded files toSalvar todos os arquivos baixados em
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedPasta de destino onde todos os arquivos baixados serão salvos
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ Ask for each individual downloaded filePerguntar para cada arquivo baixado
@@ -7174,57 +7498,69 @@ Os autores deste aplicativo NÃO são responsáveis pela perda de dados.
+ Feed fetchingBuscando feed
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofBaixar artigos de todos os artigos ao iniciar com atraso inicial de
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyBuscar artigos automaticamente para todos os feeds a cada
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedSomente buscar artigos quando o aplicativo está em segundo plano
+ Feed connection timeoutTempo limite de conexão do feed
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Tempo limite de conexão é o intervalo de tempo que é reservado para baixar novas mensagens para o feed. Se este intervalo de tempo esgotar, então o processo de download será abortado.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Suporta intervalos de busca automática muito rápidos (menos de 10 segundos)
+ Feeds listLista de feeds
+ Row heightAltura da linha
+ Feed list fontFonte da lista de feeds
@@ -7232,6 +7568,9 @@ Os autores deste aplicativo NÃO são responsáveis pela perda de dados.
+ Font previewPrévia da fonte
@@ -7239,141 +7578,171 @@ Os autores deste aplicativo NÃO são responsáveis pela perda de dados.
+ &Change fontMudar &fonte
+ Article count formatFormato de contagem de artigos
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesOcultar contagem de artigos se não houverem artigos não lidos
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listPermitir apenas atalhos de teclado básicos para lista de feeds/artigos
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesMostrar dicas de ferramentas para feeds e artigos
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingAtualizar lista de feeds durante a obtenção do feed
+ ArticlesArtigos
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemover todos os artigos lidos de todos os feeds ao sair do aplicativo
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnorar mudanças no corpo de artigos quando novos artigos estão sendo buscados
+ Internal article viewerVisualizador interno de artigos
+ Limit height of all picturesLimitar a altura de todas as imagens
+ Use legacy article formattingUsar formatação de artigo antiga
+ Unread article icon typeTipo de ícone de artigo não lido
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserTrazer janela do aplicativo para a frente assim que o artigo é aberto no navegador externo
+ Article browser fontFonte do navegador de artigos
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureCorrigir data/hora de artigos que estão no futuro
+ Display attachments directly in articleExibir anexos diretamente no artigo
+ Keep article viewer always visibleManter visualizador de artigos sempre visível
+ Articles listLista de artigos
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportManter seleção de artigos no meio da janela de exibição da lista de artigos
+ Enable multiline itemsAtivar itens multilinha
+ Top/bottom row paddingPreenchimento da linha superior/inferior
+ Use custom date/time formatUsar formato de data/hora personalizado
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesFormato de data/hora personalizado para artigos de hoje
+ Article list fontFonte da lista de artigos
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanMostrar tempo relativo para artigos com menos de
@@ -7392,11 +7761,13 @@ Os autores deste aplicativo NÃO são responsáveis pela perda de dados.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupExecutar o %1 ao iniciar o sistema operacional
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupVerificar por atualizações do %1 ao iniciar o aplicativo
@@ -7507,137 +7878,165 @@ Descrição: %3
+ Icons && skinsÍcones && temas
+ Icon themeTema do ícone
+ StyleEstilo
+ SkinTema
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCores do tema personalizadas
+ Customize predefined colorsPersonalizar cores predefinidas
+ Tray areaÁrea de notificação
+ Tray iconÍcone da área de notificação
+ Use monochrome iconUsar ícone monocromático
+ Display count of unread messagesMostrar número de mensagens não lidas
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedOcultar janela principal ao minimizar
+ Start application hiddenIniciar aplicativo oculto
+ Task barBarra de Tarefas
+ TabsAbas
+ Close tabs withFechar abas com
+ Middle mouse button single-clickUm clique com o botão do meio do mouse
+ Left mouse button double-clickClique duplo do botão esquerdo do mouse
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barAbrir novas abas com clique-duplo do botão esquerdo do mouse na barra de abas
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleOcultar barra de abas se somente uma aba está visível
+ ToolbarsBarras de ferramentas
+ Toolbar for feeds listBarra de ferramentas para lista de feeds
+ Toolbar for articles listBarra de ferramentas para lista de artigos
+ StatusbarBarra de status
+ Button styleEstilo do botão
+ Toolbar editorEditar da barra de ferramentas
+ Icon sizeTamanho do ícone
@@ -7706,16 +8105,19 @@ Descrição: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse a pasta de configuração MPV personalizada
+ BrowseNavegar
@@ -7806,11 +8208,13 @@ Além disso, reinicie a caixa de diálogo "Configurações" após inst
+ FormFormulário
+ Node.js executableExecutável do Node.js
@@ -7818,21 +8222,27 @@ Além disso, reinicie a caixa de diálogo "Configurações" após inst
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ NPM executableExecutável do NPM
+ Package folder Pasta do pacote
+ &Download Node.js&Baixar Node.js
@@ -7841,46 +8251,55 @@ Além disso, reinicie a caixa de diálogo "Configurações" após inst
+ Enable notificationsAtivar notificações
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7945,31 +8364,37 @@ Além disso, reinicie a caixa de diálogo "Configurações" após inst
+ Balloon notificationBalão de notificação
+ SoundSom
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileCaminho completo para arquivo de som WAV
+ &Browse&Procurar
+ &Play&Tocar
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8116,47 +8541,68 @@ Além disso, reinicie a caixa de diálogo "Configurações" após inst
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ sim
+ no
+ não
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileArquivo local
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownDesconhecido
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Não foi possível salvar os dados para o feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Não é possível mover o feed, informações detalhadas foram registradas por meio do log de depuração.
+ Cannot save feed dataNão foi possível salvar os dados do feed
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8171,21 +8617,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedNão foi possível mover o feed
@@ -8493,6 +8930,28 @@ Além disso, você pode pós-processar dados de feed gerados com outro script, s
Selecione o ícone para o seu feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Formulário
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8506,17 +8965,17 @@ Além disso, você pode pós-processar dados de feed gerados com outro script, s
Erro ao carregar feeds iniciais
+ Fetch metadataObter metadados
+ Export feedsExportar feeds
+ Import feedsImportar feeds
@@ -8546,22 +9005,22 @@ Além disso, você pode pós-processar dados de feed gerados com outro script, s
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryNão foi possível adicionar a categoria
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Não é possível adicionar a categoria pois outra operação crítica está em andamento.
+ Import was completely successful.A importação foi concluída com sucesso.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Alguns feeds/categorias não foram importados devido a um erro, verifique o log de depuração para obter mais detalhes.
@@ -8752,51 +9211,61 @@ Notícias não lidas: %2
+ Activated actionsAções ativadas
+ Available actionsAções disponíveis
+ Move action upMover ação para cima
+ Move action downMover ação para baixo
+ Insert separatorInserir separador
+ Insert spacerInserir espaçador
+ Add selected actionAdicionar ação selecionada
+ Delete selected actionExcluir ação selecionada
+ Delete all actionsExcluir todas as ações
+ Reset toolbarRedefinir barra de ferramentas
@@ -9177,6 +9646,19 @@ Servidor: %2
Abrir este site no navegador do sistema
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_ro.ts b/localization/rssguard_ro.ts
index bda08d1be..ae3abaae1 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_ro.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_ro.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -357,31 +381,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -443,21 +473,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -465,12 +499,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -734,26 +770,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -794,6 +835,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1188,17 +1230,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1229,12 +1271,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1492,36 +1534,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1553,6 +1602,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1737,46 +1787,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1895,31 +1954,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1965,56 +2030,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2171,22 +2247,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2195,62 +2271,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2320,618 +2404,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3105,122 +3312,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3265,31 +3497,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3340,6 +3578,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3347,15 +3586,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3754,31 +3998,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4434,6 +4684,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4840,51 +5091,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5631,41 +5892,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5676,6 +5945,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5901,7 +6171,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6109,17 +6379,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6652,16 +6922,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6727,14 +7000,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6742,24 +7015,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6770,92 +7043,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6865,27 +7166,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6899,22 +7205,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6924,12 +7234,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7048,41 +7358,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7101,31 +7419,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7198,57 +7522,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7256,6 +7592,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7263,141 +7602,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7416,11 +7785,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7531,137 +7902,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7730,16 +8129,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7830,11 +8232,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7842,21 +8246,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7865,46 +8275,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7969,31 +8388,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8140,47 +8565,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8195,21 +8641,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8517,6 +8954,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8530,17 +8989,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8570,22 +9029,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8780,51 +9239,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9205,6 +9674,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_ru.ts b/localization/rssguard_ru.ts
index bbabd24a5..545a234fe 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_ru.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_ru.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormФорма
+ Display additional nodesПоказать дополнительные узлы
+ ImportantВажное
+ UnreadНепрочитанное
+ LabelsМетки
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockВключить AdBlock
+ &HelpПомощь (&H)
+ Filter listsСписок фильтров
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Добавьте сюда свои прямые ссылки в списки фильтров (по одному URL в строке)
+ Custom filtersПользовательские фильтры
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Добавьте сюда свои собственные фильтры (по одному на строку)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Ключ: AdBlockManager['Не удалось настроить фильтры и запустить сервер: %1.'].
+ failed to download filter list '%1'не удалось загрузить список фильтров '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Приложение уже запущено
+ Output directory is not writable.Выходной каталог не доступен для записи
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Файл настроек не скопирован в выходной каталог.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Восстановление базы данных не было начато. Убедитесь, что выходной каталог доступен для записи.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Восстановление настроек не было начато. Убедитесь, что выходной каталог доступен для записи.
+ Cannot add feedНевозможно добавить канал
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Канал не может быть добавлен, потому что нет активной учетной записи, которая может добавлять каналы.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Пакеты не были обновлены из-за ошибки: %2. Затронутые пакеты:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Эти пакеты были установлены/обновлены:
+ Unread articles fetchedЗагружены непрочитанные статьи
+ Go to changelogК списку изменений
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredБлокировщик рекламы (AdBlock) должен быть настроен
+ WelcomeДобро пожаловать
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
версию, щелкнув на это всплывающее уведомление.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock настроен неправильно. Перейдите в «Настройки» -> «Node.js» и проверьте, правильно ли настроен ваш Node.js.
+ Already runningУже выполняется
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormФорма
+ Ignoring old articlesИгнорирование старых статей
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseДобавление в базу данных статей с любой датой
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseНе добавлять в базу данных статьи до указанной даты/времени
+ Absolute date/timeПолная дата и время
+ Relative timeОтносительное время
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsОграничение количества статей в каналах
+ Customize article limitsНастроить лимиты статей
+ In database, keepСохранять в базу данных
+ Do not remove important articlesНе удалять важные статьи
+ Do not remove unread articlesНе удалять непрочитанные статьи
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themПросто перемещать статьи в корзину, не удалять их
@@ -358,31 +382,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageВернуться на предыдущую страницу
+ Go to next pageПерейти на следующую страницу
+ Open article in article listОткрыть статью в списке материалов
+ Open article in web browserОткрыть статью в веб-браузере
+ Mark all articles as readОтметить все статьи прочитанными
@@ -445,21 +475,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormФорма
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Некоторые каналы требуют аутентификации, включая каналы GMail. Поддерживаются схемы проверки подлинности BASIC, NTLM-2 и DIGEST-MD5.
+ CredentialsДанные получателя
+ Authentication typeТип аутентификации
@@ -467,12 +501,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameЛогин
+ PasswordПароль
@@ -737,26 +773,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameИмя файла
+ &Try againПопробовать снова (&T)
+ &StopОстановить (&S)
+ &Open fileОткрыть файл (&O)
+ Open &directoryОткрыть директорию (&D)
@@ -800,6 +841,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upОчистить
@@ -1201,17 +1243,17 @@ ID элемента: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML-документ содержит ошибки
+ this is likely not OPML documentскорее всего, это не OPML-документ
+ Category Категория
@@ -1242,12 +1284,12 @@ ID элемента: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationНевозможно выполнить операцию перетаскивания
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Нельзя передать перетаскиваемый пункт в другой аккаунт, это не поддерживается.
@@ -1512,36 +1554,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboardКопировать информацию в буфер обмена
+ InformationИнформация
+ LicensesЛицензии
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Страница лицензий доступна только на английском языке.
+ ChangelogСписок изменений
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Список изменений доступен только на английском языке.
+ ResourcesРесурсы
@@ -1573,6 +1622,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountДобавить новый аккаунт
@@ -1759,46 +1809,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsРезервная копия БД/настроек
+ Output directoryВыходная директория
+ &Select directoryОбзор каталога (&S)
+ Backup propertiesСвойства резервной копии
+ Items to backupЭлементы для резервного копирования
+ DatabaseБаза данных
+ SettingsНастройки
+ Backup nameИмя файла
+ Operation resultsРезультаты операции
@@ -1918,31 +1977,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderРодительская категория
+ Select parent item for your category.Выберите родительский элемент для вашей категории.
+ TitleЗаголовок
+ DescriptionОписание
+ IconИконка
+ Select icon for your category.Выберите иконку для вашей категории
@@ -1989,56 +2054,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseОчистить БД
+ Cleanup settingsНастройки очистки
+ Optimize database fileОптимизировать файл базы данных
+ Remove all read articlesУдалить все прочитанные статьи
+ Remove all articles from recycle binУдалить все статьи из корзины
+ Remove all articles older thanУдалить все статьи старше
+ Remove all starred articlesУдалить все помеченные статьи
+ Database informationИнформация о базе данных
+ Total data sizeОбщий размер данных
+ Database typeТип базы данных
+ ProgressПрогресс
@@ -2195,22 +2271,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedДобавить новый канал
+ Cannot save changes: %1Невозможно сохранить изменения: %1
+ Edit "%1"Изменить "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsРедактирование одну запись
@@ -2220,62 +2296,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalПолучение статей с использованием глобального интервала
+ Fetch articles everyПолучать статьи каждые
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesОтключить автозагрузку статей
+ Cannot save feed propertiesНевозможно сохранить свойства канала
+ ArticlesСтатьи
+ Auto-downloading of articlesАвтозагрузка статей
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Выберите стратегию автоматического обновления для этого канала. Стратегия автоматического обновления по умолчанию означает, что канал будет обновляться через интервалы времени, установленные в настройках приложения.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyАвтоматически открывать статьи по их URL
+ MiscellaneousПрочее
+ Disable this feedОтключить этот канал
+ Right-to-left layoutРаскладка справа налево
+ Ignore notifications for this feedИгнорировать уведомления для этого канала
@@ -2345,618 +2429,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &FileФайл (&F)
+ &HelpПомощь (&H)
+ &ViewВид (&V)
+ Show/hideПоказать/спрятать
+ &ToolsИнструменты (&T)
+ F&eedsКаналы (&E)
+ &Add itemДобавить элемент (&A)
+ &MoveПереместить (&M)
+ Art&iclesСтатьи (&I)
+ &Recycle bin(s)Корзина(ы) (&R)
+ &AccountsАккаунты (&A)
+ &Web browser && tabsВеб-браузер и вкладки (&W)
+ &QuitВыход (&Q)
+ Quit the application.Выход из приложения
+ &SettingsНастройки (&S)
+ Display settings of the application.Показать настройки приложения.
+ &About applicationО приложении (&A)
+ Displays extra info about this application.Отображает дополнительную информацию об этом приложении.
+ &FullscreenПолный экран (&F)
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Переключиться в полноэкранный режим.
+ &Fetch allОбновить все (&F)
+ Fetch all feedsОбновить все каналы
+ Fetch &selectedОбновить выбранные каналы (&S)
+ Fetch selected feedsОбновить выбранные каналы
+ Mark articles &readПометить статьи как прочитанные (&R)
+ Mark selected articles readПометить выбранные статьи как прочитанные
+ Mark articles &unreadПометить статьи как непрочитанные (&U)
+ Mark selected articles unreadПометить выбранные статьи как непрочитанные
+ Switch &importanceПереключить важность (&I)
+ Switch importance of selected articlesПереключить важность выбранных статей
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Отметить все сообщения (без фильтров сообщений) из выбранных элементов как прочитанные.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Отметить все сообщения (без фильтров сообщений) из выбранных элементов как непрочитанные.
