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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/apps/backend/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+module maxwiseman/quotes-test
+go 1.22.0
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+ github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.10.0
+ github.com/konifar/go-srt v1.0.0
+ github.com/u2takey/ffmpeg-go v0.5.0
+require (
+ github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.38.20 // indirect
+ github.com/bytedance/sonic v1.11.6 // indirect
+ github.com/bytedance/sonic/loader v0.1.1 // indirect
+ github.com/cloudwego/base64x v0.1.4 // indirect
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+ github.com/gin-contrib/sse v0.1.0 // indirect
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
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+golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20190308202827-9d24e82272b4/go.mod h1:tRJNPiyCQ0inRvYxbN9jk5I+vvW/OXSQhTDSoE431IQ=
+golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ=
+golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20181030221726-6c7e314b6563/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ=
+google.golang.org/protobuf v1.34.1 h1:9ddQBjfCyZPOHPUiPxpYESBLc+T8P3E+Vo4IbKZgFWg=
+google.golang.org/protobuf v1.34.1/go.mod h1:c6P6GXX6sHbq/GpV6MGZEdwhWPcYBgnhAHhKbcUYpos=
+gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.7/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8 h1:obN1ZagJSUGI0Ek/LBmuj4SNLPfIny3KsKFopxRdj10=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
+nullprogram.com/x/optparse v1.0.0/go.mod h1:KdyPE+Igbe0jQUrVfMqDMeJQIJZEuyV7pjYmp6pbG50=
+rsc.io/pdf v0.1.1/go.mod h1:n8OzWcQ6Sp37PL01nO98y4iUCRdTGarVfzxY20ICaU4=
+sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.2.0/go.mod h1:yfXDCHCao9+ENCvLSE62v9VSji2MKu5jeNfTrofGhJc=
diff --git a/apps/backend/main.go b/apps/backend/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..856cc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/backend/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
+ "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
+ gosrt "github.com/konifar/go-srt"
+ ffmpeg "github.com/u2takey/ffmpeg-go"
+ // "net/http"
+func main() {
+ router := gin.Default()
+ router.GET("/quote/:sId/:epId/:qId", vidRequestHandler)
+ router.Run("localhost:8080")
+func trimVideo(qId int) {
+ fmt.Println("Transcoding video...")
+ ffmpeg.Input("./sample_data/india.mkv").Output("./subs.srt").OverWriteOutput().Run()
+ subs, _ := gosrt.ReadFile("./subs.srt")
+ sub := subs[qId]
+ ffmpeg.Input("./sample_data/india.mkv", ffmpeg.KwArgs{"ss": sub.Start.Seconds() - 30}).Output(strconv.Itoa(qId)+".mp4", ffmpeg.KwArgs{"t": (sub.End - sub.Start).Seconds() + 60, "preset": "ultrafast", "c:v": "libx264", "crf": "30"}).OverWriteOutput().Run()
+func vidRequestHandler(ctx *gin.Context) {
+ quoteId, _ := strconv.Atoi(ctx.Param("qId"))
+ quoteId -= 1
+ fileName := strconv.Itoa(quoteId) + ".mp4"
+ if _, err := os.Stat("./" + fileName); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
+ trimVideo(quoteId)
+ }
+ ctx.Header("Content-Description", "File Transfer")
+ ctx.Header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary")
+ ctx.Header("Content-Type", "video/mp4")
+ ctx.Header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=3600")
+ ctx.File("./" + fileName)
diff --git a/apps/backend/subs.srt b/apps/backend/subs.srt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e1c7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/backend/subs.srt
@@ -0,0 +1,6551 @@
+00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:18,259
+Sync and corrected by APOLLO
+ www.addic7ed.com
+00:00:20,760 --> 00:00:24,179
+Hello and welcome
+to a Top Gear special.
+00:00:24,680 --> 00:00:28,599
+You join us in Downing Street
+for a very good reason.
+00:00:28,600 --> 00:00:31,279
+You see, shortly after coming
+into power, Mr Cameron
+00:00:31,280 --> 00:00:33,879
+noticed that Britain was,
+in essence, bankrupt,
+00:00:33,880 --> 00:00:35,719
+and that to solve the problem
+00:00:35,720 --> 00:00:38,559
+we needed to do
+more business with India.
+00:00:38,560 --> 00:00:42,159
+He has a point, because it turns out
+we sell more to Ireland,
+00:00:42,160 --> 00:00:45,199
+that has a population of 4.5 million
+than we do to India,
+00:00:45,200 --> 00:00:47,679
+that has a population
+of 1,000 million.
+00:00:47,680 --> 00:00:49,799
+It's actually even worse
+than that.
+00:00:49,800 --> 00:00:53,599
+It turns out that we sell even less
+to India than the Belgians do.
+00:00:53,600 --> 00:00:57,639
+So, we contacted Downing Street
+and offered to go over to India
+00:00:57,640 --> 00:01:00,639
+and run a trade mission
+on the nation's behalf.
+00:01:00,640 --> 00:01:05,439
+I have here a personal letter reply
+to us from David Cameron himself.
+00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:07,879
+"Dear Top Gear,
+thank you for your letter.
+00:01:07,880 --> 00:01:12,039
+"Whilst it's true I'm keen on us
+to build on our ties out there,
+00:01:12,040 --> 00:01:16,159
+"sending you three is not quite
+what I had in mind.
+00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:18,120
+"The Foreign Secretary
+did wonder instead
+00:01:18,121 --> 00:01:20,079
+about a fencemending
+trip to Mexico."
+00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:23,479
+"Basically, my message is this..."
+00:01:23,480 --> 00:01:25,919
+"you do the cars,
+we'll do the diplomacy."
+00:01:25,920 --> 00:01:28,320
+Oh, here he comes now.
+00:01:31,960 --> 00:01:34,760
+Stay away from India.
+00:01:37,040 --> 00:01:38,679
+Well, that was unequivocal.
+00:01:38,680 --> 00:01:41,399
+Well, we're going to ignore
+the Prime Minister.
+00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:44,599
+What we're going to do instead is
+to buy three second-hand British
+00:01:44,600 --> 00:01:47,959
+cars, and then to head over there
+with a very simple objective...
+00:01:47,960 --> 00:01:50,120
+to rescue Britain.
+00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:03,799
+'The start point
+for our trade mission was Bombay.
+00:02:03,800 --> 00:02:05,279
+00:02:05,280 --> 00:02:09,280
+'A vibrant, teeming mass
+of 20 million potential customers.'
+00:02:16,360 --> 00:02:19,759
+I am the first to arrive,
+and as you possibly wouldn't expect
+00:02:19,760 --> 00:02:22,479
+I don't appear to have
+done this quite right.
+00:02:22,480 --> 00:02:25,399
+This is a Series-1 Rolls-Royce
+Silver Shadow from 1976.
+00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:29,599
+Some of you will be saying, "You should
+have brought a modern Rolls-Royce."
+00:02:29,600 --> 00:02:32,199
+There's two reasons why I couldn't...
+00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:35,719
+firstly, I had a budget
+of just ã7,000.
+00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:38,679
+Secondly, a modern Rolls-Royce
+is of course a German car,
+00:02:38,680 --> 00:02:42,599
+whereas this one was hand-wrought
+in Crewe in a factory that used
+00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:45,559
+to make Merlin engines
+for Spitfires out of the finest
+00:02:53,280 --> 00:02:56,599
+'At this point Jeremy arrived... '
+00:02:56,600 --> 00:03:00,479
+'..in easily the most inappropriate
+car it is possible to imagine.'
+00:03:00,480 --> 00:03:03,999
+You stupid man.
+What's wrong with it?
+00:03:04,000 --> 00:03:07,639
+We're here representing Britain,
+and all that's great about Britain,
+00:03:07,640 --> 00:03:10,239
+and you have brought along
+a Jaguar XJS,
+00:03:10,240 --> 00:03:13,999
+almost certainly our country's
+most historically unreliable car.
+00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:16,639
+This is the celebration model.
+00:03:16,640 --> 00:03:19,999
+Is it a celebration of production
+finally coming to end?
+00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:21,919
+60 years of Jaguar.
+00:03:21,920 --> 00:03:24,879
+Special wheels,
+special colour-coordinated bumpers,
+00:03:24,880 --> 00:03:27,359
+four-litre, straight six engine.
+00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:30,959
+That thing has a reputation
+for stopping.
+00:03:30,960 --> 00:03:32,880
+James, as I recall
+the braking system
+00:03:32,881 --> 00:03:36,079
+and steering is controlled
+by hydraulics. That is right.
+00:03:36,080 --> 00:03:39,439
+Now, if this car were to break
+down in the Rolls-Royce factory,
+00:03:39,440 --> 00:03:43,159
+next to the team that built it,
+they wouldn't be able to mend it.
+00:03:43,160 --> 00:03:46,999
+You're in India. Yes. If your
+hydraulics go wrong, you are out.
+00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:48,920
+You are an embarrassment
+to the nation.
+00:03:48,921 --> 00:03:51,159
+And can I just say, this vinyl roof,
+00:03:51,160 --> 00:03:53,399
+he's just put the final
+over the guttering.
+00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:55,519
+This is not an advertisement.
+00:03:55,520 --> 00:03:58,519
+If you were advertising
+Millets' tenting...
+00:03:58,520 --> 00:04:02,599
+This car helped cement the very
+special Anglo-Indian relationship.
+00:04:02,600 --> 00:04:05,519
+How? The favoured car
+of the maharajas.
+00:04:05,520 --> 00:04:08,919
+They sold hundreds of cars to India.
+Only because Jaguar wasn't around.
+00:04:08,920 --> 00:04:12,799
+All of the maharajas would have had
+XJSs. They wouldn't. They would!
+00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:16,959
+'At this point, something
+very small arrived... ' Ha ha!
+00:04:16,960 --> 00:04:17,760
+'..in a Mini!'
+00:04:17,761 --> 00:04:20,359
+Oh, God, that's an absolute beauty.
+00:04:20,360 --> 00:04:23,239
+That's quite a good idea, actually,
+but don't tell him.
+00:04:23,240 --> 00:04:26,599
+Hammond, you idiot. You idiot.
+What?! Is that a good idea, is it?
+00:04:26,600 --> 00:04:28,359
+Is it a good idea? It's genius.
+00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:31,879
+Just to clarify what this is,
+it's a classic Mini Cooper Sport.
+00:04:31,880 --> 00:04:34,680
+One of the very last ones
+built, in fact.
+00:04:35,960 --> 00:04:37,719
+Year 2000. That is immaculate.
+00:04:37,720 --> 00:04:39,879
+That is pretty tidy. It really is.
+00:04:39,880 --> 00:04:42,879
+This is India, though.
+It's a big old place,
+00:04:42,880 --> 00:04:45,319
+and this is a small old car.
+00:04:45,320 --> 00:04:49,079
+Come on, lads, you both know it is
+the home of the small car. Was.
+00:04:49,080 --> 00:04:52,079
+No, it still is. What matters most
+in India is how big it is inside,
+00:04:52,080 --> 00:04:55,519
+how small it is outside, and how many
+people it carries. That's racist.
+00:04:55,520 --> 00:04:58,239
+What?! When India was emerging,
+00:04:58,240 --> 00:05:00,679
+they saw the car as a tool,
+00:05:00,680 --> 00:05:02,839
+but now that India HAS emerged,
+00:05:02,840 --> 00:05:05,119
+and is one
+of the economic superpowers,
+00:05:05,120 --> 00:05:08,839
+everybody is going to want something
+with a great, long thrusting...
+00:05:08,840 --> 00:05:11,319
+No, what happens next
+is the country grows out
+00:05:11,320 --> 00:05:14,639
+of the great, long thrusting,
+and they come back to wanting,
+00:05:14,640 --> 00:05:17,999
+yes, style, and practicality,
+and convenience...? Look at it!
+00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:21,119
+Yes, but we are trying to say
+that Britain is a great country,
+00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:24,279
+and has things to offer
+to a country which has succeeded.
+00:05:24,280 --> 00:05:28,439
+Such as this... No! ..not a tired old
+Jaguar, and that's a Shadow? It is.
+00:05:28,440 --> 00:05:30,879
+How far do you think
+he's going to get in that?
+00:05:30,880 --> 00:05:33,959
+Well, I think he's probably finished,
+isn't he? That's it.
+00:05:33,960 --> 00:05:37,199
+Let's see. 'Hammond and May
+then ganged up on my Jag.'
+00:05:37,200 --> 00:05:41,199
+I should point out the bits that
+will go wrong. Yes. All of those.
+00:05:41,200 --> 00:05:44,279
+Yeah, yeah, yeah. See all of those
+relays and those connectors?
+00:05:44,280 --> 00:05:47,639
+Made in the Midlands, they will go
+wrong. Cooling system will go wrong.
+00:05:47,640 --> 00:05:50,960
+It's OK, some of the relays
+are made in Spain.
+00:05:52,840 --> 00:05:57,199
+'We'd find out soon enough
+if we'd made the right choices,
+00:05:57,200 --> 00:06:00,159
+'because ahead lay
+a 1,300-mile journey
+00:06:00,160 --> 00:06:03,999
+'on some of the most dangerous
+roads in the world.
+00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:08,560
+'And then up into the brutal
+high passes of the Himalayas.
+00:06:11,880 --> 00:06:15,279
+'But first,
+we had to get to know our cars
+00:06:15,280 --> 00:06:18,519
+'on the streets of Bombay.'
+00:06:18,520 --> 00:06:21,999
+HE GIGGLES This is the
+perfect car for this place!
+00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:25,439
+It is a puppy, yes, but it's
+a Staffordshire bull terrier.
+00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:28,399
+A tough little puppy.
+00:06:28,400 --> 00:06:31,519
+I've forgotten the way
+these things deliver their power,
+00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:34,559
+it's such a chunky little engine.
+00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:38,280
+Oow! Yeah, speed humps,
+how I miss you(!)
+00:06:39,640 --> 00:06:42,320
+A man taking his washing machine
+for a walk!
+00:06:44,040 --> 00:06:46,160
+00:06:48,560 --> 00:06:51,119
+Whenever we do these
+long journeys on Top Gear,
+00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:54,799
+there's always a sense,
+the moment I set off,
+00:06:54,800 --> 00:06:59,599
+that the car is already on its last
+legs, but in this, there isn't.
+00:06:59,600 --> 00:07:03,079
+All the dials are reading
+what they should be reading,
+00:07:03,080 --> 00:07:06,840
+the engine is smooth, the gear-change
+is smooth, all the electrics work.
+00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:12,399
+This is a mobile advertisement
+for Great Britain.
+00:07:12,400 --> 00:07:15,919
+Never mind that Jag today is Indian,
+let's gloss over that.
+00:07:15,920 --> 00:07:17,759
+00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:22,759
+210 horsepower... what Rolls...Royce
+would have called "adequate."
+00:07:22,760 --> 00:07:25,959
+It is adequate, more than adequate.
+00:07:25,960 --> 00:07:27,319
+00:07:27,320 --> 00:07:30,679
+That's a buzzer that will sound
+if it overheats, say,
+00:07:30,680 --> 00:07:33,959
+or the hydraulic brakes fail. Let's
+check that it works. You see?
+00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:36,280
+00:07:39,040 --> 00:07:42,399
+I love India,
+I love the dynamism of it all.
+00:07:42,400 --> 00:07:46,199
+People are busy. Business, business,
+business. Get on, get rich.
+00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:48,360
+00:07:50,680 --> 00:07:52,999
+Look at that! Hammond's Mini.
+00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:55,480
+He is a man in love!
+00:07:56,400 --> 00:07:59,439
+00:07:59,440 --> 00:08:02,759
+Weirdly, I have never
+actually owned a Mini.
+00:08:02,760 --> 00:08:06,519
+My brother had one, my best friend
+had one, my girlfriend had one,
+00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:09,159
+which I blew up
+while she was on holiday.
+00:08:09,160 --> 00:08:10,959
+I changed the engine in it,
+00:08:10,960 --> 00:08:13,759
+and I bought one for 25 quid
+and fitted it over a weekend
+00:08:13,760 --> 00:08:15,159
+and never told her.
+00:08:15,160 --> 00:08:19,039
+Until just then, when I told her,
+then. Sorry about your car...
+00:08:19,040 --> 00:08:20,080
+00:08:21,800 --> 00:08:25,199
+I know Hammond hasn't got it,
+so it's pointless asking,
+00:08:25,200 --> 00:08:26,919
+but is your conditioning working?
+00:08:26,920 --> 00:08:29,199
+Er, not as such. No.
+00:08:29,200 --> 00:08:31,319
+'No, neither is mine.'
+00:08:31,320 --> 00:08:33,759
+I thought it was,
+for a brief, glorious moment,
+00:08:33,760 --> 00:08:35,600
+but then I realised, no, it isn't.
+00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:40,879
+What I was saying then
+about my air conditioning
+00:08:40,880 --> 00:08:43,599
+isn't actually true,
+it's working an absolute treat,
+00:08:43,600 --> 00:08:46,599
+but I don't want to tell them that
+because they will just try
+00:08:46,600 --> 00:08:50,159
+and break it in the night, because
+they're resentful and peevish.
+00:08:50,160 --> 00:08:53,919
+Guys, you know the producers
+always provide a backup car
+00:08:53,920 --> 00:08:57,919
+'on these shoots, in case
+one of our cars go wrong?'
+00:08:57,920 --> 00:08:59,079
+00:08:59,080 --> 00:09:02,319
+'Have you seen what's coming
+up in the middle lane
+00:09:02,320 --> 00:09:05,120
+'on British plates right now?'
+00:09:06,680 --> 00:09:10,039
+I've just seen it. I think
+I've seen it, is it an Allegro?
+00:09:10,040 --> 00:09:11,679
+It is.
+00:09:11,680 --> 00:09:13,639
+Oh, you're joking!
+00:09:13,640 --> 00:09:17,479
+'Spurred on by this
+terrible development,
+00:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,719
+'we decided to begin
+our vital trade mission,
+00:09:19,720 --> 00:09:23,800
+'starting with one of Bombay's
+most famous institutions.'
+00:09:25,280 --> 00:09:28,559
+Everyday an army of about
+5,000 people called dabbawalas
+00:09:28,560 --> 00:09:30,879
+travel around the outskirts
+of the city
+00:09:30,880 --> 00:09:34,279
+collecting lunches in tins,
+like these ones here.
+00:09:34,280 --> 00:09:37,279
+They've been made by the wives
+of working men, and from here
+00:09:37,280 --> 00:09:39,159
+they are transported on foot,
+00:09:39,160 --> 00:09:42,640
+or by bicycle
+to the nearest train station.
+00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:48,319
+Each tin is marked
+with a system of symbols
+00:09:48,320 --> 00:09:51,319
+that tells the dabbawalas
+on the train where it's going.
+00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:55,200
+So they know which tins have to be
+unloaded at which station.
+00:09:59,880 --> 00:10:03,399
+The tins are then picked up
+at city centre stations
+00:10:03,400 --> 00:10:05,079
+by yet more dabbawalas,
+00:10:05,080 --> 00:10:08,399
+who bring them to the menfolk
+in their offices.
+00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:11,479
+And the cost of having a piping hot,
+00:10:11,480 --> 00:10:16,200
+home-cooked lunch, delivered
+every day, is ã2 a month.
+00:10:17,680 --> 00:10:20,279
+'What makes the whole system
+really incredible
+00:10:20,280 --> 00:10:24,279
+'is that 200,000 lunches
+are delivered every day.
+00:10:24,280 --> 00:10:28,399
+'Even though there's no FedEx-style
+computerised tracking system,
+00:10:28,400 --> 00:10:33,319
+'only one mistake is made
+for every six million deliveries.
+00:10:33,320 --> 00:10:38,280
+'That works out at an accuracy
+level of 99.9996%.'
+00:10:41,360 --> 00:10:44,599
+I think, however,
+we could do better.
+00:10:44,600 --> 00:10:48,559
+How can we do better than that?! If
+you think about it, they use trains,
+00:10:48,560 --> 00:10:52,879
+what if we used our cars?
+That's not a bad idea, actually.
+00:10:52,880 --> 00:10:56,199
+The first dabbawalas bring it to the
+car park at the railway station.
+00:10:56,200 --> 00:11:00,839
+Instead of putting it on the
+train, we'll take it in our cars.
+00:11:00,840 --> 00:11:02,559
+We'll beat the train.
+00:11:02,560 --> 00:11:04,600
+If you think, when
+you're at home and you
+00:11:04,601 --> 00:11:06,639
+order a takeout pizza,
+do they use the train?
+00:11:06,640 --> 00:11:11,039
+They use a moped or a car. They are
+hamstrung by tradition. They are.
+00:11:11,040 --> 00:11:14,799
+"For 120 years, we've always used
+to train. We always use the train."
+00:11:14,800 --> 00:11:17,200
+This is where we can help.
+Then it will be
+00:11:17,201 --> 00:11:19,599
+remembered the day the
+dabbawala system was updated,
+00:11:19,600 --> 00:11:22,719
+it was in a British car.
+Exactly! Three British cars.
+00:11:22,720 --> 00:11:24,399
+We're about to plug that gap.
+00:11:24,400 --> 00:11:28,720
+That 0.0004% gap.
+00:11:30,120 --> 00:11:33,359
+'And, so, the next day
+our experiment began.
+00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:37,079
+'We would load the meals
+into our cars at Andheri station,
+00:11:37,080 --> 00:11:40,719
+'in the suburbs, and then race
+the train-bound dabbawalas
+00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:45,640
+'to the finish line at Churchgate
+station in the city centre.'
+00:11:46,640 --> 00:11:51,399
+'Our train rivals prepared for
+the challenge with quiet efficiency
+00:11:51,400 --> 00:11:54,360
+'whereas in the car park,
+things were rather less calm.'
+00:11:55,680 --> 00:11:58,719
+13, right, 13s are there.
+It doesn't matter if it says 13.
+00:11:58,720 --> 00:12:00,439
+It does... it's people's lunches!
+00:12:00,440 --> 00:12:04,279
+All we have to do
+is get them to the other end.
+00:12:04,280 --> 00:12:08,879
+In the right order!
+No, James, please just bung them in.
+00:12:08,880 --> 00:12:11,260
+Don't, because we'll just
+be having a race with the
+00:12:11,261 --> 00:12:13,639
+train, which we could do anyway.
+Bung, bung...
+00:12:13,640 --> 00:12:15,600
+The point is to beat the
+train AND make it work.
+00:12:15,601 --> 00:12:17,559
+Bung yours in. Stop interfering!
+00:12:17,560 --> 00:12:20,999
+I'm not interested in your view
+on this. Go and do yours.
+00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:24,959
+There's a train! There's a train.
+Just load up now.
+00:12:24,960 --> 00:12:26,200
+I've lost count now.
+00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:34,080
+This is hacking me off!
+If they're not in the right
+00:12:34,081 --> 00:12:36,719
+order we can't claim to
+have beaten the system.
+00:12:36,720 --> 00:12:41,640
+Just stop fretting about that and
+load it up! Right! No time to lose.
+00:12:42,720 --> 00:12:45,359
+11, 15, 15, 15...
+00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:46,959
+00:12:46,960 --> 00:12:48,960
+Oh, for God's sake!
+00:12:50,200 --> 00:12:53,079
+The 12s and the odds... What?
+He's gone.
+00:12:53,080 --> 00:12:55,519
+How many has he taken? About 12.
+00:12:55,520 --> 00:12:59,280
+You are kidding? In total? Yeah.
+What a moron.
+00:13:01,680 --> 00:13:04,959
+'The train and I left the station
+at exactly the same moment.'
+00:13:04,960 --> 00:13:06,639
+Coming through!
+00:13:06,640 --> 00:13:10,159
+Over the years, I have raced
+a Japanese bullet train,
+00:13:10,160 --> 00:13:12,439
+the Swiss railway network,
+00:13:12,440 --> 00:13:15,199
+the French railway network
+and never lost.
+00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:17,720
+I don't intend to lose now!
+00:13:19,560 --> 00:13:21,439
+Coming through, coming through.
+00:13:21,440 --> 00:13:25,279
+'I'd been forced to take the meals
+that Jeremy had left behind
+00:13:25,280 --> 00:13:27,880
+'which was a real treat
+for my spine.' Ow!
+00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:34,679
+I think I might have made my already
+lowered suspension even lower still.
+00:13:34,680 --> 00:13:36,159
+00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:37,679
+00:13:37,680 --> 00:13:39,239
+Come on, man.
+00:13:39,240 --> 00:13:42,919
+Here are the figures...
+the train has got a 14...mile journey
+00:13:42,920 --> 00:13:46,319
+and is scheduled to take 44 minutes.
+00:13:46,320 --> 00:13:49,919
+My journey is 17 miles.
+00:13:49,920 --> 00:13:53,600
+17 miles, 44 minutes,
+that means I must average...
+00:13:57,720 --> 00:14:03,799
+Green, 18. Green, green,
+green, then yellow.
+00:14:03,800 --> 00:14:06,060
+lunches, in a hurry.
+00:14:06,061 --> 00:14:08,320
+People's lunches,
+coming through.
+00:14:13,080 --> 00:14:16,280
+I'm fine for tea towels, thank you.
+No, thank you. Thank you, no.
+00:14:18,360 --> 00:14:22,719
+17 miles, 60 miles an hour. No...
+00:14:22,720 --> 00:14:26,080
+If it was an hour, about...
+00:14:27,320 --> 00:14:31,120
+'By this stage, Captain OCD
+had finally joined the race.'
+00:14:32,600 --> 00:14:36,039
+Correct use of the horn there to
+warn of your presence going past.
+00:14:36,040 --> 00:14:38,360
+I'm going to try and
+go to the outskirts of
+00:14:38,361 --> 00:14:40,679
+the city slyly and do
+a ring-road approach.
+00:14:40,680 --> 00:14:44,520
+I think that'll be quicker. It's
+a bit further, but it'll be quicker.
+00:14:46,640 --> 00:14:48,279
+Oh, for crying out loud!
+00:14:48,280 --> 00:14:51,679
+The one bit of open road
+and look what I've got behind me...
+00:14:51,680 --> 00:14:53,919
+Bombay 5-0.
+00:14:53,920 --> 00:14:57,799
+Hello, officer. Hello, officer,
+doing the speed limit.
+00:14:57,800 --> 00:15:02,120
+That has got the hallmarks
+of a massive thunderstorm.
+00:15:03,320 --> 00:15:07,039
+As the train sped along,
+my journey, thanks to Jeremy,
+00:15:07,040 --> 00:15:10,400
+continued to be nerve wracking
+and unpleasant.
+00:15:11,320 --> 00:15:14,080
+Oh! I heard the food move.
+00:15:16,360 --> 00:15:18,719
+Ah! My tins are rattling.
+00:15:18,720 --> 00:15:20,800
+00:15:23,520 --> 00:15:27,159
+This is just too easy,
+I'm making cracking progress.
+00:15:27,160 --> 00:15:30,199
+Test. It's fine.
+00:15:30,200 --> 00:15:32,200
+00:15:33,160 --> 00:15:34,599
+Yes, it's raining.
+00:15:34,600 --> 00:15:36,719
+00:15:36,720 --> 00:15:38,400
+Bloody hell!
+00:15:40,040 --> 00:15:43,159
+This is a big rainstorm now.
+00:15:43,160 --> 00:15:47,839
+'The cloudburst only lasted for
+a few moments but, as in any city,
+00:15:47,840 --> 00:15:51,119
+'it slowed the traffic right down.'
+00:15:51,120 --> 00:15:56,039
+I now have 17 minutes
+to revolutionise dabbawaling
+00:15:56,040 --> 00:15:59,800
+and mend Britain's balance
+of payments' deficit.
+00:16:03,040 --> 00:16:05,240
+Coming through,
+lunch on the way.
+00:16:06,640 --> 00:16:08,119
+Come on!
+00:16:08,120 --> 00:16:12,159
+I am an ambassador representing the
+sovereign nation of Great Britain.
+00:16:12,160 --> 00:16:14,199
+On a mission...
+00:16:14,200 --> 00:16:19,159
+Right, this is not good, it's clear
+here. I'm going to go this way.
+00:16:19,160 --> 00:16:20,480
+00:16:25,280 --> 00:16:27,120
+00:16:29,640 --> 00:16:32,720
+14 minutes to go.
+Come on, come on, come on.
+00:16:34,760 --> 00:16:38,960
+We may have bitten off more than we can
+chew, in this traffic. We may have done.
+00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:50,960
+I'm pretty sure this right is right.
+00:16:55,360 --> 00:16:57,719
+Yes, most of that will go in there.
+00:16:57,720 --> 00:16:59,280
+You see.
+00:17:01,560 --> 00:17:05,599
+OK, there will be shouting from those
+people who don't get their lunch.
+00:17:05,600 --> 00:17:08,920
+Oh, I don't want to lose any more.
+00:17:10,280 --> 00:17:13,759
+'The train would be at Churchgate
+station in just eight minutes.
+00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:16,119
+'But I was now clear of the jams.'
+00:17:16,120 --> 00:17:23,039
+Here we go, time to unleash
+what used to be 223 horsepower.
+00:17:23,040 --> 00:17:25,199
+00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:31,759
+Oh, no, you're not having that space,
+mate, I am. Big lorry, or not.
+00:17:31,760 --> 00:17:34,479
+I'm a Mini. Grrrr.
+00:17:34,480 --> 00:17:35,960
+Get out of my way!
+00:17:38,120 --> 00:17:41,680
+That's the train. That's the train.
+There it is, there it is!
+00:17:42,720 --> 00:17:44,880
+Come o-o-o-n!
+00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:51,839
+This ring road...
+must be quite a big ring.
+00:17:51,840 --> 00:17:56,480
+This doesn't look very teeming
+20-million-inhabitant- Indian-city-ish.
+00:17:57,880 --> 00:17:59,839
+This is a delay I did not need.
+00:17:59,840 --> 00:18:03,440
+Oh, God!
+00:18:07,040 --> 00:18:10,399
+Move! Move!
+00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:14,679
+'In just over 43 minutes,
+I arrived at the station.'
+00:18:14,680 --> 00:18:18,599
+I've beaten the others,
+but more importantly...
+00:18:18,600 --> 00:18:20,799
+I've beaten the train.
+00:18:20,800 --> 00:18:24,519
+'This was good news for Britain.'
+00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:27,200
+What do you think of that, chaps?
+00:18:28,280 --> 00:18:30,439
+Yes, now, listen...
+00:18:30,440 --> 00:18:32,839
+What's the matter?
+00:18:32,840 --> 00:18:36,320
+I know, there aren't very many,
+but MUCH hotter than usual.
+00:18:41,480 --> 00:18:45,319
+'Quite a while later,
+the first of my colleagues arrived
+00:18:45,320 --> 00:18:48,559
+'with his afternoon tea
+delivery service.
+00:18:48,560 --> 00:18:49,999
+00:18:50,000 --> 00:18:53,199
+What were you thinking of?
+00:18:53,200 --> 00:18:55,759
+What was the point
+in that whole exercise?
+00:18:55,760 --> 00:19:00,599
+We were transporting boxes of food
+and you left with none!
+00:19:00,600 --> 00:19:04,439
+I left with 17. One was a bit
+ruined when I got here, I admit,
+00:19:04,440 --> 00:19:09,199
+but 16 lunches were delivered early,
+not in time for tea.
+00:19:09,200 --> 00:19:11,640
+Seriously, where have you been
+for an hour and 20 minutes?
+00:19:11,641 --> 00:19:14,079
+I went to a different
+station first.
+00:19:14,080 --> 00:19:15,919
+No, you didn't, where are they?
+00:19:15,920 --> 00:19:18,999
+I dropped them. What? I dropped them.
+00:19:19,000 --> 00:19:21,479
+You dropped them?
+They fell off the roof. Yes.
+00:19:21,480 --> 00:19:25,039
+And where is May?
+Have you seen him? No!
+00:19:25,040 --> 00:19:28,639
+'It turned out James
+hadn't just lost the race...
+00:19:28,640 --> 00:19:30,920
+'he'd lost Bombay.'
+00:19:33,120 --> 00:19:35,080
+Oh, cock.
+00:19:37,360 --> 00:19:41,279
+Having achieved an accuracy rating
+in our delivery service of just 4%,
+00:19:41,280 --> 00:19:46,119
+we decided to abandon dabbawaling
+and head north to Jaipur.
+00:19:46,120 --> 00:19:51,720
+But instead of driving, the producer
+insisted we take an overnight train.
+00:20:01,560 --> 00:20:06,360
+They CANNOT be serious!
+That is not a motor rail carriage.
+00:20:11,560 --> 00:20:16,079
+How do you lose Bombay? I didn't
+lose it so much, I overshot. What?
+00:20:16,080 --> 00:20:19,559
+You can't miss it... it's enormous!
+I tried to do a clever ring road.
+00:20:19,560 --> 00:20:21,759
+It's the biggest place
+we've ever been.
+00:20:21,760 --> 00:20:26,159
+Why do you think the producer is
+making us go on the train to Jaipur?
+00:20:26,160 --> 00:20:28,479
+I don't know.
+Why wouldn't he make us drive?
+00:20:28,480 --> 00:20:32,359
+I was quite happy in my Rolls-Royce.
+I was... There's nothing...
+00:20:32,360 --> 00:20:36,079
+It's a slightly dangerous road,
+but... It's a bit unexpected.
+00:20:36,080 --> 00:20:37,999
+I think I know why. Why?
+00:20:38,000 --> 00:20:39,519
+00:20:39,520 --> 00:20:41,580
+Because HE doesn't want to drive.
+Oh, yes!
+00:20:41,581 --> 00:20:43,639
+The producer drives the Allegro.
+00:20:43,640 --> 00:20:46,399
+He doesn't want to drive
+in the back-up car.
+00:20:46,400 --> 00:20:49,279
+It overheats, so you have
+to have the heater on full.
+00:20:49,280 --> 00:20:51,600
+I wouldn't want to drive that. No.
+00:20:55,440 --> 00:20:58,880
+Having loaded our cars, we went
+to get our tickets. However...
+00:21:05,320 --> 00:21:08,519
+The queue goes all the way in there.
+00:21:08,520 --> 00:21:10,480
+I can't do queuing. Really? I can't.
+00:21:10,481 --> 00:21:14,639
+Manual labour and queuing are the
+only two things in life I can't do.
+00:21:14,640 --> 00:21:17,879
+But I really physically can't.
+No, I can't either.
+00:21:17,880 --> 00:21:20,359
+I do this queue sweary thing.
