This package allows to evaluate (parse with mapping) large amounts of data in flexible manner, providing various processing functions:
composer install di/expression-parser
// Signature
$expression = new Expression(string $expression[, array $mappings = []]);
use DI\ExpressionParser\Expression;
$expression = 'or_x(equal([attr1], 1), in_array(explode([keywords]), "hello"))';
$mappings = [
'attr1' => 1,
'keywords' => 'hello,world',
$ex = new Expression($expression, $mappings);
echo $ex->value(); // true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: 1
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'in_array([keywords], "hello")',
'keywords' => [
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'in_array(explode([keywords]), "hello")',
'keywords' => 'hello,world',
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'matches_in_array([keywords], "pool")',
'keywords' => [
'swimming pool',
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'keywords' => '',
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: hello world
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'implode(([attr1],[attr2]), ",")',
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: hello,world
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'Rooms' => 'Pantry,Study',
📤 Output: ['Pantry', 'Study']
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'explode([Rooms], ";")',
'Rooms' => 'Pantry;Study',
📤 Output: ['Pantry', 'Study']
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'get([attr1], {"count":true, "nullable":false})',
'attr1' => [
📤 Output: 3
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'get([attr1], {"map":{"a":1, "b": 2, "c": 3}})',
'attr1' => 'b',
📤 Output: 2
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'matches_in_array([keywords], "pool", {"sensitive":true})',
'keywords' => [
'Swimming Pool',
📤 Output: false
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'equal([attr1], 1)',
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'great_than([attr1], 0)',
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'not(equal([attr1], 2))',
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'not(equal([attr1], 2))',
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 2,
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'and_x(equal([attr1], 1), in_array(explode([attr2]), "hello"))',
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 'hello,world',
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'or_x(equal([attr1], 1), in_array(explode([attr2]), "hello"))',
'attr1' => 1,
'attr2' => 'hello,world',
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'not(or_x(equal([attr1], 1), in_array(explode([attr2]), "word")))',
'attr1' => 2,
'attr2' => 'hello,world',
📤 Output: true
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'first(take(sort(filter([attr1], [filter_func]), [dir]), [offset]))',
'attr1' => [
'filter_func' => function (ExpressionParser $context, $value) {
return array_filter($value, function ($item) use ($context) {
return $item < $context->getMappings('filter_attr');
'filter_attr' => 30,
'dir' => 'desc',
'offset' => 1,
📤 Output: 20
The package already has a built-in support of Laravel Collection helpers. For more informations about the available functions it supports please refer to the original Laravel Collection documentation page.
📥 Input:
new Expression(
'first(collect([attr1], [attr2]))',
'attr1' => 'value 1',
'attr2' => 'value 2',
📤 Output: 'value 1'
In order to extend or override current functionality, you will need to add your own handler class name to config/handlers.php
use DI\ExpressionParser\Handlers\Logical;
use DI\ExpressionParser\Handlers\Standard;
use DI\ExpressionParser\Handlers\LaravelCollectionAdapter;
return [
// Add custom expression handlers here:
// \Acme\Handlers\CustomHandler::class,
// 'Acme\Handlers\CustomHandler',
Please feel free to fork and help developing.