+ &Delete articlesУдалить статьи (&D)
+ &Edit selected items&Редактирование выбранных элементов
+ &Delete selected items&Удалить выбранные элементы
+ Mark selected items &readПометить выбранные элементы как прочитанные
+ Mark selected items &unreadПометить выбранные элементы как не прочитанные
+ &Clean selected itemsОчистка выбранных элементов
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Удалить все сообщения из выбранного элемента.
+ Open in &external browserОткрыть во внешнем браузере (&E)
+ Open selected articles in external browserОткрыть выбранные статьи во внешнем браузере
+ Open in &internal browserОткрыть во внутреннем браузере (&I)
+ Open selected articles in internal browserОткрыть выбранные статьи во внутреннем браузере
+ No actions availableНет доступных действий
+ No actions are available right now.В данный момент нет доступных действий.
+ &Mark all readПометить всё как прочитанное (&M)
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Отметить все сообщения во всех прочитанных элементах. Это действие не учитывает фильтры сообщений.
+ Switch main window visibilityПереключить видимость главного окна
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Скрывает главное окно, если оно видно, и показывает его, если оно скрыто.
+ &Feed listСписок каналов (&F)
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Скрыть/показать список каналов/категорий.
+ &Clean allОчистить все (&C)
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Удалить все сообщения из всех элементов.
+ &Next itemСледующий элемент (&N)
+ &Previous itemПредыдущий элемент (&P)
+ &Next articleСледующая статья (&N)
+ &Previous articleПредыдущая статья (&P)
+ Check for &updatesПроверить обновления (&U)
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Проверить, доступно ли для загрузки новое обновление для приложения.
+ &Main menuГлавное меню (&M)
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Скрыть или показать главное меню.
+ Report a &bug...Сообщить об ошибке (&B)...
+ &ToolbarsПанель инструментов (&T)
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Переключение видимости основных панелей инструментов.
+ &List headersСписок заголовков (&L)
+ &Donate...Пожертвовать... (&D)
+ Display &documentationПоказать документацию (&D)
+ &RestartПерезапустить (&R)
+ &Restore settingsВосстановить настройки (&R)
+ &Backup settingsРезервная копия настроек (&B)
+ Switch layoutПереключить расположение панелей
+ &DownloadsЗагрузки (&D)
+ Send via e-mailОтправить по электронной почте
+ Send selected articles via e-mailОтправить выбранные статьи по электронной почте
+ &Cleanup databaseОчистить базу данных (&C)
+ Show unread items onlyПоказать только непрочитанные элементы
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemРазвернуть/свернуть выбранный элемент (&E)
+ &Add accountДобавить аккаунт (&A)
+ &Restore articlesВосстановить статьи (&R)
+ &Restore all recycle binsВосстановить все корзины (&R)
+ &Empty all recycle binsОчистить все корзины (&E)
+ Next &unread articleСледующая непрочитанная статья (&U)
+ Status barСтрока состояния
+ &Edit selected accountИзменить выбранный аккаунт (&E)
+ &Delete selected accountУдалить выбранный аккаунт (&D)
+ Add new categoryДобавить новую категорию
+ Stop ongoing fetchingОстановить получение
+ New browser tabНовая вкладка браузера
+ Close all tabsЗакрыть все вкладки
+ Close all tabs except currentЗакрыть все вкладки кроме текущей
+ Go to &next tabПерейти к следующей вкладке (&N)
+ Go to &previous tabПерейти к предыдущей вкладке (&P)
+ &Enable article previewВключить предпросмотр статей (&E)
+ &Copy URL of selected itemКопировать URL-адрес выбранного элемента (&C)
+ Article &filtersФильтры статей (&F)
+ &Show tree expandersОтображать иерархию расширителей (&S)
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyОбновить каналы с настроенной политикой автозагрузки (&C)
+ Alternate row colors in listsЧередовать цвет фона строк в списках
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedАвтоматически разворачивать элемент при выборе (&E)
+ Message viewer toolbarsПанели инструментов средства просмотра сообщений
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyРекурсивно развернуть/свернуть выбранный элемент (&R)
+ Close ¤t tabЗакрыть текущую вкладку (&C)
+ &Copy URLs of selected articlesКопировать URL-адреса выбранных статей (&C)
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Открыть во внутреннем браузере (не новая вкладка)
+ &Sort alphabeticallyСортировать по алфавиту (&S)
+ Move &upВверх (&U)
+ Move to &topВ начало (&T)
+ Move &downВниз (&D)
+ Move to &bottomВ конец (&B)
+ Display application &logОтображение журнала приложения
+ Focus feeds search boxОкно поиска целевых каналов
+ Focus articles search boxОкно поиска целевых статей
+ Scroll &up browserПрокрутка и поднятие браузера
+ Scroll &down browserПрокрутка браузера вниз
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyПереставить &подкатегории& в алфавитном порядке
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyПереставить &каналы в алфавитном порядке
+ Cleanup web cac&heОчистить веб вэш
+ You must add new account firstСначала необходимо добавить новую учетную запись
+ You must add new account first.Сначала необходимо добавить новую учетную запись.
+ Edit &child feedsРедактирование дочерних лент
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Редактирование дочерних лент (&рекурсивно)
+ Play in &media playerВоспроизвести в медиаплеере (&M)
+ Add new feedДобавить новый канал
@@ -3137,122 +3344,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersФильтры статей
+ &Check allВсе (&C)
+ &Uncheck allНичего (&U)
+ Remove selectedУдалить выбранное
+ &New filterНовый фильтр (&N)
+ Article filter detailsПараметры фильтра статей
+ TitleЗаголовок
+ Title of article filterЗаголовок фильтра статей
+ Pre-made filtersПредварительно созданные фильтры
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript код
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicВаша логика фильтрации статей на основе JavaScript
+ &TestТест (&T)
+ Process checked feedsТест по статьям
+ &BeautifyУлучшить (&B)
+ Detailed &helpПомощь (&H)
+ Existing articlesСуществующие статьи
+ Sample articleПример статьи
+ AuthorАвтор
+ Created onДата создания
+ ContentsКонтент
+ ReadЧтение
+ ImportantВажное
+ Script outputВывод скрипта
@@ -3297,31 +3529,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsВосстановить базу данных/настройки
+ Operation resultsРезультаты операции
+ Source directoryИсходный каталог
+ &Select directoryВыберите каталог (&S)
+ Restore databaseВосстановить базу данных
+ Restore settingsВосстановить настройки
@@ -3372,6 +3610,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsНастройки
@@ -3379,15 +3618,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralОсновные
+ NetworkСеть
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3786,31 +4030,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesПроверка обновлений
+ Current releaseТекущий релиз
+ Available releaseДоступный релиз
+ StatusСтатус
+ ChangelogСписок изменений
+ Available filesДоступные файлы
@@ -4466,6 +4716,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormФорма
@@ -4872,51 +5123,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormФорма
+ Play/pauseВоспроизведение/пауза
+ StopОстановить
+ SpeedСкорость
+ ProgressПрогресс
+ DurationПродолжительность
+ Mute/unmuteОтключить/включить звук
+ VolumeГромкость
+ DownloadЗагрузка
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5669,41 +5930,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormФорма
+ HostХост
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverХост или IP прокси-сервера
+ PortПорт
+ UsernameЛогин
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationВаше имя пользователя для аутентификации прокси-сервера
+ PasswordПароль
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationВаш пароль для аутентификации прокси-сервера
@@ -5714,6 +5983,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Тип
@@ -5939,7 +6209,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6150,17 +6420,17 @@ List of supported readers:
внизу справа
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6695,16 +6965,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textНайти текст
+ Find previous occurenceНайти предыдущее вхождение
+ Find next occurenceНайти следующее вхождение
@@ -6770,14 +7043,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableВыберите веб-браузер
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6785,24 +7058,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Исполняемые файлы (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Исполняемые файлы (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableВыберите почтовый клиент
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 или старше
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Введите (необязательные) параметры:
@@ -6813,92 +7086,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkСеть
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesНе принимать входящие файлы cookie
+ Enable HTTP/2Включить HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverВключить API-сервер
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheОтключить кэш
+ External web browserВнешний веб-браузер
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserВсегда открывать гиперссылки во внешнем web-браузере.
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Если этот флажок не установлен, используется общесистемный веб-браузер по умолчанию.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserИспользовать свой веб-браузер
+ Web browser executableИсполняемый файл веб-браузера
+ Executable file of web browserИсполняемый файл веб-браузера
+ &BrowseОбзор (&B)
+ ParametersПараметры
+ Parameters passed to executableПараметры, переданные в исполняемый файл
+ Use sample arguments forИспользуйте примеры аргументов для
+ Select browserВыбрать браузер
@@ -6908,27 +7209,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Обратите внимание, что "%1" (без кавычек) - это поле для URL выбранного сообщения.
+ External e-mail clientВнешний e-mail клиент
+ Use custom external e-mail clientИспользовать свой внешний почтовый клиент
+ E-mail client executableИсполняемый файл почтового клиента
+ Executable file of e-mail clientИсполняемый файл почтового клиента
+ Select clientВыберите клиент
@@ -6942,22 +7248,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - тело выбранного сообщения.
+ External toolsВнешние приложения
+ &Add toolДобавить утилиту (&A)
+ &Edit selected toolИзменить выбранную утилиту (&E)
+ &Delete selected toolУдалить выбранную утилиту (&D)
@@ -6967,12 +7277,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
На этой странице вы можете установить список внешних приложений, которые могут открывать URL-ы.
+ Select external toolВыбрать приложение
+ Enter parametersВвод параметров
@@ -7091,41 +7401,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverДрайвер БД
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseИспользовать БД в памяти, как рабочую БД
+ HostnameИмя хоста
+ PortПорт
+ Working databaseРабочая БД
+ UsernameЛогин
+ PasswordПароль
+ Test setupЗапуск теста
@@ -7144,31 +7462,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedОткрыть менеджер загрузок при старте новой загрузки
+ Target directory for downloaded filesКаталог для загруженных файлов
+ Save all downloaded files toСохранять все загруженные файлы в
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedКаталог, где сохраняются все загруженные файлы
+ &BrowseОбзор (&B)
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileСпрашивать перед каждой загрузкой
@@ -7242,57 +7566,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingПолучение канала
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofПолучить все статьи при запуске приложения с начальной задержкой
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyАвто-загрузка статей для всех каналов каждые
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedАвто-загрузка статей только когда не в фокусе
+ Feed connection timeoutТаймаут соединения канала
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Тайм-аут соединения является интервалом времени, который зарезервирован для загрузки новых сообщений канала. Если этот интервал времени истечет, то процесс загрузки прерывается.
+ ms мс
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Поддержка очень быстрой автозагрузки (менее 10 секунд)
+ Feeds listСписок каналов
+ Row heightВысота строки
+ Feed list fontШрифт списка каналов
@@ -7300,6 +7636,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewПредпросмотр
@@ -7307,141 +7646,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change fontИзменить (&C)
+ Article count formatФормат счетчика статей
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesСкрыть количество статей, если нет непрочитанных статей
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listРазрешить только основные сочетания клавиш для ленты новостей / списка статей
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesОтображать всплывающие подсказки для каналов и статей
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingОбновить список каналов во время получения
+ ArticlesСтатьи
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitУдалять все прочитанные статьи из всех каналов при выходе
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedИгнорировать изменения в теле статьи при получении новых статей
+ Internal article viewerВнутренний просмотрщик статей
+ Limit height of all picturesОграничить высоту изображений
+ Use legacy article formattingИспользовать устаревшие форматирование статей
+ Unread article icon typeТип иконки непрочитанной статьи
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyИспользовать собственный формат даты/времени только для дат
+ Upon article selection, mark as readПосле выбора статьи отметить как прочитанное
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserВывести окно приложения на передний план после открытия статьи во внешнем веб-браузере
+ Article browser fontШрифт содержимого статьи
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureИсправлять дату/время статей, которые находятся в будущем
+ Display attachments directly in articleПоказывать вложения прямо в статье
+ Keep article viewer always visibleПостоянно отображать просмотрщик статей
+ Articles listСписок статей
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportСохранять выделение статьи в среднем окне просмотра списка статей
+ Enable multiline itemsВключить многострочные элементы
+ Top/bottom row paddingОтступы верхней/нижней строки
+ Use custom date/time formatИспользовать собственный формат даты/времени
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesСобственный формат даты/времени для сегодняшних статей
+ Article list fontШрифт списка статей
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanПоказывать относительное время для статей не старше
@@ -7460,11 +7829,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupЗапускать %1 при старте системы
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupПроверять обновления для %1 при запуске
@@ -7575,137 +7946,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsИконки и темы (&I)
+ Icon themeТема иконок
+ StyleСтиль
+ SkinТема
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Использовать цвета скина (цвета скина для диалогов/элементов управления действуют только со стилем Fusion)
+ Custom skin colorsПользовательские цвета тем
+ Customize predefined colorsНастроить предопределенные цвета
+ Tray areaСистемный лоток
+ Tray iconИконка в панели уведомлений
+ Use monochrome iconИспользовать монохромный значок
+ Display count of unread messagesОтображать количество непрочитанных сообщений
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedСкрыть главное окно при минимизации
+ Start application hiddenМинимизировать при запуске
+ Task barПанель задач
+ TabsВкладки
+ Close tabs withЗакрыть вкладки при помощи
+ Middle mouse button single-clickСредней мышки одиночным кликом
+ Left mouse button double-clickДвойной щелчок левой кнопкой мыши
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barОткрыть новую вкладку левой мышкой двойным кликом на панели вкладок
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleСкрыть панель вкладок, если она одна
+ ToolbarsПанели
+ Toolbar for feeds listПанель для списка каналов
+ Toolbar for articles listПанель инструментов для списка статей
+ StatusbarПанель статуса
+ Button styleСтили кнопок
+ Toolbar editorРедактор панели инструментов
+ Icon sizeРазмер иконки
@@ -7774,16 +8173,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendБэкенд
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderИспользовать собственную папку c конфигурацией для MPV
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7874,11 +8276,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormФорма
+ Node.js executableИсполняемый файл Node.js
@@ -7886,21 +8290,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &BrowseОбзор (&B)
+ NPM executableИсполняемый файл NPM
+ Package folder Папка с пакетами
+ &Download Node.jsСкачать Node.js (&D)
@@ -7909,46 +8319,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Enable notificationsВключить уведомления
+ Balloon notifications typeТип всплывающих уведомлений
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Нативные уведомления (иконка в трее должна быть включена)
+ Custom notificationsНастраиваемые уведомления
+ PositionПозиция
+ WidthШирина
+ MarginsОтступы
+ ScreenЭкран
+ OpacityВидимость
@@ -8013,31 +8432,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationВсплывающее уведомление
+ SoundЗвуки
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileПолный путь до вашего WAV файла
+ &BrowseОбзор (&B)
+ &PlayВоспроизвести (&P)
+ VolumeГромкость
@@ -8184,47 +8609,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ да
+ no
+ нет
+ ScriptСкрипт
+ Local fileЛокальный файл
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownНеизвестно
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Не удалось сохранить данные канала: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Невозможно переместить канал, подробная информация записана в журнале отладки.
+ Cannot save feed dataНе удается сохранить данные канала
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8239,21 +8685,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedНе удается переместить канал
@@ -8561,6 +8998,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Выберите иконку для вашего канала.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Форма
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8574,17 +9033,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Ошибка при загрузке исходных каналов
+ Fetch metadataПолучить метаданные
+ Export feedsЭкспорт каналов
+ Import feedsИмпорт каналов
@@ -8614,22 +9073,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryНевозможно добавить категорию
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Невозможно добавить категорию, потому что выполняется другая важная операция.