+00:21:20,360 --> 00:21:24,639
+I can go for so long and then (BLEEP)
+it just happens. Did it happen then?
+00:21:24,640 --> 00:21:28,239
+I can't... Ha, ha haaa! It's happened
+again. Right, off you go, then.
+00:21:28,240 --> 00:21:30,999
+So you don't mind...
+because he doesn't like... Go.
+00:21:31,000 --> 00:21:32,400
+Are you sure you don't mind?
+00:21:32,401 --> 00:21:35,839
+He doesn't like us, that's what's
+going on. You may have a point. Go.
+00:21:35,840 --> 00:21:38,119
+You absolutely...
+He doesn't mind queuing!
+00:21:38,120 --> 00:21:41,039
+I do, but I'd rather queue than
+listen to you two bleating.
+00:21:41,040 --> 00:21:44,239
+Arse! That was a gentle one,
+but it gets a lot worse.
+00:21:44,240 --> 00:21:46,719
+I'll take him for a beer.
+I'll look after him.
+00:21:46,720 --> 00:21:48,840
+Beer helps. That'll fix it.
+00:21:58,360 --> 00:22:00,400
+As James inched forward...
+00:22:01,800 --> 00:22:05,639
+I went shopping and then
+met up with Hammond for lunch.
+00:22:05,640 --> 00:22:09,320
+Would you like... chicken lung soup?
+00:22:10,320 --> 00:22:11,639
+No. No.
+00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:13,999
+Little bit of lung?
+No. You won't even taste it?
+00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:15,999
+No, I'm really not hungry. I'm fine.
+00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:19,799
+Would you like me to give you
+the present I've bought you?
+00:22:19,800 --> 00:22:22,959
+Ooh, let me guess,
+is it something impractical,
+00:22:22,960 --> 00:22:26,439
+a bit ridiculous
+and too big for the boot of a Mini?
+00:22:26,440 --> 00:22:29,759
+Always so ungrateful. Honestly!
+00:22:29,760 --> 00:22:34,080
+TANNOY: May I have your attention...
+00:22:36,640 --> 00:22:38,160
+00:22:43,360 --> 00:22:45,879
+That's a double bass.
+You like double basses.
+00:22:45,880 --> 00:22:50,719
+I do like double basses very much.
+Is that for me, seriously? Yep.
+00:22:50,720 --> 00:22:53,920
+Thank you very much.
+You're very kind.
+00:23:01,720 --> 00:23:05,719
+I've had an idea.
+You know when we get to Delhi? Yeah.
+00:23:05,720 --> 00:23:09,959
+Why don't we have... cos this is what
+most trade missions would do...
+00:23:09,960 --> 00:23:11,319
+a party?
+00:23:11,320 --> 00:23:13,959
+What, just, let's have a party?
+If you have a party,
+00:23:13,960 --> 00:23:16,540
+and invite the sort of
+great and the good,
+00:23:16,541 --> 00:23:19,119
+Indian commerce people,
+00:23:19,120 --> 00:23:21,900
+Oh, like a sort of
+ambassadorial, Ferrero
+00:23:21,901 --> 00:23:24,680
+Rocher type thing? Exactly that.
+00:23:26,640 --> 00:23:29,920
+Hello. Three adults
+for Jaipur, please.
+00:23:50,280 --> 00:23:53,639
+Where would it be? Is it in a...?
+What's it in? In a garden.
+00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:58,239
+We could have a marquee. A garden
+party! That's very British.
+00:23:58,240 --> 00:24:01,319
+Come on!
+This is actually a good idea.
+00:24:01,320 --> 00:24:04,239
+It needs a focus, we're going
+to have all British products
+00:24:04,240 --> 00:24:07,439
+and our cars, and you walk around
+and look at them and stuff.
+00:24:07,440 --> 00:24:09,560
+But it needs a... What?
+You need to...
+00:24:12,600 --> 00:24:16,359
+What, you think we get
+the Top Gear band back together?
+00:24:16,360 --> 00:24:20,760
+What, so we entertain? I'm up for
+that, I reckon that'll work. Cheers!
+00:24:24,160 --> 00:24:28,759
+Many hours of queuing later,
+Eeyore joined us on the platform.
+00:24:28,760 --> 00:24:32,799
+What's this? We're getting the Top
+Gear band back together! Yes, we are!
+00:24:32,800 --> 00:24:36,399
+Come on. Yeah, we are.
+Can you grab your keyboard?
+00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:37,959
+I'll explain on the train.
+00:24:37,960 --> 00:24:40,359
+Thank you. Sorry. Sorry, everybody.
+00:24:40,360 --> 00:24:42,479
+This is a bass drum.
+00:24:42,480 --> 00:24:44,239
+00:24:44,240 --> 00:24:46,480
+Ooh, it's crowded!
+00:24:48,680 --> 00:24:50,680
+'A hot, 18-hour journey lay ahead.
+00:24:52,120 --> 00:24:56,719
+'So, to cheer everyone up,
+we roped in our producer on vocals
+00:24:56,720 --> 00:24:59,520
+'and set to work,
+practising the song we'd be
+00:24:59,521 --> 00:25:02,320
+performing at our
+ambassadorial reception.'
+00:25:03,600 --> 00:25:07,119
+♪ Any time you feel the pain
+00:25:07,120 --> 00:25:09,319
+♪ Hey, Jude, refrain
+00:25:09,320 --> 00:25:12,359
+♪ Don't carry the world
+00:25:12,360 --> 00:25:16,559
+♪ Upon your shoulder
+00:25:16,560 --> 00:25:21,560
+♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na
+00:25:23,160 --> 00:25:28,039
+♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na... ♪
+00:25:28,040 --> 00:25:31,359
+'The other passengers were reluctant
+to join in on the chorus,
+00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:33,399
+'but then Jeremy had a brainwave.'
+00:25:33,400 --> 00:25:36,759
+I tell you what's better, why don't
+we change the words? Naan!
+00:25:36,760 --> 00:25:41,559
+# Naan-naan-naan-naan-na-na-naan
+00:25:41,560 --> 00:25:42,840
+'Which did the trick.'
+00:25:42,841 --> 00:25:45,479
+♪ Naan-naan-naan-naan
+00:25:45,480 --> 00:25:49,759
+♪ Naan-naan-naan-naan
+Hey, Jude
+00:25:49,760 --> 00:25:51,039
+00:25:51,040 --> 00:25:54,840
+♪ Naan-naan-naan-naan-na-na-naan
+00:26:04,480 --> 00:26:08,319
+'The next morning,
+the song was perfected,
+00:26:08,320 --> 00:26:10,000
+'but we still had six hours to go.'
+00:26:10,001 --> 00:26:14,519
+'So we had a discussion about how the
+time could be used productively.'
+00:26:14,520 --> 00:26:19,799
+You know this train is like
+a big billboard? Or could be.
+00:26:19,800 --> 00:26:22,999
+How? Think,
+it's going right through India
+00:26:23,000 --> 00:26:25,759
+and there are no slogans at all
+on the outside.
+00:26:25,760 --> 00:26:27,799
+And there are a billion people
+in India.
+00:26:27,800 --> 00:26:31,759
+How can we benefit from that?
+If we got some banners,
+00:26:31,760 --> 00:26:35,559
+we can promote Britain
+as the train's going along.
+00:26:35,560 --> 00:26:38,999
+We can't use product names, because
+it's the BBC, but stuff like IT,
+00:26:39,000 --> 00:26:42,959
+everybody I know works in IT.
+Literally everybody. Financial services.
+00:26:42,960 --> 00:26:45,919
+Food. How could we do...?
+Everybody loves...
+00:26:45,920 --> 00:26:48,719
+Is HP sauce still...?
+Is it American? Roast beef?
+00:26:48,720 --> 00:26:52,079
+We're known for that.
+We can't promote beef.
+00:26:52,080 --> 00:26:54,959
+No, not here. No, you're right.
+00:26:54,960 --> 00:26:56,599
+You've got French fries,
+00:26:56,600 --> 00:26:58,599
+Belgian waffles.
+00:26:58,600 --> 00:27:01,279
+What about English crumpets?
+00:27:01,280 --> 00:27:03,520
+No, that's not very good, is it?
+00:27:05,680 --> 00:27:09,359
+we decided on our slogan.'
+00:27:09,360 --> 00:27:12,999
+'So, at the next stop, Hammond
+went off to buy some materials.'
+00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:14,680
+Hammond, run!
+00:27:15,880 --> 00:27:17,559
+I got it!
+00:27:17,560 --> 00:27:20,479
+'And then we got painting.'
+00:27:20,480 --> 00:27:23,439
+OK. Right, James, unravel.
+00:27:23,440 --> 00:27:24,599
+00:27:24,600 --> 00:27:28,039
+It's like ticker-taping
+Times Square. That's quite good.
+00:27:28,040 --> 00:27:30,560
+We're like an enormous,
+weird typewriter.
+00:27:32,520 --> 00:27:34,239
+'With the banner complete,
+00:27:34,240 --> 00:27:36,799
+'we had to hang it
+on the outside of the train.'
+00:27:36,800 --> 00:27:38,879
+I'm going to open this door. Right.
+00:27:38,880 --> 00:27:41,079
+I'm going to feed the banner
+out of it,
+00:27:41,080 --> 00:27:44,599
+where the slipstream of the train
+will carry it to Hammond,
+00:27:44,600 --> 00:27:46,760
+who's waiting at the next door.
+00:27:48,280 --> 00:27:49,880
+Here we go.
+00:27:53,200 --> 00:27:54,399
+00:27:54,400 --> 00:27:56,320
+I need more!
+00:28:01,320 --> 00:28:02,759
+00:28:02,760 --> 00:28:04,759
+Try to do it when there are no posts!
+00:28:04,760 --> 00:28:06,520
+00:28:08,800 --> 00:28:10,640
+Got it.
+00:28:14,280 --> 00:28:17,280
+Got to get it higher. Bring
+it back in. No, just lift it up.
+00:28:18,360 --> 00:28:20,840
+No, because it's already dragging...
+00:28:23,520 --> 00:28:24,919
+When does it stop next?
+00:28:24,920 --> 00:28:27,600
+00:28:32,080 --> 00:28:34,439
+'Hammond made some more banners
+00:28:34,440 --> 00:28:37,399
+'and we decided
+our best chance of success
+00:28:37,400 --> 00:28:41,160
+'was to hang them on the side of the
+train when it stopped at stations.'
+00:28:42,360 --> 00:28:45,719
+This has to be the most efficient
+thing we've ever done in our lives.
+00:28:45,720 --> 00:28:48,639
+We've never done anything
+efficient. No, but we have to be.
+00:28:48,640 --> 00:28:50,399
+I know. Yes.
+00:28:50,400 --> 00:28:52,119
+Speed is everything.
+00:28:52,120 --> 00:28:55,319
+What we've done is enlisted
+the entire production team
+00:28:55,320 --> 00:28:58,879
+to help us hang the banner
+on the outside of the train now,
+00:28:58,880 --> 00:29:01,239
+because it's stopped
+for 18 minutes.
+00:29:01,240 --> 00:29:05,079
+Are we ready? Are we ready?
+Yes, yes, yes. Steady.
+00:29:05,080 --> 00:29:07,960
+Go! Go, go, go! Hit it.
+00:29:20,200 --> 00:29:21,920
+I think we've done well there.
+00:29:24,960 --> 00:29:28,199
+'With one banner in place,
+we were like a well-oiled machine
+00:29:28,200 --> 00:29:30,360
+'when we got to the next stop.'
+00:29:32,040 --> 00:29:35,599
+Now THAT is marketing.
+00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:38,000
+And the result is all of
+these people here are
+00:29:38,001 --> 00:29:40,399
+going to go home and
+want an English muffin.
+00:29:40,400 --> 00:29:44,199
+You hear about these trade missions
+to far-flung places in the world,
+00:29:44,200 --> 00:29:48,239
+and you just know they're not doing
+this kind of thing.
+00:29:48,240 --> 00:29:51,359
+Prince Andrew is not hanging
+from a side of a train in Kuwait,
+00:29:51,360 --> 00:29:55,319
+saying, "Buy diggers.
+" He isn't doing that. TRAIN TOOTS
+00:29:55,320 --> 00:29:59,240
+The signal. We've got to go, guys.
+00:30:01,480 --> 00:30:06,560
+'Our mobile billboard for UK Plc
+was now complete.'
+00:30:08,400 --> 00:30:13,799
+'However, at the next station, James
+insisted on doing some repairs.'
+00:30:13,800 --> 00:30:18,759
+James, leave it. You haven't done it
+properly. Leave it. It on, it's on.
+00:30:18,760 --> 00:30:22,559
+Whoa, my God!
+00:30:22,560 --> 00:30:24,160
+Run! Run!
+00:30:25,400 --> 00:30:26,640
+Quick, get on, get on.
+00:30:28,640 --> 00:30:30,719
+James, run. Pull the cord. Run!
+00:30:30,720 --> 00:30:34,159
+Pull the cord! Pull the cord!
+00:30:34,160 --> 00:30:37,040
+No, there's a...
+00:30:40,480 --> 00:30:44,919
+Hammond. Yeah? To stop the train
+you pull the chain. Yeah.
+00:30:44,920 --> 00:30:47,359
+But there's a fine of 1,000 rupees.
+00:30:47,360 --> 00:30:50,799
+That's about 13 quid. ã13. I mean...
+00:30:50,800 --> 00:30:52,839
+I haven't got that sort of money.
+00:30:52,840 --> 00:30:55,440
+I'm not paying 13 quid. No, no, no.
+00:30:59,520 --> 00:31:03,039
+we arrived at our stop, Jaipur,
+00:31:03,040 --> 00:31:06,160
+'a town seemingly famous
+for its natural springs.'
+00:31:09,040 --> 00:31:10,940
+'We paused for a while
+to wish our banners
+00:31:10,941 --> 00:31:12,840
+well on their journey
+across India.'
+00:31:14,480 --> 00:31:17,559
+That is a proud moment.
+Isn't it? It is.
+00:31:17,560 --> 00:31:20,799
+I just wish James was here to see...
+Our message.
+00:31:20,800 --> 00:31:24,240
+Our message to the subcontinent.
+00:31:31,120 --> 00:31:32,600
+Oh, God.
+00:31:33,600 --> 00:31:35,440
+Oh. It's going to Delhi.
+00:31:38,480 --> 00:31:41,080
+What's it going to say
+on the other side?
+00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:52,039
+'To make matters worse,
+00:31:52,040 --> 00:31:54,999
+'it looked like Jeremy's
+dabbawalla delivery in Bombay
+00:31:55,000 --> 00:31:57,160
+'hadn't gone that well after all.'
+00:31:58,880 --> 00:32:01,559
+'Then, when we unloaded
+James's Rolls,
+00:32:01,560 --> 00:32:03,639
+'we discovered we'd been betrayed.'
+00:32:03,640 --> 00:32:07,320
+When you get in here,
+you're in for a nasty surprise.
+00:32:09,080 --> 00:32:10,799
+Er, feel that.
+00:32:10,800 --> 00:32:13,359
+But there's cool air. Yes.
+00:32:13,360 --> 00:32:15,639
+Yes, yes.
+00:32:15,640 --> 00:32:17,559
+00:32:17,560 --> 00:32:19,999
+He told us it was broken. Is it?
+00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:22,879
+Oh! The thing is, though,
+00:32:22,880 --> 00:32:27,159
+you know Gandhi?
+Er, yeah, was he a Rolls man? No.
+00:32:27,160 --> 00:32:29,359
+Absolutely not.
+00:32:29,360 --> 00:32:31,479
+Now, Gandhi argued
+there was too big a gulf
+00:32:31,480 --> 00:32:35,119
+in India between the rich and
+the poor and it should be narrower.
+00:32:35,120 --> 00:32:40,359
+And I think if we disabled
+James's air conditioning,
+00:32:40,360 --> 00:32:43,239
+it would make him more equal to us.
+00:32:43,240 --> 00:32:46,719
+And that's good not just for us,
+00:32:46,720 --> 00:32:50,440
+but also spiritually for him.
+00:32:51,600 --> 00:32:55,840
+Gandhi would approve of what I'm
+doing now. This is a noble act. Oh.
+00:32:57,520 --> 00:33:01,639
+Nothing to see here.
+Nothing to see here.
+00:33:01,640 --> 00:33:03,679
+Beautiful British engineering.
+00:33:03,680 --> 00:33:06,119
+If we do it back up again,
+there's no evidence.
+00:33:06,120 --> 00:33:10,199
+No, none. It's the perfect crime.
+It IS the perfect crime.
+00:33:10,200 --> 00:33:11,879
+No tools...
+00:33:11,880 --> 00:33:14,960
+no murder weapon. No.
+00:33:16,000 --> 00:33:18,759
+'Eventually, Judas arrived.'
+00:33:18,760 --> 00:33:21,199
+May! You've made it.
+00:33:21,200 --> 00:33:23,959
+Well done. How did you miss it?
+00:33:23,960 --> 00:33:25,920
+What you couldn't see from the train
+00:33:25,921 --> 00:33:29,199
+was the platform ended and there was
+a drop of 15ft. I did see that.
+00:33:29,200 --> 00:33:31,460
+I couldn't do anything.
+That's why I shouted, "Pull the cord.
+00:33:31,461 --> 00:33:33,719
+" Why didn't you?
+There's a fine.
+00:33:33,720 --> 00:33:36,999
+13 quid. But the good news is,
+00:33:37,000 --> 00:33:40,919
+the cars have all arrived,
+amazingly, in one piece.
+00:33:40,920 --> 00:33:43,839
+Is it nice to see them?
+I've also had a really good idea
+00:33:43,840 --> 00:33:46,720
+for what we can do
+while we're in Jaipur.
+00:33:49,360 --> 00:33:52,020
+'My plan was to promote
+the British motorsport
+00:33:52,021 --> 00:33:54,679
+industry by staging a
+hill-climb event.'
+00:33:54,680 --> 00:33:58,200
+'Which, of course,
+meant finding a hill.'
+00:34:01,640 --> 00:34:02,839
+Oh, yes!
+00:34:02,840 --> 00:34:06,680
+Nice little course,
+one kilometre. Perfect.
+00:34:07,960 --> 00:34:10,780
+And what we've done
+is invited some local
+00:34:10,781 --> 00:34:13,599
+Indians to bring whatever
+vehicles they have
+00:34:13,600 --> 00:34:15,480
+to see how fast
+they can get up the hill.
+00:34:15,481 --> 00:34:17,280
+It should be a good day's sport.
+00:34:18,280 --> 00:34:20,780
+'But, of course, not only
+would the Indians get a
+00:34:20,781 --> 00:34:23,279
+flavour of this traditional
+British motorsport,
+00:34:23,280 --> 00:34:26,279
+'we'd have a chance to see
+what sort of vehicles are favoured
+00:34:26,280 --> 00:34:28,400
+'by the Indian petrol head.'
+00:34:29,600 --> 00:34:31,719
+Go! Yeah! He's off.
+00:34:31,720 --> 00:34:34,640
+He's away! We're underway!
+We've done something.
+00:34:36,080 --> 00:34:40,719
+What was that motorcycle?
+Because this is our leaderboard.
+00:34:40,720 --> 00:34:43,479
+That was the Rajdoot 175.
+00:34:43,480 --> 00:34:45,759
+'Moments later,
+we got out first time.'
+00:34:45,760 --> 00:34:48,760
+One minute, 20.6. Is that fast?
+We don't know.
+00:34:50,040 --> 00:34:52,559
+'Next up was
+the Hindustan Ambassador,
+00:34:52,560 --> 00:34:54,839
+'which began in life
+as a Morris Oxford
+00:34:54,840 --> 00:35:00,279
+'and is still being produced
+in Calcutta 63 years later.'
+00:35:00,280 --> 00:35:01,959
+00:35:01,960 --> 00:35:05,079
+Has he gone? He's still going.
+Whoa! Still going.
+00:35:05,080 --> 00:35:07,039
+00:35:07,040 --> 00:35:09,160
+That's the smell
+of Britain in the '50s.
+00:35:10,840 --> 00:35:13,319
+'When the Hindustan had finished,
+00:35:13,320 --> 00:35:16,999
+'it was the turn of the Indian
+new boy, the Tata Nano,
+00:35:17,000 --> 00:35:19,559
+'which, at 1900 quid,
+00:35:19,560 --> 00:35:22,239
+'is the cheapest car
+in the world right now.'
+00:35:22,240 --> 00:35:23,560
+00:35:24,840 --> 00:35:26,000
+Less smoke.
+00:35:27,280 --> 00:35:32,439
+'It may only have a 600cc
+two-cylinder engine,
+00:35:32,440 --> 00:35:35,719
+'but that didn't stop it
+from putting on a good show.'
+00:35:35,720 --> 00:35:39,479
+1.14.7. Oh, that's our first
+blistering time of the day.
+00:35:39,480 --> 00:35:42,599
+That is a quick car.
+It's blindingly quick.
+00:35:42,600 --> 00:35:44,920
+You know what's going to happen?
+00:35:44,921 --> 00:35:47,239
+He'll think, "I'll go up that
+hill again next weekend."
+00:35:47,240 --> 00:35:52,359
+"I wonder if I can go a bit faster?
+If I get that British fuel pipe hose..."
+00:35:52,360 --> 00:35:56,679
+"I could improve..." And somebody in
+Britain who makes hoses... Gets a sale.
+00:35:56,680 --> 00:35:58,439
+Gets a sale.
+00:35:58,440 --> 00:36:02,199
+'Next, it was the turn
+of India's most popular taxi,
+00:36:02,200 --> 00:36:05,120
+'the superbly engineered tuk tuk.'
+00:36:06,960 --> 00:36:08,360
+It's going backwards.
+00:36:13,360 --> 00:36:15,920
+It's going, it's going,
+it's going, it's going.
+00:36:18,400 --> 00:36:21,200
+That's better.
+I've got cancer now(!)
+00:36:22,560 --> 00:36:25,599
+You know the Reliant Robin
+is not a stable vehicle,
+00:36:25,600 --> 00:36:28,040
+as I have proved many times?
+THAT makes the
+00:36:28,041 --> 00:36:30,480
+Reliant Robin look like
+a railway locomotive.
+00:36:31,520 --> 00:36:34,439
+'As was demonstrated
+on the next bend.'
+00:36:34,440 --> 00:36:35,600
+00:36:38,480 --> 00:36:42,600
+'Despite this mishap,
+the locals kept on coming.'
+00:36:46,400 --> 00:36:48,240
+Well done, thank you taking part.
+00:36:50,840 --> 00:36:54,200
+Good luck. 'ln fact, our hill climb
+was so popular... '
+00:36:56,040 --> 00:36:58,079
+Go! Whoa.
+00:36:58,080 --> 00:37:00,760
+'..that things soon got
+out of control.'
+00:37:03,120 --> 00:37:05,240
+00:37:09,560 --> 00:37:13,920
+'Eventually, the police arrived,
+but only so they could have a go.'
+00:37:15,040 --> 00:37:18,079
+It's a heck of a grid.
+I would watch this on TV. I would.
+00:37:18,080 --> 00:37:19,320
+More than Formula One.
+00:37:20,480 --> 00:37:24,879
+'With the leaderboard almost full,
+it was now our turn to set a time,
+00:37:24,880 --> 00:37:28,879
+'but that gave us
+a bit of a diplomatic issue.'
+00:37:28,880 --> 00:37:33,119
+We need to demonstrate that our cars
+are good. Yes. They're British.
+00:37:33,120 --> 00:37:35,639
+(WHISPERING) We don't want...
+Well, a little bit.
+00:37:35,640 --> 00:37:39,559
+A little bit of winning.
+No, no. No winning at all.
+00:37:39,560 --> 00:37:42,279
+We really can't.
+00:37:42,280 --> 00:37:44,340
+A small win?
+We're hosting the event.
+00:37:44,341 --> 00:37:46,399
+You'd have to present
+the prize to yourself!
+00:37:46,400 --> 00:37:50,839
+'Having made Jeremy promise he
+wouldn't win, I lined up the Mini.'
+00:37:50,840 --> 00:37:54,199
+Three, two, one!
+00:37:54,200 --> 00:37:55,839
+00:37:55,840 --> 00:37:59,000
+And we're off.
+This is what the Mini was born to do.
+00:38:00,000 --> 00:38:02,359
+This thing won the Monte Carlo Rally
+00:38:02,360 --> 00:38:04,580
+and watching one of these
+in classic touring
+00:38:04,581 --> 00:38:06,800
+car racing was utterly,
+utterly brilliant.
+00:38:08,240 --> 00:38:11,399
+Every major racing driver
+of the period had one.
+00:38:11,400 --> 00:38:13,720
+Enzo Ferrari had THREE
+of these things!
+00:38:14,760 --> 00:38:16,199
+00:38:16,200 --> 00:38:18,520
+I am upholding a legend here.
+00:38:20,880 --> 00:38:24,759
+Finish line in sight.
+Oh, I can't go too... I mustn't win.
+00:38:24,760 --> 00:38:29,119
+Nobody can see. I'm going to give
+myself a ten-second penalty, because...
+00:38:29,120 --> 00:38:32,759
+I don't want to... You know, I...
+00:38:32,760 --> 00:38:35,239
+Yeah, that'll do.
+00:38:35,240 --> 00:38:37,279
+And across the line!
+00:38:37,280 --> 00:38:40,239
+'Hammond's diplomacy
+worked brilliantly.'
+00:38:40,240 --> 00:38:42,519
+'And now it was my turn.'
+00:38:42,520 --> 00:38:43,839
+00:38:43,840 --> 00:38:47,079
+Still going by, still going by.
+Still going by. Oh, it's gone.
+00:38:47,080 --> 00:38:50,079
+A Rolls-Royce, of course,
+has no real motor-sport heritage,
+00:38:50,080 --> 00:38:52,560
+apart from a rally the Shadow
+entered in the '60s.
+00:38:52,561 --> 00:38:56,039
+Didn't do very well
+and that commends it to me.
+00:38:56,040 --> 00:39:00,599
+Big old lead. This is James.
+00:39:00,600 --> 00:39:03,040
+Yeah. The grill will just...
+00:39:05,880 --> 00:39:10,039
+Remember, a Rolls-Royce is designed
+to stop you driving like a hooligan.
+00:39:10,040 --> 00:39:12,080
+It sort of says,
+"Are you sure, sir?"
+00:39:13,240 --> 00:39:16,240
+Mid-race check. Everything's good.
+00:39:18,040 --> 00:39:21,959
+We're both suffering with gut sweat.
+Yeah. It's interesting here,
+00:39:21,960 --> 00:39:23,559
+you don't need your penis.
+00:39:23,560 --> 00:39:27,599
+You drink and drink and drink and it
+just comes out of everywhere else.
+00:39:27,600 --> 00:39:29,480
+This is not needed.
+Thank you, Dr
+00:39:29,481 --> 00:39:31,360
+Clarkson, that's an
+interesting theory(!)
+00:39:32,600 --> 00:39:34,120
+Here we are at the finish.
+00:39:36,880 --> 00:39:41,679
+'James, too, posted
+a thoughtful and considerate time.'
+00:39:41,680 --> 00:39:45,199
+'Now, we could only hope
+the orang-utan would do the same.'
+00:39:45,200 --> 00:39:49,519
+Jeremy. What? You're starting off
+halfway across the line.
+00:39:49,520 --> 00:39:53,959
+It's for fun! Why are you wearing
+a helmet? I don't know. My helmet?
+00:39:53,960 --> 00:39:57,439
+Because it wedges my head in,
+so I don't roll about.
+00:39:57,440 --> 00:39:59,479
+What's that on the dash? Stopwatch.
+00:39:59,480 --> 00:40:02,519
+Why? We've got a stopwatch.
+No, I want to see what I'm doing.
+00:40:02,520 --> 00:40:06,519
+In three, two, one... go.
+00:40:06,520 --> 00:40:09,119
+Yes, here we go!
+00:40:09,120 --> 00:40:11,999
+The Jag, of course,
+has a fine motor-sport pedigree.
+00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:16,759
+And you can feel that pedigree
+as I unleash it through the esses.
+00:40:16,760 --> 00:40:21,599
+He wants to finish about 1:16.
+00:40:21,600 --> 00:40:25,759
+Between the Mini and the Rolls,
+because that what you'd expect.
+00:40:25,760 --> 00:40:28,519
+Kiss the apex!
+Power it out of there.
+00:40:28,520 --> 00:40:30,319
+Up the hill.
+00:40:30,320 --> 00:40:34,839
+The only problem I've got, really,
+is the gear box won't kick down.
+00:40:34,840 --> 00:40:37,640
+That's because it's a ZF
+box, made by Germans.
+00:40:37,641 --> 00:40:40,439
+And I'm just telling
+you, if you're Indian,
+00:40:40,440 --> 00:40:43,320
+"German" is a byword
+for shoddy quality.
+00:40:44,840 --> 00:40:47,160
+He'll stop.
+He'll take a break before the top.
+00:40:47,161 --> 00:40:49,480
+I told him to pause and then...
+00:40:51,000 --> 00:40:53,680
+And there's the finishing line.
+00:40:55,480 --> 00:40:57,039
+And so, in third place,
+00:40:57,040 --> 00:41:00,599
+the Maruti jeep driven by Nitish.
+Where are you? Well done. Well done.
+00:41:00,600 --> 00:41:03,799
+And, in second place,
+the Tata Nano, driven by Sorab.
+00:41:03,800 --> 00:41:07,159
+Well done, well done.
+Good man, well done.
+00:41:07,160 --> 00:41:09,840
+So, the winner of the
+inaugural Top Gear
+00:41:09,841 --> 00:41:12,519
+All-India British
+Hill-speed Climb Event...
+00:41:12,520 --> 00:41:15,919
+is the Jaguar XJS driven by Jeremy...
+00:41:15,920 --> 00:41:19,200
+Yes! There you go.
+Thank you very much. So...
+00:41:20,600 --> 00:41:23,879
+Oh, God...people of India.
+00:41:23,880 --> 00:41:28,640
+'Thanks to Jeremy, the hill climb
+had not been a diplomatic success.'
+00:41:30,120 --> 00:41:35,199
+'But then, Jaipur itself gave us
+an idea for making amends.'
+00:41:35,200 --> 00:41:39,719
+'In 1876, the whole city was painted
+pink to celebrate a visit
+00:41:39,720 --> 00:41:43,999
+'by the then Prince of Wales.'
+So we thought we'd reciprocate
+00:41:44,000 --> 00:41:48,560
+'by splitting up and decorating
+our cars to celebrate India.'
+00:41:49,760 --> 00:41:53,359
+Right. I'm going to focus my efforts
+on here.
+00:41:53,360 --> 00:41:55,559
+What I'm going to go for is a flag.
+00:41:55,560 --> 00:41:58,159
+I already have a Union Jack
+on the roof.
+00:41:58,160 --> 00:42:00,439
+If I put Indian flag on the bonnet,
+00:42:00,440 --> 00:42:05,039
+it's kind of the two brought together
+on one iconic symbol of Britishness.
+00:42:05,040 --> 00:42:09,160
+It's like a hands across the ocean,
+but it's hands across the windscreen.
+00:42:11,160 --> 00:42:16,160
+That is good, that is good.
+Nice. Look at that.
+00:42:17,440 --> 00:42:18,680
+Yee ha!
+00:42:19,720 --> 00:42:21,679
+It's good? Good?
+00:42:21,680 --> 00:42:24,040
+You like a flock wallpaper?
+BOYS: Yes, yes.
+00:42:27,720 --> 00:42:29,940
+There's a design in the
+middle which is...
+00:42:29,941 --> 00:42:32,160
+Oh, it'll be something
+like an eagley thing.
+00:42:35,640 --> 00:42:39,159
+Eventually, I was done,
+so I went to join Jeremy.
+00:42:39,160 --> 00:42:40,200
+00:42:45,640 --> 00:42:48,919
+Loving your shirt.
+Loving your boob tube.
+00:42:48,920 --> 00:42:53,439
+It's a crop top is what it is,
+and this is...?
+00:42:53,440 --> 00:42:55,319
+That's for Anglo-Indian relations.
+00:42:55,320 --> 00:42:59,839
+That's the British flag. Yeah, and
+the...? That is the Indian flag.
+00:42:59,840 --> 00:43:01,720
+But the whole car is Ganesh themed.
+00:43:01,721 --> 00:43:04,639
+Ganesh being this elephant god?
+00:43:04,640 --> 00:43:07,079
+They have an expression,
+"We're doing a Ganesh",
+00:43:07,080 --> 00:43:09,400
+meaning making sure something
+starts auspiciously.
+00:43:09,401 --> 00:43:11,719
+I've got more elephant
+themes inside.
+00:43:11,720 --> 00:43:13,479
+Have you gone mental? No.
+00:43:13,480 --> 00:43:16,800
+Oh, I'll just light my joss stick.
+Get a smell of this.
+00:43:18,280 --> 00:43:21,479
+Now, you see, that's weed!
+No, it's not!
+00:43:21,480 --> 00:43:23,079
+00:43:23,080 --> 00:43:26,599
+Well, I have to say...
+No, credit where credit's due.
+00:43:26,600 --> 00:43:28,839
+YOU don't deserve any.
+00:43:28,840 --> 00:43:31,799
+But wait until you see
+what I've done to the Jag.
+00:43:31,800 --> 00:43:35,319
+First of all, the flock effect
+racing stripe. Like that.
+00:43:35,320 --> 00:43:37,759
+But this is genius.
+00:43:37,760 --> 00:43:41,719
+At some point on this trip, Hammond's
+Bombay doors are going to break.
+00:43:41,720 --> 00:43:44,439
+We'll be stuck
+in the middle of nowhere
+00:43:44,440 --> 00:43:47,840
+and he is going to beg me
+for use of this.
+00:43:50,360 --> 00:43:53,919
+What I've done in there... Well,
+I... No, it's like an ice bucket.
+00:43:53,920 --> 00:43:55,800
+You fill it up with chemicals.
+00:43:57,600 --> 00:44:01,639
+This is the best thing I've ever
+seen fitted to a car in India.
+00:44:01,640 --> 00:44:05,199
+Everybody who comes here
+gets the trots.
+00:44:05,200 --> 00:44:06,680
+Yeah. And you've got...
+00:44:08,440 --> 00:44:12,919
+No, it's very good. The thinking is
+terrific. I've also tuned my badge
+00:44:12,920 --> 00:44:15,639
+to match the temperatures
+I'm experiencing in the car.
+00:44:15,640 --> 00:44:18,599
+It's an Aga. I've taken the "J",
+the "U" and the "R" out
+00:44:18,600 --> 00:44:21,039
+and we're left with "Aga",
+which is what it is.
