This assignment implements an Email Messaging System using RabbitMQ as the message broker. The system has a Producer-Consumer architecture where:
- The Producer sends different types of email messages (Promotional, Marketing, Feedback) to a RabbitMQ queue.
- The Consumer listens to the queue, processes the messages, and simulates sending the email to the specified destination.
1- Utilize RabbitMQ for message queuing. 2- Support three types of email messages: - Promotional Emails - Product Marketing Emails - Feedback Request Emails 3- Demonstrate a Producer-Consumer model with message acknowledgment.
- Docker Desktop installed.
- RabbitMQ Docker image with the management plugin.
Steps Undertaken: 1- Install and run Docker desktop. 2- Pull the RabbitMQ image and start a container: docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:4.0-management
3- Access the RabbitMQ Management Portal: - URL: http://localhost:15672/ - Username: guest - Password: guest
4- pip install pika
5- Write the scripts. 6- Start the RabbitMQ Server.
7- Run the Producer script in the termninal to observe the output. 8- Run the Consumer script in the terminal to observe the output.