+ Import was completely successful.Импорт успешно завершён.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Некоторые каналы/категории не были импортированы из-за ошибки. Дополнительные сведения записаны в журнале отладки.
@@ -8828,51 +9287,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsАктивированные действия
+ Available actionsДоступные действия
+ Move action upПереместить действие вверх
+ Move action downПереместить действие вниз
+ Insert separatorВставить разделитель
+ Insert spacerВставить пробел
+ Add selected actionДобавить выбранное действие
+ Delete selected actionУдалить выбранное действие
+ Delete all actionsУдалить все действия
+ Reset toolbarСбросить панель инструментов
@@ -9253,6 +9722,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Открыть этот сайт в системном браузере
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_sk.ts b/localization/rssguard_sk.ts
index 530deacb7..59a98b171 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_sk.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_sk.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -358,31 +382,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -445,21 +475,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -467,12 +501,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -736,26 +772,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -799,6 +840,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1196,17 +1238,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1237,12 +1279,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1502,36 +1544,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1563,6 +1612,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1747,46 +1797,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1906,31 +1965,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1977,56 +2042,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2183,22 +2259,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2208,62 +2284,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2333,618 +2417,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3118,122 +3325,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3278,31 +3510,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3353,6 +3591,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3360,15 +3599,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3767,31 +4011,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4447,6 +4697,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4853,51 +5104,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5649,41 +5910,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5694,6 +5963,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5919,7 +6189,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6130,17 +6400,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6675,16 +6945,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6750,14 +7023,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6765,24 +7038,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6793,92 +7066,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6888,27 +7189,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6922,22 +7228,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6947,12 +7257,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7071,41 +7381,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7124,31 +7442,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7222,57 +7546,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7280,6 +7616,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7287,141 +7626,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7440,11 +7809,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7555,137 +7926,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7754,16 +8153,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7854,11 +8256,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7866,21 +8270,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7889,46 +8299,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7993,31 +8412,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8164,47 +8589,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8219,21 +8665,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8541,6 +8978,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8554,17 +9013,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8594,22 +9053,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8808,51 +9267,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9233,6 +9702,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_sv.ts b/localization/rssguard_sv.ts
index 9c68168f3..da2b78bcb 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_sv.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_sv.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesVisa ytterligare noder
+ ImportantViktigt
+ UnreadOläst
+ LabelsEtiketter
+ ProbesKontroll
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Fel: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAktivera AdBlock
+ &Help&Hjälp
+ Filter listsFilterlistor
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Lägg till dina direktlänkar till filterlistor här (en URL per rad)
+ Custom filtersAnpassade filter
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Lägg till dina anpassade filter här (ett filter per rad)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Fel: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Det gick inte att ställa in filter och starta server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'kunde inte ladda ner filterlista "%1"
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Fel: %1
+ Application is already running.Programmet är redan startat.
+ Output directory is not writable.Utdatamappen är inte skrivbar.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Inställningsfilen kopierades inte till utdatamappen.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Databasåterställning startades inte. Tillse att utdatamappen är skrivbar.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Inställningsåterställning startades inte. Tillse att utdatamappen är skrivbar.
+ Cannot add feedKan inte lägga till flödet
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Flödet kan inte läggas till eftersom det saknas ett aktivt konto som kan lägga till flöden.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Paketen uppdaterades INTE på grund av fel: %2. Berörda paket:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Dessa paket installerades/uppdaterades:
+ Unread articles fetchedOlästa artiklar hämtades
+ Go to changelogGå till ändringsloggen
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock behöver konfigureras
+ WelcomeVälkommen
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Kolla in NYA grejer i den här versionen
genom att klicka på denna popup-avisering.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock är inte konfigurerad korrekt. Gå till "Inställningar" -> "Node.js" och kontrollera att Node.js är korrekt konfigurerad.
+ Already runningKörs redan
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ genom att klicka på denna popup-avisering.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnorera äldre artiklar
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseLägg till artiklar med valfritt datum i databasen
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseUndvik att lägga till artiklar äldre än följande datum/tid i databasen
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolut datum/tid
+ Relative timeRelativ tid
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsBegränsa mängden artiklar i flöden
+ Customize article limitsAnpassa artikelgränser
+ In database, keepSpara, i databasen
+ Do not remove important articlesTa inte bort viktiga artiklar
+ Do not remove unread articlesTa inte bort olästa artiklar
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themFlytta endast artiklar till papperskorgen, rensa inte bort dem
@@ -356,31 +380,37 @@ genom att klicka på denna popup-avisering.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGå till föregående sida
+ Go to next pageGå till nästa sida
+ Open article in article listVisa artikel i artikellistan
+ Open article in web browserÖppna artikeln i webläsare
+ Mark all articles as readMarkera alla artiklar som lästa
@@ -441,21 +471,25 @@ genom att klicka på denna popup-avisering.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Vissa flöden kräver autentisering. Inklusive Gmail-flöden. BASIC, NTLM-2 och DIGEST-MD5 autentiseringsscheman stöds.
+ CredentialsAutentiseringsuppgifter
+ Authentication typeTyp av autentisering
@@ -463,12 +497,14 @@ genom att klicka på denna popup-avisering.
+ UsernameAnvändarnamn
+ PasswordLösenord
@@ -732,26 +768,31 @@ Klicka här för att öppna mappen.
+ FilenameFilnamn
+ &Try again&Försök igen
+ &Stop&Stopp
+ &Open file&Öppna fil
+ Open &directoryÖppna &mapp
@@ -789,6 +830,7 @@ Klicka här för att öppna mappen.
+ Clean upRensa
@@ -1181,17 +1223,17 @@ artiklar
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Kategori
@@ -1222,12 +1264,12 @@ artiklar
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationKan inte utföra dra och släpp-åtgärd
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Du kan inte överföra objekt till annat konto med dra & släpp. Stöd saknas för detta.
@@ -1483,36 +1525,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Kopiera till urklipp
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenser
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenssidan visas endast på Engelska.
+ ChangelogÄndringslogg
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Ändringsloggen visas endast på Engelska.
+ ResourcesResurser
@@ -1544,6 +1593,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ Add new accountLägg till nytt konto
@@ -1728,46 +1778,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsSäkerhetskopiera databas/inställningar
+ Output directoryUtdatamapp
+ &Select directory&Välj mapp
+ Backup propertiesSäkerhetskopiering
+ Items to backupKopiera
+ DatabaseDatabas
+ SettingsInställningar
+ Backup nameKopians namn
+ Operation resultsÅtgärdsresultat
@@ -1885,31 +1944,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ Parent folderÖverordnad mapp
+ Select parent item for your category.Välj överordnad mapp för kategorin.
+ TitleTitel
+ DescriptionBeskrivning
+ IconIkon
+ Select icon for your category.Välj ikon för kategorin.
@@ -1954,56 +2019,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseRensa databasen
+ Cleanup settingsRensningsinställningar
+ Optimize database fileOptimera databasfilen
+ Remove all read articlesTa bort alla lästa artiklar
+ Remove all articles from recycle binTa bort alla artiklar från papperskorgen
+ Remove all articles older thanTa bort artiklar äldre än
+ Remove all starred articlesTa bort alla stjärnmärkta artiklar
+ Database informationDatabasinformation
+ Total data sizeTotal datastorlek
+ Database typeDatabastyp
+ ProgressFörlopp
@@ -2160,22 +2236,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ Add new feedLägg till nytt flöde
+ Cannot save changes: %1Kan inte spara ändringar: %1
+ Edit "%1"Redigera "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2183,62 +2259,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArtiklar
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAutomatisk nerladdning av artiklar
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Välj strategi för automatisk nerladdning av meddelanden i det här flödet. Standardstrategi för automatisk nerladdning, innebär att nya meddelanden i det här flödet kommer att laddas ner med tidsintervall angivna i programinställningarna.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2308,618 +2392,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache-mapp -> "%7"
+ &File&Arkiv
+ &Help&Hjälp
+ &ViewV&isa
+ Show/hideDölj/Visa
+ &ToolsV&erktyg
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Lägg till objekt
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Papperskorg(ar)
+ &Accounts&Konton
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &QuitA&vsluta
+ Quit the application.Avsluta programmet.
+ &Settings&Inställningar
+ Display settings of the application.Visa inställningar för programmet.
+ &About application&Om programmet
+ Displays extra info about this application.Visa extra information om det här programmet.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullskärm
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Växla fönster-/fullskärmsläge.
+ &Fetch all&Hämta alla
+ Fetch all feedsHämta alla flöden
+ Fetch &selectedHämta &markerade
+ Fetch selected feedsHämta markerade flöden
+ Mark articles &readMärk artiklar som &lästa
+ Mark selected articles readMärk markerade artiklar som lästa
+ Mark articles &unreadMärk artiklar som &olästa
+ Mark selected articles unreadMärk markerade artiklar som olästa
+ Switch &importanceVäxla &betydelse
+ Switch importance of selected articlesVäxla betydelse på markerade artiklar
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Märk alla meddelanden (utan meddelandefilter) från markerade objekt som lästa.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Märk alla meddelanden (utan meddelandefilter) från markerade objekt som olästa.
+ &Delete articles&Ta bort artiklar
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Tar bort alla meddelanden från markerade objekt.
+ Open in &external browserÖppna i &extern webbläsare
+ Open selected articles in external browserÖppna markerade artiklar i extern webbläsare
+ Open in &internal browserÖppna i &intern webbläsare
+ Open selected articles in internal browserÖppna markerade artiklar i intern webbläsare
+ No actions availableInga åtgärder tillgängliga
+ No actions are available right now.Inga åtgärder tillgängliga just nu.
+ &Mark all read&Märk alla som lästa
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Märker all meddelanden i alla objekt som lästa. Tar inte hänsyn till meddelandefilter.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Dölj programfönstret om det är synligt, och visa det om det är dolt.
+ &Feed list&Flödeslista
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Dölj/Visa listan med flöden/kategorier.
+ &Clean all&Rensa allt
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Tar bort smtliga meddelanden från alla objekt.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Nästa artikel
+ &Previous article&Föregående artikel
+ Check for &updatesSök efter &uppdateringar
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Sök efter ny programuppdatering.
+ &Main menu&Huvudmeny
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Dölj/Visa huvudmenyn.
+ Report a &bug...Rapportera ett &fel...
+ &Toolbars&Verktygsfält
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Visa/Dölj verktygsfält.
+ &List headers&Listrubriker
+ &Donate...&Donera...
+ Display &documentationVisa &dokumentation
+ &Restart&Starta om
+ &Restore settings&Återställ inställningar
+ &Backup settings&Säkerhetskopiera inställningar
+ Switch layoutVäxla layout
+ &Downloads&Nedladdningar
+ Send via e-mailSkicka via e-post
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSkicka markerade artiklar via e-post
+ &Cleanup database&Rensa databasen
+ Show unread items onlyVisa endast olästa objekt
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expandera/Komprimera markerade objekt
+ &Add account&Lägg till konto
+ &Restore articles&Återställ artiklar
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Återställ alla papperskorgar
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Töm alla papperskorgar
+ Next &unread articleNästa &olästa artikel
+ Status barStatusfält
+ &Edit selected account&Redigera markerat konto
+ &Delete selected account&Ta bort markerat konto
+ Add new categoryLägg till ny kategori
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStoppa pågående hämtning
+ New browser tabNy webbläsarflik
+ Close all tabsStäng alla flikar
+ Close all tabs except currentStäng alla flikar utom den aktuella
+ Go to &next tabGå till &nästa flik
+ Go to &previous tabGå till &föregående flik
+ &Enable article preview&Aktivera förhandsvisning av artiklar
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Visa trädexpandrar
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyHämta flöden med &anpassad policy för automatisk nerladdning
+ Alternate row colors in listsVäxla radfärger i listan
+ Automatically &expand item when selected&Expandera automatiskt objekt vid markering
+ Message viewer toolbarsVerktygsfält i meddelandeläsare
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpandera/Komprimera markerat objekt &rekursivt
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedLägg till nytt flöde
@@ -3092,122 +3299,147 @@ Rådata = '%8'
+ Article filtersArtikelfilter
+ &Check all&Markera alla
+ &Uncheck all&Avmarkera alla
+ Remove selectedTa bort markerat
+ &New filter&Nytt filter
+ Article filter detailsArtikelfilterdetaljer
+ TitleTitel
+ Title of article filterNamn på artikelfilter
+ Pre-made filtersFärdiga filter
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript-kod
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicDin javascript-baserade artikelfiltreringslogik
+ &Test&Testa
+ Process checked feedsBearbeta markerade flöden
+ &Beautify&Försköna
+ Detailed &helpDetaljerad &hjälp
+ Existing articlesBefintliga artiklar
+ Sample articleExempelartikel
+ AuthorFörfattare
+ Created onSkapad
+ ContentsInnehåll
+ ReadLäst
+ ImportantViktigt
+ Script outputSkriptutdata
@@ -3252,31 +3484,37 @@ Rådata = '%8'
+ Restore database/settingsÅterställ databas/inställningar
+ Operation resultsÅtgärdsresultat
+ Source directoryKällmapp
+ &Select directory&Välj mapp
+ Restore databaseÅterställ databas
+ Restore settingsÅterställ inställningar
@@ -3327,6 +3565,7 @@ Du måste starta om manuellt.
+ SettingsInställningar
@@ -3334,15 +3573,20 @@ Du måste starta om manuellt.
+ GeneralAllmänt
+ NetworkNätverk
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3740,31 +3984,37 @@ Du kan installera det nu.
+ Check for updatesSök efter uppdateringar
+ Current releaseAktuell version
+ Available releaseTillgänglig version
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogÄndringslogg
+ Available filesTillgängliga filer
@@ -4420,6 +4670,7 @@ Inloggningstoken upphör: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4826,51 +5077,61 @@ Inloggningstoken upphör: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStopp
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressFörlopp
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadLadda ner
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5612,41 +5873,49 @@ Inloggningstoken upphör: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostVärd
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverVärdnamn eller IP-adress till din proxyserver
+ PortPort
+ UsernameAnvändarnamn
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationDitt användarnamn för proxyserverns autentisering
+ PasswordLösenord
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationDitt lösenord för proxyserverns autentisering
@@ -5657,6 +5926,7 @@ Inloggningstoken upphör: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Typ
@@ -5882,7 +6152,7 @@ Inloggningstoken upphör: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6087,17 +6357,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6628,16 +6898,19 @@ Inloggningstoken upphör: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceSök föregående förekomst
+ Find next occurenceSök nästa förekomst
@@ -6703,14 +6976,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableVälj startfil för webbläsaren
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6718,24 +6991,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Körbara (*)
+ Executables (*.*)exe-filer (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableVälj startfil för e-postklienten
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 eller äldre
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6746,92 +7019,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNätverk
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExtern webbläsare
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Om kryssrutan lämnas omarkerad, används systemets standardwebbläsare.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserAnvänd anpassad extern webbläsare
+ Web browser executableStartfil för webbläsare
+ Executable file of web browserWebbläsarens startfil
+ &Browse&Bläddra
+ ParametersParametrar
+ Parameters passed to executableParametrar skickade till startfilen
+ Use sample arguments forAnvänd argument för
+ Select browserVälj webbläsare
@@ -6841,27 +7142,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Notera att "%1" (utan citationstecken) är platshållare för det markerade meddelandets URL.
+ External e-mail clientExtern e-postklient
+ Use custom external e-mail clientAnvänd extern anpassad e-postklient
+ E-mail client executableE-postklientens programfil
+ Executable file of e-mail clientE-postklientens startfil
+ Select clientVälj klient
@@ -6875,22 +7181,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - brödtext för.