+00:44:21,040 --> 00:44:23,999
+'At that moment,
+Rolf Harris arrived.'
+00:44:24,000 --> 00:44:25,840
+What have you been doing?
+00:44:26,920 --> 00:44:31,519
+Craftsmanship takes time.
+Indian flag, Union Jack.
+00:44:31,520 --> 00:44:34,060
+You see? It's a symbol
+of British craftsmanship
+00:44:34,061 --> 00:44:36,599
+and ingenuity brought together.
+It's all there.
+00:44:36,600 --> 00:44:41,359
+I'm pretty certain
+that's not an Indian flag. It is.
+00:44:41,360 --> 00:44:43,560
+There's a green, a white
+and a red-orange stripe.
+00:44:43,561 --> 00:44:45,759
+I didn't do the
+red-orange because...
+00:44:45,760 --> 00:44:49,719
+I think that's in Indian one
+and the stripes go HORIZONTAL.
+00:44:49,720 --> 00:44:53,399
+You'd recognise a Union Jack
+if it was that way. HORIZONTAL.
+00:44:53,400 --> 00:44:56,559
+You're looking at it from this side.
+Hold on a minute.
+00:44:56,560 --> 00:44:59,239
+You've got one there.
+It's a grapefruit in the middle.
+00:44:59,240 --> 00:45:04,319
+It's segmented. Would you agree
+that what he's done is that flag?
+00:45:04,320 --> 00:45:09,640
+Yes, near enough. Would you like to
+know what country that is the flag of?
+00:45:10,800 --> 00:45:12,560
+00:45:14,440 --> 00:45:19,119
+Of all the countries YOU in
+particular could have selected,
+00:45:19,120 --> 00:45:22,759
+what you've done, Richard Hammond,
+is paint on your Mini
+00:45:22,760 --> 00:45:26,039
+the flag of Mexico.
+00:45:26,040 --> 00:45:28,560
+God, I haven't, have I? You have.
+00:45:31,080 --> 00:45:34,319
+Maybe you should put a piece
+of lemon in the fuel filler neck,
+00:45:34,320 --> 00:45:37,920
+see if it makes it go better.
+00:45:40,640 --> 00:45:43,159
+It was now time to head north
+to Delhi,
+00:45:43,160 --> 00:45:46,719
+to host our important
+ambassadorial trade reception.
+00:45:46,720 --> 00:45:52,439
+However, at that moment, James had
+something more pressing on his mind.
+00:45:52,440 --> 00:45:56,799
+Hang on a minute. Hang on a minute.
+It's very hot in here and you two,
+00:45:56,800 --> 00:46:00,919
+I left you two with my car yesterday
+when I was in the tuk tuk.
+00:46:00,920 --> 00:46:04,559
+Oh, dear. You've interfered
+with my air conditioning.
+00:46:04,560 --> 00:46:07,479
+It's coming out red hot.
+'You took it off the train!
+00:46:07,480 --> 00:46:11,759
+'How can we mess with something that
+you told us was already broken?'
+00:46:11,760 --> 00:46:14,639
+Yes, but it WAS working
+and now it isn't.
+00:46:14,640 --> 00:46:16,999
+Ha! 'You've been fiddling with it.'
+00:46:17,000 --> 00:46:21,119
+So you're now saying it WAS working
+and now it isn't working?
+00:46:21,120 --> 00:46:24,679
+Yes, I was lying about it not
+working. It works perfectly well,
+00:46:24,680 --> 00:46:27,919
+I was just keen for you two
+not to start messing around with it.
+00:46:27,920 --> 00:46:29,639
+'Have you messed around with it?'
+00:46:29,640 --> 00:46:32,839
+Well, in the spirit
+of new-found honesty, yes,
+00:46:32,840 --> 00:46:35,439
+we ruined your air conditioning.
+00:46:35,440 --> 00:46:38,079
+Well, what was the bloody point
+of that, you idiot?!
+00:46:38,080 --> 00:46:40,120
+Gandhi made us do it.
+00:46:41,400 --> 00:46:45,919
+What a pair of morons. That's all
+they can do, break something.
+00:46:45,920 --> 00:46:49,760
+They can't make anything or mend
+anything, just break stuff.
+00:46:50,760 --> 00:46:52,640
+It's the ruin of Britain.
+00:46:54,320 --> 00:46:58,839
+The journey to Delhi
+would give us our first taste
+00:46:58,840 --> 00:47:00,959
+of life on provincial
+Indian highways.
+00:47:00,960 --> 00:47:04,600
+An experience which,
+we'd been told, would be terrifying.
+00:47:09,080 --> 00:47:11,799
+Let me give you
+some alarming statistics.
+00:47:11,800 --> 00:47:15,279
+Throughout India,
+there are now 74 million vehicles,
+00:47:15,280 --> 00:47:18,359
+roughly twice what we have
+in the UK.
+00:47:18,360 --> 00:47:22,079
+So you'd expect the death rate
+to be twice as high. It isn't.
+00:47:22,080 --> 00:47:26,239
+In Britain, around about 3,000 people
+a year are killed on the roads.
+00:47:26,240 --> 00:47:30,599
+Last year in India, it was 196,000.
+00:47:30,600 --> 00:47:32,920
+That's 22 an hour.
+00:47:36,320 --> 00:47:40,319
+This country has the most dangerous
+roads in the world.
+00:47:40,320 --> 00:47:41,840
+And they get worse at night.
+00:47:42,920 --> 00:47:44,999
+This was a problem for us,
+00:47:45,000 --> 00:47:49,759
+because as night fell, our overnight
+hold was still 80 miles away.
+00:47:49,760 --> 00:47:55,280
+And we were on the most dangerous
+kind of road... a dual carriageway.
+00:47:57,880 --> 00:48:01,319
+00:48:01,320 --> 00:48:05,240
+Jesus Christ, that car's going
+on the wrong side of the road.
+00:48:07,040 --> 00:48:09,160
+Unlit tractor up ahead, chaps.
+00:48:13,360 --> 00:48:15,599
+That's completely unlit.
+00:48:15,600 --> 00:48:19,160
+An unlit wide-load in the dark
+on an unlit road.
+00:48:21,560 --> 00:48:24,800
+Oh, a man on the road. God!
+00:48:26,440 --> 00:48:29,120
+Oh, this is tight. Oh.
+00:48:30,760 --> 00:48:32,159
+00:48:32,160 --> 00:48:33,480
+Oh, that was scary.
+00:48:35,240 --> 00:48:37,359
+Bloody hell!
+00:48:37,360 --> 00:48:40,639
+You know in England, when a child
+is badly behaved, the mother says
+00:48:40,640 --> 00:48:43,559
+"Your father will be very cross
+with you when he gets home"?
+00:48:43,560 --> 00:48:46,999
+Here, it's different. It's, "Your
+father will be very cross with you"
+00:48:47,000 --> 00:48:48,200
+"IF he gets home."
+00:48:50,080 --> 00:48:52,920
+Oh, God. Oh, God!
+00:48:56,560 --> 00:48:57,760
+Jesus, look at that.
+00:49:01,040 --> 00:49:02,840
+I mean, Ganesh, look at that.
+00:49:04,840 --> 00:49:08,120
+Blinded. Yep, can't see a thing.
+00:49:10,480 --> 00:49:12,879
+That lorry's very close.
+00:49:12,880 --> 00:49:14,679
+00:49:14,680 --> 00:49:17,199
+00:49:17,200 --> 00:49:19,760
+"Road narrows
+for no obvious reason."
+00:49:21,080 --> 00:49:22,920
+Oh, strewth!
+00:49:25,320 --> 00:49:27,119
+Two nerve-jangling hours later,
+00:49:27,120 --> 00:49:30,839
+we arrived at the town
+where we'd be staying the night.
+00:49:30,840 --> 00:49:33,400
+And as we refuelled,
+I took my revenge.
+00:49:45,280 --> 00:49:46,999
+Funny. Very funny.
+00:49:47,000 --> 00:49:51,039
+Er, what James has done
+is turned my heater up to full,
+00:49:51,040 --> 00:49:56,759
+and then removed the heater knob
+so I can't turn it back down again.
+00:49:56,760 --> 00:50:00,080
+What a monumental bell-end he is.
+00:50:04,760 --> 00:50:08,520
+The next morning, the dual
+carriageway madness continued.
+00:50:09,880 --> 00:50:13,280
+Only now, we could actually see
+what was going to kill us.
+00:50:15,600 --> 00:50:17,160
+Oh, God, now look.
+00:50:18,200 --> 00:50:20,640
+Holy moly.
+00:50:23,440 --> 00:50:26,919
+The man here just got out of his
+lorry in the middle of the road.
+00:50:26,920 --> 00:50:28,680
+00:50:31,400 --> 00:50:33,440
+00:50:34,960 --> 00:50:37,599
+I wonder how much else
+we missed last night.
+00:50:37,600 --> 00:50:40,440
+What else was going on
+that we never saw?
+00:50:43,320 --> 00:50:47,039
+So the Allegro survived the night
+by the looks of things
+00:50:47,040 --> 00:50:50,919
+and is still with us, with a very
+miserable-looking producer at the helm.
+00:50:50,920 --> 00:50:53,279
+Serves him right for having no faith
+00:50:53,280 --> 00:50:56,359
+in these magnificent British cars
+that we've chosen.
+00:50:56,360 --> 00:51:00,919
+James, is your car giving
+the slightest indication
+00:51:00,920 --> 00:51:03,239
+it might go wrong?
+00:51:03,240 --> 00:51:06,719
+No. Situation update.
+00:51:06,720 --> 00:51:09,519
+Oil level
+and coolant temperature good.
+00:51:09,520 --> 00:51:11,879
+Everything working.
+Engine is as sweet as a nut.
+00:51:11,880 --> 00:51:14,120
+My karma is very good.
+00:51:16,000 --> 00:51:19,039
+'And at the next fuel stop,
+his karma got even better,
+00:51:19,040 --> 00:51:23,440
+'as he turned his special
+revenge gun on Hammond.'
+00:51:33,160 --> 00:51:36,599
+The seat is stuck forwards, James.
+00:51:36,600 --> 00:51:39,279
+Have you missed
+with the seat in my car?
+00:51:39,280 --> 00:51:40,520
+Might have done.
+00:51:42,040 --> 00:51:45,159
+Where have you put my knob?
+I've forgotten.
+00:51:45,160 --> 00:51:47,119
+It's so hot in there. Look.
+00:51:47,120 --> 00:51:50,920
+My tablecloth has leaked dye
+into my shirt.
+00:51:54,440 --> 00:51:57,439
+'Several hours later,
+we arrived in Delhi,
+00:51:57,440 --> 00:52:00,079
+'where I decided
+to have an accident.'
+00:52:00,080 --> 00:52:02,839
+O... K!
+00:52:02,840 --> 00:52:06,239
+'Sadly, there was no time
+to worry about this small crash,
+00:52:06,240 --> 00:52:09,800
+'because that night, we were hosting
+our trade reception.'
+00:52:11,080 --> 00:52:14,359
+It's very obvious that this is
+the right place for our party.
+00:52:14,360 --> 00:52:19,160
+Lots of rich, influential people
+behind these high walls and hedges.
+00:52:20,360 --> 00:52:21,600
+We will do well here.
+00:52:25,640 --> 00:52:29,559
+After a quick freshen up, we arrived
+at the location for our party...
+00:52:29,560 --> 00:52:33,439
+an exclusive house
+in the select embassy district.
+00:52:33,440 --> 00:52:37,240
+Brilliant, look at this. It's good,
+isn't it? This is fantastic.
+00:52:38,320 --> 00:52:41,719
+Our guests would be arriving
+in just a few hours,
+00:52:41,720 --> 00:52:44,039
+so James started to build
+the catering tent,
+00:52:44,040 --> 00:52:49,279
+I washed the cars and Hammond took
+charge of decorating the marquee.
+00:52:49,280 --> 00:52:50,399
+Gather round.
+00:52:50,400 --> 00:52:53,279
+What we need to do is make this
+the colours of the Union Jack,
+00:52:53,280 --> 00:52:56,759
+British flag, so I brought some
+red, white and blue cloth with me
+00:52:56,760 --> 00:52:58,799
+so we can decorate it.
+00:52:58,800 --> 00:53:01,639
+So to your posts for now
+and I'll work out a plan.
+00:53:01,640 --> 00:53:05,680
+If you each go
+and stand with one of these. Yes.
+00:53:09,880 --> 00:53:11,480
+Anybody speak English?
+00:53:14,600 --> 00:53:16,439
+00:53:16,440 --> 00:53:18,840
+00:53:23,680 --> 00:53:25,719
+I'm getting them
+in a fan shape, James.
+00:53:25,720 --> 00:53:28,559
+No, that's OK, like that, yeah.
+Keep going.
+00:53:28,560 --> 00:53:30,000
+00:53:35,840 --> 00:53:37,959
+We'll have do untie it
+and start again.
+00:53:37,960 --> 00:53:42,000
+This setback meant James would have
+to start his cooking al fresco.
+00:53:43,560 --> 00:53:46,039
+Tonight's dish
+is a signature British dish,
+00:53:46,040 --> 00:53:49,879
+but celebrates our relationship with
+India, particularly our love of spices.
+00:53:49,880 --> 00:53:53,079
+It is, obviously,
+coronation chicken.
+00:53:53,080 --> 00:53:55,559
+And the ingredients
+are chicken and coronation.
+00:53:55,560 --> 00:53:59,759
+To make the coronation, you start
+with a bowl and some salad cream.
+00:53:59,760 --> 00:54:03,479
+So you've got salad cream chicken,
+basically? And spices.
+00:54:03,480 --> 00:54:06,879
+Why have you got digestive biscuits?
+It's going to be served on them.
+00:54:06,880 --> 00:54:10,039
+That's the stupidest idea...
+Why don't you go and wash the cars?
+00:54:10,040 --> 00:54:11,879
+I've washed them. You haven't.
+00:54:11,880 --> 00:54:15,479
+I can see that it's still dirty and
+still says "penis" on the bonnet.
+00:54:15,480 --> 00:54:18,159
+I squirted them with water.
+That's not good enough.
+00:54:18,160 --> 00:54:20,999
+We're using Madras curry powder
+from the Midlands.
+00:54:21,000 --> 00:54:22,719
+Sprinkle that on...
+00:54:22,720 --> 00:54:25,439
+Salad cream and curry powder
+is what it is? Pretty much.
+00:54:25,440 --> 00:54:26,640
+It's got sultanas...
+00:54:27,640 --> 00:54:30,879
+Go and wash the cars.
+Go and wash the cars.
+00:54:30,880 --> 00:54:34,000
+Now they're having a water fight.
+00:54:36,080 --> 00:54:39,839
+Once James had finished his recipe...
+Coronation chicken, madam?
+00:54:39,840 --> 00:54:45,599
+He went into town to buy fireworks,
+leaving me alone with the orang-utan.
+00:54:45,600 --> 00:54:48,959
+This is magnificently brilliant.
+00:54:48,960 --> 00:54:53,799
+I think the guests are going
+to just adore having a go in this.
+00:54:53,800 --> 00:54:56,640
+A bit of tweed action going on.
+00:54:58,160 --> 00:55:00,680
+Oh, no!
+00:55:01,760 --> 00:55:04,279
+Oh, my God.
+00:55:04,280 --> 00:55:08,719
+'Between us, we worked out
+that James was going to notice.'
+00:55:08,720 --> 00:55:10,919
+Have you got any green paint? No.
+00:55:10,920 --> 00:55:14,840
+Yes. Yes! You have? We've brought
+a load of Airfix models. Have we?
+00:55:16,200 --> 00:55:20,000
+Spitfire green. Yes, here we go.
+We can have this fixed.
+00:55:22,320 --> 00:55:26,440
+I don't think he's got enough
+of his instruments painted over.
+00:55:28,240 --> 00:55:30,999
+00:55:31,000 --> 00:55:32,760
+That's much better.
+00:55:34,360 --> 00:55:36,919
+A bit later on,
+James returned with his fireworks,
+00:55:36,920 --> 00:55:39,640
+which, frankly,
+were not what I'd had in mind.
+00:55:41,000 --> 00:55:44,159
+James, I know you live in 1956,
+but the world has moved on,
+00:55:44,160 --> 00:55:46,199
+these are pathetic. They'll be good.
+00:55:46,200 --> 00:55:49,159
+These are big as well.
+They're rubbish.
+00:55:49,160 --> 00:55:51,719
+There's a limit to the size
+of fireworks you can have
+00:55:51,720 --> 00:55:55,479
+in, let's be honest, the middle of the
+Government area, lots of embassies,
+00:55:55,480 --> 00:55:58,439
+on a high state of alert
+because of the threat of terrorism.
+00:55:58,440 --> 00:56:00,839
+You can't let off
+a millennium fireworks...
+00:56:00,840 --> 00:56:02,599
+it's a garden fireworks display.
+00:56:02,600 --> 00:56:05,919
+That's going to be like lighting
+a match. No, it isn't. It is.
+00:56:05,920 --> 00:56:09,559
+'I decided to take matters in hand.'
+00:56:09,560 --> 00:56:14,199
+OK, what you need to make
+a really big firework is, er...
+00:56:14,200 --> 00:56:18,399
+a length of drainpipe,
+a cane, teaspoon, Sellotape,
+00:56:18,400 --> 00:56:22,039
+sharp knife, saucer
+and a pair of pixellated hands,
+00:56:22,040 --> 00:56:25,479
+so you at home
+can't see what I'm doing.
+00:56:25,480 --> 00:56:27,999
+Right, you take, well, any firework.
+00:56:28,000 --> 00:56:31,519
+Let's start
+with this relatively small one.
+00:56:31,520 --> 00:56:33,839
+And you apply the sharp knife.
+00:56:33,840 --> 00:56:36,719
+Now, being very careful
+not to hit the...
+00:56:36,720 --> 00:56:38,640
+Let's not give that a name.
+00:56:40,200 --> 00:56:42,959
+Our plan was to show
+our top business guests
+00:56:42,960 --> 00:56:45,199
+some of Britain's finest products,
+00:56:45,200 --> 00:56:48,559
+with each of us championing
+one particular thing.
+00:56:48,560 --> 00:56:51,400
+James selected a superb lawnmower.
+00:56:53,240 --> 00:56:54,999
+Oh, that is...
+00:56:55,000 --> 00:56:58,559
+And as it winds itself up, it gets
+further in, that's brilliant.
+00:56:58,560 --> 00:57:02,279
+You know what, that is actually...
+It's all right, isn't it?
+00:57:02,280 --> 00:57:03,520
+That's a good display.
+00:57:03,521 --> 00:57:07,439
+'I would be promoting something
+very close to my heart... '
+00:57:07,440 --> 00:57:08,759
+Hair products.
+00:57:08,760 --> 00:57:11,799
+It's a little-known fact
+that we in Britain
+00:57:11,800 --> 00:57:15,439
+are extensive producers
+of a huge range of hair product.
+00:57:15,440 --> 00:57:19,039
+Nicky Clarke, she's a well-known
+hairdresser, I think.
+00:57:19,040 --> 00:57:22,119
+What I'm going to do is arrange
+a display, but more than that...
+00:57:22,120 --> 00:57:25,919
+in keeping with the theme, which is
+kind of active, actually doing stuff,
+00:57:25,920 --> 00:57:28,879
+I'm going to style myself
+and turn myself into a walking,
+00:57:28,880 --> 00:57:30,319
+moving billboard.
+00:57:30,320 --> 00:57:33,359
+You need to be able to remove,
+00:57:33,360 --> 00:57:38,599
+from in here, all of the stuff that
+looks a bit like it could belong
+00:57:38,600 --> 00:57:42,880
+in a fondue set,
+but isn't really the same.
+00:58:00,960 --> 00:58:04,719
+By the time James had got
+his lawnmower under control,
+00:58:04,720 --> 00:58:07,359
+Jeremy had completed
+his cruise missile.
+00:58:07,360 --> 00:58:08,639
+Here we are.
+00:58:08,640 --> 00:58:10,879
+The finished product.
+00:58:10,880 --> 00:58:15,639
+My giant firework, with stick,
+with prong on the end,
+00:58:15,640 --> 00:58:17,320
+ready to be launched.
+00:58:18,440 --> 00:58:21,759
+With that done, I was free to break
+out the product I'd be promoting,
+00:58:21,760 --> 00:58:25,799
+the Corby trouser press,
+which I believed could perform
+00:58:25,800 --> 00:58:29,919
+a vital extra service
+for the Indian customer.
+00:58:29,920 --> 00:58:32,319
+The Corby naan-press.
+There it is.
+00:58:32,320 --> 00:58:34,000
+Is it hot? Ooh, ah!
+00:58:36,440 --> 00:58:39,600
+Mmm. That is good. Mm.
+00:58:41,160 --> 00:58:42,919
+With the preparations complete,
+00:58:42,920 --> 00:58:47,720
+it was time to smarten ourselves up
+and greet our VIP guests.
+00:58:49,240 --> 00:58:53,920
+How'd you do? Barley water, Tizer,
+English wine, coronation chicken.
+00:58:55,080 --> 00:58:58,519
+You do the wine, I'll go around
+with coronation chicken.
+00:58:58,520 --> 00:59:02,719
+'Meanwhile, Richard was in charge
+of valet parking.'
+00:59:02,720 --> 00:59:03,800
+Hello, welcome.
+00:59:03,801 --> 00:59:06,959
+Right, thank you. I'm going
+to put this somewhere prominent.
+00:59:06,960 --> 00:59:08,400
+I love the paint, by the way.
+00:59:10,200 --> 00:59:13,400
+Keys. Er... Oh, hello, that'll do.
+00:59:17,480 --> 00:59:20,959
+It's powdered and you simply add
+water and you get mashed potato.
+00:59:20,960 --> 00:59:25,359
+I think it's better
+than the real thing. Lovely.
+00:59:25,360 --> 00:59:28,599
+Forgive me for interrupting,
+I brought your vegetarian option.
+00:59:28,600 --> 00:59:31,879
+This is a sweet one... Angel Delight
+on a Digestive biscuit.
+00:59:31,880 --> 00:59:34,560
+Hello. Hello, how are you?
+I'm very well, thank you.
+00:59:35,440 --> 00:59:40,359
+This is gentleman's relish on
+a water biscuit and this is Marmite.
+00:59:40,360 --> 00:59:41,800
+00:59:51,640 --> 00:59:55,239
+'As darkness fell,
+the guests continued to arrive.'
+00:59:55,240 --> 00:59:57,959
+If you'd like to park up there,
+I'll do the proper park.
+00:59:57,960 --> 01:00:01,239
+Yours is a temporary park.
+I'm doing the big, actual park.
+01:00:01,240 --> 01:00:03,879
+It's my job.
+Move up, if you would, sir.
+01:00:03,880 --> 01:00:06,879
+'With the party in full swing,
+01:00:06,880 --> 01:00:09,559
+'it was time to demonstrate
+our British products.
+01:00:09,560 --> 01:00:13,120
+'Sadly, though,
+the lawnmower wouldn't start.'
+01:00:14,560 --> 01:00:15,639
+01:00:15,640 --> 01:00:19,480
+And Jeremy's diplomacy was as bad
+as it had been at the hill-climb.
+01:00:20,560 --> 01:00:23,439
+This is something I think
+you could sell well in India.
+01:00:23,440 --> 01:00:27,080
+Most British two or three-star
+hotels have these.
+01:00:28,360 --> 01:00:31,039
+Judging by the cars
+that were turning up,
+01:00:31,040 --> 01:00:33,639
+it was clear Delhi's elite
+had come to the party.
+01:00:33,640 --> 01:00:37,839
+But unfortunately for Richard,
+they'd all arrived at once.
+01:00:37,840 --> 01:00:42,199
+I'm your valet park... Oh, just wait
+there, I'm going to park your car.
+01:00:42,200 --> 01:00:43,320
+Just don't move.
+01:00:45,760 --> 01:00:48,679
+Hold on. Nobody park.
+No, where are they going? Agh!
+01:00:48,680 --> 01:00:51,479
+I have a proper
+British lawnmower at home,
+01:00:51,480 --> 01:00:54,239
+an Atco twin-clutch,
+but I don't actually have a lawn,
+01:00:54,240 --> 01:00:57,679
+but it's still something that's very
+pleasant to own, as an artefact,
+01:00:57,680 --> 01:01:00,919
+as an example of fine engineering,
+with a great engineering...
+01:01:00,920 --> 01:01:05,239
+'So, James was boring everyone
+to death,
+01:01:05,240 --> 01:01:08,439
+'half the world's mosquitoes
+had arrived,
+01:01:08,440 --> 01:01:10,479
+'my parking system
+was in disarray... '
+01:01:10,480 --> 01:01:13,839
+Just one second. I just... Don't go.
+01:01:13,840 --> 01:01:16,999
+'..and Jeremy was still being
+a diplomatic nightmare.'
+01:01:17,000 --> 01:01:19,359
+I could arrive at your house,
+do my business,
+01:01:19,360 --> 01:01:23,080
+and then come and see you without
+doing it all over your kitchen floor.
+01:01:24,680 --> 01:01:28,799
+'Plainly, it was time to get
+the Top Gear band on stage.'
+01:01:28,800 --> 01:01:32,279
+OFF-KEY: # Don't carry the world
+01:01:32,280 --> 01:01:34,720
+♪ Across your shoulder
+01:01:36,240 --> 01:01:38,719
+♪ Na na na la-la
+01:01:38,720 --> 01:01:41,399
+♪ La la la
+01:01:41,400 --> 01:01:44,439
+♪ Na na-na
+01:01:44,440 --> 01:01:46,160
+♪ Na-na-na na
+01:01:47,680 --> 01:01:48,880
+♪ Na-na-na na
+01:01:49,920 --> 01:01:51,599
+♪ Hey, Jude
+01:01:51,600 --> 01:01:52,880
+01:01:52,881 --> 01:01:56,279
+For some reason,
+the crowd wasn't warming to us,
+01:01:56,280 --> 01:01:59,600
+so I decided to set off
+my firework.
+01:02:01,080 --> 01:02:02,399
+♪ Hey, Jude
+01:02:02,400 --> 01:02:03,799
+♪ Hey, Jude. ♪
+01:02:03,800 --> 01:02:05,239
+01:02:05,240 --> 01:02:07,319
+01:02:07,320 --> 01:02:09,840
+01:02:10,720 --> 01:02:16,079
+Strangely, the guests took this
+massive explosion as a cue to leave,
+01:02:16,080 --> 01:02:18,360
+but that was harder
+than they thought.
+01:02:22,640 --> 01:02:25,320
+This one? It's not that one.
+01:02:30,400 --> 01:02:32,959
+The next morning,
+we had to face the fact
+01:02:32,960 --> 01:02:35,519
+that our party had been a disaster.
+01:02:35,520 --> 01:02:38,599
+But it had been even worse than that
+for Hammond.
+01:02:38,600 --> 01:02:42,479
+Just tell me what happened.
+A very tall, willowy Indian girl
+01:02:42,480 --> 01:02:46,239
+wanted her photograph taken with me,
+so she stood next to me.
+01:02:46,240 --> 01:02:49,559
+Yeah, yeah? And just as a man was
+about to take the picture on a phone,
+01:02:49,560 --> 01:02:52,159
+a small creature,
+an insect... a fly, perhaps...
+01:02:52,160 --> 01:02:54,719
+bit sharply into my right teste.
+01:02:54,720 --> 01:02:57,399
+Through your trousers?
+I imagine it went up the leg.
+01:02:57,400 --> 01:03:00,759
+Well, it's not a long journey.
+That's a long way, this is...
+01:03:00,760 --> 01:03:02,678
+Crawled all the way up
+to bite you...
+01:03:02,679 --> 01:03:05,160
+It chose that moment...
+"Yes, of course... agh!"
+01:03:05,161 --> 01:03:07,679
+I couldn't...
+That's flat out. Look at it.
+01:03:07,680 --> 01:03:09,319
+So it's...
+01:03:09,320 --> 01:03:12,399
+So he's got
+an out-of-control lawnmower,
+01:03:12,400 --> 01:03:14,879
+you have... A sore plum.
+..a sore plum.
+01:03:14,880 --> 01:03:18,799
+I think it's now time
+to leave the city, to leave Delhi,
+01:03:18,800 --> 01:03:21,880
+and get on
+with our countryside mission.
+01:03:23,000 --> 01:03:26,239
+We decided to head even further
+north, into the Himalayas,
+01:03:26,240 --> 01:03:30,559
+where our cars would be faced with
+rough roads and mountainous terrain.
+01:03:30,560 --> 01:03:34,839
+So, to prepare them for this,
+we found a workshop...
+01:03:34,840 --> 01:03:37,639
+and cue the music.
+01:03:37,640 --> 01:03:41,080
+MUSIC: Theme from "The A-Team"
+01:03:53,560 --> 01:03:55,400
+That's what I'm talking about.
+01:04:10,080 --> 01:04:12,640
+01:04:14,280 --> 01:04:16,999
+OK, what I've done to the Jag is...
+01:04:17,000 --> 01:04:19,399
+is ruin it comprehensively.
+01:04:19,400 --> 01:04:21,920
+'I'd fitted much chunkier
+tyres, which had
+01:04:21,921 --> 01:04:24,439
+meant messing around
+with the suspension,
+01:04:24,440 --> 01:04:27,199
+'and this had had
+a dramatic effect.'
+01:04:27,200 --> 01:04:29,319
+The ride is now intolerable,
+01:04:29,320 --> 01:04:33,599
+the tyres are catching
+on the arches, as you can hear.
+01:04:33,600 --> 01:04:36,079
+The noise is simply unbearable,
+01:04:36,080 --> 01:04:39,759
+the braking is now very poor,
+the rev counter has broken,
+01:04:39,760 --> 01:04:41,799
+BUT on the upside, though,
+01:04:41,800 --> 01:04:44,599
+because the exhaust now
+goes straight out of the bonnet
+01:04:44,600 --> 01:04:48,399
+rather than under the car,
+I have much more ground clearance,
+01:04:48,400 --> 01:04:49,880
+about that much more.
+01:04:51,080 --> 01:04:54,400
+Oh! Ho, ho, ho!
+01:04:55,880 --> 01:04:59,519
+James had also fiddled
+with his suspension
+01:04:59,520 --> 01:05:01,519
+to accommodate the chunkier rubber.
+01:05:01,520 --> 01:05:03,640
+And he too had made
+a complete mess of it.
+01:05:05,440 --> 01:05:07,240
+Oh, God!
+01:05:08,960 --> 01:05:11,519
+I've ruined everything.
+01:05:11,520 --> 01:05:15,160
+There's no point trying to say anything
+intelligent, it's just too noisy.
+01:05:22,160 --> 01:05:24,480
+That is quite a noise, isn't it?
+01:05:26,040 --> 01:05:28,079
+My car is fine,
+01:05:28,080 --> 01:05:32,519
+because I haven't modified
+or messed about with it.
+01:05:32,520 --> 01:05:35,599
+I put it on some new tyres...
+that's not modification,
+01:05:35,600 --> 01:05:39,359
+that's something you do. I put it
+on rally tyres, just in case.
+01:05:39,360 --> 01:05:42,719
+I have fitted a sump guard to protect
+the underside if it bottoms out,
+01:05:42,720 --> 01:05:44,439
+and the winch... that's not for me,
+01:05:44,440 --> 01:05:47,279
+that's to rescue those two idiots
+WHEN they get stuck,
+01:05:47,280 --> 01:05:48,800
+which they will. That's it.
+01:05:51,560 --> 01:05:56,080
+The overnight hold
+is 198 miles away.
+01:05:57,720 --> 01:05:59,600
+01:06:03,160 --> 01:06:07,239
+'James and I spent the next hour
+arguing about whose car was worse.'
+01:06:07,240 --> 01:06:09,599
+Can you not feel those rear tyres?
+01:06:09,600 --> 01:06:12,759
+'So, after a typically Indian
+fuel stop... '
+01:06:12,760 --> 01:06:14,639
+01:06:14,640 --> 01:06:15,999
+No, don't be silly.
+01:06:16,000 --> 01:06:18,040
+'..we decided to swap.'
+01:06:21,080 --> 01:06:23,359
+What a shocking racket!
+01:06:23,360 --> 01:06:25,920
+01:06:31,760 --> 01:06:33,080
+Oh, my God!
+01:06:35,720 --> 01:06:37,479
+I've just tried to go above 50.
+01:06:37,480 --> 01:06:40,399
+Jeremy, you're on fire.
+01:06:40,400 --> 01:06:42,999
+There is smoke, isn't there,
+coming from the Rolls?
+01:06:43,000 --> 01:06:45,199
+No, it's coming off the tyre.
+01:06:45,200 --> 01:06:48,039
+Oh, James,
+you can have this back now.
+01:06:48,040 --> 01:06:49,680
+It's frightening.
+01:06:50,960 --> 01:06:52,679
+I'm really sorry, Mr Cameron.
+01:06:52,680 --> 01:06:57,080
+Thanks to those two,
+our trade mission is in tatters.
+01:06:58,920 --> 01:07:01,439
+Back in the Jag, I decided
+to use my new PA system
+01:07:01,440 --> 01:07:05,479
+to give Hammond some noises
+HE wouldn't enjoy.
+01:07:05,480 --> 01:07:09,839
+MUSIC: "I Know What I Like
+(ln Your Wardrobe)" by Genesis
+01:07:09,840 --> 01:07:13,359
+Oh... Genesis, Hammond,
+I know you like it.
+01:07:13,360 --> 01:07:15,440
+It's that song.
+01:07:21,720 --> 01:07:23,440
+Ah! I hate that bit.
+01:07:24,840 --> 01:07:26,720
+It's that bit!
+01:07:29,240 --> 01:07:31,839
+With my straight through exhaust,
+I've more power,
+01:07:31,840 --> 01:07:35,040
+so I don't think you can outrun
+my Genesis concept solution.
+01:07:39,000 --> 01:07:42,239
+'In the next town
+I stopped annoying Hammond
+01:07:42,240 --> 01:07:45,879
+'and used my PA system
+to fly the flag little bit.'
+01:07:45,880 --> 01:07:47,800
+01:07:50,000 --> 01:07:53,879
+Are you watching this, Mr Cameron?
+This is how you run a trade mission.
+01:07:53,880 --> 01:07:58,239
+People of India,
+call me trouser presses,
+01:07:58,240 --> 01:08:00,439
+01:08:00,440 --> 01:08:02,959
+armour jackets,
+these are the things you need.
