diff --git a/first-steps/readme.md b/first-steps/readme.md index c7aa009..b228927 100644 --- a/first-steps/readme.md +++ b/first-steps/readme.md @@ -1,25 +1,62 @@ -# Purpose of this document (currently under construction) +# Purpose of this document -* This document is intended to provide you with initial orientation -* Here you can find tutorials, links to teaching material, useful tools and much more for creating MSE application ontologies -* There are also opportunities to actively engage in PMDco development, to actively exchange ideas with the core team and the MSE community. +* This document is intended to provide you with initial orientation. +* Here you can find tutorials, links to teaching material, useful tools and much more for creating (MSE application) ontologies. +* There are also opportunities to actively engage in PMDco development, to actively exchange ideas with the PMD core team and the MSE community. +# Ontology Development Guide + +In cooperation with participants in the MaterialDigital initiative ([PMD](https://www.materialdigital.de/)), a guide for the development of ontologies in general was created, which contains basic aspects and recommended procedures. This guide may be expanded and developed further and is hosted at the The Scientific Ontology Network. + +### [Development Guidelines at The Scientific Ontology Network](https://scientific-ontology-network.github.io/) +#### [Get the Guide (Direct Link)](https://github.com/scientific-ontology-network/ontology-development-guide/releases/download/v0.1.0/ontology-guide.pdf) + +Some information on technical requirement for ontology to be followed during ontology development are provided in the collection of application ontologies created in the frame of the first phase of the MaterialDigital initiative: + +[MD1 Collection: Technical Requirements for Ontologies](https://github.com/materialdigital/materialdigital1_ontology_collection/blob/main/README.md#Technical-requirements-for-ontologies). # Community discussions and interactions ## PMD Ontology Playground (every second friday 1-2pm) -### [Join meeting via MS Teams](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YWZjM2RlMTYtMmJiNy00ODRiLWI5NzktNDJmMzE2YmNkZTkz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%224f5409f4-026c-4e93-9ebc-0b6bb8c5ca2d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f0db94e8-95c8-4080-a27a-58f45844eed3%22%7d) -### [Conceptboard](https://app.conceptboard.com/board/b7i6-1os9-t66s-bb7i-exu3) -## [PMD Forum](https://forum.materialdigital.de) (Here you can, e.g., start discussions, make recommendations, ask question, ...) -### [Semantic Interoperability Onboarding](https://forum.materialdigital.de/t/onboarding-semantische-interoperabilitaet/257) +#### [Join meeting via MS Teams](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YWZjM2RlMTYtMmJiNy00ODRiLWI5NzktNDJmMzE2YmNkZTkz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%224f5409f4-026c-4e93-9ebc-0b6bb8c5ca2d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f0db94e8-95c8-4080-a27a-58f45844eed3%22%7d) + +#### [Conceptboard](https://app.conceptboard.com/board/b7i6-1os9-t66s-bb7i-exu3) + +## [PMD Forum](https://forum.materialdigital.de) + +In the PMD Forum, you can exchange with experts and, e.g., start discussions, make recommendations, and ask questions. This is therefore a place to gather information and establish intensive discussions. We are happy about your contributions. + +### [Semantic Interoperability Onboarding](https://forum.materialdigital.de/t/onboarding-semantische-interoperabilitaet/257) # Relevant Youtube Channels -* [PMD YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAwf5QXQ6Oa4NPaL3bXFvAA) -* [ISE FIZ YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjkkhNSNuXrJpMYZoeSBw6Q/featured) (Lectures and more) -# Other tools -* [Matportal project](https://matportal.org) +* [PMD YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAwf5QXQ6Oa4NPaL3bXFvAA) +* [ISE FIZ YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjkkhNSNuXrJpMYZoeSBw6Q/) + * [Playlist of Lectures "Knowledge Graphs - Foundations and Applications"](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXdQl4kBgzubTOfY5cbtxZCgg9UTe-uF) +* [Research Data Alliance EU](https://www.youtube.com/@iCORDI/) +# Other Initiatives and Tools +There are a lot of initiatives working on aspects of and respective tools available to facilitate the digitalization in the field of materials science and engineering (MSE), a selection of which is given here. +* [Matportal project](https://matportal.org) +* [NFDI-MatWerk](https://nfdi-matwerk.de/) + * [NFDI-MatWerk Teaching Material](https://nfdi-matwerk.de/teaching) + * [NFDI Matwerk Video Selection](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwISemJj1M7KZv0iig_6eP5zZqUwD_A69) +* [QI Digital](https://www.qi-digital.de/en/) + +## Tools for Ontology Development and Maintenance + +* [Protégé](https://protege.stanford.edu/software.php) +* [Draw.io / Chowlk](https://www.drawio.com/) + * [OntoPanel](https://yuechenbam.github.io/src/main/webapp/index.html) - Draw.io including plugin for ontology creation + * [Chowlk Converter](https://chowlk.linkeddata.es/) - Chowlk Converter is a web application that takes as input an ontology conceptualization made with diagrams.net and generates its implementation in OWL. +* [OTTR](https://ottr.xyz/) +* [OOPS!](https://oops.linkeddata.es/) - OOPS! is a web-based tool, independent of any ontology development environment, for detecting potential pitfalls that could lead to modelling errors. + * [Scientific Paper Publication on OOPS!](https://www.semantic-web-journal.net/system/files/swj989.pdf) (open access) +* [RDF Grapher](https://www.ldf.fi/service/rdf-grapher) - RDF grapher is a web service for parsing RDF data and visualizing it as a graph. +* [OnToology](http://ontoology.linkeddata.es/) - A system to automate part of the collaborative ontology development process. Given a repository with an owl file, OnToology will survey it and produce diagrams, a complete documentation and validation based on common pitfalls. +* [ROBOT](http://robot.obolibrary.org/) - ROBOT is a tool for working with Open Biomedical Ontologies. It can be used as a command-line tool or as a library for any language on the Java Virtual Machine. + * [Scientific Paper Publication on ROBOT](https://link.springer.com/epdf/10.1186/s12859-019-3002-3?author_access_token=bB8BLjFWrdh42vR6DjT-nG_BpE1tBhCbnbw3BuzI2RPCZ2BK7EeexaCNYfT-cCz8Q_mrZomT2_svoQf12CW661Sagzw6JGF9DhJq3Q3fTPdMGFMtais7MRgx8-kDhp6uC9g2qcVh5FumTsveV22XVQ%3D%3D) (open access) +* [INCEpTION](https://inception-project.github.io/) - A semantic annotation platform offering intelligent assistance and knowledge management \ No newline at end of file