+ External toolsExterna verktyg
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6900,12 +7210,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolVälj externt verktyg
+ Enter parametersAnge parametrar
@@ -7024,41 +7334,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabasdrivrutin
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseAnvänd minnesdatabas (IMDB) som arbetsdatabas
+ HostnameVärdnamn
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseArbetsdatabas
+ UsernameAnvändarnamn
+ PasswordLösenord
+ Test setupTesta
@@ -7077,31 +7395,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedÖppna nedladdningshanteraren när ny nedladdning startas
+ Target directory for downloaded filesMålmapp för nedladdade filer
+ Save all downloaded files toSpara alla nedladdade filer i
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedMålmapp där alla nedladdade filer sparas
+ &Browse&Bläddra
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileFråga om varje enskild fil
@@ -7173,57 +7497,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutAnslutnings-timeout för flöden
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Anslutnings-timeout är det tidsintervall som reserverats föratt ladda ner nya meddelanden. Om detta tidsintervall överskrids, kommer nedladdningsprocessen att avbrytas.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontTeckensnitt för flödeslista
@@ -7231,6 +7567,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewTeckengranskning
@@ -7238,141 +7577,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Ändra teckensnitt
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArtiklar
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitTa bort alla lästa artiklar från alla flöden vid programavslut
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserFlytta programfönstret längst fram när artikel öppnas i extern webbläsare
+ Article browser fontTeckensnitt för artikel i webbläsare
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontTeckensnitt för artikellista
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7391,11 +7760,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupStarta %1 vid systemstart
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7506,137 +7877,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIkoner && teman
+ Icon themeIkontema
+ StyleStil
+ SkinTema
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconMeddelandefältsikon
+ Use monochrome iconAnvänd monokrom ikon
+ Display count of unread messagesVisa räkneverk för olästa meddelanden
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedDölj programfönstret vid minimering
+ Start application hiddenStarta programmet dolt
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsFlikar
+ Close tabs withStäng flikar med
+ Middle mouse button single-clickEnkelklick på mushjulsknappen
+ Left mouse button double-clickDubbelklick på vänster musknapp
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barÖppna nya flikar med dubbelklick i flikfältet
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleDölj flikfältet om endast en flik är öppen
+ ToolbarsVerktygsfält
+ Toolbar for feeds listVerktygsfält för flödeslista
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusfält
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7705,16 +8104,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7805,11 +8207,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7817,21 +8221,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Bläddra
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7840,46 +8250,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7944,31 +8363,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Bläddra
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8115,47 +8540,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ ja
+ no
+ nej
+ ScriptSkript
+ Local fileLokal fil
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownOkänd
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Kan inte spara data för flöde: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Kan inte flytta flöde, detaljerad information loggades i felsökningsloggen.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8170,21 +8616,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8492,6 +8929,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Välj ikon för flödet.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8505,17 +8964,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Fel vid inläsning av flöden
+ Fetch metadataHämta metadata
+ Export feedsExportera flöden
+ Import feedsImportera flöden
@@ -8545,22 +9004,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryKan inte lägga till kategori
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Kan inte lägga till kategori, eftersom en annan kritisk åtgärd pågår.
+ Import was completely successful.Importen slutfördes korrekt.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Vissa flöden/kategorier importerades inte på grund av något fel, kolla loggen för mer information.
@@ -8751,51 +9210,61 @@ Olästa nyheter: %2
+ Activated actionsAktiverade åtgärder
+ Available actionsTillgängliga åtgärder
+ Move action upFlytta upp åtgärden
+ Move action downFlytta ner åtgärden
+ Insert separatorInfoga separator
+ Insert spacerInfoga mellanrum
+ Add selected actionLägg till vald åtgärd
+ Delete selected actionTa bort vald åtgärd
+ Delete all actionsTa bort alla åtgärder
+ Reset toolbarÅterställ verktygsfältet
@@ -9176,6 +9645,19 @@ Senaste inloggning: %4
Öppna denna webbsida i systemets webbläsare
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_tr.ts b/localization/rssguard_tr.ts
index 9143dfd6e..482cfabe7 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_tr.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_tr.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesEk düğümleri (node) göster
+ ImportantÖnemli
+ UnreadOkunmamış
+ LabelsEtiketler
+ ProbesSorgular
@@ -103,31 +109,37 @@ Hata: %1
+ Enable AdBlockAdBlock'u etkinleştir
+ &Help&Yardım
+ Filter listsFiltre argümanları
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Doğrudan bağlantılarınızı bu filtre listesine ekleyin. (Satır başı bir URL)
+ Custom filtersÖzel filtreler
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Özel filtrelerinizi buraya ekleyin. (Satır başı bir filtre)
@@ -148,12 +160,12 @@ Hata: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Filtrelerin kurulumu ve sunucunun başlatılması başarısız oldu: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'filtre listesinin indirilmesi başarısız oldu: '%1'
@@ -169,82 +181,82 @@ Hata: %1
+ Application is already running.Uygulama zaten çalışıyor.
+ Output directory is not writable.Çıkış dizinine yazılamıyor.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Ayarlar dosyasının çıkış dizinine geçirilmesi başarısız oldu.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Veritabanı geri yüklenimi başlatılmadı. Çıkış dizininin yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Ayarların geri yüklemesi yapılamadı. Çıkış dizininin yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun.
+ Cannot add feedAkış eklenemedi
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Akış eklenemedi çünkü ekleyebilecek aktif bir hesap bulunmuyor.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Hata yüzünden güncellenemeyen paketler: %2 Etkilenen paketler:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1Bu paketler şu oranda yüklendi veya güncellendi:
+ Unread articles fetchedOkunmamış yazılar bulundu
+ Go to changelogDeğişiklik günlüğüne git
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock'un ayarlanması gerekiyor
+ WelcomeHoşgeldiniz
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -254,12 +266,12 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
Lütfen bu bildirim penceresine tıklayarak bu versiyondaki yenilikleri inceleyin.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock düzgün biçimde ayarlanmadı. "Ayarlar" -> "Node.js" bölümünnden Node.js ayarının düzgün yapılıp yapılmadığını kontrol edin.
+ Already runningZaten çalışıyor
@@ -268,61 +280,73 @@ Lütfen bu bildirim penceresine tıklayarak bu versiyondaki yenilikleri inceleyi
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesEski yazıların yok sayılması
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseVeri tabanına her tarihten yazı eklensin
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseBu tarih ve saatten önceki yazılar veri tabanına eklenmesin
+ Absolute date/timeTam tarih/saat bilgisi
+ Relative timeGöreceli zaman
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsAkışlardaki yazı adedinin sınırlanması
+ Customize article limitsYazı sınırlandırmalarını özelleştir
+ In database, keepVeri tabanında şunları tut
+ Do not remove important articlesÖnemli yazıları kaldırma
+ Do not remove unread articlesOkunmamış yazıları kaldırma
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themYazıları silmeden geri dönüşüm kutusuna taşı
@@ -354,31 +378,37 @@ Lütfen bu bildirim penceresine tıklayarak bu versiyondaki yenilikleri inceleyi
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageÖnceki sayfaya git
+ Go to next pageSonraki sayfaya git
+ Open article in article listYazıyı yazı listesinde aç
+ Open article in web browserYazıyı web tarayıcıda aç
+ Mark all articles as readTüm yazıları okunmuş olarak işaretle
@@ -439,21 +469,25 @@ Lütfen bu bildirim penceresine tıklayarak bu versiyondaki yenilikleri inceleyi
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Gmail'inkinin de dahil olduğu bazı akışlar kimlik doğrulama gerektiriyor. BASIC, NTLM-2 ve DIGEST-MD5 kimlik doğrulama şemaları destekleniyor.
+ CredentialsKimlik bilgileri
+ Authentication typeKimlik doğrulama yöntemi
@@ -461,12 +495,14 @@ Lütfen bu bildirim penceresine tıklayarak bu versiyondaki yenilikleri inceleyi
+ UsernameKullanıcı adı
+ PasswordŞifre
@@ -730,26 +766,31 @@ Ana dizini açmak için buraya tıklayın.
+ FilenameDosya adı
+ &Try again&Tekrar dene
+ &Stop&Dur
+ &Open file&Dosya aç
+ Open &directory&Dizini aç
@@ -787,6 +828,7 @@ Ana dizini açmak için buraya tıklayın.
+ Clean upTemizle
@@ -1178,17 +1220,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Kategori
@@ -1219,12 +1261,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1480,36 +1522,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1541,6 +1590,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1725,46 +1775,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1882,31 +1941,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleBaşlık
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1951,56 +2016,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2157,22 +2233,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2180,62 +2256,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2305,618 +2389,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Yardım
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3090,122 +3297,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleBaşlık
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3250,31 +3482,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3325,6 +3563,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3332,15 +3571,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3739,31 +3983,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4419,6 +4669,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4825,51 +5076,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5611,41 +5872,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameKullanıcı adı
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordŞifre
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5656,6 +5925,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5881,7 +6151,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6086,17 +6356,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6627,16 +6897,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6702,14 +6975,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6717,24 +6990,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6745,92 +7018,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6840,27 +7141,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6874,22 +7180,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6899,12 +7209,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7023,41 +7333,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameKullanıcı adı
+ PasswordŞifre
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7076,31 +7394,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7172,57 +7496,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7230,6 +7566,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7237,141 +7576,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7390,11 +7759,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7505,137 +7876,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7704,16 +8103,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7804,11 +8206,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7816,21 +8220,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7839,46 +8249,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7943,31 +8362,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8114,47 +8539,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8169,21 +8615,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8491,6 +8928,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8504,17 +8963,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8544,22 +9003,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8750,51 +9209,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9175,6 +9644,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_uk.ts b/localization/rssguard_uk.ts
index 1cf127a64..9ea173f8c 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_uk.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_uk.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormФорма
+ Display additional nodesПоказати додаткові вузли
+ ImportantВажливе
+ UnreadНепрочитані
+ LabelsЕтикетки
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockАктивувати AdBlock
+ &HelpДопомога
+ Filter listsСписок фільтрів
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersВласні фільтри
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Програма вже виконується
+ Output directory is not writable.Цільовий каталог недоступний для запису
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Файл налаштувань не було скопійовано у цільовий каталог.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Невдале відновлення бази. Перевірте можливість запису в цільовий каталог.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Невдале відновлення налаштувань. Перевірте можливість запису в цільовий каталог.
+ Cannot add feedНеможливо додати підписку
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -358,31 +382,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -445,21 +475,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Деякі потоки потребують аутентифікації, включаючи потоки GMail. Підтримуються BASIC, NTLM-2 та DIGEST-MD5 схеми аутентифікації.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -467,12 +501,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameІм’я користувача
+ PasswordПароль
@@ -736,26 +772,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameІм'я файлу
+ &Try againСпробуйте ще раз
+ &StopСтоп
+ &Open fileВідкрити файл
+ Open &directoryВідкрити каталог
@@ -799,6 +840,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upОчистити
@@ -1196,17 +1238,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Категорія
@@ -1237,12 +1279,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationНеможливо виконати операцію переміщення
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Переміщення перетягнутого елемента в інший обліковий запис не підримується.
@@ -1502,36 +1544,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationІнформація
+ LicensesЛіцензії
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Сторінка ліцензій доступні лише англійською мовою
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Сторінка Changelog доступна лише англйською мовою
+ ResourcesРесурси
@@ -1563,6 +1612,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountДодати новий обліковий запис
@@ -1747,46 +1797,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsСтворити резервну копію бази та налаштувань
+ Output directoryКаталог для результатів
+ &Select directoryВиберіть каталог
+ Backup propertiesПараметри резервування
+ Items to backupЕлементи для резервування
+ DatabaseБаза
+ SettingsНалаштування
+ Backup nameІм'я резервної копії
+ Operation resultsРезультати виконання
@@ -1906,31 +1965,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Обрати юатьківскьий елемент для категорії
+ TitleНазва
+ DescriptionОпис
+ IconЗначок
+ Select icon for your category.Обрати значок для категорії
@@ -1977,56 +2042,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseОчистити базу
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationІнформаця про базу
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeТип бази
+ ProgressПрогрес
@@ -2183,22 +2259,22 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedДодати новий потік
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
@@ -2208,62 +2284,70 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2333,618 +2417,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&Файл
+ &HelpДопомога
+ &View&Перегляд
+ Show/hideПоказати/сховати
+ &ToolsІнструменти
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Кошик(и)
+ &Accounts&Облікові записи
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Вихід
+ Quit the application.Вийти з програми.
+ &Settings&Налаштування
+ Display settings of the application.Відобразити налаштування програми.
+ &About applicationО програмі.
+ Displays extra info about this application.Показати додаткову інформацію про програму.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Переключити режим відображення на повний екран.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Помітити всі повідомлення ( без накладання фільтрів ) з обраних елементів як прочитані.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Помітити всі повідомлення ( без накладання фільтрів ) з обраних елементів як непрочитані.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Вадалити всі повідомленні в обраних елементах
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableДії недоступні
+ No actions are available right now.Наразі якісь дії недоступні
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Помітити усі повідомлення в усіх елементах я прочитані. При цьому не будуть братися до уваги фільтри повідомлень.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Згортає головне вікно, якщо воно розгорнуте, та розгортає, якщо згорнуте.
+ &Feed listСписок &потоків
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Сховати або відображати перелік потоків та категорій.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Вадалити всі повідомленні в усіхі елементах
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesПеревірити &оновлення.
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Перевірити чи доступне для завантаження оновлення програми.
+ &Main menuГоловне меню
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Ховає або показує головне меню.
+ Report a &bug...Сповістити про &помилку
+ &ToolbarsПанелі інструментів
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Переключити видимість головної панелі інструментів.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Перезапустити
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Завантаження
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup databaseОчистити базу
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected itemРозгорнути/згорнути відмічені елементи
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Відновити всі кошики.
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Спорожнити всі кошики.
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barРядок стану
+ &Edit selected account&Редагувати обліковий запис
+ &Delete selected account&Видалити обліковий запис
+ Add new categoryДодати нову категорію
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsЗакрити всі вкладки
+ Close all tabs except currentЗакрити усі вкладки окрім поточної
+ Go to &next tabПерейти до &наступної вкладинки
+ Go to &previous tabПерейти до &попередньої вкладинки
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedДодати новий потік
@@ -3118,122 +3325,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleНазва
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorАвтор
+ Created onДата створення
+ ContentsВміст
+ ReadПрочитане
+ ImportantВажливе
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3278,31 +3510,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsВідновити базу/налаштування
+ Operation resultsРезультати виконання
+ Source directoryПочатковий каталог
+ &Select directoryВиберіть каталог
+ Restore databaseВідновити базу
+ Restore settingsВідновити налаштування
@@ -3353,6 +3591,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsНалаштування
@@ -3360,15 +3599,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralЗагальні
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3766,31 +4010,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesПеревірка наявності оновлень
+ Current releaseПоточна версія
+ Available releaseДоступна версія
+ StatusСтатус
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesДоступні файли
@@ -4446,6 +4696,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4852,51 +5103,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopСтоп
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressПрогрес
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadЗавантажити
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5648,41 +5909,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostХост
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortПорт
+ UsernameІм’я користувача
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordПароль
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5693,6 +5962,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Тип
@@ -5918,7 +6188,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6129,17 +6399,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6674,16 +6944,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceЗнайти попереднє входження
+ Find next occurenceЗнайти наступне входження
@@ -6749,14 +7022,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6764,24 +7037,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6792,92 +7065,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserЗовнішній браузер
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersПараметри
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserВибрати браузер
@@ -6887,27 +7188,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6921,22 +7227,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsЗовнішні інструменти
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6946,12 +7256,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersРедагувати параметри
@@ -7070,41 +7380,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameІм'я системи
+ PortПорт
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameІм’я користувача
+ PasswordПароль
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7123,31 +7441,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7221,57 +7545,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ msмс
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7279,6 +7615,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7286,141 +7625,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change fontЗмінити шрифт
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7439,11 +7808,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7554,137 +7925,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleСтиль
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsВкладинки
+ Close tabs withЗакривати вкладки
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7753,16 +8152,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7853,11 +8255,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7865,21 +8269,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7888,46 +8298,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7992,31 +8411,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8163,47 +8588,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8218,21 +8664,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8540,6 +8977,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Обрати значок для потоку.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8553,17 +9012,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataЗавантажити метадані
+ Export feedsЕкспортувати підписки
+ Import feedsИмпортувати підписки
@@ -8593,22 +9052,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryНеможливо додати категорію
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Неможливо додати катгорію, тому що триває інша важлива операція.