+01:08:02,960 --> 01:08:08,479
+As we ride into town in our convoy
+of excellent British cars...
+01:08:08,480 --> 01:08:09,839
+01:08:09,840 --> 01:08:11,799
+01:08:11,800 --> 01:08:13,880
+01:08:15,160 --> 01:08:17,119
+Oh, dear.
+01:08:17,120 --> 01:08:20,879
+It's taken the tyre off. Oh...
+We'll get it over there.
+01:08:20,880 --> 01:08:22,800
+You, come with us.
+01:08:33,760 --> 01:08:36,279
+You can't go...
+01:08:36,280 --> 01:08:41,639
+Where are you going? You can't
+just smash somebody's car up.
+01:08:41,640 --> 01:08:44,199
+We're on a very important
+mission to try
+01:08:44,200 --> 01:08:47,920
+and save our country
+from bankruptcy, and now look.
+01:08:48,960 --> 01:08:51,120
+Now he's just driving off!
+01:08:54,080 --> 01:08:56,760
+He's gone. He's just gone.
+01:08:59,760 --> 01:09:04,079
+'We were becoming bored with Jeremy
+crashing into the locals,
+01:09:04,080 --> 01:09:07,159
+'so we left him to it.'
+See you soon.
+01:09:07,160 --> 01:09:09,040
+Buy British whenever possible.
+01:09:12,480 --> 01:09:17,600
+Soon, though, we were reunited and
+in the foothills of the Himalayas.
+01:09:22,880 --> 01:09:25,000
+Nice drive, this.
+If I had proper wheels and
+01:09:25,001 --> 01:09:27,120
+tyres on the car, it
+would be even nicer.
+01:09:34,400 --> 01:09:38,320
+Oh, blinding majesty,
+natural beauty. It's all there.
+01:09:41,720 --> 01:09:43,079
+This is beautiful.
+01:09:43,080 --> 01:09:46,399
+'For the first time
+since we arrived in India,
+01:09:46,400 --> 01:09:48,759
+'there was a bit of peace and quiet.'
+01:09:48,760 --> 01:09:50,559
+01:09:50,560 --> 01:09:51,960
+01:09:53,320 --> 01:09:54,960
+Clarkson, do bugger off.
+01:09:57,400 --> 01:10:01,760
+Monkey, monkey,
+monkey with MASSIVE testicles!
+01:10:03,520 --> 01:10:08,280
+'As night fell,
+we came across a village fete.'
+01:10:13,240 --> 01:10:17,959
+'Everyone was doing business,
+so I ramped up the PA.'
+01:10:17,960 --> 01:10:19,520
+01:10:20,880 --> 01:10:22,920
+The British are back... I mean here.
+01:10:24,360 --> 01:10:27,079
+'And we stopped
+to promote our themes.'
+01:10:27,080 --> 01:10:30,039
+And now, if I can demonstrate,
+with this piece of garland.
+01:10:30,040 --> 01:10:33,799
+Your lawn, grown too long.
+01:10:33,800 --> 01:10:36,079
+Engage the lawnmower.
+01:10:36,080 --> 01:10:39,879
+It is simply blown away. Like that.
+We'll work on that...
+01:10:39,880 --> 01:10:43,159
+'Nobody was very interested.
+01:10:43,160 --> 01:10:45,719
+'So, at the hotel that night,
+to cheer ourselves up,
+01:10:45,720 --> 01:10:49,040
+'Hammond and I decided
+to improve May's Rolls.'
+01:10:50,360 --> 01:10:52,999
+What are you doing?
+Thread that through his car.
+01:10:53,000 --> 01:10:55,639
+To the horn, in such a way...
+Go and find the horn.
+01:10:55,640 --> 01:10:58,839
+Through the back seat.
+Don't knock my beer over.
+01:10:58,840 --> 01:11:00,840
+I'm not going
+to knock your beer over!
+01:11:04,280 --> 01:11:07,960
+'The next morning
+we woke up in Switzerland.
+01:11:09,040 --> 01:11:13,840
+'Only this was taller and warmer
+and better in every way.
+01:11:15,320 --> 01:11:19,360
+'It was also more peaceful as I had
+fitted some silencers to my Jag.'
+01:11:23,080 --> 01:11:27,639
+On the upside, my new exhaust system
+is much quieter than before.
+01:11:27,640 --> 01:11:31,639
+On the downside, it's making
+a really annoying, jangling sound
+01:11:31,640 --> 01:11:33,640
+and I can't see where I'm going.
+01:11:34,880 --> 01:11:36,799
+Still, it could be worse.
+01:11:36,800 --> 01:11:38,919
+01:11:38,920 --> 01:11:41,439
+01:11:41,440 --> 01:11:43,400
+Hammond? Yes!
+01:11:44,960 --> 01:11:48,399
+Can you hear a blowing noise?
+01:11:48,400 --> 01:11:50,319
+Oh, for God's sake!
+01:11:50,320 --> 01:11:53,400
+01:11:54,760 --> 01:11:56,639
+'What's the matter?'
+01:11:56,640 --> 01:11:58,820
+Well, I suspect you
+know, but I'll explain
+01:11:58,821 --> 01:12:01,000
+it to you anyway...
+braking sounds the horn.
+01:12:02,480 --> 01:12:05,359
+01:12:05,360 --> 01:12:10,679
+They've given me an interesting
+game now... try to avoid braking.
+01:12:10,680 --> 01:12:12,320
+01:12:14,680 --> 01:12:18,159
+'We continued onwards,
+determined to take our trade mission
+01:12:18,160 --> 01:12:20,360
+'into the heart of the Himalayas.
+01:12:21,720 --> 01:12:25,000
+'But the further north we went,
+the fewer people there were.'
+01:12:26,320 --> 01:12:27,520
+01:12:28,960 --> 01:12:32,100
+'By mid-morning, the only
+business that had been done
+01:12:32,101 --> 01:12:35,239
+involved Richard, buying a
+traditional local hat.'
+01:12:35,240 --> 01:12:36,840
+01:12:39,600 --> 01:12:41,680
+'So, we kept on climbing.'
+01:12:43,680 --> 01:12:45,839
+This is the road to China.
+01:12:45,840 --> 01:12:47,959
+Tibet. Can I say Tibet?
+01:12:47,960 --> 01:12:52,719
+I'm not sure what the politically
+correct way of saying that is.
+01:12:52,720 --> 01:12:55,600
+Doubtless the BBC
+has some ancient way of saying it.
+01:12:59,280 --> 01:13:02,279
+We're at 12,000 feet.
+01:13:02,280 --> 01:13:03,960
+One hell of a drop on the right.
+01:13:05,920 --> 01:13:10,560
+It's OK because there's a big row
+of pebbles to stop me going over.
+01:13:14,680 --> 01:13:19,120
+On the plus side, though, at this
+height, the views were staggering.
+01:13:20,880 --> 01:13:22,319
+Oh, oh!
+01:13:22,320 --> 01:13:24,920
+This is... something else.
+01:13:28,680 --> 01:13:31,039
+That stays with you for ever.
+01:13:31,040 --> 01:13:33,320
+Utterly beautiful.
+01:13:34,800 --> 01:13:37,799
+I know just the song
+that will match the moment.
+01:13:37,800 --> 01:13:39,759
+No, it won't.
+01:13:39,760 --> 01:13:44,439
+MUSIC: "I Know What I Like
+(ln Your Wardrobe)" by Genesis
+01:13:44,440 --> 01:13:46,360
+Oh, God!
+01:13:48,240 --> 01:13:52,439
+'The magnificence of our
+surroundings was all well and good,
+01:13:52,440 --> 01:13:56,239
+'but the views weren't translating
+into business for Britain.'
+01:13:56,240 --> 01:14:00,799
+This has a last frontier feel
+to it, this does. I hope it isn't.
+01:14:00,800 --> 01:14:04,519
+Not much call for trouser presses
+or lawnmowers here,
+01:14:04,520 --> 01:14:06,480
+or hair products, if we're honest.
+01:14:08,880 --> 01:14:13,440
+'Then, to make our lives even more
+difficult, the Tarmac stopped.'
+01:14:18,280 --> 01:14:21,160
+Hammond, problems for you here...
+it's off...road.
+01:14:22,600 --> 01:14:25,800
+'But Richard, besotted with
+his Mini, would hear none of it.'
+01:14:28,040 --> 01:14:31,199
+I'll just keep going
+until Everest comes into view
+01:14:31,200 --> 01:14:32,760
+and then deal with that.
+01:14:33,920 --> 01:14:36,119
+Oh, that's bouncing.
+01:14:36,120 --> 01:14:38,520
+It hops from bump to bump!
+01:14:48,960 --> 01:14:52,759
+This is actually quite unpleasant.
+01:14:52,760 --> 01:14:54,679
+But we must soldier on...
+01:14:54,680 --> 01:14:56,400
+for our country.
+01:15:00,160 --> 01:15:02,519
+The problem is that mud
+and rock slides
+01:15:02,520 --> 01:15:04,879
+take this road away
+every few months.
+01:15:04,880 --> 01:15:12,039
+Look, just a massive rock slide
+there has ruined the road.
+01:15:12,040 --> 01:15:14,839
+'The locals use dynamite
+to clear away the debris.'
+01:15:14,840 --> 01:15:16,680
+01:15:21,320 --> 01:15:26,680
+'It's a losing battle and pretty
+soon the road ahead was blocked.'
+01:15:30,080 --> 01:15:34,879
+'Thanking our lucky stars, we'd
+had the sense to modify our cars,
+01:15:34,880 --> 01:15:38,239
+'we decided to bypass the blockage
+by using a steep cut-through.
+01:15:38,240 --> 01:15:42,680
+'Hammond elected to go first
+in his beloved Mini.'
+01:15:44,080 --> 01:15:45,559
+Wind that baby up.
+01:15:45,560 --> 01:15:47,520
+Come on, little Mini.
+01:15:49,360 --> 01:15:51,440
+Go on! There you go. Yeah!
+01:15:55,920 --> 01:15:58,000
+'Next, it was the turn of the Jag.'
+01:16:01,840 --> 01:16:04,360
+Oh, come on, you can do this!
+01:16:05,640 --> 01:16:08,279
+Go, go, go!
+01:16:08,280 --> 01:16:11,159
+You brilliant car!
+01:16:11,160 --> 01:16:14,399
+it was George Harrison's go.'
+01:16:14,400 --> 01:16:18,479
+Lord Ganesh,
+make my climb auspicious.
+01:16:18,480 --> 01:16:19,800
+Here we go.
+01:16:33,160 --> 01:16:36,120
+Oh, no! So close!
+01:16:37,680 --> 01:16:40,320
+It looked very good for a moment.
+It DID look very good.
+01:16:41,880 --> 01:16:44,159
+How much does that weigh, James?
+01:16:44,160 --> 01:16:46,519
+2.2 tonnes.
+01:16:46,520 --> 01:16:48,599
+2.2 tonnes of Rolls-Royce.
+01:16:48,600 --> 01:16:51,119
+01:16:51,120 --> 01:16:54,879
+Now, rock it out.
+01:16:54,880 --> 01:16:57,559
+Mind your feet.
+This always goes well
+01:16:57,560 --> 01:17:00,159
+when Top Gear are filming
+situations like this.
+01:17:00,160 --> 01:17:02,879
+Here we go. Go!
+01:17:02,880 --> 01:17:05,639
+'The Rolls wasn't going anywhere.
+01:17:05,640 --> 01:17:08,160
+'So we decided to engage
+Hammond's winch.'
+01:17:09,200 --> 01:17:10,879
+You're all right.
+01:17:10,880 --> 01:17:14,159
+'To prevent the little Mini being
+winched into the Rolls-Royce,
+01:17:14,160 --> 01:17:15,600
+'we anchored it to my Jag.'
+01:17:15,601 --> 01:17:19,519
+I don't know what this weighs,
+I guess 1.8 tonnes.
+01:17:19,520 --> 01:17:23,959
+Hammond's Mini
+takes it up to 2.4 tonnes.
+01:17:23,960 --> 01:17:28,240
+Why do I always have to do
+manual labour at high altitude?
+01:17:30,360 --> 01:17:32,719
+We really should chock it.
+01:17:32,720 --> 01:17:34,919
+01:17:34,920 --> 01:17:36,879
+Stop. Stop.
+01:17:36,880 --> 01:17:39,020
+You're going to run your car,
+presumably, be ready to move.
+01:17:39,021 --> 01:17:41,160
+Yeah, I'll give it the beans.
+01:17:42,840 --> 01:17:46,479
+Right! Jeremy, give it 1,500 rpm.
+01:17:46,480 --> 01:17:47,520
+01:17:49,240 --> 01:17:52,719
+They've given me a very easy job here
+Keep the revs up, which I have.
+01:17:52,720 --> 01:17:56,159
+Just taking the slack. Are we ready?!
+01:17:56,160 --> 01:17:59,279
+Let's get it moved! Here we go now!
+01:17:59,280 --> 01:18:03,559
+Say when. I'm winching it in, taking
+it up now, you should feel the pull.
+01:18:03,560 --> 01:18:06,760
+Oh, yes, it's going. Here we go.
+01:18:11,120 --> 01:18:12,400
+01:18:15,320 --> 01:18:18,879
+Just give it some more revs.
+Here we go. Give it some more revs.
+01:18:18,880 --> 01:18:21,199
+You're not even spinning.
+01:18:21,200 --> 01:18:25,079
+I don't understand winching, but
+I don't think that is part of it.
+01:18:25,080 --> 01:18:27,319
+It's not moving at all!
+01:18:27,320 --> 01:18:29,959
+Oh, hang on a minute. What?
+01:18:29,960 --> 01:18:31,920
+No, just give it some more revs!
+No, stop!
+01:18:31,921 --> 01:18:33,759
+James, you're not even trying!
+01:18:33,760 --> 01:18:36,040
+You're not looking, Hammond.
+You're not...
+01:19:00,840 --> 01:19:02,239
+01:19:02,240 --> 01:19:03,959
+01:19:03,960 --> 01:19:06,840
+Can you think of any way
+that we can cheer Hammond up?
+01:19:08,040 --> 01:19:10,599
+Well, Genesis springs to mind.
+01:19:10,600 --> 01:19:12,959
+I'm thinking the same thing.
+01:19:12,960 --> 01:19:17,720
+MUSIC: "I Know What I Like"
+by Genesis
+01:19:21,520 --> 01:19:24,719
+Hammond, you know in the circus,
+they have those clown cars
+01:19:24,720 --> 01:19:27,159
+where various bits
+fall off as they go along?
+01:19:27,160 --> 01:19:29,680
+01:19:31,880 --> 01:19:33,240
+I'm not replying.
+01:19:37,160 --> 01:19:41,760
+In fact, it was quite a while
+before we heard from Hammond again.
+01:19:43,680 --> 01:19:47,479
+Guys, how far away is the hotel?
+How many hours?
+01:19:47,480 --> 01:19:50,159
+'Er... about two hours.'
+01:19:50,160 --> 01:19:53,039
+It's getting dark already.
+01:19:53,040 --> 01:19:55,279
+'It does that.
+01:19:55,280 --> 01:19:58,119
+'Does that nearly everywhere.'
+Yeah, well, at the risk
+01:19:58,120 --> 01:20:01,999
+of stirring up a lot of laughter,
+I haven't got any headlights.
+01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:05,119
+01:20:05,120 --> 01:20:07,559
+'What happened to them?
+01:20:07,560 --> 01:20:09,560
+'Has the fuse blown?'
+01:20:11,080 --> 01:20:15,399
+I have a suggestion. A way
+we could stick together and stop.
+01:20:15,400 --> 01:20:17,359
+'What suggestion?'
+01:20:17,360 --> 01:20:21,399
+What if we just stopped and camped?
+01:20:21,400 --> 01:20:23,799
+'Tenting?! Here?
+01:20:23,800 --> 01:20:26,519
+'At minus 50?!'
+01:20:26,520 --> 01:20:29,519
+Oh, for God's sake!
+It's going dark.
+01:20:29,520 --> 01:20:35,040
+Very soon, I won't be able to see
+at all. Hammond, we're not camping!
+01:20:39,720 --> 01:20:41,160
+01:20:44,280 --> 01:20:46,639
+It's nice to... It...!
+01:20:46,640 --> 01:20:47,920
+Kill me.
+01:20:48,920 --> 01:20:50,599
+All right. I wish I was dead.
+01:20:50,600 --> 01:20:52,359
+01:20:52,360 --> 01:20:54,239
+thanks to you...
+01:20:54,240 --> 01:20:56,919
+and mounting your winch
+to your front wings,
+01:20:56,920 --> 01:21:00,839
+like an imbecile, we're forced
+to live like mediaeval peasants.
+01:21:00,840 --> 01:21:03,879
+Why can't we ever do
+a Christmas special one year where
+01:21:03,880 --> 01:21:06,479
+we go from Monaco to Portofino?!
+01:21:06,480 --> 01:21:08,279
+How luxurious can this be?!
+01:21:08,280 --> 01:21:10,300
+I was the first to check
+in to a five-star hotel.
+01:21:10,301 --> 01:21:12,319
+As you can see, I've
+done it properly.
+01:21:12,320 --> 01:21:16,159
+A man's carrying all my bags. Yes.
+But then Jeremy arrived. Yes.
+01:21:16,160 --> 01:21:18,799
+Diddly dee, dee, diddly dee!
+"Oh, my word, Jeremy,"
+01:21:18,800 --> 01:21:20,760
+"look what you've got as your car?!"
+01:21:20,761 --> 01:21:22,679
+"It's the new Ferrari FF."
+01:21:22,680 --> 01:21:25,759
+I wonder where Hammond is?
+01:21:25,760 --> 01:21:30,040
+Hammond had indeed checked into a
+Formule 1 in a Renault 4. THEY LAUGH
+01:21:41,160 --> 01:21:45,119
+The next morning, as I was
+finishing off my Mini repairs,
+01:21:45,120 --> 01:21:49,639
+it was clear that Jeremy
+hadn't had the best of nights.
+01:21:49,640 --> 01:21:54,439
+My pillow was just a pillowcase
+soaked in glacial water
+01:21:54,440 --> 01:21:56,119
+and then filled with stones.
+01:21:56,120 --> 01:21:59,679
+My sleeping bag broke.
+My blanket was see-through.
+01:21:59,680 --> 01:22:03,959
+My body was down to a temperature
+hitherto unknown to science.
+01:22:03,960 --> 01:22:06,360
+I would have come and bludgeoned
+you to death last night.
+01:22:06,361 --> 01:22:08,760
+But you're not moaning
+about it, so that's OK(!)
+01:22:16,720 --> 01:22:19,639
+The misery of tenting
+wasn't our only problem,
+01:22:19,640 --> 01:22:22,799
+because we were running out of India
+and it was clear,
+01:22:22,800 --> 01:22:24,280
+looking back...
+01:22:26,160 --> 01:22:29,040
+that our trade mission
+hadn't been a success.
+01:22:33,360 --> 01:22:34,560
+Thank you very much.
+01:22:37,760 --> 01:22:39,399
+01:22:39,400 --> 01:22:41,040
+01:22:45,920 --> 01:22:49,759
+But then, in the next valley,
+we came across some kids playing
+01:22:49,760 --> 01:22:53,520
+a rudimentary version
+of India's most revered sport...
+01:22:57,680 --> 01:23:00,079
+which we decided
+could be improved.
+01:23:00,080 --> 01:23:01,639
+01:23:01,640 --> 01:23:04,879
+Excuse me? Guys!
+01:23:04,880 --> 01:23:07,279
+What's this?
+01:23:07,280 --> 01:23:09,599
+Right, you ready, Hammo?
+01:23:09,600 --> 01:23:12,160
+01:23:14,240 --> 01:23:15,959
+01:23:15,960 --> 01:23:17,159
+01:23:17,160 --> 01:23:19,520
+01:23:22,240 --> 01:23:25,199
+'And so, outside the Hillview cafe,
+01:23:25,200 --> 01:23:28,520
+'high in the Himalayas,
+straight six cricket was born.'
+01:23:30,160 --> 01:23:32,399
+Whoa! There it comes! Oh, very good!
+01:23:32,400 --> 01:23:34,719
+01:23:34,720 --> 01:23:37,999
+We burdened them
+with the misery of cricket.
+01:23:38,000 --> 01:23:41,480
+Now, we're here to reinvent it.
+01:23:42,520 --> 01:23:46,719
+'In fact, it was such a hit,
+we decided to have a Test match.'
+01:23:46,720 --> 01:23:48,519
+This is England versus India now!
+01:23:48,520 --> 01:23:51,800
+Our crew are going to do
+some fielding.
+01:23:55,440 --> 01:23:56,799
+Good shot!
+01:23:56,800 --> 01:24:00,079
+New bowler, everybody. James May.
+01:24:00,080 --> 01:24:02,000
+01:24:03,080 --> 01:24:05,479
+Stat! Catch it!
+01:24:05,480 --> 01:24:07,920
+01:24:09,720 --> 01:24:13,439
+Yes! Somebody's out!
+Love your move!
+01:24:13,440 --> 01:24:15,560
+Good answer!
+01:24:17,840 --> 01:24:21,679
+'Half a tank of Jag fuel later,
+the match was over
+01:24:21,680 --> 01:24:23,959
+'and India had won.'
+01:24:23,960 --> 01:24:26,279
+You know the Ashes?
+01:24:26,280 --> 01:24:28,959
+This is the bridge
+from his double bass.
+01:24:28,960 --> 01:24:32,839
+We burn this and then
+we present it in an urn...
+01:24:32,840 --> 01:24:34,439
+to you.
+01:24:34,440 --> 01:24:38,280
+'For the first time on our trade
+mission, we'd got something right.
+01:24:39,800 --> 01:24:43,679
+'In burning a bridge,
+we'd actually built a bridge
+01:24:43,680 --> 01:24:48,679
+'that would become a business bridge
+of friendship and erm... trade.'
+01:24:48,680 --> 01:24:50,679
+Well, there, that was quite good.
+01:24:50,680 --> 01:24:53,519
+Careful. They're really hot. Hot!
+01:24:53,520 --> 01:24:57,039
+You have the Ashes. You have the
+Ashes. Well done. See you in a year.
+01:24:57,040 --> 01:24:59,199
+Well done, everybody.
+Back in a year!
+01:24:59,200 --> 01:25:02,880
+We're taking them home next year!
+01:25:04,040 --> 01:25:08,040
+There was something else
+that we got right on this trip...
+01:25:10,320 --> 01:25:12,480
+our cars.
+01:25:14,280 --> 01:25:16,280
+This Jaguar has been...
+01:25:17,280 --> 01:25:20,399
+well, genuinely astonishing.
+01:25:20,400 --> 01:25:24,399
+It really has. It's done things
+WAY beyond what was envisaged
+01:25:24,400 --> 01:25:26,239
+when it was designed.
+01:25:26,240 --> 01:25:28,919
+And really, it's been two cars...
+01:25:28,920 --> 01:25:30,799
+in Bombay and Jaipur,
+01:25:30,800 --> 01:25:33,639
+it was sleek and graceful and fast,
+01:25:33,640 --> 01:25:36,439
+whereas here in the mountains,
+01:25:36,440 --> 01:25:38,399
+it's just plain heroic.
+01:25:38,400 --> 01:25:40,920
+I really, genuinely love this car.
+01:25:41,920 --> 01:25:44,279
+I want an XJS in my life.
+01:25:44,280 --> 01:25:47,719
+There's just something about it
+which is absolutely brilliant.
+01:25:47,720 --> 01:25:49,679
+01:25:49,680 --> 01:25:52,920
+I'm exhausted,
+but the old girl isn't.
+01:25:55,000 --> 01:25:58,079
+While we're alone, viewers,
+I'll be honest with you,
+01:25:58,080 --> 01:26:01,399
+I wasn't absolutely sure
+I'd make it in a Rolls-Royce.
+01:26:01,400 --> 01:26:05,439
+I always knew it was a gamble. And I
+was nervous about it all along.
+01:26:05,440 --> 01:26:09,000
+But look at this now...
+all still working perfectly.
+01:26:10,000 --> 01:26:11,880
+And it served me well.
+01:26:11,881 --> 01:26:13,759
+It hasn't really done
+anything wrong, this car,
+01:26:13,760 --> 01:26:16,759
+the only problems would have been
+ones that I created.
+01:26:16,760 --> 01:26:19,240
+It's just remarkable.
+01:26:25,200 --> 01:26:26,919
+One tough little puppy.
+01:26:26,920 --> 01:26:30,199
+And it's torn its own face off
+and been stitched back on.
+01:26:30,200 --> 01:26:33,119
+It's bruised, battered and scarred,
+but it's joyful.
+01:26:33,120 --> 01:26:35,519
+Even now, battling itself to pieces,
+01:26:35,520 --> 01:26:37,800
+it's a happy noise.
+01:26:39,040 --> 01:26:40,640
+It's still willing.
+01:26:48,080 --> 01:26:51,759
+'The truth is that these three
+fantastic cars have been better
+01:26:51,760 --> 01:26:55,879
+'ambassadors for Britain
+than we could ever be.
+01:26:55,880 --> 01:26:58,320
+'And that gave us an idea.'
+01:27:01,400 --> 01:27:03,400
+This is the place. This is perfect.
+01:27:04,960 --> 01:27:06,840
+Well, this is it.
+01:27:07,840 --> 01:27:09,359
+Goodbye, Jag.
+01:27:09,360 --> 01:27:13,760
+You have been an absolute star
+and I'm going to miss you.
+01:27:20,480 --> 01:27:24,359
+The Mini, the Jag and the Rolls
+would be mounted on plinths here,
+01:27:24,360 --> 01:27:28,600
+high in the mountains by the road
+connecting India and China...
+01:27:30,000 --> 01:27:31,959
+so that forevermore,
+01:27:31,960 --> 01:27:36,439
+people travelling between these two
+great economic superpowers will be
+01:27:36,440 --> 01:27:40,720
+reminded that far away, there's
+a small island called Britain...
+01:27:42,360 --> 01:27:44,600
+Great Britain.
+01:27:47,560 --> 01:27:54,039
+♪ Na-na-na, na-na na-na
+01:27:54,040 --> 01:27:56,759
+♪ Na-na na-na
+01:27:56,760 --> 01:27:59,160
+♪ Hey, Jude
+01:28:00,920 --> 01:28:07,159
+♪ Na-na-na, na-na na-na
+01:28:07,160 --> 01:28:10,039
+♪ Na-na na-na
+01:28:10,040 --> 01:28:11,160
+♪ Hey, Jude... ♪
+01:28:11,161 --> 01:28:13,799
+Sync and corrected by APOLLO
+ www.addic7ed.com
diff --git a/apps/nextjs/package.json b/apps/nextjs/package.json
index 2e62879..39886fb 100644
--- a/apps/nextjs/package.json
+++ b/apps/nextjs/package.json
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
"private": true,
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
- "build": "pnpm with-env next build",
+ "build": "bun with-env next build",
"clean": "git clean -xdf .next .turbo node_modules",
- "dev": "pnpm with-env next dev",
+ "dev": "bun with-env next dev",
"format": "prettier --check . --ignore-path ../../.gitignore",
"lint": "dotenv -v SKIP_ENV_VALIDATION=1 next lint",
"start": "pnpm with-env next start",
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"next": "^14.1.0",
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-dom": "18.2.0",
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"superjson": "2.2.1",
"zod": "^3.22.4"
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index d7fd5eb..20deabd 100644
--- a/apps/nextjs/src/app/layout.tsx
+++ b/apps/nextjs/src/app/layout.tsx
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import type { Metadata, Viewport } from "next";
+import { GeistMono } from "geist/font/mono";
+import { GeistSans } from "geist/font/sans";
import { cn } from "@quotes/ui";
import { ThemeProvider, ThemeToggle } from "@quotes/ui/theme";
import { Toaster } from "@quotes/ui/toast";
-import { GeistMono } from "geist/font/mono";
-import { GeistSans } from "geist/font/sans";
import { env } from "~/env";
import { TRPCReactProvider } from "~/trpc/react";
@@ -51,7 +52,10 @@ export default function RootLayout(props: {
- {props.children}
+ {props.children}
diff --git a/apps/nextjs/src/app/page.tsx b/apps/nextjs/src/app/page.tsx
index 306906e..12e4e91 100644
--- a/apps/nextjs/src/app/page.tsx
+++ b/apps/nextjs/src/app/page.tsx
@@ -1,63 +1,18 @@
-import { Suspense } from "react";
-import { Separator } from "@quotes/ui/separator";
-import { api } from "~/trpc/server";
-import { AuthShowcase } from "./_components/auth-showcase";
-import {
- CreatePostForm,
- PostCardSkeleton,
- PostList,
-} from "./_components/posts";
-export const runtime = "edge";
+import { Button } from "@quotes/ui/button";
+import srtParser2 from "srt-parser-2"
+import { promises as fs } from "fs"
export default async function HomePage(): Promise {
- // You can await this here if you don't want to show Suspense fallback below
- const posts = api.post.all();
+ const srtFile = await fs.readFile("~/Projects/quotes/apps/backend/subs.srt")
+ const parser = new srtParser2()
+ const srtData = parser.fromSrt(srtFile.toString())
return (
{" "}
- Turbo Template
Heading one
Heading two
diff --git a/apps/nextjs/src/app/player/page.tsx b/apps/nextjs/src/app/player/page.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec7f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/nextjs/src/app/player/page.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Card, CardContent, CardTitle } from "@quotes/ui/card";
+export default function Page() {
+ return (
+ Card Title Here
+ );
diff --git a/bun.lockb b/bun.lockb
index fb96462..92d7ae3 100755
Binary files a/bun.lockb and b/bun.lockb differ
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--- a/package.json
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"name": "turbo-template",
- "private": true,
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+ "@quotes/prettier-config": "^0.1.0",
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+ "turbo": "^1.12.4",
+ "typescript": "^5.3.3"
+ },
"engines": {
"node": ">=20.11.1"
+ "packageManager": "bun@1.0.29",
+ "prettier": "@quotes/prettier-config",
+ "private": true,
"scripts": {
"build": "turbo build",
"clean": "git clean -xdf node_modules",
@@ -20,15 +29,6 @@
"postinstall": "bun lint:ws",
"typecheck": "turbo typecheck"
- "devDependencies": {
- "@quotes/prettier-config": "^0.1.0",
- "@turbo/gen": "^1.12.4",
- "prettier": "^3.2.5",
- "turbo": "^1.12.4",
- "typescript": "^5.3.3"
- },
- "prettier": "@quotes/prettier-config",
- "packageManager": "bun@1.0.29",
"workspaces": [
diff --git a/packages/db-generator/.prettierignore b/packages/db-generator/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db-generator/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/db-generator/drizzle.config.ts b/packages/db-generator/drizzle.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01897f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db-generator/drizzle.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";
+export default {
+ schema: "./src/schema",
+ driver: "turso",
+ dbCredentials: {
+ url: process.env.DB_URL ?? "",
+ authToken: process.env.DB_AUTH_TOKEN ?? "",
+ },
+ tablesFilter: ["turbo__*"],
+ out: "./src/migrations",
+} satisfies Config;
diff --git a/packages/db-generator/package.json b/packages/db-generator/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbf87bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db-generator/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "name": "@quotes/db-generator",
+ "version": "0.1.0",
+ "private": true,
+ "main": "./src/index.ts",
+ "type": "module",
+ "exports": {
+ ".": "./src/index.ts"
+ },
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "scripts": {
+ "typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
+ "with-env": "dotenv -e ../../.env --"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@quotes/db": "^0.1.0",
+ "@types/fluent-ffmpeg": "^2.1.24",
+ "fluent-ffmpeg": "^2.1.3",
+ "srt-parser-2": "^1.2.3"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@quotes/eslint-config": "^0.2.0",
+ "@quotes/prettier-config": "^0.1.0",
+ "@quotes/tsconfig": "^0.1.0",
+ "dotenv-cli": "^7.3.0",
+ "drizzle-kit": "^0.20.14",
+ "eslint": "^8.57.0",
+ "prettier": "^3.2.5",
+ "typescript": "^5.3.3"
+ },
+ "eslintConfig": {
+ "root": true,
+ "extends": [
+ "@quotes/eslint-config/base"
+ ]
+ },
+ "prettier": "@quotes/prettier-config"
diff --git a/packages/db-generator/src/index.ts b/packages/db-generator/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d196c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db-generator/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { promises as fs } from "node:fs";
+import Ffmpeg from "fluent-ffmpeg";
+import SrtParser2 from "srt-parser-2";
+import { db } from "@quotes/db";
+const parser = new SrtParser2();
+ .input("/Users/maxwiseman/Downloads/India Special 2011.mkv")
+ .output("./subs.srt")
+ .run();
+const rawSrtData = await fs.readFile("./subs.srt");
+const srtData = parser.fromSrt(rawSrtData.toString());
diff --git a/packages/db-generator/subs.srt b/packages/db-generator/subs.srt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e1c7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db-generator/subs.srt
@@ -0,0 +1,6551 @@
+00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:18,259
+Sync and corrected by APOLLO
+ www.addic7ed.com
+00:00:20,760 --> 00:00:24,179
+Hello and welcome
+to a Top Gear special.
+00:00:24,680 --> 00:00:28,599
+You join us in Downing Street
+for a very good reason.
+00:00:28,600 --> 00:00:31,279
+You see, shortly after coming
+into power, Mr Cameron
+00:00:31,280 --> 00:00:33,879
+noticed that Britain was,
+in essence, bankrupt,
+00:00:33,880 --> 00:00:35,719
+and that to solve the problem
+00:00:35,720 --> 00:00:38,559
+we needed to do
+more business with India.
+00:00:38,560 --> 00:00:42,159
+He has a point, because it turns out
+we sell more to Ireland,
+00:00:42,160 --> 00:00:45,199
+that has a population of 4.5 million
+than we do to India,
+00:00:45,200 --> 00:00:47,679
+that has a population
+of 1,000 million.
+00:00:47,680 --> 00:00:49,799
+It's actually even worse
+than that.
+00:00:49,800 --> 00:00:53,599
+It turns out that we sell even less
+to India than the Belgians do.
+00:00:53,600 --> 00:00:57,639
+So, we contacted Downing Street
+and offered to go over to India
+00:00:57,640 --> 00:01:00,639
+and run a trade mission
+on the nation's behalf.
+00:01:00,640 --> 00:01:05,439
+I have here a personal letter reply
+to us from David Cameron himself.
+00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:07,879
+"Dear Top Gear,
+thank you for your letter.
