A django MiddleWare to converte on-the-fly views' HTML output to PDF without modifying your views.
Django-pdf use xhtml2pdf to tranform the HtmlResponce object to pdf.
It's still under development and need testing ,bug report, feature request, coding, ...
Simply add ?format=pdf to your url to get the pdf version of the page.
You can add a pdfname option to your url to specify a name for the generated pdf (without extension). Remember to urlencode pdfname. / chars are automatically converted to -.
git clone https://github.com/bisio/django-pdf cd django-pdf cp django_pdf to your project or in your PYTHON_PATH
** pip install will come **
- add 'django_pdf' to INSTALLED_APPS
- add 'django_pdf.middleware.PdfMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
- check that TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS content is
("django.core.context_processors.auth", "django.core.context_processors.debug", "django.core.context_processors.i18n", "django.core.context_processors.media", "django.core.context_processors.request")
- and add "django_pdf.context_processors.check_format",before )
You can customize in your settings.py
- REQUEST_FORMAT_NAME (default is 'format')
- REQUEST_FORMAT_PDF_VALUE (default is 'pdf')
You may ask: "Wait! what if I don't want to include some parts of the HTML page in the PDF output? (like a menu)" You'd be right, and the answer is easy: Use the variable DJANGO_PDF_OUTPUT in your template which will be set to True if the PDF is requested and to False otherwise.
{% if not DJANGO_PDF_OUTPUT %} <ul id="menu"> <li>menu item</li> <li>menu item</li> <li>menu item</li> </ul> {% endif %}
Also, you can use {% if DJANGO_PDF_OUTPUT %} to include some parts only in the PDF output.
You have a new template tag {{ pdf_link }} which will generate a link to the PDF version of the current page. :)