+ Import was completely successful.Імпортування успішно закінчено.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8807,51 +9266,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsАктивовані дії
+ Available actionsДоступні дії
+ Move action upПересунути дію вище
+ Move action downПересунути дію нижче
+ Insert separatorВставити росподілювач
+ Insert spacerВставити простір
+ Add selected actionДодати обрані дії
+ Delete selected actionВидалити обрані дії
+ Delete all actionsВидалити всі дії
+ Reset toolbarСкинути панель інструментів
@@ -9232,6 +9701,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_vi.ts b/localization/rssguard_vi.ts
index 8e0faa192..7214a2e31 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_vi.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_vi.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ FormForm
+ Display additional nodesDisplay additional nodes
+ ImportantImportant
+ UnreadUnread
+ LabelsLabels
+ ProbesProbes
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlockEnable AdBlock
+ &Help&Help
+ Filter listsFilter lists
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)
+ Custom filtersCustom filters
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.
+ failed to download filter list '%1'failed to download filter list '%1'
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.Application is already running.
+ Output directory is not writable.Output directory is not writable.
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.
+ Cannot add feedCannot add feed
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetched
+ Go to changelogGo to changelog
+ AdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock needs to be configured
+ WelcomeWelcome
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -256,12 +268,12 @@ Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.
+ Already runningAlready running
@@ -270,61 +282,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Ignoring old articlesIgnoring old articles
+ Add articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the database
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date/time into the database
+ Absolute date/timeAbsolute date/time
+ Relative timeRelative time
+ Limiting amount of articles in feedsLimiting amount of articles in feeds
+ Customize article limitsCustomize article limits
+ In database, keepIn database, keep
+ Do not remove important articlesDo not remove important articles
+ Do not remove unread articlesDo not remove unread articles
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge themJust move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them
@@ -355,31 +379,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous pageGo to previous page
+ Go to next pageGo to next page
+ Open article in article listOpen article in article list
+ Open article in web browserOpen article in web browser
+ Mark all articles as readMark all articles as read
@@ -439,21 +469,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ FormForm
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.
+ CredentialsCredentials
+ Authentication typeAuthentication type
@@ -461,12 +495,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
@@ -730,26 +766,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ FilenameFilename
+ &Try again&Try again
+ &Stop&Stop
+ &Open file&Open file
+ Open &directoryOpen &directory
@@ -784,6 +825,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean upClean up
@@ -1172,17 +1214,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errors
+ this is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML document
+ Category Category
@@ -1213,12 +1255,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operationCannot perform drag & drop operation
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.
@@ -1472,36 +1514,43 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&Copy info to clipboard
+ InformationInformation
+ LicensesLicenses
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.Licenses page is available only in English language.
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.Changelog page is available only in English language.
+ ResourcesResources
@@ -1533,6 +1582,7 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new accountAdd new account
@@ -1717,46 +1767,55 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settingsBackup database/settings
+ Output directoryOutput directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Backup propertiesBackup properties
+ Items to backupItems to backup
+ DatabaseDatabase
+ SettingsSettings
+ Backup nameBackup name
+ Operation resultsOperation results
@@ -1873,31 +1932,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Parent folderParent folder
+ Select parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.
+ TitleTitle
+ DescriptionDescription
+ IconIcon
+ Select icon for your category.Select icon for your category.
@@ -1941,56 +2006,67 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Cleanup databaseCleanup database
+ Cleanup settingsCleanup settings
+ Optimize database fileOptimize database file
+ Remove all read articlesRemove all read articles
+ Remove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle bin
+ Remove all articles older thanRemove all articles older than
+ Remove all starred articlesRemove all starred articles
+ Database informationDatabase information
+ Total data sizeTotal data size
+ Database typeDatabase type
+ ProgressProgress
@@ -2147,84 +2223,92 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
+ Cannot save changes: %1Cannot save changes: %1
+ Edit "%1"Edit "%1"
+ Edit %n feedsEdit %n feeds
+ Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global interval
+ Fetch articles everyFetch articles every
+ Disable auto-fetching of articlesDisable auto-fetching of articles
+ Cannot save feed propertiesCannot save feed properties
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Auto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articles
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.
+ Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automatically
+ MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
+ Disable this feedDisable this feed
+ Right-to-left layoutRight-to-left layout
+ Ignore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feed
@@ -2294,618 +2378,741 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ &File&File
+ &Help&Help
+ &View&View
+ Show/hideShow/hide
+ &Tools&Tools
+ F&eedsF&eeds
+ &Add item&Add item
+ &Move&Move
+ Art&iclesArt&icles
+ &Recycle bin(s)&Recycle bin(s)
+ &Accounts&Accounts
+ &Web browser && tabs&Web browser && tabs
+ &Quit&Quit
+ Quit the application.Quit the application.
+ &Settings&Settings
+ Display settings of the application.Display settings of the application.
+ &About application&About application
+ Displays extra info about this application.Displays extra info about this application.
+ &Fullscreen&Fullscreen
+ Switch fullscreen mode.Switch fullscreen mode.
+ &Fetch all&Fetch all
+ Fetch all feedsFetch all feeds
+ Fetch &selectedFetch &selected
+ Fetch selected feedsFetch selected feeds
+ Mark articles &readMark articles &read
+ Mark selected articles readMark selected articles read
+ Mark articles &unreadMark articles &unread
+ Mark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unread
+ Switch &importanceSwitch &importance
+ Switch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articles
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.
+ &Delete articles&Delete articles
+ &Edit selected items&Edit selected items
+ &Delete selected items&Delete selected items
+ Mark selected items &readMark selected items &read
+ Mark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread
+ &Clean selected items&Clean selected items
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.
+ Open in &external browserOpen in &external browser
+ Open selected articles in external browserOpen selected articles in external browser
+ Open in &internal browserOpen in &internal browser
+ Open selected articles in internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser
+ No actions availableNo actions available
+ No actions are available right now.No actions are available right now.
+ &Mark all read&Mark all read
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.
+ Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibility
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.
+ &Feed list&Feed list
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.
+ &Clean all&Clean all
+ Deletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.
+ &Next item&Next item
+ &Previous item&Previous item
+ &Next article&Next article
+ &Previous article&Previous article
+ Check for &updatesCheck for &updates
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.Check if new update for the application is available for download.
+ &Main menu&Main menu
+ Hides or displays the main menu.Hides or displays the main menu.
+ Report a &bug...Report a &bug...
+ &Toolbars&Toolbars
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.
+ &List headers&List headers
+ &Donate...&Donate...
+ Display &documentationDisplay &documentation
+ &Restart&Restart
+ &Restore settings&Restore settings
+ &Backup settings&Backup settings
+ Switch layoutSwitch layout
+ &Downloads&Downloads
+ Send via e-mailSend via e-mail
+ Send selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail
+ &Cleanup database&Cleanup database
+ Show unread items onlyShow unread items only
+ &Expand/collapse selected item&Expand/collapse selected item
+ &Add account&Add account
+ &Restore articles&Restore articles
+ &Restore all recycle bins&Restore all recycle bins
+ &Empty all recycle bins&Empty all recycle bins
+ Next &unread articleNext &unread article
+ Status barStatus bar
+ &Edit selected account&Edit selected account
+ &Delete selected account&Delete selected account
+ Add new categoryAdd new category
+ Stop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetching
+ New browser tabNew browser tab
+ Close all tabsClose all tabs
+ Close all tabs except currentClose all tabs except current
+ Go to &next tabGo to &next tab
+ Go to &previous tabGo to &previous tab
+ &Enable article preview&Enable article preview
+ &Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected item
+ Article &filtersArticle &filters
+ &Show tree expanders&Show tree expanders
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy
+ Alternate row colors in listsAlternate row colors in lists
+ Automatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selected
+ Message viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbars
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursively
+ Close ¤t tabClose ¤t tab
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articles
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)
+ &Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabetically
+ Move &upMove &up
+ Move to &topMove to &top
+ Move &downMove &down
+ Move to &bottomMove to &bottom
+ Display application &logDisplay application &log
+ Focus feeds search boxFocus feeds search box
+ Focus articles search boxFocus articles search box
+ Scroll &up browserScroll &up browser
+ Scroll &down browserScroll &down browser
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabetically
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabetically
+ Cleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&he
+ You must add new account firstYou must add new account first
+ You must add new account first.You must add new account first.
+ Edit &child feedsEdit &child feeds
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)
+ Play in &media playerPlay in &media player
+ Add new feedAdd new feed
@@ -3079,122 +3286,147 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Article filtersArticle filters
+ &Check all&Check all
+ &Uncheck all&Uncheck all
+ Remove selectedRemove selected
+ &New filter&New filter
+ Article filter detailsArticle filter details
+ TitleTitle
+ Title of article filterTitle of article filter
+ Pre-made filtersPre-made filters
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript code
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic
+ &Test&Test
+ Process checked feedsProcess checked feeds
+ &Beautify&Beautify
+ Detailed &helpDetailed &help
+ Existing articlesExisting articles
+ Sample articleSample article
+ AuthorAuthor
+ Created onCreated on
+ ContentsContents
+ ReadRead
+ ImportantImportant
+ Script outputScript output
@@ -3239,31 +3471,37 @@ QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settingsRestore database/settings
+ Operation resultsOperation results
+ Source directorySource directory
+ &Select directory&Select directory
+ Restore databaseRestore database
+ Restore settingsRestore settings
@@ -3314,6 +3552,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ SettingsSettings
@@ -3321,15 +3560,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ GeneralGeneral
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3728,31 +3972,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updatesCheck for updates
+ Current releaseCurrent release
+ Available releaseAvailable release
+ StatusStatus
+ ChangelogChangelog
+ Available filesAvailable files
@@ -4408,6 +4658,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
@@ -4814,51 +5065,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ Play/pausePlay/pause
+ StopStop
+ SpeedSpeed
+ ProgressProgress
+ DurationDuration
+ Mute/unmuteMute/unmute
+ VolumeVolume
+ DownloadDownload
+ Switch fullscreen modeSwitch fullscreen mode
@@ -5595,41 +5856,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ FormForm
+ HostHost
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy server
+ PortPort
+ UsernameUsername
+ Your username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authentication
+ PasswordPassword
+ Your password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authentication
@@ -5640,6 +5909,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.Type
@@ -5865,7 +6135,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6067,17 +6337,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completedescape sequence not completed
+ closing " is missingclosing " is missing
+ closing ' is missingclosing ' is missing
@@ -6606,16 +6876,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search textSearch text
+ Find previous occurenceFind previous occurence
+ Find next occurenceFind next occurence
@@ -6681,14 +6954,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executableSelect web browser executable
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6696,24 +6969,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*)
+ Executables (*.*)Executables (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executableSelect e-mail executable
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 or older
+ Enter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:
@@ -6724,92 +6997,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ NetworkNetwork
+ Do not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2
+ Enable API serverEnable API server
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cacheDisable cache
+ External web browserExternal web browser
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browserAlways open hyperlinks in external web browser
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browserUse custom external web browser
+ Web browser executableWeb browser executable
+ Executable file of web browserExecutable file of web browser
+ &Browse&Browse
+ ParametersParameters
+ Parameters passed to executableParameters passed to executable
+ Use sample arguments forUse sample arguments for
+ Select browserSelect browser
@@ -6819,27 +7120,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.
+ External e-mail clientExternal e-mail client
+ Use custom external e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail client
+ E-mail client executableE-mail client executable
+ Executable file of e-mail clientExecutable file of e-mail client
+ Select clientSelect client
@@ -6853,22 +7159,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - body of selected message.
+ External toolsExternal tools
+ &Add tool&Add tool
+ &Edit selected tool&Edit selected tool
+ &Delete selected tool&Delete selected tool
@@ -6878,12 +7188,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.
+ Select external toolSelect external tool
+ Enter parametersEnter parameters
@@ -7002,41 +7312,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driverDatabase driver
+ Use in-memory database as the working databaseUse in-memory database as the working database
+ HostnameHostname
+ PortPort
+ Working databaseWorking database
+ UsernameUsername
+ PasswordPassword
+ Test setupTest setup
@@ -7055,31 +7373,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is startedOpen download manager when new download is started
+ Target directory for downloaded filesTarget directory for downloaded files
+ Save all downloaded files toSave all downloaded files to
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are savedTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved
+ &Browse&Browse
+ Ask for each individual downloaded fileAsk for each individual downloaded file
@@ -7150,57 +7474,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetchingFeed fetching
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay of
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds every
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed connection timeout
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)
+ Feeds listFeeds list
+ Row heightRow height
+ Feed list fontFeed list font
@@ -7208,6 +7544,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font previewFont preview
@@ -7215,141 +7554,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font&Change font
+ Article count formatArticle count format
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articles
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articles
+ Update feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetching
+ ArticlesArticles
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exit
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched
+ Internal article viewerInternal article viewer
+ Limit height of all picturesLimit height of all pictures
+ Use legacy article formattingUse legacy article formatting
+ Unread article icon typeUnread article icon type
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-onlyUse custom date/time format for dates-only
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser
+ Article browser fontArticle browser font
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the future
+ Display attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in article
+ Keep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visible
+ Articles listArticles list
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport
+ Enable multiline itemsEnable multiline items
+ Top/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row padding
+ Use custom date/time formatUse custom date/time format
+ Custom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articles
+ Article list fontArticle list font
+ Show relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older than
@@ -7368,11 +7737,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startupLaunch %1 on operating system startup
+ Check for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startup
@@ -7483,137 +7854,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skinsIcons && skins
+ Icon themeIcon theme
+ StyleStyle
+ SkinSkin
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colorsCustom skin colors
+ Customize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colors
+ Tray areaTray area
+ Tray iconTray icon
+ Use monochrome iconUse monochrome icon
+ Display count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messages
+ Hide main window when it is minimizedHide main window when it is minimized
+ Start application hiddenStart application hidden
+ Task barTask bar
+ TabsTabs
+ Close tabs withClose tabs with
+ Middle mouse button single-clickMiddle mouse button single-click
+ Left mouse button double-clickLeft mouse button double-click
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visibleHide tab bar if just one tab is visible
+ ToolbarsToolbars
+ Toolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds list
+ Toolbar for articles listToolbar for articles list
+ StatusbarStatusbar
+ Button styleButton style
+ Toolbar editorToolbar editor
+ Icon sizeIcon size
@@ -7682,16 +8081,19 @@ Description: %3
+ BackendBackend
+ Use custom MPV configuration folderUse custom MPV configuration folder
+ BrowseBrowse
@@ -7782,11 +8184,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ FormForm
+ Node.js executableNode.js executable
@@ -7794,21 +8198,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse&Browse
+ NPM executableNPM executable
+ Package folder Package folder
+ &Download Node.js&Download Node.js
@@ -7817,46 +8227,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.SettingsNotifications
+ Enable notificationsEnable notifications
+ Balloon notifications typeBalloon notifications type
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)
+ Custom notificationsCustom notifications
+ PositionPosition
+ WidthWidth
+ MarginsMargins
+ ScreenScreen
+ OpacityOpacity
@@ -7921,31 +8340,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notificationBalloon notification
+ SoundSound
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileFull path to your WAV sound file
+ &Browse&Browse
+ &Play&Play
+ VolumeVolume
@@ -8092,47 +8517,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ ScriptScript
+ Local fileLocal file
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript supportBuilt-in web browser with JavaScript support
+ UnknownUnknown
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 buildthis source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
+ Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed data
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8147,21 +8593,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
+ feed format not recognizedfeed format not recognized
+ Cannot move feedCannot move feed
@@ -8469,6 +8906,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Select icon for your feed.