+00:01:07,880 --> 00:01:12,039
+"Whilst it's true I'm keen on us
+to build on our ties out there,
+00:01:12,040 --> 00:01:16,159
+"sending you three is not quite
+what I had in mind.
+00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:18,120
+"The Foreign Secretary
+did wonder instead
+00:01:18,121 --> 00:01:20,079
+about a fencemending
+trip to Mexico."
+00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:23,479
+"Basically, my message is this..."
+00:01:23,480 --> 00:01:25,919
+"you do the cars,
+we'll do the diplomacy."
+00:01:25,920 --> 00:01:28,320
+Oh, here he comes now.
+00:01:31,960 --> 00:01:34,760
+Stay away from India.
+00:01:37,040 --> 00:01:38,679
+Well, that was unequivocal.
+00:01:38,680 --> 00:01:41,399
+Well, we're going to ignore
+the Prime Minister.
+00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:44,599
+What we're going to do instead is
+to buy three second-hand British
+00:01:44,600 --> 00:01:47,959
+cars, and then to head over there
+with a very simple objective...
+00:01:47,960 --> 00:01:50,120
+to rescue Britain.
+00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:03,799
+'The start point
+for our trade mission was Bombay.
+00:02:03,800 --> 00:02:05,279
+00:02:05,280 --> 00:02:09,280
+'A vibrant, teeming mass
+of 20 million potential customers.'
+00:02:16,360 --> 00:02:19,759
+I am the first to arrive,
+and as you possibly wouldn't expect
+00:02:19,760 --> 00:02:22,479
+I don't appear to have
+done this quite right.
+00:02:22,480 --> 00:02:25,399
+This is a Series-1 Rolls-Royce
+Silver Shadow from 1976.
+00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:29,599
+Some of you will be saying, "You should
+have brought a modern Rolls-Royce."
+00:02:29,600 --> 00:02:32,199
+There's two reasons why I couldn't...
+00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:35,719
+firstly, I had a budget
+of just ã7,000.
+00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:38,679
+Secondly, a modern Rolls-Royce
+is of course a German car,
+00:02:38,680 --> 00:02:42,599
+whereas this one was hand-wrought
+in Crewe in a factory that used
+00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:45,559
+to make Merlin engines
+for Spitfires out of the finest
+00:02:53,280 --> 00:02:56,599
+'At this point Jeremy arrived... '
+00:02:56,600 --> 00:03:00,479
+'..in easily the most inappropriate
+car it is possible to imagine.'
+00:03:00,480 --> 00:03:03,999
+You stupid man.
+What's wrong with it?
+00:03:04,000 --> 00:03:07,639
+We're here representing Britain,
+and all that's great about Britain,
+00:03:07,640 --> 00:03:10,239
+and you have brought along
+a Jaguar XJS,
+00:03:10,240 --> 00:03:13,999
+almost certainly our country's
+most historically unreliable car.
+00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:16,639
+This is the celebration model.
+00:03:16,640 --> 00:03:19,999
+Is it a celebration of production
+finally coming to end?
+00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:21,919
+60 years of Jaguar.
+00:03:21,920 --> 00:03:24,879
+Special wheels,
+special colour-coordinated bumpers,
+00:03:24,880 --> 00:03:27,359
+four-litre, straight six engine.
+00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:30,959
+That thing has a reputation
+for stopping.
+00:03:30,960 --> 00:03:32,880
+James, as I recall
+the braking system
+00:03:32,881 --> 00:03:36,079
+and steering is controlled
+by hydraulics. That is right.
+00:03:36,080 --> 00:03:39,439
+Now, if this car were to break
+down in the Rolls-Royce factory,
+00:03:39,440 --> 00:03:43,159
+next to the team that built it,
+they wouldn't be able to mend it.
+00:03:43,160 --> 00:03:46,999
+You're in India. Yes. If your
+hydraulics go wrong, you are out.
+00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:48,920
+You are an embarrassment
+to the nation.
+00:03:48,921 --> 00:03:51,159
+And can I just say, this vinyl roof,
+00:03:51,160 --> 00:03:53,399
+he's just put the final
+over the guttering.
+00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:55,519
+This is not an advertisement.
+00:03:55,520 --> 00:03:58,519
+If you were advertising
+Millets' tenting...
+00:03:58,520 --> 00:04:02,599
+This car helped cement the very
+special Anglo-Indian relationship.
+00:04:02,600 --> 00:04:05,519
+How? The favoured car
+of the maharajas.
+00:04:05,520 --> 00:04:08,919
+They sold hundreds of cars to India.
+Only because Jaguar wasn't around.
+00:04:08,920 --> 00:04:12,799
+All of the maharajas would have had
+XJSs. They wouldn't. They would!
+00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:16,959
+'At this point, something
+very small arrived... ' Ha ha!
+00:04:16,960 --> 00:04:17,760
+'..in a Mini!'
+00:04:17,761 --> 00:04:20,359
+Oh, God, that's an absolute beauty.
+00:04:20,360 --> 00:04:23,239
+That's quite a good idea, actually,
+but don't tell him.
+00:04:23,240 --> 00:04:26,599
+Hammond, you idiot. You idiot.
+What?! Is that a good idea, is it?
+00:04:26,600 --> 00:04:28,359
+Is it a good idea? It's genius.
+00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:31,879
+Just to clarify what this is,
+it's a classic Mini Cooper Sport.
+00:04:31,880 --> 00:04:34,680
+One of the very last ones
+built, in fact.
+00:04:35,960 --> 00:04:37,719
+Year 2000. That is immaculate.
+00:04:37,720 --> 00:04:39,879
+That is pretty tidy. It really is.
+00:04:39,880 --> 00:04:42,879
+This is India, though.
+It's a big old place,
+00:04:42,880 --> 00:04:45,319
+and this is a small old car.
+00:04:45,320 --> 00:04:49,079
+Come on, lads, you both know it is
+the home of the small car. Was.
+00:04:49,080 --> 00:04:52,079
+No, it still is. What matters most
+in India is how big it is inside,
+00:04:52,080 --> 00:04:55,519
+how small it is outside, and how many
+people it carries. That's racist.
+00:04:55,520 --> 00:04:58,239
+What?! When India was emerging,
+00:04:58,240 --> 00:05:00,679
+they saw the car as a tool,
+00:05:00,680 --> 00:05:02,839
+but now that India HAS emerged,
+00:05:02,840 --> 00:05:05,119
+and is one
+of the economic superpowers,
+00:05:05,120 --> 00:05:08,839
+everybody is going to want something
+with a great, long thrusting...
+00:05:08,840 --> 00:05:11,319
+No, what happens next
+is the country grows out
+00:05:11,320 --> 00:05:14,639
+of the great, long thrusting,
+and they come back to wanting,
+00:05:14,640 --> 00:05:17,999
+yes, style, and practicality,
+and convenience...? Look at it!
+00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:21,119
+Yes, but we are trying to say
+that Britain is a great country,
+00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:24,279
+and has things to offer
+to a country which has succeeded.
+00:05:24,280 --> 00:05:28,439
+Such as this... No! ..not a tired old
+Jaguar, and that's a Shadow? It is.
+00:05:28,440 --> 00:05:30,879
+How far do you think
+he's going to get in that?
+00:05:30,880 --> 00:05:33,959
+Well, I think he's probably finished,
+isn't he? That's it.
+00:05:33,960 --> 00:05:37,199
+Let's see. 'Hammond and May
+then ganged up on my Jag.'
+00:05:37,200 --> 00:05:41,199
+I should point out the bits that
+will go wrong. Yes. All of those.
+00:05:41,200 --> 00:05:44,279
+Yeah, yeah, yeah. See all of those
+relays and those connectors?
+00:05:44,280 --> 00:05:47,639
+Made in the Midlands, they will go
+wrong. Cooling system will go wrong.
+00:05:47,640 --> 00:05:50,960
+It's OK, some of the relays
+are made in Spain.
+00:05:52,840 --> 00:05:57,199
+'We'd find out soon enough
+if we'd made the right choices,
+00:05:57,200 --> 00:06:00,159
+'because ahead lay
+a 1,300-mile journey
+00:06:00,160 --> 00:06:03,999
+'on some of the most dangerous
+roads in the world.
+00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:08,560
+'And then up into the brutal
+high passes of the Himalayas.
+00:06:11,880 --> 00:06:15,279
+'But first,
+we had to get to know our cars
+00:06:15,280 --> 00:06:18,519
+'on the streets of Bombay.'
+00:06:18,520 --> 00:06:21,999
+HE GIGGLES This is the
+perfect car for this place!
+00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:25,439
+It is a puppy, yes, but it's
+a Staffordshire bull terrier.
+00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:28,399
+A tough little puppy.
+00:06:28,400 --> 00:06:31,519
+I've forgotten the way
+these things deliver their power,
+00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:34,559
+it's such a chunky little engine.
+00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:38,280
+Oow! Yeah, speed humps,
+how I miss you(!)
+00:06:39,640 --> 00:06:42,320
+A man taking his washing machine
+for a walk!
+00:06:44,040 --> 00:06:46,160
+00:06:48,560 --> 00:06:51,119
+Whenever we do these
+long journeys on Top Gear,
+00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:54,799
+there's always a sense,
+the moment I set off,
+00:06:54,800 --> 00:06:59,599
+that the car is already on its last
+legs, but in this, there isn't.
+00:06:59,600 --> 00:07:03,079
+All the dials are reading
+what they should be reading,
+00:07:03,080 --> 00:07:06,840
+the engine is smooth, the gear-change
+is smooth, all the electrics work.
+00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:12,399
+This is a mobile advertisement
+for Great Britain.
+00:07:12,400 --> 00:07:15,919
+Never mind that Jag today is Indian,
+let's gloss over that.
+00:07:15,920 --> 00:07:17,759
+00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:22,759
+210 horsepower... what Rolls...Royce
+would have called "adequate."
+00:07:22,760 --> 00:07:25,959
+It is adequate, more than adequate.
+00:07:25,960 --> 00:07:27,319
+00:07:27,320 --> 00:07:30,679
+That's a buzzer that will sound
+if it overheats, say,
+00:07:30,680 --> 00:07:33,959
+or the hydraulic brakes fail. Let's
+check that it works. You see?
+00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:36,280
+00:07:39,040 --> 00:07:42,399
+I love India,
+I love the dynamism of it all.
+00:07:42,400 --> 00:07:46,199
+People are busy. Business, business,
+business. Get on, get rich.
+00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:48,360
+00:07:50,680 --> 00:07:52,999
+Look at that! Hammond's Mini.
+00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:55,480
+He is a man in love!
+00:07:56,400 --> 00:07:59,439
+00:07:59,440 --> 00:08:02,759
+Weirdly, I have never
+actually owned a Mini.
+00:08:02,760 --> 00:08:06,519
+My brother had one, my best friend
+had one, my girlfriend had one,
+00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:09,159
+which I blew up
+while she was on holiday.
+00:08:09,160 --> 00:08:10,959
+I changed the engine in it,
+00:08:10,960 --> 00:08:13,759
+and I bought one for 25 quid
+and fitted it over a weekend
+00:08:13,760 --> 00:08:15,159
+and never told her.
+00:08:15,160 --> 00:08:19,039
+Until just then, when I told her,
+then. Sorry about your car...
+00:08:19,040 --> 00:08:20,080
+00:08:21,800 --> 00:08:25,199
+I know Hammond hasn't got it,
+so it's pointless asking,
+00:08:25,200 --> 00:08:26,919
+but is your conditioning working?
+00:08:26,920 --> 00:08:29,199
+Er, not as such. No.
+00:08:29,200 --> 00:08:31,319
+'No, neither is mine.'
+00:08:31,320 --> 00:08:33,759
+I thought it was,
+for a brief, glorious moment,
+00:08:33,760 --> 00:08:35,600
+but then I realised, no, it isn't.
+00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:40,879
+What I was saying then
+about my air conditioning
+00:08:40,880 --> 00:08:43,599
+isn't actually true,
+it's working an absolute treat,
+00:08:43,600 --> 00:08:46,599
+but I don't want to tell them that
+because they will just try
+00:08:46,600 --> 00:08:50,159
+and break it in the night, because
+they're resentful and peevish.
+00:08:50,160 --> 00:08:53,919
+Guys, you know the producers
+always provide a backup car
+00:08:53,920 --> 00:08:57,919
+'on these shoots, in case
+one of our cars go wrong?'
+00:08:57,920 --> 00:08:59,079
+00:08:59,080 --> 00:09:02,319
+'Have you seen what's coming
+up in the middle lane
+00:09:02,320 --> 00:09:05,120
+'on British plates right now?'
+00:09:06,680 --> 00:09:10,039
+I've just seen it. I think
+I've seen it, is it an Allegro?
+00:09:10,040 --> 00:09:11,679
+It is.
+00:09:11,680 --> 00:09:13,639
+Oh, you're joking!
+00:09:13,640 --> 00:09:17,479
+'Spurred on by this
+terrible development,
+00:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,719
+'we decided to begin
+our vital trade mission,
+00:09:19,720 --> 00:09:23,800
+'starting with one of Bombay's
+most famous institutions.'
+00:09:25,280 --> 00:09:28,559
+Everyday an army of about
+5,000 people called dabbawalas
+00:09:28,560 --> 00:09:30,879
+travel around the outskirts
+of the city
+00:09:30,880 --> 00:09:34,279
+collecting lunches in tins,
+like these ones here.
+00:09:34,280 --> 00:09:37,279
+They've been made by the wives
+of working men, and from here
+00:09:37,280 --> 00:09:39,159
+they are transported on foot,
+00:09:39,160 --> 00:09:42,640
+or by bicycle
+to the nearest train station.
+00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:48,319
+Each tin is marked
+with a system of symbols
+00:09:48,320 --> 00:09:51,319
+that tells the dabbawalas
+on the train where it's going.
+00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:55,200
+So they know which tins have to be
+unloaded at which station.
+00:09:59,880 --> 00:10:03,399
+The tins are then picked up
+at city centre stations
+00:10:03,400 --> 00:10:05,079
+by yet more dabbawalas,
+00:10:05,080 --> 00:10:08,399
+who bring them to the menfolk
+in their offices.
+00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:11,479
+And the cost of having a piping hot,
+00:10:11,480 --> 00:10:16,200
+home-cooked lunch, delivered
+every day, is ã2 a month.
+00:10:17,680 --> 00:10:20,279
+'What makes the whole system
+really incredible
+00:10:20,280 --> 00:10:24,279
+'is that 200,000 lunches
+are delivered every day.
+00:10:24,280 --> 00:10:28,399
+'Even though there's no FedEx-style
+computerised tracking system,
+00:10:28,400 --> 00:10:33,319
+'only one mistake is made
+for every six million deliveries.
+00:10:33,320 --> 00:10:38,280
+'That works out at an accuracy
+level of 99.9996%.'
+00:10:41,360 --> 00:10:44,599
+I think, however,
+we could do better.
+00:10:44,600 --> 00:10:48,559
+How can we do better than that?! If
+you think about it, they use trains,
+00:10:48,560 --> 00:10:52,879
+what if we used our cars?
+That's not a bad idea, actually.
+00:10:52,880 --> 00:10:56,199
+The first dabbawalas bring it to the
+car park at the railway station.
+00:10:56,200 --> 00:11:00,839
+Instead of putting it on the
+train, we'll take it in our cars.
+00:11:00,840 --> 00:11:02,559
+We'll beat the train.
+00:11:02,560 --> 00:11:04,600
+If you think, when
+you're at home and you
+00:11:04,601 --> 00:11:06,639
+order a takeout pizza,
+do they use the train?
+00:11:06,640 --> 00:11:11,039
+They use a moped or a car. They are
+hamstrung by tradition. They are.
+00:11:11,040 --> 00:11:14,799
+"For 120 years, we've always used
+to train. We always use the train."
+00:11:14,800 --> 00:11:17,200
+This is where we can help.
+Then it will be
+00:11:17,201 --> 00:11:19,599
+remembered the day the
+dabbawala system was updated,
+00:11:19,600 --> 00:11:22,719
+it was in a British car.
+Exactly! Three British cars.
+00:11:22,720 --> 00:11:24,399
+We're about to plug that gap.
+00:11:24,400 --> 00:11:28,720
+That 0.0004% gap.
+00:11:30,120 --> 00:11:33,359
+'And, so, the next day
+our experiment began.
+00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:37,079
+'We would load the meals
+into our cars at Andheri station,
+00:11:37,080 --> 00:11:40,719
+'in the suburbs, and then race
+the train-bound dabbawalas
+00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:45,640
+'to the finish line at Churchgate
+station in the city centre.'
+00:11:46,640 --> 00:11:51,399
+'Our train rivals prepared for
+the challenge with quiet efficiency
+00:11:51,400 --> 00:11:54,360
+'whereas in the car park,
+things were rather less calm.'
+00:11:55,680 --> 00:11:58,719
+13, right, 13s are there.
+It doesn't matter if it says 13.
+00:11:58,720 --> 00:12:00,439
+It does... it's people's lunches!
+00:12:00,440 --> 00:12:04,279
+All we have to do
+is get them to the other end.
+00:12:04,280 --> 00:12:08,879
+In the right order!
+No, James, please just bung them in.
+00:12:08,880 --> 00:12:11,260
+Don't, because we'll just
+be having a race with the
+00:12:11,261 --> 00:12:13,639
+train, which we could do anyway.
+Bung, bung...
+00:12:13,640 --> 00:12:15,600
+The point is to beat the
+train AND make it work.
+00:12:15,601 --> 00:12:17,559
+Bung yours in. Stop interfering!
+00:12:17,560 --> 00:12:20,999
+I'm not interested in your view
+on this. Go and do yours.
+00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:24,959
+There's a train! There's a train.
+Just load up now.
+00:12:24,960 --> 00:12:26,200
+I've lost count now.
+00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:34,080
+This is hacking me off!
+If they're not in the right
+00:12:34,081 --> 00:12:36,719
+order we can't claim to
+have beaten the system.
+00:12:36,720 --> 00:12:41,640
+Just stop fretting about that and
+load it up! Right! No time to lose.
+00:12:42,720 --> 00:12:45,359
+11, 15, 15, 15...
+00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:46,959
+00:12:46,960 --> 00:12:48,960
+Oh, for God's sake!
+00:12:50,200 --> 00:12:53,079
+The 12s and the odds... What?
+He's gone.
+00:12:53,080 --> 00:12:55,519
+How many has he taken? About 12.
+00:12:55,520 --> 00:12:59,280
+You are kidding? In total? Yeah.
+What a moron.
+00:13:01,680 --> 00:13:04,959
+'The train and I left the station
+at exactly the same moment.'
+00:13:04,960 --> 00:13:06,639
+Coming through!
+00:13:06,640 --> 00:13:10,159
+Over the years, I have raced
+a Japanese bullet train,
+00:13:10,160 --> 00:13:12,439
+the Swiss railway network,
+00:13:12,440 --> 00:13:15,199
+the French railway network
+and never lost.
+00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:17,720
+I don't intend to lose now!
+00:13:19,560 --> 00:13:21,439
+Coming through, coming through.
+00:13:21,440 --> 00:13:25,279
+'I'd been forced to take the meals
+that Jeremy had left behind
+00:13:25,280 --> 00:13:27,880
+'which was a real treat
+for my spine.' Ow!
+00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:34,679
+I think I might have made my already
+lowered suspension even lower still.
+00:13:34,680 --> 00:13:36,159
+00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:37,679
+00:13:37,680 --> 00:13:39,239
+Come on, man.
+00:13:39,240 --> 00:13:42,919
+Here are the figures...
+the train has got a 14...mile journey
+00:13:42,920 --> 00:13:46,319
+and is scheduled to take 44 minutes.
+00:13:46,320 --> 00:13:49,919
+My journey is 17 miles.
+00:13:49,920 --> 00:13:53,600
+17 miles, 44 minutes,
+that means I must average...
+00:13:57,720 --> 00:14:03,799
+Green, 18. Green, green,
+green, then yellow.
+00:14:03,800 --> 00:14:06,060
+lunches, in a hurry.
+00:14:06,061 --> 00:14:08,320
+People's lunches,
+coming through.
+00:14:13,080 --> 00:14:16,280
+I'm fine for tea towels, thank you.
+No, thank you. Thank you, no.
+00:14:18,360 --> 00:14:22,719
+17 miles, 60 miles an hour. No...
+00:14:22,720 --> 00:14:26,080
+If it was an hour, about...
+00:14:27,320 --> 00:14:31,120
+'By this stage, Captain OCD
+had finally joined the race.'
+00:14:32,600 --> 00:14:36,039
+Correct use of the horn there to
+warn of your presence going past.
+00:14:36,040 --> 00:14:38,360
+I'm going to try and
+go to the outskirts of
+00:14:38,361 --> 00:14:40,679
+the city slyly and do
+a ring-road approach.
+00:14:40,680 --> 00:14:44,520
+I think that'll be quicker. It's
+a bit further, but it'll be quicker.
+00:14:46,640 --> 00:14:48,279
+Oh, for crying out loud!
+00:14:48,280 --> 00:14:51,679
+The one bit of open road
+and look what I've got behind me...
+00:14:51,680 --> 00:14:53,919
+Bombay 5-0.
+00:14:53,920 --> 00:14:57,799
+Hello, officer. Hello, officer,
+doing the speed limit.
+00:14:57,800 --> 00:15:02,120
+That has got the hallmarks
+of a massive thunderstorm.
+00:15:03,320 --> 00:15:07,039
+As the train sped along,
+my journey, thanks to Jeremy,
+00:15:07,040 --> 00:15:10,400
+continued to be nerve wracking
+and unpleasant.
+00:15:11,320 --> 00:15:14,080
+Oh! I heard the food move.
+00:15:16,360 --> 00:15:18,719
+Ah! My tins are rattling.
+00:15:18,720 --> 00:15:20,800
+00:15:23,520 --> 00:15:27,159
+This is just too easy,
+I'm making cracking progress.
+00:15:27,160 --> 00:15:30,199
+Test. It's fine.
+00:15:30,200 --> 00:15:32,200
+00:15:33,160 --> 00:15:34,599
+Yes, it's raining.
+00:15:34,600 --> 00:15:36,719
+00:15:36,720 --> 00:15:38,400
+Bloody hell!
+00:15:40,040 --> 00:15:43,159
+This is a big rainstorm now.
+00:15:43,160 --> 00:15:47,839
+'The cloudburst only lasted for
+a few moments but, as in any city,
+00:15:47,840 --> 00:15:51,119
+'it slowed the traffic right down.'
+00:15:51,120 --> 00:15:56,039
+I now have 17 minutes
+to revolutionise dabbawaling
+00:15:56,040 --> 00:15:59,800
+and mend Britain's balance
+of payments' deficit.
+00:16:03,040 --> 00:16:05,240
+Coming through,
+lunch on the way.
+00:16:06,640 --> 00:16:08,119
+Come on!
+00:16:08,120 --> 00:16:12,159
+I am an ambassador representing the
+sovereign nation of Great Britain.
+00:16:12,160 --> 00:16:14,199
+On a mission...
+00:16:14,200 --> 00:16:19,159
+Right, this is not good, it's clear
+here. I'm going to go this way.
+00:16:19,160 --> 00:16:20,480
+00:16:25,280 --> 00:16:27,120
+00:16:29,640 --> 00:16:32,720
+14 minutes to go.
+Come on, come on, come on.
+00:16:34,760 --> 00:16:38,960
+We may have bitten off more than we can
+chew, in this traffic. We may have done.
+00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:50,960
+I'm pretty sure this right is right.
+00:16:55,360 --> 00:16:57,719
+Yes, most of that will go in there.
+00:16:57,720 --> 00:16:59,280
+You see.
+00:17:01,560 --> 00:17:05,599
+OK, there will be shouting from those
+people who don't get their lunch.
+00:17:05,600 --> 00:17:08,920
+Oh, I don't want to lose any more.
+00:17:10,280 --> 00:17:13,759
+'The train would be at Churchgate
+station in just eight minutes.
+00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:16,119
+'But I was now clear of the jams.'
+00:17:16,120 --> 00:17:23,039
+Here we go, time to unleash
+what used to be 223 horsepower.
+00:17:23,040 --> 00:17:25,199
+00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:31,759
+Oh, no, you're not having that space,
+mate, I am. Big lorry, or not.
+00:17:31,760 --> 00:17:34,479
+I'm a Mini. Grrrr.
+00:17:34,480 --> 00:17:35,960
+Get out of my way!
+00:17:38,120 --> 00:17:41,680
+That's the train. That's the train.
+There it is, there it is!
+00:17:42,720 --> 00:17:44,880
+Come o-o-o-n!
+00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:51,839
+This ring road...
+must be quite a big ring.
+00:17:51,840 --> 00:17:56,480
+This doesn't look very teeming
+20-million-inhabitant- Indian-city-ish.
+00:17:57,880 --> 00:17:59,839
+This is a delay I did not need.
+00:17:59,840 --> 00:18:03,440
+Oh, God!
+00:18:07,040 --> 00:18:10,399
+Move! Move!
+00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:14,679
+'In just over 43 minutes,
+I arrived at the station.'
+00:18:14,680 --> 00:18:18,599
+I've beaten the others,
+but more importantly...
+00:18:18,600 --> 00:18:20,799
+I've beaten the train.
+00:18:20,800 --> 00:18:24,519
+'This was good news for Britain.'
+00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:27,200
+What do you think of that, chaps?
+00:18:28,280 --> 00:18:30,439
+Yes, now, listen...
+00:18:30,440 --> 00:18:32,839
+What's the matter?
+00:18:32,840 --> 00:18:36,320
+I know, there aren't very many,
+but MUCH hotter than usual.
+00:18:41,480 --> 00:18:45,319
+'Quite a while later,
+the first of my colleagues arrived
+00:18:45,320 --> 00:18:48,559
+'with his afternoon tea
+delivery service.
+00:18:48,560 --> 00:18:49,999
+00:18:50,000 --> 00:18:53,199
+What were you thinking of?
+00:18:53,200 --> 00:18:55,759
+What was the point
+in that whole exercise?
+00:18:55,760 --> 00:19:00,599
+We were transporting boxes of food
+and you left with none!
+00:19:00,600 --> 00:19:04,439
+I left with 17. One was a bit
+ruined when I got here, I admit,
+00:19:04,440 --> 00:19:09,199
+but 16 lunches were delivered early,
+not in time for tea.
+00:19:09,200 --> 00:19:11,640
+Seriously, where have you been
+for an hour and 20 minutes?
+00:19:11,641 --> 00:19:14,079
+I went to a different
+station first.
+00:19:14,080 --> 00:19:15,919
+No, you didn't, where are they?
+00:19:15,920 --> 00:19:18,999
+I dropped them. What? I dropped them.
+00:19:19,000 --> 00:19:21,479
+You dropped them?
+They fell off the roof. Yes.
+00:19:21,480 --> 00:19:25,039
+And where is May?
+Have you seen him? No!
+00:19:25,040 --> 00:19:28,639
+'It turned out James
+hadn't just lost the race...
+00:19:28,640 --> 00:19:30,920
+'he'd lost Bombay.'
+00:19:33,120 --> 00:19:35,080
+Oh, cock.
+00:19:37,360 --> 00:19:41,279
+Having achieved an accuracy rating
+in our delivery service of just 4%,
+00:19:41,280 --> 00:19:46,119
+we decided to abandon dabbawaling
+and head north to Jaipur.
+00:19:46,120 --> 00:19:51,720
+But instead of driving, the producer
+insisted we take an overnight train.
+00:20:01,560 --> 00:20:06,360
+They CANNOT be serious!
+That is not a motor rail carriage.
+00:20:11,560 --> 00:20:16,079
+How do you lose Bombay? I didn't
+lose it so much, I overshot. What?
+00:20:16,080 --> 00:20:19,559
+You can't miss it... it's enormous!
+I tried to do a clever ring road.
+00:20:19,560 --> 00:20:21,759
+It's the biggest place
+we've ever been.
+00:20:21,760 --> 00:20:26,159
+Why do you think the producer is
+making us go on the train to Jaipur?
+00:20:26,160 --> 00:20:28,479
+I don't know.
+Why wouldn't he make us drive?
+00:20:28,480 --> 00:20:32,359
+I was quite happy in my Rolls-Royce.
+I was... There's nothing...
+00:20:32,360 --> 00:20:36,079
+It's a slightly dangerous road,
+but... It's a bit unexpected.
+00:20:36,080 --> 00:20:37,999
+I think I know why. Why?
+00:20:38,000 --> 00:20:39,519
+00:20:39,520 --> 00:20:41,580
+Because HE doesn't want to drive.
+Oh, yes!
+00:20:41,581 --> 00:20:43,639
+The producer drives the Allegro.
+00:20:43,640 --> 00:20:46,399
+He doesn't want to drive
+in the back-up car.
+00:20:46,400 --> 00:20:49,279
+It overheats, so you have
+to have the heater on full.
+00:20:49,280 --> 00:20:51,600
+I wouldn't want to drive that. No.
+00:20:55,440 --> 00:20:58,880
+Having loaded our cars, we went
+to get our tickets. However...
+00:21:05,320 --> 00:21:08,519
+The queue goes all the way in there.
+00:21:08,520 --> 00:21:10,480
+I can't do queuing. Really? I can't.
+00:21:10,481 --> 00:21:14,639
+Manual labour and queuing are the
+only two things in life I can't do.
+00:21:14,640 --> 00:21:17,879
+But I really physically can't.
+No, I can't either.
+00:21:17,880 --> 00:21:20,359
+I do this queue sweary thing.
+00:21:20,360 --> 00:21:24,639
+I can go for so long and then (BLEEP)
+it just happens. Did it happen then?
+00:21:24,640 --> 00:21:28,239
+I can't... Ha, ha haaa! It's happened
+again. Right, off you go, then.
+00:21:28,240 --> 00:21:30,999
+So you don't mind...
+because he doesn't like... Go.
+00:21:31,000 --> 00:21:32,400
+Are you sure you don't mind?
+00:21:32,401 --> 00:21:35,839
+He doesn't like us, that's what's
+going on. You may have a point. Go.
+00:21:35,840 --> 00:21:38,119
+You absolutely...
+He doesn't mind queuing!
+00:21:38,120 --> 00:21:41,039
+I do, but I'd rather queue than
+listen to you two bleating.
+00:21:41,040 --> 00:21:44,239
+Arse! That was a gentle one,
+but it gets a lot worse.
+00:21:44,240 --> 00:21:46,719
+I'll take him for a beer.
+I'll look after him.
+00:21:46,720 --> 00:21:48,840
+Beer helps. That'll fix it.
+00:21:58,360 --> 00:22:00,400
+As James inched forward...
+00:22:01,800 --> 00:22:05,639
+I went shopping and then
+met up with Hammond for lunch.
+00:22:05,640 --> 00:22:09,320
+Would you like... chicken lung soup?
+00:22:10,320 --> 00:22:11,639
+No. No.
+00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:13,999
+Little bit of lung?
+No. You won't even taste it?
+00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:15,999
+No, I'm really not hungry. I'm fine.
+00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:19,799
+Would you like me to give you
+the present I've bought you?
+00:22:19,800 --> 00:22:22,959
+Ooh, let me guess,
+is it something impractical,
+00:22:22,960 --> 00:22:26,439
+a bit ridiculous
+and too big for the boot of a Mini?
+00:22:26,440 --> 00:22:29,759
+Always so ungrateful. Honestly!
+00:22:29,760 --> 00:22:34,080
+TANNOY: May I have your attention...
+00:22:36,640 --> 00:22:38,160
+00:22:43,360 --> 00:22:45,879
+That's a double bass.
+You like double basses.
+00:22:45,880 --> 00:22:50,719
+I do like double basses very much.
+Is that for me, seriously? Yep.
+00:22:50,720 --> 00:22:53,920
+Thank you very much.
+You're very kind.
+00:23:01,720 --> 00:23:05,719
+I've had an idea.
+You know when we get to Delhi? Yeah.
+00:23:05,720 --> 00:23:09,959
+Why don't we have... cos this is what
+most trade missions would do...
+00:23:09,960 --> 00:23:11,319
+a party?
+00:23:11,320 --> 00:23:13,959
+What, just, let's have a party?
+If you have a party,
+00:23:13,960 --> 00:23:16,540
+and invite the sort of
+great and the good,
+00:23:16,541 --> 00:23:19,119
+Indian commerce people,
+00:23:19,120 --> 00:23:21,900
+Oh, like a sort of
+ambassadorial, Ferrero
+00:23:21,901 --> 00:23:24,680
+Rocher type thing? Exactly that.
+00:23:26,640 --> 00:23:29,920
+Hello. Three adults
+for Jaipur, please.
+00:23:50,280 --> 00:23:53,639
+Where would it be? Is it in a...?
+What's it in? In a garden.
+00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:58,239
+We could have a marquee. A garden
+party! That's very British.
+00:23:58,240 --> 00:24:01,319
+Come on!
+This is actually a good idea.
+00:24:01,320 --> 00:24:04,239
+It needs a focus, we're going
+to have all British products
+00:24:04,240 --> 00:24:07,439
+and our cars, and you walk around
+and look at them and stuff.
+00:24:07,440 --> 00:24:09,560
+But it needs a... What?
+You need to...
+00:24:12,600 --> 00:24:16,359
+What, you think we get
+the Top Gear band back together?
+00:24:16,360 --> 00:24:20,760
+What, so we entertain? I'm up for
+that, I reckon that'll work. Cheers!
+00:24:24,160 --> 00:24:28,759
+Many hours of queuing later,
+Eeyore joined us on the platform.
+00:24:28,760 --> 00:24:32,799
+What's this? We're getting the Top
+Gear band back together! Yes, we are!
+00:24:32,800 --> 00:24:36,399
+Come on. Yeah, we are.
+Can you grab your keyboard?
+00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:37,959
+I'll explain on the train.
+00:24:37,960 --> 00:24:40,359
+Thank you. Sorry. Sorry, everybody.
+00:24:40,360 --> 00:24:42,479
+This is a bass drum.
+00:24:42,480 --> 00:24:44,239
+00:24:44,240 --> 00:24:46,480
+Ooh, it's crowded!
+00:24:48,680 --> 00:24:50,680
+'A hot, 18-hour journey lay ahead.
+00:24:52,120 --> 00:24:56,719
+'So, to cheer everyone up,
+we roped in our producer on vocals
+00:24:56,720 --> 00:24:59,520
+'and set to work,
+practising the song we'd be
+00:24:59,521 --> 00:25:02,320
+performing at our
+ambassadorial reception.'
