- Improvement: Updated dependencies
- Improvement: The callbacks channels are refactored (thanks to mironbalcerzak / closes #57 and #58)
- Bugfix: Limit the number of ticket subscriptions to 50 (https://www.bitfinex.com/posts/267)
- Bugfix: Fixed race condition in BiConsumerCallback
- New Feature: Made auth nonce producer configurable (thanks to mironbalcerzak / closes #43)
- Improvement: Added dynamic currency creation (thanks to mironbalcerzak / closes #41 and #42)
- Improvement: Clean up channel freshness handling
- Improvement: Updated dependencies
- New Feature: Add support for Bitfinex native ticks
- Bugfix: It was not possible to request the monthly candles
- New Feature: Added the 'dead man switch' connection feature
- Improvement: Updated currency list (thanks ilyagalahov / closes #31)
- Bugfix: Unsubscibe channels before symbol map restore is performed in re-connect
- Bugfix: Handle 'partially filled' order notifications correctly (closes #30)
- Improvement: Replaced ArrayList by thread-safe variant in WebsocketClient to speed-up message processing
- Improvement: Handle error callbacks
- Bugfix: Increased reconnect timeout
- Bugfix: Handle error callbacks without currency symbol properly (closes #28)
- Bugfix: Fixed some BigDecimal / JSON related serialization issues (closes #29)
- New Feature: Added the connection feature manager
- New Feature: Added sequence number audit (BitfinexConnectionFeature.SEQ_ALL)
- Improvement: Updated dependencies
- Improvement: Updated currency list (thanks ilyagalahov / closes #25)
- Improvement: Unified the value for uninitialized BigDecimal values to null (sometimes -1 was used)
- Improvement: Replaced BitfinexTick.INVALID_VOLUME invalid marker value with Java 8 Optional value
- Bugfix: Added missing BigDecimal order constructor (closes #23)
- Bugfix: Reverted FundingType to int and made field optional (closes #26)
- Improvement: Switched from double data type to BigDecimal to increase precision (thanks hansblafoo / closes #20 / #22)
- Improvement: Clean up code
- New Feature: Moved the wallets into a WalletManager
- New Feature: Support the 'calc' request, to calculate some wallet related data (closes #19)
- Improvement: Switched to tyrus-standalone-client-jdk (uses Java SE 7 Asynchronous IO) for increased performance
- Bugfix: Removed invalid currency symbol (closes #18)
- Improvement: Removed ta4j dependency
- Improvement: Added new currency pairs (thanks ilyagalahov / closes #17)
- Improvement: Floating point number accuracy increased (closes #16)
- Improvement: Updated to ta4j 0.11 (thanks brunocvcunha / closes #14)
- Improvement: Use codeclimate.com for code maintainability checks
- Improvement: Improved code maintainability as suggested by codeclimate.com
- Improvement: The minimum order size of currencies can be changed at runtime
- Improvement: Updated dependencies
- Bugfix: Fixed executed trades parser (closes #12)
- Bugfix: "tu" messages are not forwarded on executed trades (closes #13)
- New Feature: Provide a callback for all executed trades (closes #11)
- Improvement: Updated dependencies
- Bugfix: Ticker now returns a BitfinexTickerSymbol
- New Feature: Introduced trade callbacks
- Improvement: Updated currency pair trade sizes
- New Feature: Introduced the RawOrderBook Manager
- Improvement: Added further currencies (thanks Flexz9)
- Improvement: A APIException is thrown immediately after an authentication failure occurred
- Improvement: Added further timeframes
- Bugfix: Websocket messages up to 1 MB will be accepted
- New Feature: Support raw orderbooks
- Improvement: Renamed trading orderbook to orderbook
- Bugfix: Fixed typo in funding capability (closes #1)
- New Feature: Added connection capabilities
- Improvement: Added more unit tests
- Improvement: Moved order functions from connection to order manager
- Improvement: Added further currencies
- Bugfix: Fixed the parsing of orders without a cid
- New feature: Support trade orderbooks
- Improvement: Added unit tests
- Improvement: Added subscribe / unsubscribe methods for candles and ticker to the ticker manager
- Improvement: Multiple candle streams for one symbol can now be subscribed simultaneously
- Improvement: Use 'Coverity Scan - Static Analysis' to find bugs in the code
- Bugfix: The ticks now a volume of 0
- Bugfix: Remove ticker / candle streams from ticker map on unsubscribe
- Bugfix: Fixed the re-subscription of candles on reconnect
- Bugfix: Positions are now available in the position manager
- First version of this project
- Repository split form https://github.com/jnidzwetzki/crypto-bot