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ Form
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8482,17 +8941,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
Error when loading initial feeds
+ Fetch metadataFetch metadata
+ Export feedsExport feeds
+ Import feedsImport feeds
@@ -8522,22 +8981,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build
+ Cannot add categoryCannot add category
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.
+ Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.
@@ -8724,51 +9183,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actionsActivated actions
+ Available actionsAvailable actions
+ Move action upMove action up
+ Move action downMove action down
+ Insert separatorInsert separator
+ Insert spacerInsert spacer
+ Add selected actionAdd selected action
+ Delete selected actionDelete selected action
+ Delete all actionsDelete all actions
+ Reset toolbarReset toolbar
@@ -9149,6 +9618,19 @@ Last login on: %4
Open this website in system web browser
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_zh_CN.ts b/localization/rssguard_zh_CN.ts
index 02f7baed7..56fc4f402 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_zh_CN.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ Form表单
+ Display additional nodes显示其它节点
+ Important重要
+ Unread未读
+ Labels标签
+ Probes探测
@@ -104,31 +110,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlock启用 AdBlock
+ &Help帮助 (&H)
+ Filter lists过滤器列表
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)在此添加您的直接链接至过滤器列表(每行一个 URL)
+ Custom filters自定义过滤器
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)在此添加您的自定义过滤器(每行一个过滤器)
@@ -149,12 +161,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.无法设置过滤器并启动服务器:%1。
+ failed to download filter list '%1'下载过滤器列表 '%1' 失败
@@ -170,82 +182,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.应用程序已经在运行。
+ Output directory is not writable.输出目录不可写。
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.设置文件未成功复制到输出目录。
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.未启动数据库恢复。请确保输出目录可写。
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.未启动设置恢复。请确保输出目录可写。
+ Cannot add feed无法添加订阅源
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.由于没有活跃的账户可以添加订阅源,因此无法添加订阅源。
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
%1These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetched已获取未读文章
+ Go to changelog前往更新日志
+ AdBlock needs to be configured需要配置 AdBlock
+ Welcome欢迎
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -255,12 +267,12 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock 没有配置正确。请前往 "设置" -> "Node.js" 并检查您的 Node.js 是否配置正确。
+ Already running已在运行
@@ -269,61 +281,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ Form表单
+ Ignoring old articles忽略旧文章
+ Add articles with any date into the database将带有任何日期的文章添加到数据库
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the database避免在此日期之前将文章添加到数据库中
+ Absolute date/time绝对日期时间
+ Relative time相对时间
+ Limiting amount of articles in feeds限制源文章数量
+ Customize article limits自定义文章限制
+ In database, keep在数据库中,保留
+ Do not remove important articles不删除重要文章
+ Do not remove unread articles不删除未读文章
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them只将文章移动到回收站,不清理
@@ -354,31 +378,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ...……
+ Go to previous page前往上一页
+ Go to next page前往下一页
+ Open article in article list在文章列表中打开文章
+ Open article in web browser在网络浏览器中打开文章
+ Mark all articles as read标记所有文章为已读
@@ -438,21 +468,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ Form表单
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.一些订阅源需要身份验证,包括 GMail 订阅源。支持 BASIC、NTLM-2 和 DIGEST-MD5 的身份验证方案。
+ Credentials凭证
+ Authentication type身份验证类型
@@ -460,12 +494,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ Username用户名
+ Password密码
@@ -729,26 +765,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Filename文件名
+ &Try again重试 (&T)
+ &Stop停止 (&S)
+ &Open file打开文件 (&O)
+ Open &directory打开目录 (&D)
@@ -783,6 +824,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean up清理
@@ -1171,17 +1213,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML 文档包含错误
+ this is likely not OPML document这可能不是 OPML 文档
+ Category 分类
@@ -1212,12 +1254,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operation无法执行拖放操作
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.您不能将拖动的项目转移到不同的账户,此操作不受支持。
@@ -1471,36 +1513,43 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard&复制信息到剪贴板
+ Information信息
+ Licenses许可证
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.许可证页面仅提供英文版本。
+ Changelog更新日志
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.更新日志页面只支持英语。
+ Resources资源
@@ -1532,6 +1581,7 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ Add new account添加新账户
@@ -1716,46 +1766,55 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settings备份数据库/设置
+ Output directory输出目录
+ &Select directory选择目录 (&S)
+ Backup properties备份属性
+ Items to backup要备份的项目
+ Database数据库
+ Settings设置
+ Backup name备份名称
+ Operation results运行结果
@@ -1872,31 +1931,37 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ Parent folder上级文件夹
+ Select parent item for your category.为您的分类选择上级项目。
+ Title名称
+ Description描述
+ Icon图标
+ Select icon for your category.为分类选择图标。
@@ -1940,56 +2005,67 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ Cleanup database清理数据库
+ Cleanup settings清理设置
+ Optimize database file优化数据库文件
+ Remove all read articles移除所有已读文章
+ Remove all articles from recycle bin移除所有回收站文章
+ Remove all articles older than移除所有早于指定天数的文章
+ Remove all starred articles移除所有收藏文章
+ Database information数据库信息
+ Total data size总数据大小
+ Database type数据库类型
+ Progress进度条
@@ -2146,84 +2222,92 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ Add new feed添加新订阅源
+ Cannot save changes: %1无法保存修改:%1
+ Edit "%1"编辑 "%1"
+ Edit %n feeds编辑 %n 个订阅源
+ Fetch articles using global interval使用全局时间间隔获取文章
+ Fetch articles every定时获取文章
+ Disable auto-fetching of articles禁用文章的自动获取
+ Cannot save feed properties无法保存订阅源属性
+ Articles文章
+ Auto-downloading of articles自动下载文章
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.选择此订阅源的消息的自动下载策略。默认的自动下载策略意味着该订阅源的新消息将按照应用程序设置中的时间间隔下载。
+ Open articles via their URL automatically通过其 URL 自动打开文章
+ Miscellaneous其他
+ Disable this feed禁用此订阅源
+ Right-to-left layout从右到左的布局
+ Ignore notifications for this feed忽略此订阅源的通知
@@ -2293,618 +2377,741 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ &File文件 (&F)
+ &Help帮助 (&H)
+ &View查看 (&V)
+ Show/hide显示/隐藏
+ &Tools工具 (&T)
+ F&eeds订阅源 (&E)
+ &Add item添加项目 (&A)
+ &Move移动 (&M)
+ Art&icles文章 (&A)
+ &Recycle bin(s)回收站 (&R)
+ &Accounts账户 (&A)
+ &Web browser && tabs网络浏览器与标签页 (&W)
+ &Quit退出 (&Q)
+ Quit the application.退出应用程序。
+ &Settings设置 (&S)
+ Display settings of the application.显示应用程序的设置。
+ &About application关于应用程序 (&A)
+ Displays extra info about this application.显示此应用程序的额外信息。
+ &Fullscreen全屏 (&F)
+ Switch fullscreen mode.切换到全屏模式。
+ &Fetch all获取全部 (&F)
+ Fetch all feeds获取所有订阅源
+ Fetch &selected获取所选 (&S)
+ Fetch selected feeds获取所选的订阅源
+ Mark articles &read标记文章为已读 (&R)
+ Mark selected articles read标记所选文章为已读
+ Mark articles &unread标记文章为未读 (&U)
+ Mark selected articles unread标记所选文章为未读
+ Switch &importance切换重要性 (&I)
+ Switch importance of selected articles切换所选文章的重要性
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.将所选项中的所有消息(不包括消息过滤器)标记为已读。
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.将所选项中的所有消息(不包括消息过滤器)标记为未读。
+ &Delete articles删除文章 (&D)
+ &Edit selected items编辑所选项目 (&E)
+ &Delete selected items删除所选项目 (&D)
+ Mark selected items &read标记所选项目为已读 (&R)
+ Mark selected items &unread标记所选项目为未读 (&U)
+ &Clean selected items清除所选项目 (&C)
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.删除所选项目中所有消息。
+ Open in &external browser用外部浏览器打开 (&E)
+ Open selected articles in external browser用外部浏览器打开选定的文章
+ Open in &internal browser用内部浏览器打开 (&I)
+ Open selected articles in internal browser用内部浏览器打开选定的文章
+ No actions available没有可用操作
+ No actions are available right now.目前没有可用操作。
+ &Mark all read标记所有为已读 (&M)
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.将所有项目中的消息标记为已读,不考虑消息过滤器。
+ Switch main window visibility切换主窗口的可见性
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.主窗口可见时将其隐藏,反之则显示。
+ &Feed list订阅源列表 (&F)
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.隐藏或显示 订阅源/分类 列表。
+ &Clean all清除所有 (&C)
+ Deletes all messages from all items.删除所有项目中的消息。
+ &Next item下一个项目 (&N)
+ &Previous item上一个项目 (&P)
+ &Next article下一篇文章 (&N)
+ &Previous article上一篇文章 (&P)
+ Check for &updates检查更新 (&U)
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.检查是否有新的应用更新可供下载。
+ &Main menu主菜单 (&M)
+ Hides or displays the main menu.隐藏或显示主菜单。
+ Report a &bug...报告错误 (&B)…
+ &Toolbars工具栏 (&T)
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.切换主工具栏的可见性。
+ &List headers列表标题 (&L)
+ &Donate...捐赠 (&D)…
+ Display &documentation查看文档 (&D)
+ &Restart重新启动 (&R)
+ &Restore settings恢复设置 (&R)
+ &Backup settings备份设置 (&B)
+ Switch layout切换布局
+ &Downloads下载 (&D)
+ Send via e-mail通过电子邮件发送
+ Send selected articles via e-mail通过电子邮件发送选定的文章
+ &Cleanup database清理数据库 (&C)
+ Show unread items only只显示未读项目
+ &Expand/collapse selected item展开/收起所选项目 (&E)
+ &Add account添加账户 (&A)
+ &Restore articles恢复文章 (&R)
+ &Restore all recycle bins还原所有回收站 (&R)
+ &Empty all recycle bins清空所有回收站 (&E)
+ Next &unread article下一篇未读文章 (&U)
+ Status bar状态栏
+ &Edit selected account编辑所选账户 (&E)
+ &Delete selected account删除所选账户 (&D)
+ Add new category添加新分类
+ Stop ongoing fetching停止持续获取
+ New browser tab新的浏览器标签页
+ Close all tabs关闭所有标签页
+ Close all tabs except current关闭其他标签页
+ Go to &next tab跳转到下一个标签页 (&N)
+ Go to &previous tab跳转到上一个标签页 (&P)
+ &Enable article preview启用文章预览 (&E)
+ &Copy URL of selected item复制所选项目的 URL (&C)
+ Article &filters文章筛选 (&F)
+ &Show tree expanders显示树状扩展 (&S)
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy用自定义自动下载策略获取 Feeds (&C)
+ Alternate row colors in lists列表交替显示行颜色
+ Automatically &expand item when selected当选择时自动展开项目 (&E)
+ Message viewer toolbars消息查看器工具栏
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursively递归展开/折叠所选项目 (&R)
+ Close ¤t tab关闭当前标签页 (&C)
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles复制所选文章的 URL (&C)
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)在内部浏览器中打开(不开新标签页)
+ &Sort alphabetically按字母顺序排序 (&S)
+ Move &up向上移动 (&U)
+ Move to &top移至顶部 (&T)
+ Move &down向下移动 (&D)
+ Move to &bottom移至底部 (&B)
+ Display application &log显示应用程序日志 (&L)
+ Focus feeds search box聚焦订阅源搜索框
+ Focus articles search box聚焦文章搜索框
+ Scroll &up browser浏览器向上滚动 (&U)
+ Scroll &down browser浏览器向下滚动 (&D)
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabetically按字母顺序重新排列子类别 (&S)
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabetically按字母顺序重新排列订阅源 (&F)
+ Cleanup web cac&he清理网络缓存 (&H)
+ You must add new account first你必须首先添加新账户
+ You must add new account first.你必须首先添加新账户。
+ Edit &child feeds编辑子订阅源 (&C)
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)递归编辑子订阅源 (&R)
+ Play in &media player在媒体播放器中播放
+ Add new feed添加新订阅源
@@ -3077,122 +3284,147 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ Article filters文章过滤器
+ &Check all检查全部
+ &Uncheck all取消全选
+ Remove selected移除选中
+ &New filter新的过滤器
+ Article filter details文章过滤器的详细信息
+ Title名称
+ Title of article filter文章过滤器的名称
+ Pre-made filters预制过滤器
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript 代码
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logic你的基于JavaScript的文章过滤逻辑
+ &Test检测
+ Process checked feeds处理检查过的Feeds
+ &Beautify美化
+ Detailed &help详细帮助 (&H)
+ Existing articles现有的文章
+ Sample article样本文章
+ Author作者
+ Created on创建时间
+ Contents内容
+ Read已读
+ Important重要
+ Script output脚本输出
@@ -3237,31 +3469,37 @@ QtWebEngine 缓存文件夹 -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settings恢复数据库/设置
+ Operation results运行结果
+ Source directory源目录
+ &Select directory选择目录 (&S)
+ Restore database恢复数据库
+ Restore settings恢复设置
@@ -3313,6 +3551,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ Settings设置
@@ -3320,15 +3559,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ General一般
+ Network网络
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3723,31 +3967,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updates检查更新
+ Current release当前版本
+ Available release可用版本
+ Status状态
+ Changelog更新日志
+ Available files可用的文件
@@ -4403,6 +4653,7 @@ Token 过期时间:%2
+ Form表单
@@ -4809,51 +5060,61 @@ Token 过期时间:%2
+ Form表单
+ Play/pause播放/暂停
+ Stop停止
+ Speed速度
+ Progress进度条
+ Duration持续时间
+ Mute/unmute静音/取消静音
+ Volume音量
+ Download下载
+ Switch fullscreen mode切换到全屏模式。
@@ -5590,41 +5851,49 @@ Token 过期时间:%2
+ Form表单
+ Host主机
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy server代理服务器的主机名或 IP
+ Port端口
+ Username用户名
+ Your username for proxy server authentication代理服务器认证所需的用户名
+ Password密码
+ Your password for proxy server authentication代理服务器认证所需的密码
@@ -5635,6 +5904,7 @@ Token 过期时间:%2
+ TypeProxy server type.类型
@@ -5860,7 +6130,7 @@ Token 过期时间:%2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6062,17 +6332,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completed转义序列未完成
+ closing " is missing缺少关闭的 "
+ closing ' is missing缺少关闭的 '
@@ -6601,16 +6871,19 @@ Token 过期时间:%2
+ Search text搜索文本
+ Find previous occurence查找上一个
+ Find next occurence查找下一个
@@ -6676,14 +6949,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executable选择浏览器的可执行文件
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6691,24 +6964,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.可执行文件 (*)
+ Executables (*.*)可执行文件 (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executable选择邮件客户端的可执行文件
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 或更早版本
+ Enter (optional) parameters:输入(可选)参数。
@@ -6719,92 +6992,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ Network网络
+ Do not accept any incoming cookies不接受任何传入的cookies
+ Enable HTTP/2启用 HTTP/2
+ Enable API server启用 API 服务
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cache禁用缓存
+ External web browser外部浏览器
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browser始终在外部网络浏览器中打开超链接
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>如果取消勾选,将使用系统默认浏览器</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browser使用自定义外部浏览器
+ Web browser executable浏览器可执行文件
+ Executable file of web browser浏览器可执行文件
+ &Browse浏览 (&B)
+ Parameters参数
+ Parameters passed to executable要传递给可执行文件的参数
+ Use sample arguments for预设参数
+ Select browser选择浏览器
@@ -6814,27 +7115,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
注意,"%1"(不包括双引号) 代表所选消息的 URL。
+ External e-mail client外部邮件客户端
+ Use custom external e-mail client使用自定义的外部邮件客户端
+ E-mail client executable邮件客户端的可执行文件