+00:25:03,600 --> 00:25:07,119
+♪ Any time you feel the pain
+00:25:07,120 --> 00:25:09,319
+♪ Hey, Jude, refrain
+00:25:09,320 --> 00:25:12,359
+♪ Don't carry the world
+00:25:12,360 --> 00:25:16,559
+♪ Upon your shoulder
+00:25:16,560 --> 00:25:21,560
+♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na
+00:25:23,160 --> 00:25:28,039
+♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na... ♪
+00:25:28,040 --> 00:25:31,359
+'The other passengers were reluctant
+to join in on the chorus,
+00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:33,399
+'but then Jeremy had a brainwave.'
+00:25:33,400 --> 00:25:36,759
+I tell you what's better, why don't
+we change the words? Naan!
+00:25:36,760 --> 00:25:41,559
+# Naan-naan-naan-naan-na-na-naan
+00:25:41,560 --> 00:25:42,840
+'Which did the trick.'
+00:25:42,841 --> 00:25:45,479
+♪ Naan-naan-naan-naan
+00:25:45,480 --> 00:25:49,759
+♪ Naan-naan-naan-naan
+Hey, Jude
+00:25:49,760 --> 00:25:51,039
+00:25:51,040 --> 00:25:54,840
+♪ Naan-naan-naan-naan-na-na-naan
+00:26:04,480 --> 00:26:08,319
+'The next morning,
+the song was perfected,
+00:26:08,320 --> 00:26:10,000
+'but we still had six hours to go.'
+00:26:10,001 --> 00:26:14,519
+'So we had a discussion about how the
+time could be used productively.'
+00:26:14,520 --> 00:26:19,799
+You know this train is like
+a big billboard? Or could be.
+00:26:19,800 --> 00:26:22,999
+How? Think,
+it's going right through India
+00:26:23,000 --> 00:26:25,759
+and there are no slogans at all
+on the outside.
+00:26:25,760 --> 00:26:27,799
+And there are a billion people
+in India.
+00:26:27,800 --> 00:26:31,759
+How can we benefit from that?
+If we got some banners,
+00:26:31,760 --> 00:26:35,559
+we can promote Britain
+as the train's going along.
+00:26:35,560 --> 00:26:38,999
+We can't use product names, because
+it's the BBC, but stuff like IT,
+00:26:39,000 --> 00:26:42,959
+everybody I know works in IT.
+Literally everybody. Financial services.
+00:26:42,960 --> 00:26:45,919
+Food. How could we do...?
+Everybody loves...
+00:26:45,920 --> 00:26:48,719
+Is HP sauce still...?
+Is it American? Roast beef?
+00:26:48,720 --> 00:26:52,079
+We're known for that.
+We can't promote beef.
+00:26:52,080 --> 00:26:54,959
+No, not here. No, you're right.
+00:26:54,960 --> 00:26:56,599
+You've got French fries,
+00:26:56,600 --> 00:26:58,599
+Belgian waffles.
+00:26:58,600 --> 00:27:01,279
+What about English crumpets?
+00:27:01,280 --> 00:27:03,520
+No, that's not very good, is it?
+00:27:05,680 --> 00:27:09,359
+we decided on our slogan.'
+00:27:09,360 --> 00:27:12,999
+'So, at the next stop, Hammond
+went off to buy some materials.'
+00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:14,680
+Hammond, run!
+00:27:15,880 --> 00:27:17,559
+I got it!
+00:27:17,560 --> 00:27:20,479
+'And then we got painting.'
+00:27:20,480 --> 00:27:23,439
+OK. Right, James, unravel.
+00:27:23,440 --> 00:27:24,599
+00:27:24,600 --> 00:27:28,039
+It's like ticker-taping
+Times Square. That's quite good.
+00:27:28,040 --> 00:27:30,560
+We're like an enormous,
+weird typewriter.
+00:27:32,520 --> 00:27:34,239
+'With the banner complete,
+00:27:34,240 --> 00:27:36,799
+'we had to hang it
+on the outside of the train.'
+00:27:36,800 --> 00:27:38,879
+I'm going to open this door. Right.
+00:27:38,880 --> 00:27:41,079
+I'm going to feed the banner
+out of it,
+00:27:41,080 --> 00:27:44,599
+where the slipstream of the train
+will carry it to Hammond,
+00:27:44,600 --> 00:27:46,760
+who's waiting at the next door.
+00:27:48,280 --> 00:27:49,880
+Here we go.
+00:27:53,200 --> 00:27:54,399
+00:27:54,400 --> 00:27:56,320
+I need more!
+00:28:01,320 --> 00:28:02,759
+00:28:02,760 --> 00:28:04,759
+Try to do it when there are no posts!
+00:28:04,760 --> 00:28:06,520
+00:28:08,800 --> 00:28:10,640
+Got it.
+00:28:14,280 --> 00:28:17,280
+Got to get it higher. Bring
+it back in. No, just lift it up.
+00:28:18,360 --> 00:28:20,840
+No, because it's already dragging...
+00:28:23,520 --> 00:28:24,919
+When does it stop next?
+00:28:24,920 --> 00:28:27,600
+00:28:32,080 --> 00:28:34,439
+'Hammond made some more banners
+00:28:34,440 --> 00:28:37,399
+'and we decided
+our best chance of success
+00:28:37,400 --> 00:28:41,160
+'was to hang them on the side of the
+train when it stopped at stations.'
+00:28:42,360 --> 00:28:45,719
+This has to be the most efficient
+thing we've ever done in our lives.
+00:28:45,720 --> 00:28:48,639
+We've never done anything
+efficient. No, but we have to be.
+00:28:48,640 --> 00:28:50,399
+I know. Yes.
+00:28:50,400 --> 00:28:52,119
+Speed is everything.
+00:28:52,120 --> 00:28:55,319
+What we've done is enlisted
+the entire production team
+00:28:55,320 --> 00:28:58,879
+to help us hang the banner
+on the outside of the train now,
+00:28:58,880 --> 00:29:01,239
+because it's stopped
+for 18 minutes.
+00:29:01,240 --> 00:29:05,079
+Are we ready? Are we ready?
+Yes, yes, yes. Steady.
+00:29:05,080 --> 00:29:07,960
+Go! Go, go, go! Hit it.
+00:29:20,200 --> 00:29:21,920
+I think we've done well there.
+00:29:24,960 --> 00:29:28,199
+'With one banner in place,
+we were like a well-oiled machine
+00:29:28,200 --> 00:29:30,360
+'when we got to the next stop.'
+00:29:32,040 --> 00:29:35,599
+Now THAT is marketing.
+00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:38,000
+And the result is all of
+these people here are
+00:29:38,001 --> 00:29:40,399
+going to go home and
+want an English muffin.
+00:29:40,400 --> 00:29:44,199
+You hear about these trade missions
+to far-flung places in the world,
+00:29:44,200 --> 00:29:48,239
+and you just know they're not doing
+this kind of thing.
+00:29:48,240 --> 00:29:51,359
+Prince Andrew is not hanging
+from a side of a train in Kuwait,
+00:29:51,360 --> 00:29:55,319
+saying, "Buy diggers.
+" He isn't doing that. TRAIN TOOTS
+00:29:55,320 --> 00:29:59,240
+The signal. We've got to go, guys.
+00:30:01,480 --> 00:30:06,560
+'Our mobile billboard for UK Plc
+was now complete.'
+00:30:08,400 --> 00:30:13,799
+'However, at the next station, James
+insisted on doing some repairs.'
+00:30:13,800 --> 00:30:18,759
+James, leave it. You haven't done it
+properly. Leave it. It on, it's on.
+00:30:18,760 --> 00:30:22,559
+Whoa, my God!
+00:30:22,560 --> 00:30:24,160
+Run! Run!
+00:30:25,400 --> 00:30:26,640
+Quick, get on, get on.
+00:30:28,640 --> 00:30:30,719
+James, run. Pull the cord. Run!
+00:30:30,720 --> 00:30:34,159
+Pull the cord! Pull the cord!
+00:30:34,160 --> 00:30:37,040
+No, there's a...
+00:30:40,480 --> 00:30:44,919
+Hammond. Yeah? To stop the train
+you pull the chain. Yeah.
+00:30:44,920 --> 00:30:47,359
+But there's a fine of 1,000 rupees.
+00:30:47,360 --> 00:30:50,799
+That's about 13 quid. ã13. I mean...
+00:30:50,800 --> 00:30:52,839
+I haven't got that sort of money.
+00:30:52,840 --> 00:30:55,440
+I'm not paying 13 quid. No, no, no.
+00:30:59,520 --> 00:31:03,039
+we arrived at our stop, Jaipur,
+00:31:03,040 --> 00:31:06,160
+'a town seemingly famous
+for its natural springs.'
+00:31:09,040 --> 00:31:10,940
+'We paused for a while
+to wish our banners
+00:31:10,941 --> 00:31:12,840
+well on their journey
+across India.'
+00:31:14,480 --> 00:31:17,559
+That is a proud moment.
+Isn't it? It is.
+00:31:17,560 --> 00:31:20,799
+I just wish James was here to see...
+Our message.
+00:31:20,800 --> 00:31:24,240
+Our message to the subcontinent.
+00:31:31,120 --> 00:31:32,600
+Oh, God.
+00:31:33,600 --> 00:31:35,440
+Oh. It's going to Delhi.
+00:31:38,480 --> 00:31:41,080
+What's it going to say
+on the other side?
+00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:52,039
+'To make matters worse,
+00:31:52,040 --> 00:31:54,999
+'it looked like Jeremy's
+dabbawalla delivery in Bombay
+00:31:55,000 --> 00:31:57,160
+'hadn't gone that well after all.'
+00:31:58,880 --> 00:32:01,559
+'Then, when we unloaded
+James's Rolls,
+00:32:01,560 --> 00:32:03,639
+'we discovered we'd been betrayed.'
+00:32:03,640 --> 00:32:07,320
+When you get in here,
+you're in for a nasty surprise.
+00:32:09,080 --> 00:32:10,799
+Er, feel that.
+00:32:10,800 --> 00:32:13,359
+But there's cool air. Yes.
+00:32:13,360 --> 00:32:15,639
+Yes, yes.
+00:32:15,640 --> 00:32:17,559
+00:32:17,560 --> 00:32:19,999
+He told us it was broken. Is it?
+00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:22,879
+Oh! The thing is, though,
+00:32:22,880 --> 00:32:27,159
+you know Gandhi?
+Er, yeah, was he a Rolls man? No.
+00:32:27,160 --> 00:32:29,359
+Absolutely not.
+00:32:29,360 --> 00:32:31,479
+Now, Gandhi argued
+there was too big a gulf
+00:32:31,480 --> 00:32:35,119
+in India between the rich and
+the poor and it should be narrower.
+00:32:35,120 --> 00:32:40,359
+And I think if we disabled
+James's air conditioning,
+00:32:40,360 --> 00:32:43,239
+it would make him more equal to us.
+00:32:43,240 --> 00:32:46,719
+And that's good not just for us,
+00:32:46,720 --> 00:32:50,440
+but also spiritually for him.
+00:32:51,600 --> 00:32:55,840
+Gandhi would approve of what I'm
+doing now. This is a noble act. Oh.
+00:32:57,520 --> 00:33:01,639
+Nothing to see here.
+Nothing to see here.
+00:33:01,640 --> 00:33:03,679
+Beautiful British engineering.
+00:33:03,680 --> 00:33:06,119
+If we do it back up again,
+there's no evidence.
+00:33:06,120 --> 00:33:10,199
+No, none. It's the perfect crime.
+It IS the perfect crime.
+00:33:10,200 --> 00:33:11,879
+No tools...
+00:33:11,880 --> 00:33:14,960
+no murder weapon. No.
+00:33:16,000 --> 00:33:18,759
+'Eventually, Judas arrived.'
+00:33:18,760 --> 00:33:21,199
+May! You've made it.
+00:33:21,200 --> 00:33:23,959
+Well done. How did you miss it?
+00:33:23,960 --> 00:33:25,920
+What you couldn't see from the train
+00:33:25,921 --> 00:33:29,199
+was the platform ended and there was
+a drop of 15ft. I did see that.
+00:33:29,200 --> 00:33:31,460
+I couldn't do anything.
+That's why I shouted, "Pull the cord.
+00:33:31,461 --> 00:33:33,719
+" Why didn't you?
+There's a fine.
+00:33:33,720 --> 00:33:36,999
+13 quid. But the good news is,
+00:33:37,000 --> 00:33:40,919
+the cars have all arrived,
+amazingly, in one piece.
+00:33:40,920 --> 00:33:43,839
+Is it nice to see them?
+I've also had a really good idea
+00:33:43,840 --> 00:33:46,720
+for what we can do
+while we're in Jaipur.
+00:33:49,360 --> 00:33:52,020
+'My plan was to promote
+the British motorsport
+00:33:52,021 --> 00:33:54,679
+industry by staging a
+hill-climb event.'
+00:33:54,680 --> 00:33:58,200
+'Which, of course,
+meant finding a hill.'
+00:34:01,640 --> 00:34:02,839
+Oh, yes!
+00:34:02,840 --> 00:34:06,680
+Nice little course,
+one kilometre. Perfect.
+00:34:07,960 --> 00:34:10,780
+And what we've done
+is invited some local
+00:34:10,781 --> 00:34:13,599
+Indians to bring whatever
+vehicles they have
+00:34:13,600 --> 00:34:15,480
+to see how fast
+they can get up the hill.
+00:34:15,481 --> 00:34:17,280
+It should be a good day's sport.
+00:34:18,280 --> 00:34:20,780
+'But, of course, not only
+would the Indians get a
+00:34:20,781 --> 00:34:23,279
+flavour of this traditional
+British motorsport,
+00:34:23,280 --> 00:34:26,279
+'we'd have a chance to see
+what sort of vehicles are favoured
+00:34:26,280 --> 00:34:28,400
+'by the Indian petrol head.'
+00:34:29,600 --> 00:34:31,719
+Go! Yeah! He's off.
+00:34:31,720 --> 00:34:34,640
+He's away! We're underway!
+We've done something.
+00:34:36,080 --> 00:34:40,719
+What was that motorcycle?
+Because this is our leaderboard.
+00:34:40,720 --> 00:34:43,479
+That was the Rajdoot 175.
+00:34:43,480 --> 00:34:45,759
+'Moments later,
+we got out first time.'
+00:34:45,760 --> 00:34:48,760
+One minute, 20.6. Is that fast?
+We don't know.
+00:34:50,040 --> 00:34:52,559
+'Next up was
+the Hindustan Ambassador,
+00:34:52,560 --> 00:34:54,839
+'which began in life
+as a Morris Oxford
+00:34:54,840 --> 00:35:00,279
+'and is still being produced
+in Calcutta 63 years later.'
+00:35:00,280 --> 00:35:01,959
+00:35:01,960 --> 00:35:05,079
+Has he gone? He's still going.
+Whoa! Still going.
+00:35:05,080 --> 00:35:07,039
+00:35:07,040 --> 00:35:09,160
+That's the smell
+of Britain in the '50s.
+00:35:10,840 --> 00:35:13,319
+'When the Hindustan had finished,
+00:35:13,320 --> 00:35:16,999
+'it was the turn of the Indian
+new boy, the Tata Nano,
+00:35:17,000 --> 00:35:19,559
+'which, at 1900 quid,
+00:35:19,560 --> 00:35:22,239
+'is the cheapest car
+in the world right now.'
+00:35:22,240 --> 00:35:23,560
+00:35:24,840 --> 00:35:26,000
+Less smoke.
+00:35:27,280 --> 00:35:32,439
+'It may only have a 600cc
+two-cylinder engine,
+00:35:32,440 --> 00:35:35,719
+'but that didn't stop it
+from putting on a good show.'
+00:35:35,720 --> 00:35:39,479
+1.14.7. Oh, that's our first
+blistering time of the day.
+00:35:39,480 --> 00:35:42,599
+That is a quick car.
+It's blindingly quick.
+00:35:42,600 --> 00:35:44,920
+You know what's going to happen?
+00:35:44,921 --> 00:35:47,239
+He'll think, "I'll go up that
+hill again next weekend."
+00:35:47,240 --> 00:35:52,359
+"I wonder if I can go a bit faster?
+If I get that British fuel pipe hose..."
+00:35:52,360 --> 00:35:56,679
+"I could improve..." And somebody in
+Britain who makes hoses... Gets a sale.
+00:35:56,680 --> 00:35:58,439
+Gets a sale.
+00:35:58,440 --> 00:36:02,199
+'Next, it was the turn
+of India's most popular taxi,
+00:36:02,200 --> 00:36:05,120
+'the superbly engineered tuk tuk.'
+00:36:06,960 --> 00:36:08,360
+It's going backwards.
+00:36:13,360 --> 00:36:15,920
+It's going, it's going,
+it's going, it's going.
+00:36:18,400 --> 00:36:21,200
+That's better.
+I've got cancer now(!)
+00:36:22,560 --> 00:36:25,599
+You know the Reliant Robin
+is not a stable vehicle,
+00:36:25,600 --> 00:36:28,040
+as I have proved many times?
+THAT makes the
+00:36:28,041 --> 00:36:30,480
+Reliant Robin look like
+a railway locomotive.
+00:36:31,520 --> 00:36:34,439
+'As was demonstrated
+on the next bend.'
+00:36:34,440 --> 00:36:35,600
+00:36:38,480 --> 00:36:42,600
+'Despite this mishap,
+the locals kept on coming.'
+00:36:46,400 --> 00:36:48,240
+Well done, thank you taking part.
+00:36:50,840 --> 00:36:54,200
+Good luck. 'ln fact, our hill climb
+was so popular... '
+00:36:56,040 --> 00:36:58,079
+Go! Whoa.
+00:36:58,080 --> 00:37:00,760
+'..that things soon got
+out of control.'
+00:37:03,120 --> 00:37:05,240
+00:37:09,560 --> 00:37:13,920
+'Eventually, the police arrived,
+but only so they could have a go.'
+00:37:15,040 --> 00:37:18,079
+It's a heck of a grid.
+I would watch this on TV. I would.
+00:37:18,080 --> 00:37:19,320
+More than Formula One.
+00:37:20,480 --> 00:37:24,879
+'With the leaderboard almost full,
+it was now our turn to set a time,
+00:37:24,880 --> 00:37:28,879
+'but that gave us
+a bit of a diplomatic issue.'
+00:37:28,880 --> 00:37:33,119
+We need to demonstrate that our cars
+are good. Yes. They're British.
+00:37:33,120 --> 00:37:35,639
+(WHISPERING) We don't want...
+Well, a little bit.
+00:37:35,640 --> 00:37:39,559
+A little bit of winning.
+No, no. No winning at all.
+00:37:39,560 --> 00:37:42,279
+We really can't.
+00:37:42,280 --> 00:37:44,340
+A small win?
+We're hosting the event.
+00:37:44,341 --> 00:37:46,399
+You'd have to present
+the prize to yourself!
+00:37:46,400 --> 00:37:50,839
+'Having made Jeremy promise he
+wouldn't win, I lined up the Mini.'
+00:37:50,840 --> 00:37:54,199
+Three, two, one!
+00:37:54,200 --> 00:37:55,839
+00:37:55,840 --> 00:37:59,000
+And we're off.
+This is what the Mini was born to do.
+00:38:00,000 --> 00:38:02,359
+This thing won the Monte Carlo Rally
+00:38:02,360 --> 00:38:04,580
+and watching one of these
+in classic touring
+00:38:04,581 --> 00:38:06,800
+car racing was utterly,
+utterly brilliant.
+00:38:08,240 --> 00:38:11,399
+Every major racing driver
+of the period had one.
+00:38:11,400 --> 00:38:13,720
+Enzo Ferrari had THREE
+of these things!
+00:38:14,760 --> 00:38:16,199
+00:38:16,200 --> 00:38:18,520
+I am upholding a legend here.
+00:38:20,880 --> 00:38:24,759
+Finish line in sight.
+Oh, I can't go too... I mustn't win.
+00:38:24,760 --> 00:38:29,119
+Nobody can see. I'm going to give
+myself a ten-second penalty, because...
+00:38:29,120 --> 00:38:32,759
+I don't want to... You know, I...
+00:38:32,760 --> 00:38:35,239
+Yeah, that'll do.
+00:38:35,240 --> 00:38:37,279
+And across the line!
+00:38:37,280 --> 00:38:40,239
+'Hammond's diplomacy
+worked brilliantly.'
+00:38:40,240 --> 00:38:42,519
+'And now it was my turn.'
+00:38:42,520 --> 00:38:43,839
+00:38:43,840 --> 00:38:47,079
+Still going by, still going by.
+Still going by. Oh, it's gone.
+00:38:47,080 --> 00:38:50,079
+A Rolls-Royce, of course,
+has no real motor-sport heritage,
+00:38:50,080 --> 00:38:52,560
+apart from a rally the Shadow
+entered in the '60s.
+00:38:52,561 --> 00:38:56,039
+Didn't do very well
+and that commends it to me.
+00:38:56,040 --> 00:39:00,599
+Big old lead. This is James.
+00:39:00,600 --> 00:39:03,040
+Yeah. The grill will just...
+00:39:05,880 --> 00:39:10,039
+Remember, a Rolls-Royce is designed
+to stop you driving like a hooligan.
+00:39:10,040 --> 00:39:12,080
+It sort of says,
+"Are you sure, sir?"
+00:39:13,240 --> 00:39:16,240
+Mid-race check. Everything's good.
+00:39:18,040 --> 00:39:21,959
+We're both suffering with gut sweat.
+Yeah. It's interesting here,
+00:39:21,960 --> 00:39:23,559
+you don't need your penis.
+00:39:23,560 --> 00:39:27,599
+You drink and drink and drink and it
+just comes out of everywhere else.
+00:39:27,600 --> 00:39:29,480
+This is not needed.
+Thank you, Dr
+00:39:29,481 --> 00:39:31,360
+Clarkson, that's an
+interesting theory(!)
+00:39:32,600 --> 00:39:34,120
+Here we are at the finish.
+00:39:36,880 --> 00:39:41,679
+'James, too, posted
+a thoughtful and considerate time.'
+00:39:41,680 --> 00:39:45,199
+'Now, we could only hope
+the orang-utan would do the same.'
+00:39:45,200 --> 00:39:49,519
+Jeremy. What? You're starting off
+halfway across the line.
+00:39:49,520 --> 00:39:53,959
+It's for fun! Why are you wearing
+a helmet? I don't know. My helmet?
+00:39:53,960 --> 00:39:57,439
+Because it wedges my head in,
+so I don't roll about.
+00:39:57,440 --> 00:39:59,479
+What's that on the dash? Stopwatch.
+00:39:59,480 --> 00:40:02,519
+Why? We've got a stopwatch.
+No, I want to see what I'm doing.
+00:40:02,520 --> 00:40:06,519
+In three, two, one... go.
+00:40:06,520 --> 00:40:09,119
+Yes, here we go!
+00:40:09,120 --> 00:40:11,999
+The Jag, of course,
+has a fine motor-sport pedigree.
+00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:16,759
+And you can feel that pedigree
+as I unleash it through the esses.
+00:40:16,760 --> 00:40:21,599
+He wants to finish about 1:16.
+00:40:21,600 --> 00:40:25,759
+Between the Mini and the Rolls,
+because that what you'd expect.
+00:40:25,760 --> 00:40:28,519
+Kiss the apex!
+Power it out of there.
+00:40:28,520 --> 00:40:30,319
+Up the hill.
+00:40:30,320 --> 00:40:34,839
+The only problem I've got, really,
+is the gear box won't kick down.
+00:40:34,840 --> 00:40:37,640
+That's because it's a ZF
+box, made by Germans.
+00:40:37,641 --> 00:40:40,439
+And I'm just telling
+you, if you're Indian,
+00:40:40,440 --> 00:40:43,320
+"German" is a byword
+for shoddy quality.
+00:40:44,840 --> 00:40:47,160
+He'll stop.
+He'll take a break before the top.
+00:40:47,161 --> 00:40:49,480
+I told him to pause and then...
+00:40:51,000 --> 00:40:53,680
+And there's the finishing line.
+00:40:55,480 --> 00:40:57,039
+And so, in third place,
+00:40:57,040 --> 00:41:00,599
+the Maruti jeep driven by Nitish.
+Where are you? Well done. Well done.
+00:41:00,600 --> 00:41:03,799
+And, in second place,
+the Tata Nano, driven by Sorab.
+00:41:03,800 --> 00:41:07,159
+Well done, well done.
+Good man, well done.
+00:41:07,160 --> 00:41:09,840
+So, the winner of the
+inaugural Top Gear
+00:41:09,841 --> 00:41:12,519
+All-India British
+Hill-speed Climb Event...
+00:41:12,520 --> 00:41:15,919
+is the Jaguar XJS driven by Jeremy...
+00:41:15,920 --> 00:41:19,200
+Yes! There you go.
+Thank you very much. So...
+00:41:20,600 --> 00:41:23,879
+Oh, God...people of India.
+00:41:23,880 --> 00:41:28,640
+'Thanks to Jeremy, the hill climb
+had not been a diplomatic success.'
+00:41:30,120 --> 00:41:35,199
+'But then, Jaipur itself gave us
+an idea for making amends.'
+00:41:35,200 --> 00:41:39,719
+'In 1876, the whole city was painted
+pink to celebrate a visit
+00:41:39,720 --> 00:41:43,999
+'by the then Prince of Wales.'
+So we thought we'd reciprocate
+00:41:44,000 --> 00:41:48,560
+'by splitting up and decorating
+our cars to celebrate India.'
+00:41:49,760 --> 00:41:53,359
+Right. I'm going to focus my efforts
+on here.
+00:41:53,360 --> 00:41:55,559
+What I'm going to go for is a flag.
+00:41:55,560 --> 00:41:58,159
+I already have a Union Jack
+on the roof.
+00:41:58,160 --> 00:42:00,439
+If I put Indian flag on the bonnet,
+00:42:00,440 --> 00:42:05,039
+it's kind of the two brought together
+on one iconic symbol of Britishness.
+00:42:05,040 --> 00:42:09,160
+It's like a hands across the ocean,
+but it's hands across the windscreen.
+00:42:11,160 --> 00:42:16,160
+That is good, that is good.
+Nice. Look at that.
+00:42:17,440 --> 00:42:18,680
+Yee ha!
+00:42:19,720 --> 00:42:21,679
+It's good? Good?
+00:42:21,680 --> 00:42:24,040
+You like a flock wallpaper?
+BOYS: Yes, yes.
+00:42:27,720 --> 00:42:29,940
+There's a design in the
+middle which is...
+00:42:29,941 --> 00:42:32,160
+Oh, it'll be something
+like an eagley thing.
+00:42:35,640 --> 00:42:39,159
+Eventually, I was done,
+so I went to join Jeremy.
+00:42:39,160 --> 00:42:40,200
+00:42:45,640 --> 00:42:48,919
+Loving your shirt.
+Loving your boob tube.
+00:42:48,920 --> 00:42:53,439
+It's a crop top is what it is,
+and this is...?
+00:42:53,440 --> 00:42:55,319
+That's for Anglo-Indian relations.
+00:42:55,320 --> 00:42:59,839
+That's the British flag. Yeah, and
+the...? That is the Indian flag.
+00:42:59,840 --> 00:43:01,720
+But the whole car is Ganesh themed.
+00:43:01,721 --> 00:43:04,639
+Ganesh being this elephant god?
+00:43:04,640 --> 00:43:07,079
+They have an expression,
+"We're doing a Ganesh",
+00:43:07,080 --> 00:43:09,400
+meaning making sure something
+starts auspiciously.
+00:43:09,401 --> 00:43:11,719
+I've got more elephant
+themes inside.
+00:43:11,720 --> 00:43:13,479
+Have you gone mental? No.
+00:43:13,480 --> 00:43:16,800
+Oh, I'll just light my joss stick.
+Get a smell of this.
+00:43:18,280 --> 00:43:21,479
+Now, you see, that's weed!
+No, it's not!
+00:43:21,480 --> 00:43:23,079
+00:43:23,080 --> 00:43:26,599
+Well, I have to say...
+No, credit where credit's due.
+00:43:26,600 --> 00:43:28,839
+YOU don't deserve any.
+00:43:28,840 --> 00:43:31,799
+But wait until you see
+what I've done to the Jag.
+00:43:31,800 --> 00:43:35,319
+First of all, the flock effect
+racing stripe. Like that.
+00:43:35,320 --> 00:43:37,759
+But this is genius.
+00:43:37,760 --> 00:43:41,719
+At some point on this trip, Hammond's
+Bombay doors are going to break.
+00:43:41,720 --> 00:43:44,439
+We'll be stuck
+in the middle of nowhere
+00:43:44,440 --> 00:43:47,840
+and he is going to beg me
+for use of this.
+00:43:50,360 --> 00:43:53,919
+What I've done in there... Well,
+I... No, it's like an ice bucket.
+00:43:53,920 --> 00:43:55,800
+You fill it up with chemicals.
+00:43:57,600 --> 00:44:01,639
+This is the best thing I've ever
+seen fitted to a car in India.
+00:44:01,640 --> 00:44:05,199
+Everybody who comes here
+gets the trots.
+00:44:05,200 --> 00:44:06,680
+Yeah. And you've got...
+00:44:08,440 --> 00:44:12,919
+No, it's very good. The thinking is
+terrific. I've also tuned my badge
+00:44:12,920 --> 00:44:15,639
+to match the temperatures
+I'm experiencing in the car.
+00:44:15,640 --> 00:44:18,599
+It's an Aga. I've taken the "J",
+the "U" and the "R" out
+00:44:18,600 --> 00:44:21,039
+and we're left with "Aga",
+which is what it is.
+00:44:21,040 --> 00:44:23,999
+'At that moment,
+Rolf Harris arrived.'
+00:44:24,000 --> 00:44:25,840
+What have you been doing?
+00:44:26,920 --> 00:44:31,519
+Craftsmanship takes time.
+Indian flag, Union Jack.
+00:44:31,520 --> 00:44:34,060
+You see? It's a symbol
+of British craftsmanship
+00:44:34,061 --> 00:44:36,599
+and ingenuity brought together.
+It's all there.
+00:44:36,600 --> 00:44:41,359
+I'm pretty certain
+that's not an Indian flag. It is.
+00:44:41,360 --> 00:44:43,560
+There's a green, a white
+and a red-orange stripe.
+00:44:43,561 --> 00:44:45,759
+I didn't do the
+red-orange because...
+00:44:45,760 --> 00:44:49,719
+I think that's in Indian one
+and the stripes go HORIZONTAL.
+00:44:49,720 --> 00:44:53,399
+You'd recognise a Union Jack
+if it was that way. HORIZONTAL.
+00:44:53,400 --> 00:44:56,559
+You're looking at it from this side.
+Hold on a minute.
+00:44:56,560 --> 00:44:59,239
+You've got one there.
+It's a grapefruit in the middle.
+00:44:59,240 --> 00:45:04,319
+It's segmented. Would you agree
+that what he's done is that flag?
+00:45:04,320 --> 00:45:09,640
+Yes, near enough. Would you like to
+know what country that is the flag of?
+00:45:10,800 --> 00:45:12,560
+00:45:14,440 --> 00:45:19,119
+Of all the countries YOU in
+particular could have selected,
+00:45:19,120 --> 00:45:22,759
+what you've done, Richard Hammond,
+is paint on your Mini
+00:45:22,760 --> 00:45:26,039
+the flag of Mexico.
+00:45:26,040 --> 00:45:28,560
+God, I haven't, have I? You have.
+00:45:31,080 --> 00:45:34,319
+Maybe you should put a piece
+of lemon in the fuel filler neck,
+00:45:34,320 --> 00:45:37,920
+see if it makes it go better.
+00:45:40,640 --> 00:45:43,159
+It was now time to head north
+to Delhi,
+00:45:43,160 --> 00:45:46,719
+to host our important
+ambassadorial trade reception.
+00:45:46,720 --> 00:45:52,439
+However, at that moment, James had
+something more pressing on his mind.
+00:45:52,440 --> 00:45:56,799
+Hang on a minute. Hang on a minute.
+It's very hot in here and you two,
+00:45:56,800 --> 00:46:00,919
+I left you two with my car yesterday
+when I was in the tuk tuk.
+00:46:00,920 --> 00:46:04,559
+Oh, dear. You've interfered
+with my air conditioning.
+00:46:04,560 --> 00:46:07,479
+It's coming out red hot.
+'You took it off the train!
+00:46:07,480 --> 00:46:11,759
+'How can we mess with something that
+you told us was already broken?'
+00:46:11,760 --> 00:46:14,639
+Yes, but it WAS working
+and now it isn't.
+00:46:14,640 --> 00:46:16,999
+Ha! 'You've been fiddling with it.'
+00:46:17,000 --> 00:46:21,119
+So you're now saying it WAS working
+and now it isn't working?
+00:46:21,120 --> 00:46:24,679
+Yes, I was lying about it not
+working. It works perfectly well,
+00:46:24,680 --> 00:46:27,919
+I was just keen for you two
+not to start messing around with it.
+00:46:27,920 --> 00:46:29,639
+'Have you messed around with it?'
+00:46:29,640 --> 00:46:32,839
+Well, in the spirit
+of new-found honesty, yes,
+00:46:32,840 --> 00:46:35,439
+we ruined your air conditioning.
+00:46:35,440 --> 00:46:38,079
+Well, what was the bloody point
+of that, you idiot?!
+00:46:38,080 --> 00:46:40,120
+Gandhi made us do it.
+00:46:41,400 --> 00:46:45,919
+What a pair of morons. That's all
+they can do, break something.
+00:46:45,920 --> 00:46:49,760
+They can't make anything or mend
+anything, just break stuff.
+00:46:50,760 --> 00:46:52,640
+It's the ruin of Britain.
+00:46:54,320 --> 00:46:58,839
+The journey to Delhi
+would give us our first taste
+00:46:58,840 --> 00:47:00,959
+of life on provincial
+Indian highways.
+00:47:00,960 --> 00:47:04,600
+An experience which,
+we'd been told, would be terrifying.
+00:47:09,080 --> 00:47:11,799
+Let me give you
+some alarming statistics.
+00:47:11,800 --> 00:47:15,279
+Throughout India,
+there are now 74 million vehicles,
+00:47:15,280 --> 00:47:18,359
+roughly twice what we have
+in the UK.
+00:47:18,360 --> 00:47:22,079
+So you'd expect the death rate
+to be twice as high. It isn't.
+00:47:22,080 --> 00:47:26,239
+In Britain, around about 3,000 people
+a year are killed on the roads.
+00:47:26,240 --> 00:47:30,599
+Last year in India, it was 196,000.
+00:47:30,600 --> 00:47:32,920
+That's 22 an hour.
+00:47:36,320 --> 00:47:40,319
+This country has the most dangerous
+roads in the world.
+00:47:40,320 --> 00:47:41,840
+And they get worse at night.
+00:47:42,920 --> 00:47:44,999
+This was a problem for us,
+00:47:45,000 --> 00:47:49,759
+because as night fell, our overnight
+hold was still 80 miles away.
+00:47:49,760 --> 00:47:55,280
+And we were on the most dangerous
+kind of road... a dual carriageway.
+00:47:57,880 --> 00:48:01,319
+00:48:01,320 --> 00:48:05,240
+Jesus Christ, that car's going
+on the wrong side of the road.
+00:48:07,040 --> 00:48:09,160
+Unlit tractor up ahead, chaps.
+00:48:13,360 --> 00:48:15,599
+That's completely unlit.
+00:48:15,600 --> 00:48:19,160
+An unlit wide-load in the dark
+on an unlit road.
+00:48:21,560 --> 00:48:24,800
+Oh, a man on the road. God!
+00:48:26,440 --> 00:48:29,120
+Oh, this is tight. Oh.
+00:48:30,760 --> 00:48:32,159
+00:48:32,160 --> 00:48:33,480
+Oh, that was scary.
+00:48:35,240 --> 00:48:37,359
+Bloody hell!
+00:48:37,360 --> 00:48:40,639
+You know in England, when a child
+is badly behaved, the mother says
+00:48:40,640 --> 00:48:43,559
+"Your father will be very cross
+with you when he gets home"?
+00:48:43,560 --> 00:48:46,999
+Here, it's different. It's, "Your
+father will be very cross with you"
+00:48:47,000 --> 00:48:48,200
+"IF he gets home."
+00:48:50,080 --> 00:48:52,920
+Oh, God. Oh, God!
+00:48:56,560 --> 00:48:57,760
+Jesus, look at that.
+00:49:01,040 --> 00:49:02,840
+I mean, Ganesh, look at that.
+00:49:04,840 --> 00:49:08,120
+Blinded. Yep, can't see a thing.
+00:49:10,480 --> 00:49:12,879
+That lorry's very close.
+00:49:12,880 --> 00:49:14,679
+00:49:14,680 --> 00:49:17,199
+00:49:17,200 --> 00:49:19,760
+"Road narrows
+for no obvious reason."
+00:49:21,080 --> 00:49:22,920
+Oh, strewth!
+00:49:25,320 --> 00:49:27,119
+Two nerve-jangling hours later,
+00:49:27,120 --> 00:49:30,839
+we arrived at the town
+where we'd be staying the night.
+00:49:30,840 --> 00:49:33,400
+And as we refuelled,
+I took my revenge.
+00:49:45,280 --> 00:49:46,999
+Funny. Very funny.
+00:49:47,000 --> 00:49:51,039
+Er, what James has done
+is turned my heater up to full,
+00:49:51,040 --> 00:49:56,759
+and then removed the heater knob
+so I can't turn it back down again.
+00:49:56,760 --> 00:50:00,080
+What a monumental bell-end he is.
+00:50:04,760 --> 00:50:08,520
+The next morning, the dual
+carriageway madness continued.
+00:50:09,880 --> 00:50:13,280
+Only now, we could actually see
+what was going to kill us.
+00:50:15,600 --> 00:50:17,160
+Oh, God, now look.
+00:50:18,200 --> 00:50:20,640
+Holy moly.
+00:50:23,440 --> 00:50:26,919
+The man here just got out of his
+lorry in the middle of the road.
+00:50:26,920 --> 00:50:28,680
+00:50:31,400 --> 00:50:33,440
+00:50:34,960 --> 00:50:37,599
+I wonder how much else
+we missed last night.
+00:50:37,600 --> 00:50:40,440
+What else was going on
+that we never saw?
+00:50:43,320 --> 00:50:47,039
+So the Allegro survived the night
+by the looks of things
+00:50:47,040 --> 00:50:50,919
+and is still with us, with a very
+miserable-looking producer at the helm.
+00:50:50,920 --> 00:50:53,279
+Serves him right for having no faith
+00:50:53,280 --> 00:50:56,359
+in these magnificent British cars
+that we've chosen.
+00:50:56,360 --> 00:51:00,919
+James, is your car giving
+the slightest indication
+00:51:00,920 --> 00:51:03,239
+it might go wrong?
+00:51:03,240 --> 00:51:06,719
+No. Situation update.
+00:51:06,720 --> 00:51:09,519
+Oil level
+and coolant temperature good.
+00:51:09,520 --> 00:51:11,879
+Everything working.
+Engine is as sweet as a nut.
+00:51:11,880 --> 00:51:14,120
+My karma is very good.
+00:51:16,000 --> 00:51:19,039
+'And at the next fuel stop,
+his karma got even better,
+00:51:19,040 --> 00:51:23,440
+'as he turned his special
+revenge gun on Hammond.'
+00:51:33,160 --> 00:51:36,599
+The seat is stuck forwards, James.
+00:51:36,600 --> 00:51:39,279
+Have you missed
+with the seat in my car?
+00:51:39,280 --> 00:51:40,520
+Might have done.
+00:51:42,040 --> 00:51:45,159
+Where have you put my knob?
+I've forgotten.
+00:51:45,160 --> 00:51:47,119
+It's so hot in there. Look.
+00:51:47,120 --> 00:51:50,920
+My tablecloth has leaked dye
+into my shirt.
+00:51:54,440 --> 00:51:57,439
+'Several hours later,
+we arrived in Delhi,
+00:51:57,440 --> 00:52:00,079
+'where I decided
+to have an accident.'
+00:52:00,080 --> 00:52:02,839
+O... K!
+00:52:02,840 --> 00:52:06,239
+'Sadly, there was no time
+to worry about this small crash,
+00:52:06,240 --> 00:52:09,800
+'because that night, we were hosting
+our trade reception.'
+00:52:11,080 --> 00:52:14,359
+It's very obvious that this is
+the right place for our party.
+00:52:14,360 --> 00:52:19,160
+Lots of rich, influential people
+behind these high walls and hedges.
+00:52:20,360 --> 00:52:21,600
+We will do well here.
+00:52:25,640 --> 00:52:29,559
+After a quick freshen up, we arrived
+at the location for our party...
+00:52:29,560 --> 00:52:33,439
+an exclusive house
+in the select embassy district.
+00:52:33,440 --> 00:52:37,240
+Brilliant, look at this. It's good,
+isn't it? This is fantastic.
+00:52:38,320 --> 00:52:41,719
+Our guests would be arriving
+in just a few hours,
+00:52:41,720 --> 00:52:44,039
+so James started to build
+the catering tent,
+00:52:44,040 --> 00:52:49,279
+I washed the cars and Hammond took
+charge of decorating the marquee.
+00:52:49,280 --> 00:52:50,399
+Gather round.
+00:52:50,400 --> 00:52:53,279
+What we need to do is make this
+the colours of the Union Jack,
+00:52:53,280 --> 00:52:56,759
+British flag, so I brought some
+red, white and blue cloth with me
+00:52:56,760 --> 00:52:58,799
+so we can decorate it.
+00:52:58,800 --> 00:53:01,639
+So to your posts for now
+and I'll work out a plan.
+00:53:01,640 --> 00:53:05,680
+If you each go
+and stand with one of these. Yes.
+00:53:09,880 --> 00:53:11,480
+Anybody speak English?
+00:53:14,600 --> 00:53:16,439
+00:53:16,440 --> 00:53:18,840
+00:53:23,680 --> 00:53:25,719
+I'm getting them
+in a fan shape, James.
+00:53:25,720 --> 00:53:28,559
+No, that's OK, like that, yeah.
+Keep going.
+00:53:28,560 --> 00:53:30,000
+00:53:35,840 --> 00:53:37,959
+We'll have do untie it
+and start again.
+00:53:37,960 --> 00:53:42,000
+This setback meant James would have
+to start his cooking al fresco.
+00:53:43,560 --> 00:53:46,039
+Tonight's dish
+is a signature British dish,
+00:53:46,040 --> 00:53:49,879
+but celebrates our relationship with
+India, particularly our love of spices.
+00:53:49,880 --> 00:53:53,079
+It is, obviously,
+coronation chicken.
+00:53:53,080 --> 00:53:55,559
+And the ingredients
+are chicken and coronation.
+00:53:55,560 --> 00:53:59,759
+To make the coronation, you start
+with a bowl and some salad cream.
+00:53:59,760 --> 00:54:03,479
+So you've got salad cream chicken,
+basically? And spices.
+00:54:03,480 --> 00:54:06,879
+Why have you got digestive biscuits?
+It's going to be served on them.
+00:54:06,880 --> 00:54:10,039
+That's the stupidest idea...
+Why don't you go and wash the cars?
+00:54:10,040 --> 00:54:11,879
+I've washed them. You haven't.
+00:54:11,880 --> 00:54:15,479
+I can see that it's still dirty and
+still says "penis" on the bonnet.
+00:54:15,480 --> 00:54:18,159
+I squirted them with water.
+That's not good enough.
+00:54:18,160 --> 00:54:20,999
+We're using Madras curry powder
+from the Midlands.
+00:54:21,000 --> 00:54:22,719
+Sprinkle that on...
+00:54:22,720 --> 00:54:25,439
+Salad cream and curry powder
+is what it is? Pretty much.
+00:54:25,440 --> 00:54:26,640
+It's got sultanas...
+00:54:27,640 --> 00:54:30,879
+Go and wash the cars.
+Go and wash the cars.
+00:54:30,880 --> 00:54:34,000
+Now they're having a water fight.
+00:54:36,080 --> 00:54:39,839
+Once James had finished his recipe...
+Coronation chicken, madam?
+00:54:39,840 --> 00:54:45,599
+He went into town to buy fireworks,
+leaving me alone with the orang-utan.
+00:54:45,600 --> 00:54:48,959
+This is magnificently brilliant.
+00:54:48,960 --> 00:54:53,799
+I think the guests are going
+to just adore having a go in this.
+00:54:53,800 --> 00:54:56,640
+A bit of tweed action going on.
+00:54:58,160 --> 00:55:00,680
+Oh, no!
+00:55:01,760 --> 00:55:04,279
+Oh, my God.
+00:55:04,280 --> 00:55:08,719
+'Between us, we worked out
+that James was going to notice.'
+00:55:08,720 --> 00:55:10,919
+Have you got any green paint? No.
+00:55:10,920 --> 00:55:14,840
+Yes. Yes! You have? We've brought
+a load of Airfix models. Have we?
+00:55:16,200 --> 00:55:20,000
+Spitfire green. Yes, here we go.
+We can have this fixed.
+00:55:22,320 --> 00:55:26,440
+I don't think he's got enough
+of his instruments painted over.
+00:55:28,240 --> 00:55:30,999
+00:55:31,000 --> 00:55:32,760
+That's much better.
+00:55:34,360 --> 00:55:36,919
+A bit later on,
+James returned with his fireworks,
+00:55:36,920 --> 00:55:39,640
+which, frankly,
+were not what I'd had in mind.
+00:55:41,000 --> 00:55:44,159
+James, I know you live in 1956,
+but the world has moved on,
+00:55:44,160 --> 00:55:46,199
+these are pathetic. They'll be good.
+00:55:46,200 --> 00:55:49,159
+These are big as well.
+They're rubbish.
+00:55:49,160 --> 00:55:51,719
+There's a limit to the size
+of fireworks you can have
+00:55:51,720 --> 00:55:55,479
+in, let's be honest, the middle of the
+Government area, lots of embassies,
+00:55:55,480 --> 00:55:58,439
+on a high state of alert
+because of the threat of terrorism.
+00:55:58,440 --> 00:56:00,839
+You can't let off
+a millennium fireworks...
+00:56:00,840 --> 00:56:02,599
+it's a garden fireworks display.
+00:56:02,600 --> 00:56:05,919
+That's going to be like lighting
+a match. No, it isn't. It is.
+00:56:05,920 --> 00:56:09,559
+'I decided to take matters in hand.'
+00:56:09,560 --> 00:56:14,199
+OK, what you need to make
+a really big firework is, er...
+00:56:14,200 --> 00:56:18,399
+a length of drainpipe,
+a cane, teaspoon, Sellotape,
+00:56:18,400 --> 00:56:22,039
+sharp knife, saucer
+and a pair of pixellated hands,
+00:56:22,040 --> 00:56:25,479
+so you at home
+can't see what I'm doing.
+00:56:25,480 --> 00:56:27,999
+Right, you take, well, any firework.
+00:56:28,000 --> 00:56:31,519
+Let's start
+with this relatively small one.
+00:56:31,520 --> 00:56:33,839
+And you apply the sharp knife.
+00:56:33,840 --> 00:56:36,719
+Now, being very careful
+not to hit the...
+00:56:36,720 --> 00:56:38,640
+Let's not give that a name.
+00:56:40,200 --> 00:56:42,959
+Our plan was to show
+our top business guests
+00:56:42,960 --> 00:56:45,199
+some of Britain's finest products,
+00:56:45,200 --> 00:56:48,559
+with each of us championing
+one particular thing.
+00:56:48,560 --> 00:56:51,400
+James selected a superb lawnmower.
+00:56:53,240 --> 00:56:54,999
+Oh, that is...
+00:56:55,000 --> 00:56:58,559
+And as it winds itself up, it gets
+further in, that's brilliant.
+00:56:58,560 --> 00:57:02,279
+You know what, that is actually...
+It's all right, isn't it?
+00:57:02,280 --> 00:57:03,520
+That's a good display.
+00:57:03,521 --> 00:57:07,439
+'I would be promoting something
+very close to my heart... '
+00:57:07,440 --> 00:57:08,759
+Hair products.
+00:57:08,760 --> 00:57:11,799
+It's a little-known fact
+that we in Britain
+00:57:11,800 --> 00:57:15,439
+are extensive producers
+of a huge range of hair product.
+00:57:15,440 --> 00:57:19,039
+Nicky Clarke, she's a well-known
+hairdresser, I think.
+00:57:19,040 --> 00:57:22,119
+What I'm going to do is arrange
+a display, but more than that...
+00:57:22,120 --> 00:57:25,919
+in keeping with the theme, which is
+kind of active, actually doing stuff,
+00:57:25,920 --> 00:57:28,879
+I'm going to style myself
+and turn myself into a walking,
+00:57:28,880 --> 00:57:30,319
+moving billboard.
+00:57:30,320 --> 00:57:33,359
+You need to be able to remove,
+00:57:33,360 --> 00:57:38,599
+from in here, all of the stuff that
+looks a bit like it could belong
+00:57:38,600 --> 00:57:42,880
+in a fondue set,
+but isn't really the same.
+00:58:00,960 --> 00:58:04,719
+By the time James had got
+his lawnmower under control,
+00:58:04,720 --> 00:58:07,359
+Jeremy had completed
+his cruise missile.
+00:58:07,360 --> 00:58:08,639
+Here we are.
+00:58:08,640 --> 00:58:10,879
+The finished product.
+00:58:10,880 --> 00:58:15,639
+My giant firework, with stick,
+with prong on the end,
+00:58:15,640 --> 00:58:17,320
+ready to be launched.
+00:58:18,440 --> 00:58:21,759
+With that done, I was free to break
+out the product I'd be promoting,
+00:58:21,760 --> 00:58:25,799
+the Corby trouser press,
+which I believed could perform
+00:58:25,800 --> 00:58:29,919
+a vital extra service
+for the Indian customer.
+00:58:29,920 --> 00:58:32,319
+The Corby naan-press.
+There it is.
+00:58:32,320 --> 00:58:34,000
+Is it hot? Ooh, ah!
+00:58:36,440 --> 00:58:39,600
+Mmm. That is good. Mm.
+00:58:41,160 --> 00:58:42,919
+With the preparations complete,
+00:58:42,920 --> 00:58:47,720
+it was time to smarten ourselves up
+and greet our VIP guests.
+00:58:49,240 --> 00:58:53,920
+How'd you do? Barley water, Tizer,
+English wine, coronation chicken.
+00:58:55,080 --> 00:58:58,519
+You do the wine, I'll go around
+with coronation chicken.
+00:58:58,520 --> 00:59:02,719
+'Meanwhile, Richard was in charge
+of valet parking.'
+00:59:02,720 --> 00:59:03,800
+Hello, welcome.
+00:59:03,801 --> 00:59:06,959
+Right, thank you. I'm going
+to put this somewhere prominent.
+00:59:06,960 --> 00:59:08,400
+I love the paint, by the way.
+00:59:10,200 --> 00:59:13,400
+Keys. Er... Oh, hello, that'll do.
+00:59:17,480 --> 00:59:20,959
+It's powdered and you simply add
+water and you get mashed potato.
+00:59:20,960 --> 00:59:25,359
+I think it's better
+than the real thing. Lovely.
+00:59:25,360 --> 00:59:28,599
+Forgive me for interrupting,
+I brought your vegetarian option.
+00:59:28,600 --> 00:59:31,879
+This is a sweet one... Angel Delight
+on a Digestive biscuit.
+00:59:31,880 --> 00:59:34,560
+Hello. Hello, how are you?
+I'm very well, thank you.
+00:59:35,440 --> 00:59:40,359
+This is gentleman's relish on
+a water biscuit and this is Marmite.
+00:59:40,360 --> 00:59:41,800
+00:59:51,640 --> 00:59:55,239
+'As darkness fell,
+the guests continued to arrive.'
+00:59:55,240 --> 00:59:57,959
+If you'd like to park up there,
+I'll do the proper park.
+00:59:57,960 --> 01:00:01,239
+Yours is a temporary park.
+I'm doing the big, actual park.
+01:00:01,240 --> 01:00:03,879
+It's my job.
+Move up, if you would, sir.
+01:00:03,880 --> 01:00:06,879
+'With the party in full swing,
+01:00:06,880 --> 01:00:09,559
+'it was time to demonstrate
+our British products.
+01:00:09,560 --> 01:00:13,120
+'Sadly, though,
+the lawnmower wouldn't start.'
+01:00:14,560 --> 01:00:15,639
+01:00:15,640 --> 01:00:19,480
+And Jeremy's diplomacy was as bad
+as it had been at the hill-climb.
+01:00:20,560 --> 01:00:23,439
+This is something I think
+you could sell well in India.
+01:00:23,440 --> 01:00:27,080
+Most British two or three-star
+hotels have these.
+01:00:28,360 --> 01:00:31,039
+Judging by the cars
+that were turning up,
+01:00:31,040 --> 01:00:33,639
+it was clear Delhi's elite
+had come to the party.
+01:00:33,640 --> 01:00:37,839
+But unfortunately for Richard,
+they'd all arrived at once.
+01:00:37,840 --> 01:00:42,199
+I'm your valet park... Oh, just wait
+there, I'm going to park your car.
+01:00:42,200 --> 01:00:43,320
+Just don't move.
+01:00:45,760 --> 01:00:48,679
+Hold on. Nobody park.
+No, where are they going? Agh!
+01:00:48,680 --> 01:00:51,479
+I have a proper
+British lawnmower at home,
+01:00:51,480 --> 01:00:54,239
+an Atco twin-clutch,
+but I don't actually have a lawn,
+01:00:54,240 --> 01:00:57,679
+but it's still something that's very
+pleasant to own, as an artefact,
+01:00:57,680 --> 01:01:00,919
+as an example of fine engineering,
+with a great engineering...
+01:01:00,920 --> 01:01:05,239
+'So, James was boring everyone
+to death,
+01:01:05,240 --> 01:01:08,439
+'half the world's mosquitoes
+had arrived,
+01:01:08,440 --> 01:01:10,479
+'my parking system
+was in disarray... '
+01:01:10,480 --> 01:01:13,839
+Just one second. I just... Don't go.
+01:01:13,840 --> 01:01:16,999
+'..and Jeremy was still being
+a diplomatic nightmare.'
+01:01:17,000 --> 01:01:19,359
+I could arrive at your house,
+do my business,
+01:01:19,360 --> 01:01:23,080
+and then come and see you without
+doing it all over your kitchen floor.
+01:01:24,680 --> 01:01:28,799
+'Plainly, it was time to get
+the Top Gear band on stage.'
+01:01:28,800 --> 01:01:32,279
+OFF-KEY: # Don't carry the world
+01:01:32,280 --> 01:01:34,720
+♪ Across your shoulder
+01:01:36,240 --> 01:01:38,719
+♪ Na na na la-la
+01:01:38,720 --> 01:01:41,399
+♪ La la la
+01:01:41,400 --> 01:01:44,439
+♪ Na na-na
+01:01:44,440 --> 01:01:46,160
+♪ Na-na-na na
+01:01:47,680 --> 01:01:48,880
+♪ Na-na-na na
+01:01:49,920 --> 01:01:51,599
+♪ Hey, Jude
+01:01:51,600 --> 01:01:52,880
+01:01:52,881 --> 01:01:56,279
+For some reason,
+the crowd wasn't warming to us,
+01:01:56,280 --> 01:01:59,600
+so I decided to set off
+my firework.
+01:02:01,080 --> 01:02:02,399
+♪ Hey, Jude
+01:02:02,400 --> 01:02:03,799
+♪ Hey, Jude. ♪
+01:02:03,800 --> 01:02:05,239
+01:02:05,240 --> 01:02:07,319
+01:02:07,320 --> 01:02:09,840
+01:02:10,720 --> 01:02:16,079
+Strangely, the guests took this
+massive explosion as a cue to leave,
+01:02:16,080 --> 01:02:18,360
+but that was harder
+than they thought.
+01:02:22,640 --> 01:02:25,320
+This one? It's not that one.
+01:02:30,400 --> 01:02:32,959
+The next morning,
+we had to face the fact
+01:02:32,960 --> 01:02:35,519
+that our party had been a disaster.
+01:02:35,520 --> 01:02:38,599
+But it had been even worse than that
+for Hammond.
+01:02:38,600 --> 01:02:42,479
+Just tell me what happened.
+A very tall, willowy Indian girl
+01:02:42,480 --> 01:02:46,239
+wanted her photograph taken with me,
+so she stood next to me.
+01:02:46,240 --> 01:02:49,559
+Yeah, yeah? And just as a man was
+about to take the picture on a phone,
+01:02:49,560 --> 01:02:52,159
+a small creature,
+an insect... a fly, perhaps...
+01:02:52,160 --> 01:02:54,719
+bit sharply into my right teste.
+01:02:54,720 --> 01:02:57,399
+Through your trousers?
+I imagine it went up the leg.
+01:02:57,400 --> 01:03:00,759
+Well, it's not a long journey.
+That's a long way, this is...
+01:03:00,760 --> 01:03:02,678
+Crawled all the way up
+to bite you...
+01:03:02,679 --> 01:03:05,160
+It chose that moment...
+"Yes, of course... agh!"
+01:03:05,161 --> 01:03:07,679
+I couldn't...
+That's flat out. Look at it.
+01:03:07,680 --> 01:03:09,319
+So it's...
+01:03:09,320 --> 01:03:12,399
+So he's got
+an out-of-control lawnmower,
+01:03:12,400 --> 01:03:14,879
+you have... A sore plum.
+..a sore plum.
+01:03:14,880 --> 01:03:18,799
+I think it's now time
+to leave the city, to leave Delhi,
+01:03:18,800 --> 01:03:21,880
+and get on
+with our countryside mission.
+01:03:23,000 --> 01:03:26,239
+We decided to head even further
+north, into the Himalayas,
+01:03:26,240 --> 01:03:30,559
+where our cars would be faced with
+rough roads and mountainous terrain.
+01:03:30,560 --> 01:03:34,839
+So, to prepare them for this,
+we found a workshop...
+01:03:34,840 --> 01:03:37,639
+and cue the music.
+01:03:37,640 --> 01:03:41,080
+MUSIC: Theme from "The A-Team"
+01:03:53,560 --> 01:03:55,400
+That's what I'm talking about.
+01:04:10,080 --> 01:04:12,640
+01:04:14,280 --> 01:04:16,999
+OK, what I've done to the Jag is...
+01:04:17,000 --> 01:04:19,399
+is ruin it comprehensively.
+01:04:19,400 --> 01:04:21,920
+'I'd fitted much chunkier
+tyres, which had
+01:04:21,921 --> 01:04:24,439
+meant messing around
+with the suspension,
+01:04:24,440 --> 01:04:27,199
+'and this had had
+a dramatic effect.'
+01:04:27,200 --> 01:04:29,319
+The ride is now intolerable,
+01:04:29,320 --> 01:04:33,599
+the tyres are catching
+on the arches, as you can hear.
+01:04:33,600 --> 01:04:36,079
+The noise is simply unbearable,
+01:04:36,080 --> 01:04:39,759
+the braking is now very poor,
+the rev counter has broken,
+01:04:39,760 --> 01:04:41,799
+BUT on the upside, though,
+01:04:41,800 --> 01:04:44,599
+because the exhaust now
+goes straight out of the bonnet
+01:04:44,600 --> 01:04:48,399
+rather than under the car,
+I have much more ground clearance,
+01:04:48,400 --> 01:04:49,880
+about that much more.
+01:04:51,080 --> 01:04:54,400
+Oh! Ho, ho, ho!
+01:04:55,880 --> 01:04:59,519
+James had also fiddled
+with his suspension
+01:04:59,520 --> 01:05:01,519
+to accommodate the chunkier rubber.
+01:05:01,520 --> 01:05:03,640
+And he too had made
+a complete mess of it.
+01:05:05,440 --> 01:05:07,240
+Oh, God!
+01:05:08,960 --> 01:05:11,519
+I've ruined everything.
+01:05:11,520 --> 01:05:15,160
+There's no point trying to say anything
+intelligent, it's just too noisy.
+01:05:22,160 --> 01:05:24,480
+That is quite a noise, isn't it?
+01:05:26,040 --> 01:05:28,079
+My car is fine,
+01:05:28,080 --> 01:05:32,519
+because I haven't modified
+or messed about with it.
+01:05:32,520 --> 01:05:35,599
+I put it on some new tyres...
+that's not modification,
+01:05:35,600 --> 01:05:39,359
+that's something you do. I put it
+on rally tyres, just in case.
+01:05:39,360 --> 01:05:42,719
+I have fitted a sump guard to protect
+the underside if it bottoms out,
+01:05:42,720 --> 01:05:44,439
+and the winch... that's not for me,
+01:05:44,440 --> 01:05:47,279
+that's to rescue those two idiots
+WHEN they get stuck,
+01:05:47,280 --> 01:05:48,800
+which they will. That's it.
+01:05:51,560 --> 01:05:56,080
+The overnight hold
+is 198 miles away.
+01:05:57,720 --> 01:05:59,600
+01:06:03,160 --> 01:06:07,239
+'James and I spent the next hour
+arguing about whose car was worse.'
+01:06:07,240 --> 01:06:09,599
+Can you not feel those rear tyres?
+01:06:09,600 --> 01:06:12,759
+'So, after a typically Indian
+fuel stop... '
+01:06:12,760 --> 01:06:14,639
+01:06:14,640 --> 01:06:15,999
+No, don't be silly.
+01:06:16,000 --> 01:06:18,040
+'..we decided to swap.'
+01:06:21,080 --> 01:06:23,359
+What a shocking racket!
+01:06:23,360 --> 01:06:25,920
+01:06:31,760 --> 01:06:33,080
+Oh, my God!
+01:06:35,720 --> 01:06:37,479
+I've just tried to go above 50.
+01:06:37,480 --> 01:06:40,399
+Jeremy, you're on fire.
+01:06:40,400 --> 01:06:42,999
+There is smoke, isn't there,
+coming from the Rolls?
+01:06:43,000 --> 01:06:45,199
+No, it's coming off the tyre.
+01:06:45,200 --> 01:06:48,039
+Oh, James,
+you can have this back now.
+01:06:48,040 --> 01:06:49,680
+It's frightening.
+01:06:50,960 --> 01:06:52,679
+I'm really sorry, Mr Cameron.
+01:06:52,680 --> 01:06:57,080
+Thanks to those two,
+our trade mission is in tatters.
+01:06:58,920 --> 01:07:01,439
+Back in the Jag, I decided
+to use my new PA system
+01:07:01,440 --> 01:07:05,479
+to give Hammond some noises
+HE wouldn't enjoy.
+01:07:05,480 --> 01:07:09,839
+MUSIC: "I Know What I Like
+(ln Your Wardrobe)" by Genesis
+01:07:09,840 --> 01:07:13,359
+Oh... Genesis, Hammond,
+I know you like it.
+01:07:13,360 --> 01:07:15,440
+It's that song.
+01:07:21,720 --> 01:07:23,440
+Ah! I hate that bit.
+01:07:24,840 --> 01:07:26,720
+It's that bit!
+01:07:29,240 --> 01:07:31,839
+With my straight through exhaust,
+I've more power,
+01:07:31,840 --> 01:07:35,040
+so I don't think you can outrun
+my Genesis concept solution.
+01:07:39,000 --> 01:07:42,239
+'In the next town
+I stopped annoying Hammond
+01:07:42,240 --> 01:07:45,879
+'and used my PA system
+to fly the flag little bit.'
+01:07:45,880 --> 01:07:47,800
+01:07:50,000 --> 01:07:53,879
+Are you watching this, Mr Cameron?
+This is how you run a trade mission.
+01:07:53,880 --> 01:07:58,239
+People of India,
+call me trouser presses,
+01:07:58,240 --> 01:08:00,439
+01:08:00,440 --> 01:08:02,959
+armour jackets,
+these are the things you need.
+01:08:02,960 --> 01:08:08,479
+As we ride into town in our convoy
+of excellent British cars...
+01:08:08,480 --> 01:08:09,839
+01:08:09,840 --> 01:08:11,799
+01:08:11,800 --> 01:08:13,880
+01:08:15,160 --> 01:08:17,119
+Oh, dear.
+01:08:17,120 --> 01:08:20,879
+It's taken the tyre off. Oh...
+We'll get it over there.
+01:08:20,880 --> 01:08:22,800
+You, come with us.
+01:08:33,760 --> 01:08:36,279
+You can't go...
+01:08:36,280 --> 01:08:41,639
+Where are you going? You can't
+just smash somebody's car up.
+01:08:41,640 --> 01:08:44,199
+We're on a very important
+mission to try
+01:08:44,200 --> 01:08:47,920
+and save our country
+from bankruptcy, and now look.
+01:08:48,960 --> 01:08:51,120
+Now he's just driving off!
+01:08:54,080 --> 01:08:56,760
+He's gone. He's just gone.
+01:08:59,760 --> 01:09:04,079
+'We were becoming bored with Jeremy
+crashing into the locals,
+01:09:04,080 --> 01:09:07,159
+'so we left him to it.'
+See you soon.
+01:09:07,160 --> 01:09:09,040
+Buy British whenever possible.
+01:09:12,480 --> 01:09:17,600
+Soon, though, we were reunited and
+in the foothills of the Himalayas.
+01:09:22,880 --> 01:09:25,000
+Nice drive, this.
+If I had proper wheels and
+01:09:25,001 --> 01:09:27,120
+tyres on the car, it
+would be even nicer.
+01:09:34,400 --> 01:09:38,320
+Oh, blinding majesty,
+natural beauty. It's all there.
+01:09:41,720 --> 01:09:43,079
+This is beautiful.
+01:09:43,080 --> 01:09:46,399
+'For the first time
+since we arrived in India,
+01:09:46,400 --> 01:09:48,759
+'there was a bit of peace and quiet.'
+01:09:48,760 --> 01:09:50,559
+01:09:50,560 --> 01:09:51,960
+01:09:53,320 --> 01:09:54,960
+Clarkson, do bugger off.
+01:09:57,400 --> 01:10:01,760
+Monkey, monkey,
+monkey with MASSIVE testicles!
+01:10:03,520 --> 01:10:08,280
+'As night fell,
+we came across a village fete.'
+01:10:13,240 --> 01:10:17,959
+'Everyone was doing business,
+so I ramped up the PA.'
+01:10:17,960 --> 01:10:19,520
+01:10:20,880 --> 01:10:22,920
+The British are back... I mean here.
+01:10:24,360 --> 01:10:27,079
+'And we stopped
+to promote our themes.'
+01:10:27,080 --> 01:10:30,039
+And now, if I can demonstrate,
+with this piece of garland.
+01:10:30,040 --> 01:10:33,799
+Your lawn, grown too long.
+01:10:33,800 --> 01:10:36,079
+Engage the lawnmower.
+01:10:36,080 --> 01:10:39,879
+It is simply blown away. Like that.
+We'll work on that...
+01:10:39,880 --> 01:10:43,159
+'Nobody was very interested.
+01:10:43,160 --> 01:10:45,719
+'So, at the hotel that night,
+to cheer ourselves up,
+01:10:45,720 --> 01:10:49,040
+'Hammond and I decided
+to improve May's Rolls.'
+01:10:50,360 --> 01:10:52,999
+What are you doing?
+Thread that through his car.
+01:10:53,000 --> 01:10:55,639
+To the horn, in such a way...
+Go and find the horn.
+01:10:55,640 --> 01:10:58,839
+Through the back seat.
+Don't knock my beer over.
+01:10:58,840 --> 01:11:00,840
+I'm not going
+to knock your beer over!
+01:11:04,280 --> 01:11:07,960
+'The next morning
+we woke up in Switzerland.
+01:11:09,040 --> 01:11:13,840
+'Only this was taller and warmer
+and better in every way.
+01:11:15,320 --> 01:11:19,360
+'It was also more peaceful as I had
+fitted some silencers to my Jag.'
+01:11:23,080 --> 01:11:27,639
+On the upside, my new exhaust system
+is much quieter than before.
+01:11:27,640 --> 01:11:31,639
+On the downside, it's making
+a really annoying, jangling sound
+01:11:31,640 --> 01:11:33,640
+and I can't see where I'm going.
+01:11:34,880 --> 01:11:36,799
+Still, it could be worse.
+01:11:36,800 --> 01:11:38,919
+01:11:38,920 --> 01:11:41,439
+01:11:41,440 --> 01:11:43,400
+Hammond? Yes!
+01:11:44,960 --> 01:11:48,399
+Can you hear a blowing noise?
+01:11:48,400 --> 01:11:50,319
+Oh, for God's sake!
+01:11:50,320 --> 01:11:53,400
+01:11:54,760 --> 01:11:56,639
+'What's the matter?'
+01:11:56,640 --> 01:11:58,820
+Well, I suspect you
+know, but I'll explain
+01:11:58,821 --> 01:12:01,000
+it to you anyway...
+braking sounds the horn.