+ Executable file of e-mail client邮件客户端的可执行文件
+ Select client选择客户端
@@ -6848,22 +7154,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - 所选消息的内容。
+ External tools外部工具
+ &Add tool&添加工具
+ &Edit selected tool编辑选定的工具
+ &Delete selected tool删除所选工具
@@ -6873,12 +7183,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ Select external tool选择外部工具
+ Enter parameters输入参数
@@ -6997,41 +7307,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driver数据库驱动
+ Use in-memory database as the working database使用内存数据库作为工作数据库
+ Hostname主机名
+ Port端口
+ Working database工作数据库
+ Username用户名
+ Password密码
+ Test setup测试配置
@@ -7050,31 +7368,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is started开始下载时打开下载管理器
+ Target directory for downloaded files文件下载目录
+ Save all downloaded files to保存所有下载文件到
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are saved所有下载文件保存到的目录
+ &Browse浏览 (&B)
+ Ask for each individual downloaded file每次下载都询问
@@ -7145,57 +7469,69 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetching获取 Feed
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay of在启动时获取所有文章,初始延迟为
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds every每隔一段时间自动获取所有Feeds的文章
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused只在应用程序不集中时自动获取文章
+ Feed connection timeoutFeed 连接超时时间
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.连接超时是为新消息下载预留的时间间隔,如果超出这个时间,下载将被中断。
+ ms 毫秒
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)支持非常快的自动获取间隔(小于10秒)
+ Feeds listFeeds列表
+ Row height行高
+ Feed list fontFeed 列表字体
@@ -7203,6 +7539,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font preview字体预览
@@ -7210,141 +7549,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font更改字体 (&C)
+ Article count format文章计数格式
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articles如果没有未读文章,隐藏文章计数
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list只允许用基本的键盘快捷键来操作feed/文章列表
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articles显示Feeds和文章的工具提示
+ Update feed list during feed fetching抓取订阅源时更新订阅列表
+ Articles文章
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exit在应用程序退出时,从所有Feeds中删除所有已读文章
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched在获取新文章时,忽略文章正文的变化
+ Internal article viewer内部文章查看器
+ Limit height of all pictures限制所有图片高度
+ Use legacy article formatting使用传统文章格式
+ Unread article icon type未读文章图标类型
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-only仅限日期使用自定义日期/时间格式
+ Upon article selection, mark as readUpon article selection, mark as read
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser用外部网络浏览器打开文章后,将应用程序窗口移至前面
+ Article browser font文章浏览器的字体
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the future修正未来文章的日期/时间
+ Display attachments directly in article在文章中直接显示附件
+ Keep article viewer always visible始终显示文章查看器
+ Articles list文章列表
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport将文章选择保留在文章列表视窗的中间位置
+ Enable multiline items启用多行项目
+ Top/bottom row padding顶部/底部的行填充
+ Use custom date/time format使用自定义日期/时间格式
+ Custom date/time format for today's articles为今天的文章自定义日期/时间格式
+ Article list font文章列表字体
+ Show relative time for articles not older than显示相对时间的文章不早于
@@ -7363,11 +7732,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startup系统启动时启动 %1
+ Check for %1 updates on application startup应用程序启动时检查 %1 更新
@@ -7478,137 +7849,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skins图标 && 皮肤
+ Icon theme图标主题
+ Style风格
+ Skin皮肤
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)
+ Custom skin colors自定义皮肤颜色
+ Customize predefined colors自定义预设颜色
+ Tray area托盘区域
+ Tray icon通知区域图标
+ Use monochrome icon使用灰色图标
+ Display count of unread messages显示未读邮件的数量
+ Hide main window when it is minimized最小化时隐藏主窗口
+ Start application hidden应用启动时隐藏主窗口
+ Task bar任务栏
+ Tabs标签页
+ Close tabs with关闭标签页
+ Middle mouse button single-click单击中键
+ Left mouse button double-click双击左键
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar左键双击标签页栏以新建标签页
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visible只有一个标签页时隐藏标签页栏
+ Toolbars工具栏
+ Toolbar for feeds list用于 Feeds 列表的工具栏
+ Toolbar for articles list文章列表的工具栏
+ Statusbar状态栏
+ Button style按钮样式
+ Toolbar editor工具栏编辑器
+ Icon size图标大小
@@ -7677,16 +8076,19 @@ Description: %3
+ Backend后台
+ Use custom MPV configuration folder使用自定义 MPV 配置文件
+ Browse浏览
@@ -7777,11 +8179,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Form表单
+ Node.js executableNode.js可执行文件
@@ -7789,21 +8193,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse浏览 (&B)
+ NPM executableNPM可执行文件
+ Package folder 软件包文件夹
+ &Download Node.js&下载 Node.js
@@ -7812,46 +8222,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Enable notifications启用通知
+ Balloon notifications type气泡通知类型
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)原生通知(必须启用托盘图标)
+ Custom notifications自定义通知
+ Position位置
+ Width宽
+ Margins边距
+ Screen屏幕
+ Opacity不透明度
@@ -7916,31 +8335,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notification气球通知
+ Sound声音
+ Full path to your WAV sound file你的WAV声音文件的完整路径
+ &Browse浏览 (&B)
+ &Play&播放
+ Volume音量
@@ -8087,47 +8512,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ 是
+ no
+ 否
+ Script脚本
+ Local file本地文件
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript support支持 JavaScript 的内置网页浏览器
+ Unknown不详
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1无法保存以下feed的数据:%1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build此类型源在 'lite' %1 版本上不可用
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.不能移动feed,详细信息记录在调试日志中。
+ Cannot save feed data不能保存feed数据
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8142,21 +8588,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- 编码:%1
+ feed format not recognized不识别的订阅源格式
+ Cannot move feed不能移动feed
@@ -8464,6 +8901,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
为你的 Feed 选择图标。
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ 表单
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8477,17 +8936,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
载入预设 Feeds 时出错
+ Fetch metadata获取元数据
+ Export feeds导出 Feeds
+ Import feeds导入 Feeds
@@ -8517,22 +8976,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
此类型源在 'lite' %1 版本上不可用
+ Cannot add category无法添加分类
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.另一项关键操作正在执行,无法添加分类。
+ Import was completely successful.导入成功。
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.由于错误,一些Feeds/类别没有被导入,查看调试日志了解更多细节。
@@ -8719,51 +9178,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actions已激活的操作
+ Available actions可用的操作
+ Move action up向上移动
+ Move action down向下移动
+ Insert separator插入分隔符
+ Insert spacer插入空白
+ Add selected action添加所选操作
+ Delete selected action删除所选操作
+ Delete all actions删除所有操作
+ Reset toolbar重置工具栏
@@ -9144,6 +9613,19 @@ Last login on: %4
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory
diff --git a/localization/rssguard_zh_TW.ts b/localization/rssguard_zh_TW.ts
index ada7d9440..7d5b6a677 100644
--- a/localization/rssguard_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/localization/rssguard_zh_TW.ts
@@ -18,31 +18,37 @@
+ Form表單
+ Display additional nodes顯示額外的節點
+ Important重要
+ Unread未讀
+ Labels標籤
+ Probes探測
@@ -102,31 +108,37 @@ Error: %1
+ Enable AdBlock啟用 AdBlock
+ &Help說明(&H)
+ Filter lists篩選規則清單
+ Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)於此加入篩選規則清單的直通網址(每行一網址)
+ Custom filters自訂篩選規則
+ Add your custom filters here (one filter per line)於此新增自訂篩選規則(每行一個)
@@ -147,12 +159,12 @@ Error: %1
+ Failed to setup filters and start server: %1.無法建立篩選規則,並啟動伺服器: %1。
+ failed to download filter list '%1'無法下載篩選規則清單 '%1'
@@ -168,82 +180,82 @@ Error: %1
+ Application is already running.應用程式已在執行。
+ Output directory is not writable.輸出目錄是無法寫入。
+ Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.設定檔複製到輸出目錄失敗。
+ Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.未復原資料庫。請確認輸出目錄可寫入。
+ Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.未復原設定。請確認輸出目錄可寫入。
+ Cannot add feed無法新增文源
+ Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.無法加入文源,因為無使用的、可加入文源的帳號。
+ Node.jsNode.js
+ Packages were NOT updated because of error: %2. Affected packages:
%1之前未更新套件,因為有後面錯誤: %2。受影響的套件有:
+ These packages were installed/updated:
+ Unread articles fetched下載了未讀的文章
+ Go to changelog前往檢視變更紀錄
+ AdBlock needs to be configured須設定 AdBlock
+ Welcome歡迎
+ Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
@@ -254,12 +266,12 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock 未恰當設定。請於 "設定" -> "Node.js",檢查 Node.js 是否恰當設定。
+ Already running已在執行
@@ -268,61 +280,73 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ Form表單
+ Ignoring old articles忽略舊文章
+ Add articles with any date into the database無論日期,將文章加入資料庫
+ Avoid adding articles before this date/time into the database於此日期/時間之前的文章,避免加入資料庫
+ Absolute date/time絕對日期/時間
+ Relative time相對日期/時間
+ Limiting amount of articles in feeds限制文源的文章數量
+ Customize article limits自訂文章數量限制
+ In database, keep於資料庫,保存
+ Do not remove important articles不要移除重要的文章
+ Do not remove unread articles不要移除未讀的文章
+ Just move articles to recycle bin, do not purge them只移文章到資源回收筒,不清除
@@ -353,31 +377,37 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ ......
+ Go to previous page到上一頁
+ Go to next page到下一頁
+ Open article in article list於文章清單開啟文章
+ Open article in web browser於網頁瀏覽器開啟文章
+ Mark all articles as read標示所有文章成已讀
@@ -437,21 +467,25 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ Form表單
+ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.包括 Gmail 新聞源在內的一些新聞源,需要認證。本程式支援 BASIC, NTLM-2 和 DIGEST-MD5 認證架構。
+ Credentials憑證
+ Authentication type認證類型
@@ -459,12 +493,14 @@ version by clicking this popup notification.
+ Username使用者名稱
+ Password密碼
@@ -728,26 +764,31 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Filename檔名
+ &Try again請再試一次(&T)
+ &Stop中止(&S)
+ &Open file開啟檔案(&O)
+ Open &directory開啟目錄(&D)
@@ -782,6 +823,7 @@ Click here to open parent directory.
+ Clean up清除
@@ -1170,17 +1212,17 @@ Item ID: %5
+ OPML document contains errorsOPML 文件有錯誤
+ this is likely not OPML document這不像 OPML 文件
+ Category 分類
@@ -1211,12 +1253,12 @@ Item ID: %5
+ Cannot perform drag & drop operation無法拖放
+ You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.無法拖項目到不同的帳號。不支援此動作。
@@ -1470,36 +1512,43 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ &Copy info to clipboard複製資訊到剪貼簿(&C)
+ Information資訊
+ Licenses授權書
+ Licenses page is available only in English language.授權書只有英文版。
+ Changelog變更紀錄
+ Changelog page is available only in English language.變更紀錄只有英文版。
+ Resources資源
@@ -1531,6 +1580,7 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ Add new account新增帳號
@@ -1715,46 +1765,55 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ Backup database/settings備份資料庫/設定
+ Output directory輸出目錄
+ &Select directory選擇目錄(&S)
+ Backup properties備份屬性
+ Items to backup要備份的項目
+ Database資料庫
+ Settings設定
+ Backup name備份名稱
+ Operation results操作結果
@@ -1871,31 +1930,37 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ Parent folder上層資料夾
+ Select parent item for your category.為分類選擇上層項目。
+ Title標題
+ Description描述
+ Icon圖示
+ Select icon for your category.為分類選擇圖示。
@@ -1939,56 +2004,67 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ Cleanup database清理資料庫
+ Cleanup settings清除設定
+ Optimize database file最佳化資料庫檔案
+ Remove all read articles移除全部已讀文章
+ Remove all articles from recycle bin移除資源回收筒中的已讀文章
+ Remove all articles older than移除全部超過指定時間的已讀文章
+ Remove all starred articles移除全部星號標示的文章
+ Database information資料庫資訊
+ Total data size全部資料大小
+ Database type資料庫類型
+ Progress進度
@@ -2145,84 +2221,92 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ Add new feed新增文源
+ Cannot save changes: %1無法儲存變更: %1
+ Edit "%1"編輯 "%1"
+ Edit %n feeds編輯 %n 個文源
+ Fetch articles using global interval依全局時間間隔下載文章
+ Fetch articles every下載文章,每
+ Disable auto-fetching of articles停用自動下載文章
+ Cannot save feed properties無法儲存文源屬性
+ Articles文章
+ Auto-downloading of articles自動下載文章
+ Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.為此文源的文章選擇自動下載的策略。自動下載的預設規則是,文源的新文章會以應用程式設定中設定的時間間格自動下載。
+ Open articles via their URL automatically自動以 URL 開啟文章
+ Miscellaneous雜項
+ Disable this feed停用此文源
+ Right-to-left layout從右到左的版面配置
+ Ignore notifications for this feed忽略此文源的通知
@@ -2292,618 +2376,741 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ &File檔案(&F)
+ &Help說明(&H)
+ &View檢視(&V)
+ Show/hide顯示/隱藏
+ &Tools工具(&T)
+ F&eeds文源(&E)
+ &Add item新增項目(&A)
+ &Move移動(&M)
+ Art&icles文章(&I)
+ &Recycle bin(s)資源回收筒(&R)
+ &Accounts帳號(&A)
+ &Web browser && tabs網路瀏覽器&&分頁(&W)
+ &Quit結束(&Q)
+ Quit the application.結束應用程式
+ &Settings設定(&S)
+ Display settings of the application.顯示應用程式設定
+ &About application關於應用程式(&A)
+ Displays extra info about this application.顯示此應用程式的額外資訊
+ &Fullscreen全螢幕(&F)
+ Switch fullscreen mode.切換全螢幕模式
+ &Fetch all全都下載(&F)
+ Fetch all feeds從全部文源下載
+ Fetch &selected下載所選(&S)
+ Fetch selected feeds從所選文源下載
+ Mark articles &read標示文章成已讀(&R)
+ Mark selected articles read標示所選文章成已讀
+ Mark articles &unread標示文章成未讀(&U)
+ Mark selected articles unread標示所選文章成未讀
+ Switch &importance切換重要性(&I)
+ Switch importance of selected articles切換所選文章的重要性
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.將所選項目中的全部文訊 (忽略文訊過濾規則) 標成已讀
+ Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.將所選項目中的全部文訊 (忽略文訊過濾規則) 標成未讀
+ &Delete articles刪除文章(&D)
+ &Edit selected items編輯所選項目(&E)
+ &Delete selected items刪除所選項目(&D)
+ Mark selected items &read標示所選項目成已讀(&R)
+ Mark selected items &unread標示所選項目成未讀(&U)
+ &Clean selected items清除所選項目(&C)
+ Deletes all messages from selected items.刪除所選項目中所有文訊
+ Open in &external browser於外部瀏覽器開啟(&E)
+ Open selected articles in external browser於外部瀏覽器開啟所選文章
+ Open in &internal browser於內部瀏覽器開啟(&I)
+ Open selected articles in internal browser於內部瀏覽器開啟所選文章
+ No actions available無動作可用
+ No actions are available right now.現在無動作可用。
+ &Mark all read全部標示成已讀(&M)
+ Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.將所有文訊標成已讀。不考慮文訊過濾規則
+ Switch main window visibility切換主視窗的便視性
+ Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.主窗顯示時隱藏它;主窗隱藏時顯示它
+ &Feed list文源清單(&F)
+ Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.隱藏或顯示文源/分類清單
+ &Clean all清除全部(&C)
+ Deletes all messages from all items.刪除每一項目的全部文訊
+ &Next item下一項(&N)
+ &Previous item上一項(&P)
+ &Next article下一文章(&N)
+ &Previous article上一文章(&P)
+ Check for &updates檢查更新(&U)
+ Check if new update for the application is available for download.檢查是否有應用程式更新可下載。
+ &Main menu主功能表(&M)
+ Hides or displays the main menu.隱藏/顯示主功能表
+ Report a &bug...提報錯誤(&B)...
+ &Toolbars工具列(&T)
+ Switch visibility of main toolbars.切換主工具列的可見性
+ &List headers清單欄首(&L)
+ &Donate...贊助(&D)...