+01:12:02,480 --> 01:12:05,359
+01:12:05,360 --> 01:12:10,679
+They've given me an interesting
+game now... try to avoid braking.
+01:12:10,680 --> 01:12:12,320
+01:12:14,680 --> 01:12:18,159
+'We continued onwards,
+determined to take our trade mission
+01:12:18,160 --> 01:12:20,360
+'into the heart of the Himalayas.
+01:12:21,720 --> 01:12:25,000
+'But the further north we went,
+the fewer people there were.'
+01:12:26,320 --> 01:12:27,520
+01:12:28,960 --> 01:12:32,100
+'By mid-morning, the only
+business that had been done
+01:12:32,101 --> 01:12:35,239
+involved Richard, buying a
+traditional local hat.'
+01:12:35,240 --> 01:12:36,840
+01:12:39,600 --> 01:12:41,680
+'So, we kept on climbing.'
+01:12:43,680 --> 01:12:45,839
+This is the road to China.
+01:12:45,840 --> 01:12:47,959
+Tibet. Can I say Tibet?
+01:12:47,960 --> 01:12:52,719
+I'm not sure what the politically
+correct way of saying that is.
+01:12:52,720 --> 01:12:55,600
+Doubtless the BBC
+has some ancient way of saying it.
+01:12:59,280 --> 01:13:02,279
+We're at 12,000 feet.
+01:13:02,280 --> 01:13:03,960
+One hell of a drop on the right.
+01:13:05,920 --> 01:13:10,560
+It's OK because there's a big row
+of pebbles to stop me going over.
+01:13:14,680 --> 01:13:19,120
+On the plus side, though, at this
+height, the views were staggering.
+01:13:20,880 --> 01:13:22,319
+Oh, oh!
+01:13:22,320 --> 01:13:24,920
+This is... something else.
+01:13:28,680 --> 01:13:31,039
+That stays with you for ever.
+01:13:31,040 --> 01:13:33,320
+Utterly beautiful.
+01:13:34,800 --> 01:13:37,799
+I know just the song
+that will match the moment.
+01:13:37,800 --> 01:13:39,759
+No, it won't.
+01:13:39,760 --> 01:13:44,439
+MUSIC: "I Know What I Like
+(ln Your Wardrobe)" by Genesis
+01:13:44,440 --> 01:13:46,360
+Oh, God!
+01:13:48,240 --> 01:13:52,439
+'The magnificence of our
+surroundings was all well and good,
+01:13:52,440 --> 01:13:56,239
+'but the views weren't translating
+into business for Britain.'
+01:13:56,240 --> 01:14:00,799
+This has a last frontier feel
+to it, this does. I hope it isn't.
+01:14:00,800 --> 01:14:04,519
+Not much call for trouser presses
+or lawnmowers here,
+01:14:04,520 --> 01:14:06,480
+or hair products, if we're honest.
+01:14:08,880 --> 01:14:13,440
+'Then, to make our lives even more
+difficult, the Tarmac stopped.'
+01:14:18,280 --> 01:14:21,160
+Hammond, problems for you here...
+it's off...road.
+01:14:22,600 --> 01:14:25,800
+'But Richard, besotted with
+his Mini, would hear none of it.'
+01:14:28,040 --> 01:14:31,199
+I'll just keep going
+until Everest comes into view
+01:14:31,200 --> 01:14:32,760
+and then deal with that.
+01:14:33,920 --> 01:14:36,119
+Oh, that's bouncing.
+01:14:36,120 --> 01:14:38,520
+It hops from bump to bump!
+01:14:48,960 --> 01:14:52,759
+This is actually quite unpleasant.
+01:14:52,760 --> 01:14:54,679
+But we must soldier on...
+01:14:54,680 --> 01:14:56,400
+for our country.
+01:15:00,160 --> 01:15:02,519
+The problem is that mud
+and rock slides
+01:15:02,520 --> 01:15:04,879
+take this road away
+every few months.
+01:15:04,880 --> 01:15:12,039
+Look, just a massive rock slide
+there has ruined the road.
+01:15:12,040 --> 01:15:14,839
+'The locals use dynamite
+to clear away the debris.'
+01:15:14,840 --> 01:15:16,680
+01:15:21,320 --> 01:15:26,680
+'It's a losing battle and pretty
+soon the road ahead was blocked.'
+01:15:30,080 --> 01:15:34,879
+'Thanking our lucky stars, we'd
+had the sense to modify our cars,
+01:15:34,880 --> 01:15:38,239
+'we decided to bypass the blockage
+by using a steep cut-through.
+01:15:38,240 --> 01:15:42,680
+'Hammond elected to go first
+in his beloved Mini.'
+01:15:44,080 --> 01:15:45,559
+Wind that baby up.
+01:15:45,560 --> 01:15:47,520
+Come on, little Mini.
+01:15:49,360 --> 01:15:51,440
+Go on! There you go. Yeah!
+01:15:55,920 --> 01:15:58,000
+'Next, it was the turn of the Jag.'
+01:16:01,840 --> 01:16:04,360
+Oh, come on, you can do this!
+01:16:05,640 --> 01:16:08,279
+Go, go, go!
+01:16:08,280 --> 01:16:11,159
+You brilliant car!
+01:16:11,160 --> 01:16:14,399
+it was George Harrison's go.'
+01:16:14,400 --> 01:16:18,479
+Lord Ganesh,
+make my climb auspicious.
+01:16:18,480 --> 01:16:19,800
+Here we go.
+01:16:33,160 --> 01:16:36,120
+Oh, no! So close!
+01:16:37,680 --> 01:16:40,320
+It looked very good for a moment.
+It DID look very good.
+01:16:41,880 --> 01:16:44,159
+How much does that weigh, James?
+01:16:44,160 --> 01:16:46,519
+2.2 tonnes.
+01:16:46,520 --> 01:16:48,599
+2.2 tonnes of Rolls-Royce.
+01:16:48,600 --> 01:16:51,119
+01:16:51,120 --> 01:16:54,879
+Now, rock it out.
+01:16:54,880 --> 01:16:57,559
+Mind your feet.
+This always goes well
+01:16:57,560 --> 01:17:00,159
+when Top Gear are filming
+situations like this.
+01:17:00,160 --> 01:17:02,879
+Here we go. Go!
+01:17:02,880 --> 01:17:05,639
+'The Rolls wasn't going anywhere.
+01:17:05,640 --> 01:17:08,160
+'So we decided to engage
+Hammond's winch.'
+01:17:09,200 --> 01:17:10,879
+You're all right.
+01:17:10,880 --> 01:17:14,159
+'To prevent the little Mini being
+winched into the Rolls-Royce,
+01:17:14,160 --> 01:17:15,600
+'we anchored it to my Jag.'
+01:17:15,601 --> 01:17:19,519
+I don't know what this weighs,
+I guess 1.8 tonnes.
+01:17:19,520 --> 01:17:23,959
+Hammond's Mini
+takes it up to 2.4 tonnes.
+01:17:23,960 --> 01:17:28,240
+Why do I always have to do
+manual labour at high altitude?
+01:17:30,360 --> 01:17:32,719
+We really should chock it.
+01:17:32,720 --> 01:17:34,919
+01:17:34,920 --> 01:17:36,879
+Stop. Stop.
+01:17:36,880 --> 01:17:39,020
+You're going to run your car,
+presumably, be ready to move.
+01:17:39,021 --> 01:17:41,160
+Yeah, I'll give it the beans.
+01:17:42,840 --> 01:17:46,479
+Right! Jeremy, give it 1,500 rpm.
+01:17:46,480 --> 01:17:47,520
+01:17:49,240 --> 01:17:52,719
+They've given me a very easy job here
+Keep the revs up, which I have.
+01:17:52,720 --> 01:17:56,159
+Just taking the slack. Are we ready?!
+01:17:56,160 --> 01:17:59,279
+Let's get it moved! Here we go now!
+01:17:59,280 --> 01:18:03,559
+Say when. I'm winching it in, taking
+it up now, you should feel the pull.
+01:18:03,560 --> 01:18:06,760
+Oh, yes, it's going. Here we go.
+01:18:11,120 --> 01:18:12,400
+01:18:15,320 --> 01:18:18,879
+Just give it some more revs.
+Here we go. Give it some more revs.
+01:18:18,880 --> 01:18:21,199
+You're not even spinning.
+01:18:21,200 --> 01:18:25,079
+I don't understand winching, but
+I don't think that is part of it.
+01:18:25,080 --> 01:18:27,319
+It's not moving at all!
+01:18:27,320 --> 01:18:29,959
+Oh, hang on a minute. What?
+01:18:29,960 --> 01:18:31,920
+No, just give it some more revs!
+No, stop!
+01:18:31,921 --> 01:18:33,759
+James, you're not even trying!
+01:18:33,760 --> 01:18:36,040
+You're not looking, Hammond.
+You're not...
+01:19:00,840 --> 01:19:02,239
+01:19:02,240 --> 01:19:03,959
+01:19:03,960 --> 01:19:06,840
+Can you think of any way
+that we can cheer Hammond up?
+01:19:08,040 --> 01:19:10,599
+Well, Genesis springs to mind.
+01:19:10,600 --> 01:19:12,959
+I'm thinking the same thing.
+01:19:12,960 --> 01:19:17,720
+MUSIC: "I Know What I Like"
+by Genesis
+01:19:21,520 --> 01:19:24,719
+Hammond, you know in the circus,
+they have those clown cars
+01:19:24,720 --> 01:19:27,159
+where various bits
+fall off as they go along?
+01:19:27,160 --> 01:19:29,680
+01:19:31,880 --> 01:19:33,240
+I'm not replying.
+01:19:37,160 --> 01:19:41,760
+In fact, it was quite a while
+before we heard from Hammond again.
+01:19:43,680 --> 01:19:47,479
+Guys, how far away is the hotel?
+How many hours?
+01:19:47,480 --> 01:19:50,159
+'Er... about two hours.'
+01:19:50,160 --> 01:19:53,039
+It's getting dark already.
+01:19:53,040 --> 01:19:55,279
+'It does that.
+01:19:55,280 --> 01:19:58,119
+'Does that nearly everywhere.'
+Yeah, well, at the risk
+01:19:58,120 --> 01:20:01,999
+of stirring up a lot of laughter,
+I haven't got any headlights.
+01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:05,119
+01:20:05,120 --> 01:20:07,559
+'What happened to them?
+01:20:07,560 --> 01:20:09,560
+'Has the fuse blown?'
+01:20:11,080 --> 01:20:15,399
+I have a suggestion. A way
+we could stick together and stop.
+01:20:15,400 --> 01:20:17,359
+'What suggestion?'
+01:20:17,360 --> 01:20:21,399
+What if we just stopped and camped?
+01:20:21,400 --> 01:20:23,799
+'Tenting?! Here?
+01:20:23,800 --> 01:20:26,519
+'At minus 50?!'
+01:20:26,520 --> 01:20:29,519
+Oh, for God's sake!
+It's going dark.
+01:20:29,520 --> 01:20:35,040
+Very soon, I won't be able to see
+at all. Hammond, we're not camping!
+01:20:39,720 --> 01:20:41,160
+01:20:44,280 --> 01:20:46,639
+It's nice to... It...!
+01:20:46,640 --> 01:20:47,920
+Kill me.
+01:20:48,920 --> 01:20:50,599
+All right. I wish I was dead.
+01:20:50,600 --> 01:20:52,359
+01:20:52,360 --> 01:20:54,239
+thanks to you...
+01:20:54,240 --> 01:20:56,919
+and mounting your winch
+to your front wings,
+01:20:56,920 --> 01:21:00,839
+like an imbecile, we're forced
+to live like mediaeval peasants.
+01:21:00,840 --> 01:21:03,879
+Why can't we ever do
+a Christmas special one year where
+01:21:03,880 --> 01:21:06,479
+we go from Monaco to Portofino?!
+01:21:06,480 --> 01:21:08,279
+How luxurious can this be?!
+01:21:08,280 --> 01:21:10,300
+I was the first to check
+in to a five-star hotel.
+01:21:10,301 --> 01:21:12,319
+As you can see, I've
+done it properly.
+01:21:12,320 --> 01:21:16,159
+A man's carrying all my bags. Yes.
+But then Jeremy arrived. Yes.
+01:21:16,160 --> 01:21:18,799
+Diddly dee, dee, diddly dee!
+"Oh, my word, Jeremy,"
+01:21:18,800 --> 01:21:20,760
+"look what you've got as your car?!"
+01:21:20,761 --> 01:21:22,679
+"It's the new Ferrari FF."
+01:21:22,680 --> 01:21:25,759
+I wonder where Hammond is?
+01:21:25,760 --> 01:21:30,040
+Hammond had indeed checked into a
+Formule 1 in a Renault 4. THEY LAUGH
+01:21:41,160 --> 01:21:45,119
+The next morning, as I was
+finishing off my Mini repairs,
+01:21:45,120 --> 01:21:49,639
+it was clear that Jeremy
+hadn't had the best of nights.
+01:21:49,640 --> 01:21:54,439
+My pillow was just a pillowcase
+soaked in glacial water
+01:21:54,440 --> 01:21:56,119
+and then filled with stones.
+01:21:56,120 --> 01:21:59,679
+My sleeping bag broke.
+My blanket was see-through.
+01:21:59,680 --> 01:22:03,959
+My body was down to a temperature
+hitherto unknown to science.
+01:22:03,960 --> 01:22:06,360
+I would have come and bludgeoned
+you to death last night.
+01:22:06,361 --> 01:22:08,760
+But you're not moaning
+about it, so that's OK(!)
+01:22:16,720 --> 01:22:19,639
+The misery of tenting
+wasn't our only problem,
+01:22:19,640 --> 01:22:22,799
+because we were running out of India
+and it was clear,
+01:22:22,800 --> 01:22:24,280
+looking back...
+01:22:26,160 --> 01:22:29,040
+that our trade mission
+hadn't been a success.
+01:22:33,360 --> 01:22:34,560
+Thank you very much.
+01:22:37,760 --> 01:22:39,399
+01:22:39,400 --> 01:22:41,040
+01:22:45,920 --> 01:22:49,759
+But then, in the next valley,
+we came across some kids playing
+01:22:49,760 --> 01:22:53,520
+a rudimentary version
+of India's most revered sport...
+01:22:57,680 --> 01:23:00,079
+which we decided
+could be improved.
+01:23:00,080 --> 01:23:01,639
+01:23:01,640 --> 01:23:04,879
+Excuse me? Guys!
+01:23:04,880 --> 01:23:07,279
+What's this?
+01:23:07,280 --> 01:23:09,599
+Right, you ready, Hammo?
+01:23:09,600 --> 01:23:12,160
+01:23:14,240 --> 01:23:15,959
+01:23:15,960 --> 01:23:17,159
+01:23:17,160 --> 01:23:19,520
+01:23:22,240 --> 01:23:25,199
+'And so, outside the Hillview cafe,
+01:23:25,200 --> 01:23:28,520
+'high in the Himalayas,
+straight six cricket was born.'
+01:23:30,160 --> 01:23:32,399
+Whoa! There it comes! Oh, very good!
+01:23:32,400 --> 01:23:34,719
+01:23:34,720 --> 01:23:37,999
+We burdened them
+with the misery of cricket.
+01:23:38,000 --> 01:23:41,480
+Now, we're here to reinvent it.
+01:23:42,520 --> 01:23:46,719
+'In fact, it was such a hit,
+we decided to have a Test match.'
+01:23:46,720 --> 01:23:48,519
+This is England versus India now!
+01:23:48,520 --> 01:23:51,800
+Our crew are going to do
+some fielding.
+01:23:55,440 --> 01:23:56,799
+Good shot!
+01:23:56,800 --> 01:24:00,079
+New bowler, everybody. James May.
+01:24:00,080 --> 01:24:02,000
+01:24:03,080 --> 01:24:05,479
+Stat! Catch it!
+01:24:05,480 --> 01:24:07,920
+01:24:09,720 --> 01:24:13,439
+Yes! Somebody's out!
+Love your move!
+01:24:13,440 --> 01:24:15,560
+Good answer!
+01:24:17,840 --> 01:24:21,679
+'Half a tank of Jag fuel later,
+the match was over
+01:24:21,680 --> 01:24:23,959
+'and India had won.'
+01:24:23,960 --> 01:24:26,279
+You know the Ashes?
+01:24:26,280 --> 01:24:28,959
+This is the bridge
+from his double bass.
+01:24:28,960 --> 01:24:32,839
+We burn this and then
+we present it in an urn...
+01:24:32,840 --> 01:24:34,439
+to you.
+01:24:34,440 --> 01:24:38,280
+'For the first time on our trade
+mission, we'd got something right.
+01:24:39,800 --> 01:24:43,679
+'In burning a bridge,
+we'd actually built a bridge
+01:24:43,680 --> 01:24:48,679
+'that would become a business bridge
+of friendship and erm... trade.'
+01:24:48,680 --> 01:24:50,679
+Well, there, that was quite good.
+01:24:50,680 --> 01:24:53,519
+Careful. They're really hot. Hot!
+01:24:53,520 --> 01:24:57,039
+You have the Ashes. You have the
+Ashes. Well done. See you in a year.
+01:24:57,040 --> 01:24:59,199
+Well done, everybody.
+Back in a year!
+01:24:59,200 --> 01:25:02,880
+We're taking them home next year!
+01:25:04,040 --> 01:25:08,040
+There was something else
+that we got right on this trip...
+01:25:10,320 --> 01:25:12,480
+our cars.
+01:25:14,280 --> 01:25:16,280
+This Jaguar has been...
+01:25:17,280 --> 01:25:20,399
+well, genuinely astonishing.
+01:25:20,400 --> 01:25:24,399
+It really has. It's done things
+WAY beyond what was envisaged
+01:25:24,400 --> 01:25:26,239
+when it was designed.
+01:25:26,240 --> 01:25:28,919
+And really, it's been two cars...
+01:25:28,920 --> 01:25:30,799
+in Bombay and Jaipur,
+01:25:30,800 --> 01:25:33,639
+it was sleek and graceful and fast,
+01:25:33,640 --> 01:25:36,439
+whereas here in the mountains,
+01:25:36,440 --> 01:25:38,399
+it's just plain heroic.
+01:25:38,400 --> 01:25:40,920
+I really, genuinely love this car.
+01:25:41,920 --> 01:25:44,279
+I want an XJS in my life.
+01:25:44,280 --> 01:25:47,719
+There's just something about it
+which is absolutely brilliant.
+01:25:47,720 --> 01:25:49,679
+01:25:49,680 --> 01:25:52,920
+I'm exhausted,
+but the old girl isn't.
+01:25:55,000 --> 01:25:58,079
+While we're alone, viewers,
+I'll be honest with you,
+01:25:58,080 --> 01:26:01,399
+I wasn't absolutely sure
+I'd make it in a Rolls-Royce.
+01:26:01,400 --> 01:26:05,439
+I always knew it was a gamble. And I
+was nervous about it all along.
+01:26:05,440 --> 01:26:09,000
+But look at this now...
+all still working perfectly.
+01:26:10,000 --> 01:26:11,880
+And it served me well.
+01:26:11,881 --> 01:26:13,759
+It hasn't really done
+anything wrong, this car,
+01:26:13,760 --> 01:26:16,759
+the only problems would have been
+ones that I created.
+01:26:16,760 --> 01:26:19,240
+It's just remarkable.
+01:26:25,200 --> 01:26:26,919
+One tough little puppy.
+01:26:26,920 --> 01:26:30,199
+And it's torn its own face off
+and been stitched back on.
+01:26:30,200 --> 01:26:33,119
+It's bruised, battered and scarred,
+but it's joyful.
+01:26:33,120 --> 01:26:35,519
+Even now, battling itself to pieces,
+01:26:35,520 --> 01:26:37,800
+it's a happy noise.
+01:26:39,040 --> 01:26:40,640
+It's still willing.
+01:26:48,080 --> 01:26:51,759
+'The truth is that these three
+fantastic cars have been better
+01:26:51,760 --> 01:26:55,879
+'ambassadors for Britain
+than we could ever be.
+01:26:55,880 --> 01:26:58,320
+'And that gave us an idea.'
+01:27:01,400 --> 01:27:03,400
+This is the place. This is perfect.
+01:27:04,960 --> 01:27:06,840
+Well, this is it.
+01:27:07,840 --> 01:27:09,359
+Goodbye, Jag.
+01:27:09,360 --> 01:27:13,760
+You have been an absolute star
+and I'm going to miss you.
+01:27:20,480 --> 01:27:24,359
+The Mini, the Jag and the Rolls
+would be mounted on plinths here,
+01:27:24,360 --> 01:27:28,600
+high in the mountains by the road
+connecting India and China...
+01:27:30,000 --> 01:27:31,959
+so that forevermore,
+01:27:31,960 --> 01:27:36,439
+people travelling between these two
+great economic superpowers will be
+01:27:36,440 --> 01:27:40,720
+reminded that far away, there's
+a small island called Britain...
+01:27:42,360 --> 01:27:44,600
+Great Britain.
+01:27:47,560 --> 01:27:54,039
+♪ Na-na-na, na-na na-na
+01:27:54,040 --> 01:27:56,759
+♪ Na-na na-na
+01:27:56,760 --> 01:27:59,160
+♪ Hey, Jude
+01:28:00,920 --> 01:28:07,159
+♪ Na-na-na, na-na na-na
+01:28:07,160 --> 01:28:10,039
+♪ Na-na na-na
+01:28:10,040 --> 01:28:11,160
+♪ Hey, Jude... ♪
+01:28:11,161 --> 01:28:13,799
+Sync and corrected by APOLLO
+ www.addic7ed.com
diff --git a/packages/db-generator/tsconfig.json b/packages/db-generator/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1538152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db-generator/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "extends": "@quotes/tsconfig/base.json",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "tsBuildInfoFile": "node_modules/.cache/tsbuildinfo.json"
+ },
+ "include": ["src", "drizzle.config.ts"],
+ "exclude": ["node_modules"]
diff --git a/packages/db/src/index.ts b/packages/db/src/index.ts
index d545816..09ad55f 100644
--- a/packages/db/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/db/src/index.ts
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ import { createClient } from "@libsql/client";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/libsql";
import * as auth from "./schema/auth";
-import * as post from "./schema/post";
+import { show } from "./schema/show";
+import { season } from "./schema/season";
+import { quote } from "./schema/quote";
+import { episode } from "./schema/episode";
-export const schema = { ...auth, ...post };
+export const schema = { ...auth, ...show, ...season, ...quote, ...episode };
export { sqliteTable as tableCreator } from "./schema/_table";
diff --git a/packages/db/src/migrations/0000_goofy_nightcrawler.sql b/packages/db/src/migrations/0000_goofy_nightcrawler.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fc2e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db/src/migrations/0000_goofy_nightcrawler.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_account` (
+ `userId` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `type` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `provider` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `providerAccountId` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `refresh_token` text(255),
+ `access_token` text,
+ `expires_at` integer,
+ `token_type` text(255),
+ `scope` text(255),
+ `id_token` text,
+ `session_state` text(255),
+ PRIMARY KEY(`provider`, `providerAccountId`)
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_session` (
+ `sessionToken` text(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+ `userId` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `expires` integer NOT NULL
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_user` (
+ `id` text(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+ `name` text(255),
+ `email` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `emailVerified` integer DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3),
+ `image` text(255)
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_verificationToken` (
+ `identifier` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `token` text(255) NOT NULL,
+ `expires` integer NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY(`identifier`, `token`)
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_episode` (
+ `season_id` integer NOT NULL,
+ `name` text NOT NULL,
+ `description` text,
+ `release_date` integer,
+ FOREIGN KEY (`season_id`) REFERENCES `quotes_season`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_quote` (
+ `episode_id` integer NOT NULL,
+ `text` text NOT NULL,
+ `start_time` integer NOT NULL,
+ `end_time` integer NOT NULL,
+ FOREIGN KEY (`episode_id`) REFERENCES `quotes_episode`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_season` (
+ `show_id` integer NOT NULL,
+ `name` text NOT NULL,
+ `release_date` integer,
+ FOREIGN KEY (`show_id`) REFERENCES `quotes_show`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE TABLE `quotes_show` (
+ `name` text NOT NULL,
+ `description` text
+--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE INDEX `userId_idx` ON `quotes_account` (`userId`);--> statement-breakpoint
+CREATE INDEX `userId_idx` ON `quotes_session` (`userId`);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/db/src/migrations/0000_lively_tigra.sql b/packages/db/src/migrations/0000_lively_tigra.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index da434c9..0000000
--- a/packages/db/src/migrations/0000_lively_tigra.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-CREATE TABLE `turbo_account` (
- `userId` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `type` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `provider` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `providerAccountId` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `refresh_token` text(255),
- `access_token` text,
- `expires_at` integer,
- `token_type` text(255),
- `scope` text(255),
- `id_token` text,
- `session_state` text(255),
- PRIMARY KEY(`provider`, `providerAccountId`)
---> statement-breakpoint
-CREATE TABLE `turbo_session` (
- `sessionToken` text(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
- `userId` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `expires` integer NOT NULL
---> statement-breakpoint
-CREATE TABLE `turbo_user` (
- `id` text(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
- `name` text(255),
- `email` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `emailVerified` integer DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3),
- `image` text(255)
---> statement-breakpoint
-CREATE TABLE `turbo_verificationToken` (
- `identifier` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `token` text(255) NOT NULL,
- `expires` integer NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY(`identifier`, `token`)
---> statement-breakpoint
-CREATE TABLE `turbo_post` (
- `id` integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
- `name` text(256) NOT NULL,
- `content` text(256) NOT NULL,
- `updatedAt` integer
---> statement-breakpoint
-CREATE INDEX `userId_idx` ON `turbo_account` (`userId`);--> statement-breakpoint
-CREATE INDEX `userId_idx` ON `turbo_session` (`userId`);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/0000_snapshot.json b/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/0000_snapshot.json
index 413026b..9c91be8 100644
--- a/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/0000_snapshot.json
+++ b/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/0000_snapshot.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"version": "5",
"dialect": "sqlite",
- "id": "4f65183a-8d89-432c-b1ef-8cd069ed5d91",
+ "id": "aa458ebe-03b3-4784-b619-370dd595e36c",
"prevId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"tables": {
- "turbo_account": {
- "name": "turbo_account",
+ "quotes_account": {
+ "name": "quotes_account",
"columns": {
"userId": {
"name": "userId",
@@ -96,18 +96,18 @@
"foreignKeys": {},
"compositePrimaryKeys": {
- "turbo_account_provider_providerAccountId_pk": {
+ "quotes_account_provider_providerAccountId_pk": {
"columns": [
- "name": "turbo_account_provider_providerAccountId_pk"
+ "name": "quotes_account_provider_providerAccountId_pk"
"uniqueConstraints": {}
- "turbo_session": {
- "name": "turbo_session",
+ "quotes_session": {
+ "name": "quotes_session",
"columns": {
"sessionToken": {
"name": "sessionToken",
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
"compositePrimaryKeys": {},
"uniqueConstraints": {}
- "turbo_user": {
- "name": "turbo_user",
+ "quotes_user": {
+ "name": "quotes_user",
"columns": {
"id": {
"name": "id",
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@
"compositePrimaryKeys": {},
"uniqueConstraints": {}
- "turbo_verificationToken": {
- "name": "turbo_verificationToken",
+ "quotes_verificationToken": {
+ "name": "quotes_verificationToken",
"columns": {
"identifier": {
"name": "identifier",
@@ -217,51 +217,203 @@
"indexes": {},
"foreignKeys": {},
"compositePrimaryKeys": {
- "turbo_verificationToken_identifier_token_pk": {
+ "quotes_verificationToken_identifier_token_pk": {
"columns": [
- "name": "turbo_verificationToken_identifier_token_pk"
+ "name": "quotes_verificationToken_identifier_token_pk"
"uniqueConstraints": {}
- "turbo_post": {
- "name": "turbo_post",
+ "quotes_episode": {
+ "name": "quotes_episode",
"columns": {
"id": {
"name": "id",
"type": "integer",
"primaryKey": true,
"notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": true
+ },
+ "season_id": {
+ "name": "season_id",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
"autoincrement": false
"name": {
"name": "name",
- "type": "text(256)",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "name": "description",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ },
+ "release_date": {
+ "name": "release_date",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "quotes_episode_season_id_quotes_season_id_fk": {
+ "name": "quotes_episode_season_id_quotes_season_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "quotes_episode",
+ "tableTo": "quotes_season",
+ "columnsFrom": [
+ "season_id"
+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
+ "id"
+ ],
+ "onDelete": "no action",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "quotes_quote": {
+ "name": "quotes_quote",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": true
+ },
+ "episode_id": {
+ "name": "episode_id",
+ "type": "integer",
"primaryKey": false,
"notNull": true,
"autoincrement": false
- "content": {
- "name": "content",
- "type": "text(256)",
+ "text": {
+ "name": "text",
+ "type": "text",
"primaryKey": false,
"notNull": true,
"autoincrement": false
- "created_at": {
- "name": "created_at",
+ "start_time": {
+ "name": "start_time",
"type": "integer",
"primaryKey": false,
"notNull": true,
- "autoincrement": false,
- "default": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
+ "autoincrement": false
+ },
+ "end_time": {
+ "name": "end_time",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "quotes_quote_episode_id_quotes_episode_id_fk": {
+ "name": "quotes_quote_episode_id_quotes_episode_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "quotes_quote",
+ "tableTo": "quotes_episode",
+ "columnsFrom": [
+ "episode_id"
+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
+ "id"
+ ],
+ "onDelete": "no action",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "quotes_season": {
+ "name": "quotes_season",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": true
- "updatedAt": {
- "name": "updatedAt",
+ "show_id": {
+ "name": "show_id",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ },
+ "release_date": {
+ "name": "release_date",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ }
+ },
+ "indexes": {},
+ "foreignKeys": {
+ "quotes_season_show_id_quotes_show_id_fk": {
+ "name": "quotes_season_show_id_quotes_show_id_fk",
+ "tableFrom": "quotes_season",
+ "tableTo": "quotes_show",
+ "columnsFrom": [
+ "show_id"
+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
+ "id"
+ ],
+ "onDelete": "no action",
+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ }
+ },
+ "compositePrimaryKeys": {},
+ "uniqueConstraints": {}
+ },
+ "quotes_show": {
+ "name": "quotes_show",
+ "columns": {
+ "id": {
+ "name": "id",
"type": "integer",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": true
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": true,
+ "autoincrement": false
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "name": "description",
+ "type": "text",
"primaryKey": false,
"notNull": false,
"autoincrement": false
diff --git a/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/_journal.json b/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/_journal.json
index 1a77dae..8a27be4 100644
--- a/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/_journal.json
+++ b/packages/db/src/migrations/meta/_journal.json
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"idx": 0,
"version": "5",
- "when": 1710553133801,
- "tag": "0000_lively_tigra",
+ "when": 1719937531919,
+ "tag": "0000_goofy_nightcrawler",
"breakpoints": true
diff --git a/packages/db/src/schema/_table.ts b/packages/db/src/schema/_table.ts
index 02d810d..24bc6f2 100644
--- a/packages/db/src/schema/_table.ts
+++ b/packages/db/src/schema/_table.ts
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ import { sqliteTableCreator } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
* @see https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/goodies#multi-project-schema
-export const sqliteTable = sqliteTableCreator((name) => `turbo_${name}`);
+export const sqliteTable = sqliteTableCreator((name) => `quotes_${name}`);
diff --git a/packages/db/src/schema/episode.ts b/packages/db/src/schema/episode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c362a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db/src/schema/episode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { int, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
+import { sqliteTable } from "./_table";
+import { relations } from "drizzle-orm";
+import { quote } from "./quote";
+import { season } from "./season";
+export const episode = sqliteTable("episode", {
+ id: int("id").primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
+ seasonId: int("season_id").notNull().references(() => season.id),
+ name: text("name").notNull(),
+ description: text("description"),
+ releaseDate: int("release_date", { mode: "timestamp" }),
+export const episodeRelations = relations(episode, ({ many, one }) => ({
+ quote: many(quote),
+ season: one(season, {
+ fields: [episode.seasonId],
+ references: [season.id]
+ })
diff --git a/packages/db/src/schema/post.ts b/packages/db/src/schema/post.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index cce3943..0000000
--- a/packages/db/src/schema/post.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-import { sql } from "drizzle-orm";
-import { int, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
-import { sqliteTable } from "./_table";
-export const post = sqliteTable("post", {
- id: int("id").primaryKey(),
- title: text("name", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
- content: text("content", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
- createdAt: int("created_at", { mode: "timestamp" })
- .default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`)
- .notNull(),
- updatedAt: int("updatedAt", { mode: "timestamp" }),
diff --git a/packages/db/src/schema/quote.ts b/packages/db/src/schema/quote.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c477681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db/src/schema/quote.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { int, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
+import { sqliteTable } from "./_table";
+import { relations } from "drizzle-orm";
+import { episode } from "./episode";
+export const quote = sqliteTable("quote", {
+ id: int("id").primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
+ episodeId: int("episode_id").notNull().references(() => episode.id),
+ text: text("text").notNull(),
+ startTime: int("start_time", { mode: "timestamp" }).notNull(),
+ endTime: int("end_time", { mode: "timestamp" }).notNull(),
+export const quoteRelations = relations(quote, ({ one }) => ({
+ episode: one(episode, {
+ fields: [quote.episodeId],
+ references: [episode.id]
+ })
diff --git a/packages/db/src/schema/season.ts b/packages/db/src/schema/season.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8e2c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db/src/schema/season.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { int, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
+import { sqliteTable } from "./_table";
+import { relations } from "drizzle-orm";
+import { episode } from "./episode";
+import { show } from "./show";
+export const season = sqliteTable("season", {
+ id: int("id").primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
+ showId: int("show_id").notNull().references(() => show.id),
+ name: text("name").notNull(),
+ number: int("number"),
+ releaseDate: int("release_date", { mode: "timestamp" }),
+export const seasonRelations = relations(season, ({ many, one }) => ({
+ episode: many(episode),
+ show: one(show, {
+ fields: [season.showId],
+ references: [show.id]
+ })
diff --git a/packages/db/src/schema/show.ts b/packages/db/src/schema/show.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1607354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/db/src/schema/show.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { int, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
+import { sqliteTable } from "./_table";
+import { relations } from "drizzle-orm";
+import { season } from "./season";
+export const show = sqliteTable("show", {
+ id: int("id").primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
+ name: text("name").notNull(),
+ description: text("description"),
+export const showRelations = relations(show, ({ many }) => ({
+ season: many(season)