+ Display &documentation顯示說明文件(&D)
+ &Restart重新啟動(&R)
+ &Restore settings復原設定(&R)
+ &Backup settings備份設定(&B)
+ Switch layout切換版面配置
+ &Downloads下載(&D)
+ Send via e-mail以電子郵件寄出
+ Send selected articles via e-mail以電子郵件寄出所選文章
+ &Cleanup database清理資料庫(&C)
+ Show unread items only僅顯示未讀項目
+ &Expand/collapse selected item展開/收合所選項(&E)
+ &Add account新增帳號(&A)
+ &Restore articles復原文章(&R)
+ &Restore all recycle bins復原全部資源回收筒(&R)
+ &Empty all recycle bins清空全部資源回收筒(&E)
+ Next &unread article下一未讀文章(&U)
+ Status bar狀態列
+ &Edit selected account編輯所選帳號(&E)
+ &Delete selected account刪除所選帳號(&D)
+ Add new category新增分類
+ Stop ongoing fetching中斷下載
+ New browser tab新瀏覽器分頁
+ Close all tabs關閉全部分頁
+ Close all tabs except current除此外,關閉其他分頁
+ Go to &next tab到下一分頁(&N)
+ Go to &previous tab到上一分頁(&P)
+ &Enable article preview啟用文章預覽(&E)
+ &Copy URL of selected item複製所選項目的 URL(&C)
+ Article &filters文章篩選規則(&F)
+ &Show tree expanders顯示樹狀展開號(&S)
+ Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy以自訂的自動下載規則下載文源(&C)
+ Alternate row colors in lists清單行交替上色
+ Automatically &expand item when selected選擇時自動展開項目(&E)
+ Message viewer toolbars文訊檢視工具列
+ Expand/collapse selected item &recursively遞迴展開/收合所選項(&R)
+ Close ¤t tab關閉目前分頁(&C)
+ &Copy URLs of selected articles複製所選文章的URL(&C)
+ Open in internal browser (no new tab)於內部瀏覽器開啟(不開新分頁)
+ &Sort alphabetically依字母排序(&S)
+ Move &up移上(&U)
+ Move to &top移至首(&T)
+ Move &down移下(&B)
+ Move to &bottom移至尾(&B)
+ Display application &log顯示應用程式的記錄(&L)
+ Focus feeds search box焦點到文源搜尋框
+ Focus articles search box焦點到文章搜尋框
+ Scroll &up browser向上捲動瀏覽器頁面(&U)
+ Scroll &down browser向下捲動瀏覽器頁面(&D)
+ Rearrange &subcategories alphabetically依字母順序重整子分類(&S)
+ Rearrange &feeds alphabetically依字母順序重整文源(&F)
+ Cleanup web cac&he清除網頁快取(&H)
+ You must add new account first一定得先新增帳號
+ You must add new account first.一定得先新增帳號。
+ Edit &child feeds編輯下層文源(&C)
+ Edit child feeds (&recursive)(遞迴)編輯下層文源(&R)
+ Play in &media player於影音播放器播放(&M)
+ Add new feed新增文源
@@ -3077,122 +3284,147 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ Article filters文章篩選規則
+ &Check all勾全部(&C)
+ &Uncheck all不勾全部(&U)
+ Remove selected移除所選
+ &New filter新增篩選規則(&N)
+ Article filter details文章篩選規則細節
+ Title標題
+ Title of article filter文章篩選規則標題
+ Pre-made filters預製的篩選規則
+ JavaScript codeJavaScript 碼
+ Your JavaScript-based article filtering logic由 JavaScript 建立的文章篩選規則邏輯
+ &Test測試(&T)
+ Process checked feeds處理勾選的文源
+ &Beautify美化(&B)
+ Detailed &help詳細的說明(&H)
+ Existing articles現有文章
+ Sample article樣本文章
+ Author作者
+ Created on建立時間
+ Contents擷文
+ Read已讀
+ Important重要
+ Script output隨譯即行碼之輸出
@@ -3237,31 +3469,37 @@ QtWebEngine 快取資料夾 -> "%7"
+ Restore database/settings復原資料庫/設定
+ Operation results運作結果
+ Source directory來源目錄
+ &Select directory選擇目錄(&S)
+ Restore database復原資料庫
+ Restore settings復原設定
@@ -3312,6 +3550,7 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ Settings設定
@@ -3319,15 +3558,20 @@ You have to restart manually.
+ General一般
+ Network網路
+ Experimental
+ Experimental
+ FormStandardImportExport
@@ -3727,31 +3971,37 @@ You can install it now.
+ Check for updates檢查更新
+ Current release目前版本
+ Available release可用版本
+ Status狀態
+ Changelog異動日誌
+ Available files可用的檔案
@@ -4407,6 +4657,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Form表單
@@ -4813,51 +5064,61 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Form表單
+ Play/pause播放/暫停
+ Stop停止
+ Speed速度
+ Progress進度
+ Duration片長
+ Mute/unmute靜音/取消靜音
+ Volume音量
+ Download下載
+ Switch fullscreen mode切換全螢幕模式
@@ -5594,41 +5855,49 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Form表單
+ Host主機
+ Hostname or IP of your proxy server代理服務器的主機名或 IP
+ Port端埠
+ Username使用者名稱
+ Your username for proxy server authentication代理伺服器認證所需的使用者名稱
+ Password密碼
+ Your password for proxy server authentication代理伺服器認證所需的密碼
@@ -5639,6 +5908,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ TypeProxy server type.類型
@@ -5864,7 +6134,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ %n other feeds.
@@ -6066,17 +6336,17 @@ List of supported readers:
+ escape sequence not completed轉義字串未完成
+ closing " is missing缺少尾端 "
+ closing ' is missing缺少尾端 '
@@ -6605,16 +6875,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2
+ Search text搜尋文字
+ Find previous occurence找上一個
+ Find next occurence找下一個
@@ -6680,14 +6953,14 @@ Number of categories: %2
+ Select web browser executable選擇網路瀏覽器的可執行檔
+ Executables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
@@ -6695,24 +6968,24 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.可執行檔 (*)
+ Executables (*.*)可執行檔 (*.*)
+ Select e-mail executable選擇郵件客戶端的可執行檔
+ Opera 12 or olderOpera 12 或更早版本
+ Enter (optional) parameters:輸入(可選用)參元:
@@ -6723,92 +6996,120 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
+ Network網路
+ Do not accept any incoming cookies不讓任何 cookies 進來
+ Enable HTTP/2啟用 HTTP/2
+ Enable API server啟用 API 伺服器
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Custom User-Agent
+ Disable cache停用快取
+ External web browser外部瀏覽器
+ Always open hyperlinks in external web browser總是用外部瀏覽器開啟超連結
+ <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>如果消勾,就會使用系統預設的瀏覽器。</p></body></html>
+ Use custom external web browser使用自訂的外部瀏覽器
+ Web browser executable網路瀏覽器可執行的檔案
+ Executable file of web browser網路瀏覽器可執行的檔案
+ &Browse瀏覽(&B)
+ Parameters參元
+ Parameters passed to executable傳給可執行檔的參元
+ Use sample arguments for使用樣本參元
+ Select browser選擇瀏覽器
@@ -6818,27 +7119,32 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
注意,"%1" (不包括雙引號) 存放所選文訊的 URL 的變元欄位。
+ External e-mail client外部電子郵件客戶端
+ Use custom external e-mail client使用自訂的外部郵件客戶端
+ E-mail client executable電子郵件客戶端可執行檔
+ Executable file of e-mail client電子郵件客戶端之可執行檔
+ Select client選擇客戶端
@@ -6852,22 +7158,26 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
• %2 - 所選文訊的正文。
+ External tools外部工具
+ &Add tool新增工具(&A)
+ &Edit selected tool編輯所選工具(&E)
+ &Delete selected tool刪除所選工具(&D)
@@ -6877,12 +7187,12 @@ File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.
於此頁, 可設定用於開啟 URL 的一些外部工具。
+ Select external tool選擇外部工具
+ Enter parameters輸入參元
@@ -7002,41 +7312,49 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Database driver資料庫驅動器
+ Use in-memory database as the working database使用載入記憶體的資料庫作為工作資料庫
+ Hostname主機名稱
+ Port端埠
+ Working database工作資料庫
+ Username使用者名稱
+ Password密碼
+ Test setup測試設定
@@ -7055,31 +7373,37 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Open download manager when new download is started開始下載時,開啟下載管理器
+ Target directory for downloaded files檔案下載目錄
+ Save all downloaded files to儲存全部下載檔案到
+ Target directory where all downloaded files are saved下載檔案都儲存到的目錄
+ &Browse瀏覽(&B)
+ Ask for each individual downloaded file每次下載都詢問
@@ -7150,58 +7474,70 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Feed fetching文源抓取
+ Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay of於 RSS Guard 啟動時,延遲指定的時間,下載全部文章
+ Auto-fetch articles for all feeds every自動下載全部文源的文章,每
+ Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused只在 RSS Guard 失去焦點時,自動下載文章
+ Feed connection timeout文源連線逾時時間
+ Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.連線逾時是為下載新消息而留的一段時間。如果超過這段時間,就會中斷下載。
+ ms ms
+ Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)支援非常短的自動抓取的間隔
+ Feeds list文源清單
+ Row height行高
+ Feed list font文源清單字型
@@ -7209,6 +7545,9 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Font preview字型預覽
@@ -7216,141 +7555,171 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ &Change font變更字型(&C)
+ Article count format文章數格式
+ Hide article counts if there are no unread articles若無未讀文章,隱藏文章數
+ Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list對文源/文章,只允許基本快鍵
+ Display tooltips for feeds and articles顯示文源與文章的工具提示
+ Update feed list during feed fetching於抓取文源時更新文源清單
+ Articles文章
+ Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exit離開 RSS Guard 時移除全部已讀文章
+ Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched抓取新文章時,忽略文章正文的變更
+ Internal article viewer內建的文章檢視器
+ Limit height of all pictures限制所有圖片的高度
+ Use legacy article formatting使用舊的文章格式
+ Unread article icon type未讀文章的圖示類型
+ Use custom date/time format for dates-only對只有日期的文章,使用自訂日期/時間
+ Upon article selection, mark as read於文章選擇,標示成已讀
+ Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser一旦文章開啟於外部瀏覽器,就將 RSS Guard 視窗設到前景
+ Article browser font文章瀏覽字型
+ Fixup date/time of articles which are in the future修正錯置到未來的文章日期/時間
+ Display attachments directly in article直接於文章中顯示附件
+ Keep article viewer always visible總是看到文章檢視
+ Articles list文章清單
+ Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport使所選消息在消息清單居中
+ Enable multiline items對項目啟用多行
+ Top/bottom row padding行上/下的填白
+ Use custom date/time format使用自訂日期/時間格式
+ Custom date/time format for today's articles對今天的文章自訂日期/時間
+ Article list font文章清單字型
+ Show relative time for articles not older than顯示文章的日期不超過
@@ -7369,11 +7738,13 @@ Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.
+ Launch %1 on operating system startup於系統啟動時啟動 %1
+ Check for %1 updates on application startup於應用程式啟動時檢查 %1 的更新
@@ -7484,137 +7855,165 @@ Description: %3
+ Icons && skins圖示 && 佈景
+ Icon theme圖示佈景主題
+ Style樣式
+ Skin佈景
+ Use skin colors (skin colors for dialogs/controls only take effect with Fusion style)使用佈景色彩 (對話框/控件的佈景色彩只在用 Fusion 樣式時有作用)
+ Custom skin colors自訂外觀顏色
+ Customize predefined colors自訂預先定義的顏色
+ Tray area系統匣區塊
+ Tray icon系統匣圖示
+ Use monochrome icon使用單色圖示
+ Display count of unread messages顯示未讀消息數
+ Hide main window when it is minimized最小化時隱藏主窗
+ Start application hidden應用程式啟動時隱藏主窗
+ Task bar工作列
+ Tabs分頁
+ Close tabs with關閉分頁
+ Middle mouse button single-click單點鼠中鍵
+ Left mouse button double-click雙點鼠左鍵
+ Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar鼠左鍵雙點分頁標籤列以新增分頁
+ Hide tab bar if just one tab is visible只有一個分頁時隱藏分頁標籤列
+ Toolbars工具列
+ Toolbar for feeds list文源清單工具列
+ Toolbar for articles list文章清單工具列
+ Statusbar狀態列
+ Button style按鈕樣式
+ Toolbar editor工具列編輯器
+ Icon size圖示大小
@@ -7683,16 +8082,19 @@ Description: %3
+ Backend後端
+ Use custom MPV configuration folder使用自訂的 MPV 設定資料夾
+ Browse瀏覽
@@ -7783,11 +8185,13 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Form表單
+ Node.js executableNode.js 可執行檔
@@ -7795,21 +8199,27 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ &Browse瀏覽(&B)
+ NPM executableNPM 可執行檔
+ Package folder 套件資料夾
+ &Download Node.js下載 Node.js(&D)
@@ -7818,46 +8228,55 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Enable notifications啟用通知
+ Balloon notifications type跳出式通知類型
+ Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)原生通知 (一定得啟用系統匣圖示)
+ Custom notifications自訂通知
+ Position位置
+ Width寬度
+ Margins邊距
+ Screen螢幕
+ Opacity不透明度
@@ -7922,31 +8341,37 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Balloon notification跳出式通知
+ Sound聲音
+ Full path to your WAV sound fileWAV 聲音檔的完整路徑
+ &Browse瀏覽(&B)
+ &Play播放(&P)
+ Volume音量
@@ -8093,47 +8518,68 @@ Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ Encoding: %1
+Type: %2
+Post-processing script: %3
+Do not use raw XML saving: %4
+ yes
+ 是
+ no
+ 否
+ Script隨譯即行程式碼
+ Local file本地端檔案
+ Built-in web browser with JavaScript support內建的支援 JavaScript 的網頁瀏覽器
+ Unknown未知的東西
+ Cannot save data for feed: %1無法儲存文源資料: %1
+ this source type cannot be used on 'lite' %1 build無法使用此來源類型於 'lite' %1 組譯版
+ Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.無法移除文源,細節記錄於 debug.log。
+ Cannot save feed data無法儲存文源資料
+ Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
@@ -8148,21 +8594,12 @@ Item ID: %5
- Encoding: %1
-Type: %2
-Post-processing script: %3
- 編碼方式: %1
-類型: %2
-後續處理的隨譯即行碼: %3
+ feed format not recognized無法識別的文源格式
+ Cannot move feed無法移除文源
@@ -8468,6 +8905,28 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
+ StandardFeedExpDetails
+ Form
+ 表單
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Use older mechanism for extracting raw XML data
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ Turning this setting ON might bring considerable performance boost when fetching this feed, but only in some very specific conditions.
+This setting is useful when raw XML parsing of the feed is very slow, this happens for feed which do have very long contents.
+ StandardServiceRoot
@@ -8481,17 +8940,17 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
載入初始的文源集 時出錯
+ Fetch metadata抓取屬性資料
+ Export feeds匯出文源
+ Import feeds匯入文源
@@ -8521,22 +8980,22 @@ Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wi
無法使用此來源類型於 'lite' %1 組譯版
+ Cannot add category無法新增分類
+ Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.無法新增分類,因為另一重要動作執行中。
+ Import was completely successful.成功匯入。
+ Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.由於出錯,有些文源分類沒能匯入,請查看 debug log 以得細節。
@@ -8723,51 +9182,61 @@ Unread news: %2
+ Activated actions啟用的動作
+ Available actions可用的動作
+ Move action up動作上移
+ Move action down動作下移
+ Insert separator插入分隔號
+ Insert spacer插入間隔號
+ Add selected action加入所選動作
+ Delete selected action刪除所選動作
+ Delete all actions刪除全部動作
+ Reset toolbar復原工具列
@@ -9148,6 +9617,19 @@ Last login on: %4
+ WebEnginePage
+ Website alert
+ Website alert
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ URL %1 reports this important message: %2
+ WebFactory